Delineating Necessary and Sufªcient Neural Systems with Functional Imaging Studies of Neuropsychological Patients

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Delineating Necessary and Sufªcient Neural Systems with Functional Imaging Studies of Neuropsychological Patients
Delineating Necessary and Sufªcient Neural
                     Systems with Functional Imaging Studies of
                     Neuropsychological Patients

                     C. J. Price, C. J. Mummery, C. J. Moore, R. S. J. Frackowiak, and
                     K. J. Friston

                                                                                                                                                                                    Downloaded from by guest on 18 May 2021
                     Institute of Neurology, London

                     ■ This paper demonstrates how functional imaging studies of                                is peri-infarct activity around the damaged left-hemisphere tis-
                     neuropsychological patients can provide a way of determining                               sue. Functional imaging of the patient is required to discount
                     which areas in a cognitive network are jointly necessary and                               these possibilities. We investigated a patient (SW), who was
                     sufªcient. The approach is illustrated with an investigation of                            able to associate words and pictures on the basis of semantic
                     the neural system underlying semantic similarity judgments.                                relationships despite extensive damage to the left frontal, infe-
                     Functional neuroimaging demonstrates that normal subjects                                  rior parietal, and superior temporal cortices. Although SW
                     activate left temporal, parietal, and inferior frontal cortices                            showed peri-infarct activation in left extrasylvian temporal cor-
                     during this task relative to physical size judgments. Neuropsy-                            tices, no activity was observed in either left or right inferior
                     chology demonstrates that damage to the temporal and parietal                              frontal cortices. These ªndings demonstrate that activity in
                     regions results in semantic deªcits, indicating that these areas                           extrasylvian temporo-parietal and medial superior frontal re-
                     are necessary for task performance. In contrast, damage to the                             gions is sufªcient to perform semantic similarity judgments. In
                     inferior frontal cortex does not impair task performance, indi-                            contrast, the left inferior frontal activations detected in each
                     cating that the inferior frontal cortex might not be necessary.                            control subject appear not to be necessary for task perfor-
                     However, there are two other possible accounts of intact per-                              mance. In conclusion, necessary and sufªcient brain systems
                     formance following frontal lobe damage: (1) there is functional                            can be delineated by functional imaging of brain-damaged
                     reorganization involving the right frontal cortex and (2) there                            patients who are not functionally impaired. ■

                     INTRODUCTION                                                                               component brain areas in one of three ways. The
                                                                                                                ªrst, more conventional, approach involves identify-
                     Functional neuroimaging in normal subjects reveals dis-                                    ing the lesion site associated with a functional deªcit;
                     tributed brain systems that can be considered sufªcient                                    by implication, this region was necessary for the
                     to perform a task but does not distinguish the relative                                    speciªed function. The second approach involves the
                     contributions of the subcomponents involved. Some                                          reverse, that is, identifying the functional deªcit associ-
                     activated regions may be superºuous (not necessary) to                                     ated with a lesion in an area identiªed by neuro-
                     the task requirements (Price, Wise, & Frackowiak, 1996).                                   imaging (e.g., Fiez, Petersen, Cheney, & Raichle,
                     In contrast, lesion-deªcit models (neuropsychological                                      1992). The third approach, described in this paper,
                     studies) identify regions that are necessary to perform                                    involves inferences from patients who are not function-
                     a task but do not establish the premorbid sufªciency                                       ally impaired on a speciªed task but nevertheless have
                     of the damaged regions. For instance, a cognitive func-                                    damage to parts of the system deªned by neuroimaging.
                     tion can be impaired if the connections between two                                        Here the damaged regions can be construed as not
                     vital cortical areas are damaged; the connections are                                      necessary. By designating each region in the sufªcient
                     necessary but not sufªcient to execute a particular func-                                  system as necessary or not necessary, the critical system
                     tion.                                                                                      could be identiªed. However, the caveat is that some
                        The joint complementary use of neuroimaging and                                         patients may be able to perform a task by activating
                     neuropsychology offers a fundamental advantage over                                        peri-infarct tissue that appears damaged with rou-
                     either technique in isolation. Neuroimaging in nor-                                        tine structural imaging (Warburton, Price, Swinburn, &
                     mal subjects deªnes the set of regions (the neural sys-                                    Wise, 1999). Another possibility is that functionality
                     tem) involved in performing one task relative to                                           is preserved due to functional reorganisation (e.g.,
                     another. Neuropsychology establishes the necessity of                                      involving the homologue region in the contralateral

                     © 1999 Massachusetts Institute of Technology                                                      Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 11:4, pp. 371–382
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hemisphere, Weiller et al., 1995; Buckner, Corbetta,                                      RESULTS
                 Schatz, Raichle, & Petersen, 1996). To discount these
                                                                                                           SW was investigated in three ways. First, a neuropsy-
                 possibilities, functional imaging of the patient is a pre-
                                                                                                           chological proªle of his language abilities was con-
                                                                                                           ducted. Second, a structural magnetic resonance image
                    This approach of functional imaging studies of
                                                                                                           (MRI) of his brain was contrasted to that of neurologi-
                 neuropsychological patients who are not impaired on a
                                                                                                           cally normal controls to reveal the extent of his cerebral
                 task is illustrated in this paper with an investigation of
                                                                                                           lesion. Third, functional neuroimaging was used to inves-
                 the functional anatomy required to make semantic
                                                                                                           tigate how he managed to perform semantic tasks by
                 similarity judgments. During this task, subjects associate
                                                                                                           comparing his activation pattern with six normal control
                 words and pictures on the basis of semantic relation-

