Digital India Unlocking the Trillion Dollar Opportunity November 2016 - Deloitte

Digital India Unlocking the Trillion Dollar Opportunity November 2016 - Deloitte
Digital India
Unlocking the Trillion Dollar Opportunity
November 2016
Digital India Unlocking the Trillion Dollar Opportunity November 2016 - Deloitte
Digital India Unlocking the Trillion Dollar Opportunity November 2016 - Deloitte
Digital India: Unlocking the trillion dollar opportunity

Foreword                                                                    04
Messages from ASSOCHAM                                                      05
Current Status of the Digital India Program                                 09
Enabling Services for Digital India Transformation                          15
Capacity Building for a Digital India                                       24
Digital India: Making an Impact                                             30
Concluding Remarks                                                          35
References                                                                  36
Acknowledgements                                                            38
Contacts                                                                    38
About ASSOCHAM                                                              39

Digital India Unlocking the Trillion Dollar Opportunity November 2016 - Deloitte
Digital India: Unlocking the trillion dollar opportunity


The Digital India program with its focus               development of the fixed infrastructure        million and 0.5 million users respectively.
on three key vision areas – infrastructure             needs to be enhanced. Under the                DigiLocker, the cloud storage service
as a utility to every citizen, governance              BharatNet project, the government              under Digital India, is now used by 4
and services on demand and digital                     plans to provide information highways in       million users.
empowerment of citizens – has the                      terms of high speed fiber networks. This
potential to provide an incremental 20-                project has witnessed delays over the          Capacity building is critical for the
30% increase in India’s GDP by 2025. Since             last few years and now aims to provide         success of the Digital India program.
its launch in July 2015, significant progress          connectivity to 100,000 gram panchayats        As of mid-2016, digital literacy in India
has been made in several initiatives under             by Mar 2017, which is much lower than the      is less than 10%. The government has
Digital India. However, a few challenges               original target.                               undertaken several initiatives to increase
that remain, need to be addressed in                                                                  the rate of digital literacy in order to
order to realize the full potential of the             Wi-Fi hotpots are also required to             effectively harness the upcoming digital
program.                                               provide last mile connectivity for digital     wave. Further, to develop sufficient skills
                                                       services. To match the global average          to support the Digital India Vision, the
The government is focusing on developing               of a hotspot for every 150 people, 8           government has instated the Capacity
the physical infrastructure as well as                 million hotspots need to be deployed in        Building Scheme to provide training
software and security infrastructure                   India. India currently has ~31,000 Wi-Fi       for designing and delivering projects
to ensure the success of its vision of                 hotspots. To further the development           under Digital India. Additionally, several
providing infrastructure as a utility to               of digital infrastructure in India, the        measures are being taken to increase the
every citizen. Till now, the government                government should focus on improving           adoption of digital technologies so that
has successfully achieved the digitization             the participation from the private sector      the benefits of Digital India can reach all
of all department post offices and has set             through a collaborative engagement             sections of society.
up Common Service Centers (CSCs) to                    model which allows for a viable business
deliver e-governance services in villages.             case for the private sector as well as meet    This publication reviews the initiatives
To increase the speed of development                   the objectives of the Digital India program.   launched under the Digital India program,
and adoption of digital services, the                                                                 and attempts to address some of the
government needs to increase availability              Several digital services have been             challenges in the implementation of the
of digital infrastructure in rural areas,              launched over the last few quarters            program. In addition, the impact of these
leverage existing infrastructure and                   that have seen significant adoption. The       initiatives on citizens, business and the
improve digital awareness.                             e-payment portal, RuPay promoted by            environment have been discussed. The
                                                       National Payments Corporation of India         tripod of 1 billion digital identities, 1
There has been significant improvement                 represents 38% of all debit cards issued       billion mobile and over 250 million bank
in the wireless infrastructure over the last           in India, ahead of Visa and MasterCard.        accounts is waiting to unleash a very big
12 months with 4G deployments by major                 MyGov app and Swachh Bharat App                digital revolution in India.
service providers. However, the speed of               have been launched and have over 1

Hemant Joshi

Digital India Unlocking the Trillion Dollar Opportunity November 2016 - Deloitte
Digital India: Unlocking the trillion dollar opportunity

Messages from
The world is witnessing the unfolding of            promote digital inclusion and to expand the
the 4th Industrial Revolution, also known           ambit of e-governance.
as the Digital Revolution, which will re-write
the way we live, work and interact with each        The recent move towards demonetization
other – not only between people but also            will further accelerate the adoption of
between people and machines. Businesses             digital modes for financial transactions at
around the world are trying their best to ‘go       a much faster pace in comparison to other
digital’ for the sake of survival. To remain        countries in the world.
competitive, investing in digital technology
is a must now.                                      I am very happy that ASSOCHAM has
                                                    decided to organize this conference in
India too has started experiencing this             this backdrop. I am not sure if there is
digital transformation. However, it may             any blueprint for successful adoption of
still take some time for India to feel the          digital technologies, but certainly there
full impact of this change. Although the            are plenty of success stories to learn from.
use of digital technology is on the rise in         This conference aims to bring to the fore
India, there still exists a wide ‘digital divide’   such examples which can offer valuable
between urban and rural India which needs           insights into the approaches and actions of
to be bridged urgently. Keeping in mind             a successful digital transformation. I wish
the global reality, our Prime Minister has          the conference a grand success.
launched the Digital India programme to

Sunil Kanoria

Digital India Unlocking the Trillion Dollar Opportunity November 2016 - Deloitte
Digital India: Unlocking the trillion dollar opportunity

ASSOCHAM welcomes the Digital India                    ministries, and provide a single platform for
programme being launched recently by                   interaction with its citizens, thus promoting
the Hon’ble Prime Minister as flagship                 participatory governance and increased
programme with a vision to transform India             transparency and revolutionising public
into a digitally empowered society and                 service delivery.
knowledge economy.
                                                       ASSOCHAM’s initiative in creating
As citizens become more aware of their                 awareness about the concept and practice
right, they have become more demanding                 of e-Governance is almost more than a
in terms of better and quicker services                decade, where efforts have been made
from Government. Effective public service              to invite participation not only from
today, is more about transparency,                     Central Government but also from State
efficiency and accountability.                         Governments on one side and ensuring
                                                       participation from Industry leaders on a
e-Governance initiative in India have                  common platform.
traditionally being confronted with the dual
challenges of automating Government                    The 12th e-Governance National Summit
Departments and taking online services                 with the Theme “Unlocking Trillion Dollar
to the common man. But now has moved                   Opportunity through Digital India” is
beyond government departments just                     another step in that direction and we
having a portal. It is no longer confined              sincerely hope that all the Stakeholders
to merely streamlining and automating                  will immensely gain from the deliberations
processes. It is about transforming the                at this National Summit in achieving the
way governments work and reinventing                   objective of creating the ‘Digital India’.
people’s participation in the democratic
process. It is about empowering both the               I convey my good wishes for the
Government and Citizen. Technology will                success of this 12th National Summit on
be the enabler for the citizen to transcend            e-Governance and Digital India.
the boundaries of departments and

