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 By Dong-Hyeok Kwon and Alistair Ritchie                                                                                 June 2021

ABOUT THE AUTHORS                 INTRODUCTION                                    more in GHG reduction technologies.
Dong-Hyeok Kwon is
                                  Emissions trading systems (ETS) are increas-    Grandfathering (GF), on the other hand,
Head of the Climate and                                                           provides free allowances based on the level
Environment Division at           ingly being introduced as a way of cost-ef-
                                  fectively reducing greenhouse gas (GHG)         of historic emissions. This rewards compa-
Eco&Partners2OC based
in Seoul, Korea. He is a          emissions to meet ambitious national            nies with high historic emissions, which are
leading expert on Korea’s         climate change targets, including Nationally    likely to have invested less in GHG reduc-
climate and environmental
                                  Determined Contributions and net-zero           tion technologies. Therefore, BM-based
policy development and led                                                        allocation is generally regarded as a more
major studies for the Korean      long-term goals under the Paris Agreement.
                                  A key concern for governments and indus-        superior method than GF in terms of fair-
Ministry of Environment
in the development of             try, however, is how to protect industry’s      ness. However, it is also considered more
benchmark-based allocation        global competitiveness and prevent “carbon      difficult to design and implement.
under the Korean emissions        leakage”, that is, the transfer of production
trading system.                                                                   This policy paper shows how in the latest
                                  to world regions with less ambitious climate
                                                                                  phase of Korea’s ETS (K-ETS), BM-based
Alistair Ritchie is Director      policies that would lead to an increase in
                                                                                  allocation has been successfully imple-
of Asia-Pacific Sustainability    total emissions. To address this concern,
at the Asia Society Policy                                                        mented with some of the country’s largest
                                  ETS allowances are typically allocated for
Institute (ASPI). He has led                                                      and most carbon leakage–exposed industrial
                                  free to GHG-intensive or trade-intensive
major projects in Korea and                                                       sectors, including steel and petrochemicals.
China on implementation of        industries at risk of carbon leakage.1
                                                                                  The lessons learned from this experience
emissions trading systems
                                  Different approaches to free allocation lead    offer the following recommendations for
and was formerly an advisor
for the European Commission       to different financial impacts on companies     jurisdictions planning to introduce effective
in developing the EU              and rewards for low carbon action. Hence,       free allocation systems:
emissions trading system.
                                  this becomes a contentious and important        • Use BM-based allocation as the free allo-
                                  topic. Benchmark (BM)-based allocation            cation method, and ensure key details are
POLICY INSTITUTE                  provides free allowances based on a com-          specified in the ETS legislation.
With a solution-oriented          pany’s level of production multiplied by an
mandate, the Asia Society         emissions intensity benchmark. Companies        • Develop BM values for products associ-
Policy Institute (ASPI) tackles   with high emissions intensity will get rela-      ated with significant emissions.
major policy challenges           tively fewer free allowances compared with
confronting the Asia-Pacific                                                      • Determine a level of the BM value in a
                                  their emissions and will have to buy allow-
in security, prosperity,                                                            practical way, while seeking to be as ambi-
sustainability, and the           ances in the carbon market to make up for
                                                                                    tious as possible.
development of common             any deficit, whereas companies with low
norms and values for the          emissions intensity will get relatively more    • Design the monitoring, reporting, and
region.                           and can sell any surplus allowances. As such,     verification (MRV) system to reflect the
                                  this rewards companies with low emissions         boundaries of BM products from the
                                  intensity, which are likely to have invested      beginning of the ETS. | | @AsiaPolicy            ©2021 The Asia Society. All rights reserved.
   AsiaSociety.or g/Policy-Ins titute | | @AsiaPolicy