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                                                                                                           subjects. See Methods for details.
                 ships. The speciªc aim of the experiment was to con-
                 sider a contentious issue: the necessity of left inferior
                 frontal activity for the performance of semantic similar-
                                                                                                           Language Assessment
                 ity judgments relative to physical size similarity judg-
                 ments. Functional neuroimaging of normal subjects has                                     Although SW has not recovered any residual speech
                 demonstrated that the associated system of regions                                        output, he was able to comprehend task requirements
                 involves the left inferior frontal and extensive ex-                                      and make decisions to respond appropriately. The results
                 trasylvian temporo-parietal regions (Vandenberghe,                                        of a language assessment performed at the time of the
                 Price, Wise, Josephs, & Frackowiak, 1996). Other neuroi-                                  neuroimaging experiment (July 1997) are shown in
                 maging studies have also demonstrated left inferior fron-                                 Table 1.
                 tal activity during a variety of tasks emphasizing                                           On the lexical decision task, SW performed quickly
                 semantic processing (Petersen, Fox, Posner, Mintun, &                                     and easily with 155/160 correct. This was within the
                 Raichle, 1988, 1989; Petersen, Fox, Snyder, & Raichle,                                    normal range for both high and low imageable words.
                 1990; Kapur et al., 1994; Demb et al., 1995; Gabrielli                                    On the pyramids and palm trees test, SW scored 49/52,
                 et al., 1996), yet damage to the frontal lobes is not                                     which is within the normal range of accuracy. On syno-
                 classically associated with semantic deªcits. One cur-                                    nym judgments, SW scored well above chance for both
                 rently held view for this discrepancy is that the left                                    high (35/38) and low (29/38) imagability words, but his
                 inferior frontal lobe plays an executive role in semantic                                 performance falls just below the normal cutoff (36/38
                 tasks, perhaps controlling the retrieval of semantic infor-                               and 33/38, respectively). On the sentence comprehen-
                 mation (Kapur et al., 1994; Buckner et al., 1995; Fiez,                                   sion tasks, SW scored 46/60 for the written versions and
                 1997) or acting as a working memory system for seman-                                     41/60 on the auditory version. This was well above
                 tic processing (Gabrielli, Poldrack, & Desmond, 1998).                                    chance (20/60) but fell below the normal cutoff (55/60);
                 Thompson-Schill, D’Esposito, Aguirre, & Farah (1997)                                      see Table 1 for details.
                 have also proposed that the inferior frontal cortex is                                       On the spoken word to picture matching and spoken
                 required for semantic tasks that require “high selection,”                                word rhyming tasks, SW scored 35/40 and 28/30, respec-
                 such as when there are many competing and possible                                        tively. Although he made occasional errors, his perfor-
                 responses.                                                                                mance on the rhyming task (28/30) was markedly
                    In this study, the semantic similarity task was an adap-                               superior to the same task with visually presented words
                 tation of the pyramids and palm trees test (Howard &                                      (17/30) where performance was at chance (15/30). A
                 Patterson, 1992) for which the subject has to decide                                      further indication of a severe impairment making
                 which of two semantically similar words is closest in                                     phonological decisions from visually presented words
                 meaning to a third semantically related word (e.g., is                                    was the complete inability to make homophone judg-
                 PALM TREE or DECIDUOUS TREE closest in meaning to                                         ments from written words—SW scored at chance
                 PYRAMID). Relative to physical size judgments, the se-                                    (52/100).
                 mantic similarity task has been associated with inferior                                     On orthographic output tests, SW was unable to use
                 frontal and extrasylvian temporal activity (Vandenberghe                                  his right hand due to a right-sided hemiplegia. With his
                 et al., 1996). Nevertheless, patients with frontal lobe                                   left hand, SW’s ability to copy words (10/10) indicated
                 damage do not show marked impairment. By imaging                                          he was not suffering from apraxia. Nevertheless, he was
                 activation in a patient (SW), who retained the ability to                                 severely impaired writing high-frequency familiar words
                 perform the task in the context of extensive left frontal,                                to dictation (4/10) or from visually presented pictures
                 temporal, and parietal lobe damage, we considered                                         (5/10).
                 three possible explanations for his good performance:                                        In summary, SW has a severe expressive aphasia
                 (1) There is residual functional integrity in tissue sur-                                 reºected in his impaired orthographic output and inabil-
                 rounding the lesion; (2) there is functional reorganiza-                                  ity to make any verbal utterances. He was also unable to
                 tion involving the right inferior frontal cortex; and (3)                                 generate phonology from visually presented words to
                 inferior frontal activity is not necessary to perform the                                 perform phonological judgments that were possible
                 task.                                                                                     with auditory presented words. With synonym judg-

                 372       Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience                                                                                   Volume 11, Number 4
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Table 1. Results of the Language Assessment on SW at the Time of the Imaging Experiment.

