December Curriculum Outline

Page created by Aaron Harrington
from hope to home                       December 2020                        Curriculum Outline

December Curriculum Outline
The grand idea for the month of December is “Lessons Learned.” It’s the end of a very challenging
calendar year and we have done an awful lot of learning in 2020. December is a time to pump the
brakes, take a breath and synthesize all the changes that all this learning has brought us through.

Week 25 11/30-12/4
Theme: SPA Week
Goal: Participants learn and try some personal care treatments associated in the larger culture
with self-care to increase their awareness of levels of personal hygiene
Objective 01: Shown representations of relative levels of personal hygiene participants will
successfully differentiate baseline hygiene activities from sophisticated grooming and self-
Objective 02: Asked about their personal experience of spa-like treatments participants will
successfully express which they found enjoyable or effective in reducing stress or improving
positive outlook.

Skill Builder: Personal Hygiene
Goal: Participants will successfully use personal hygiene regimens for positive effects
Objective 01: Shown hygiene/self-care routines participants will recognize that treatments for skin,
hair, nails, teeth and general appearance are not gender-defined or defining
Objective 02: Shown how to make basic pampering products from common household ingredients
participants will make and try one
Objective 03: Shown how to assess the condition of skin, hair, nails, or teeth, participants will
successfully relate states with effective treatments
from hope to home                     December 2020                        Curriculum Outline
Monday: Person-Centered Thinking and Safety
    Check In
    UN Int’l Day of Persons with Disabilities
      Introduce Theme of the week and Skill Builder
      Today we’ll focus on skin care and hygiene.
      Show & Share
      What do you do to take extra care of yourself, to pamper yourself, or bring a sense of calm
      into your body and your day? Can you show us any tools that you use to do that?
      Tomorrow‘s Show & Share
      Yesterday’s hair! Share a picture of yourself with a hairstyle that is from another era, or
      your favorite old-fashioned hair-do from an era you like. Or go all out and actually do your
      hair in an old-fashioned style.
      Covid Mitigation Moment
      How far apart is 6 feet? What does it look like?. (lynard skynard give me six feet, give me six
      feet mister. )
      Thematic Activity 01
      What kind of skin do I have? What is basic skin care for my skin type?
      Safety and wellness: Keeping track of moles or other irregular skin conditions
      Thematic Activity 02
      What is special skin care for my skin type? Great skin treatments for anyone.
      Some common skin care issues: allergies, blemishes, burns, cuts, sensitivities, sunburn
      Skill Builder
      Exfoliation – From the store or in your garden or kitchen
      Optional Level Up
      Masks – From the store or in your garden or kitchen
      Skin and diet – foods that are good for your skin
      What did we learn today?
      What are we doing this afternoon?

Tuesday: Civics Education and Community Awareness
     Check In
     UN Int’l Day of Persons with Disabilities--
      World Aids Day; Giving Tuesday-
      Theme of the week and Skill Builder
      Today we’ll focus on hair
      Recap yesterday’s topics
      Skin health, care and safety. Skin treatments for anyone.
from hope to home                     December 2020                        Curriculum Outline
      Show & Share
      Share a picture of yourself with an older hairstyle. What do you think of that hairstyle now?
      What did you like about it then? How has your hair changed since that picture? What about
      from when you were a child?
      Tomorrow‘s Show & Share
      Gloves! Do you wear gloves in the winter time? What about gloves for chores? Now that we
      have to be careful of covid do you wear gloves if you are away from home?
      Covid Mitigation Moment
      Wash hands and sanitize
      Thematic Activity 01
      What kind of hair to do I have? What is basic care for my hair?
      Shampooing – How to do it right for your hair
      Thematic Activity 02
      What is special care for my hair?
      Hair care products for special results
      Skill Builder01
      Styling tools and products for different looks-
      Optional Level Up02
      Hair, culture and gender-
      What did we learn today?
      What are we doing this afternoon?

