Division of Public Health Youth and Adult Amateur Sports, Facility, and Extra-Curricular Plan for School Year 2020 - 2021 823 Walnut Shade Road ...

Page created by Daryl Maxwell
Division of Public Health Youth and Adult Amateur Sports, Facility, and Extra-Curricular Plan for School Year 2020 - 2021 823 Walnut Shade Road ...
Division of Public Health
                      Youth and Adult Amateur Sports,
                      Facility, and Extra-Curricular Plan
                        for School Year 2020 - 2021

                           823 Walnut Shade Road
                            Woodside, DE 19980

Prepared by: Nicholas Johnson, Director of Operations
             George Eilers, Athletic Director

Contact: (302) 697-2170
Spring Sports Submittal Date: January 15, 2021
Spring Sports Approval Date: February 1, 2021
Division of Public Health Youth and Adult Amateur Sports, Facility, and Extra-Curricular Plan for School Year 2020 - 2021 823 Walnut Shade Road ...
Table of Contents

General Overview                                                            2

Map of Facility                                                             3

Precautionary Measures and COVID-19 Restrictions                            6

Sport or Activity Specific Items                                           10

Appendix A - POLYTECH COVID-19 Screening Form                              50

Appendix B - POLYTECH COVID-19 Signage_____________________________________52
Division of Public Health Youth and Adult Amateur Sports, Facility, and Extra-Curricular Plan for School Year 2020 - 2021 823 Walnut Shade Road ...
General Overview

In accordance with the twenty-seventh modification of the Declaration of a State of Emergency for
the State of Delaware Due to a Public Threat, guidance released by the Department of Education
through the Emergency Order 1010 : Interscholastic Athletics during the COVID-19 Pandemic, and
Guidance for Youth and Adult Amateur Sports released by the Delaware Division of Public Health,
this document contains the POLYTECH School District’s proposal to resume athletic and extra-
curricular activities onsite, for Winter programs, both indoors and out.

This proposal impacts the collective Winter athletic programs offered here at POLYTECH. Additional
sport specific plans for Spring season will be submitted at a later date.
Division of Public Health Youth and Adult Amateur Sports, Facility, and Extra-Curricular Plan for School Year 2020 - 2021 823 Walnut Shade Road ...
Map of Facility

Division of Public Health Youth and Adult Amateur Sports, Facility, and Extra-Curricular Plan for School Year 2020 - 2021 823 Walnut Shade Road ...
A - Gymnasium - Volleyball (practice and games), Boys Basketball (practice and games), Girls Basketball
(games), Wrestling (meets and tournaments), Cheerleading (competitions) and weather location for all sports,
contingent upon scheduling one sport at a time.

B - Auxiliary Gymnasium “The Tub” - Girls Basketball (practices), Cheerleading (practices), Wrestling
(tournaments) and weather location for all sports, contingent upon scheduling one sport at a time.

C - Band Practice Area

D - Main Street and Auditorium - Practice and rehearsal area for Majorettes.

E - Game Field 1 and 2 - Field Hockey (practice, games and tournaments) and Girls Soccer (practice and games).

F - Softball Field 1 - Junior Varsity Softball (practice) and community softball practice field.

G - Practice Field 1 - Boys Soccer (practice) and Girls Lacrosse (practice).

H - Baseball Field 1 - Junior Varsity Baseball (practice) and community baseball practice field.

I - Practice Field 2 - Football (practice) and Boys Lacrosse (practice).

J - Cross Country Course - Cross Country (practice and meets).

K - Jeff Adams Stadium - Football (games), Cheerleading (games), Majorettes (games), Marching Band (games),
Boys and Girls Indoor Track and Field (practice), Boys Lacrosse (games), Girls Lacrosse (games), Boys and Girls
Track and Field (practice and meets) and an occasional site for tournaments and play days for Field Hockey, Boys
and Girls Soccer and Boys and Girls Lacrosse.

L - Softball Field 2 - Varsity Softball (practice, games and tournaments).
M - Baseball Field 2 - Varsity Baseball (practice, games and tournaments).

N - Tennis Courts - Boys Tennis (practice and meets) and Girls Tennis (practice and meets).

O - Shot Put and Discus - Boys and Girls Indoor Track and Field (practice) and Boys and Girls Track and Field
(practice and meets).

P - Weight room and Wrestling Room - Wrestling (practice) and weight training location for all sports, contingent
upon scheduling one sport at a time.

Other notes for consideration:

   1. Working on partnering with the Lake Forest School District to house swimming practices and meets at their

   2. Golf teams practice and compete at Wild Quail.
Precautionary Measures and COVID-19 Restrictions

1. Safety and Hygiene Manager
            a. Nicholas Johnson, Director of Operations
               (302) 697-2170

2. Face Coverings
           a. In accordance with the POLYTECH School District’s COVID -19 School Reopening Protocols, at
               least two-ply face coverings have been supplied to all students and staff, and are required to be worn
               by ALL in school buildings, at bus stops, on buses, on school property, and at school functions.

             b. Individuals unable to wear a face covering due to a medical condition may request an
                accommodation, provided they can produce the appropriate medical documentation supporting their
                claim and inability to wear a face covering.

             c. Sport or activity specific face covering modifications or offerings will be discussed in the Sport or
                Activity Specific section of this document.
                  1. All not participating in rigorous activity or with an approved exemption as listed in sport
                      specific sections below, must wear face coverings at all times. This includes participants,
                      coaches, officials, referees, individuals working and spectators.

3. Social Distancing
            a. Where possible, six (6) feet of social distancing will be maintained by ALL, with a minimum of
                three (3) feet at all times, except athletes during on-field play and practice and those residing in the
                same household.
b. Adequate space will be provided during non-playing time for all parties to include space for

            c. Enclosed spaces will be used by teams only when adequate social distancing as outlined in 3.a above
               can be maintained.

4. Hand Hygiene
          a. Hand sanitizing stations, using at least 60% ethanol or 70% isopropanol, will be set up at event
              entrances and additional locations throughout the campus.

            b. Each Head Coach or Leader will be provided hand sanitizer, using 60% ethanol or 70% isopropanol,
               for their respective team or group to be used before, during and after each practice, game and/or

5. Cleaning and Sanitation
            a. All frequently touched surfaces (doorknobs, light switches, railings, gates, etc.) and bathrooms will
               be cleaned every 15 (fifteen) minutes to 2 (two) hours, using an EPA-approved product.

            b. Shared equipment will be sanitized where possible after each use, using an EPA-approved product,
               except during on-field play, where a rotation of balls and shared equipment will be developed for
               each sport to facilitate the regular sanitation of shared balls, etc.

