DIFFERENCE You make the - Impact Report 2019 - MND Association

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DIFFERENCE You make the - Impact Report 2019 - MND Association
You make the

  Impact Report 2019
DIFFERENCE You make the - Impact Report 2019 - MND Association
“I know how                                                  You’ve supported us from the beginning
    lucky we are to
    have the best care                                                                                                        “We started the Association because we knew we needed support. We

    so close to home”                                                                                                         needed something because nobody could help us. We couldn’t believe
                                                                                                                              it would grow like this and get so far. I go to support meetings now and
                                                                                                                              see how people value the help they get, not just locally but nationally as
                                                                                                                              well. They couldn’t have coped with MND without the Association.”
                                                                                                                              Jenny Elston, Founder member
    Being cared for by the North Midlands MND Care and
    Research Network has made a huge difference to
    Margaret, who was diagnosed with MND in 2017.                                                                             For forty years the MND Association has offered care, information and
                                                                                                                              support to people living with and affected by MND – a devastating disease
    The care centre was officially opened by our Royal Patron,
                                                                                                                              which leaves people unable to move, talk, swallow and even breathe.
    HRH The Princess Royal, in June 2019 and Margaret, who
    speaks using a communication aid, has been attending                                                                      From small beginnings, the Association has grown into a diverse
    regular appointments there ever since.                                                                                    community of almost 10,000 members including people living with MND,
                                                                                                                              their families and carers, loyal fundraisers, supporters and donors, passionate
    She explained: “Before the care centre opened, I had to
                                                                                                                              campaigners, researchers, clinical partners and dedicated volunteers.
    travel to Stoke-on-Trent, 22 miles away. Now I attend
    a regular clinic in Stafford which is just nine miles                                                                           Within the pages of this report you will be able to read more about
    or 20 minutes from our home. The MND specialists                                                                                the difference you have made to the lives of all those affected by MND
    there provide care with the greatest understanding,                                                                             during 2019. And, as we look ahead to the future, you will be able to
    compassion and gentle humour and my family and                                                                                   find out more about the plans we are making as we continue to fight
    I know we can always speak to someone if we need                                                                                 together for a world free from MND.
    to. Combined clinics also mean I only attend one
    “Together, the MND Association and medical team                                                                                       Making plans for the future after coronavirus: Page 22
    ensure they offer the best care to patients and their
    families. I know how lucky we are.”

                                                                 40 years in the making
                                                                         The MND Patients’ Association - which became                            Professor Stephen Hawking becomes Patients’ Patron.
                                                                         the MND Association later the same year - was                           Professor Hawking worked closely with the Association, raising
                                                                         established by a group of families affected by MND.                     awareness of MND around the world. Following his death in
                                                                         With little information, co-ordinated care or support                   2018, the Association has continued to work closely with his
                                                                         available, the group was determined to fill the void and start          family and The Stephen Hawking Foundation. In 2018 the family
                                                                         funding research. Today, the Association supports almost                kindly donated £109,000 from the sale of his iconic wheelchair
                                                                         4,000 people living with MND, their families and carers each            to the Association in his memory.
                                                                         year. In 2019, our research portfolio totalled £14.5 million.

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DIFFERENCE You make the - Impact Report 2019 - MND Association
You help us to offer hope when it is needed the most…
                                      Mina with husband Ashwin.
                                      Below left: Ashwin who was just
                                                                        “Caring for Ashwin                                               People living with MND are at the heart of everything we
                                                                                                                                         do and ensuring they have access to the care and support
                                                                                                                                         they need is one of our biggest priorities.
                                                                        was often very
                                      57 when he was diagnosed with
                                      MND. Below right: Ashwin with                                                                      Our network of 392 Association visitors (AVs) fulfil an essential
                                      Remal his eldest son.

                                                                        difficult, but we were
                                                                                                                                         role in providing one-to-one support to people who are living
                                                                                                                                         with MND across England, Wales and Northern Ireland. As well
                                                                                                                                         as ensuring they have access to the information they need, our

                                                                        very grateful to the                                             volunteer AVs are there simply to listen – offering confidential,
                                                                                                                                         emotional support at a time when it is needed most.

                                                                        Association for all                                              Information is also available from the Association’s dedicated
                                                                                                                                         helpline MND Connect. During 2019, our team of volunteers and staff

                                                                        their support .”
                                                                                                                                         responded to more than 10,000 requests for help from people affected
                                                                                                                                         by MND, carers and health and social care professionals (HSCPs).
                                                                                                                                         At the same time, the Association continued to offer practical help by
                                                                                                                                         awarding support grants worth £1.2 million and carers’ grants worth
                                                                        Mina first became worried about her husband,
                                                                                                                                         £103,759. We also helped nearly 1,000 people claim more than £2 million
                                                                        Ashwin, during the summer of 2014. After a series of
                                                                                                                                         in eligible benefits through our welfare benefits advice service.
                                                                        tests, Ashwin was finally diagnosed with MND in 2015.
                                                                        Mina said: “Ashwin wanted to be with me all the time
                                                                        and it made things very hard. I tried to sleep but he
                                                                        wanted me with him, even though we had carers
                                                                        through the night. I would wake and sit with him,
                                                                        but I was completely exhausted and couldn’t cope.
                                                                        He would be frustrated and get angry, but I told him
                                                                                                                                            “My parents ran a shop and                                              “Our Association visitor,
                                                                        none of it was his fault.”
                                                                                                                                            were really well known in                                               Maimie, pictured, was a
                                                                        Mina explained how the Association helped to                        the community and so Mum,                                               friendly face at the start of
                                                                        improve Ashwin’s quality of life and supported Mina                 pictured, has lots of visitors                                          our problems with MND,
                                                                                                                                            in the home. The Lightwriter                                            but she has become more
                                                                        at the same time by helping to pay for a wet room so
                                                                                                                                            makes it possible for her to be part                                    than that. She is somewhere
                                                                        she could bathe Ashwin downstairs.                                  of the conversation, rather than just                                   between a friend and a
                                                                        She said: “MND really is the most terrible disease and              listening to what they say. It’s really important and makes             volunteer. She was able to help us
                                                                                                                                            such a difference. She lost her voice quickly and later her             to access grants from the Association
                                                                        nobody can understand just how awful it is until they
                                                                                                                                            fine motor skills too and was unable to hold a pen, so the              and we are grateful for these.”
                                                                        have experienced it themselves. I really don’t know                 Lightwriter has been a lifeline.”                                       Michael and Rachel
                                                                        what we would have done without the support of the                  Jay
                                                                        MND Association.
                                                                        “Ashwin died in 2018. He was the very heart of our
                                                                        family and we still can’t believe he has gone.”

