Dr Carmel Desmarchelier, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba 4350 University students - awareness of social and ...

Page created by Troy Alexander
Dr Carmel Desmarchelier,

University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba 4350

University students - awareness of social and global issues.

Education students enrolled in Studies of Society and the Environment at USQ are required
to demonstrate understanding of global sociological and political issues in a holistic context.

Students were tested before and after the terrorism in America last September. Lessons on
political and economic systems, ideology and globalism immediately preceded the terrorism.
Data analysis indicates that students’ interest and understanding of current global issues
was influenced by their immediate application of the socio-political principles that were
raised in their classes to evaluate the terrorism and its aftermath.

Issues raised include their increased awareness of political systems, including a growing
commitment to democracy, plus a heightened awareness of the processes of globalism and
economic interdependence. Applying various socio-political perspectives empowered the
students and many interpreted this as a sign of maturity and evidence of adult status

Implications include that socio-political issues are enhanced when immediately applied to
current events and maturity is equated with political awareness.

SOSE (Studies of Society and the Environment) is a holistic subject that incorporates
sociology, history, geography, economics and environment. It is being introduced nationally
over three years, though there are some differences between the states. SOSE students
enrolled in either semester one or two in this compulsory unit. I had commenced work at
USQ in 2001 so the unit initially included lectures and readings selected and delivered by my
colleagues. In semester two the unit was altered to be more holistic and problem-based
learning in order to cater for the learning needs of the students which were revealed through
a questionnaire in week one and through analysis of tutorial discussion. Thus economic,
globalism, Indigenous and political issues were highlighted in the unit.

The new SOSE syllabus was introduced in 2000. It is a holistic syllabus drawing on
economics, environmental studies, civics, sociology, peace studies, history and geography.
It is learner orientated and based on four key values, four learning areas and five processes.
As such, it is a radical syllabus that encourages a variety of teaching methods and firmly
places values at the core of the syllabus. The values of democracy, peace, social justice and
ecological and environmental sustainability are integrated into the topics analyses in class.
The holistic nature of the curriculum, plus the explicit values base orientation, challenge
teachers to rethink their ways of teaching. The four strands of SOSE are Culture and Identity
(Sociology), Place and Space (Geography, economics), Time, Continuity and Change
(History) plus Systems, Resources and Power (politics, economics).

The students completed a questionnaire in week one of first semester (Table 1) which
indicated they lacked prior learning in many areas of the syllabus they would be teaching. In
classes during semester one I surveyed awareness of issues such as troops in East Timor
or foot and mouth disease and less than half the students could explain these current



We want to assess your learning needs at the start of the unit. This is an anonymous
questionnaire and it is not compulsory, but we respect your cooperation.

   1. What is your level of understanding the school curriculum in the following areas?

       Very high average very low

History 11 56 44%

Geography 7 45

Civics and citizenship 3 73 57%

Environment 16 25

Economics 3 82 64%

   2. Why is federation being celebrated in Australia this year?

       22 explained correctly (17%)

       69 said 100 years (but did not say what was being celebrated)

       37 (29%) did not know the answer

   3. What is your level of understanding of the content in the following areas?

       Very high average very low

Indigenous cultures                      14 31 24%

Ecological and environmental issues      13 21

Government and citizenship               6 49 38%

Australian history                       12 22

Overseas country                         2 1.5% 46 36%

Cultural diversity                       9 30
Family diversity                          16 12.5% 28

Economic and trade systems                7 68 53%

    4. What is meant by social justice principles?

        74 people (58%) did not know the answer

    5. What SOSE topic(s) would you like to discuss in class?

        The answers varied

    6. What is your gender?

Female large majority                              Male small minority

    7. When did you last attend school?

In 2000             Between 1995-1999         Between 1990 – 1994         Before 1994

0                   22                        69                          37

    8. Did you major in SOSE related subjects in your school career? YES NO

54 74

The lack of knowledge that was revealed by the students led to a revision of the content of
the unit so current events were incorporated into theoretical principles. The students in
semester two were much more aware of current events, even before September 11, as the
holistic nature of the syllabus meant current issues could be related to theory in each class.

