Summary of Energy and Carbon Strategy 2016-2021

Page created by Patrick Howell
Summary of Energy and Carbon Strategy 2016-2021
Summary of Energy
and Carbon Strategy
Summary of Energy and Carbon Strategy 2016-2021


Introduction                                                                          3

Drivers for change                                                                    4

TfGM’s Carbon Footprint                                                               5

TfGM Carbon Priorities                                                                6

   1.   Carbon and Energy Management                                                  6

   2.   Low carbon travel, transport and access                                       7

   3.   Staff Travel                                                                  8

   4.   Fleet Vehicles                                                                9

   5.   Designing the built environment                                             10

   6.   Biodiversity                                                                 11

   7.   Waste & Water                                                               12

   8.   Procurement                                                                 13

   9.   Communication and behavioural change                                        14

Glossary                                                                            15
3   TRANSPORT FOR GREATER MANCHESTER                                                                                                                                         SUMMARY OF ENERGY AND CARBON STRTEGY 2016-2021    4

Introduction                                                                                                    Drivers for change

Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM), working         Taking sustainability and carbon emissions seriously   Current scientific consensus that rapid change           • Air Quality: Air quality and climate change are
alongside the Greater Manchester Combined                is an integral part of a high-quality transport        caused by emissions from industrialisation shows           interlinked concepts, for example, climatic
Authority (GMCA), has committed to ambitious             network and meeting our 2040 Transport Strategy’s      that there has been an 0.8°C rise in surface               effects such as increasing summer temperatures
targets to reduce regional CO2 emissions by 48% by       environmental responsibilities.                        temperatures that this is likely to reach 2°C by 2050      will affect the frequency and severity of high
2020 (from a 1990 baseline). TfGM are taking the                                                                (IPCC, 5th report).                                        level occurrences of air pollutants. Linked
                                                         TfGM has committed to reducing 3.8% carbon
lead role in delivering solutions to lower transport                                                                                                                       strategies including the GM Climate Change
                                                         emissions from its infrastructure and property         • Costs: Future scenarios predict rising energy
emissions to achieve the GM Mayor’s carbon neutral                                                                                                                         Strategy, the Low Emissions Strategy and the Air
                                                         portfolio by 2021 through innovative retrofit and        costs by potentially 50% by 2021. TfGM will
plans by 2040.                                                                                                                                                             Quality Action plan have brought together these
                                                         renewable energy technologies.                           therefore implement projects that aggressively
                                                                                                                                                                           concepts to identify cost effective solutions and
In addition, the UK Government has committed to                                                                   target a reduction in CO2 emissions to allow
                                                                                                                                                                           prevent competing agendas.
take action against climate change having agreed to                                                               TfGM to negate risk and reduce its exposure to
the international Paris agreement. This commits the                                                               future energy price increases.                         • Legislation: Greater Manchester has
UK to keeping a global temperature rise this century                                                                                                                       demonstrated clear commitment alongside
                                                                                                                • Climate Change Adaptation: In Greater
well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial                                                                                                                          global cities by becoming a signatory to three
                                                                                                                  Manchester, projections show that average
levels; and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature                                                                                                                     international commitments: The Integrated
                                                                                                                  surface temperatures and precipitation levels
increase even further to 1.5 degrees Celsius.                                                                                                                              Covenant of Mayors, the Compact of Mayors,
                                                                                                                  will rise along with the number of extreme
                                                                                                                                                                           and Under 2 MOU. These commitments have
                                                                                                                  weather events such as flooding and heatwaves.
                                                                                                                                                                           emissions targets that are either in line with or
                                                                                                                  The complexity of the current transport system
                                                                                                                                                                           greater than national targets.
                                                                                                                  has an amplifying effect on these impacts and
                                                                                                                  therefore it is critical to prepare for future risks
                                                                                                                  and build resilience.
5   TRANSPORT FOR GREATER MANCHESTER                                                                                                                                      SUMMARY OF ENERGY AND CARBON STRTEGY 2016-2021   6

TfGM’s Carbon Footprint                                                                                     TfGM Carbon Priorities