    1980                                                                                                                                   1981                                                                               1982
           The Association funds its first full-time research                     The Association starts to loan out equipment.                   First study day for health and social care professionals                           The Association’s first Research Fellow
           project at Charing Cross Hospital, London.                             Unable to access vital equipment from their local               (HSCPs) is held in Oxford.                                                         is appointed.
           The grant was awarded to Dr Frank Clifford Rose,                       authority, the Association stepped in to help people            The study day helped HSCPs understand all aspects of MND care.                     Patrick Doherty was appointed to study the
           Consultant Neurologist at Charing Cross Hospital, London               with MND. In 2019, 1,350 people with MND had                    Today, the Association offers a comprehensive programme of                         differences between healthy motor neurones
           and in 1983, the results of his study were published. Dr               at least one piece of equipment on loan through                 training and support to help improve the care of people with MND.                  and those affected by MND.
           Clifford Rose later became a patron of the MND Association             the Association, helping them to maintain their                 This includes professional access to the helpline MND Connect, care
           and, in 2003, co-wrote a book for people affected by MND.              independence and improve their quality of life.                 literature and opportunities to take part in masterclasses.

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DIFFERENCE You make the - Impact Report 2019 - MND Association
You help us do more to improve quality of life
    Thanks to your support we are helping to improve the lives of people living with MND – through
    multi-disciplinary care, which is available through our care centres, equipment grants which ensure
    people can access the equipment they need and support grants which help to ease the financial                                                                                                        300
    burden of MND.                                                                                                                                    392                                                HSCPs attending
                                                                                                                                                      Association visitors like
                                                                                                                                                      Nigel, pictured, who provide
                                                                                                                                                      important one-to-one support

                                                                             page views were recorded on our website from
                                                                             those accessing our services and information

                                                                                                    worth of Support Grants helping
                                                                                                    1,718 people living with MND
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        and groups

                                                                                                                                                                              care centres we fund

                                  3,931                                                                                                                                                                                                                      £2,097,133
                                  people living with MND were supported at                                                                                                                                                                                   was claimed through the
                                  one of 22 care centres. In our 2019 Improving
                                  MND Care survey, 90% of those who attended
                                                                                                               9,950                                                 2,307
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Association’s welfare benefits
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             advice service
                                                                                                               members who inspire
                                  a care centre described the service they                                                                                           subscribers signed up to the HSCP
                                                                                                               our work and drive the
                                  received as ‘good’ or ‘excellent’                                                                                                  newsletter by the end of the year
                                                                                                               Association forward

     1984                                                                                 1986                                                       1988                                                          1990
            After actor David Niven died from MND in 1983, a celebrity                           The number of MND Association branches                     Jim Tew, a former Chair of the Association,                    The first International Symposium research
            launch of the David Niven Appeal at BAFTA, London raised more                        hits 40.                                                   receives an MBE.                                               conference of MND/ALS Societies was held in
            than £170,000.                                                                       Having started with just three branches in 1979,           Jim was diagnosed with MND after a career in                   Birmingham attracting 50 researchers.
            This appeal paved the way for celebrities to help raise awareness and                today the Association has 89 branches and groups           research. When the Association started to fund                 The Association’s International Symposium on ALS/MND now
            funds. Today, our supporters include broadcasters Zoe Ball, Matthew                  which meet regularly. As well as offering an               research studentships in 1998, one was named                   brings together more than 1,000 of the world’s leading experts
            Bannister, Charlotte Hawkins and Jeremy Vine; actors Gina Bellman, Benedict          important point of contact for people living with          The Jim Tew Studentship, to recognise his great                in MND research to talk about their work and develop working
            Cumberbatch CBE and Lily James and sports personalities Chris Broad, Stuart          MND in their community, they also campaign and             contribution to the work of the Association, and               relationships. By working alongside colleagues around
            Broad MBE, Rob Burrow, Stephen Darby, Len Johnrose and Doddie Weir OBE.              raise money to support the Association’s work.             particularly his support for research.                         the world, we will learn more and increase our chances of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           developing new treatments and a cure.
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DIFFERENCE You make the - Impact Report 2019 - MND Association
You help us to give families the support they need…
                                                                      “We all had fun and                                                        Every day, families are living with the
                                                                                                                                                 devastating effects of MND.