Secretary General

Digital India Unlocking the Trillion Dollar Opportunity November 2016 - Deloitte
Digital India: Unlocking the trillion dollar opportunity

For the past many years, through the            dual challenges of automating government          of citizen services, can be delivered to
National Summit on e-Governance & Digital       departments and taking online services            rural citizens subject to conducive and
India, ASSOCHAM has created a platform          to the common man. It has lately moved            progressive policy initiatives by the
for the central Ministries, State and the       well beyond government departments                government and with the participation
industry to come together and deliberate        just having a portal, streamlining and            of the entire ecosystem. However, the
on the way for forward for Digital India.       automating processes. It is now about             need of the hour is to adopt a grassroots
The main focus of National Summit is to         empowering both the government and                approach starting from the State-level with
help in statewide inclusive growth through      the citizen. Technology will be the enabler       key enablers being awareness building
effective implementation of the Digital         and provide a platform for interaction            and imbibing the benefits of e-services
India Program so that its benefits reach the    promoting increased transparency and              especially for the underserved parts of the
grassroots level in the remotest of areas.      revolutionizing public service delivery.          country.
Creating a digital society will be the key
in the competitiveness of nations in the        This is also the decade of broadband –            The 12th e-Governance National Summit
upcoming years. Digital Society is broader      and we all recognize the vital importance         with the theme “Unlocking Trillion Dollar
than ‘digital economy.’ A digital society       of broadband as a social and economic             Opportunity through Digital India”
integrates all social spheres and lends a       development tool. It is a critical component      is another step in that direction. We
competitive edge to the overall economy.        of smart society. The Digital India program       sincerely hope that all the stakeholders
The post de-monetization scenario has           is aimed at further bridging the divide           will immensely gain from the deliberations
further emphasized the importance of            between digital “haves” and “have-nots”. It       at this national summit and achieve the
cash-less digital transactions which are        is an opportune time for both the industry        objective of creating a ‘Digital India’.
possible only if we have a digitally serviced   and the government to from a synergistic
society.                                        partnership towards bolstering India’s            I convey my good wishes for the success of
                                                socioeconomic development through                 the 12th National Summit on e-Governance
E-governance initiatives in India have          digital empowerment. The initiatives of           and Digital India.
traditionally being confronted with the         e-health, e-education and a wide variety

Umang Das
ASSOCHAM National Council on eGovernance & Digital India

Digital India Unlocking the Trillion Dollar Opportunity November 2016 - Deloitte
Digital India: Unlocking the trillion dollar opportunity

Digital India holds the potential to truly             ICT today has the power to ensure
transform India from a developing into a               eGovernance reaches every nook and
developed economy. ICT infrastructure                  corner of India. Distances and locations
lies at the very foundation of the success             which are remote physically do not look
of Digital India. I believe that as a nation           appear distant anymore in the digital
we should allocate a fixed percentage                  realm. We must ensure that government
of our GDP to be invest exclusively on                 departments get access to the latest ICT
creating, upgrading and maintaining                    technologies at the most competitive
digital infrastructure. We have metrics                prices. Government should come out with
on percentage of GDP spent on social                   industry friendly procurement policies
infrastructure and physical infrastructure.            which will enable the ICT industry to supply
It is time that we decide a minimum                    latest ICT technologies and solutions to the
percentage of GDP which should be                      government. A strong and robust project
spent for ICT infrastructure. Digital India            management and monitoring mechanism
is transcending beyond eGovernance to                  is essential to ensure that all ICT projects
every aspect in the life of an Indian citizen.         in government gets rolled out as per the
ICT is deeply enmeshed in Digital banking,             planned schedule thus ensuring citizens
insurance, eCommerce, entertainment,                   derive benefits of ICT and at the same
eHealth, eEducation, KPOs, IT/ITES,                    time protect the investments made by the
modern manufacturing, transportation,                  industry.
agriculture and many such sectors today.
The robustness and the quality of ICT                  Indian ICT industry is partnering
infrastructure will determine the success              corporations and governments globally
of digitization of Indian economy and                  in their digitization journeys and I am fully
overall success of Digital India. As a nation          confident that we can partner government
we should also set targets to roll out fibre           of India central, state and local in their
infrastructure both in urban and rural                 digitization journeys.
India. Our fibreisation is one of the lowest
in the world amongst the large economies
and we all should make it a national
endeavor to bridge this gap.

Ramu Patchala
ASSOCHAM National Council on eGovernance &
Digital India

Digital India Unlocking the Trillion Dollar Opportunity November 2016 - Deloitte
Digital India: Unlocking the trillion dollar opportunity

Current Status of the
Digital India Program
Overview of the Digital India Program                          The Digital India programme is focused
The Digital India programme was                                on fulfilling three vision areas through
launched over a year ago in 2015. The                          9 “pillars” or focus areas, which lay
program has now moved from the                                 down objectives in areas such as skill
planning phase towards execution and                           development, e-governance, mobile /
significant progress has been made in                          broadband connectivity, etc. These 9
implementation of the various initiatives.                     pillars are supplemented by initiatives
However, some challenges have been                             that are operating at various levels. All the
faced during the execution which need to                       initiatives have been launched and are in
be addressed.                                                  various phases of implementation while
                                                               significant progress has been achieved on
                                                               some of these initiatives, such as Smart
                                                               Cities, Jandhan, PAHAL, etc. in the last 6-12

Figure 1: Overview of the Digital India Programme

                                                                                Vision areas

                                                            Infrastructure        Governance                Digital
                                                                   as a              and                empowerment
                                                            utility to every      services on             of citizens
                                                                 citizen           demand



            IT for Jobs      Access to           E-Kranti             PIAP       E-Governance      Information           Early      Broadband        Electronics
                              Mobile                                                                  for All           Harvest      Highway            mfg.