Wednesday: Well Being and Social Connection
    Check In
    UN Int’l Day of Persons with Disabilities-
      Theme of the week and Skill Builder
      Today we’ll focus on nails
      Recap yesterday’s topics
      Show & Share
      Gloves to protect our hands. What kinds of gloves do you have? There are gloves for almost
      every kind of situation.
      Tomorrow‘s Show & Share
      Bring your favorite scent to share and tell us about. It can be natural like a flower you like,
      or from a product you use, like your shampoo or lotion. It can be a perfume or aftershave, a
      candle, or even a kitchen item, like vanilla.
      Covid Mitigation Moment
      Sanitizing objects and asking for distance
from hope to home                        December 2020                   Curriculum Outline
       Thematic Activity 01
       My finger nails and toe nails: What are they and what do they say about my health? -
       What is basic care for all my nails? -
       Thematic Activity 02
       What is special care for all my nails? -
       How can I promote a healthy body to have healthy nails?
       Skill Builder
       Home “MAN”icures and pedicures are for EVERYONE. -
       Toe nails matter too. Conditions: hang nails -, fungus -.
       Optional Level Up
       Nail care and job interviews. -
       What did we learn today?
       What are we doing this afternoon?

Thursday: Self-Advocacy and Rights
     Check In
     UN Int’l Day of Persons with Disabilities
      Theme of the week and Skill Builder
      Today we’ll focus on body calming and cleansing
      Recap yesterday’s topics
      Nail care and health
      Show & Share
      What's your favorite scent? Is it found in nature or made by people? How long have you
      liked it? How does it make you feel when you smell it?
      Tomorrow‘s Show & Share
      Show us a celebrity or star that you think has great style sense. What do they wear that you
      admire? Do you try to borrow from their style ideas?
      Covid Mitigation Moment
      Staying safe in shared housing
      Thematic Activity 01
      How does my body tell me it is feeling stressed?
      Basic care that helps my body reduce stress-movement, stretching, fresh air, healthful food,
      good sleep, good relationships, pets
      Thematic Activity 02
      What is special care that helps my body reduce stress?
      Cleansing the outside – toners, tonics, masks
      Cleansing the inside – juices, produce, water
      Cleansing the mind/body system – meditation and guided imagery
from hope to home                     December 2020                         Curriculum Outline

      Skill Builders
      Home made skin toner-cucumbers
      How to juice
      Meditation and guided imagery
      Optional Level Up
      What is the difference between self-care and self-indulgence?
      What did we learn today?
      What are we doing this afternoon?

Friday: Knowledge and Fun With Friends
      Check In
      UN Int’l Day of Persons with Disabilities
      Theme of the week and Skill Builder
      Today we’ll focus on make-up, color, and personal style
      Recap yesterday’s topics
      Show & Share
      What celebrity or star that you think has great style sense. What do they wear that you
      admire? Do you try to borrow from their style ideas?
      Next Week’s Show & Share
      Safety lights and safety candles. Do you have some lights in your house that are safe to
      have on? Do you have any electric candles that look like real candles but can't start a fire?
      Do you have any REAL candles? What do you do to make sure you use them safely?
      Covid Mitigation Moment
      Wearing a mask correctly
      Thematic Activity 01
      What are my colors? Understanding how color can bring the best out in your appearance.
      What is my body shape? How can I dress to show how much I love it?
      Thematic Activity 02
      Make up is for ANYONE at different times and for different reasons.
      How make up and clothes can help us express ourselves.
      Skill Builder
      Skillful make-up application
      Reindeer Games
      Links to holiday themed games
      What did we learn today?
      What are we doing this afternoon?
from hope to home                      December 2020                        Curriculum Outline

Week 26 12/7-12/11
Handwashing Awareness Week!

Theme Hygge Week
Goal: Participants will experiment with ways to create the Danish idea of Hygge – cozy creature
comforts that make us feel good
Objective 01: Asked to identify their creature comforts, participants will successfully express what
things, activities, and décor inspire a feeling of safe coziness and happy relating
Objective 02: Shown examples of Hygge-ly things, participants will correctly identify which are
within their means.

