Detection of specific collagen types in normal and keratoconus corneas - IOVS

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Detection of specific collagen types in
                                      normal and keratoconus corneas
                                 David A. Newsome, Jean-Michel Foidart, John R. Hassell, Jay H. Krachmer,
                                               Merlyn M. Rodrigues, and Stephen I. Katz

                              Keratoconus is a corneal disease of unknown cause that involves a progressive thinning and.
                              scarring of the corneal connective tissue. We examined normal human and keratoconus cor-
                              neas, including one healed penetrating keratoplasty specimen. Organ cell cultures of normal
                              and keratoconus corneal specimens were labeled with radioactive proline and analyzed, by
                              CM-cellulose chromatography and slab gel electrophoresis to determine collagen biosynthesis.
                              Collagen types I and HI were synthesized in similar amounts by normal and keratoconus
                              stromacytes in culture. Specifically purified antibodies were used to determine the distribution
                              of collagen types in tissue sections by immunofluorescence. The distribution of collagen types I,
                              III, and IV in keratoconus was also similar to that in normal corneas, except that scarred
                              regions in keratoconus and at the host-graft: juncture were largely type HI. Immunofluorescent
                              reaction of the anti—type IV collagen antibodies with Bowman's layer, in particular, and
                              Descemet's membrane in keratoconus specimens indicated extensive destruction. Basement
                              membrane destruction may play an important role in this disease.

                                     Key words: keratoconus, corneal collagens, collagen types, immunofluorescence,
                                                   normal and abnormal corneal extracellular matrix

                        Ke.;ratoconus is a slowly progressive, seri-                tosomal recessive mode of inheritance has
                       ous corneal disorder of uncertain heritability               been postulated,1 most cases appear to be
                       and unknown cause. The clinical hallmark of                  sporadic. In other clinical reports, kera-
                       the disease is the irregular, cone-shaped pro-               toconus has been linked to a heritable disor-
                       trusion of the central cornea which results                  der of connective tissue, Ehlers-Danlos syn-
                       from weakening and thinning of the stromal                   drome.2"4
                       elements. Although the disease has been re-                     Extensive biomicroscopic and pathological
                       ported to exhibit familial patterns and an au-               studies of keratoconus have so far failed to
                                                                                    demonstrate conclusively whether the pri-
                                                                                    mary site of the disease is the corneal stroma
                        From the Section on Retinal and Ocular Connective Tis-      or the epithelium and its basement mem-
                          sue Diseases (D. N., J. H.) and Ocular Pathology          brane.5 Ectasia of the stroma likely involves
                          (M. R.), Clinical Branch, National Eye Institute, the     either primary or secondary alterations in its
                          Laboratory of Developmental Biology and Anomalies,        major structural macromolecules or in their
                          National Institute of Dental Research (J-M. F.), Der-
                          matology Branch, National Cancer Institute (S. K.),
                                                                                    interactions with other matrix elements. Col-
                          National Institutes of Health, Department of Health,      lagen, the most abundant stromal element
                          Education and Welfare, Bethesda, Md., and the De-         (about 71% of dry weight) has naturally
                          partment of Ophthalmology, University of Iowa              received much attention. Histopathological
                          (J. K.). J-M. F. is a Fellow of the FNRS in Belgium.       studies have documented stromal scarring
                        Submitted for publication July 5, 1979.
                        Reprint requests: Dr. David Newsome, Building 10,
                                                                                     and degradative changes in the stromal lamel-
                          Room 10 D-17, National Institutes of Health, Be-           lae but have been of little help in elucidating
                           thesda, Md. 20205.                                        pathogenetic mechanisms.

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                      Number 6                                       Collagen types in normal and keratoconus corneas               739

                             Fig. 1. Fluorescence micrograph of a frozen section of normal cornea reacted with anti-type
                             IV collagen antibodies demonstrates a wide, discrete area of fluorescence in the epithelial
                             basement membrane area. (x250.)