                                                                      forgot about our                                                           As their loved ones come to terms with their
                                                                                                                                                 diagnosis, we know that children and young people

                                                                      worries for a while’”
                                                                                                                                                 often find themselves in need of our help too.
                                                                                                                                                 Thanks to the generous support of our fundraisers and
                                                                                                                                                 donors during 2019 the MND Association has been
                                                                      Twelve-year-old Penni-May has never known life                             able to do even more to help them.
                                                                      without MND.                                                               As well as launching a new storybook called Why are
                                                                      Her dad, James, was diagnosed with the disease long                        things changing? featuring three stories about MND,
                                                                      before she was born, and she has grown up watching him                     the Association has developed a web hub, MND Buddies,
                                                                      cope as MND slowly takes over his whole body.                              providing a safe place for young children to learn more about
                                                                                                                                                 MND through games and colourful activities.
                                                                      As life has become more challenging, the MND
                                                                      Association has been able to offer James, Penni-May and                    We brought families together by organising special events such
                                                                      her mum Sandra the help and information they need to                       as the Big Picnic in Manchester which was attended by 135 people
                                                                        not only make sense of what is happening to them,                        including 60 children. And we were able to help make life a little bit easier
                                                                            but also to enjoy the time they have together. They                  by offering 192 grants to children and young people worth more than £45,000 –
                                                                               have received grants to help provide a mobility                   helping to pay for everything from short breaks to drama lessons.
                                                                                   scooter for James and the chance for Sandra to
                                                                                      get out once a week to take part in a French
                                                                                         language course.
                                                                                               Penni-May said: “We deal with every
                                                                                                 day as it comes and always hope
                                                                                                  for the best. I have been brought
                                                                                                                                                    “We are delighted to                                                 “The book written for children
                                                                                                   up to handle what MND can do                     report Rory, pictured, has                                           Why are things changing?
                                                                                                   and my mum and dad like me to                    safely returned from his                                             explains in simple terms
                                                                                                   talk to them about it. The MND                   Scottish island-hopping                                              that things are going to
                                                                                                   Association has helped us a lot                  adventure with his                                                   change…but there will be
                                                                                               and has organised trips and activities               Granny and Grandpa. He                                               someone to help, or a way
                                                                                                                                                    had a truly memorable                                                of doing things that you can
                                                                                       for children who have family members
                                                                                                                                                    time with lots of memories                                           all join in with.”
                                                                                       with MND. We all went to the Big Picnic in                   made. We would like to
                                                                                       Manchester last summer – everyone had fun                    thank the MND Association for
                                                                                       and forgot about their worries for a while.”                 their contribution to Rory’s grant.”
                                                                                                                                                    Ned and Heather
                                                                                           Penni-May’s dad was diagnosed with MND five
                                                                                           years before she was born. Left: recent photos with
                                                                                           mum Helen and dad James.

    1990                                                              1992                                                                                                                                                 1993
           Our MND Connect helpline is launched.                             The Association helps establish the International                        The Association conducts its first MND patients’ survey.                    Our first MND Care and Research Centre was
           What started as an informal listening service for people          Alliance of ALS/MND Associations.                                        The first survey, completed by 22 people affected by MND,                   opened at King’s College Hospital, London.
           living with and affected by MND, has now grown into               From just 20 founding organisations in 1992, this global network         covered topics such as health and social care and was designed              Offering multi-disciplinary care - which is proven to
           the Association’s helpline, MND Connect. Each year,               has now grown to more than 50, representing 40 countries. The            to help us listen to our members. Our surveys have led to many              increase life expectancy and improve quality of life –
           our highly-trained advisers and volunteers respond                Alliance is an international community for ALS/MND Associations          initiatives being launched including the Association’s welfare              the opening of the Association’s first care centre was
           to more than 10,000 requests for information and                  around the world, promoting research and sharing knowledge. It           benefits advice service in 2017. In 2019, the service helped 921            a significant milestone. The Association now has 22
           practical and emotional support by phone and email.               also organises Global MND Awareness Day each year on June 21.            people affected by MND identify more than £2 million of benefits            care centres and care networks reducing the need for
                                                                                                                                                      which they were eligible to claim.                                          multiple appointments and stressful journeys.

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DIFFERENCE You make the - Impact Report 2019 - MND Association
You make sure we can offer a helping hand when things get tough
 When a loved one is diagnosed with MND we know the whole family will need our support. People
 living with MND need access to clear and concise information to help them understand what is
 happening to them while children and young people need resources to help them learn about MND                                                                                                                                      685
 in their own way. As well as providing those resources, the Association makes sure that people with                                                                                                                                people who are living with MND like
 MND have access to the equipment they need to help them live the best life possible.                                                                                                                                               Kaysa, pictured, received support to access

                                                                                                                                                            51,129                                                                  communications aids and voice banking

                                                                                                                                                            factsheets and
                                                                                     “It was good to meet other people                                      publications were
                                                                                                                                                            downloaded from
                                                                                     living with MND at the Big Picnic in
                                                                                                                                                            our website and
                                                                                     a relaxed and informal situation.”
                                                                                                                                                            23,811 publications
                                                                                                                                                            sent to people
                                                                                                                                                            affected by MND
                                                                                                                   volunteers work
                                                                            12,444                                 tirelessly to support
                                                                                                                   our work. In June, the
                                                                            publications were
                                                                                                                   Association marked
                                                                            downloaded from our
                                                                                                                   its 40th anniversary
                                                                            website by health and
                                                                                                                   by inviting 250 of
                                                                            social care professionals
                                                                                                                   our volunteers and
                                                                                                                   supporters to an event
                                                                                                                   at Boughton House in
                                                                                                                   Northamptonshire.            7,644
                                                                                                                                                calls were
                                                                                                                                                answered by
                                                                                                                                                our helpline                                                provided in grants to

 7,381                                                                                                                                          MND Connect                                                 265 carers

 unique page views of
 our MND Buddies web
 hub between its launch
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               people registered
 in August and December
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               to use the online
                                      913                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      care forum
                                      publications for
                                      children and young
                                      people were sent out
                                                                                                                                                                                worth of grants awarded to 192 children
                                                                                                                                                                                and young people affected by MND