Skill Builder: Safe and Secure Interior Design for Comfort and Delight
Goal: Participants will exercise choice in devising and arranging aspects of their interior spaces
Objective 01: Shown free and inexpensive ways to dress up or re-arrange their spaces to express
holiday cheer, participants will successfully use them and share the results with peers
Objective 02: Shown basic home maintenance tasks participants will correctly match the
procedures to the problems they prevent or repair
Objective 03: Told the details of the human need for connection and social exchange, participants
will successfully identify ways to create moods and experiences to counter the sense of isolation
that Covid-19 safety measures can cause.
from hope to home                      December 2020                      Curriculum Outline
Monday: Person-Centered Thinking & Safety
    Check In
    National Handwashing Awareness Week - use as the kickoff for more Covid (Link)
    mitigation trainings ongoing
      Pearl Harbor Remembrance
      Introduce Theme of the week and Skill Builder
      We’ll learn about the Danish idea of Hygge, which is cozy happiness and start planning our
      holiday virtual parties for December
      Show & Share
      Do you have some lights in your house that are safe to have on? Do you have any electric
      candles that look like real candles but can't start a fire? Do you have any REAL candles?
      What do you do to make sure you use them safely?
      Next Week’s Show & Share
      Is your favorite hot drink. Do you like hot chocolate? Tea? Coffee? Warm milk? A special
      drink from your culture that is served hot? Do you like special added flavors in it?
      Covid Mitigation Moment
      How far apart is 6 feet? What does it look like?.
      Thematic Activity 01
      What is Hygge?
      Happiness research
      Planning your hygge-ly intra district party-review the How We’re Gonna Party Planner
      Reader’s Option-Life Skills Story
      Life skills story link
      Thematic Activity 02
      Putting hygge in my house – bedroom
      Skill Builder
      Happy up and cozy out your bed
      Electric outlet safety tips
      Optional Level Up
      Life Skills Discussion Prompts
      What did we learn today?
      What are we doing this afternoon?

Tuesday: Civics Education and Community Awareness
     National Handwashing Awareness Week Feast of the Immaculate Conception,
      Bodhi Day – Buddha reached enlightenment
from hope to home                      December 2020                        Curriculum Outline
      Check In
      Theme of the week and Skill Builder
      Today we’ll focus on Hygge in the living room
      Recap yesterday’s topics
      Show & Share
      What is your favorite hot drink. Do you like hot chocolate? Tea? Coffee? Warm milk? A
      special drink from your culture that is served hot? Do you like special added flavors in it?
      Tomorrow‘s Show & Share
      Socks and slippers for relaxing Hygge home time.
      Covid Mitigation Moment
      Wash hands and sanitize, correct use of gloves
      Thematic Activity 01
      Back to the How We’re Gonna Party Planner – step 2
      Reader’s Option-Life Skills Story Quiz
      Thematic Activity 02
      Putting hygge in my house – living room
      Skill Builder
      Seasonal collections
      Sweaters on cushions
      Flammability safety tips
      Optional Level Up
      Life Skills Discussion Prompts
      What did we learn today?
      What are we doing this afternoon?

Wednesday: Well Being and Social Connection
    Check In
    National Handwashing Awareness Week
      Theme of the week and Skill Builder
      Today we’ll focus on Hygge in the kitchen
      Recap yesterday’s topics
      Show & Share
      What are your favorite socks or slippers? Do you have different ones for different seasons?
      What about your socks or slippers make them your favorite? If you don't have a favorite,
      what do you like to wear on your feet when you are indoors at home?
      Tomorrow‘s Show & Share
      Favorite holiday decorations at your home. Is it something in your tree? On the wall? In the
      front or back yard? On the roof even? If you can't show us the object directly, can you take
      a picture?
from hope to home                       December 2020                    Curriculum Outline
       Covid Mitigation Moment
       Sanitizing objects and asking for distance
       Thematic Activity 01
       How We’re Gonna Party Planner Step 3
      Reader’s Option-Life Skills Discussion
      Thematic Activity 02
      Putting hygge in my house – kitchen
       Skill Builder
       Make a Kitchen Witch
       Treats—no-bake yummies and microwave deliciousness
       Kitchen fires safety tips
       Optional Level Up
       Life Skills Discussion Prompts
       What did we learn today?
       What are we doing this afternoon?