                         In the present study we have used spe-                    obtained at autopsy from individuals aged 7, 22, 28,
                      cifically purified antibodies to characterize                35, and 56 years. Corneoscleral specimens were
                      the distribution of collagen types in normal                 embedded in OCT embedding medium (Ames) and
                      human corneal and anterior scleral tissue as                 then frozen in liquid nitrogen. Frozen sections (4
                      well as in keratoplasty specimens from pa-                   jum thick) were transferred to albumin-coated glass
                                                                                   slides to serve as substrate for a modified direct
                      tients with well-documented keratoconus,
                                                                                   immunofluorescent staining reaction. Keratoconus
                      including one postmortem specimen from a                     specimens from patients in the age range 28 to 49
                      patient who had successful perforating kera-                 years, all with typical clinical criteria for the dis-
                      toplasty for keratoconus. We also charac-                     ease as documented by one of us (J. K.), were
                      terized biochemically the collagens synthe-                  placed into cold M-K corneal storage medium at
                      sized by normal and keratoconus stromal                      the time of surgery or autopsy and embedded,
                      cells and normal scleral cells. Our data dem-                 frozen, and sectioned within 20 hr by the methods
                      onstrate the cornea-specific distribution of                  described above. The keratoconus specimens had
                      collagen types as well as some alterations in                 variable amounts of obvious scarring; all had irregu-
                      collagenous components in keratoconus speci-                  lar thinning and Fleisher pigmented rings.
                       mens.                                                           Corneal stromal cell cultures were established as
                                                                                    previously described6 from explants of pure stroma
                      Materials and methods
                                                                                    prepared under a dissecting stereomicroscope.
                         Corneal specimens. Five normal and five kera-              Cell cultures were similarly started from cleanly
                      toconus corneas were studied. Normal tissue was               dissected explants of sclera and conjunctival

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                               Fig. 2. Fluorescence micrograph of a frozen section of keratoconus cornea reacted with anti-
                               type IV collagen antibodies demonstrates a marked reduction in and discontinuity of the
                               amount ol fluorescence in the epithelial basement membrane area as compared with that seen
                               in the normal specimen in Fig. 1. (X500.)

                        stroma. Primary outgrowths of cells as well as cells         umn (1.6 by 5 cm) as described elsewhere, which
                        in the third serial passage forming confluent layers         permitted an average (n = 4) recovery of 74% of
                        were used. Cells were maintained in polystyrene              applied counts. 7 " 9 Peak fractions in the effluent
                        culture dishes (Falcon) in Eagle's minimal essen-            were pooled, lyophilized, and electrophoresed in
                        tial medium with 5% fetal calf serum, 100 u/m]               the presence of 0.05M urea on sodium dodecyl
                        penicillin, and 50 /ng/ml streptomycin, and ex-              sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide slab gels.10 Purified
                        posed to 37°, 100% humidity, and a 95% air-5%                types I and III collagen standards were included
                        CO2 atmosphere. Confluent cultures were ra-                  with each electrophoresis. Reduced samples were
                        diolabeled by 24 hr incubation in serum-free                 obtained by dividing the original 250 /xl samples
                        Dulbecco-Vogt medium (NIH) with 100 ju.Ci/ml                 into two and adding 5 ju.1 of/3-mercaptoethanol to
                          H-proline (NET-323; New England Nuclear, Bos-              one set of the samples. After electrophoresis the
                        ton), 100 jti.g/ml vitamin C, and 50 yu-g/ml                 gels were stained with Coomassie blue and were
                        /3-aininoproprionitrile fumarate as a lathyrogen.            impregnated with 2,5-diphenyloxazole (PPO) in
                        Medium and cells together with carrier collagen              dimethylsulfoxide. Autofluororadiograms on Ko-
                        from skins of lathyritic rats were extracted in 0.5M         dak X-Omat film were prepared by exposing the
                        acetic acid containing 1.0 mg/ml pepsin. The colla-          film at —74° for periods up to 7 days.
                        gen was purified by NaCl precipitations (25%; two               Preparation of antigens. Types I and 111 colla-
                        precipitations) in the presence of carrier collagen          gens were isolated from fetal calf skin,8 type II
                        from skins of lathyritic rats and eluted from a car-         from a rat chondrosarcoma," and type IV from a
                        boxymethyl (CM)-cellulose chromatography col-                murine sarcoma.12 Type I procollagen was ex-