TfGM had a carbon footprint of 41,000t of CO2e         It should be noted that increased Metrolink and
per year in 2017. Analysis shows that approximately    bus patronage are key priorities in the GM climate
90% of TfGM’s emissions reside in three specific       change implementation plans, so while emissions
                                                                                                            1. Carbon and Energy Management
areas:                                                 are increasing as the network grows, they are
                                                       conversely decreasing regional emissions through     TfGM are responsible for carbon management in             COMMITMENTS
• Subsidised bus service fuel: 42%,
                                                       modal shift.                                         relation to Metrolink, bus stations and interchanges,
                                                                                                                                                                      We will look to install where possible a number of
• Metrolink traction electricity: 27%; and                                                                  traffic signals, and bus stops across Greater
                                                                                                                                                                      carbon reduction projects within our portfolio:
                                                                                                            Manchester, and are also responsible for the
• Property portfolio including bus stations and
                                                                                                            operation of 145 buses for the Metroshuttle and           • Retrofit LED lighting for all external lighting
  interchanges and offices, Metrolink sites &
                                                                                                            Yellow School Bus services (grown from the 34               applications including Metrolink facilities.
  external lighting electricity: 20%.
                                                                                                            buses operated in 2007).
                                                                                                                                                                      • Renewable energy and battery storage.
TfGM’s ambition is therefore to reduce its CO2
                                                                                                            Over the last 10 years a number of carbon
emissions from those areas over which it has direct                                                                                                                   • Remote monitoring of upgrading building
                                                                                                            reduction projects have been completed including a
control. This strategy aims to reduce emissions by                                                                                                                      controls across the existing estate.
                                                                                                            hydroelectric power plant at Rochdale Interchange,
1,596 tonnes of CO2e by 2021 which equates
                                                                                                            a wind Turbine at Horwich Parkway, replacement of         • Solar and store technology.
to approximately 3.8% reduction of the entire
                                                                                                            a total of 52,000 traditional traffic signal bulbs with
footprint through major capital investment in energy                                                                                                                  • Explore the feasibility of the introduction of a
                                                                                                            low energy LED and LED lighting upgrade at bus
efficiency projects and renewable energy schemes.                                                                                                                       fleet of low CO2 emission traction engines on
                                                                                                            stations. Our fleet utilises diesel-electric hybrids,
                                                                                                            retrofitted EURO VI diesels and we also operate
                                                                                                            three fully electric buses.                               • Seek funding approvals for ‘spend to save budget’
                                                                                                                                                                        for the proposed carbon reduction projects.
                                                                                                            The majority of Metrolink emissions are indirect
                                                                                                            and result from traction electricity. The cost of the     TARGET
                                                                                                            Metrolink electricity is nearly ten times the value of
                                                                                                                                                                      • 3.8% reduction in carbon emissions.
                                                                                                            our property portfolio energy consumption.
7   TRANSPORT FOR GREATER MANCHESTER                                                                                                                                      SUMMARY OF ENERGY AND CARBON STRTEGY 2016-2021     8

2. Low carbon travel, transport and access                                                                      3. Staff Travel

TfGM recognises it has a significant and complex role   COMMITMENTS                                             Transport for Greater Manchester have in the past     COMMITMENTS
in transport emissions in the region. TfGM directly                                                             developed a number of Travel Plans which have had
                                                        • TfGM will apply for national funding for low                                                                • TfGM will continue to implement and develop
controls some infrastructure and services, and can                                                              a positive impact on cost savings, carbon reduction
                                                          emission buses and make a strong case to the                                                                  its Travel Plan, monitored through a staff travel
influence some in other areas.                                                                                  and enabling staff to make informed decisions
                                                          government for air quality funding to transform                                                               survey, that will continue to provide insight into
                                                                                                                about their travel choices. The most recent in 2016
TfGM has published its 2040 Transport Strategy            Greater Manchester’s bus fleet.                                                                               staff business travel and commuting.
                                                                                                                highlighted the trends in increased sustainable
and has prioritised actions in the GM Climate Change
                                                        • TfGM will investigate testing of electric buses and   travel options. The plan includes a wide range of     • TfGM is committed to supporting flexible
Implementation Plan which outlines how TfGM will
                                                          other low carbon vehicle options.                     incentives to encourage TfGM staff to reduce their      working opportunities. This enables some
drive forward a reduction in Greater Manchester’s
                                                                                                                travel demand and choose more sustainable modes         staff to alter work travel times to avoid peaks
transport emissions.                                    • Work collaboratively to ensure key franchise
                                                                                                                both for commuting, and for business mileage.           in congestion. TfGM will continue to explore
                                                          operators fulfil their commitments to reduce
TfGM will prioritise low carbon transport modes, and                                                                                                                    dynamic working options to reduce business
                                                          energy consumption and associated carbon              TfGM’s Travel Choices team have engaged with
seek to encourage behavioural change, increasing                                                                                                                        travel.
                                                          emissions.                                            over 650 businesses in Greater Manchester and
the share of walking and cycling. TfGM will also seek
                                                                                                                produced nearly 300 Action Plans in the process,      • Some TfGM staff currently use their own
to bring external funding for low carbon transport      TARGET
                                                                                                                helping businesses reduce congestion, improve           vehicles for work purposes. We will investigate
improvements to Greater Manchester.
                                                        • All new fleet vehicles to meet low emission           efficiency and resilience, demonstrating best           opportunities to improve the carbon and
In 2017 TfGM completed a successful trial with            standards by 2021.                                    practice and therefore becoming an employer of          financial efficiency of the fleet including review
a key supplier to test a new electric bus and                                                                   choice and improving health and wellbeing.              of low emissions car club vehicles for casual users
opportunity charging system.                                                                                                                                            and support for essential users to purchase ultra-
                                                                                                                We are mindful that whilst we encourage and
                                                                                                                                                                        low emissions vehicles (ULEVs).
                                                                                                                support businesses to make these changes, we
                                                                                                                must be able to show that we ourselves at TfGM        TARGETS
                                                                                                                are leading the way and developing our own best
                                                                                                                                                                      • Increase in staff travelling by sustainable / low
                                                                                                                                                                        transport methods and a reduction in
                                                                                                                TfGM has conducted travel surveys with staff to         car use.
                                                                                                                track progress towards this goal, with 2016 survey
                                                                                                                results indicating a continued downward trend
                                                                                                                in single occupancy car use mileage (9%) and an
                                                                                                                uptake in public transport, particularly rail (42%)
                                                                                                                and tram (19%).
9   TRANSPORT FOR GREATER MANCHESTER                                                                                                                                       SUMMARY OF ENERGY AND CARBON STRTEGY 2016-2021   10