Thursday: Self-Advocacy and Rights
     Check In
     Theme of the week and Skill Builder
     Recap yesterday’s topics
     Show & Share
     Favorite holiday decorations at your home. Is it something in your tree? On the wall? In the
     front or back yard? On the roof even? If you can't show us the object directly, can you take
     a picture?
       Tomorrow‘s Show & Share
       What are your favorite holiday desserts? What flavors from the holidays do you look
       forward to?
      Covid Mitigation Moment
      Staying safe in shared housing
       Thematic Activity 01
       How We’re Gonna Party Planner – Step 4
      Reader’s Option-Life Skills Discussion
      Thematic Activity 02
      Putting hygge in my house – powder room
       Skill Builder
       Making potpourri
       Cheering up your towels
from hope to home                      December 2020                       Curriculum Outline
      Mirrors double your lights
      Frost on the pipes and other cold weather weird stuff
      Optional Level Up
      Life Skills Discussion Prompts
      What did we learn today?
      What are we doing this afternoon?

Friday: Knowledge and Fun With Friends
      Check In
      First day of Hanukkah
      Saturday 12/12 Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe
      Theme of the week and Skill Builder
      Recap yesterday’s topics
      Show & Share
      What are your favorite holiday desserts? What flavors from the holidays do you look
      forward to?
      Next Week’s Show & Share
      Who is your favorite fictional character or imaginary character that is related to winter
      time? It can be a holiday character, a figure from a book, show, or story that you like, or
      even someone you made up.
      Covid Mitigation Moment
      Wearing a mask correctly
      Thematic Activity 01
      How We’re Gonna Party Planner – Step 5
      Thematic Activity 02
      Putting hygge in my house – all over
      Skill Builder
      Sweets for the tongue
      Sweets for the eyes
      Sweets that promote love and joy
      Reindeer Games
      Links to holiday themed games or provided games in the packets
      What did we learn today?
      What are we doing this afternoon?
from hope to home                      December 2020                        Curriculum Outline

Week 27 12/14-12/18 Hanukkah
Theme Do’s and Don’ts of Cold, Dark Winter
Goal: Participants will learn new information about Winter that increases self-awareness and
empowers good self-care
Objective 01: Shown safety hazards related to cold weather, participants will successfully use their
prevention strategies learned last week to level up their winter safety measures
Objective 02: Shown examples of winter seasons in different areas of the world participants will
gain knowledge of how weather and seasons play out on a planetary level.

Skill Builder: Managing resources – planning for winter – people and
Goal: Participants will gain insights to resources that are scarce in the natural world during winter
and compare those to the availability of resources in their own lives
Objective 01: Told about emotional effects of the reduced exposure to natural sunlight during
winter months, participants will identify strategies for maintaining emotional balance and reducing
the risk of seasonal affective disorder
Objective 02: Shown examples and non-examples of self-support for mood regulation,
participants will select and practice some independent actions to feel empowered through
Winter’s challenges
from hope to home                      December 2020                       Curriculum Outline
Monday: Person-Centered Thinking & Safety
    Check In
    Introduce Theme of the week and Skill Builder
    This week we’ll learn more about winter around the world and how to manage our time
    and activities to stay healthy and in good spirits.
      Show & Share
      Who is your favorite fictional character or imaginary character that is related to winter
      time? It can be a holiday character, a figure from a book, show, or story that you like, or
      even someone you made up.
      Tomorrow‘s Show & Share
      What is your favorite sport in the winter Olympics? Is it an ICE sport or a SNOW sport? Do
      you do that sport? Have you ever looked into Special Olympics for winter sports?
      Covid Mitigation Moment
      How far apart is 6 feet? What does it look like?.
      Thematic Activity 01
      Winter safety around the house
      Reader’s Option-Life Skills Story
      Thematic Activity 02
      Winter in the southern hemisphere
      Review the How We’re Gonna Party Planner steps we did last week
      Skill Builder
      Doing a household winter safety check
      Optional Level Up
      Life Skills Discussion Prompts
      What did we learn today?
      What are we doing this afternoon?