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                       Number 6                                       Collagen types in normal and keratoconus corneas 741

                       tracted from the skin of dermatosporactic calves             Table I. Distribution of ocular connective
                       and was a gift from Dr. C. M. Lapiere. Type III              tissue proteins in normal and
                       procollagen was purified from fetal calfskin. 8 The          keratoconus specimens as detected
                       identity and purity of the collagens was deter-
                                                                                    by immunofluorescence
                       mined by amino acid analysis after hydrolysis in
                       6N HC1 at 110° for 18 hr ; by CM-cellulose and                             Site                    Proteins detected
                       diethylaminoethyl-cellulose elution profiles, and
                                                                                      Cornea] epithelium                No reaction for
                       by SDS-polyacrylamide slab gel electrophoresis
                       with and without /3-mercaptoethanol reduction                  Cornea! epithelial basement       Type IV collagen
                       and with and without cyanogen bromide diges-                     membrane
                       tion. Human fibronectin was purified from fresh                Cornea! stroma*                  Type 1 collagen;
                       human plasma by affinity chromatography on a                                                    fibronectin
                                                                                      Descemet's membrane              Type IV collagen;
                       gelatin column. The material eluted with 1M po-                                                 fibronectin
                       tassium bromide was electrophoresed after reduc-               Corneal scars                    Type III collagen;
                       tion of the disulfide bonds with 20 mM dithio-                                                  some type I
                       treitol. The 220,000 dalton chain of fibronectin               Conjunctival blood vessels       Type IV collagen
                       was eluted from slices of the acrylamide gels and              Sclera                           Type III collagen;
                                                                                                                       some type I
                       used to immunize rabbits.
                           Preparation of antibodies to collagens. Rabbits          *Type III collagen has been extracted from corneal stroma and
                                                                                    characterized biochemically but was not reliably detected by
                       or guinea pigs were immunized by repeated sub-               immunofluorescence in our studies.
                       cutaneous or foot pad injections of 0.5 to 5.0 mg of
                       the antigen in Freund's complete adjuvant.                   significant inhibition was observed when the anti-
                       Antibodies were isolated and purified by cross-              body was preincubated with the heterologous col-
                       immunoabsorption and checked for cross-reac-                 lagen. Indirect immunofluorescence studies were
                       tivity to collagen and proteoglycans by indirect             performed on fresh-frozen sections of human skin,
                       immunofluorescence, micropassive hemaggluti-                 liver, tendon, and spleen. They established that
                       nation assay,13 and radioimmunoassay. Antibodies             the purified antibodies reacted only with those
                       to collagens were purified from the antisera by              structures known to contain these molecules. Fi-
                       affinity chromatography and cross-immunoab-                  nally, indirect immunofluorescence blocking and
                       sorption. H Serum from immunized animals was                 competition studies confirmed the specificity of
                       passed sequentially over columns of types II and             the anti-type I and anticollagen antibodies, since
                       III collagen and types IV and V collagens which              a preincubation with the specific antigen blocked
                       had been covalently bound to Sepharose 4B. The               the binding of antibodies to known high-affinity
                       unbound material was then passed over a type I               substrates. For example, a preincubation with
                       collagen column which was extensively rinsed                 type I collagen blocked the binding of anti-type I
                       with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS). Antibodies             collagen antibodies to human skin but did not in-
                       were eluted from the column with 0.5N acetic                 terfere with the binding of anti-type III collagen
                       acid-0.5M NaCl. This eluate was neutralized with             antibody.
                       3M Tris, dialyzed against PBS, and concentrated                   Preparation of antibodies to fibronectin.
                       by filtration on a UM20 Amicon filter. Antibodies             Specific antibody to fibronectin was purified by
                       to the other antigens were purified according to a           affinity chromatography. H Serum from im-
                       similar protocol.                                             munized rabbits was passed over a column of
                           Testing of antibodies to collagens. The spe-              fibronectin which had been covalently bound to
                       cificity of the antibodies was determined by radio-           Sepharose 4B. The unbound material was then
                       immunoassay (RIA), by immunofluorescence la-                  washed away with PBS. Antibody to fibronectin
                       beling of target tissues, and by enzyme-linked                was then eluted from the column with 0.5M acetic
                       immunoabsorbent assay (ELISA) as reported pre-                acid, pH 2.9, neutralized with 3M Tris, dialyzed
                       viously.15 For RIA, types I and III collagens were            against PBS, and concentrated on a UM20 Amicon
                       labeled with iodine-125 by the chloramine-T                   filter.
                       method16 (sp. act. 1 to 2 fxCi/ixg). The RIA was                  Testing of antibody to fibronectin. The spec-
                       performed according to the method of Rohde et                 ificity of the antibody was determined by RIA, by
                       al. 17 In quantitative inhibition tests preincubation         ELISA, 15 by radial immunodiflusion according to
                       of the purified antibody with increasing amounts              Ouchterlony, and by immunoelectrophoresis. For
                       of the autologous collagen inhibited the binding of           RIA, labeled fibronectin was purified from the cul-
                       the antibody with the labeled antigen, whereas no             ture medium of human fibroblasts grown with