6. COVID-19 Screening
          a. A self-assessment will be completed daily by ALL participants before attending any activity using
             the POLYTECH COVID-19 Screening Form, documented in Appendix A and made readily
             available, leveraging a Quick Response (QR) Code.
                1. Information will be electronically stored and include the individual’s name (required) and
                   contact information (not required) to aid with contact tracing efforts.
7. Signage
             a. Signage indicating the importance of staying home when sick and adhering to all COVID-19
                courtesies: practicing good hand hygiene, remaining socially distant and wearing a mask, will be
                posted in various locations throughout the campus (see Appendix B for examples).

8. Other
             a. Outdoor gathering sizes will be capped at 250 individuals and indoor gathering sizes will be capped
                at 50 individuals, except for when allowing two spectators per POLYTECH participant to attend,
                would exceed that threshold.
                   1. Spectators will only be allowed for POLYTECH participants. Away or visiting spectators will
                       not be permitted entry.

             b. All students wishing to participate are required to obtain a new physical for the 2020 - 2021 School
                Year and are subject to impact testing, prior to being eligible to participate.

             c. Usage of lockers and athletic training rooms will be allowed, contingent upon individuals
                maintaining a minimum of six (6) feet of distance from each other, wearing masks and only
                remaining in there for a period of ten (10) minutes or less, unless there is a medical need.

             d. To begin the year, and allow for the transportation of remote students, practices will begin at 4:30
                p.m. and end at 6:00 p.m. for all sports. Each bus will require one student per seat and all to face
                forward, with their masks on.
                   1. All policies and procedures in place for the transportation of students to and from school
                      remain in place and must be followed, including, but not limited to, the buses being sanitized
                      after each route.

                   2. Alternative practice schedules may be developed once Daylight Savings Time ends and during
                      other seasons.
e. Should an individual develop symptoms during an activity, the individual must immediately stop
   activity and see the Trainer for evaluation and discussion, as well as follow-up with their medical
Sport or Activity Specific Items
     1. Season
           a. March 1, 2021 – May 31, 2021
           b. Pre-season practice – March 1, 2021 – March 22, 2021
           c. Eighteen (18) game schedule – March 23, 2021 – May 31, 2021
           d. State tournament begins on May 29, 2021 and ends on June 5, 2021

     2. All precautionary measures and restrictions above apply.
           a. To facilitate safety, all POLYTECH athletes will be provided a two-ply cloth face covering.

     3. Practices
           a. Practices begin at 3:30 p.m. in addition, end at 5:30 p.m., at which time a staggered practice
               schedule or changes may be made.

           b. All athletes report dressed and ready to participate. Only students participating during in-person
              instruction each day may use the locker room.
                  i. Locker room use will be staggered by sport and we will ensure proper social distancing,
                     mask wearing and sanitation after each use.

                 ii. Athletes will take their gear home daily to facilitate them coming dressed and ready to
                     1. All athletes must wash and clean their gear and equipment daily.

                iii. All athletes that are onsite for in-person instruction, awaiting their approved locker room use
                     time and/or practice start, will either attend a study-hall offered daily in the Auxiliary
Gymnasium “The Tub”, Healthcare Rehab Classroom and/or may be permitted to leave and
         come back, provided they can transport themselves.
         1. The study-hall offered will socially distance students and require mask wearing.

c. All athletes, coaches and volunteers must complete the POLYTECH COVID-19 Screening Form
   before participating.
      i. To facilitate this, the form has been made readily available, leveraging a Quick Response
          (QR) Code for use with smart phones. Additionally, coaches will be supplied with forehead
          thermometers to aid with temperature checks that will be sanitized after each use.

d. Where possible, athletes and coaches in groups of twelve (12) will report to designated areas
   maintaining the appropriate distance, after sanitizing their hands.
      i. Athletes and coaches will have designated areas around the mat for their personal items to
         ensure proper distancing.

e. Mask breaks will be combined with water breaks and provided every twenty (20) minutes for two
   (2) minutes total, all socially distant and using their own water bottle.
       i. Disinfecting stations (sanitation wipes) will be available for use.

f. Post-practice conferences may occur with all socially distant and wearing masks; however, there
   are to be no high-fives or the congregation of athletes chanting.

g. Restroom facilities will be used within the football stadium and will be sanitized every 15 (fifteen)
   minutes to 2 (two) hours, using an EPA-approved product.
4. Home Games
     a. Itinerary developed by the Head Coach and shared with the Athletic Director at least twenty-four
        (24) hours in advance.

      b. EVERYONE must complete the POLYTECH COVID-19 Screening Form before participating or
         entering the baseball field.
             i. To facilitate this, the form has been made readily available, leveraging a Quick Response
                (QR) Code for use with smart phones.
            ii. Signage will be visible and posted throughout the gymnasium to inform everyone of this
           iii. All coaches, officials, participants and those working must submit to a temperature check as
                1. To facilitate this, forehead thermometers have been supplied to coaches and game
                   managers that will be sanitized after each use.

      c. All POLYTECH athletes and coaches must report dressed and ready to participate.
            i. Locker rooms will not be offered, all athletes will report to the baseball field.
               1. This will require all POLYTECH participants to socially distance, wear masks and limit
                  the maximum capacity of athletes and coaches to 50.
               2. The facility will be sanitized every 15 (fifteen) minutes to 2 (two) hours, using an EPA-
                  approved product.
               3. Any preparatory medical attention (i.e. taping, etc.) can be attended to in the training
                  room before the game, by appointment only and must be sanitized after each use.

      d. All opposing athletes and coaches must report dressed and ready to participate and remain on their
         bus until such time as they may enter the baseball field.
            i. Any preparatory medical attention (i.e. taping, etc.) should be attended to prior to arrival.
e. All officials must report dressed and ready to participate and remain in their vehicles until such
   time as they may enter the baseball field.

f. Individuals working the game (announcer, gate attendants, custodians, score keeper, etc.) will
   report dressed and ready to participate and will report to their designated area.

g. Two spectators per POLYTECH participant will be granted access on a first-come-first-serve basis.
   Once capacity is reached in the Home Bleachers, no additional spectators will be permitted entry.
      i. Spectators will be seated in the Home Bleachers that are clearly marked to facilitate socially
         distant spacing between each group.
     ii. We are able to seat one hundred (100) spectators socially distanced around the baseball field.
         Once capacity has been met, no additional spectators will be allowed around the baseball

h. Concession stands will remain closed and food/drink will not be permitted on the baseball field
   except for those participating or officiating.