The K-ETS covers                         • Adopt a consistent and coordinated                                              The cap is composed of ex ante allocation
                                           approach in the process of consulting                                           amounts for existing facilities (free allo-
more than 70% of                           with industry sectors and developing the                                        cation and auctioning) and a reserve for
Korea’s total GHG                          BM-based allocation methodology.                                                new and expanded facilities.4 The share of
                                                                                                                           auctioning is gradually increasing under
emissions.                               1. BACKGROUND                                                                     the K-ETS to strengthen the carbon price
                                         The K-ETS is the first national ETS in East                                       signal and provide funds for investment in
                                         Asia and has been operating since 2015. It                                        low carbon technologies. 10% of the ex ante
                                         covers all entities emitting at least 125,000                                     allocation will be auctioned in Phase 3, with
                                         tCO2e per year or having an installation                                          the remainder (90%) being allocated for
                                         emitting at least 25,000 tCO2e per year and                                       free. For the sectors deemed to be exposed
                                         six greenhouse gases.2 The K-ETS covers                                           to a significant risk of carbon leakage, 100%
                                         more than 70% of Korea’s total GHG                                                of ex ante allocation is allocated for free.
                                         emissions. It was preceded by the Target                                          The auctioning share is expected to increase
                                         Management System (TMS), which was                                                further in Phase 4, with free allocation
                                         implemented in 2012 and provided valu-                                            decreasing.
                                         able training in GHG emissions monitor-
                                         ing, reporting, and verification.3                                                2. BM-BASED ALLOCATION IN
                                                                                                                           KOREA’S ETS
                                         The K-ETS has an absolute and declin-
                                         ing cap based on the share of K-ETS enti-                                         Expansion of BM-Based Allocation
                                         ties’ historic emissions compared with total                                      The initial and default method of free allo-
                                         national emissions, multiplied by the total                                       cation under the K-ETS is grandfather-
                                         national GHG emission targets in the rel-                                         ing, with BM-based allocation gradually
                                         evant years. Following the announcement                                           expanding as shown in Table 1. In Phases
                                         of Korea’s net-zero GHG emission goal by                                          1 (2015–17) and 2 (2018–20), BM-based
                                         2050, medium-term targets are expected to                                         allocation was applied to sectors where
                                         be tightened to align with this goal, leading                                     it was easiest to do so (where little or no
                                         to a consequent tightening in the K-ETS cap.                                      change to existing MRV data was necessary

1   The alternative to free allocation                             TABLE 1: EXPANSION OF BM-BASED ALLOCATION IN K-ETS
    is auctioning, which should be
    applied to sectors that can pass        SECTORS                                                           PHASE 1               PHASE 2                PHASE 3                PHASE 4
    their carbon costs to customers                                                                           2015-17               2018-20                2021-25                2026-30
    and the share of auctioning should
    be increased as much as possible       CEMENT, OIL REFINERIES,
    over time to more completely           & DOMESTIC AVIATION
    adopt the polluter-pays principle
    and drive low carbon action.           + POWER, DISTRICT HEAT,
2   CO 2 , CH4, N2 O, HFCs, PFCs,          & WASTE b
    and SF6
                                           + STEEL, PETROCHEMICALS,
3   The TMS still continues for            PAPER, BUILDINGS, & WOOD
    smaller emitters outside the scope
    of the K-ETS.                          ALL SECTORS
4   Additional reserves, covering
    market stabilization, market         a The confirmation of sectors for which BM-based allocation applies is given in the National Allocation Plan for each phase, following consent of the
    making, and liquidity manage-         relevant industry sectors.
    ment, are outside the cap.           b Electricity consumption at sewage treatment plant.

     Developing Effective Benchmark-Based Allocation for Industrial Sectors: The Case of the Korean ETS                                                                                  Page 2