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                       742 Newsome et al.                                                                                          June 1981

                              Fig, 3. Inset of the superficial area of a scarred keratoconus cornea shows distruption (asterisk)
                              of Bowman's layer (arrows) and superficial stromal fibrosis. E, epithelium; S, stroma. (To-
                              luidine blue; X350.) The transmission electron micrograph demonstrates irregular subepithe-
                              lial connective tissue excrescences in the basal epithelium (E). Bowman's layer is replaced by
                              irregular connective tissue. F, fibroblast. (x27,000.)

                       [U- 3 H]leucine. l8 Fibronectin was also labeled             nodiffusion and immunoelectrophoresis a single
                       with l2oI by the chloraniine-T method. 16 Preincu-           line of precipitation was obtained with an an-
                       bation of the antibody with other antigens, includ-          tifibronectin antibody and purified fibronectin or
                       ing types I and III collagens, laminin, and type IV          normal human serum.
                       collagen, did not inhibit the binding of the anti-               Immunofluorescence reaction. Modified direct
                       bodv to labeled fibronectin. Bv radial immu-                 immunofluorescent staining was performed on

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                       Number 6                                       Collagen types in normal and keratoconus corneas           743

                              Fig. 4. These sections of a healed perforating keratoplasty specimen from a patient with
                              keratoconus were reacted with anti-type I (A) and anti-type III (B) antibodies. Note the
                              strongfluorescenceof the scar with anti-type III and the similarity of staining of the graft and
                              host stromas with both antibodies. (X300.)