Tuesday: Civics Education and Community Awareness
     Check In
     Bill of Rights Day Link; Zamenhof Day #Esperanto
      Theme of the week and Skill Builder
      We’ll learn about how winter affects our bodies and relationships
      Recap yesterday’s topics
      Show & Share
      What is your favorite sport in the winter Olympics? Is it an ICE sport or a SNOW sport? Do
      you do that sport? Have you ever looked into Special Olympics for winter sports?
from hope to home                      December 2020                    Curriculum Outline
      Tomorrow‘s Show & Share
      Sharing memories of snow. Have you lived in a place that gets snow? Have you been to the
      snow with family or friends? What are your favorite memories of snow? Do you like it or
      dislike it? Why or why not?
      Covid Mitigation Moment
      Wash hands and sanitize, correct use of gloves
      Thematic Activity 01
      Why do we tend to gain weight in winter time?
      Reader’s Option-Life Skills Story Quiz
      Thematic Activity 02
      Animals in winter time around the world
      Skill Builder
      How not to get S.A.D.
      Optional Level Up
      Life Skills Discussion Prompts
      What did we learn today?
      What are we doing this afternoon?

Wednesday: Well Being and Social Connection
    Check In
    Theme of the week and Skill Builder
    Today’s focus is winter in other cultures
      Recap yesterday’s topics
      Show & Share
      Sharing memories of snow. Have you lived in a place that gets snow? Have you been to the
      snow with family or friends? What are your favorite memories of snow? Do you like it or
      dislike it? Why or why not?
      Tomorrow‘s Show & Share
      Favorite cold weather meals. What is your favorite thing to eat when the weather is so
      cold? Do you make it yourself or does someone else make it? Is it home-made or store-
      bought? What are the features of it? Is it rich or salty or sweet?
      Covid Mitigation Moment
      Sanitizing objects and asking for distance
      Thematic Activity 01
      Winter around the world
      Reader’s Option-Life Skills Discussion
      Thematic Activity 02
      Winter practices, foods, and stories from other places
from hope to home                      December 2020                     Curriculum Outline
      Skill Builder
      Tapping for mood regulation
      Optional Level Up
      Life Skills Discussion Prompts
      What did we learn today?
      What are we doing this afternoon?

Thursday: Self-Advocacy and Rights
     Check In
     Theme of the week and Skill Builder
     Today’s focus is on sleep and how to make sure your body doesn’t get all out of whack
     when it comes to your sleep schedule
      Recap yesterday’s topics
      Show & Share
      Favorite cold weather meals. What is your favorite thing to eat when the weather is so
      cold? Do you make it yourself or does someone else make it? Is it home-made or store-
      bought? What are the features of it? Is it rich or salty or sweet?
      Tomorrow’s Show & Share
      Favorite romantic moment. It can be from your life, from a movie, a story, or a show.
      Covid Mitigation Moment
      Staying safe in shared housing
      Thematic Activity 01
      Sleep and your brain and body
      Reader’s Option-Life Skills Discussion
      Thematic Activity 02
      Artificial lights, sleep, and your health
      How We’re Gonna Party Planner Step 6
      Skill Builder
      How to negotiate your schedule and sleep needs in shared housing.
      Optional Level Up
      Life Skills Discussion Prompts
      What did we learn today?
      What are we doing this afternoon?