i. Bathrooms will be available and sanitized every 15 (fifteen) minutes to 2 (two) hours, using an
   EPA-approved product.

j. The pre-game meeting will take place at home plate with as few officials as possible and only one
   designated representative from each team, all socially distanced.

k. The team sitting area will be extended and marked accordingly to allow for all athletes and coaches
   to remain socially distanced throughout the game.
l. Only an announcer, score keeper and one coach from each team may sit inside and/or on top of the
         press box.
            i. All must wear a mask and remain socially distant.

      m. At the end of the match, athletes will immediately report to their respective dugouts, without
         shaking hands or congregating, and must remain socially distant at all times, while spectators and
         officials exit to their cars.

      n. Once all spectators have exited the baseball field and returned to their cars, the opposing team may
         exit and immediately board their bus to leave the campus.

      o. After all have cleared the baseball field, the POLYTECH baseball team may exit.

5. Away Games
     a. All Home Game protocols must be followed.
           i. The opposing team’s Home Game protocols will be followed if they are more stringent,
              provided at least one week’s notice is given.

      b. We will not permit spectators to travel to away matches.

      c. We will limit athletes traveling to 40, to allow for two buses to be taken to Away games.
           i. All traveling on the bus must wear masks, face forward, be seated one per seat and follow all
              transportation policies currently in place for the transporting of students to and from school.

            ii. Those riding the bus will ride the same bus to and from the match.
      1. Season
            a. March 1, 2021 – May 31, 2021
            b. Pre-season practice – March 1, 2021 – March 22, 2021
            c. Eighteen (18) game schedule – March 23, 2021 – May 21, 2021
            d. State tournament begins on May 25, 2021 and ends on June 1, 2021

      2. All precautionary measures and restrictions above apply.
            a. To facilitate safety, all POLYTECH athletes will be provided a two-ply cloth face covering.

      3. Practices
            a. Practices begin at 3:30 p.m. in addition, end at 5:30 p.m., at which time a staggered practice
                schedule or changes may be made.

            b. All athletes report dressed and ready to participate. Only students participating during in-person
               instruction each day may use the locker room.
                   i. Locker room use will be staggered by sport and we will ensure proper social distancing,
                      mask wearing and sanitation after each use.

                  ii. Athletes will take their gear home daily to facilitate them coming dressed and ready to
                      1. All athletes must wash and clean their gear and equipment daily.

                 iii. All athletes that are onsite for in-person instruction, awaiting their approved locker room use
                      time and/or practice start, will either attend a study-hall offered daily in the Auxiliary
                      Gymnasium “The Tub”, Healthcare Rehab Classroom and/or may be permitted to leave and
                      come back, provided they can transport themselves.
1. The study-hall offered will socially distance students and require mask wearing.

c. All athletes, coaches and volunteers must complete the POLYTECH COVID-19 Screening Form
   before participating.
      i. To facilitate this, the form has been made readily available, leveraging a Quick Response
          (QR) Code for use with smart phones. Additionally, coaches will be supplied with forehead
          thermometers to aid with temperature checks that will be sanitized after each use.

d. Where possible, athletes and coaches in groups of twelve (12) will report to designated areas
   maintaining the appropriate distance, after sanitizing their hands.
      i. Athletes and coaches will have designated areas around the mat for their personal items to
         ensure proper distancing.

e. Mask breaks will be combined with water breaks and provided every twenty (20) minutes for two
   (2) minutes total, all socially distant and using their own water bottle.
       i. Disinfecting stations (sanitation wipes) will be available for use.

f. Post-practice conferences may occur with all socially distant and wearing masks; however, there
   are to be no high-fives or the congregation of athletes chanting.

g. Restroom facilities will be used within the football stadium and will be sanitized every 15 (fifteen)
   minutes to 2 (two) hours, using an EPA-approved product.
4. Home Games
     a. Itinerary developed by the Head Coach and shared with the Athletic Director at least twenty-four
        (24) hours in advance.

      b. EVERYONE must complete the POLYTECH COVID-19 Screening Form before participating or
         entering the softball field.
             i. To facilitate this, the form has been made readily available, leveraging a Quick Response
                (QR) Code for use with smart phones.
            ii. Signage will be visible and posted throughout the fields to inform everyone of this
           iii. All coaches, officials, participants and those working must submit to a temperature check as
                1. To facilitate this, forehead thermometers have been supplied to coaches and game
                   managers that will be sanitized after each use.

      c. All POLYTECH athletes and coaches must report dressed and ready to participate.
            i. Locker rooms will not be offered, but all athletes will report to the softball field.
               1. This will require all POLYTECH participants to socially distance, wear masks and limit
                  the maximum capacity of athletes and coaches to 50.
               2. The facility will be sanitized every 15 (fifteen) minutes to 2 (two) hours, using an EPA-
                  approved product.
               3. Any preparatory medical attention (i.e. taping, etc.) can be attended to in the training
                  room before the game, by appointment only and must be sanitized after each use.

      d. All opposing athletes and coaches must report dressed and ready to participate and remain on their
         bus until such time as they may enter the softball field.
            i. Any preparatory medical attention (i.e. taping, etc.) should be attended to prior to arrival.
e. All officials must report dressed and ready to participate and remain in their vehicles until such
   time as they may enter the softball field.

f. Individuals working the game (announcer, gate attendants, custodians, score keeper, etc.) will
   report dressed and ready to participate and will report to their designated area.

g. Two spectators per POLYTECH participant will be granted access on a first-come-first-serve basis.
   Once capacity is reached in the Home Bleachers, no additional spectators will be permitted entry.
      i. Spectators will be seated in the Home Bleachers that are clearly marked to facilitate socially
         distant spacing between each group.
     ii. We are able to seat one hundred (100) spectators socially distanced around the softball field.
         Once capacity has been met, no additional spectators will be allowed around the softball

h. Concession stands will remain closed and food/drink will not be permitted in the stadium except
   for those participating or officiating.

i. Bathrooms will be available and sanitized every 15 (fifteen) minutes to 2 (two) hours, using an
   EPA-approved product.

j. The pre-game meeting will take place at home plate with as few officials as possible and only one
   designated representative from each team, all socially distanced.

k. The team sitting area will be extended and marked accordingly to allow for all athletes and coaches
   to remain socially distanced throughout the game.
l. Only an announcer, score keeper and one coach from each team may sit inside and/or on top of the
         press box.
            i. All must wear a mask and remain socially distant.

      m. At the end of the game, athletes will immediately report to their respective dugouts, without
         shaking hands or congregating, and must remain socially distant at all times, while spectators and
         officials exit to their cars.

      n. Once all spectators have exited the softball field and returned to their cars, the opposing team may
         exit and immediately board their bus to leave the campus.

      o. After all have cleared the softball field, the POLYTECH softball team may exit.