     1995                                                                   1996                                                                1997                                                                   1999
            First book written for young people affected by MND.                   Riluzole was licensed for the treatment of MND.                     Spring conferences bring local information to                          The internet opens up global possibilities for the MND
            When your parent has motor neurone disease was the first book          In 1993 people with MND in the UK took part in an                   people with MND.                                                       Association.
            written about MND for teenagers and was compiled with the              international trial of the drug riluzole, that led to it            Our Regional Focus events provide people with an                       In 1999, the MND Association’s first website was launched. 20 years
            help of a group of young people with experience of MND. We             becoming the world’s first licensed drug for the treatment          opportunity to meet the Association’s team and find out                later, the Association worked alongside people living with MND, HSCPs
            still use the same peer group review procedure to test and             of MND. In 2019, the Association was involved in the                more about the work we are doing in their area. They are               and Association supporters to develop a new website, designed to
            inform all new publications for children and young people              TUDCA-ALS trial, looking at repurposing a drug as a                 held four times a year in locations across England, Wales and          ensure people affected by MND can find the information they need
            including So what is MND anyway? which is available in print           treatment for MND. We are also a partner in the TRICALS             Northern Ireland to give members of the MND community                  quickly and efficiently. In 2019, our website recorded 2,193,881 page
            and a downloadable PDF.                                                consortium which is looking to test more than one drug              a chance to come together and get the support they need.               views. We continue to embrace new and emerging technologies to
                                                                                   within the same trial.                                              In 2019, Regional Focus events attracted 305 people.                   keep the MND community connected.
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DIFFERENCE You make the - Impact Report 2019 - MND Association
You help us to campaign for real change…
                                                                               “Financially, it has                                                 MND often places an unimaginable financial
                                                                                                                                                    burden on families at one of the hardest

                                                                               been difficult. We are
                                                                                                                                                    and most stressful times of their lives. The
                                                                                                                                                    Association is determined to support them.

                                                                               very grateful for the
                                                                                                                                                    Our Scrap 6 Months campaign was launched in
                                                                                                                                                    2018, calling for a change in the law when it comes
                                                                                                                                                    to the Special Rules for Terminal Illness (SRTI) fast-

                                                                               Association’s support”                                               track process. In 2019, thanks to our campaigners,
                                                                                                                                                    the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)
                                                                                                                                                    announced it would be changing the guidance
                                                                                                                                                    which explains the fast-track process to clinical staff.
                                                                               For Josie and her family, MND has been life                          A review of how well the benefits system works for
                                                                               changing.                                                            the terminally ill was subsequently announced by
                                                                                                                                                    the former Secretary of State for Work and Pensions,
                                                                               In 2017, her husband Mark was diagnosed with MND,                    Amber Rudd.
                                                                               18 months after first experiencing symptoms. Since
                                                                               then, his mobility has continued to deteriorate leading              The Association is also supporting people affected by MND
                                                                               to a reduction in his independence.                                  when it comes to improving access to housing adaptations
                                                                                                                                                    and accessible housing. The Act to Adapt report published by the
                                                                               Josie is now Mark’s carer, having left her job to look               Association in 2019 concluded that people affected by MND currently face
                                                                               after him full-time.                                                 enormous difficulties, from the time it takes to go through the process to the
                                                                            She said: “Financially, it has been very difficult, and we              high costs involved.
                                                                            have been very grateful for the support the Association
                                                                           has given to us. In 2018, we started looking into housing
                                                                           adaptations, but we found we didn’t qualify for financial
                                                                             help, even though Mark has MND.
                                                                                                                                                        “I have had so much                                                   “I am fortunate to have a relatively
                                                                                 “So much additional stress was put upon us at a                       support from a lot of                                                  slowly progressing form of MND
                                                                                   time when we were already dealing with one of                       people, including the                                                  and so have time to advocate
                                                                                     the most stressful situations we have known.                      MND Association, and                                                   on behalf of those whose
                                                                                     Thankfully, the Association gave us a grant                       am positive about my                                                   progression is much quicker. Half
                                                                                                                                                       life but the last year or                                              of people die within two years
                                                                                     towards the cost of a wet room which has made
                                                                                                                                                       so battling the system                                                 of diagnosis – with that type of
                                                                                     such a huge difference. It’s reassuring to know                   to get the benefits I was                                              nuclear bomb dropping on your
                                                                                   that support is there.”                                             owed has been very hard.                                               family, especially if you have young
                                                                                                                                                       It shouldn’t be like that.”                                            children, you really shouldn’t have to
                                                                                                                                                       Martin                                                                 waste precious time fighting the system.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              David, volunteer campaigner

                                                                                        Left: Josie and husband Mark who
                                                                                        was diagnosed with MND in 2017

     2001                                                                           2002                                                              2003                                                                       2006
            Rex Cheetham receives a silver floral medal at the                             The All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for                      The national MND DNA Bank and Clinical Database                            Healthcare research funded by the Association
            Chelsea Flower Show for his garden design Memories                             MND is formed.                                                    is launched.                                                               to determine the benefits of non-invasive
            of Rex.                                                                        This cross-party group meets in Parliament to discuss             In 2003, the Association, together with individuals, donors,               ventilation (NIV).
            We take every opportunity to talk about MND, whether that                      matters related to MND. Over the years they have                  funders and Association branches, created a national DNA Bank              By 2010, this project proved that NIV helped people
            be on TV, national newspapers or online. Coverage of the 2019                  produced a series of reports which seek to change                 for MND. In 2015, further funding enabled Professor Chris Shaw             with MND live longer and enjoy an improved quality
            Chelsea Flower Show, which saw our founder member Martin                       policy for people with MND. The 2015 APPG’s report on             to create a new library of cell lines. The combined resource               of life. Thanks to the hard work of our campaigners, NIV
            Anderson MBE and Sue Haywood from Sue Haywood Garden                           the lack of communication aids for people with MND,               is now known as the MND Collections and is invaluable                      is routinely offered to people with MND, as stipulated
            Design Ltd win a gold medal, led to articles in magazines and on               Condemned to Silence, spearheaded a major shift in the            to researchers around the world. In November 2019, the                     in the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
            TV. In 2019, we reached an estimated audience of seven million.                way that Eyegaze could be provided by NHS England.                Association received the UK Biobank of the Year Award.                     (NICE) guideline on MND.
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DIFFERENCE You make the - Impact Report 2019 - MND Association
We’re behind you – every step of the way
 Making sure people living with MND have access to the care and support they need is always at the
 top of our agenda. When important issues arise, our network of campaigners are there to help, working
 alongside local councils, representatives from the Welsh Parliament and Northern Ireland Executive and
 with MPs in Westminster to make sure the voices of people living with MND are always heard.

