DOE Design Of Experiments - Engineering - My LIUC

Page created by Victor Mason

      Design Of

       D. Sorrenti – Corso di “Industrial Design” – Università C. Cattaneo LIUC – A.A. 2017-2018   1
DOE - Design Of
Experiments                                            - introduction                                   – purpose of the lecture notes (1)

  Purpose of these notes on DOE is:
  ▪ both to get the students familiar with some
    problems - summed up by the concepts of “internal
    validity” and “external validity” - related to the
    results of tests on some suitable subjects
  ▪ … and to show to the students themselves some
    tests patterns related to the above concepts

  As additional information it’s also to say that what shown in
  the following must be meant as preliminary to DOE subject,
  so the achievement of a professional sound knowledge would
  require a thorough further study in depth.

  Most of this document’s content is extracted from:

                 D. Sorrenti – Corso di “Industrial Design” – Università C. Cattaneo LIUC – A.A. 2017-2018                                   2
DOE - Design Of
Experiments                                                      - introduction                                   – meaning (1)

 Design of experiments (DOE) is a systematic, rigorous
 approach to engineering problem-solving that applies
 principles and techniques at the data collection stage so as to
 ensure the generation of valid, defensible, and supportable
 engineering conclusions. In addition, all of this is carried out
 under the constraint of a minimal expenditure of engineering
 runs, time, and money.
 [ - US National Institute of Standards and Technology

 Design of Experiments (DOE) is a method to find out the relation between
 factors affecting a process and the output of the process. It tries to build a
 cause & effect relationship so that the outcome of a process can be predicted
 under given pre-conditions. It is also called a quasi-experiment. To establish
 the relationship, a set of experiments are conducted and then the value of
 the output parameter is analyzed and interpreted.
 [ - US National Institute of Standards and Technology

 DOE is defined ad “… branch of applied statistics deals with planning,
 conducting, analyzing and interpreting controlled tests to evaluate the factors
 that control the value of a parameter or group of parameters.
 [ ASQ Quality resources

                          D. Sorrenti – Corso di “Industrial Design” – Università C. Cattaneo LIUC – A.A. 2017-2018               3
      - Design
 materiali                                                              - introduction                                   – meaning (2) – additional note (i)

                      The meaning of DOE is conceptually linked to the one of «research»

Research designs are the
plans and the procedures
for research that span the
decisions     from    broad
assumptions to detailed
methods of data collection

                                                                                                                                                        [J. Cresswell – Research Design ]
and analysis. It involves
the      intersection    of
philosophical assumptions,
strategies of inquiry, and
specific methods
[J. Cresswell – Research Design –

 Scientific method is that process by
 which     deductive    and   inductive
 reasoning methods are employed to
 empirically develop knowledge

  Modern engineering investigations would be tipically referred to «scientific
       method» whose itsown concept includes quantitative research
                                 D. Sorrenti – Corso di “Industrial Design” – Università C. Cattaneo LIUC – A.A. 2017-2018                                                                  4
DOE - Design Of
 Experiments                                                                   - introduction                                   – meaning (2) – additional note (ii)

                                                                                                       Quantitative research is a mean for
                                                                                                       testing objective theories and by
                                                                                                       examining the relationship among
                                                                                                       variables. These variables can be
                                                                                                       measured, typically on instruments, so
                                                                                                       that numbered data can be analyzed
                                                                                                       using statistical procedures. The final
                                                                                                       written report has a set structure
                                                                                                       consisting of introduction, literature and
                                                                                                       theory,     methods,      results      and
                                                                                                        [J. Cresswell – Research Design]

                                                                                                        after due considerations, one could say
                                                                                                        that quantitative research reflects the
                                                                                                        content of modern scientific method
                                                                                                        which combines the deductive and
                                                                                                        inductive reasoning processes, and
                                                                                                        adds the use of appropriate and
                                                                                                        advanced       experimental      design
                                                                                                        conditions to yield a comprehensive,
                                                                                                        complex and highly disciplined method
[J. T. Luftig, V. S. Jordan - Design of Experiments in Quality
                                                                                                        of inquiry.
                                                                      references before “modern scientific method” have been “trial and error” (beginning of
                                                                      20th century) and “empirical method” which combined with empirical methods.