Steel and                        as it aligned well with the BM boundary                    various methods can be used. For Phases
                                 – such as cement, aviation, power, district                1–3, the BM value is based on the weight-
petrochemicals                   heat, and waste) and where companies                       ed-average emissions intensity of all facilities
are Korea’s largest              requested it (such as oil refineries). Further             making the BM product, as shown in Box 1.
                                 expansion in Phase 3 to sectors such as steel
industrial GHG                   and petrochemicals was more challenging,                   The key advantages of this approach to
                                 as these sectors are far more complex than                 determining the level of BM value are sim-
emitting sectors.                                                                           plicity and the enabling of the develop-
                                 previous ones to apply BM-based allocation
                                 in that some significant modifications to                  ment of BM values even in sectors with a
                                 existing MRV data are required.                            small number of facilities. The disadvan-
                                                                                            tage is that the level is not very ambitious.
                                 Examples of facilities in the steel and pet-               However, as with other ETS with an abso-
                                 rochemical sectors in Korea are shown in                   lute cap, the cap ultimately determines
                                 Figures 1 and 2, illustrating their size and               the amount of emissions reduced by the
                                 complexity.                                                K-ETS. The initially calculated allocation
                                                                                            amounts based on the BM values are mul-
                                 BM Methodology                                             tiplied by a “correction factor” if necessary
                                 The K-ETS legislation does not specify                     to reduce the actual amounts that are given
                                 the basis for determining the BM value, so                 to companies so that the maximum amount
                                                                                            of allocation available under the K-ETS
                                                                                            cap is not exceeded. This correction largely
                                                                                            addresses the issue of BM ambition levels
                                                                                            under a capped ETS although there will still
                                                                                            be a greater risk of excessive free allocation
                                                                                            than with a more ambitious approach. As
                                                                                            such, it is under consideration to determine
                                                                                            BM values in Phase 4 based on best avail-
                                                                                            able techniques (BAT).

                                                                                            The overall allocation calculations are also
                                 FIGURE 1: Integrated steelworks in Korea - the steel
                                 sector is Korea’s largest industrial GHG-emitting sector
                                                                                            shown in Box 1, including the last equa-
                                                                                            tion that involves both BM and GF alloca-
                                                                                            tion. The K-ETS has adopted a temporary
                                                                                            method of determining the larger value
                                                                                            between these two methods as the final
                                                                                            value for companies in 5 sectors to which
                                                                                            BM-based allocation is newly applied in
                                                                                            Phase 3. This has been a very effective way
                                                                                            of addressing opposition from some com-
                                                                                            panies with high emissions intensity against
                                                                                            BM allocation. However, this is valid only
                                                                                            for Phase 3 allocation, and from Phase 4,
                                                                                            BM-based allocation will be mandatorily
                                 FIGURE 2: Petrochemical plant in Korea – the
                                 petrochemical sector is Korea’s second-largest             applied to all companies in these 5 new BM
                                 industrial GHG-emitting sector                             sectors.

 Developing Effective Benchmark-Based Allocation for Industrial Sectors: The Case of the Korean ETS                                Page 3

If MRV data is                                                       BOX 1: BM METHODOLOGY UNDER PHASE 3 OF K-ETS
aligned to BM                            BM VALUE (tCO2e/t)
                                                                                                Total GHG emissions of facilities subject to product BM (tCO2e) a
                                                                                                Total production of facilities subject to product BM (t) a
                                         BM ALLOCATION
                                         (tCO2e)                                          =     BM value (tCO2e/t) x historic activity level (t) a x correction
                                                                                                factor b x CL factor c

is relatively                            GF ALLOCATION
                                         (tCO2e)                                          =     Historic emission level (tCO2e) a x correction factor b x CL factor c
                                         FINAL ALLOCATION
                                         (tCO2e) (temporary approach)                     =     Max (BM allocation, GF allocation)

                                       a Based on 2017–19 data from the companies’ GHG emissions inventories, for all relevant facilities, submitted to the government at the end of March
                                        each year. The data for 2019 was available by March 2020; following a 3-month determination process the BM values for Phase 3 were announced by
                                        June 2020, six months before the start of the phase. For companies in sectors requiring modifications to MRV data in Phase 3 to align with BM product
                                        boundaries, such as steel and petrochemicals, the approval of the improvements was made by 2019 to avoid delays in determining the BM values.
                                       b Correction factor to adjust, if necessary, the sum of BM- and GF-based allocations so that it does not exceed the ex ante allocation cap.
                                       c CL (carbon leakage) factor is 1.0 for sectors exposed to significant risk of CL. For non-CL sectors, it is 0.9.