 12,000                                                                                                                                                         70    campaign volunteers who are dedicated to
 people sent emails to
 Parliamentary candidates
 during the 2019 General
                                                                                                                                                                making the voices of people with MND heard
 Election campaign                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 MPs and Peers attended MND
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   events in Parliament during 2019

                                                                                                                             councils had
                                                                                                                             adopted the
                                                                                                                             MND Charter by

                                                                                                                             the end of 2019

      campaign network

                                                                                           55,455                                                                                                          850
                                                                                           people signed our Scrap 6 Months petition                                                                       people, like Ciara, pictured with her husband Joe and
                                                                                                                                                                                                           their family, shared their experiences of housing
                                                                                                                                                                                                           adaptations, strengthening our report Act to Adapt

     2007                                                               2008                                                                        2009                                                                       2010
            A pledge of £1 million, is made in memory                          HRH The Princess Royal becomes Royal Patron of the                          The discovery of mutations in the FUS gene as a cause of                   The Association’s online forum is launched.
            of Lady Edith Wolfson who died from MND,                           MND Association.                                                            inherited MND is published by an international team of                     The forum provides an important and safe space for
            to fund Lady Edith Wolfson Clinical Research                       The Princess was already involved with MND Scotland when                    scientists.                                                                people affected by MND to share their concerns and
            Fellowships.                                                       she agreed to support the Association’s work in England, Wales              The team included researchers at King’s College London, with some          chat with others going through similar experiences.
            The Lady Edith Wolfson Fellowship programme includes               and Northern Ireland. Her Royal Highness took on her role as                funding provided by the MND Association. Although mutations in             The ‘Ask MND Connect’ option allows people to
            clinical research grants jointly funded by the Medical             our Royal Patron for an initial period of three years and has very          the FUS gene only cause a small number of cases of MND, further            speak directly with our trained support staff as
            Research Council and non-clinical grants to develop                kindly continued – and increased – her support since then. Since            research is proving fruitful and has broader implications for the          well as providing us with an opportunity to share
            the careers of young researchers. We are grateful for the          2008 she has attended 23 events on our behalf, helping to raise             mechanisms behind sporadic as well as familial MND.                        information. Since its launch, more than 91,000
            Wolfson Foundation’s support during 2019.                          significant awareness and funds.                                                                                                                       messages have been posted.
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DIFFERENCE You make the - Impact Report 2019 - MND Association
You are at the heart of our fight for a world free from MND…
 In recent years, a global explosion of interest has                         We are also involved in some exciting clinical trials,               We continue to collaborate with partners around the
 helped to ignite genuine optimism for the future of                         including the MIROCALS trial and the TUDCA-ALS                       world, including with the research centres and ALS/                           “...the Symposium attracts
 MND research.                                                               trial which are investigating whether drugs used to                  MND foundations which have come together to form
                                                                             treat other conditions, such as kidney cancer and                    the Treatment to Cure ALS (TRICALS) consortium                                an increasing number
 Significant advances in genetics mean that research
 into MND has become one of the fastest-moving fields
                                                                             liver cirrhosis, may be effective in treating MND.                   alongside clinicians and people living with MND. The                    of drug companies who see
                                                                             Similarly, the Association is approving plans to                     consortium aims to speed up the search for effective
 in neurological science – and thanks to your help, the
                                                                             support a new international trial, called PRELUDE. This              treatments by running drug trials more efficiently and                  potential opportunities for
 MND Association is right at the heart of it.
                                                                             will test whether lithium may slow the disease in a                  more effectively, including testing more than one drug                  developing new treatments,
 The Association’s vision is simple – we want to see                         specific group of patients who carry a variation of the              within the same trial.
 a world free from MND – and to help us achieve that                         UNC13A gene, which is associated with the speed of                                                                                           something which I consider to
 goal we continue to invest in ground-breaking                               MND progression.                                                     We have real hope for the future                                        be hugely encouraging.”
 research which we believe will give us the best chance
                                                                                                                                                  At the same time, we play a leading role on the
 of discovering new and effective treatments and
                                                                                                                                                  world stage by organising the annual International
 ultimately, a cure.
                                                                                                                                                  Symposium on ALS/MND – the biggest event of
                                                                                                                                                  its kind anywhere in the world. As well as being a
 We’re working with our partners to                                                                                                                                                                                       We have never been more hopeful for the future of
                                                                                                                                                  place where researchers can come together to build
 accelerate progress                                                                                                                                                                                                      our work. On behalf of all our members thank you
                                                                                                                                                  important relationships and share their latest findings,
 Your support allows us to play a leading role in                                                                                                                                                                         for all that you have done – and continue to do – to
                                                                                                                                                  the Symposium attracts an increasing number of
 innovative projects like Project MinE which aims to                                                                                                                                                                      support us.
                                                                                                                                                  drug companies who see potential opportunities
 discover more about the disease by analysing the DNA                                                                                             for developing new treatments, something which I                        Dr Brian Dickie,
 of thousands of people living with MND. The UK is one                                                                                            consider to be hugely encouraging.                                      Director of Research Development
 of 20 countries which contribute to the project and this
 year the Association was able to sequence a further
 50 genomes, bringing us close to our overall target of
 2,200 genomes – almost 10% of the worldwide target
 of 22,500 genomes.                                                                                                                                  “I take opportunities to                                             “The Fellowship has
                                                                                                                                                     support the Association                                              undoubtedly been the first
                                                                                                                                                     when I can, most recently                                            step in helping to launch
        “Your support allows us                                                                                                                      at a legacy event in                                                 my career as an aspiring
                                                                                                                                                     Cardiff, where I often                                               clinician-scientist with an
        to play a leading role in                                                                                                                    meet people living                                                   interest in regenerative
                                                                                                                                                     with or affected by MND                                              neurology and MND in
 innovative projects like Project                                                                                                                    which is so valuable and                                             particular. It has opened
                                                                                                                                                     also humbling. I would like                                          many doors for me, giving me
 MinE which aims to discover more                                                                                                                    to thank the MND Association                                         the opportunity to collaborate
 about the disease by analysing                                                                                                                      for continuing support in so many                                    with outstanding scientists, present
                                                                                                                                                     ways and especially thank the Wolfson Foundation for the             research at national and international conferences and
 the DNA of thousands of people                                                                                                                      financial backing for my research; it means so much to me            to be involved with cutting-edge translational research.”
                                                                                                                                                     and my team.”                                                        Dr Arpan Mehta
 living with MND.”                                                                                                                                   Tatyana Shelkovnikova