                                                  Semantics                                                          SW                     Chance                   cutoff
                     Visual word to pictures (pyramids and palm trees)                                            49/52                    26/52                   48/52
                     Visual word pairs (synonym judgments) high                                                   35/38                    19/38                   36/38
                     Visual word pairs (synonym judgments) low                                                    29/38                    19/38                   33/38

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                     Lexical decision on visual words and pseudowords                                             155/160                  80/160                  158/160
                     Visual sentence to picture matching                                                          46/60                    20/60                   55/60
                     Auditory sentence to picture matching                                                        41/60                    20/60                   55/60

                                                                                     Phonology from auditory words
                     Spoken word to picture matching                                                              35/40                    8/40                    39/40
                     Auditory word rhyme judgments                                                                28/30                    15/30                   29/30

                                                                                       Phonology from visual words
                     Visual word rhyme judgments:                                                                 17/30                    15/30
                     Homophone judgments                                                                          52/100                   50/100

                                                                                             Orthographic output
                     Orthographic output to dictation                                                             4/10                                             10/10
                     Orthographic output to pictures                                                              5/10                                             10/10
                     Copying words                                                                                10/10                                            15/15

                     ments, performance was not severely impaired but just                                      gion that is most associated with semantic processing
                     below normal expectations. Sentence comprehension                                          (Fiez, 1997).
                     was also below normal. Nevertheless, he was able to
                     make lexical decisions even when the nonwords were
                     very wordlike, and he was able to make difªcult seman-                                     Results of Functional Imaging Study
                     tic similarity judgments. It was his ability with the latter                               Task Performance during Scanning Acquisition
                     task that motivated the functional imaging experiment,
                     because it indicates intact memory for knowledge about                                        1. The word semantic task required subjects to
                                                                                                                decide which of a pair of items was most semantically
                                                                                                                similar to a target item. Although each triad of stimuli had
                                                                                                                a most likely response (according to the choices of
                                                                                                                previous subjects), there was individual variation in how
                     Results of Analysis of Structural MRI
                                                                                                                subjects associated items because all three items were
                     The analysis of structural images revealed that SW had a                                   from the same semantic category. Hence, none of the
                     large left-hemisphere lesion incorporating the left infe-                                  normal subjects performed at 100%. The mean accuracy
                     rior frontal, anterior superior temporal, and anterior pa-                                 was 87.5% (range, 78.1 to 93.7%). SW performed within
                     rietal cortices. The delineation of this left middle cerebral                              the normal range (81%), signiªcantly above chance
                     infarct is rendered on a 3-D model of the normal brain                                     (X2 = 4.2, p < 0.01, two tailed) and less than one
                     (see Figure 1). The technique also revealed reduced gray                                   standard deviation below the mean. Examples of his
                     matter in the right cerebellum, consistent with the oc-                                    responses recorded as errors are (1) selecting SKIRT
                     currence of crossed cerebellar atrophy (Dow & Moruzzi,                                     rather than TROUSERS in response to SHIRT and (2)
                     1958). See Figure 1A. Interestingly, there appeared to be                                  selecting ORANGE rather than PEAR in response to
                     some preservation of tissue in the left inferior frontal                                   APPLE. Together with SW’s normal accuracy on
                     cortex around Brodmann’s area (BA) 47, the frontal re-                                     performing the pyramids and palm trees test outside the

                                                                                                                                                         Price et al.   373
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                 Figure 1. The extent of the cerebral infarct in the left hemisphere. In section A, regions of reduced gray matter (relative to neurologically nor-
                 mal controls) are shown on models of the left and right hemispheres of the brain. In addition to the classic left middle cerebral artery infarct,
                 SW showed reduced gray matter in the right cerebellum. In section B, the lesion is illustrated conventionally on horizontal slices of a structural
                 MRI scan, normalized to a template brain from the Montreal Neurological Institute. The slices are at 10-mm intervals centered on the anterior
                 posterior commissure line.

                 scanner, we conclude that SW was fully engaged in the                                     subjects to respond within that time. The mean normal
                 semantic task.                                                                            response was 3.38 sec on the semantic task and 2.45 sec
                    2. The actual size task required subjects to decide                                    on the visual task. SW was slower to respond than the
                 which of a pair of orthographically identical items                                       normal subjects on both the semantic task (5.13 sec) and
                 sustained the most similar visual angle to the target. To                                 the visual task (3.57 sec). A two-way analysis of variance
                 equate the actual size decision to the semantic decision                                  (ANOVA) conªrmed that SW’s reaction times (RTs) were
                 for subjectivity and difªculty, none of the stimuli within                                signiªcantly slower than normal (F(1, 427) = 39.2, p <
                 a triad had identical size. The range of normal responses                                 0.0001). There was also a signiªcant main effect of task
                 was 83 to 100% (mean, 91%), SW fell just below this                                       (F(1, 427) = 29.3, p < 0.0001) because responses to the
                 range (81%), but his performance did not differ                                           semantic task were slower than to those for the visual
                 signiªcantly from the normals.                                                            task. However, the interaction between task and subject
                    3. Analysis of reaction time. The interstimulus                                        group (SW vs. normals) was not signiªcant (F(1, 427) =
                 interval for both tasks was 6 sec, thereby encouraging                                    1.9, p = 0.16).