5. Away Matches
     a. All Home Game protocols must be followed.
           i. The opposing team’s Home Game protocols will be followed if they are more stringent,
              provided at least one week’s notice is given.

      b. We will not permit spectators to travel to away matches.

      c. We will limit athletes traveling to 40, to allow for two buses to be taken to Away games.
           i. All traveling on the bus must wear masks, face forward, be seated one per seat and follow all
              transportation policies currently in place for the transporting of students to and from school.

            ii. Those riding the bus will ride the same bus to and from the match.
       1. Season
             a. March 1, 2021 – May 31, 2021
             b. Pre-season practice – March 1, 2021 – March 22, 2021
             c. Fourteen (14) match schedule – March 22, 2021 – May 11, 2021
             d. State tournament begins on June 1, 2021 – June 4, 2021

       2. All precautionary measures and restrictions above apply.
            a. To facilitate the wearing of face coverings, all POLYTECH athletes will wear a face covering.

       3. Practices
             a. All practices and matches will take place at Wild Quail Country Club. We will work with Wild
                 Quail Country Club to create guidelines and expectations regarding facility during practice.

             b. Practices begin at 3:30p.m. and end at 5:30 p.m., at which time a staggered practice schedule or
                changes may be made.

             c. All athletes report dressed and ready to participate. Only students participating during in-person
                instruction each day may use the locker room.
                    i. Locker room use will be staggered by sport and we will ensure proper social distancing,
                       mask wearing and sanitation after each use.
                   ii. Athletes will take their gear home daily to facilitate them coming dressed and ready to
                          1. All athletes must wash and clean their gear and equipment daily.
                  iii. All athletes that are onsite for in-person instruction, awaiting their approved locker room use
                       time and/or practice start, will either participate in a study-hall offered daily in the Auxiliary
Gymnasium “The Tub”, Healthcare Rehab Classroom and/or may be permitted to leave and
         come back, provided they can transport themselves.
           1. The study-hall offered will socially distance students and require mask wearing.

d. All athletes, coaches and volunteers must complete the POLYTECH COVID-19 Screening Form
   before participating.
      i. To facilitate this, the form has been made readily available, leveraging a Quick Response
          (QR) Code for use with smart phones. Additionally, coaches will be supplied with forehead
          thermometers to aid with temperature checks that will be sanitized after each use.

e. Where possible, athletes and coaches in groups of twelve (12) will report to designated areas
   maintaining the appropriate distance, after sanitizing their hands.

f. Shared equipment will be sanitized at least daily, but efforts will be made to sanitize between each

g. Mask breaks will be combined with water breaks and provided every twenty (20) minutes for two
   (2) minutes total, all socially distant and using their own water bottle.
       i. Hydration stations and communal water bottles/coolers will not be provided.

h. Post-practice conferences may occur with all socially distant and wearing masks; however, there
   are to be no high-fives or the congregation of athletes chanting.

i. Restroom facilities will be provided via portable restrooms and will be sanitized every 15 (fifteen)
   minutes to 2 (two) hours, using an EPA-approved product.
4. Home Matches
     a. Itinerary developed by the Head Coach and shared with the Athletic Director at least twenty-four
        (24) hours in advance.
     b. EVERYONE must complete the POLYTECH COVID-19 Screening Form before participating or
        entering the golf course.
             i. To facilitate this, the form has been made readily available, leveraging a Quick Response
                (QR) Code for use with smart phones.
            ii. Signage will be visible and posted throughout the golf course to inform everyone of this
           iii. All coaches, officials, participants and those working must submit to a temperature check as
                   1. To facilitate this, forehead thermometers have been supplied to coaches, game
                      managers and gate attendants that will be sanitized after each use.

      c. All POLYTECH athletes and coaches must report dressed and ready to participate.
            i. Locker rooms will not be offered, all athletes will report to the golf course.
                 1. This will require all POLYTECH participants to socially distance, wear masks and
                    limit the maximum capacity of athletes and coaches to 50.
                 2. The facility will be sanitized every 15 (fifteen) minutes to 2 (two) hours, using an
                    EPA-approved product.
                 3. Any preparatory medical attention (i.e. taping, etc.) can be attended to in the training
                    room before the game, by appointment only and must be sanitized after each use.

      d. All opposing athletes and coaches must report dressed and ready to participate and remain on their
         bus until such time as they may enter the golf course.
            i. Any preparatory medical attention (i.e. taping, etc.) should be attended to prior to arrival.
e. Two spectators per POLYTECH participant will be granted access on a first-come-first-serve basis.
         Once capacity is reached on the golf course, no additional spectators will be permitted entry.
            i. Spectators must adhere to socially distant protocols required by the golf course.
           ii. We are able to accommodate 100 spectators, once spots are full, no additional spectators will
               be allowed entry onto the golf course.

      f. Concession stands will remain closed and food/drink will not be permitted in the stadium except
         for those participating or officiating.

      g. Bathrooms will be available and sanitized every 15 (fifteen) minutes to 2 (two) hours, using an
         EPA-approved product.

      h. Match breaks will occur per DIAA guidance to minimize the amount of time of continuous contact
         and increase the time between contact. These breaks will be treated similarly to timeouts.
            i. All must remain socially distant during these breaks.

      i. At the end of the match, teams will immediately report to their respective bus, without shaking
         hands or congregating, and must remain socially distant at all times, while spectators and officials
         exit to their cars.

5. Away Matches
     a. All Home Matches protocols must be followed.
           i. The opposing team’s Home Match protocols will be followed if they are more stringent,
              provided at least one week’s notice is given.

      b. We will not permit spectators to travel to Away meets.
c. We will limit athletes traveling to 40, to allow for two buses to be taken to Away Matches.
     i. All traveling on the bus must wear masks, face forward, be seated one per seat and follow all
        transportation policies currently in place for the transporting of students to and from school.
    ii. Those riding the bus will ride the same bus to and from the game.
Boys Lacrosse
     1. Season
           a. March 1, 2021 – May 15, 2021
           b. Pre-season practice – March 1, 2021 – March 23, 2021
           c. Fifteen (15) game schedule – March 24, 2021 – May 15, 2021
           d. State tournament begins on May 19, 2021 – May 26, 2021

     2. All precautionary measures and restrictions above apply.
          a. To facilitate the wearing of face coverings, all POLYTECH athletes will wear a face covering.