                       sections of cornea and corneoscleral tissue with             area was strikingly decreased and irregular
                       antibodies and control sera in two dilutions: 10 and         (Fig- 2).
                       20 /Ag/ml PBS. After a 30 min incubation the sec-               Bowman's layer. Bowman's layer reacted
                       tions were washed in PBS and then exposed to                 similarly with antibodies to types I and III
                       fluorescein-conjugated goat-anti-rabbit immuno-              collagen as did the anterior stroma. How-
                       globulin for 30 min, washed again in PBS, and                ever, the positivity for anti-type I was
                       mounted with glycerine. Specimens were exam-
                                                                                    noticeably reduced as compared with more
                       ined with a Leitz ultraviolet microscope equipped
                       with a camera attachment and a BG 12 filter. Ex-             posterior layers of the stroma. Bowman's
                       posures were made with an automatic exposure                 layer reacted more strongly with antibody to
                       meter on Kodak Ektachrome 200 film.                          fibronectin than did the stroma. Except for
                                                                                    the presence of type Ill-containing scars that
                        Results                                                     included part of the Bowman's area in some
                          With the use of the techniques described                  keratoconus specimens, there was no differ-
                       herein it was not generally possible to assess               ence between the types of detectable colla-
                       immunofluorescent reactivity quantitatively.                 gens in the normal and keratoconus material.
                       We were able to localize the heterogeneous                   The histological appearance of a typical scar
                       population of human corneal collagens to                      can be seen in Fig. 3.
                       specific sites, This distribution is summarized                  Corneal stroma. In both normal and kera-
                       in Table I.                                                   toconus tissue the stroma was strongly posi-
                          Corneal epithelium. The epithelial layer it-               tive for type I. Procollagen type I reaction
                       self did not react with any antibodies. This                 was consistently weaker in all specimens of
                       finding was similar in normal and keratoco-                   cornea. In some of the heavily scarred
                       nus corneas. The zone just deep to the epi-                   keratoconus specimens there was a patchy
                       thelium showed a strong reaction with an-                     increase in detectable procollagen type I in
                       tibodies to type IV collagen {Fig. 1). In the                 the subepithelial anterior stroma.
                       keratoconus specimens with more advanced                         Type III collagen was not clearly detected
                       stromal thinning, the,reaction with anti-type                 in the normal corneal stroma by fluorescence
                       IV in the epithelial basement membrane                         methods. Consistent reactivity in normal tis-

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                        744 Newsome et al.                                                                                       June 1981

                              Fig. 5. Fluorescence micrographs (A, X450; B, X300) of a section of normal cornea reacted
                              with antifibronectin antibody exhibits fluorescent anterior and posterior portions of Des-
                              cemet's membrane identical to that pattern seen with anti-type IV antibodies. Right panel,
                              Transmission electron micrograph of normal tissue. The fluorescence pattern was seen in both
                              normal and undisrupted keratoconus Descemet's membrane and may correspond to the nor-
                              mal 100 nm wide-spaced collagen arrow zone (immiinoHuorescent dark interleaf) and anterior
                              and posterior granular basement membrane-like zones of material. S, stroma; DM, posterior
                              Descemet's membrane; E, endothelial cell. (x30,000,) Fibronectin is also detectable in stroma
                              itself in the fluorescence micrographs.

                        sues was detected only on the edges of                       specimen the healed junction between donor
                        stromal lamellae. No differences were visible                keratoconus recipient reacted strongly with
                        between the reaction for type III and procol-                antibodies to type III and procollagen type
                        lagen type III in normal and keratoconus un-                 III. The zone of scarring extended into both
                        scarred stroma.                                              the host and donor tissues (Fig. 4). Type III
                           In the specimen of a successful graft of                  collagen could be clearly detected also in the
                        normal donor into a keratoconus corneal bed,                 more thinned and scarred keratoconus spec-
                        both areas showed the same reaction with                     imens as patches corresponding to stromal
                        antibodies to types I and III. In the grafted                scars.

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                       Number 6                                       Collagen types in normal and keratoconus corneas 745

                              Fig. 6. Fluorescence micrograph of a normal sclerocorneal section reacted with anti—type III
                              antibodies reveals strong fluorescence in Tenon's and the sclera at the liinbal transition zone.
                              Note the relative lack of reaction in the clear cornea (C). This strong reaction was evident in all
                              areas of sclera studied in normals and keratoconus. (X450.)