4. Fleet Vehicles                                                                                               5. Designing the built environment

TfGM has committed £17m to low carbon buses,             COMMITMENTS                                            TfGM is responsible for investment in transport         COMMITMENTS
after being awarded £5m funding from DFT. This                                                                  infrastructure in Greater Manchester, bringing
                                                         • TfGM aims to reduce emissions from its fleet of                                                              • TfGM to incorporate ambitious targets for
resulted in the purchase of 104 low carbon buses,                                                               economic benefits to the region. TfGM also
                                                           vehicles, by encouraging efficient driving and                                                                 sustainability in all major infrastructure schemes
which have been operating as part of Metroshuttle                                                               recognises that developments including new
                                                           reviewing the least efficient vehicles.                                                                        for future projects to be rated
services, Yellow School Buses and general service                                                               interchanges and infrastructure can have an impact
                                                                                                                                                                          as ‘good’ or above within minimum 60%
fleets. Savings resulting from improved engines are      • All future leases will be required to be EURO        on GHG emissions both through construction
                                                                                                                                                                          SAT score.
estimated to be 5440 tCO2e. In recent observations         VI and exceed government buying standards in         activity and ongoing operations.
across the wider fleet, 15% were diesel-electric           terms of carbon performance.                                                                                 • All new buildings and transport infrastructure
                                                                                                                To meet long-term target for emissions reduction
hybrids and 3% were running EURO VI diesel                                                                                                                                projects to be commissioned to target exceeding
                                                         • Drive cycles for ancillary vehicles used for         for new design and build projects, design should,
engines.                                                                                                                                                                  the Part L2A targets for carbon emissions by
                                                           maintenance will be analysed and where possible      subject to available funding resources, be innovative
TfGM was also previously successful in a bid to            hybrid, electric or alternatively fuelled vehicles   in raising energy efficiency standards. For example,
the Clean Bus Fund which provided £161,000 to              will replace conventionally fuelled vehicles.        inclusion of greater levels of on-site energy           • To update the selection list of technologies
retrofit the seven remaining Yellow School Buses to                                                             generation such as solar PV and battery storage on        used within SAT as required where there is
                                                         • TfGM will look to continue to increase the
EURO VI standard.                                                                                               new bus station and interchange projects.                 technological advancements.
                                                           efficiency of its Metroshuttle and Yellow
TfGM aims to continue to lead the field in developing      School Bus fleet. The fitting of selective           To achieve more ambitious carbon emissions              • To further consider the environmental impact at
the use of low carbon fleet and will join our existing     catalytic reduction systems have led to air          reductions require design intervention at early           the building concept design stage using SAT to
fleet of ULEVs that includes two electric vans, a          quality improvements. Carbon reductions will         building design stages. TfGM have developed a             meet emissions targets.
hybrid Toyota Prius and an electric Nissan Leaf.           be achieved through continued optimisation           sustainable assessment toolkit (SAT) that enables
                                                                                                                                                                        • Develop a whole life cost model a NPV (Net
                                                           including engine idle controls, software to          designers to create developments that meet
                                                                                                                                                                          Present Value), to produce investment grade
                                                           improve throttle control, regenerative braking and   rigorous sustainability criteria and scoring through
                                                                                                                                                                          business cases eg. installation of solar and
                                                           on-bus telematics to improve driver performance      option selection and whole life costing.
                                                                                                                                                                          battery store systems at the larger suitable
                                                           on electric and hybrid buses.
                                                                                                                                                                          facilities management sites.
                                                         TARGETS                                                                                                        TARGET
                                                         • All new fleet vehicles to meet low emission                                                                  • Future development projects to achieve
                                                           standards by 2021.                                                                                             minimum 60% SAT score.
                                                         • 50% of ancillary vehicles to be zero emission
                                                           by 2021.                                                                                                                             3m3
                                                                                                                                                                        • All new buildings and transport infrastructure
                                                                                                                                                                          projects to be commissioned to target exceeding
                                                                                                                                                                          the Part L2A targets for carbon emissions by
11   TRANSPORT FOR GREATER MANCHESTER                                                                                                                                             SUMMARY OF ENERGY AND CARBON STRTEGY 2016-2021     12

