Page created by Byron Hudson
                                                 D-AMINO-ACID-LINKED ANTIMICROBIAL SYSTEM*
                                                       BY MARTIN J. CLINE AND ROBERT I. LEHRER
                                                       CANCER RESEARCH INSTITUTE AND DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE,
                                                              UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA MEDICAL CENTER,
                                                                           SAN FRANCISCO
                                                        Communicated by Julius H. Comroe, Jr., January 16, 1969
                                          Abstract.-D-Amino acid oxidase has been identified within the granule frac-
                                        tion of human neutrophilic leukocytes. Leukocyte homogenates and purified
                                        kidney 1-amino acid oxidase can utilize either isolated D-amino acids or some
                                        species of bacteria as substrates for the generation of hydrogen peroxide. When
                                        linked to leukocyte myeloperoxidase in vitro, purified D-amino acid oxidase con-
                                        stitutes a system lethal for certain bacteria. It is proposed that leukocyte
                                        D-amino acid oxidase and myeloperoxidase constitute a biochemically specific
                                        system for the recognition and killing of certain microorganisms.

                                          Phagocytic leukocytes constitute a phylogenetically primitive system of re-
                                        sistance to microbial infection. Reduced to its simplest elements, this system
                                        must perform at least two integrated functions: the ingestion and the killing
                                        of microorganisms. The requirements for particle uptake by leukocytes are
                                        known in considerable detail." 2 The mechanisms of microbial killing are less
                                        well defined, although some weapons in the arsenal of the phagocytic leukocyte
                                        have been extensively studied.3' 4 A leukocyte microbicidal system consisting
                                        of the leukocyte enzyme myeloperoxidase, a halide, and hydrogen peroxide or
                                        a hydrogen peroxide-generating system has recently been described.5 The hy-
                                        pothesis that this system plays a role in the normal defense function of the
                                        human neutrophilic leukocyte is supported by the observation of impaired mi-
                                        crobicidal activity in leukocytes genetically deficient in myeloperoxidase6 or in
                                        postphagocytic hydrogen peroxide generation.7' 8
                                          Several considerations led us to predict the existence in leukocytes of a hydro-
                                        gen peroxide-generating system linked to D-amino acid oxidase. D-Amino acids
                                        are an integral part of the cell walls of many bacterial species9 and have been
                                        found in the products of certain fungi, but have not been conclusively identified
                                        as a natural component of any mammalian tissues. Nevertheless, the activity
                                        of 1-amino acid oxidase is known to occur in certain mammalian tissues and to
                                        be abundant in the liver and kidney. This enzyme, in the presence of molecular
                                        oxygen and the appropriate D-amino acid, catalyzes the generation of a corre-
                                        sponding keto-acid and of hydrogen peroxide.
                                          This communication reports the finding of D-amino acid oxidase in the granule
                                        fraction of mammalian neutrophils. The enzyme utilized intact microorganisms
                                        as a substrate for hydrogen peroxide generation and could be linked with human
                                        myeloperoxidase in vitro to constitute a potent microbicidal system.
                                          Materials and Methods.-Preparation of enzymes: (a) D-Amino acid oxidase: Popula-
                                        tions of either mixed leukocytes or lymphocytes were prepared from the heparinized ve-
                                        nous blood of normal subjects and patients with hematologic diseases.'0 Neutrophil-rich
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                                        exudates were induced in guinea pigs by intraperitoneal injection of 1% sodium caseinate
                                        in saline and collected after 18-24 hr. The leukocytes from either the human or guinea
                                        pig source were collected by centrifugation at 150 X g and washed in phosphate-buffered
                                        saline; the contaminating red cells were removed completely by hypotonic lysis."1 The
                                        packed white cells (at least 2 X 108) were disrupted by homogenization in 0.016 M pyro-
                                        phosphate buffer, pH 8.3, for 60 sec in a Sorvall microhomogenizer. The homogenate was
                                        centrifuged at 100,000 X g for 30 min. The protein content12 of the supernatant fraction
                                        was adjusted to approximately 2 mg/ml with pyrophosphate buffer and assayed immedi-
                                        ately for enzyme activity. Activity fell to less than 50% of the initial values after 6 hr at
                                        40C. All the D-amino acid oxidase activity was found in the supernatant fraction.
                                           Granules were isolated from humanl3 or guinea pig neutrophils'4 by homogenization in