   E-Sign           Skill India          PMJDY               JAM           E-Hospital         Wi-Fi             DBT         BharatNet          Smart             Digi
                                                                                             Hotspots                                          Cities           Locker

Digital India Unlocking the Trillion Dollar Opportunity November 2016 - Deloitte
Digital India: Unlocking the trillion dollar opportunity

Overview of Digital Infrastructure in                  in order to enable electronic delivery
India                                                  of government services to citizens. To
The Information Communication and                      enable this vision, the development of a
Technology (ICT) sector forms an                       strong digital and telecom infrastructure
essential part of the digital infrastructure           backbone is critical.
requirement to ensure availability of
telecom, broadband, computers and                      The government has taken several
software across the country. While with                initiatives to improve the digital
increasing reach and affordability, ICT has            infrastructure in the country which are
evolved as a basic infrastructure, India’s             in various stages of implementation.
ICT readiness has remained low, ranking                These initiatives extend beyond physical
131 in the ICT Development Index in 2015.1             infrastructure and also address software
The Digital India program aims to increase             and security infrastructure as all the three
reach of digital infrastructure through an             aspects are required in tandem to ensure
extensive broadband and mobile network                 the success of Digital India.

Digital India: Unlocking the trillion dollar opportunity

Table 1: Initiatives undertaken by the government to build ICT infrastructure for Digital India

Initiative               Description                              Current Status
BharatNet                Aims to provide broadband access         •   1,44,430 km of optic fiber laid; OFC connectivity to 62,943 GPs.
                         to 250,000 Gram Panchayats (GPs)         •   Initial target: Broadband to 150,000 GPs by Dec 2015.
                         through a network of Optical Fiber       •   Revised Target: Broadband to 100,000 GPs by March 2017.2
                         Cable                                    •   Non-involvement of states in the initial phases has led to hurdles,
                                                                      especially Right-of-Way issues, in laying of OFC.3
Smart Cities             Creation of 109 smart cities (target     •   60 cities have been chosen to be covered under the Smart Cities
                         revised from 100) by 2022. INR 5             mission.
                         billion allocated to every city over 5   •   Allocation of INR 32 billion in union budget 2016-17.4
                         years for this purpose                   •   Budget allocation of INR 70 billion done at the time of launch, but
                                                                      revised to INR 1.4 billion in the 2015-16 union budget due to non-
                                                                      deployment of funds.5
Common Service           CSCs are centers through which           •   Over 1,70,000 CSCs are operational across India.
Centers (CSCs)           e-governance and related services        •   2,50,000 GPs to have one CSC each (at least).
                         will be made available to villages       •   Village Level Entrepreneur (VLE) model being followed to empower
                                                                      locals; nearly 240,000 VLEs have been appointed.6
Digitization of Post     Digitization of post offices including   •   All 25,297 departmental post offices have been computerized.
Offices                  setting up centralized data centres,     •   238 million postal bank accounts have been digitized.
                         networking of all post offices and       •   155,000 post offices (130,000 in rural areas) to be digitized by
                         enabling digital payments                    March 2017.7
Universal Access to      Aims to provide mobile access to         •   55,669 villages to be covered by March 2019.
Mobile                   more than 55,600 villages that do not    •   8,621 villages in the North East to be connected by September
                         have mobile coverage                         2017.8
                                                                  •   Accessibility of villages and sparse population make it commercially
Public Wi-Fi Hotspots    Creation of public Wi-Fi hotspots in     •   India currently has over 31,000 Wi-Fi hotspots.
                         India to enable citizens to access       •   Over 100 hotspots to be made operational at various railway
                         content without depending on                 stations by March 2017.
                         mobile data                              •   India should have 8 million Wi-Fi hotspots to meet the global
                                                                      average of one hotspot for every 150 people.
India Stack              It is a set of open APIs that enables    •   Rapid adoption of the JAM (Jandhan-Aadhaar-Mobile) trinity has
                         development of payment-enabled               enabled customer identification and access, based on which several
                         applications, using Aadhaar as the           other digital transactions can be carried out.
                         base for authentication                  •   The open API ecosystem combined with the digital literacy mission
                                                                      can go a long way in creating apps that are customized to suit local
National Cyber           The Ministry for electronics and IT      •   Process has been fast tracked; RFP expected to be finalized by
Coordination Center      has planned to set up a center to            December 2016 – January 2017.
(NCCC)                   safeguard India’s cyberspace against     •   NCCC expected to entail an investment of INR 9 billion.10
                         potential threats

Digital India: Unlocking the trillion dollar opportunity

The success of Digital India depends on                DigiLocker service is also being linked to     Layer (e-taal), which provides real time
the creation of an ecosystem in which                  governmental departments to enable             transaction data of citizens with various
every citizen is digitally empowered and               users to pull documents in a digital format.   departments and agencies of the
has access to key services made available              For instance, the integration of DigiLocker    government along with a quick analysis
electronically. Globally, technology has               with the Department of Transport enables       of the information in graphical form. The
been the most important enabler in                     users to download a digitally verified copy    e-taal portal currently provides data on
ensuring the success of such massive                   of their driving license. In May 2016, the     over 3,100 e-services that can be analysed
transformational projects. While the                   government also made it mandatory for          across geographies.12 This data can be
government has been focused on                         CBSE mark sheets to be made available          used by government agencies to assist in
developing key technology enablers                     in a digital format which can be uploaded      decision making in real-time.
for Digital India; adoption of digital                 and linked to DigiLocker.
technologies has remained a challenge.                                                                While the e-taal service has seen some
                                                       While significant progress has been made       adoption, to increase usage and relevance
The key enablers to development of digital             in cloud technologies, several hurdles to      of this portal, the following steps need to
infrastructure in India have been cloud                large scale adoption exist such as:            be taken concurrently:
computing and usage of analytics:
                                                       •   Ensuring safety and privacy of data,       •   Increasing the number of services
Cloud Computing                                        •   Lack of widescale access to citizens           covered by e-taal to provide
The government plans to use cloud                          given infrastructure constraints,              comprehensive, actionable analytics
technologies to enable seamless                        •   Low Digital literacy hampering             •   Ensuring higher cooperation among
integration between various departments                    adoption of cloud services, and                departments, state governments and
and delivery of services to the citizens.              •   Limited coordination among                     government agencies
DigiLocker, for instance, is a cloud                       departments and state governments.         •   Building capabilities within government
service which allows citizens to use a                                                                    agencies to enable data-driven
shareable cloud space to upload, store                 Use of Analytics                                   decision making
and share documents. As on date, the                   The Indian government initiated a              •   Using analytics to track the progress
space available per user is 1 GB and the               data repository called the Electronic              of various initiatives simultaneously,
number of users is over 3.96 million11. The            Transaction Aggregation and Analysis               possibly through dashboards