     2012                                                                                                                                                                                                                       2014
            £500,000 from the Department of Health to improve                         Discovery of the C9 gene mutation.                               Launch of the MND Charter.                                                      Red Flags tool is launched.
            wheelchair services.                                                      For some years, researchers had known that a cause of            The MND Charter is a five-point plan setting out what good                      GPs and others in the primary care team can make
            This grant built upon the very significant fundraising undertaken by      inherited MND was connected to Chromosome 9. In                  care for people living with MND looks like. Since 2012, the MND                 a great difference to the quality of life for people
            former Association patron and longstanding supporter, Joel Cadbury,       2012, two separate international teams identified that           Charter has been signed by more than 30,000 individuals, health                 with MND, with timely care, support and symptom
            and his friends, who helped establish and fund our wheelchair service     the mutation, or change, was an expansion within a gene          boards, clinical commissioning groups and health and wellbeing                  management. The Red Flags tool for GPs was
            over many years. In collaboration with manufacturers, we developed        called C9orf72. Since this discovery, the Association has        boards. It has been adopted by 93 councils across England, Wales                devised to help identify the early symptoms and
            a powered neuro wheelchair and were shortlisted for an innovation         funded grants to study the way in which the C9 genetic           and Northern Ireland and is being used by the Association to                    progression of MND to enable prompt early referrals
            award. Today, the powered neuro wheelchair specification is used by       expansion causes disease. By understanding the causes,           campaign for improved services.                                                 to a neurologist.
            many wheelchair services for people with MND.                             we can get closer to developing treatments.
16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            17
DIFFERENCE You make the - Impact Report 2019 - MND Association
Leading the world in the search for a cure
 By investing more in research and continuing to work closely with partners around the world we are
 confident that one day we will achieve our vision of a world free from MND. Together we can make
 it happen.

                                                                                                    300                                                                                                                                                   researchers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          and clinicians
                                                                                                    people with MND and 204 without                                                                                                                       attended the
                                                                                                    MND have donated samples and                                                                                                                          30th International
                                                                                                    clinical data to Project AMBRoSIA.                                                                                                                    Symposium on
                                                                                                    All of the DNA samples donated                                                                                                                        ALS/MND held in
     £14,500,000                                                                                    by people with MND during their
                                                                                                    first clinic visit have been sent for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Perth, Australia in
     value of our research portfolio                                                                genetic analysis.
     as at 31 December

                                                                                                                                                                        people participating in

                                                                                                                                                                        MIROCALS trial to test
                                                                                                                                                                        Interleukin - 2 as a potential
                                                                                                                                                                        new treatment for MND                                                             people, all wearing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          their country’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          T-shirts - took part
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          in the first ever
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Global Walk to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          d’Feet MND at the

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 people signed up to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 the MND Register by 31
                           In November our UK MND
                           Collections received the 2019
                                                                                           make up
                                                                                                                                                        £3,043,000                                                                               December

                           UK Biobank of the Year Award                                                                                                 was approved and allocated
                                                                                           our research                                                 to 30 new research grants

     2014                                                                                                                                                                                                    2015
            Association funded international researchers identify                      A film about the life of Professor Stephen              The Ice Bucket challenge raises more than £7                         The MND Association announces the creation
            mistakes in the TUBA4A gene as a new cause of the                          Hawking called The Theory of Everything                 million for the MND Association.                                     of Lady Edith Wolfson non-clinical research
            inherited form of MND.                                                     premiered in London.                                    This global mass participation phenomenon went viral on              fellowships.
            TUBA4A, encodes the tubulin 4A protein of every cell, including motor      The film starred Association patron Eddie Redmayne      social media during the summer. Participants were filmed             Following the Ice Bucket Challenge funding, we launched a
            neurones. This protein forms the structure of the cell, transporting       and was based on a memoir by Jane Hawking. Eddie,       having a bucket of ice water poured over their heads before          new grants scheme with an award of four grants in the first
            important molecules within the cell, including growth factors critical     the Hawking family and The Hawking Foundation have      publicly nominating others in a bid to raise awareness and           year and two new grants awarded in the following years. Of
            for neuron survival. Defects in this cellular transport system have been   all continued to support us over the years and during   funds. The money raised allowed us to accelerate a number            the eleven grants awarded so far, five have completed, five
            shown to be a cause of neurodegeneration and MND.                          2019 by attending events and donating money.            of key research and care projects.                                   are ongoing and one is due to start in 2020.
18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                19
How we spent your donations                                                                                                                             You help us to achieve more…
 None of the work we do to support people affected by MND would be                                                                                       Our fundraising highlights:
 possible without the kindness and generosity of our fundraisers, donors,
 corporate, trust and other supporters – and we are incredibly grateful.                                  68p
                                                                                                          out of every £1 raised
                                                                                                                                                                  Once again, the MND community has helped us
                                                                                                                                                                  to achieve even more in the fight against MND by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Our Christmas Appeal, to raise money to help
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           support our work with children and young
 Whatever their personal reason for wanting to get involved, our
                                                                                                          was spent on funding our                                raising £4.13 million to invest in care, research and                    people, was our most successful appeal in 2019
 supporters go to extraordinary lengths to support our work, some                                         work in research, care and                              campaigning.                                                             raising more than £147,000.
 pushing themselves both mentally and physically to raise as much money                                   campaigning, 17p to fund
 as they possibly can.                                                                                    support costs within the                                A huge thank you to former Scottish rugby                                The Linbury Trust donated £50,000, the second
                                                                                                          Association, for example,                               international Doddie Weir OBE for continuing                             of four gifts in memory of prima ballerina,
 Every donation, whether it is large or small, helps to make a difference,                                finance, information systems                            to support the Association’s support grants                              Annette Page. In March, The Royal Opera House
 allowing us to support more people with MND right now, while funding                                     and human resources and                                 programme with a gift of £150,000 – our                                  also hosted a tribute performance in memory of
 vital research which will bring us closer to new treatments and the                                      15p on fundraising costs to                             partnership with the My Name’5 Doddie                                    Annette, attended by members of her family and
 possibility of a cure.                                                                                   generate our income.
                                                                                                                                                                  Foundation is now entering its third year.                               many of the Association’s supporters.