     3. Practices
           a. Practices begin at 3:30p.m. and end at 5:30 p.m., at which time a staggered practice schedule or
               changes may be made.

           b. All athletes report dressed and ready to participate. Only students participating during in-person
              instruction each day may use the locker room.
                  i. Locker room use will be staggered by sport and we will ensure proper social distancing,
                     mask wearing and sanitation after each use.
                 ii. Athletes will take their gear home daily to facilitate them coming dressed and ready to
                        1. All athletes must wash and clean their gear and equipment daily.
                iii. All athletes that are onsite for in-person instruction, awaiting their approved locker room use
                     time and/or practice start, will either participate in a study-hall offered daily in the Auxiliary
                     Gymnasium “The Tub”, Healthcare Rehab Classroom and/or may be permitted to leave and
                     come back, provided they can transport themselves.
                        1. The study-hall offered will socially distance students and require mask wearing.
c. All athletes, coaches and volunteers must complete the POLYTECH COVID-19 Screening Form
         before participating.
            i. To facilitate this, the form has been made readily available, leveraging a Quick Response
                (QR) Code for use with smart phones. Additionally, coaches will be supplied with forehead
                thermometers to aid with temperature checks that will be sanitized after each use.

      d. Where possible, athletes and coaches in groups of twelve (12) will report to designated areas
         maintaining the appropriate distance, after sanitizing their hands.

      e. Shared equipment will be sanitized at least daily, but efforts will be made to sanitize between each

      f. Mask breaks will be combined with water breaks and provided every twenty (20) minutes for two
         (2) minutes total, all socially distant and using their own water bottle.
             i. Hydration stations and communal water bottles/coolers will not be provided.

      g. Post-practice conferences may occur with all socially distant and wearing masks; however, there
         are to be no high-fives or the congregation of athletes chanting.

      h. Restroom facilities will be provided via portable restrooms and will be sanitized every 15 (fifteen)
         minutes to 2 (two) hours, using an EPA-approved product.

4. Home Games
     a. Itinerary developed by the Head Coach and shared with the Athletic Director at least twenty-four
        (24) hours in advance.
     b. EVERYONE must complete the POLYTECH COVID-19 Screening Form before participating or
        entering the stadium.
i. To facilitate this, the form has been made readily available, leveraging a Quick Response
          (QR) Code for use with smart phones.
      ii. Signage will be visible and posted throughout the stadium to inform everyone of this
     iii. All coaches, officials, participants and those working must submit to a temperature check as
             1. To facilitate this, forehead thermometers have been supplied to coaches, game
                managers and gate attendants that will be sanitized after each use.

c. All POLYTECH athletes and coaches must report dressed and ready to participate.
      i. Locker rooms will not be offered, but all athletes will report to the Auxiliary Gymnasium
         (“The Tub”) until such time as they may enter the Jeff Adams Stadium for the game.
            1. This will require all POLYTECH participants to socially distance, wear masks and
               limit the maximum capacity of athletes and coaches to 50.
            2. The facility will be sanitized every 15 (fifteen) minutes to 2 (two) hours, using an
               EPA-approved product.
            3. Any preparatory medical attention (i.e. taping, etc.) can be attended to in the training
               room before the game, by appointment only and must be sanitized after each use.

d. All opposing athletes and coaches must report dressed and ready to participate and remain on their
   bus until such time as they may enter the Jeff Adams Stadium for the game.
      i. Any preparatory medical attention (i.e. taping, etc.) should be attended to prior to arrival.

e. All officials must report dressed and ready to participate and remain in their vehicles until such
   time as they may enter the Jeff Adams Stadium for the meet.
f. Two spectators per POLYTECH participant will be granted access on a first-come-first-serve basis.
   Once capacity is reached in the Home Bleachers, no additional spectators will be permitted entry.
      i. Spectators will be seated in the Home Bleachers that are clearly marked to facilitate socially
         distant spacing between each group.
     ii. We are able to seat one hundred (100) groups of two (2) socially distanced in the Home
         bleachers. Once all spots are full, no additional spectators will be allowed entry into the

g. Concession stands will remain closed and food/drink will not be permitted in the stadium except
   for those participating or officiating.

h. Bathrooms will be available and sanitized every 15 (fifteen) minutes to 2 (two) hours, using an
   EPA-approved product.

i. Only an announcer, score keeper and one coach from each team may sit inside and/or on top of the
   press box.
      i. All must wear a mask and remain socially distant

j. Game breaks will occur per DIAA guidance to minimize the amount of time of continuous contact
   and increase the time between contact. These breaks will be treated similarly to timeouts.
      i. All must remain socially distant during these breaks.

k. At the end of the game, teams will immediately report to opposite ends of the track, without
   shaking or congregating, and must remain socially distant at all times, while spectators and
   officials exit to their cars.
l. Once all spectators and officials have exited the stadium and returned to their cars, the opposing
         team may exit and immediately board their bus to leave the campus.

      m. After all have cleared the stadium, the POLYTECH lacrosse team may exit.

5. Away Games
     a. All Home Game protocols must be followed.
           i. The opposing team’s Home Game protocols will be followed if they are more stringent,
              provided at least one week’s notice is given.

      b. We will not permit spectators to travel to Away meets.

      c. We will limit athletes traveling to 40, to allow for two buses to be taken to Away Games.
           i. All traveling on the bus must wear masks, face forward, be seated one per seat and follow all
              transportation policies currently in place for the transporting of students to and from school.
          ii. Those riding the bus will ride the same bus to and from the game.
Girls Lacrosse
       1. Season
             a. March 1, 2021 – May 15, 2021
             b. Pre-season practice – March 1, 2021 – March 23, 2021
             c. Fifteen (15) game schedule – March 24, 2021 – May 8, 2021
             d. State tournament begins on May 11, 2021 – May 18, 2021

      2. All precautionary measures and restrictions above apply.
           a. To facilitate the wearing of face coverings, all POLYTECH athletes will wear a face covering.