                                        0.30 or 0.34 M sucrose solution, respectively, and collected by centrifugation at 27,000 X g.
                                        The isolated granules were disrupted and centrifuged, and the supernatant fraction was
                                        tested for oxidase activity as described for whole leukocytes.
                                           Liver, spleen, and kidneys from exsanguinated guinea pigs were homogenized, centri-
                                        fuged, and tested for oxidase activity in a similar manner.
                                           Purified D-amino acid oxidase (57 IU/mg) prepared from hog kidney was purchased
                                        from Calbiochem.
                                           (b) Myeloperoxidase: Purified human myeloperoxidase was the generous gift of Dr.
                                        Julius Schultz. Its preparation and characteristics have been described previously.'5' 16
                                           Enzyme assays: The basic D-amino acid oxidase assay system contained, in a final
                                        volume of 1.63 ml, 15 ,umoles of pyrophosphate buffer, pH 8.3, 0.3 ,umole of flavin-adenine
                                        dinucleotide (FAD) as the disodium salt (Calbiochem), 150 ,umoles of D-alanine, and
                                        enzyme. Chromatographically homogeneous D-alanine (Calbiochem) and another prep-
                                        aration containing no detectable i-alanine (the generous gift of Dr. D. M. Greenberg)
                                        were used interchangeably. Various D- and -amino acids (Calbiochem) were used in
                                        determining substrate specificity.
                                           D-Amino acid oxidase activity was measured at 370C with a Clark oxygen electrode and
                                        a Gilson model KM oxygraph by the method of Dixon and Kleppe.'7 Oxygen utilization
                                        by enzyme in the absence of D-alanine, which occurred in some leukocyte enzyme prepara-
                                        tions and which probably was attributable to peroxidation of lipids, was subtracted in
                                        calculating enzyme activity. Activity was expressed as micromoles of oxygen consumed
                                        per second per milligram of protein.
                                           Myeloperoxidase activity was measured by recording the rate of oxidation of ortho-
                                        anisidine to chromogenic compounds."8 A unit of enzyme activity was defined as the
                                        amount that caused an increase in absorbency of 0.001/min.
                                           Microbicidal assays: The killing of bacteria by systems containing myeloperoxidase,
                                        halide, and hydrogen peroxide or a D-amino acid oxidase-linked hydrogen peroxide-generat-
                                        ing system was assayed by a minor modification of the method of Klebanoff.19 Bacteria
                                         (Escherichia coli ATCC 11775) were grown overnight in nutrient broth, quantitated with a
                                        spectrophotometer, and resuspended in citrate-phosphate buffer, pH 7. The complete
                                        system contained, in a final volume of 0.5 ml, 20 ,umoles of citrate-phosphate buffer, pH 5,
                                        22 units of human myeloperoxidase, 0.033 jmole of potassium iodide, approximately 106
                                        viable bacteria, and either 1 m/umole of hydrogen peroxide or a hydrogen peroxide-generat-
                                        ing system consisting of 25 1Ag of hog kidney D-amino acid oxidase, 0.04 ,mole of FAD, and
                                        2.5 ,umoles of D-alanine. The mixture was incubated with rotation at 370C for 30 min, at
                                        which time three replicate samples were plated for colony counts.
                                           Results.-Homogenates prepared from human or guinea pig leukocyte popu-
                                        lations that were rich in mature neutrophils contained D-amino acid oxidase
                                        activity as identified by the following criteria (Table 1): oxygen utilization
                                        dependent on the presence of D-alanine or certain other D-amino acids, partial
                                        requirement for FAD, reduced oxygen consumption in the presence of catalase,
                                        inhibition by 2-hydroxybutyrate,20 and lack of activity with L-amino acids.
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758                     MICROBIOLOGY: CLINE AND LEHRER                             PROC. N. A. S.

                                        TABLE 1. D-Amino acid oxidase activity of homogenates of human neutrophilic leukocytes.
                                                                                                             Oxygen utilization
                                                                      Conditions                               protein X 109)
                                                 Complete system*                                                   6.30
                                                      "           -    D-alanine                                    1.22
                                                      "           -    D-alanine + L-alanine                        1.42
                                                       "          -    FAD                                          4.50
                                                             c" +      catalase                                     2.86
                                                       "          +    2-hydroxybutyrate (0.01 M)                   1.90
                                          * The complete system consisted of pyrophosphate buffer, D-alanine, flavin-adenine dinucleotide,
                                        and enzyme as described in Methods.