Digital India: Unlocking the trillion dollar opportunity

Challenges faced in implementation
of Digital India & way forward
The Digital India program faces a number
of challenges that need to be addressed.
These include:-

1. Delay in development of
   infrastructure: One of the biggest
   challenges faced by the Digital India
   programme is the slow progress of
   infrastructure development:
• The BharatNet project was approved
   in October 2011, with a two year
   implementation target. As of 2016,
   under 40% of the target has been
• Spectrum availability in Indian metros
   is about a tenth of the same in cities
   in developed countries. This has put
   a major roadblock in providing high
   speed data services.
• Public Wi-Fi penetration remains low.
   Globally, there is one Wi-Fi hotspot for       significant efforts are needed to              •  Several projects assigned to PSUs
   every 150 citizens. For India to reach         customize apps and services to cater              are delayed given challenges related
   that level of penetration, over 8 million      to local needs. Finding vendors who               to skills, experience and technical
   hotspots are required of which only            can provide such applications has                 capabilities.
   about 31,000 hotspots are currently            become a challenge.                            • Several RFPs issued by the government
   available.14                                4. Policy framework for Digital India:               are not picked up by competent
• While the project has seen delays, the          Challenges in policy, such as taxation,           private sector organizations since they
   exercise needs to be reinforced with           right of way, restrictive regulations             are not commercially feasible.
   both funds and involvement of senior           etc. are major roadblocks in realizing         6. Digital literacy: Reports suggest
   government functionaries towards               the vision of Digital India. Some of the          that, as recently as 2014, nearly 70%
   making it happen on a 'war footing'            common policy hurdles include the                 of Indian consumers indicated that
2. Rural connectivity: For Digital India          following:                                        lack of awareness was the main reason
   to have a large scale impact on citizens    • Lack of clarity in FDI policies, for               for not using internet services.15 Non-
   across the nation, the digital divide          instance, have impacted the growth of             availability of digital services in local
   needs to be addressed through last             e-commerce.                                       languages is also a major concern.
   mile connectivity in remote rural areas.    • Transport services like Uber have               7. Data security: With the proliferation
   Currently, over 55,000 villages remain         had frequent run-ins with the local               of cloud-based services like DigiLocker,
   deprived of mobile connectivity. This          government due to legacy policy                   data security has emerged as a major
   is largely due to the fact that providing      frameworks which have not become                  challenge. The recent data breach in
   mobile connectivity in such locations          attuned to the changing business                  August 2016, in which debit card data
   is not commercially viable for service         landscape.                                        for more than 3.2 million subscribers
   providers.                                  5. Contracting: Implementation of                    was stolen highlights the importance
3. Development of the application                 the Digital India program has been                of implementing foolproof security
   ecosystem: For digital technology              hampered by contracting challenges                systems.
   to be accessible to every citizen,             such as the following:

Digital India: Unlocking the trillion dollar opportunity

Key takeways                                               models that ensure commercial                to finance rural digital infrastructure
Development of digital infrastructure is                   viability needs to developed jointly         growth in India through direct
a critical component of Digital India. To                  through consultation with industry           investment or subsidies.
further enable development of digital                      bodies. This will encourage private
infrastructure, the following measures                     sector participation and ensure a         4. Use of complementary
should be considered:-                                     better response to infrastructure            technologies: Satellite
                                                           RFPs. In addition, startups need to          communication solutions could be
1. Uniform policies for deploying                          be incentivized for the development          used to speed up broadband access in
   telecom and optic fibre                                 of the last mile infrastructure and          rural and remote areas. For instance,
   infrastructure: A uniform RoW policy                    localized services and applications.         banks can use VSAT technology
   across all states with a reasonable                                                                  to connect remote ATMs, remote
   cost structure is required along                    3. Rural infrastructure development:             branches that need instant access to
   with a single window mechanism                         Existing government infrastructure            customer data. It could be used as a
   for granting RoW permissions. PPP                      assets (e.g., post offices, government        last mile connectivity solution in rural
   models need to be explored for                         buildings, CSCs) should be further            areas which lack telecom networks.
   sustainable development of digital                     leveraged for provision of digital            Another example could be of the
   infrastructure, as has been the case                   services.                                     navigational system NAVIC (Navigation
   for civic infrastructure projects like                                                               with Indian Constellation), which
   roads and metro project. In addition,                   In rural and remote areas, private           can have applications in terrestrial,
   the government should make efforts                      sector players should be incentivized        aerial and marine navigation, disaster
   to make additional spectrum available                   to provide last mile connectivity. USOF      management, vehicle tracking and fleet
   to telecom service providers for                        can be effectively used to incentivise       management, integration with mobile
   deployment of high speed data                           and create a viable business model.          phones, precise timing, mapping and
   networks.                                               The deployment of funds so far has           geodetic data capture, terrestrial
                                                           been erratic and not been used               navigation aid for hikers and travellers
2. Encourage collaboration with the                        to effectively to fund the cost of           and visual/ voice navigation for drivers.
   private sector: Effective collaboration                 infrastructure creation in rural areas.
   with the private sector is critical                     Currently, the fund has over INR 451
   to the development of the digital                       billion in reserves which can be used
   infrastructure. Innovative engagement

Figure 2: USOF Disbursed and Balance (INR billion)
                                                                             459           451



        17                                22               21           31            34

          FY12            FY13             FY14             FY15          FY16           FY17
                        Funds Disbursed              Balance

Digital India: Unlocking the trillion dollar opportunity

Enabling Services for
Digital India Transformation

Development and deployment of                   are perceived to be less user friendly and
services under Digital India                    difficult to use.
After infrastructure, digital services is the
second most critical component for the          This section provides an overview on
success of the Digital India program.           the existing services landscape, key
                                                initiatives taken by the government, role
The government has undertaken a                 of the private sector and the way forward
number of steps to develop applications         with respect to the challenges faced. In
and digitized services for citizens. While      addition, case studies demonstrating the
few of these applications (e.g., DigiLocker,    impact of Digital services in Healthcare,
MyGov) have witnessed high adoption,            Education and Agriculture have been
several others are lagging behind as they       showcased.