      3. Practices
            a. Practices begin at 3:30p.m. and end at 5:30 p.m., at which time a staggered practice schedule or
                changes may be made.

            b. All athletes report dressed and ready to participate. Only students participating during in-person
               instruction each day may use the locker room.
                   i. Locker room use will be staggered by sport and we will ensure proper social distancing,
                      mask wearing and sanitation after each use.
                  ii. Athletes will take their gear home daily to facilitate them coming dressed and ready to
                         1. All athletes must wash and clean their gear and equipment daily.
                 iii. All athletes that are onsite for in-person instruction, awaiting their approved locker room use
                      time and/or practice start, will either participate in a study-hall offered daily in the Auxiliary
                      Gymnasium “The Tub”, Healthcare Rehab Classroom and/or may be permitted to leave and
                      come back, provided they can transport themselves.
                         1. The study-hall offered will socially distance students and require mask wearing.
c. All athletes, coaches and volunteers must complete the POLYTECH COVID-19 Screening Form
         before participating.
            i. To facilitate this, the form has been made readily available, leveraging a Quick Response
                (QR) Code for use with smart phones. Additionally, coaches will be supplied with forehead
                thermometers to aid with temperature checks that will be sanitized after each use.

      d. Where possible, athletes and coaches in groups of twelve (12) will report to designated areas
         maintaining the appropriate distance, after sanitizing their hands.

      e. Shared equipment will be sanitized at least daily, but efforts will be made to sanitize between each

      f. Mask breaks will be combined with water breaks and provided every twenty (20) minutes for two
         (2) minutes total, all socially distant and using their own water bottle.
             i. Hydration stations and communal water bottles/coolers will not be provided.

      g. Post-practice conferences may occur with all socially distant and wearing masks; however, there
         are to be no high-fives or the congregation of athletes chanting.

      h. Restroom facilities will be provided via portable restrooms and will be sanitized every 15 (fifteen)
         minutes to 2 (two) hours, using an EPA-approved product.

4. Home Games
     a. Itinerary developed by the Head Coach and shared with the Athletic Director at least twenty-four
        (24) hours in advance.
     b. EVERYONE must complete the POLYTECH COVID-19 Screening Form before participating or
        entering the stadium.
i. To facilitate this, the form has been made readily available, leveraging a Quick Response
          (QR) Code for use with smart phones.
      ii. Signage will be visible and posted throughout the stadium to inform everyone of this
     iii. All coaches, officials, participants and those working must submit to a temperature check as
             1. To facilitate this, forehead thermometers have been supplied to coaches, game
                managers and gate attendants that will be sanitized after each use.

c. All POLYTECH athletes and coaches must report dressed and ready to participate.
      i. Locker rooms will not be offered, but all athletes will report to the Auxiliary Gymnasium
         (“The Tub”) until such time as they may enter the Jeff Adams Stadium for the game.
            1. This will require all POLYTECH participants to socially distance, wear masks and
               limit the maximum capacity of athletes and coaches to 50.
            2. The facility will be sanitized every 15 (fifteen) minutes to 2 (two) hours, using an
               EPA-approved product.
            3. Any preparatory medical attention (i.e. taping, etc.) can be attended to in the training
               room before the game, by appointment only and must be sanitized after each use.

d. All opposing athletes and coaches must report dressed and ready to participate and remain on their
   bus until such time as they may enter the Jeff Adams Stadium for the game.
      i. Any preparatory medical attention (i.e. taping, etc.) should be attended to prior to arrival.

e. All officials must report dressed and ready to participate and remain in their vehicles until such
   time as they may enter the Jeff Adams Stadium for the game.
f. Two spectators per POLYTECH participant will be granted access on a first-come-first-serve basis.
   Once capacity is reached in the Home Bleachers, no additional spectators will be permitted entry.
      i. Spectators will be seated in the Home Bleachers that are clearly marked to facilitate socially
         distant spacing between each group.
     ii. We are able to seat one hundred (100) groups of two (2) socially distanced in the Home
         bleachers. Once all spots are full, no additional spectators will be allowed entry into the

g. Concession stands will remain closed and food/drink will not be permitted in the stadium except
   for those participating or officiating.

h. Bathrooms will be available and sanitized every 15 (fifteen) minutes to 2 (two) hours, using an
   EPA-approved product.

i. Only an announcer, score keeper and one coach from each team may sit inside and/or on top of the
   press box.
      i. All must wear a mask and remain socially distant

j. Match breaks will occur per DIAA guidance to minimize the amount of time of continuous contact
   and increase the time between contact. These breaks will be treated similarly to timeouts.
      i. All must remain socially distant during these breaks.

k. At the end of the game, teams will immediately report to opposite ends of the stadium, without
   shaking or congregating, and must remain socially distant at all times, while spectators and
   officials exit to their cars.
l. Once all spectators and officials have exited the stadium and returned to their cars, the opposing
         team may exit and immediately board their bus to leave the campus.

      m. After all have cleared the stadium, the POLYTECH lacrosse team may exit.

5. Away Games
     a. All Home Game protocols must be followed.
           i. The opposing team’s Home Game protocols will be followed if they are more stringent,
              provided at least one week’s notice is given.

      b. We will not permit spectators to travel to Away Games.

      c. We will limit athletes traveling to 40, to allow for two buses to be taken to Away Games.
           i. All traveling on the bus must wear masks, face forward, be seated one per seat and follow all
              transportation policies currently in place for the transporting of students to and from school.
          ii. Those riding the bus will ride the same bus to and from the game.
Girls Soccer
       1. Season
             a. March 1, 2021 – May 13, 2021
             b. Pre-season practice – March 1, 2021 – March 23, 2021
             c. Fifteen (15) game schedule – March 24, 2021 – May 15, 2021
             d. State tournament begins on May 19, 2021 – May 26, 2021

      2. All precautionary measures and restrictions above apply.
           a. To facilitate the wearing of face coverings, all POLYTECH athletes will wear a face covering.