                                       The actual BM details for the steel, pet-                                         it took quite a long time to discuss (d). Key
                                       rochemical, and paper sectors are shown                                           issues involved the following:
                                       in Annex 1 including the BM products,
                                       values, and boundaries.                                                            • Including certain sub-facilities. BM bound-
                                                                                                                            ary setting defines specific and detailed
                                       3. CHALLENGES AND SOLUTIONS                                                          processes or sub-facilities for comparing
                                       OF BM-BASED ALLOCATION                                                               emissions intensity. There is no problem if
                                       FOR INDUSTRIAL SECTORS                                                               all companies have the same sub-facility.
                                                                                                                            When they do not, however, this can be a
                                       BM Products including MRV Data                                                       sensitive issue among companies, for exam-
                                       The procedure for determining BM products                                            ple relating to pollution control facilities
                                       includes the following steps:                                                        at power stations, energy recovery facili-
                                                                                                                            ties, and sub-facilities that are outsourced.
                                       a. Are the GHG emissions from the product
                                          significant?                                                                    • Developing MRV data in line with the BM
                                       b. Is the number of facilities producing                                             boundary. If the facility’s MRV data is
                                         the product sufficient to make a BM                                                already aligned to BM boundaries, there
                                         meaningful?                                                                        is no problem. This is also true if existing
                                                                                                                            MRV data is not aligned, but other sources
                                       c. Can product definitions enable com-                                               of monitoring data are available such as
                                          parisons of emissions intensity across                                            energy and production data from compa-
                                          companies? Are production volumes pro-                                            nies’ enterprise resource planning (ERP)
                                          portional to GHG emissions?                                                       systems. When neither of these is available,
                                                                                                                            alternative methods are used, for exam-
                                       d. Can a BM boundary be set and MRV be
                                                                                                                            ple, estimations based on rated capacity
                                          performed for GHG emissions?
                                                                                                                            of equipment (from specifications), oper-
5   Even in this case, the company’s   Among these steps, (a) to (c) were sufficient                                        ating time, and other relevant factors.5
    total emissions will remain the
    same as those calculated using     to draw a rough conclusion at the beginning                                          Overarching ETS MRV rules should per-
    calibrated instruments             of consultation with companies. However,                                             tain regardless of the methods used.

     Developing Effective Benchmark-Based Allocation for Industrial Sectors: The Case of the Korean ETS                                                                              Page 4

It was possible                              TABLE 2: CHALLENGES AND SOLUTIONS IN DETERMINING BM PRODUCTS
to develop                         SECTORS                  CHALLENGES                                                    SOLUTIONS

benchmarks                         STEEL                    There are only two integrated steel                           BM products for individual process
                                                            companies in Korea and only three                             lines at integrated steelworks a plus one
for integrated                                              installations, yet they have significant                      BM product for EAF steelmaking (high
                                                            GHG emissions.                                                alloy steel not chosen):
steelworks                                                  One overall BM product from an                                 • Coke
                                                            integrated steelworks was problematic
despite only a                                              due to differences in where intermedi-
                                                                                                                           • Sintered iron ore
                                                            ate products were processed (inside or                         • Hot metal
small number of                                             outside facility boundaries).                                  • EAF carbon steel
installations.                                              Integrated steel companies sought                             Energy recovery facilities are included
                                                            to avoid a direct comparison of their                         in the BM boundary to induce GHG
                                                            overall performance.                                          reduction (the company without CDQ
                                                            One company had installed coke                                subsequently announced plans to
                                                            dry quenching (CDQ) to recover                                invest in it).
                                                            energy and the other had not. The
                                                            company without CDQ insisted that
                                                            energy recovered from CDQ should be
                                                            excluded from the BM boundary.
                                                            Electric arc furnace (EAF) high-alloy
                                                            steel has a small number of manufac-
                                                            turers, low emissions, and large
                                                            differences in product characteristics.