      Check In
      Last day of Hannukah
from hope to home                     December 2020                       Curriculum Outline
      Theme of the week and Skill Builder
      Today we’ll focus on the beauty of winter
      Recap yesterday’s topics
      Show & Share
      Favorite romantic moment. It can be from your life, from a movie, a story, or a show.
      Next Week’s Show & Share
      Is just attending and giving parties and having a grand ole time.
      Covid Mitigation Moment
      Wearing a mask correctly
      Thematic Activity 01
      Beautiful winter images
      Instruments that sound like winter
      Thematic Activity 02
      How We’re Gonna Party Planner Step 7
      Skill Builder
      Getting clear about our needs in winter and how to meet them
      Reindeer Games
      Links to holiday themed games or provided games in the packets
      What did we learn today?
      What are we doing this afternoon?
from hope to home                          December 2020                         Curriculum Outline

Week 28 12/21-12/25 Christmas
Theme Partay!!! Have fun with your friends CELEBRATE
Goal: Participants will spend the entire week just having fun and experiencing the joy of the
season by hosting one another across districts for holiday programming.
Objective 01: Participants will exercise generosity of spirit
Objective 02: Participants will express joy
Objective 03: Participants will feel happy and connected to one another and their communities

Skill Builder: Party Etiquette
Goal: Participants will have a dual repertoire of politeness for both virtual and in-person events
Objective 01: Using games participants will learn and use gestures and message conventions in the
larger virtual setting for the following:
   •   asking for a breakout room for a small group of people to chat together

   •   private messaging someone appropriately

   •   requesting to be spotlighted to make a toast

   •   asking the moderator to pass a request that someone turn on their camera or get into frame to be visi-

   •   showing a gesture to request more time to respond

   •   offering a virtual treat by screen sharing as a generous gesture;

Objective 02: Using games participants will practice approaching people they don’t yet know,
introducing themselves, and learning about one another
Objective 03: Participants will attend cross-district parties and make new friends
from hope to home                      December 2020                  Curriculum Outline
Monday: Person-Centered Thinking & Safety
    Check In
    Winter Solstice; Dongzhi Festival—singing party for winter solstice Saturday Kwanza begins
      Theme of the week and Skill Builder
      Covid Mitigation Moment
      How far apart is 6 feet? What does it look like?.
      Host and Attend your parties
      Practicing using the links
      Zoom party games
      Virtual snack share
     What brought joy to our hearts today?
Tuesday: Civics Education and Community Awareness
     dance party at the North Pole—dress like an elf
      Check In
      Covid Mitigation Moment
      Wash hands and sanitize, correct use of gloves
      Host and Attend your parties
      Round 2 of parties
      Virtual gift exchange
      Dance off
    What brought joy to our hearts today?
Wednesday: Well Being and Social Connection
    Host and Attend your parties
    The big round robin
      Travel to all the parties you were invited to attend
      Meet some new people
      Story share
      Watch holiday movie clips
from hope to home                      December 2020                        Curriculum Outline

Week 29 12/28-1/1
Theme: Fresh Starts
Goal: Participants will gain insights to planning tools and habits and use them to gain self-
Objective 01: Given examples of famous people who achieved their goals participants will choose
some larger life goals that appeal to them
Objective 02: Shown and taught about habit tracking participants will identify 3 habits they wish to
acquire in the next 6 months

Skill Builder: Reflection, Planning, Habits
Goal: Participants will become familiar with, and use, their personal planners, provided by Hope
Objective 01: Shown the yearly, monthly and weekly calendar sections in their Hope Planner,
participants will successfully correlate weeks to months and months to weeks and demonstrate
understanding of the sequential order of the weeks in a month.
Objective 02: Working from a larger life goal, participants will successfully break that goal down
into sub-goals.
Objective 03: Working from the sub goals, participants will successfully break down a given sub
goal into an objective and the habits that will lead to the achievement of the objective.
from hope to home                      December 2020                      Curriculum Outline
Monday: Person-Centered Thinking & Safety
    Check In
    Introduce Theme of the week and Skill Builder
    Theme is Fresh Starts and the skills are all about habit building and planning for our dreams
      This week we’ll get to know our planners.
      Show & Share
      Just you, as you are. Show and share your lovely, wonderful, fantabulous self and let us
      know how your holidays went.
      Tomorrow‘s Show & Share
      Dreams, big and small. What are your most important ambitions? What have you achieved
      that you are proud of? What’s next for you?
      Covid Mitigation Moment
      How far apart is 6 feet? What does it look like?.
      Thematic Activity 01
      Person-Centered Life Planning tools
      Reader’s Option-Life Skills Story
      Thematic Activity 02
      Getting familiar with my Hope Planner
      Skill Builder
      Filling out page 1 of my hope planner
      Optional Level Up
      Life Skills Discussion Prompts
      What did we learn today?
      What are we doing this afternoon?