                          Both normal and keratoconus corneal stro-                 Descemet's membrane was often irregular,
                       mas exhibited high levels of detectable                      and the laminar pattern less defined. This
                       fibronectin. There was a particularly concen-                finding appeared to be associated with the
                       trated positive reaction at the level of the                 frequent folds in Descemet's membrane near
                       stroma adjacent to Descemet's membrane and                   the thinned stroma.
                       in the epithelial and Descemet's basement                        Normal Descemet's membrane had de-
                       membrane areas themselves (Fig. 5).                          finitely detectable fibronectin by the immu-
                          Descemet's membrane. Descemet's mem-                      nofluorescent stain. The distinctive laminar
                       brane reacted strongly with antibodies to                    pattern was present, with more intense stain-
                       type IV collagen, exhibiting a striking lami-                ing on the stromal as compared with the endo-
                       nar pattern with bright fluorescence on the                  thelial surface. The interruption of the pattern
                       stromal and endothelial faces and a dark, ap-                of fibronectin reaction in most of the
                       parently unstained interleaf (Fig. 5). When                  keratoconus specimens was in contrast to the
                       measured on a fluorescence micrograph, the                   picture in the normal tissues (Fig. 5).
                       bright leaves each were about 1 /am wide at                      Sclera. Normal human sclera had a pre-
                       4x, and the dark interleaf 2 /xm. These rela-                ponderance of detectable type III collagen
                       tive widths were comparable to the three                     over type I collagen. This pattern, opposite
                       anatomical zones discernible ultrastructural-                to that seen in the corneal stroma, was most
                       ly: the anterior zone of granular basement                   apparent at the scleral spur region, where the
                       membrane-like material at the stromal inter-                 two tissues are juxtaposed (Fig. 6). Procolla-
                       faces, the middle zone of wide-spaced colla-                  gen type I reaction was consistently weaker in
                       gen, and the posterior zone of basement                       all scleral specimens than that of type I itself.
                       membrane-like material (Fig. 5). In kerato-                      Conjunctiva. Normal human conjunctival
                       conus specimens, the staining pattern of                      stroma reacted strongly with antibodies to

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                       746 Newsome et at.                                                                                       June 1981

                                                                                    type I collagen. Walls of blood vessels in the
                                                                                    conjunctiva had clearly detectable type IV
                                                                                    collagen and fibronectin. The conjunctival
                                                                                    epithelium itself did not react with any an-
                           30,000                                                      Identification of collagen synthesized in
                                                                                    vitro. Normal and keratoconus corneal
                           20,000                                                   stromal cells synthesized both types I and III
                                                                                    collagen in vitro. The presence of these two
                           10,000 -
                                                                                    collagens was confirmed by the elution posi-
                                                                                    tion from CM-cellulose columns (Fig. 7) and
                                                                                    SDS slab gel electrophoresis patterns. SDS
                                                                                    gel profiles of the migration patterns of
                                                                                    pooled fractions from the three collagenous
                                                                                    peaks seen on CM-cellulose chromatography
                       B                                                            showed co-migration of peak 1 collagen
                            50,000 r
                                                                                    chains with purified alpha 1 (I) collagen and
                                                                                    peak 3 with authentic alpha 2 collagen chains
                                                                                    (Fig. 8). Peak 2 materials migrated largely
                                                                                    with the standard type III and exhibited
                            30,000 •
                                                                                    disappearance of the trimeric form when
                                                                                    electrophoresed under reducing conditions
                            20,000 •
                                                                                    (Fig. 8).
                             10,000 •                                                  The ratio of type I to type III collagen as
                                                                                    determined from the CM-cellulose profiles
                                                                                    was 10:1 for normal corneal tissue and 9:1
                                                                                    for keratoconus tissues (average offivespec-
                                                                                    imens). The preponderance of type III colla-
                                                                                    gen in the sclera was demonstrated by a ratio
                             12,500                                                 of 2.1:1, type I to type III (average of five
                                                                                    specimens). An example of this large amount
                             10.000                                                 of type III collagen synthesized by scleral
                                                                                    fibroblasts in culture can be seen in Fig. 7.
                               7500                                                 The material from peak 2 of the chromato-
                                                                                    gram of the scleral collagens again showed
                                                                                    reduction with beta-mercaptoethanol when
                                                                                    subjected to SDS gel electrophoresis.
                               2500 -
                                              20       30    40
                                                                                        Corneal transparency depends upon the
                                                   TUBE NUMBER
                                                                                     orderly deposition of collagen and glycocon-
                                                                                     jugates in the stroma.19' 20 Maintenance of
                       Fig. 7. CM-cellulose chromatograms demonstrate                transparency must depend, at least in part,
                       the elution profiles of the radioactively labeled col-        on the controlled turnover of this extracel-
                       lagens synthesized by cultured corneal stroma-                lular matrix. Collagens, the most plentiful
                       cytes from normal (A) and keratoconus (B) corneas
                       and sclera (C). Arrows indicate the elution posi-
                                                                                     group of structural macromolecules in the
                       tions of the carrier rat skin type I collagen peaks.          corneal stroma, are present largely as fibrillar
                       Note the large peak containing the type III colla-            proteins that interact with the stroma-specific
                       gen in C and the similarities of the profiles in A            proteoglycans to produce a normal optically
                       and B.                                                         useful stroma. Thus modifications of the