6. Biodiversity                                                                                                       7. Waste & Water

TfGM recognises the importance of contributing               TfGM’s biodiversity management commitments aim           WASTE                                                    COMMITMENTS
to improving the natural environment in Greater              to improve the quality of life for transport users and
                                                                                                                      TfGM manages a large amount of public waste              • TfGM will reduce the amount of waste it creates
Manchester. Biological diversity, or biodiversity, is        non-transport users alike; and to promote a healthy
                                                                                                                      generated at bus stations and interchanges which           and divert waste away from landfill and increase
the variety of life on earth. It describes the variability   natural environment through:
                                                                                                                      accounts for over 70% of all waste recovered.              waste segregation and recycling of materials at all
among living organisms from all sources including
                                                             • Habitat conservation and enhancement;                  TfGM’s environmental management system sets                sites.
terrestrial, marine and freshwater ecosystems, and
                                                                                                                      targets for recycled material and reduction in waste
the ecological complexes of which they are part.             • Management of invasive non-native species;                                                                      • TfGM will seek to improve waste performance by
                                                                                                                      and monitors the performance of waste reduction
This also includes diversity within species, between                                                                                                                             considering the life cycle and disposal costs in
                                                             • Community engagement and partnership                   across all sites. TfGM works to reduce waste to
species and of ecosystems.                                                                                                                                                       purchasing.
                                                               working;                                               landfill according to the waste hierarchy.
TfGM have a ‘duty’ under Section 40 the Natural                                                                                                                                • Water cost and consumption will be measured,
                                                             • Control the use of environmentally damaging            Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions result from the
Environment and Rural Communities (NERC) Act                                                                                                                                     monitored and reported annually and data will be
                                                               substances and materials and processes; and            collection and transportation of waste and from
2006 ‘to have regard to the purpose of conserving                                                                                                                                analysed to target inefficiencies and leaks.
                                                                                                                      fugitive emissions arising from landfill. The gas from
biodiversity in the exercise of its functions’. A key        • Improving and sharing information.
                                                                                                                      landfill waste includes methane, which is a potent       • Carry out internal water audits to identify sites
purpose of this ‘duty’ is to embed consideration of
                                                             TARGET                                                   greenhouse gas 23 times more damaging than CO2.            for grey water facilities (older sites) and water
biodiversity as an integral part of policy and decision
                                                                                                                                                                                 efficiency recommendations.
making throughout the organisation.                          • Meet the requirements of the Biodiversity Duty.
                                                                                                                                                                               • Efficient use of water integrated into building
There is a significant opportunity to enhance blue-
                                                                                                                      The management, distribution and disposal of               developments at the design stage.
green infrastructure and consequently, biodiversity.
                                                                                                                      water contributes to the overall carbon footprint of
Urban greenspace is particularly valuable in                                                                                                                                   TARGET
                                                                                                                      TfGM. Water should be considered and managed as
reducing the atmospheric concentration of CO2
                                                                                                                      a precious resource. In 2016-17, TfGM consumed           • Increase recycling of business waste by 50% by
by sequestering (absorbing) it through trees and
                                                                                                                      over 19,000 cubic metres.                                  2021.
other biomass. In addition, trees can help filter
particulates, intercept rainfall and provide shade and                                                                TfGM will improve water efficiency measures at           • Reduce water usage by 5% by 2021.
cooling, therefore reducing the demand for heating                                                                    existing sites and install monitoring and low water
and air conditioning.                                                                                                 technologies at new development sites.
Green spaces also provide aesthetically pleasing
environments. Paths and cycle lanes through green
space are usually very attractive and can support
behavioural shifts from cars to more sustainable and
active means of transport.
13   TRANSPORT FOR GREATER MANCHESTER                                                                                                                                       SUMMARY OF ENERGY AND CARBON STRTEGY 2016-2021   14