Digital India: Unlocking the trillion dollar opportunity

Table 2: Status of major services launched under the Digital India Programme

 Services                       Description
 eSign                          eSign framework allows for online                   •   Implemented and deployed
                                digital signature by leveraging Aadhaar             •   Used for business documents & tax returns
 National Centre of Geo-        GIS platform for sharing and collaborating          •   Platform has been developed and is seeking support from
 Informatics                    GIS data source, location-based analytics and           state government for deployment
                                ‘Decision Support System’
 Information Security           Capacity building in the area of Information        •   51 academic institutions
 Education and                  Security to address the human resource              •   4- Info. Security Research and Development Centers
 Awareness (ISEA) Phase-        requirement, training and develop information           (ISRDC)
 II & Cyber Security            security awareness                                  •   7-Resource Centers (RCs)
                                                                                    •   30,000 people trained16
 MyGov app                      Citizen-centric platform empowering people          •   Service has been rolled out with more than 10,00,000
                                to connect with the government & contribute             users17
                                toward good governance
 DigiLocker                     Digital Locker facility provides citizens a         •   With 39,60083 registered users DigiLocker this service is
                                shareable private space on a public cloud and           available for citizens18
                                making all documents / certificates available       •   App available in Playstore
                                on cloud
 Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan         To further the Swachh Bharat mission, the           •   500,000 installs so far19
 app                            government has launched this app which
                                will be used by people and government
 Wi-Fi hotspots                 Under this initiative, the government plans to      •   2489 hotspots
                                deploy Wi-Fi at public and tourist places           •   1209 hotspot locations20
 Payment Bank by India          By March 2017, India Post will launch their         •   Development in progress
 Post                           own Payment Bank across India
 PayOnline Launch of            National ePayment gateway is enabling every         •   e-Payment started in Railways, CPWD, Ministry of Urban
 e-Payment Portal               Indian citizen to make online payments for all          Development for 152 Divisions, a total of 278 Divisions to
                                Government based transactions, ecommerce                be on-boarded by the end of this year21
                                payments and other related tasks
 Launch of Post-Terminals Handing over Post Terminals to rural Post                 •   In progress and expected to be completed by March 2017
 (Rural ICT – RICT)       Masters. This will help in providing the financial
                          and other services in to rural areas
 National Scholarships          One-stop-solution for end-to-end scholarship        •   Developed and deployed successfully
 Portal                         process right from submission of student            •   1,22,96,926 registered students
                                application, disbursal to end beneficiary for all   •   16,17,084 universities/institutes22
                                the scholarships provided by the Government
                                of India

Digital India: Unlocking the trillion dollar opportunity

 Launch of Online labs for   Under this nationwide initiative, Online labs will •   Online labs currently has over 90,000 registered users23
 schools                     be available in Hindi, Malayalam and Marathi       •   Being moved to the National Knowledge Network (NKN) to
                             and offered in both urban and rural schools            support large scale

                             30,000 teachers in all Indian states will be
                             provided training on Online labs
 E-education                 Providing high-tech education in remote            •   In progress – Pilots / POCs deployed
                             and urban areas using technology like              •   Under deployment of nodal office and target to all school
                             smartphones, apps and Internet services                with broadband and Wi-Fi available
                                                                                •   30000+ teachers enrolled24
 E- Health                   Provides timely, effective and economical          •   DPRs have been prepared. Execution yet to start
                             healthcare services such as online registration,
                             payment, report, claim etc.

Key enablers for the development                   c. Status of MMPs and challenges                2. Financial Inclusion – Moving
of services under the Digital India              		 i. Lack of incentives for                         Towards Cashless Economy
program                                                  promotion, awards and rewards                a. The Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan
A number of policy changes and initiatives               for people, employees who use                   Yojana (PMJDY) is clearly the
have been undertaken by the government                   ICT                                             largest financial inclusion exercise
as enablers to develop and increase the          		 ii. Low IT Education levels among                    ever witnessed in the world. Under
speed of deployment of services. Some of                 semi-urban and rural areas to                   the scheme, approximately 260
the major enablers are detailed below:                   handle the applications                         million unique accounts have been
                                                 		 iii. Limited workforce trained for                   opened. With the PMJDY, nearly
1. Mission Mode Projects (MMPs):                         ICT in the government and in                    100% of households have at least
   a. Mission mode projects (MMP)                        the field (remote locations)                    one bank account. As of September
      are individual projects within             		 iv. Internet connectivity in rural                   2016, approximately 23% of these
      the National e-Governance Plan                     areas                                           accounts had no deposits26.
      (NeGP) that focuses on one aspect          		 v. Infrastructure limitations                        However, this should reduce
      of electronic governance. These                    especially in rural and semi                    significantly given the recent
      projects are executed on fast                      urban areas (e.g., power, roads)                demonetization announcement by
      track mode and directly impact             		 vi. Operations and maintenance                       the government.
      the success of pillars under Digital               issue for system deployed in
      India. The components of MMPs                      case of theft, breakage, etc.
      are as follows:
		 i. Capacity building: To enhance
          service delivery with skilled
		 ii. Awareness and communication:
          To improve training and
		 iii. Impact and outcomes: To
          monitor benefits realization
		 iv. Standards and Policies: To
          enable seamless collaboration
          across projects
   b. MMPs aligned with Digital India
		 i. MMPs under Digital India
          includes a combination of
          projects managed by the center
          and states as well as those that
          are managed jointly.