                                           The substrate specificity of the D-amino acid oxidase activity of human leu-
                                        kocytes and of guinea pig granulocytes was investigated with the methods de-
                                        scribed by Dixon and Kleppe.20 The leukocyte enzymes were not highly puri-
                                        fied; thus, any differences in activity in assays with different D-amino acid
                                        substrates in the leukocyte system could reflect the presence of other enzymes
                                        as impurities, as well as differences in pH optima for different amino acids.
                                        With this limitation in mind, the activity of the human and guinea pig leukocyte
                                        preparations with different D-amino acids was as shown in Table 2. D-Alanine,
                                        D-phenylalanine, and D-threonine were active substrates for the leukocyte en-
                                        zyme. D-Valine, D-serine, and D-asparagine were poor substrates. The most
                                        notable difference between the leukocyte enzyme and the purified renal enzyme
                                        studied by Dixon and Kleppe2e was seen with D-threonine. The white cell en-
                                        zyme showed more activity with this amino acid than with D-alanine, whereas
                                        D-threonine was a poor substrate for the purified enzyme from hog kidney.
                                        DL-2-Hydroxybutyrate (0.01 M) was inhibitory both with the highly purified
                                        renal enzyme (91% inhibition) and the leukocyte crude enzyme (70%). Potas-
                                        sium cyanide (10-3 M) had no inhibitory effect.
                                           Magnesium and manganese ions in concentrations of 10-4 to 10-2 M had no
                                        effect on the D-amino acid oxidase activity of leukocyte homogenates. The
                                        enzyme activity showed a broad optimum between pH 7.5 and 8.5 with D-alanine
                                        as substrate at saturating concentrations. In this pH range, the homogenates
                                        showed equal activity in Tris, pyrophosphate, and phosphate buffers.
                                           The activity of homogenates of guinea pig granulocytes was compared with
                                        that of homogenates of other tissues (Table 3). In other mammalian species,
                                        TABLE 2. Substrates for leukocyte D-amino acid oxidase.*
                                                      Amino acid                   Human leukocyte      Guinea pig leukocyte
                                                 D-Alanine                              100                     100
                                                 D-Phenylalanine                          86                        82
                                                 D-Threonine                             168                       135
                                                 D-Valine                                 12                        20
                                                 D-Norvaline                              59                        66
                                                 D-Serine                                 10
                                                 D-Asparagine                              0
                                          * Results are expressed as the percentage of V (,umoles/sec/mg) with D-alanine as substrate.
                                        Measurements were made at pH 8.3 with saturating amounts of substrate.
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VOL. 62, 1969         MICROBIOLOGY: CLINE AND LEHRER                                           759

                                        TABLE 3. D-Amino acid oxidase activity of homogenates of guinea pig tissues.
                                                                                               Oxygen utilization
                                                              Tissue                     (jAmoles/sec/mg protein X 109)
                                                        Kidney                                        8.20
                                                        Liver                                         2.35
                                                        Spleen                                          0
                                                        Leukocytes                                    1.88
                                                        Leukocyte granules                            7.41

                                        liver and kidney appear to be the richest sources of enzyme activity2l; the leuko-
                                        cyte apparently has not been systematically examined.
                                           Distribution of enzyme activity in leukocytes and subcellular fractions: Leuko-
                                        cytes obtained from normal subjects and patients with acute and chronic lym-
                                        phocytic leukemia and polycythemia vera were assayed to determine the activity
                                        of 1-amino acid oxidase. As shown in Figure 1, significant activity was re-
                                        stricted to mature granulocytes; little was found in lymphoblasts or in the
                                        "mature" lymphocytes of a normal subject and of patients with chronic lympho-
                                        cytic leukemia. Enzyme activity of leukocytes from patients with acute leu-
                                        kemia in complete hematologic remission showed a return to normal levels.
                                           Human and guinea pig neutrophils were disrupted so as to yield a granule-rich
                                        fraction and a fraction of lower density. The efficiency of the separation was
                                        determined by assaying each fraction for myeloperoxidase, a lysosomal enzyme.
                                        Between 85 and 90 per cent of the activity of this enzyme was found in the
                                        granule fraction. Similarly, 75 to 90 per cent of the activity of D-amino acid
                                        oxidase was associated with the granules. Partial purification of the leukocyte
                                        enzyme could be achieved simply by isolation of the granules, since the specific
                                        activitv of this fraction was approximately four times that of homogenates of
                                        whole cells (Table 3). Further purification could be achieved by precipitation
                                        with 50 per cent acetone at -15'C (approximate fourfold purification with a
                                        yield of 20-30%), followed by chromatography on Sephadex G-100 columns