                                        D. Sorrenti – Corso di “Industrial Design” – Università C. Cattaneo LIUC – A.A. 2017-2018                                      5
DOE - Design Of
    Experiments                      - design process   – plan phase (1)

•   the plan phase includes:
     ✓ refine and develop statements of the
                                                  Now, apart from the first
     ✓ define    the     research       study
                                                  three issues (about which
                                                  following pages propose an
     ✓ write          the           research      exercise), the other ones
       question(s)/hypothesis                     are related to internal
                                                  validity and to external
     ✓ define/select      the     dependent
                                                  validity, that’s possible
       variable(s)and criterion measures
                                                  threats that could impact
     ✓ identify and classify treatment,           the design itself. Such
       independent and nuisance variables         threats are related to the
                                                  way of the development,
     ✓ create the most appropriate and
                                                  design and to the ability to
       efficient    experimental design
                                                  generalize its results.
       available as possible
                                                  Following     that     some
     ✓ design the sampling plan                   typical test patterns able
     ✓ assess     the     data      collection    to cause or to protect
DOE - Design Of
   Experiments                                                                  - design process                                     – plan phase (2) – exercise (i)

➢ the following exercize is referred at the first three items of the plan
Imagine that we have created a background data base for the deployment of activties
oriented toward the urgent needs for cost reduction in a particular manufacturing facility.
Financial impact data and cost-benefits analyses have revealed that one of the major cost in
this facility correspond to the purchase of knives for use on a machine that skits material.
These knives are used until they are worn and are replaced on a regular base. Not only are
the knives themselves expensive, but the downtime associated with their replacement is
significant (mean replacement time has been calculated to be 32,5 minutes). As a result of
an appeal to common sense based upon previous experience, some of the plant’s line
personnel have indicated that the mean time between failures (MTBF) varies for knives
purchased from the three current suppliers. These data have never been assessed on a
formal basis. However, a permanent record has been maintained by the production
organization for the last three years as related to both (1) time to failure and (2) time to
replacement. A decision has been made to review the data base and seek out potetial
Your assignment as related to this problem decision is:
1. Classify the type of research study most likely to be conducted.
2. Write a statement of the problem.
3. Write an appropriate set of research questions or hypothesis based upon your statement
   of the problem
 [J. T. Luftig, V. S. Jordan - Design of Experiments in Quality

                                         D. Sorrenti – Corso di “Industrial Design” – Università C. Cattaneo LIUC – A.A. 2017-2018                                     7
DOE - Design Of
  Experiments                                                                   - design process                                     – plan phase (3) – exercise (ii)

                                                                  The classification of analytical research, whose meaning is linked to the extraction of
                                                                  relationships from a deductive system, is opposing to other types of research, that’s:
                                                                  • Descriptive ---> aimed to determine what something is,
                                                                  • Relational ---> focused on possible relationships between variables,
                                                                  • Experimental ---> finalized to discover casual relationships.

1. Classification of the type of research
   Since we’re evaluating historical data (three years history of time to failure and time for
   replacement) to compare MTBF for the three current suppliers, the type of research used
   is analytical research (historical).
2. Statement of the problem.
   The purpose of this study is to determine whether the life of slitter knives varies for
   knives purchased from our three current suppliers. The knives of interest for this study
   are all knivs used on this machine for the last three years. Life will be based on the basis
   of time to failure and time to replacement.
3. Research hypothesis
   There are no significant difference in slitter knife life (as measured by time to failure and
   time to replacement) for our three current suppliers.

 [J. T. Luftig, V. S. Jordan - Design of Experiments in Quality

                                         D. Sorrenti – Corso di “Industrial Design” – Università C. Cattaneo LIUC – A.A. 2017-2018                                      8
DOE - Design
  Of Experiments                                              - design process
                                                                    and external validities (i)
                                                                                                                   – plan phase (4) – internal

About the subsequent items of the plan plan phase, it’s important to take
into account the threats that could impact on the test’s outcome. Such threats
are represented by the concept of internal and external validity.

 ✓ internal validity: internal validity is a function of the degree to which the
   design is technically correct , as well as the successful elimination and
   control of systematic errors (Spector, 1982). Experimental research that is
   internally valid usually allows us to generalize the sample results to the
   equivalent effects for the research’s population.
 ✓ external validity: external validity refers to the overall ability to
   generalize, or used the results of a study. Specifically, a study is said to be
   externally valid if it is (1) internally valid, or technically sound, and (2) the
   result of the study associated with the research’s population can be
   generalized to the target population or universe.
Such validities’ definition are linked to the more known Type I and Type II errors (or α and
β errors) that’s:
▪ Type I: the incorrect decision to reject the null hypothesis (in other words to say that a
            treatment, meant as independent variable, doesn’t affect the subject, meant as
            dependent variable, while it’s influenced)  internal validity
▪ Type II: the incorrect decision to accept the null hypothesis (to say that a treatment
            affects the subject while it doesn’t)  external validity

                       D. Sorrenti – Corso di “Industrial Design” – Università C. Cattaneo LIUC – A.A. 2017-2018                                 9
DOE - Design Of
Experiments                                                            - design process
                                                                             and external validities (ii)
                                                                                                                            – plan phase (5) – internal

 [J. T. Luftig, V. S. Jordan - Design of Experiments in Quality Engineering]

                                D. Sorrenti – Corso di “Industrial Design” – Università C. Cattaneo LIUC – A.A. 2017-2018                                 10
DOE - Design Of
Experiments                                              - design process
                                                               and external validities (iii)
                                                                                            – plan phase (5) – internal

➢ The validity of of a test’s outcome is often invalidated by the effects of
  an extraneous or unknown variables intermingled with the treatment’s
  ones. About it some tests’ patterns have been generated in order to
  protect by not validities occurrence.