      3. Practices
            a. Practices begin at 3:30p.m. and end at 5:30 p.m., at which time a staggered practice schedule or
                changes may be made.

            b. All athletes report dressed and ready to participate. Only students participating during in-person
               instruction each day may use the locker room.
                   i. Locker room use will be staggered by sport and we will ensure proper social distancing,
                      mask wearing and sanitation after each use.
                  ii. Athletes will take their gear home daily to facilitate them coming dressed and ready to
                         1. All athletes must wash and clean their gear and equipment daily.
                 iii. All athletes that are onsite for in-person instruction, awaiting their approved locker room use
                      time and/or practice start, will either participate in a study-hall offered daily in the Auxiliary
                      Gymnasium “The Tub”, Healthcare Rehab Classroom and/or may be permitted to leave and
                      come back, provided they can transport themselves.
                         1. The study-hall offered will socially distance students and require mask wearing.
c. All athletes, coaches and volunteers must complete the POLYTECH COVID-19 Screening Form
         before participating.
            i. To facilitate this, the form has been made readily available, leveraging a Quick Response
                (QR) Code for use with smart phones. Additionally, coaches will be supplied with forehead
                thermometers to aid with temperature checks that will be sanitized after each use.

      d. Where possible, athletes and coaches in groups of twelve (12) will report to designated areas
         maintaining the appropriate distance, after sanitizing their hands.

      e. Shared equipment will be sanitized at least daily, but efforts will be made to sanitize between each

      f. Mask breaks will be combined with water breaks and provided every twenty (20) minutes for two
         (2) minutes total, all socially distant and using their own water bottle.
             i. Hydration stations and communal water bottles/coolers will not be provided.

      g. Post-practice conferences may occur with all socially distant and wearing masks; however, there
         are to be no high-fives or the congregation of athletes chanting.

      h. Restroom facilities will be provided via portable restrooms and will be sanitized every 15 (fifteen)
         minutes to 2 (two) hours, using an EPA-approved product.

4. Home Games
     a. Itinerary developed by the Head Coach and shared with the Athletic Director at least twenty-four
        (24) hours in advance.
     b. EVERYONE must complete the POLYTECH COVID-19 Screening Form before participating or
        entering the field.
i. To facilitate this, the form has been made readily available, leveraging a Quick Response
          (QR) Code for use with smart phones.
      ii. Signage will be visible and posted throughout the stadium to inform everyone of this
     iii. All coaches, officials, participants and those working must submit to a temperature check as
             1. To facilitate this, forehead thermometers have been supplied to coaches, game
                managers and gate attendants that will be sanitized after each use.

c. All POLYTECH athletes and coaches must report dressed and ready to participate.
      i. Locker rooms will not be offered, but all athletes will report to the Auxiliary Gymnasium
         (“The Tub”) until such time as they may enter the soccer complex.
            1. This will require all POLYTECH participants to socially distance, wear masks and
               limit the maximum capacity of athletes and coaches to 50.
            2. The facility will be sanitized every 15 (fifteen) minutes to 2 (two) hours, using an
               EPA-approved product.
            3. Any preparatory medical attention (i.e. taping, etc.) can be attended to in the training
               room before the game, by appointment only and must be sanitized after each use.

d. All opposing athletes and coaches must report dressed and ready to participate and remain on their
   bus until such time as they may enter the soccer complex.
      i. Any preparatory medical attention (i.e. taping, etc.) should be attended to prior to arrival.

e. All officials must report dressed and ready to participate and remain in their vehicles until such
   time as they may enter the soccer complex for the game.
f. Two spectators per POLYTECH participant will be granted access on a first-come-first-serve basis.
   Once capacity is reached in the Home Bleachers, no additional spectators will be permitted entry.
      i. Spectators will be seated in the Home Bleachers that are clearly marked to facilitate socially
         distant spacing between each group.
     ii. We are able to seat one hundred (100) groups of two (2) socially distanced in the Home
         bleachers. Once all spots are full, no additional spectators will be allowed entry into the

g. Concession stands will remain closed and food/drink will not be permitted in the soccer complex
   except for those participating or officiating.

h. Bathrooms will be available and sanitized every 15 (fifteen) minutes to 2 (two) hours, using an
   EPA-approved product.

i. Only an announcer, score keeper and one coach from each team may sit at the scorer’s table at
      i. All must wear a mask and remain socially distant.

j. Game breaks will occur per DIAA guidance to minimize the amount of time of continuous contact
   and increase the time between contact. These breaks will be treated similarly to timeouts.
      i. All must remain socially distant during these breaks.

k. At the end of the game, teams will immediately report to opposite ends of the field, without
   shaking or congregating, and must remain socially distant at all times, while spectators and
   officials exit to their cars.
l. Once all spectators and officials have exited the soccer complex and returned to their cars, the
         opposing team may exit and immediately board their bus to leave the campus.

      m. After all have cleared the soccer complex, the POLYTECH soccer team may exit.

5. Away Games
     a. All Home Game protocols must be followed.
           i. The opposing team’s Home Game protocols will be followed if they are more stringent,
              provided at least one week’s notice is given.

      b. We will not permit spectators to travel to Away Games.

      c. We will limit athletes traveling to 40, to allow for two buses to be taken to Away Games.
           i. All traveling on the bus must wear masks, face forward, be seated one per seat and follow all
              transportation policies currently in place for the transporting of students to and from school.
          ii. Those riding the bus will ride the same bus to and from the game.
      1. Season
            a. March 1, 2021 – May 13, 2021
            b. Pre-season practice – March 1, 2021 – March 23, 2021
            c. Ten (10) match schedule – March 29, 2021 – May 10, 2021
            d. State tournament begins on May 19, 2021 – May 26, 2021

     2. All precautionary measures and restrictions above apply.
          a. To facilitate the wearing of face coverings, all POLYTECH athletes will wear a face covering.

     3. Practices
           a. Practices begin at 3:30p.m. and end at 5:30 p.m., at which time a staggered practice schedule or
               changes may be made.

           b. All athletes report dressed and ready to participate. Only students participating during in-person
              instruction each day may use the locker room.
                  i. Locker room use will be staggered by sport and we will ensure proper social distancing,
                     mask wearing and sanitation after each use.
                 ii. Athletes will take their gear home daily to facilitate them coming dressed and ready to
                        1. All athletes must wash and clean their gear and equipment daily.
                iii. All athletes that are onsite for in-person instruction, awaiting their approved locker room use
                     time and/or practice start, will either participate in a study-hall offered daily in the Auxiliary
                     Gymnasium “The Tub”, Healthcare Rehab Classroom and/or may be permitted to leave and
                     come back, provided they can transport themselves.
                        1. The study-hall offered will socially distance students and require mask wearing.
c. All athletes, coaches and volunteers must complete the POLYTECH COVID-19 Screening Form
         before participating.
            i. To facilitate this, the form has been made readily available, leveraging a Quick Response
                (QR) Code for use with smart phones. Additionally, coaches will be supplied with forehead
                thermometers to aid with temperature checks that will be sanitized after each use.

      d. Where possible, athletes and coaches in groups of twelve (12) will report to designated areas
         maintaining the appropriate distance, after sanitizing their hands.

      e. Shared equipment will be sanitized at least daily, but efforts will be made to sanitize between each

      f. Mask breaks will be combined with water breaks and provided every twenty (20) minutes for two
         (2) minutes total, all socially distant and using their own water bottle.
             i. Hydration stations and communal water bottles/coolers will not be provided.

      g. Post-practice conferences may occur with all socially distant and wearing masks; however, there
         are to be no high-fives or the congregation of athletes chanting.

      h. Restroom facilities will be provided via portable restrooms and will be sanitized every 15 (fifteen)
         minutes to 2 (two) hours, using an EPA-approved product.