                                                                                 ,        8
                                          FIG. 1.-D-Amino acid oxidase activ-
                                        ity of homogenates of human leuko-           °    6                           A
                                        cytes. The mean 4 1 SD of the
                                        activity of normal leukocyte popula-         E
                                        tions is shown. 0, Chronic lympho-                      I
                                        cytic leukemia (CLL); *, normal                   4                                    0
                                        lymphocytes; A, acute lymphocytic                                                      A
                                        leukemia (ALL) in relapse; A, acute     As0
                                        lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) in remis-
                                        sion; 0, polycythemia vera.                       2


                                                                                               Normal     Lymph      ALL      P.Vora
                                                                                                (22 )      CLL
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760                  MICROBIOLOGY: CLINE AND LEHRER                      PROC. N. A. S.

                                        (approximate 20-fold purification with a yield of 10%). Unfortunately, the
                                        limited amount of starting material precluded further purification steps.
                                           Activity with microorganisms: If D-amino acid oxidase activity is involved in
                                        hydrogen peroxide generation after phagocytosis of microorganisms, then the
                                        ability of the enzyme to interact with the D-amino acids of the ingested bacteria
                                        is critical. A fraction of the D-amino acids in the cell wall of the bacteria
                                        is not in polypeptide linkage and might be available to the enzyme. To
                                        examine this question, several species of bacteria were grown overnight, washed
                                        free of culture medium, and resuspended in pyrophosphate buffer at various
                                        concentrations (usually with a protein content of 0.5-2 mg/ml). The organ-
                                        isms were then either kept on ice until assayed as substrate for D-amino acid
                                        oxidase or heat-killed at 60'C for 30 minutes. Neither the living nor the heat-
                                        killed organisms in buffer containing FAD utilized oxygen during the period of
                                        equilibration at 370C. The addition of leukocyte homogenates or of purified
                                        kidney enzyme increased the consumption of oxygen (Table 4). The addition
                                        TABLE 4. Oxygen utilization by D-amino acid oxidases and D-alanine or microorganisms.
                                                                                                     Oxygen utilization
                                                  Enzyme source                 Substrate              (umoles/sec)
                                                Human leukocytes          D-Alanine                    3.50 X 10-i
                                                                          Staphylococcus aureus        4.14 X 10-i
                                                Hog kidney                D-Alanine                    2.85 X 10-'
                                                                          Staphylococcus aureus        2.71 X 10-4
                                                                          Escherichia coli             1.72 X 10-4
                                                                          Proteus vulgaris             0.39 X 10-4
                                                                          Serratia marcescens          1.77 X 10-4

                                        of catalase resulted in changes identical to those reported for purified enzyme
                                        and a single D-amino acid :17 an abrupt increase in oxygen content and a halving
                                        of the rate of oxygen utilization.
                                           Killing of microorganisms by a DAAO-MPO-halide system: If 1-amino acid
                                        oxidase systems are involved in defenses against microorganisms, it should be
                                        possible to demonstrate antimicrobial activity under appropriate conditions.
                                        The test system consisted of DAAO, D-alanine, MPO, halide, and microorgan-
                                        isms. D-Amino acid oxidase in the presence of microorganisms and of cell wall
                                        constituents (i.e., single 1-amino acids) was used as a hydrogen peroxide-
                                        generating system. The hydrogen peroxide thus produced served as the oxidant
                                        substrate for purified leukocyte myeloperoxidase, which is assumed to oxidize a
                                        halide (either chloride or iodide) to a biologically active form capable of killing
                                        microorganisms. The results of tests of such systems with E. coli and purified
                                        kidney D-amino acid oxidase are shown in Table 5. It is apparent that for maxi-
                                        mal microbicidal activity the system required all three major constituents:
                                        D-amino acid oxidase, myeloperoxidase, and the halide. Crude or partially
                                        purified leukocyte homogenates could not be tested in such a system because
                                        they contain myeloperoxidase and certain cationic proteins lethal for microorgan-
                                          Discussion.-Peroxidase enzymes are found widely distributed in nature, from
                                        protozoa to higher mammals.22' 23 Three mammalian peroxidases-lactoper-
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VOL. 62, 1969            MICROBIOLOGY: CLINE AND LEHRER                            761