                                   PETRO-                   Some products, such as vinyl chloride                         BM products for basic chemicals or
                                   CHEMICALS                monomer and ethylene oxide/ethylene                           monomers:
                                                            glycol, have a small number of manu-
                                                                                                                           • Ethylene, propylene, etc. from
                                                            facturers.                                                        naphtha cracking center (NCC)
                                                            Some sub-facilities are associated                                – based on input of a single raw
                                                            with one BM boundary at one                                       material used to produce various
                                                            company and a different one at                                    products b
                                                            another.                                                       • Benzene, toluene, & xylene
                                                            The production ratio between ethylene                             (BTX) – based on input as above
                                                            and propylene at naphtha cracking                              • Butadiene (BD) – based on input
                                                            center (NCC) plants can vary, but                                 as above
                                                            agreeing weights for each product                              • Styrene monomer (SM)
                                                            based on energy intensity can be
                                                            challenging.                                                  Sub-facilities are assigned to BM
                                                                                                                          boundaries in line with the practice of
                                                                                                                          the majority of companies.

                                   PAPER                    The original proposal was to deter-                           Product BMs will be delayed until
                                                            mine 5 BM products. However, some                             after measuring devices are installed.
                                                            companies produce several products                            Instead, a BM based on energy input
                                                            but have no measuring instruments to                          is applied and acts as a trial for wider
                                                            split the energy used for drying each                         application of this approach to sectors in
                                                            product.                                                      Phase 4 as a fallback option when it is
                                                                                                                          challenging to determine BM products.
                                 a By allowing split by process line, five coke, five sintered iron ore, and seven hot metal process lines were included in determining the BM value.
                                 b Such a method could be agreed upon by the companies because the industry used the same approach to compare NCC plant’s energy intensity before the
                                  implementation of the ETS.

 Developing Effective Benchmark-Based Allocation for Industrial Sectors: The Case of the Korean ETS                                                                      Page 5

This case study                        Table 2 shows specific challenges and solu-          however, some were passive in the discussion
                                       tions for determining BM products in                 process. Thus, the government organized
provides valuable                      Phase 3 of K-ETS.                                    on-site visits and one-on-one interviews to
insights for                                                                                explain the BM methodology development
                                       Buy-In and Cooperation with Industry                 process in detail and collect relevant com-
other countries                        Under the K-ETS, companies need to be                ments that were considered in the final deci-
to develop an                          persuaded about the need to introduce                sion process.
                                       BM-based allocation as Korean ETS leg-
effective free                         islation allows both BM- and GF-based                Overall, five years of in-depth studies
                                       methods.6 While it is relatively easy for            and consultation with affected sectors on
allocation system                                                                           BM-based allocation took place.
                                       companies with low GHG emissions
more quickly and                       intensity to agree to BM allocation, it is
                                       more difficult for those with high GHG               4. LEARNING POINTS AND
easily.                                                                                     RECOMMENDATIONS
                                       emissions intensity that may face higher
                                       burdens compared with GF methods. The                The successful experience of developing
                                       temporary policy of basing allocations on            BM-based allocation in the K-ETS could
                                       the larger value between BM and GF allo-             encourage other jurisdictions to develop
                                       cations helped achieve industry buy-in.              effective free allocation systems. It provides
                                       Although this will tend to increase initial          valuable insights for other jurisdictions to
                                       allocation amounts, a correction factor will         not only develop a similar system but also
                                       counteract this effect and ensure that the           to do so more quickly and easily. The rec-
                                       final allocation amounts comply with the             ommendations and learning points are as
                                       total cap. In addition, an energy BM was             follows:
                                       available for the government to apply if
                                       companies were not cooperative, providing            • Recommendation 1: Use BM-based
                                       a useful backstop.                                     allocation as the free allocation method,
                                                                                              and ensure key details are specified
                                       The K-ETS relies on the consent and vol-               in the ETS legislation. It becomes
                                       untary cooperation of companies to provide             problematic if the ETS legislation does
                                       production volume data and energy/                     not specify the type and key details
                                       emissions data at the BM boundary level.               of free allocation, as this can lead to
                                       Companies with high GHG intensity could                time-consuming debates about different
                                       be less cooperative, as they would be better           approaches. The EU-ETS legislation,
                                       off with GF-based allocation. If they do               for example, specified the key details
                                       not provide data, the BM value would be                that helped significantly in the smooth
                                       biased toward low GHG intensity facilities,            introduction of BM-based allocation.
                                       resulting in a low BM value and putting all            Grandfathering is not recommended,
                                       parties at a disadvantage. As such, all com-           as it does not reward early investments
                                       panies agreed to provide data.                         in GHG mitigation and low carbon
6   The legislation requires that      It was recognized that all affected compa-
    opinions of various stakeholders   nies should be consulted during the BM               • Recommendation 2: Develop BM
    are collected and reflected in
    the process of establishing the    development process and a methodology                  values for products associated with
    National Allocation Plan.          developed that they all could agree was fair;          significant emissions. Product BMs