8. Procurement                                                                                                    9. Communication and behavioural change

TfGM aims to engage with its key suppliers and their       COMMITMENTS                                            TfGM recognises that significant inefficiency          COMMITMENTS
supply chains, looking to include high standards                                                                  can be avoided by changing people’s behaviour.
                                                           • Embedding sustainability into internal                                                                      • Create an Environment Delivery Group (EDG) to
for sustainability in all purchasing decisions.                                                                   Raising staff awareness and encouraging people to
                                                             procurement processes and gateways.                                                                           lead carbon reduction projects, KPIs and their
Responsible procurement is a key part of an ethical,                                                              change their habits is an extremely cost effective
                                                             Procurement will promote the use of a                                                                         effectiveness in order to report progress to the
environmentally-conscious organisation. We want                                                                   investment, requiring minimal funding for a
                                                             Sustainable Procurement Toolkit and                                                                           Performance Board.
to work with suppliers who support this approach                                                                  significant return.
                                                             Government Buying Standards to its suppliers to
and take Social Value considerations into account as                                                                                                                     • To ensure that the Energy and Carbon Strategy
                                                             ensure that the goods, services and works that       TfGM’s aim is that consideration of carbon
part of any procurement and contract management                                                                                                                            seamlessly fits into and is aligned with the other
                                                             they deliver to TfGM are at least compliant with     implications becomes a business as usual activity.
activities. Sustainable procurement has an                                                                                                                                 TfGM business strategies.
                                                             the applicable DEFRA or International standards
important role in reducing GHG emissions. For                                                                     TfGM will consider its role in becoming an exemplar
                                                             in order to reduce the environmental impact of                                                              • Produce carbon reduction reports and forecasts
example, when TfGM purchases equipment or enters                                                                  employer in disseminating responsibilities to senior
                                                             our operations.                                                                                               for the Board.
into contracts with external providers to build new                                                               leaders.
infrastructure, there are opportunities to address         • Work with key suppliers to ensure plans are in                                                              • Implement an effective carbon communication
                                                                                                                  All employees will be made aware of their
environmental and social concerns and set higher             place and delivered in line with this Strategy.                                                               and awareness campaign as an integral aspect of
                                                                                                                  responsibilities with regard to carbon.
standards for environmental performance over the                                                                                                                           this carbon strategy.
life of the asset. There is also an economical benefit     TARGET
to be realised in so far as addressing whole life costs.
                                                           • Embed sustainability in all purchasing activities.
Sustainable procurement will affect our carbon                                                                                                                           • Deliver an organisational wide carbon awareness
emissions scopes and targets in the following ways:        • Reduce the impact of embedded resources and                                                                   programme to promote carbon awareness to all
                                                             emissions, along with direct impacts of items                                                                 members of TfGM.
• Scope 1 & 2 emissions – Actively reduce the
                                                             and services.
  usage of energy from TfGM owned buildings,
  appliances and vehicles by procuring the most
  energy efficient products where possible.
• Scope 3 emissions – Ensure that suppliers have
  adequate measures in place to report on the
  supply chain and life cycle emissions from the
  goods and services supplied. TfGM will engage
  with key suppliers to assist where possible in
  reducing their organisational and product carbon


BAU                                                   CO2
Business As Usual scenario in which the estate        Carbon dioxide emissions excluding other global
grows as planned and there is no concerted            warming gases
attempt to reduce CO2 emissions
                                                      Carbon dioxide emissions equivalent of six global
Environmental Management System                       warming gases including carbon dioxide
GHG                                                   IPCC
Green House Gas Emissions                             Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
                                                      – the world’s leading international body on climate
                                                      change. Its function is to provide the world with
Net Present Value, a single figure representing all   a clear scientific view on the current state of
the future costs and incomes at their equivalent      knowledge in climate change and its potential
present value.                                        environmental and socio- economic impacts.
BIS                                                   SAT
Department of Business, Innovation and Skills,        Sustainable assessment toolkit
a government department that succeeded the
Department for Energy and Climate Change.
                                                      Urban Traffic Control – a service function of TfGM
Carbon Trust
                                                      that oversees traffic management
Government body charged with reducing CO2
emissions, funded by Climate Change Levy
on bills.
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