                 374       Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience                                                                                   Volume 11, Number 4
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Although SW’s performance was slower than the con-                                      for four of the controls and p < 0.01 for the other two
                     trol subjects during the scanning session, the difference                                  controls. The minimum number of voxels activated per
                     in the reaction times was on the order of 1 to 2 sec (50%                                  normal subject was 99 (at p < 0.05), but SW showed no
                     slower than normals). During routine neuropsychologi-                                      signiªcant voxels at p = 0.05 (or below). In the absence
                     cal assessment, where RTs to these tasks are not meas-                                     of a neurological deªcit, the likelihood of detecting
                     ured, SW’s slower responses would not be identiªable.                                      activation in SW is identical to that of detecting activity
                        SW’s slower responses could be for a number of                                          in the normal subjects; the paradigm, degrees of freedom,
                     reasons. One possibility is that they result directly from                                 and error variance are identical. We conclude that the
                     neurological damage to regions involved in semantic                                        failure to detect activation in the left inferior frontal lobe
                     tasks (e.g., the left inferior frontal lobe). However, this                                and right cerebellum was a direct consequence of SW’s

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                     would not explain why he was also slower with visual                                       neurological deªcit.
                     decisions. Another possibility is that they result from                                       3. Other areas activated by SW. At a signiªcance level
                     differences in motor control either generally or because                                   of p < 0.001, SW also showed activations in the right
                     SW was only able to use his nondominant (left) hand                                        anterior middle temporal cortex (x = +56, y = −10, z =
                     (his right hand was disabled due to hemiplegia). A third                                   −16, Z = 3.4), the medial superior frontal cortex (BA 10;
                     option is that the slower responses result from SW                                         x = 0, y = +70, z = +22, Z = 3.6), and the left inferior
                     having reduced vision in one visual ªeld due to ophthal-                                   parietal cortex (BA 40; × = −52, y = −34, z = +50, Z =
                     mological problems. Differentiating between these ex-                                      3.2). These activations were not unique to SW because
                     planations would require extensive investigation. For the                                  in each of these regions between one and four of the
                     present study, the critical question relates to how SW                                     normal control subjects showed equivalent activation.
                     performed the tasks, albeit slower than the control sub-                                   Therefore, we can not be certain that they reºect
                     jects.                                                                                     compensatory changes following neurological damage.
                                                                                                                This would require an investigation of how patients
                                                                                                                recover following inferior frontal damage. In summary,
                     Activation Associated with the Semantic Task
                                                                                                                functional imaging of SW revealed no evidence of
                        1. Conjunction of normal and patient activations                                        functional reorganization involving the right prefrontal
                     (see Table 2A; Figure 2B). Areas that were activated by                                    cortex and no evidence of peri-infarct activation in left
                     the normal controls and SW in the absence of subject by                                    inferior frontal cortex.
                     task interactions revealed common activation in several
                     regions of the ventral extrasylvian temporal cortex (BA
                     21, 22, 28, 37), the dorsal posterior middle temporal
                     gyrus (BA 39), the parieto-occipital junction (BA 19/39),                                  In this study, we asked whether a patient with an exten-
                     and the cuneus/precuneus (BA 19). The threshold for                                        sive frontal lobe infarct accomplished semantic similarity
                     these group activations was set at p < 0.001. The                                          judgments with (1) peri-infarct activity in his left frontal
                     subject-speciªc responses for SW within this system                                        lobe, (2) compensatory activity due to functional reor-
                     reached a threshold of (1) p < 0.001 in the left anterior                                  ganization in his right frontal lobe, or (3) activation in a
                     middle temporal (BA 21), posterior basal temporal (BA                                      subset of the normal regions. We discuss, respectively,
                     37), and posterior middle temporal/parietal (BA 39)                                        the structural damage incurred by SW, the effect that this
                     cortices (2) p < 0.01 in left anterior superior temporal                                   damage had on his language skills, the results of the
                     (BA 22), and superior occipital (BA 19) cortices and the                                   functional neuroimaging experiment, and the implica-
                     cuneus/ precuneus, and (3) p < 0.05 in the left anterior                                   tion that these results have for the interpretation of
                     medial temporal cortex (BA 28). See Table 2. As can be                                     frontal lobe responses during semantic tasks.
                     seen from Figure 3, some of the temporal and parietal                                         The structural T1-weighted MRI scan of SW’s brain
                     activation observed in SW lay close to lesioned regions.                                   revealed that areas known to be crucial for language
                     This is consistent with peri-infarct functionality that                                    production (i.e., Broca’s area, the left anterior superior
                     might not be predicted from routine structural imaging.                                    temporal lobe, and the left supramarginal gyrus) had
                        2. Areas activated by normals but not SW (see Table                                     been severely damaged. The effect of this lesion was to
                     2B and 2C and Figure 2C). Each normal subject                                              render SW literally speechless. He is unable to articulate
                     activated the left inferior frontal gyrus (BA 47) and right                                any speech sounds and is also severely impaired in his
                     cerebellum during the semantic task relative to the visual                                 attempt to write even single words. His performance is
                     task. SW failed to activate any voxels in these areas.                                     at chance on neuropsychological tests designed to evalu-
                     Differences between SW and the control subjects were                                       ate whether he is able to access phonology from seen
                     conªrmed by highly signiªcant subject by task                                              words. These results, in terms of a lesion-deªcit model,
                     interactions in these regions (see Table 2B). The location                                 indicate that premorbidly SW’s ability to retrieve phonol-
                     of the peak activation and its extent in the left inferior                                 ogy and generate speech depends on at least a subset of
                     frontal cortex is given for each control subject in Table                                  the brain regions damaged by his stroke. In terms of
                     2C. Activation reached signiªcance at a p < 0.001 level                                    preserved language abilities, SW’s performance with se-