In semester two the class had spent a week studying each of the following topics prior to
September 11. These are specific content areas of SOSE and are a form of social
engineering designed to produce students who are socially conscious and empowered to
make rational decisions that will enhance the worlds social, built and natural environments

1 SOSE as a holistic syllabus in a global context

    2. The SOSE values – Peace, Social Justice, Democratic Process, Economical and
       Ecological Sustainability
    3. The futures perspective (positive and sustainable future)
    4. Civics and participatory democracy
    5. Integrating Indigenous perspectives and
    6. Economics, commerce and finance (global issues) September 12.

I had lectured on Middle East and Afghanistan politics, culture and religion when lecturing in
the UNSW Aviation degree. Afghanistan was prohibited airspace when they were fighting
Russia so pilots needed to know why they couldn’t enter such territories. Thus, at the
9.00am lecture on September 12, I could explain several issues, such as why some
Palestinians were cheering the terrorists. In the following lecture I included maps and
histories of the Middle East and Afghanistan and explained the differences between political
and religious issues and the variations in Islam. The president of the Islamic Society also
spoke in the lecture and answered questions.

The students in tutorials began to deconstruct the terrorism using the SOSE framework.
They applied values and key concepts and debated the viability of a futures perspective of a
positive sustained environment. They evaluated the alternatives to democracy and were
very interested in the Taliban and the amount of control they had over the population.
Democracy and civics issues were seen as very important when they were discussed two
weeks after September 11 and many students became politically motivated through the
SOSE ideology of active and informed citizenship.

The post September 11 SOSE classes were different to their predecessors. In second
semester the class was divided between third and fourth years and their different
practicums, so they shared the first six weeks, then classes were repeated for the remaining
weeks (crazy system!). The fourth years, whilst their work indicated their maturity and
experience, did not actively apply the principles to current events as the third years did. This
group were interested in local and economic issues as the SOSE principles could be readily
applied to the federal election and closure of major companies.

The following questionnaire was given to students with their exam and most completed the
form. There were two printed lines between each question requesting further comments.



Desmarchelier will use the feedback.

   1. Did studying SOSE enhance your understanding of the recent terrorism and
      associated political events?

       θ Yes θ No

       89 4 already knew 4

   2. Did applying the concept of Globalism to recent international current events increase
      your understanding of the concept?

θ Yes θ No

90 4 already knew 1

               3 Did national political issues become more understandable through studying
               democracy and civics in SOSE?

θ Yes θ No

77 10 already knew 3
4. Did studying economic issues in SOSE increase your understanding of how the
      economy works?

θ Yes θ No

60 21 already knew 2

   5. Did studying SOSE contribute to your understanding of how our Australian society
      operates in a global context?

θ Yes θ No

67 18 already knew 0

   6. Did applying SOSE and theoretical concepts to current affairs increase your
      understanding of the concepts?

θ Yes θ No

77 4 already knew 2

Students written responses in the questionnaire

The following comments indicate how the students felt about the issues.


It taught me to think critically about issues – find answers to ally fears, stay positive and
optimistic to go on. Because what happens in the world is interrelated, cause and effects eg
aviation, communication instantly on TV. Balancing rights and obligations and
responsibilities makes sense.

A lot of issues were raised I previously had no idea about

I had a fairly good understanding, but SOSE strengthened it

This unit enabled me to learn more about the background of world events. Can apply the
principles that we learnt to concepts.

I had very limited knowledge, but feel that through the discussions/lectures, I have learnt a
great deal.

I didn’t really know how the government worked until I did an assignment on it.. All nations
are dependent on one another.


I didn’t even know how the political system was set up, let alone issues about political
parties. It opened up to ideas of economic issues – major corporate spending seems to be
controlling countries more than its political structure.
Made me see [politics] from different views, Not just face value.. Realise the effects all over
the world and the effects other countries have on us.

Until now, political issues were the last thing on my mind

[Understanding] Political events because of getting general knowledge and wordly (sic?)

Just discussing the issues with other people develops understanding. Understood the
reasons for current events more clearly.. Discussing all these issues develops
understanding as it’s not everyday you discuss such things

Because Carmel was able to answer my questions and we could discuss issues

It helped me look at both sides of the argument. It made it all [Globalism] seem real and
relevant. I already had an interest in politics. SOSE allowed me to look at all perspectives

We were able to view and reflect on the political stance of other countries.. I think it gives a
good view of where Australia sits in the world. I think because of SOSE I am better informed
and more interested.