Digital India: Unlocking the trillion dollar opportunity

Figure 3: MMPs under Digital India25

Central MMPs

                             Central                                                                                                   Visa and
       Banking              Excise &                 Income             Insurance             MCA21                Passport           Foreigners
                            Customs                  Tax (IT)                                                                        Registration&

       Pension               e-Office                 Posts                UID

State MMP

                           Commercial                                  Employment              Land
      Agriculture                                   e−District                                                  Municipalities       e-Panchayats
                             Taxes                                      Exchange          Records(NLRMP)

                              Road                Treasuries               PDS               Education
     Police(CCTNS)                              Computerization                                                     Health

Integrated MMP

         CSC                  e-Biz                 e-Courts          e-Procurement        EDI For eTrade                             India Portal
                                                                                                                Service Delivery

      b. The demonetization initiative                        departments and organizations                    cash mediums. National Payments
         undertaken in November                               to promote digital and card-based                Corporation of India (NPCI)
         2016 will lead to a significant                      payments.                                        promoted RuPay represents 38%
         reduction in cash transactions                    c. Further, with the launch of robust               of all debit cards inssued in India,
         and a higher usage of payment                        and secure e-payment portals,                    ahead of Visa and MasterCard.
         applications like m-wallets, online                  RuPay, credit card, debit cards,                 However, share in the number of
         transactions and net banking. In                     NEFT, RTGS, IMPS amongst others                  transactions is still low (~4% of
         conjunction with demonetization,                     the government is making a push                  POS transactions and 2% of online
         the government has announced                         towards cashless economy where                   transactions)27.
         waivers on convenience charges,                      citizens are able to pay taxes, bills         d. In another step towards a cashless
         surcharge and service charge on                      etc. online with help of internet                economy, a new service Unified
         digital payments by government                       banking, credit card and other non-              Payment Interface (UPI) has

Digital India: Unlocking the trillion dollar opportunity

     been recently launched that will
     allow for transaction between
     two bank accounts using two
     smartphones. This is very helpful
     for secure transctions for people
     who are not technology savvy.
  e. While the government has been
     has pushing towards a cashless
     economy, it faces a number of
     challenges including the following:
		 i. A large sized legitimate cash
		 ii. Reluctance to use plastic (due to
         limited knowledge, training on
		 iii. Unawareness of benefits
		 iv. Security concerns with usage of
         plastic money

3. Role of VNOs (Virtual Network
   Operators) in driving adoption of
   a. The telecom department issued
                                             4. Technology as an enabler for                          being developed which will
      rules on 31 May 2016 for virtual
                                                Digital Services                                      focus on delivery on smart
      network operators (VNOs) to set
                                                a. Technology plays a pivotal role                    services to citizens through a
      up operations in India. These
                                                   in the Government’s vision for a                   strong technology backbone.
      operators could offer consumers
                                                   Digital India.                                     Over 500 cities are also being
      more choices for voice and data
                                             		i. Broadband infrastructure:                           upgraded under the Atal Mission
      services while allowing telcos
                                                       Under the BharatNet program,                   for Rejuvenation and Urban
      more options to monetize unused
                                                       the government plans to                        Transformation (AMRUT) program.
                                                       provide information highways                   Internet of Things (IoT) which
   b. VNOs would lead to faster
                                                       in terms of high speed fiber                   comprises of machine to machine
      penetration of telecom services
                                                       networks.                                      communication technology will
      and encourage lower rates and
                                             		ii. Mobile networks: 4G                                play a vital role in the development
      introduction of new & innovative
                                                       networks are currently being                   services that will be provided to
      services including machine-to-
                                                       deployed by most service                       citizens of these smart cities
      machine (M2M) communication
                                                       providers. To increase available            c. Technologies such as cloud
      services. Rural and untapped
                                                       capacities, the government                     computing, mobility and analytics
      markets will provide a significant
                                                       announced rules for spectrum                   are being used extensively by the
      opportunity for VNOs and also help
                                                       sharing and has increased                      government to enable the vision of
      with job creation, digital literacy
                                                       available spectrum for auction.                Digital India (e.g., DigiLocker, eTaal).
      and propagation of digital services.
                                                       The government has also                     d. Integrated technology framework
                                                       partnered with the private                     is being used by government to
                                                       sector to setup Wi-Fi in public                integrate the systems together
                                                       places.                                        so that data can be pushed and
                                                b. Under the Smart cities mission,                    pulled by any system as and when
                                                   100 new Smart Cities are                           required for effective service
                                                                                                      delivery and decision making.

Digital India: Unlocking the trillion dollar opportunity

Case Study:

e-Hospital – A Digital India initiative towards making
premier healthcare facilities accessible
What is the e-Hospital programme?
The e-Hospital programme enables patients to register, book appointments, pay fee, avail diagnostic reports and seek
availability of blood types online in premier medical government institutes like All India Institute of Medical Sciences
(AIIMS), Ram Manohar Lohia (RML) Hospital, National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS) and Sports
Injury Centre (SIC) as well as any other government hospitals.

What is the current status of the programme?
As on November 2016, 56 hospitals provide this service with a total of over 472,000 appointments booked online till date.

How it works?
e-Hospital runs an Online Registration System (ORS) which is a framework for connecting various hospitals to citizens through
a Aadhaar based online registration and appointment system. The application is hosted on the cloud service of NIC and allows
patients to book online appointments with different section of the hospital by using eKYC data of the Aadhaar. The salient features
of the service include:

•    Simplified online appointment process: The e-Hospital portal provides a simplified hospital registration and appointment
     process through linkage to the citizen’s Aadhaar number.
•    Dashboard reporting: Detailed reports can be viewed for the hospitals linked to e-Hospital along with their departments
     showing information about new and returning patients, patient history and lab results.
•    Hospital on-boarding and management of registration process: By enrolling on the e-Hospital service, hospitals can provide
     their appointment slots for online booking by patients. Further, the system facilitates hospitals in managing and monitoring
     the registration and appointment process.

What is the impact of e-Hospital service?
The overall Indian healthcare market is valued at approximately $100 billion and is expected to grow to $280 billion by 2020
exhibiting a CAGR of close to 23% boosted by the increased adoption of digital technologies in healthcare. The e-Hospital service
has a key role in the growth of the industry through:

•    Providing wider accessibility to citizens: The services allows for citizens to access any government hospital through a click of
     button. It also helps eliminate queues and time consuming registration processes enabling people to access healthcare and
     facilities in an efficient manner.
•    Better patient experience: Since patient can meet doctors at a pre-defined time, time is not wasted waiting in queues. Doctors
     are less stressed to pack in too many patients in compressed timeframes
•    Management and monitoring of appointments: The e-Hospital facility provides hospitals with a streamlined method of
     managing and monitoring appointments helping them realize efficiencies in hospital operations.
•    Accessibility of reports through digitization: The citizens can access digitized diagnostic reports through the e-Hospital portal
     enabling quicker service, diagnosis and monitoring.

Digital India: Unlocking the trillion dollar opportunity

Case Study:

Develop pilot Massive Open Online Courses
(MOOCs) –An initiative to provide quality
education in an affordable and scalable manner
What are MOOCs?
Massive open online courses (MOOCs) are a distance learning initiative allowing students to access video tutorials,
curriculum and instructions online. The Digital India project is initiating pilot MOOCs under the e-Kranti pillar to
provide real-time education. This will partly address the challenge of lack of teachers in education system through
smart and virtual classrooms. It also has the potential to make education accessible in rural areas and to weaker
sections of society through mobile devices.