     Developing Effective Benchmark-Based Allocation for Industrial Sectors: The Case of the Korean ETS                          Page 6

Under an ETS with                      can be successfully developed even for                   correction factor that companies dislike,
                                       complex industrial sectors. Alternatives                 but more importantly provide a stronger
an absolute cap,                       include making virtual products based on                 incentive for companies to reduce their
the cap ultimately                     proxies such as energy input.                            GHG emissions intensity.

controls emissions                   • Recommendation 3: Determine a level                    • Recommendation 4: Design the mon-
                                       of the BM value in a practical way,                      itoring, reporting, and verification
reductions,                            while seeking to be as ambitious as                      system to reflect the boundaries of BM
however BM                             possible. The K-ETS approach of using                    products from the beginning of the
                                       weighted-average emissions intensity is                  ETS. Several technical challenges can
values should still                    relatively simple and enables values to                  arise if emissions data is not developed
be as ambitious                        be developed even in sectors with a small                at the level of the BM product from the
                                       number of facilities. The initially calcu-               beginning. It will be time consuming to
as possible.                           lated allocation amounts using the BM                    make changes to the MRV system and
                                       value can be multiplied by a correction                  could delay introduction of BM-based
                                       factor if necessary to reduce the actual                 allocation.
                                       amounts to be given to companies so that
                                       the maximum amount available under                     • Recommendation 5: Adopt a consis-
                                       the ETS cap is not exceeded. As such, the                tent and coordinated approach in the
                                       cap ultimately controls emissions levels.                process of consulting with industry
                                       In Phase 4, the K-ETS is considering                     sectors and developing BM-based allo-
                                       to adopt a more ambitious level of the                   cation methodology. It may not be easy
                                       BM value, based on best available tech-                  to successfully introduce BMs if different
                                       niques. Other ambitious approaches can                   principles are applied to each sector for
                                       also be considered such as the average of                setting BM boundaries and BM values or
                                       top 10% best performers as applied by                    if consultations with industry sectors are
                                       the EU-ETS. These approaches will help                   undertaken in an inconsistent and unco-
                                       not only to avoid an excessive level of                  ordinated way.

The Asia Society Policy Institute and the Asia Society take no institutional position on matters of public policy and other issues addressed in the
reports and publications they sponsor. All statements of fact and expressions of opinion contained in this paper are the sole responsibility of its
author and may not reflect the views of the organization and its board, staff, and supporters.

  Developing Effective Benchmark-Based Allocation for Industrial Sectors: The Case of the Korean ETS                                     Page 7

SECTOR         PRODUCT            BM VALUE          BM UNIT               BM BOUNDARY                           EXCLUSIONS
STEEL          Coke               0.8702921         Tonnes of coke        Total GHG emission activities of
                                  tCO2 e/t                                all processes utilized from raw
                                                                          material input to coke produc-
                                                                          tion, such as coke oven, coke
                                                                          cooling, energy recovery, coke
                                                                          oven gas purification, pollution
                                                                          prevention facility, etc.

               Sintered iron      0.278873861       Tonnes of             Total GHG emission activities         Exhaust gas
               ore                tCO2 e/t          sintered iron ore a   of all processes utilized from        denitrification
                                                                          raw material input to sinter ore
                                                                          production such as sintering
                                                                          machine, sinter ore cooling and
                                                                          crushing, waste heat recovery,
                                                                          pollution prevention facility, etc.