                                                                                                          £4.03                                                   The Wolfson Foundation donated £375,000
                                                                                                                                                                  during the year to fund The Lady Edith Wolfson
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Including legacies, our fantastic branches and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           groups contributed more than £2.4 million,
 SOURCES OF INCOME*                                   HOW WE SPENT THE                                    was raised for every £1 spent                           Non-Clinical Fellowship Programme helping us to                          helping us to achieve more for people affected
                                                      MONEY RAISED*                                       directly on fundraising in 2019.                        attract the brightest scientific talent in the fight                     by MND.
                                                                                                          When legacy income and                                  against MND.
                                                                                                          expenditure is included, this                                                                                                    We would like to thank The Freshfield Foundation,
                                                                                                          rises to £5.87.                                         Keta’s Journey – a 350-mile walk from Hartlepool                         The William and Frank Brake Family Trusts, the
                                                                                                                                                                  to Godalming completed by family and friends in                          Edith Murphy Foundation, The Childwick Trust,

                                                                                                          £10.5 million
                                                                                                          was raised by our incredible
                                                                                                                                                                  memory of Keta Hansen who lost her fight with
                                                                                                                                                                  MND in early 2019 – raised more than £100,000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           The Jordan Charitable Foundation and the Bruce
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Wake Charitable Trust for their enduring support
                                                                                                                                                                  and secured local and national press coverage.                           of the Association across many projects.
                                                                                                          fundraisers and supporters in
                                                                                                          2019 and our branches and                               Our 12-month partnership with Investec raised                            Thank you to the Alan Davidson Foundation for its
                                                                                                          groups raised a further £2.0                            more than £136,000 and HSBC’s Financial Crime                            continued support via standalone and matched
                                                                                                          million. We would like to thank                         Compliance team raised £22,000 via an abseil                             grants during the year.
                                (£) million                                          (£) million
                                                                                                          everyone for all they have
 Central fundraising                 £10.5            Care and support                      £6.1                                                                  at their Birmingham headquarters. Our partner,
                                                                                                          done this year.                                                                                                                  We were delighted that the Foundation run by
                                                                                                                                                                  Morson International raised more than £30,000.
 Legacies                             £5.3            Research                              £4.1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Liverpool FC vice-captain James Milner supported
 Branches and Groups
 Earned income
                                                      Campaigning and
                                                      raising awareness
                                                      Volunteer development
                                                                                                          £5.3 million
                                                                                                          was donated in legacy gifts
                                                                                                                                                                  Our thanks to the London Freemasons for funding
                                                                                                                                                                  of £100,000 to fully fund a prestigious three-year
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           our work for a second consecutive year.

                                                                                                                                                                  PhD studentship at University College London.
 TOTAL                              £18.8                                                                 to the Association which have
                                                      Fundraising                           £2.8                                                                  This grant from the London Freemasons comes
                                                                                                          made a significant difference                           through the Masonic Charitable Foundation,
                                                      Support Costs                         £2.9
                                                                                                          to our income. We are
                                                                                                                                                                  which is funded by freemasons, their families and
                                                      TOTAL                               £18.1           enormously grateful to those
                                                                                                                                                                  friends from across England and Wales.
                                                                                                          supporters who remembered
                                                                                                          the work of the Association in
 * These numbers are provisional and subject to final approval by the Board of Trustees. For a full       their Wills.
 breakdown of our financial position, our annual accounts will be available later in the year.

     2016                                                                                                                                                 2017                                                                    2018
            The discovery of NEK1 gene, part of the research project,                            NICE guideline on MND is published.                             Credit Suisse UK selects the MND Association as                         Trial of digital advertising with the NHS.
            Project MinE.                                                                        After campaigning by the MND Association and                    their Charity of the Year partner.                                      In 2018, we trialled digital advertising to neurologists and
            The role of the gene NEK1 is a significant discovery as part of                      our supporters, the NICE guideline on MND was                   Working in partnership with Credit Suisse UK, the Association           speech and language therapists on NHS intranet pages
            the international research project, Project MinE. The UK is one                      published. To support the guideline, the Association            helped devise a 12-month programme of fundraising                       promoting voice banking for people with MND resulting
            of 20 countries which are contributing to Project MinE and the                       introduced a free-to-use audit and benchmarking                 activities including running, cycling, extreme sports                   in a 213% increase in requests for voice banking grants
            Association’s contribution continued this year with an award to                      resource called Transforming MND Care to help clinics           participation as well as concerts, tin collections and office-          and equipment loans where adverts were placed.
            sequence a further 50 genomes, bringing us close to our overall                      test their compliance within the guideline.                     based activities. The partnership raised more than £760,000.
            target of 2,200 genomes.