What is the current status of the programme?
The Union Budget FY17 focused on providing entrepreneurship, education and training in 2,200 colleges, 500
government industrial training institutes, 300 schools and 50 vocational training centers via MOOCs.

How it works?
MOOCs enable distance learnings in an effective and cost efficient manner through digital platforms that can be
accessed online and on mobile devices. The courses are made available to students through virtual classrooms
encompassing instruction, curriculum and tutorials. The high speed network provides adequate infrastructure for

What is the impact of MOOCs?
With the increase in data connectivity and improved IT infrastructure, the education sector is moving towards
online courses. India has seen a rapid rise in the number of students enrolling for MOOCs indicating that the
interest in MOOCs will continue to grow growing forward. The MOOCs have the potential to create a wide scale
impact through:

•   Making education accessible: The poor literacy rate in India is due to unavailability of physical infrastructure in
    rural and remote areas. This shortcoming can be addressed by MOOCs that can be undertaken through online
    and on mobile platforms. The increasing smartphone penetration especially in lower tier towns and rural areas
    has enabled a large section of the population to access quality education through MOOCs. Moreover, students
    can refer the topic and read, view or hear material multiple times in several Indian language as per their
    convenience. With no restriction on class size and usage of social media and online tools, MOOCs can be easily
    accessed from anywhere.
•   Increasing affordability of education: MOOCs are available to students at much lower educational fees than
    conventional classrooms and other educational platforms. Due to the higher affordability, the enrolment of
    students for MOOCs has seen a significant increase.
•   Improving quality of education: Keys hurdle in the imparting of education across the country is access to quality
    educators and poor pupil tutor ratio (27:1). MOOCs can provide education to the masses through instructions
    from premier education institutes and the country’s leading educators.

Digital India: Unlocking the trillion dollar opportunity

Case Study:

Krishidoot –An information and market place platform
for the agricultural community in India
What is Krishidoot?
Krishidoot is a platform for the
agricultural community in India, launched
jointly by Small Farmers’ Agribusiness
Consortium, an agency under the
Agriculture ministry and Reuters
Market Light (RML). It provides valuable
information to farmer groups such as
mandi pricing, crop advisory and local
weather forecast. It aims to increase
productivity by allowing farmers to
realize better prices for their agricultural
produce and optimize procurement
cost for quality agricultural inputs.
The platform is currently available in
5 different languages and has proven
transaction capability across 9 states and
55 commodities.

What is the current status of the
As on December 2015, 400+ Farmer
Producer Organizations (FPOs), 11,000+ Farmer Interest Groups (FIGs) and 10,000+ market players have been onboarded on

How it works?
Krishidoot utilizes ICT technology and on ground facilitation to empower farmer groups to carry out transactions on the platform.
There is a five step process in which Krishidoot call centre, tablet or mobile based apps, event based SMS messages and on ground
support are used to complete the transaction.

What is the impact of krishidoot?
With the increase in data connectivity and improvement in digital infrastructure under Digital India, a larger number of
stakeholders including FPOs, FIGs and market players are using Krishidoot. This has led to an increase in the quantity and value of
transactions completed.

Category                                               Number
Number of Transactions Completed                       40,675
Total Quantity transacted (in Quintals)                1.4 million
Value of transactions (in INR)                         3.9 billion

Krishidoot has the potential to create a wide scale impact by:

•    Benefiting farmers: Krishidoot is benefitting farmers by helping them realize higher prices than the prevailing market rates
     and increasing their savings on overhead charges such as transportation and loading-unloading. As a result, FPOs have been
     able to gain up to 25% benefit relative to Mandi/aggregator prices and an additional income of INR 120 million has been
     generated. Farmers have also been able to save time on marketing and sale of produce and get access to on the spot payment
     and fair weighing practices.
•    Benefiting market players: Market players have benefited due to improved quality of the produce and better visibility of
     produce supply. They have been able to procure produce at better prices and take advantage of bulk procurement.

Digital India: Unlocking the trillion dollar opportunity

Key takeways                                      Train-the-trainer approach should              4. Provision of user friendly
Development of the digital service                be taken in areas where usage and                 applications and services: One
ecosystem is a critical factor in realising       deployment is low. It will help in                of the major reasons for the lower
the benefits of the Digital India program         spreading the knowledge and benefits              adoption rates for services is the
at the grass root level. To further increase      of digital services. E-learning by short          limited availability of applications.
speed of development and adoption of              modules and using social media and                The government needs to encourage
digital services the following measures           campaigns to encourage the usage of               deployment of citizen friendly, visually
could be considered:                              services is an effective way to improve           appealing carrier class applications
                                                  adoption and deployment.                          that will help deliver the promise of
1. Higher private participation in the                                                              Digital India empowerment for citizens.
   services ecosystem: Higher private          3. Establish an effective governance
   sector participation is required for the       framework: Considering the complex                  The government needs to provide
   development of digital services. The           nature of the country and multiple                  incentives and a collaboration and
   government needs to provide a policy           central/state/local government and                  learning platform to entrepreneurs,
   framework and incentives that provide          various private players operating                   technology startups and students for
   for a viable business case for the             with different technologies, the time               development of innovative applications.
   private sector for development and roll        is ripe for the country to have a Chief
   out of digital services to the citizens.       Information Officer (CIO) who can              5. Enhancing cyber security
                                                  permeate the right infrastructure,                mechanisms: A centralized
2. Improve digital literacy: Higher               comprehensive policies & services and             surveillance and security mechanism
   adoption of digital services, especially       ensure technological interoperability             that monitors and safeguards India’s
   in rural areas depends on provision of         of key government functions across                cyberspace against threats such as
   digital infrastructure and effective and       the country.                                      data theft, hacking, etc. should be set
   sustained training.                                                                              up. Policies regarding cyber security
                                                                                                    should be assessed on a regular basis
                                                                                                    and should be extended to private
                                                                                                    sector enterprises.