4. Home Matches
     a. Itinerary developed by the Head Coach and shared with the Athletic Director at least twenty-four
        (24) hours in advance.
     b. EVERYONE must complete the POLYTECH COVID-19 Screening Form before participating or
        entering the tennis courts.
i. To facilitate this, the form has been made readily available, leveraging a Quick Response
          (QR) Code for use with smart phones.
      ii. Signage will be visible and posted throughout the stadium to inform everyone of this
     iii. All coaches, officials, participants and those working must submit to a temperature check as
             1. To facilitate this, forehead thermometers have been supplied to coaches, game
                managers and gate attendants that will be sanitized after each use.

c. All POLYTECH athletes and coaches must report dressed and ready to participate.
      i. Locker rooms will not be offered, but all athletes will report to the Auxiliary Gymnasium
         (“The Tub”) until such time as they may enter the tennis courts.
            1. This will require all POLYTECH participants to socially distance, wear masks and
               limit the maximum capacity of athletes and coaches to 50.
            2. The facility will be sanitized every 15 (fifteen) minutes to 2 (two) hours, using an
               EPA-approved product.
            3. Any preparatory medical attention (i.e. taping, etc.) can be attended to in the training
               room before the game, by appointment only and must be sanitized after each use.

d. All opposing athletes and coaches must report dressed and ready to participate and remain on their
   bus until such time as they may enter the tennis courts.
      i. Any preparatory medical attention (i.e. taping, etc.) should be attended to prior to arrival.

e. All officials must report dressed and ready to participate and remain in their vehicles until such
   time as they may enter the tennis courts for the match.
f. Two spectators per POLYTECH participant will be granted access on a first-come-first-serve basis.
   Once capacity is reached in the Home Bleachers, no additional spectators will be permitted entry.
      i. Spectators will be seated in the Home Bleachers that are clearly marked to facilitate socially
         distant spacing between each group.
     ii. We are able to seat one hundred (100) groups of two (2) socially distanced in the Home
         bleachers. Once all spots are full, no additional spectators will be allowed entry into the
         tennis courts.

g. Concession stands will remain closed and food/drink will not be permitted in the tennis courts
   except for those participating or officiating.

h. Bathrooms will be available and sanitized every 15 (fifteen) minutes to 2 (two) hours, using an
   EPA-approved product.

i. Only an announcer, score keeper and one coach from each team may sit at the scorer’s table at
      i. All must wear a mask and remain socially distant.

j. Match breaks will occur per DIAA guidance to minimize the amount of time of continuous contact
   and increase the time between contact. These breaks will be treated similarly to timeouts.
      i. All must remain socially distant during these breaks.

k. At the end of the match, teams will immediately report to opposite ends of the court, without
   shaking or congregating, and must remain socially distant at all times, while spectators and
   officials exit to their cars.
l. Once all spectators have exited the tennis courts and returned to their cars, the opposing team may
         exit and immediately board their bus to leave the campus.

      m. After all have cleared the tennis courts, the POLYTECH tennis team may exit.

5. Away Matches
     a. All Home Matches protocols must be followed.
           i. The opposing team’s Home Match protocols will be followed if they are more stringent,
              provided at least one week’s notice is given.

      b. We will not permit spectators to travel to Away meets.

      c. We will limit athletes traveling to 40, to allow for two buses to be taken to Away Matches.
           i. All traveling on the bus must wear masks, face forward, be seated one per seat and follow all
              transportation policies currently in place for the transporting of students to and from school.
          ii. Those riding the bus will ride the same bus to and from the game.
Track & Field
      1. Season
            a. March 1, 2021 – May 15, 2021
            b. Pre-season practice – March 1, 2021 – March 23, 2021
            c. Eight (8) meet schedule – March 24, 2021 – May 15, 2021
            d. State tournament begins on May 22, 2021 – May 23, 2021

      2. All precautionary measures and restrictions above apply.
           a. To facilitate the wearing of face coverings, all POLYTECH athletes will wear a face covering.

      3. Practices
            a. Practices begin at 3:30p.m. and end at 5:30 p.m., at which time a staggered practice schedule or
                changes may be made.

            b. All athletes report dressed and ready to participate. Only students participating during in-person
               instruction each day may use the locker room.
                   i. Locker room use will be staggered by sport and we will ensure proper social distancing,
                      mask wearing and sanitation after each use.
                  ii. Athletes will take their gear home daily to facilitate them coming dressed and ready to
                         1. All athletes must wash and clean their gear and equipment daily.
                 iii. All athletes that are onsite for in-person instruction, awaiting their approved locker room use
                      time and/or practice start, will either participate in a study-hall offered daily in the Auxiliary
                      Gymnasium “The Tub”, Healthcare Rehab Classroom and/or may be permitted to leave and
                      come back, provided they can transport themselves.
                         1. The study-hall offered will socially distance students and require mask wearing.
c. All athletes, coaches and volunteers must complete the POLYTECH COVID-19 Screening Form
         before participating.
            i. To facilitate this, the form has been made readily available, leveraging a Quick Response
                (QR) Code for use with smart phones. Additionally, coaches will be supplied with forehead
                thermometers to aid with temperature checks that will be sanitized after each use.

      d. Where possible, athletes and coaches in groups of twelve (12) will report to designated areas
         maintaining the appropriate distance, after sanitizing their hands.

      e. Shared equipment will be sanitized at least daily, but efforts will be made to sanitize between each

      f. Mask breaks will be combined with water breaks and provided every twenty (20) minutes for two
         (2) minutes total, all socially distant and using their own water bottle.
             i. Hydration stations and communal water bottles/coolers will not be provided.

      g. Post-practice conferences may occur with all socially distant and wearing masks; however, there
         are to be no high-fives or the congregation of athletes chanting.

      h. Restroom facilities will be provided via portable restrooms and will be sanitized every 15 (fifteen)
         minutes to 2 (two) hours, using an EPA-approved product.

4. Home Meets
     a. Itinerary developed by the Head Coach and shared with the Athletic Director at least twenty-four
        (24) hours in advance.
     b. EVERYONE must complete the POLYTECH COVID-19 Screening Form before participating or
        entering the stadium.
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