                                        TABLE 5. D-Amino acid oxidase (DAAO)-myeloperoxidase (MPO) antibacterial system.
                                                                Components Added                           Escherichia colt
                                                                                   Flavin-adenine               (colony count
                                         MPO            Iodide    H202   DAAO       dinucleotide    D-Alanine       X 106)
                                          0               0        0       0             0             0            2.69
                                           o             +         +       0             0             0            2.33
                                           +              0         0      0             0             0            2.14
                                           +             +         +       0             0             0            0.04
                                           +             +         0       0             0             0            1.36
                                           +             +         0       +             0             0            0.61
                                           +             +         0       +             +             0            0.03
                                           +             +         0       +             +             +            0
                                           0             +         0       +             +             +            0.73
                                           +             +         0       0             +             +            2.29
                                        oxidase, myeloperoxidase, and salivary peroxidase-have been shown to possess
                                        bactericidal activity under appropriate conditions.5' 19 The three phagocytic
                                        leukocytes found in the peripheral blood of man-the neutrophil, monocyte,
                                        and eosinophil-all contain peroxidases. The neutrophil is a particularly rich
                                        source. Its peroxidase, myeloperoxidase, constitutes between 1 and 5 per cent
                                        of the dry weight of the cell'5 and accounts for the green color of purulent exu-
                                        dates and chloromas. The importance of this enzyme in neutrophil defense
                                        function was established by the identification of a patient with an inherited lack
                                        of this enzyme.6
                                           Each of the three mammalian peroxidases requires a halide and a hydrogen
                                        peroxide-generating system for maximal antimicrobial activity in vitro. Hydro-
                                        gen peroxide is known to be produced by neutrophils after particle ingestion.24
                                        The mechanism of generation, however, is not well defined. We suggest that
                                        D-amino acid oxidase may serve as one of the sources of production. A signifi-
                                        cant fraction of the D-amino acids in the teichoic acid portion of the bacterial
                                        cell wall is not in peptide linkage. Amine groups of these D-amino acids are
                                        titratable with 1-fluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene9 and presumably would be vulnerable
                                        to attack by the oxidase. There are undoubtedly additional sources of hydrogen
                                        peroxide within the phagocytic leukocyte since this compound is also generated
                                        after ingestion of inert polystyrene particles.
                                           Our data indicate that the granule fraction of the normal mature human
                                        granulocyte is the principal source of leukocyte D-amino acid oxidase activity.
                                        Our preliminary results suggest that the enzyme is similar in its major character-
                                        istics to the D-amino acid oxidase that has been crystallized from mammalian
                                           The D-amino acid oxidase of phagocytic leukocytes could provide a biochemi-
                                        cally specific system for the recognition of the "foreignness" of phagocytized
                                        microorganisms. Such a system for the generation of hydrogen peroxide, keyed
                                        to the recognition of the D-amino acids of microorganisms and linked to the
                                        abundant myeloperoxidase of the neutrophilic granulocyte, might constitute a
                                        potent antimicrobial system. Our data indicate that in fact D-amino acid oxi-
                                        dase appropriately linked to myeloperoxidase does form a system lethal for certain
                                        bacteria. The elucidation of this system may explain, in part, why microbial
                                        killing is impaired under anaerobic conditions.26
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762                    MICROBIOLOGY: CLINE AND LEHRER                           PROC. N. A. S.