                                                                                                                                                           Price et al.   375
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Table 2. The anatomical location, coordinates, and z scores of signiªcant activation for A: Normals and SW, B: Normals but not
                 SW, and C: the individual normal control subjects in the left inferior frontal cortex. Coordinates are given in the order x, y, z
                 according to the atlas of Talairach and Tournoux (1988). The z score follows in bold. Part C also reports the number of voxels

                                                                  A. Common Activations for Controls and SW
                                                                                            Main Effect                  Control Group                         SW
                 Left anterior superior temporal                 (BA 22)              −60         2     −8      4.1      −58      4   −6 3.8            −60         2   −8 2.4
                 Left anterior middle temporal                   (BA 21)              −68     −28       −2      3.7      −68    −28   −2 3.2            −70 −36         −6 3.0

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                 Left anterior medial temporal                   (BA 28)              −14        −6 −24         3.9      −14     −6 −26 3.6             −12     −4 −24 2.0

                 Left inferior temporal                          (BA 37)              −60     −48 −10           3.5      −58    −50 −10 3.6             −70 −42 −14 2.7
                                                                                      −70     −70       −6      4.3      −68    −66   −4 3.7            −72 −70 −10 3.3
                                                                                      −72     −66          6    3.8      −68    −66    4 3.3            −72 −68              8 2.6

                 Left posterior middle temporal/                 (BA 39)              −66     −72      22       4.0      −66    −60   16 4.1            −64 −76             22 3.2
                   angular gyrus
                                                                                      −70     −64       28      3.6      −66    −72   22 3.2            −66 −76             32 3.2

                 Left angular gyrus                              (BA 19)              −52     −78       40      3.6      −44    −74   38 3.8            −54 −76             44 2.6
                 Left cuneus/precuneus                           (BA 19)              −24     −90       38      3.8      −22    −92   38 3.5            −18 −82             38 2.7

                                                                                B. All Control Subjects but Not SW
                                                                                        Controls > SW                                 Control Group                            SW
                 Left inferior frontal               (BA 45/47)               −48           28          −6        5.7          −48       28        0          5.5              NS
                                                       (BA 47)                −48           36         −12        4.4          −50       34       −6          3.9              NS
                                                       (BA 47)                −40           36         −22        4.2          −40       36       −20         4.1              NS

                 Right cerebellum                                               20        −64          −32        4.4           16     −64        −30         4.5              NS
                                                                                42        −60          −36        4.5           34     −64        −44         4.1              NS
                 Left cerebellum                                              −58         −60          −46        4.0          −60     −58        −42         3.8              NS

                                                 C. Activations for Each Control Subject in Left Inferior Frontal Cortex (BA 47)
                          Subject                        1                      2                      3                  4                   5                         6
                 Peak location                 −40 28 −4 4.6           −42 28 0 3.0           −44 28 −2 2.6 −44 26             4 2.6 −42 22 −10 3.2 −44 32 −10 3.0
                  and Z
                 Voxels at p <                     668/441                  182/32                    99/12             284/9            443/215                    254/95

                 mantic similarity judgments indicates an ability to main-                                  sue in the left inferior frontal lobe. To address this ques-
                 tain and control access to semantic information to make                                    tion, functional imaging of the patient was required.
                 high-level decisions. Fiez (1997) and others have sug-                                        The functional imaging experiment measured brain
                 gested that the brain region responsible for the control                                   activity while SW was performing semantic similarity
                 of semantic information during the execution of seman-                                     judgments. Activation was detected in several left ex-
                 tic tasks is the left inferior frontal cortex (BA 47). Inter-                              trasylvian temporal regions, in particular, the posterior
                 estingly, examination of the structural MRI indicated that                                 basal temporal (BA 37), posterior inferior parietal (BA
                 there was some preservation of tissue in this region (see                                  39), and anterior middle temporal (BA 21) cortices. As
                 Figure 1). One possibility then was that SW managed to                                     can be seen from Figure 3, some of this activity lay
                 perform the semantic tasks by activating peri-infarct tis-                                 around the areas that appeared damaged on the struc-

                 376       Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience                                                                                       Volume 11, Number 4
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Figure 2. The areas activated
                     (p < 0.05) during the seman-
                     tic decision task on models of
                     the left and right side of the
                     brain. The corresponding loca-
                     tions and z scores are given
                     in Table 2. The top row illus-
                     trates the normal system. The
                     second row illustrates the ar-
                     eas where SW activates nor-
                     mally, and the third row
                     illustrates the areas that SW

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                     fails to activate.