Tuesday: Civics Education and Community Awareness
     Check In
     Theme of the week and Skill Builder
     Today we’ll focus on life domains for planning
      Recap yesterday’s topics
      Show & Share
      What are your dreams, ambitions, desires for how your life will be in 10 years?
      Tomorrow‘s Show & Share
      Your current knowledge or memory of what is in your current ISP. Do you have a copy of it
      in your home? Can you remember what’s on it?
      Covid Mitigation Moment
      Wash hands and sanitize, correct use of gloves
      Thematic Activity 01
      Years, months, weeks, days, hours—how your goals are built out of your habits
from hope to home                      December 2020                      Curriculum Outline
      Reader’s Option-Life Skills Story Quiz
      Thematic Activity 02
      Hope planner breakdown
      Skill Builder
      How to break a goal into tiny tiny tiny bites
      Optional Level Up
      Life Skills Discussion Prompts
      What did we learn today?
      What are we doing this afternoon?

Wednesday: Well Being and Social Connection
    Check In
    Theme of the week and Skill Builder
    Today we’ll focus on habit tracking
       Recap yesterday’s topics
       Show & Share
      Your current knowledge or memory of what is in your current ISP. Do you have a copy of it
      in your home? Can you remember what’s on it?
      Tomorrow‘s Show & Share
      Your most cherished achievements. What have you accomplished that you are so proud to
      have others know about. Share your memory of the moment you reached that
      achievement or knew you had.
      Covid Mitigation Moment
      Sanitizing objects and asking for distance
      Thematic Activity 01
      What’s a habit and how do we create them?
      Why are habits we don’t like to so hard to change?
      Reader’s Option-Life Skills Discussion
      Thematic Activity 02
      Using positivity and self-acceptance to create change instead of rules and self-criticism
      Skill Builder
      How to tame our gremlins and get that inner critic under control so we can enjoy the
      process of changing toward the things we want in our lives
      Optional Level Up
      Life Skills Discussion Prompts
      What did we learn today?
      What are we doing this afternoon?
from hope to home                    December 2020                       Curriculum Outline
Thursday: Self-Advocacy and Rights
     New Year’s Eve (program day)
      Check In
      Theme of the week and Skill Builder
      Today’s focus will be on how any change we want starts with us, not with others.
      Recap yesterday’s topics
      Show & Share
      Your most cherished achievements. What have you accomplished that you are so proud to
      have others know about. Share your memory of the moment you reached that
      achievement or knew you had.
      Tomorrow‘s Show & Share
      Habits you want to shift. Are there things you do regularly that you know are making your
      life harder or things that other people are asking you to change that you really don’t want
      to, even though you would like to please the people who are asking?
      Covid Mitigation Moment
      Wearing a mask correctly
      Thematic Activity 01
      How to accept ALL of ourselves – more Gremlin taming
      Reader’s Option-Life Skills Activity Sheet
      Thematic Activity 02
      Consciously choosing what to adjust so that you are happy, not just making others happy
      Skill Builder
      Picking out achievable goals for 2021 that actually make you feel good about yourself today
      Reindeer Games
      Links to games or provided games in the packets
      What did we learn today?
      What are we doing this afternoon?

Friday: Knowledge and Fun With Friends
      New Year’s Day (holiday); Kwanza ends
You can also read