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Volume 20
                    Number 6                                       Collagen types in normal and keratoconus corneas

                                     Type Id

                                                      1                                  1R        2R         3R
                           Fig. 8. Fluororadioautograph of an SDS-polyacrylamide slab gel of the collagen chains eluted
                           in the three peaks of the CM-cellulose chromatogram demonstrates the presence of the types I
                           and III collagen synthesized by cultured keratoconus stromaeytes. 1, Pooled fractions from
                           the a-1 peak region; 2, pooled from the interpeak; 3, pooled from the a-2 peak. Note the
                           disappearance of the type III trimer after reduction with b- mercaptoethanol (2R). The posi-
                           tion of the radiolabeled type III collagen was identical to that of coelectrophoresed authentic
                           type III, as was that of the labeled type I. These patterns were similar between normal and
                           keratoconus cell synthetic products; the scleral samples had more prominent type III bands on
                           the gels.

                    types of collagens synthesized or defects in                 matrix, as in Ehlers-Danlos type IV, where
                    posttranslational processing of the molecule                 the synthesis of type III collagen is low to
                    could lead to corneal disease.                               absent. 27 Maumenee 28 reported that two
                       Recent advances in collagen characteriza-                 keratoconus corneal specimens contained in-
                    tion have revealed that there are at least four              creased type III collagen as detected by im-
                    genetically distinct types which are now re-                 munofluoesence. In our specimens type III
                    ferred to as types I, II, III, and IV.21 The                 collagen was not reliably detected in unin-
                    tissue-specific distribution of collagen types               volved corneal stroma. We did demonstrate
                    appears to play an important role in mor-                    collections of type III collagen in keratoconus
                    phogenesis, particularly in the cornea,22'23< 27             corneal scars and at the site of host-graft
                    and in association with the sensory retina. 24 ' 25          wound healing in a perforating keratoplasty
                        Corneal stromal matrix stability may de-                 specimen. Type III collagen has previously
                    pend in part upon the proportion of the types                been reported in scars in nonocular tissues,
                    of collagen present. We have shown that                      even those such as tendon which do not nor-
                    there are two major collagen types synthe-                    mally have type III. 29
                    sized in vitro by normal and keratoconus cor-                   The presence of type III collagen in normal
                    nea cells, with a similar proportion of types I              cornea, including human, has been contro-
                    and III in both. This mixture of types I and                  versial,30' 3l and type V collagen preliminarily
                     III is similar to the collagens that accumulate              identified.32 Type III had been identified in
                    in vivo and have been extracted and iden-                     bovine material,33 and type V in lapine. 32
                    tified.26 It is possible that an alteration in the            Newsome et al. 26 have recently submitted
                    proportion of these major collagen compo-                     evidence from collagenase sensitivity, cyano-
                    nents could destabilize the connective tissue                 gen bromide peptides, trypsin sensitivity,