                     tural MRI scan, indicating peri-infarct activity in temporal                               These studies indicate that the extrasylvian temporal
                     and parietal regions. There was also signiªcant activation                                 regions are necessary for semantic processing. In con-
                     in right anterior middle temporal and medial superior                                      trast to these patients, structural imaging demonstrates
                     frontal cortices. This pattern of activation during seman-                                 that SW, who is good at semantic tasks, had viable tissue
                     tic decisions has been discussed previously by Vanden-                                     in both the left inferior temporal and posterior, inferior
                     berghe et al. (1996) and Price, Moore, Humphreys, and                                      parietal cortices. The neuropsychological interpretation
                     Wise (1997). Within the system activated by SW, we can                                     then is a double dissociation in function and lesion sites
                     make hypotheses as to which regions are necessary (or                                      for SW and semantically impaired aphasics, verifying the
                     not) by reference to previous neuropsychological                                           importance of the extrasylvian temporal regions for se-
                     ªndings. For example, patients with transcortical sensory                                  mantics. The functional imaging component of the study
                     aphasia have a severe deªcit in comprehension, and                                         takes the conclusions a stage further by demonstrating
                     lesions are distributed in the left inferior temporal lobe,                                that activity in the extrasylvian temporal and medial
                     the posterior, inferior parietal lobe (the junction of BA                                  superior frontal cortices is sufªcient to perform seman-
                     39 and 19), the left thalamus and the white matter                                         tic similarity judgments relative to physical size judg-
                     connecting these regions (Alexander, Hiltbrunner, & Fis-                                   ments.
                     cher, 1989). Hart and Gordon (1990) have also linked                                          We turn now to activity in the left inferior frontal
                     damage to the posterior inferior parietal lobe with com-                                   cortex—BA 47. Functional imaging studies of normal
                     prehension deªcits, and Hodges et al. (1992) report that                                   subjects have demonstrated repeatedly that this region
                     patients with semantic dementia have damage that com-                                      is more active during semantic tasks on words. For in-
                     mences in the anterior temporal cortex and extends                                         stance, it is activated signiªcantly by each of the normal
                     back along the ventral surface of the temporal lobe.                                       subjects in this study and in the study reported by

                                                                                                                                                        Price et al.   377
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Figure 3. The precise loca-
                 tion of the semantically re-
                 lated activation coregistered
                 onto a structural MRI of SW’s
                 brain. Section A shows areas
                 that SW was activating nor-
                 mally. Section B illustrates re-
                 gions that the normal controls
                 activated where there was no
                 activation for SW. As can be
                 seen, the functional deªcit cor-
                 responds to regions where

                                                                                                                                                                       Downloaded from by guest on 18 May 2021
                 there is reduced gray matter.

                 Vandenberghe et al. (1996). Nevertheless, as discussed in                                 though BA 47 normally becomes more active during the
                 the Introduction, although functional imaging experi-                                     semantic task than the control task, it does not play a
                 ments with normal subjects reveal distributed brain sys-                                  crucial role in performance accuracy. SW’s manual re-
                 tems that are sufªcient to perform a task, they do not                                    sponses were generally slower than normal, but this
                 establish the necessity of the subcomponents involved.                                    effect was not speciªc for semantic tasks (see Results).
                 By combining functional imaging and neuropsychology,                                      To distinguish whether the slower response times reºect
                 we have demonstrated that the inferior frontal cortex is                                  slowing of semantically related neural dynamics, an
                 not necessary for the types of semantic decision that SW                                  electrophysiological investigation would be required. In
                 is able to perform (see Table 1). Either (1) inferior frontal                             the absence of such, we cannot discount the possibility
                 activation seen in normal subjects is incidental to the                                   that normal function in BA 47 contributes to the
                 semantic component of task requirements or (2) the                                        efªciency of the semantic decisions. Indeed, one possi-
                 semantic system can adapt to emulate the same cogni-                                      bility is that the activity normally seen in BA 47 repre-
                 tive functionality in the absence of a viable frontal activ-                              sents a preparation for more effortful semantic tasks.
                 ity (for instance, in SW, the function of BA 47 may be                                    For instance, frontal lobe activity does appear to be
                 executed by the medial superior frontal cortex). In                                       necessary for tasks such as word generation or stem
                 either case inferior frontal activity is not necessary to                                 completion where performance is impaired following
                 complete the task.                                                                        left frontal damage. Recently, Buckner et al. (1996) used
                    Implicit and redundant language processing that is                                     functional neuroimaging to demonstrate that a patient
                 incidental to the demands of a task has been demon-                                       with left frontal lobe damage retained the ability to
                 strated previously when subjects were required only to                                    perform the stem completion task by activating the right
                 detect visual features in letter strings (Price et al., 1996).                            inferior frontal cortex. Stem completion involves the
                 In the present study, we have demonstrated that al-                                       production of words beginning with a particular letter

                 378       Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience                                                                                  Volume 11, Number 4
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combination (e.g., TRO . . .). This contrasts to the seman-                                essary for a task is generally uninteresting. However, the
                     tic similarity judgments described in this paper that rely                                 constraints provided by neuroimaging (that the region
                     on intact knowledge of objects but do not require word                                     was part of a sufªcient system) renders this information
                     retrieval.                                                                                 much more powerful. We conclude that functional brain
                        One other area of the semantically activated system—                                    architectures can be delineated by using neuroimaging
                     the right cerebellar cortex—also showed consistent ac-                                     data from (1) normal subjects to guide neuropsychologi-
                     tivation in all normal controls but an absence of                                          cal investigations and (2) patients who are not function-
                     activation in SW. Remarkably, the functional deªcit re-                                    ally impaired but have damage to regions hypothesized
                     vealed by the analysis of the positron emission tomogra-                                   to be important from normal data. The inferences drawn
                     phy (PET) images mirrored the structural deªcit revealed                                   from one group are only complete in the light of the