➢ Such patterns use a characterictic simbology, that’s:
    •   R which stanf for the applicaton of randomization criteria,
    •   O that is about observations or measurements of variables,
    •   X which means the application of the tretment.

                                                    About R: lackness of randomization is the most useful cause of error.

                  D. Sorrenti – Corso di “Industrial Design” – Università C. Cattaneo LIUC – A.A. 2017-2018                 11
DOE - Design Of
Experiments                                             - design process
                                                              and external validities (iv)
                                                                                          – plan phase (5) – internal

Examples of   designs typically impacting on Type I error

✓ once-shot case study X O
   • in the absence of comparative data an inference of improvement can
     not be justified

✓ one-group pretest-posttest design O X O
   • how do we know that something else (during the treatment
     application) did not change?

✓ static group comparison design X O
   • … the second O represents a control group
   • … absence of randomization assurance (represented by the dashed

                 D. Sorrenti – Corso di “Industrial Design” – Università C. Cattaneo LIUC – A.A. 2017-2018              12
DOE - Design Of
Experiments                                                - design process
                                                                 and external validities (v)
                                                                                                                – plan phase (6) – internal

More in general … factors jeopardizing the internal validity:

▪ history             events affecting the experimental units (dependent variables)
                       and arising between subsequent measurements.
▪ maturation          phenomena arising into the experimental units not related to
                       the the treatment (fatigue, wear etc.)
▪ selection (biases)  inappropriate randomization ways are employed (sampling,
                       assignment etc.) resulting in differences between comparative
                       groups attributed to the treatment effect
▪ mortality           loss of experimental units or subjects during the conduction of
                       the experiment,
▪ testing             effects detectable after first obeservations.
▪ instrumentation         results confounded with the treatment but due to changes in
                           observations’ processes.

                    D. Sorrenti – Corso di “Industrial Design” – Università C. Cattaneo LIUC – A.A. 2017-2018                                 13
DOE - Design Of
Experiments                                              - design process
                                                               and external validities (vi)
                                                                                           – plan phase (7) – internal

Examples of designs typically protecting on Type I error are:

✓ pretest-posttest control group design
  R O X O
  R O X O
✓ posttest-only control group design

   R   X O
   R   X O

   No pretest is considered because, in specific cases, one could be
   concerned as whether pretested experimental units respond to the
   treatment effect in the same way the experimental units not pretested
   will respond
✓ Solomon four groups design
  R O X O
  R O X O
  R O X O
  R O X O

   … it combines the strengths of the two above groups
                  D. Sorrenti – Corso di “Industrial Design” – Università C. Cattaneo LIUC – A.A. 2017-2018              14
DOE - Design Of
 Experiments                                                 - design process                  – plan phase (8) – internal
                                                                   and external validities (vii)

factors typically impacting on Type II error are:

✓ an extraneous manipulable independent variable is confounded
  with the denominator (*)
  such mistake results in an addition of the experimental error with the
  variability proper of each observed group

✓ the selected experimental design lacks sensitivity
  sensitivity refers to the precision or power of an experiment to detect
  treatment effects

✓ external variables are confounded with the numerator                                                            (*)   or the
  other threats to internal validity
  the issue is the effect of a confounded variable masking the effect of a
  treatment which truly does exist

  (*) the words «numerator» and «denominator» are respectively referred
      to the differences detected after the treatment and to experimental
      errors, that in some statistical inference tools (for instance the t of
      Students) are just on the numerator and denominator of such tools.

                      D. Sorrenti – Corso di “Industrial Design” – Università C. Cattaneo LIUC – A.A. 2017-2018                  15
DOE - Design Of
Experiments                                                  - design process                                     – study phase (1)

Just      as       (very)
preliminary on on the
data one got (ref. to
the study phase of the
Research         Process,
page 5), in this and in
the following pages
you can find some
references on suitable
statistical tools about.

                                  [M. Davies, N. Hughes – Research Project - \Palgrave Mc. Millan 2014]
                      D. Sorrenti – Corso di “Industrial Design” – Università C. Cattaneo LIUC – A.A. 2017-2018                       16
DOE - Design Of
Experiments                                    - design process                                     – study phase (2)

                                                                                                                        [M. Davies, N. Hughes – Research Project - \Palgrave Mc. Millan 2014]
        D. Sorrenti – Corso di “Industrial Design” – Università C. Cattaneo LIUC – A.A. 2017-2018                                                                                               17
DOE - Design Of
Experiments                                    - design process                                     – study phase (3)

                                                                                                                        [M. Davies, N. Hughes – Research Project - \Palgrave Mc. Millan 2014]
        D. Sorrenti – Corso di “Industrial Design” – Università C. Cattaneo LIUC – A.A. 2017-2018                                                                                               18

       D. Sorrenti – Corso di “Industrial Design” – Università C. Cattaneo LIUC – A.A. 2017-2018   19
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