Digital India: Unlocking the trillion dollar opportunity

Capacity Building for a
Digital India
For the success of the Digital India                   Digital literacy in India                              second largest mobile phone market
program, capacity building is crucial. In              India is rapidly evolving into one of the              globally with over 1 billion mobile
addition to infrastructure development,                largest digital economies globally. The rising         subscriptions. Of this, smartphone
Digital Literacy, skill building and higher            internet user base in India and smartphone             users account for approximately 240
adoption of digital solutions is key to                penetration are expected to provide                    million subscriptions which is expected
program success. This section provides                 accessibility to digital technologies to all           to grow to 520 million by 2020. Majority
an overview across the following three                 sections of the population.                            of internet users access the internet
dimensions:                                                                                                   through mobile networks. Given
                                                       •   Rapid growth in Internet user base:                the rapid growth in smartphones,
•    Digital Literacy: Despite rising                      With increased 4G and 3G penetration,              penetration of digital services is
     smartphone penetration and internet                   the Internet user base in India is                 expected to rapidly increase.
     user base, digital literacy in India has              rapidly expanding and has reached a
     been low. In order for the benefits of                penetration of over 27% versus 50.3%           Although internet penetration has been
     the Digital India programme to reach all              penetration in China. It is expected           on the rise, digital literacy in India is still
     sections of the population, improving                 to almost double to 600 million users          as low as 10%.29 To effectively harness
     digital literacy is imperative.                       by 2020 from approximately 343                 the upcoming digital wave, it is important
•    Skill Building: A strong skill base is                users currently.28 Going forward, rural        to increase digital literacy in India. The
     required to support the initiatives and               adoption of data-enabled devices               government as well as several private
     services that are envisaged under the                 is expected to increase with the               players have taken initiatives to create
     Digital India umbrella. Development                   BharatNet initiative under Digital India.      awareness and increase the rate of digital
     of technical skills within ministries             •   Smartphone penetration: India is the           literacy in India.
     and state governments will enable
     the spread of e-governance services,
     maintenance and upgradation and
                                                       Figure 4: Internet Penetration by Countries, 2016
     decision making on all digital initiatives.
•    Digital Adoption: For Digital India
                                                           Japan                                                                         93%
     to be successful, all segments of
     Indian society need to adopt digital                     US                                                                         92%
     technologies. This will not only create
     demand for Digital India but also                        UK                                                           75%
     achieve its vision of empowering all
     citizens.                                             Russia                                                          73%

                                                           China                                        50%

                                                           Global                                   44%

                                                            India                       27%

                                                       Source: World Bank Data

Digital India: Unlocking the trillion dollar opportunity

National Digital Literacy Mission                 New Digital Literacy Mission                        candidates and certified over 61,500
(NDLM)                                            The government is also planning to launch           candidates with the assistance of 1,342
In August 2014, the government initiated          a digital literacy mission scheme aimed at          training partners.37
the National Digital Literacy Mission             providing digital skills to 60 million people
(NDLM) aimed at combating the digital             in rural areas representing 40% of the              Other Initiatives
skill gaps and enhancing digital literacy.        rural population in the next three years.           In December 2014, Intel along with the
The mission is headed by NASSCOM and              The government intends to invest INR                government unveiled a digital skills training
targeted providing training to 5.25 million30     300 on each training bringing the total             application in 5 Indian languages including
people by 2018 through 20 to 30-day               cost of the programme to INR 18 billion             modules on digital literacy, financial
programmes.                                       ($265 million)34. For this programme,               inclusion, healthcare and cleanliness
                                                  the government is working with content              aimed to create digital literates across
The programme has been highly successful          providers to include local languages and            1,000 panchayats38. Recently, Intel has
with close to 8.5 million people trained and      is giving special focus to improvement of           initiated the following projects designed
4.8 million certified under NDLM in since         skills with mobile devices in line with the         to accelerate digital literacy in non-urban
inception.31 The key factors enabling the         strategic shift to m-Governance for various         India:39
roll-out of NDLM have been:32                     citizen-centric services.
                                                                                                      •    Inaugurated new 'Unnati Kendra at
•   Partnership with private sector               Skill development programme for                          Common Service Centre' (UK at CSC)
    companies such as Amdocs, Cognizant,          Electronics System Design and                            facilities in Karnal, Haryana under the
    Cyient, Google, Intel, Microsoft and          Manufacturing (ESDM) sector                              'Ek Kadam Unnati Ki Aur' initiative. The
    Zensar Technologies to create NDLM            The ESDM scheme is aimed at enhancing                    centre will serve as a common access
    centres across India.                         skills through training of 328,000 people                digital learning centres and Intel aims to
•   Delivery of the digital literacy training     in ESDM sectors. Under the scheme, the                   open several more of these facilities in
    through PPP models with partner               government provides 75% to 100% of                       the state.
    agencies identified by the respective         training cost for industry specific skills          •    Launched the 'Digital Unnati'
    State Governments and UTs. For                for skilled and semi-skilled workers.35 The              online portal, to upskill Village
    example, NASSCOM is currently                 scheme also provides opportunities for                   Level Entrepreneurs (VLEs) at
    working with SAP India to set up 25           skill development for the private sector                 CSCs. The webpage is being set
    new centres across the country to add         through telecom and electronics sector                   up in collaboration with the CSC
    to the existing 75 in Tier –I and Tier – II   skills councils.                                         e-Governance Services India and
    cities.                                                                                                will enable VLEs to improve their
•   Common services centers (CSCs)                The Telecom Sector Skill Council (TSSC)                  technology know-how.
    established as access points for the          aims to up-skill and certify 4.5 million
    delivery of various electronic services       personnel in 150 trades, train 24,000               Several other initiatives such as dSaksharta,
    to villages to provide access to              trainers and accredit 500 training                  Microsoft’s Digital Literacy Program and ICT
    e-services for rural citizens utilising the   organizations36. Further, the Electronics           Academy’s Digital Literacy Programme have
    existing infrastructure. By June 2016,        Sector Skills Council of India (ESSCI)              also been introduced to increase digital
    approximately 170,000 CSCs in GPs had         is created to provide training and skill            literacy in the country by providing training
    been set up across the country with the       development to enhance employability in             modules for introductory digital literacy
    target is to reach out to 250,000 gram        the electronics manufacturing industry.             skills. Further, Telenor India has converted
    panchayats by the end of this year.33                                                             a number of its stores to customer
•   Encouraging village-level entrepreneurs       Till now, the ESDM skill development                education hubs (Grahak Shiksha Kendriyas
    (VLEs) to take up training and                scheme has trained over 127,000                     or GSKs).
    awareness generation in villages.

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