               Hot metal          0.42872757        Tonnes of hot         Total GHG emission activities         FINEX© process
                                  tCO2 e/t          metal b               of all processes utilized from
                                                                          raw material input to pig iron
                                                                          production, such as blast
                                                                          furnace, hot stove, blast furnace
                                                                          slag treatment, energy recovery,
                                                                          blast furnace gas purification,
                                                                          pollution prevention facility, etc.

               Electric           0.31824712        Tonnes of crude       Total GHG emission activities of      Post-processing such
               arc furnace        tCO2 e/t          carbon steel such     raw material input, electric arc      as hot rolling, oxygen
               (EAF)                                as slabs, blooms,     furnace, ladle furnace, continuous    production, & water
               carbon steel                         & billets             casting facility, energy recovery,    treatment
                                                                          slag treatment, pollution
                                                                          prevention facility, etc.

PETRO-         Naphtha            0.32644755        Tonnes of raw         Total GHG emission activities of      Olefin conversion, wet
CHEMICAL       cracking           tCO2 e/t          material input        cracking furnace, primary sepa-       oxidation, acetylene
               center                               directly to the       ration, quench, compression,          recovery, C5 removal,
               (NCC) plant                          cracking furnace      acid gas removal, chilling train,     logistics/storage, cooling
               producing                            such as naphtha       methane removal, C2/3 purifi-         tower, gas supply,
               olefins such                         and liquefied         cation, C4 removal, pyrolysis         water/waste water
               as ethylene,                         petroleum gas         gasoline separation, gas turbine      treatment, waste gas
               propylene,                                                 generator, fuel gas compression,      incineration, & city gas
               etc.                                                       hydrogen purification, & boiler       treatment
                                                                          feed water

               Benzene,           0.15989477        Tonnes of raw         Total GHG emission activities         Hexane purification,
               toluene,           tCO2 e/t          material input        of hydrotreating purification,        cooling tower, gas
               xylene (BTX)                         directly to hydro-    aromatic extraction/purification,     supply device, & waste
               plant that                           gen purificationc     C5 removal/purification, C9+          gas incineration
               uses olefins                         + auxiliary raw       purification, & hydrotreating
               produced in                          material input        dealkylation
               NCC process                          after hydrotreating
               as main raw                          purification + C5
               materials                            removal.

Developing Effective Benchmark-Based Allocation for Industrial Sectors: The Case of the Korean ETS                                Page 8

  SECTOR                    PRODUCT                      BM VALUE              BM UNIT                        BM BOUNDARY                             EXCLUSIONS
  PETRO-                    Butadiene                    0.18726718            Tonnes of raw                  Total GHG emission activities of        Low purity butadiene
  CHEMICAL                  (BD) plant                   tCO2 e/t              material input                 mixed C4 heating, butadiene             pretreatment, MTBE,
  (continued)                                                                  directly to heating            extraction/distillation/                logistics/storage,
                                                                               process such as                purification, & solvent recovery/       cooling tower, gas
                                                                               mixed C4.d                     purification                            supply system, &
                                                                                                                                                      waste gas incineration

                            Styrene                      0.44755891            Tonnes of styrene               Total GHG emission activities of       Catalyst manufactur-
                            monomer                      tCO2 e/t              monomer                         ethyl benzene reaction/distilla-       ing, phenyl acetylene
                            (SM) plant                                                                         tion, styrene monomer reaction/        reduction, hydrogen
                                                                                                               distillation, & temporary storage      purification, logistics/
                                                                                                               tank                                   storage, cooling tower,
                                                                                                                                                      gas supply device, &
                                                                                                                                                      waste gas incineration

  PAPER                     Combustion                   34.8856               Gross calorific                 Combustion activities using            Facilities at place of
                            facility using               tCO2 e/TJ             value (TJ) of                   biomass as fuel included               business with emis-
                            biomass e                                          input energy                                                           sions
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