                                           Both myeloperoxidase and leukocyte D-amino acid oxidase are granule enzymes
                                        and have pH optima near neutrality. Certain evidence indicates that peroxi-
                                        datic enzymes and D-amino acid oxidase may be segregated into a specific class of
                                        granules distinct from those that contain the acid hydrolases.'7 Baudhuin and
                                        collaborators,28 employing differential centrifugation techniques, have established
                                        the existence in rat liver of a distinct group of cytoplasmic particles containing
                                        the enzymes D-amino acid oxidase, urate oxidase, and catalase. These particles,
                                        termed microbodies or peroxisomes, have not yet been identified in granulocytes.
                                           We propose the following sequence of events in the interaction of mature
                                        neutrophils and certain microorganisms: (1) particle is ingested and vacuole
                                        forms; (2) lysosomal enzymes enter vacuole; (3) D-amino acid oxidase and D-
                                        amino acids -- H202; (4) myeloperoxidase + halide ion + H202      O, killing; (5)
                                        pH falls and  acid hydrolases are activated; (6) particle is digested. In the pres-
                                        ence of serum factors, including specific opsonins and complement and an intact
                                        leukocyte glycolytic pathway,'-3 microorganisms are ingested and isolated within
                                        a phagocytic vacuole. Within seconds or minutes after its formation, leukocyte
                                        granules discharge their contents into the vacuole. Whether peroxisomes and
                                        granules containing acid hydrolases rupture simultaneously is not certain, but
                                        presumably the enzymes effective at neutral pH act first. Thus, D-amino acid
                                        oxidase may produce hydrogen peroxide directly after rupture of the granules and
                                        exposure of the leukocyte enzyme to the bacterial D-amino acids. The hydrogen
                                        peroxide so produced constitutes the oxidant substrate for myeloperoxidase (also
                                        active at neutrality) to activate chloride ions present within the vacuoles. The
                                        system thus generated is lethal for at least those strains of bacteria studied here.
                                        Subsequently, intracellular pH falls, possibly as a result of an increased rate of
                                        leukocyte glycolysis.' The stage is then set for the activity of lysosomal acid
                                        hydrolases, whose primary function may be degradation of the ingested and
                                        killed microorganisms.
                                          Abbreviations used: MPO, myeloperoxidase. DAAO, D-amino acid oxidase; FAD,
                                        flavin-adenine dinucleotide.
                                              This work was supported by U.S. Public Health Service grant CA-07723 and by cancer
                                        research funds of the University of California.
                                            ' Karnovsky, M. L., Physiol. Rev., 42, 143 (1962).
                                            2Cline, M. J., Physiol. Rev., 45, 674 (1965).
                                            3 Hirsch, J. G., in The Inflammatory Process, ed. B. W. Zweifach, L. Grant, and R. T.
                                        McCluskey (New York: Academic Press, 1965), p. 245.
                                            4 Zeya, H. I., and J. K. Spitznagel, J. Bacteriol., 91, 755 (1966).
                                            5 Klebanoff, S. J., J. Exptl. Med., 126, 1063 (1967).
                                            6 Lehrer, R. I., and M. J. Cline, Clin. Res., 16, 331 (1968) (abstract).
                                            7 Holmes, B., A. R. Page, and R. A. Good, J. Clin. Invest., 46, 1422 (1967).
                                            8 Quie, P. G., J. B. White, B. Holmes, and R. A. Good, J. Clin. Invest., 46, 668 (1967).
                                            9 Salton, M. R. J., The Bacterial Cell Wall (Amsterdam: Elsevier Publishing Co., 1964).
                                           10 Cline, M. J., and V. C. Swett, J. Exptl. Med., 128, 1309 (1968).
                                          11 Fallon, H. J., E. Frei, III, J. D. Davidson, J. S. Trier, and D. Burk, J. Lab. Clin. Med.,
                                        59, 779 (1962).
                                          12 Lowry, 0. H., N. J. Rosebrough, A. L. Farr, and R. J. Randall, J. Biol. Chem., 193, 265
                                           '3 Williams, H. E., Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 124, 34 (1966).
                                           14 Cohn, Z. A., and J. G. Hirsch, J. Exptl. Med., 112. 983 (1960)
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                                          15 Schultz, J., and K. Kaminker, Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 96, 465 (1962).
                                          16Schultz, J., and H. W. Shmukler, Biochemistry, 3, 1234 (1964).
                                          17 Dixon, M., and K. Kleppe, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 96, 357 (1965).
                                          18 KIebanoff, S. J., Endocrinology, 76, 301 (1965).
                                          19 Klebanoff, S. J., J. Bacteriol., 95, 2131 (1968).
                                          20 Dixon, M., and K. Kleppe, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 96, 368 (1965).
                                          21 Dixon, M., and E. C. Webb, Enzymes (New York: Academic Press, 1964), 2nd ed., p. 638.
                                          22 Saunders, B. C., A. G. Holmes-Siedle, and B. P. Stark, in Peroxidase (London: Butter-
                                        worths & Co., Ltd., 1964), p. 40.
                                          23Seaman, G. R., in Biochemistry and Physiology of Protozoa, ed. S. H. Hutner and A. Lwoff
                                        (New York: Academic Press, 1955), vol. 2, p. 91.
                                          '4 Paul, B., and A. J. Sbarra, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 156, 168 (1968).
                                          25 Massey, V., G. Palmer, and R. Bennett, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 48, 1 (1961).
                                          '6 McRipley, R. J., and A. J. Sbarra, J. Bacteriol., 94, 1425 (1967).
                                          27Enomoto, T., and T. Kitani, Acta Haematol., Japon., 29, 554 (1966).
                                          28 Baudhuin, P., H. Beaufay, and C. De Duve, J. Cell Biol., 26, 219 (1965).
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