20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      21
Looking to the future                                                                                                                              You are our inspiration…
 At the time of putting together our Impact Report,                              Research                                                                        A message from our Chief Executive:        As the coronavirus pandemic continues to unfold, the
 the UK finds itself in the middle of lockdown                                                                                                                                                              Association is adapting and responding decisively,
                                                                                 Whilst some of our 2020 research plans have                                         One of the greatest strengths of
 following the coronavirus outbreak earlier this year.                                                                                                                                                      ensuring people living with MND can access the help
                                                                                 changed, we will use all available opportunities to                                  our Association is its community
                                                                                                                                                                                                            and support they need at this particularly challenging
 As a result, the Association is revising its existing                           continue to drive development and collaboration                                       – extraordinary people who are
                                                                                                                                                                                                            and worrying time.
 plans and services for 2020 and beyond to reflect                               in research.                                                                          determined to do whatever it
 the changing needs of the people living with                                                                                                                           takes to improve the lives of all   But with countless fundraising events cancelled,
                                                                                 The uncertainty around travel and large gatherings
 and affected by MND across England, Wales and                                                                                                                          those who are affected by MND.      the Association stands to lose up to a third of its
                                                                                 has meant we have cancelled this year’s International
 Northern Ireland.                                                                                                                                                                                          annual income, a situation which we continue to
                                                                                 Symposium on ALS/MND, planned to take place                                           It’s a community made up
                                                                                                                                                                                                            monitor closely.
 As always, our key priority is to support people living                         in Montreal, Canada during December. Instead                                         of our members, volunteers,
 with MND and their families in this challenging                                 we are making plans to run a virtual Symposium                                     campaigners, fundraisers and            As ever, our extraordinary community has already
 environment, helping them to access the support                                 as a replacement event, to enable international                                  donors – people just like you – who       risen to this unprecedented challenge, taking every
 that they need from Government and statutory                                    collaboration between researchers and clinicians                             give up their time freely to raise money      opportunity to find increasingly creative ways to raise
 services while still working towards our longer term                            to continue.                                                       and support the work of the Association right across    money on the Association’s behalf during lockdown –
 vision of a world free from MND.                                                                                                                   England, Wales and Northern Ireland.                    every penny really does count.
                                                                                 We are continuing to assess research proposals
                                                                                 through our funding rounds in anticipation of being                Thanks to your continued dedication and support,        In the face of the challenges that undoubtedly
                                                                                 in a position to award new research grants as soon as              in the past year we have been able to do even more      lie ahead, I know our community remains strong
 Support to people with MND and their families:
                                                                                 practically possible.                                              to support families affected by MND – improving the     and resolute and as committed as ever to doing
 Our volunteers and staff have been in contact with                                                                                                 care and support they receive now, while investing in   everything possible to support people living with
 everyone on our database who we know is living                                                                                                     the ground-breaking drug trials and research projects   MND both now and in the months and years to come.
 with MND to offer support and advice.                                           Campaigning and raising awareness                                  which give us all so much hope for the future.
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Thank you for your support.
 During the pandemic, our volunteers and staff are                               Our priority continues to be that people with                      We are so grateful for everything you have done
 using video technology to provide support to people                             MND get what they need when they need it. It                       already to help us, but in the months that lie ahead
 affected by MND, directing them to information                                  is particularly important that they have a strong                  we will be relying on your support more than ever.
 and resources on our website, as well as assisting                              voice at a time when health and social care
 with practical tasks such as shopping. We are also                              services will be under extreme pressure. We will
 focussing on the needs of carers and considering                                also drive forward the Scrap 6 Months and Act to
 the impact of bereavement on our community. We                                  Adapt housing adaptation campaigns when it is
 will provide information, guidance and support in                               appropriate to do so.
 relation to visiting loved ones who are nearing end
 of life, attending funerals and the grieving process.
 We will adapt to the changing environment to
 ensure services for people with MND remain
 a priority.

            Children’s hub launched.                                                  Scrap 6 Months – campaign petition of 55,455
            As early as 1993, the Association began the important task                signatures handed into 10 Downing Street.
            of supporting children and young people affected by MND                   Our Scrap 6 Months campaign launched in 2018, calling on
            by producing age-appropriate information. In 2019 the                     the government to change the law regarding the Special
            Association launched a new online resource, MND Buddies,                  Rules fast track process. During the 2019 General Election,
            which provides a safe place for children to learn about the               more than 12,000 emails were sent, more than 800 candidates
            disease through stories and play. By the end of the year, the site        pledged their support and 77 are now sitting MPs.
            had received 7,381 page views.

22                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    23
Thank you
                                                                      “I am so grateful
                                                                      that the MND
                                                                      is there and
                                                                      continuing to
                                                                      work so hard
                                                                      for us.”
“We all have a part to play in raising awareness of MND, particularly within the Government. People who are living with
MND contribute and are valuable members of society – however long we have on this planet.”
Sarah Ezekiel

We would like to thank our supporters for everything they have done during 2019 and continue to do in
these difficult times. We are so grateful to all of our fundraisers, donors and supporters who have risen to
the challenge and helped raise vital funds to enable us to keep our services going. With your support we
will continue to offer the best support we can to everyone affected by this cruel, devastating disease while
moving ever closer to our vision of a world free from MND.

If you would like to support us, please visit www.mndassociation.org
contact us on 01604 611860 or email us at enquiries@mndassociation.org




Motor Neurone Disease Association
Francis Crick House, 6 Summerhouse Road,
Moulton Park, Northampton, NN3 6BJ
Tel: 01604 611860
Email: fundraising@mndassociation.org

Registered charity no. 294354 © MND Association 2020
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