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                       and slab gel electrophoresis with and without                epithelial areas of either the normal or
                       reduction identifying types III and V in nor-                keratoconus specimens.
                       mal human cornea. These data support the                        The laminar staining pattern of Descemet's
                       observations of others noted above. Differ-                  membrane may indicate a regional distribu-
                       ences with other reports30 may be due at least               tion of type IV collagen and of the noncol-
                       partially to technique, since type III is heav-              lagenous fibronectin within the membrane.
                       ily crosslinked and difficult to extract from                Such a specific distribution could explain, at
                       native tissues. It is more difficult to explain              least in part, the distinct ultrastructure of this
                       the conflict of the present data from cul-                   membrane. Jakus38 and later Hay and Revel39
                       tures,31 since extraction is not a problem in                described the approximately 100 nm period-
                       vitro. We used different media with a short                  icity of the anterior third of Descemet's
                       labeling period and early passage cells, in                  membrane, presumably reflecting the pack-
                       contrast to Stoesser et al.34 In the present                 ing of membrane subunits in this area. Such
                       study preliminary results with anti-type V                   orderly packing could be in response to the
                       antibodies revealed a positive reaction pat-                 presence here of type IVfibrilsor aggragates.
                       tern identical to that for type IV in both nor-              The interface between the stroma and
                       mal and keratoconus corneas. We have not                     Descemet's membrane is also distinguished
                       emphasized these results, since our anti-                    ultrastructurally. Patchy, basement mem-
                       bodies were not, at the time of this work,                   brane-like material has been reported here
                       rigorously proved to be completely specific.                 by transmission electron microscopy. The
                        Subsequent purification has, however, con-                  strong reaction in this region with an-
                        firmed the type V specificity (J-M. F., un-                 tifibronectin suggests that this material con-
                       published data).                                             sists, at least in part, of fibronectin. The pre-
                           Our results emphasize some similarities                  cise localization of fibronectin within the
                       and indicate certain differences between the                 basement membrane-like material at the
                       developing chick cornea and human tissue.                     stromal-Descemet's interface must await ul-
                       Type I collagen was the major detectable col-                 trastructural studies.
                       lagen in our study of the human corneal                          Type IV collagen was also prominently de-
                        stroma, a finding corresponding to what has                  tected at the interface of the endothelium with
                        been reported for chick.35 Type III collagen                 Descemet's membrane. This observation
                        is a small component of the human cornea                     offers further evidence that this cell layer, so
                        but is reportedly absent in the chick. The                   important to the maintenance of proper cor-
                        synthesis of both types I and III by a uniform               neal hydration, synthesizes basement mem-
                        cell population has not been previously re-                  brane.40' 41 The presence offibronectinhere in
                        ported for corneal stromacytes but is known                  posterior Descemet's membrane is consistent
                        to occur with smooth muscle cells36 and                      with its detection in a wide variety of human
                        fibroblasts.29 We could not reliably detect                  basement membranes.42 This protein is also
                        type III collagen in all normal stromas,                     commonly associated with and synthesized by
                        perhaps due to the limits of the immu-                       fibroblasts (for review, see ref. 43). It is possi-
                        nofluorescent reaction. Factors such as mask-                ble that the stromacytes synthesize the
                        ing of type III by other matrix components                   fibronectin that accumulates in Descemet's
                         may also have influenced its detectability.                 membrane. However, the corneal endothe-
                            Type II collagen is in the chick a promi-                lium is embryologically derived from the
                         nent component of Bowman's layer, the sub-                  neural crest, as are the stromacytes proper,44
                         epithelial stroma, and Descemet's mem-                      and thus may share common attachment pro-
                         brane.35 The presence of type II-bearing                    teins. This observation contrasts with the ap-
                         primary corneal stroma, thought to be critical              pearance of the epithelial basement mem-
                         to the morphogenesis of the adult stroma in                 brane area which had no detectable fibronec-
                         the chick, has not been confirmed in human                  tin. And, of course, the epithelium is not a
                         tissue (for review, see ref. 37). We could not              neural crest derivative.
                         demonstrate type II in the Bowman's or sub-                    The striking amount of type III collagen in

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Volume 20
                       Number 6                                       Collagen types in normal and keratoconus corneas                       749

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