                                                                                                                                                                             Downloaded from by guest on 18 May 2021
                     by independent analysis of the MRI images. The reduced                                     other.
                     gray matter in the right cerebellar cortex is presumed to
                     result from atrophy following crossed cerebellar di-
                     aschisis (Dow & Moruzzi, 1958; Lenzi, Frackowiak, &
                     Jones, 1982; Feeney & Baron, 1986). Fiez et al. (1992)                                     The Patient
                     have reported a neuropsychological case study of a pa-
                                                                                                                SW, a right-handed male (date of birth 5/1/37), suffered
                     tient with a right cerebellar infarct. On nonmotor tasks,
                                                                                                                an extensive left middle cerebral artery infarct on May
                     the patient showed deªcits completing and learning the
                                                                                                                16, 1993. He was assessed at Charing Cross Hospital,
                     verb generation task but had normal or above normal
                                                                                                                London, and agreed to participate in a research project
                     behavior when performing standardized language tasks.
                                                                                                                that would monitor his language abilities both behavior-
                     In this instance, the behavioral investigation was moti-
                                                                                                                ally and with functional neuroimaging. The behavioral
                     vated by functional imaging studies showing activity in
                                                                                                                assessments investigated SW’s comprehension and
                     the right cerebellum during verbal ºuency. The behav-
                                                                                                                phonological skills in April 1994, August 1995, and July
                     ioral study then identiªed the role of the lesioned region.
                                                                                                                1997. At the time of the neuroimaging experiment (July
                     In the present study, we demonstrate that SW performed
                                                                                                                1997), SW was 50.5 years old.
                     the semantic similarity task without activating the right
                     lateralized cerebellar region as normals do. This might
                     indicate that the right cerebellum is not necessary for                                    Control Subjects
                     semantic similarity judgments. However, SW did activate
                     a more medial and more posterior cerebellar region (see                                    The six control subjects were all right-handed volunteers
                     Table 2), which may have taken over the function of the                                    with a mean age of 57 (ranging from 52 to 64). They had
                     right lateralized cerebellum. Therefore we do not at-                                      no history of neurological or psychiatric illness and gave
                     tempt to interpret these ªndings further.                                                  informed consent to participate in the project.
                        In summary, functional imaging data from our neuro-
                     psychological case has demonstrated that activity in the
                                                                                                                Language Assessment
                     left extrasylvian temporal, left posterior parietal, and me-
                     dial superior frontal cortices is sufªcient to make seman-                                 Single-word recognition and comprehension were as-
                     tic similarity judgments. Although the left inferior frontal                               sessed with (1) lexical decision, (2) the pyramids and
                     cortex was activated for semantic similarity judgments                                     palm trees test (Howard & Patterson, 1992), and (3)
                     on words for each of the six subjects in this study and                                    synonym judgments from the PALPA test battery (Kay,
                     each of the six subjects reported by Vandenberghe et al.                                   Lesser, & Coltheart, 1992). The lexical decision task in-
                     (1996), the same paradigm did not reveal any inferior                                      volved deciding whether visually presented letter strings
                     frontal activity in SW. The inferior frontal activity de-                                  were known words (e.g., Century) or not (e.g., Cen-
                     tected in all the normal subjects therefore appears not                                    mury); nonwords were pseudowords that differed from
                     to be necessary for the requirements of this speciªc                                       the words by only one letter. For the pyramids and palm
                     semantic task. Further investigations are needed to de-                                    trees test, a word is given (e.g., PYRAMID) and one of
                     termine whether there are patients who maintain the                                        two pictures (e.g., PALM TREE and DECIDUOUS TREE)
                     ability to perform semantic tasks in the context of left                                   must be selected on the basis of semantic association.
                     extrasylvian temporal, left posterior parietal, or medial                                  For synonym judgments, pairs of words are classiªed as
                     superior frontal damage. Such cases will enable us to                                      having similar meaning (e.g., IRONY and SARCASM) or
                     characterize in a more reªned way the subset of regions                                    different meaning (e.g., MOCKERY and NOTION).
                     that constitute a necessary and sufªcient semantic sys-                                       The sentence comprehension tasks from the PALPA
                     tem.                                                                                       test were used (Kay, Lesser, & Coltheart, 1992). This
                        Investigations of brain-damaged patients who are not                                    requires the patient to listen to or read a short sentence
                     functionally impaired on a task could facilitate a new                                     (e.g., “The man kicked the horse”), to look at three
                     avenue of neuropsychological enquiry. Without neuro-                                       pictures, and to point to the picture that accurately
                     imaging, the observation that a brain region is not nec-                                   depicts the scene described by the sentence.

                                                                                                                                                        Price et al.   379
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Phonological processing was assessed with spoken                                       expect the response to affect semantically related activ-
                 word to picture matching, rhyming tasks, and homo-                                        ity (but differences may be seen in the reaction times to
                 phone judgments. Tasks were from the PALPA test (Kay,                                     both tasks). In all other respects, the conditions for SW
                 Lesser, & Coltheart, 1992). In the rhyming task, SW either                                were identical to those of the normal controls. The target
                 listened to two words or read two words and then                                          stimuli were displayed 6.7° above the center of a screen
                 decided if they rhymed or not. During homophone judg-                                     at a distance of 45 cm, and the two choices were dis-
                 ments, two written words were presented and SW de-                                        played 5.6° below the center of the screen. For each run
                 cided if they were associated with the same sound or                                      (scan), there were 12 triads of stimuli from one of the
                 not (e.g., decide if BLUE sounds like BLEW).                                              four conditions. A new stimulus was presented every 5
                    Orthographic output processing was assessed with                                       to 8 sec. Conditions were presented in randomized and

                                                                                                                                                                          Downloaded from by guest on 18 May 2021
                 word copying, dictation to heard words, and dictation to                                  counterbalanced order.
                 seen pictures.                                                                               In the Results section, we focus on the word semantic
                                                                                                           task, which evoked reliable prefrontal activation in each
                                                                                                           of the normal controls. We do not discuss the results of
                 Structural MRI
                                                                                                           the picture semantic task in this paper because consis-
                 Structural magnetic resonance (MR) images were ob-                                        tent activation for the normal subjects was limited to
                 tained with a 2 T Magnetom VISION scanner (Siemens,                                       posterior structures (bilateral posterior parietal cortices,
                 Erlangen, Germany). The extent of the lesion was inves-                                   BA 39/19, and posterior temporal cortices, BA 37/21).
                 tigated by contrasting the gray/white matter density                                      Activation in the left inferior frontal activity for picture
                 with that of the six control subjects following stereotac-                                semantics only reached signiªcance in half the normal
                 tic normalization of each brain and smoothing with a                                      subjects. Furthermore, for the picture semantic task
                 12-mm ªlter. The technique used (voxel-based morphol-                                     there were no areas that were activated by all the normal
                 ogy) was implemented with Statistical Parametric Map-                                     controls but not SW.
                 ping (SPM97) as previously described (Wright et al.,
                                                                                                           Data Acquisition

                 Functional Neuroimaging with PET                                                          SW and each control subject underwent 12 PET scans
                                                                                                           indexing regional cerebral blood ºow (rCBF) over a 2-h
                 Tasks                                                                                     period with three scans per condition. Scans were ob-
                 The aim of the functional neuroimaging experiment was                                     tained using a Siemens/CPS ECAT EXACT HR+ (model
                 to identify regional activation associated with semantic                                  962) PET scanner (Siemens/CTI, Knoxville, TN) with
                 processing. Stimuli were objects from the Snodgrass and                                   collimating septa retracted. A 20-sec intravenous bolus of
                 Vanderwart stimulus set (1980). The four conditions                                       H215O at a concentration of 55 Mbq•ml-1 and a ºow rate
                 were chosen from a previous study by Vandenberghe et                                      of 10 ml•min-1 was injected through a forearm cannula.
                 al. (1996). The design was factorial with two factors (1)                                 The data were analyzed with statistical parametric
                 stimulus modality (either words or pictures) and (2) task                                 mapping (using SPM97 software from the Wellcome
                 (either semantic decisions or visual decisions). In each                                  Department       of   Cognitive Neurology, London,
                 task, triads of stimuli were presented with a target above                                http//www.ª implemented in Mat-
                 and two choices below. For the semantic decision, stim-                                   lab (Mathworks Inc. Sherborn, MA) using standardized
                 uli within a triad were different but all from the same                                   procedures (Friston et al., 1995a, 1995b). Following
                 category. The task was to select a choice item that had                                   realignment to correct for head movement, the images
                 the strongest semantic association with a target. Exam-                                   were coregistered into the same space as the MRI
                 ples of the stimuli are Target = TABLE, choices = SOFA                                    scan discussed above. For stereotactic normalization, pa-
                 and CHAIR. The correct answer is chair because you sit                                    rameters were determined from the more detailed struc-
                 at a table with a chair. For the visual decision, the stimuli                             ture in the T1-weighted MRI scans and then applied to
                 within each triad were identical except that they varied                                  the PET images. The normalized images were smoothed
                 in their actual size (i.e., the visual angle subtended on                                 with a 16-mm Gaussian ªlter resulting in an effective
                 the screen). The task was to select the choice item that                                  resolution of 9.5 mm in the statistical parametric map
                 sustained the most similar visual angle to the target.                                    (SPM).
                 Subjects were instructed to press the right key if the                                       The statistical analysis aimed to identify the regions
                 right stimulus was most related to the target and the left                                where SW showed (1) normal activation, (2) reduced
                 key if the left stimulus was most related to the target.                                  activation relative to normals, and (3) increased activa-
                 For the control subjects, the keys were in different                                      tion relative to normals. This was achieved in a multi-
                 hands; SW used two ªngers from his unaffected left hand                                   study design with replications and 49 degrees of
                 (his right hand was disabled due to hemiplegia). Because                                  freedom. Condition-speciªc effects were estimated in a
                 there were an equal number of right and left responses                                    subject-speciªc fashion for the six normal controls and
                 in the activation and baseline conditions, we would not                                   SW. This approach allowed us to distinguish areas that

                 380       Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience                                                                                    Volume 11, Number 4
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were activated by every subject from those where there                                     Acknowledgments
                     was intersubject variability, in particular where SW’s                                     The study was funded by the Wellcome Trust. We would also
                     activation pattern differed from that of each control                                      like to thank the radiographers for their help in the process of
                     subject. Condition and subject effects were estimated at                                   data acquisition and Richard Wise for referring the patient.
                     each voxel according to the general linear model, and
                     linear contrasts were used to test hypotheses about                                        Reprint requests should be sent to Cathy J. Price, Wellcome
                     regionally speciªc condition effects and subject by con-                                   Department of Cognitive Neurology, Institute of Neurology,
                     dition interactions (Friston et al., 1995b). The resulting                                 Queen Square, London WC1N 3BG, UK.
                     set of voxel values for each contrast constitute a SPM of                                  REFERENCES
                     the t statistic SPM{t}. Usually, with normal subjects, the

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