It explained to me how civics and democracy work

Gave me the chance to discuss the issues and become more informed.. Shows what
happens in one area of the world affects the rest.. Prior to this subject I had relatively no
knowledge of democracy or civics


It encouraged me to see the value of peace and also made me realise the significance of

Illustrated Australia’s place in the world, how we contribute to supporting global inequalities
such as CocaCola-isation

{Globalism} helped in understanding the ‘ripple’ effect of the fall in economy and

Gave a deeper understanding of the happenings in the foreign country.. [Globalism] lets you
know the reasons for such happenings, gave deeper understanding

I feel I now understand more about how Australia is located in the world.

Could see both sides of certain stories – not just stereotypes.. Related [globalism] to myself
and the effect of CocaCola-isation on my life.. more informed about parties and their
platforms. Realised what economic issues are and how they effect me/community

I got to understand more on the truth of the matter by using various sources. Before I didn’t
actually understand what Globalism was, but I do now. [SOSE] helps me to understand just
exactly how important Australia is.. I didn’t really understand how the economy worked until
the lecture

It helped me understand a bit more about how terrorism affected the world globally. I see the
interrelatedness, the big picture.

Could see first hand the detrimental effect world wide eg to the stockmarket, tourism

It helped me better understand the situation and why it may have occurred. I saw the issue
from both sides.. It cleared up a few issues that I misunderstood.

It helped me understand both sides.

Through newspaper and television I was able to see how terrorism affected so many things,
economy, travelling, etc.. I learnt more about citizenship (active and informal) and more
about political parties

I had no idea why America was attacked – it was good to discuss the issue with someone
who had more knowledge about it.

It made me more aware of the background information on [terrorism].. I now understand the
government system of Australia

[Terrorism] More information presented than I would have had access to or even thought
about.. It explained a lot, how world issues affected our economy

It enabled me to see both sides of the story more clearly and understand how it affects me
and our countries.. I went more in depth with my thoughts and understandings

Peace/social justice. It seems at odds. America wants justice for the attack, but this can’t be
achieved without conflict

Made me aware of the wider impact [Terrorism] has on society.. I felt I was able to
understand and follow the news reports much easier when I knew what they were talking

The issues in SOSE allowed me to become more aware of what happened overseas.. I
became aware of what Globalism is.. By being aware of the concepts in SOSE, it gave me a
better understanding of current affairs

Gave a point of reference. Allowed an increased understanding of issues

It is a working example of globalism through the alliances against terrorism

I read more widely.. I read more because of it [SOSE] It talked about notions I had never
before thought about

It gave me a better understanding of the whole situation from both sides (and views).. It
showed how diverse different areas of the world are in regards to culture and beliefs

It outlined clearly what the issues were and how they came about.. It makes things clearer
when put in context.. I only had limited knowledge before, so it was helpful in developing my
understanding.. It’s put in a realistic context
I felt that topics could be discussed and concepts explained so I had a better understanding..
Globalism is a great concept!.. I have more knowledge and understanding now.

Studying SOSE described and presented the current events in more detail than I knew
about. It showed how it affected all parts of the globe.. The GST was finally explained
properly to me/The current Bin Laden attacks help to show what effects it has on indirect
countries, economies, etc

Got both sides of the story and past history.. It brought the reality [Globalism] into
perspectives, made the concepts relevant, gave perspectives

Became more aware of the world and global issues

Because it [terrorism] was looked at and explained more closely than seeing/hearing on the

Before I was not fully aware of why and how the Taliban operated.. [Globalism] made me
aware of why these recent events happened. It helped me understand how things affect the
whole world and what the facts are

Because we were able to discuss the current events and their impact on us. Terrorism is a
global problem which has to be overcome by all the nations. Current affairs always have a
hidden agenda.. The nature of politics was able to be understood better

As a pre-service teacher it is imperative that I know and understand these issues – so that I
can be knowledgeable in the classroom.

Although there was a lot of information in the news, the lectures helped me to have a better

[Without SOSE] I would never have watched the news or been aware of issues underlying

I didn’t realise that if a large country like America is affected, the whole world goes with it

Made me realise how small the world is – how interconnected we are.. Gave me background
information to fully understand {terrorism].. Gave insight into multinational companies and
who has the power and how it is used.

Now more empowered – can critically assess

It helped with understanding the issues

I understand policies a little clearer. Support for other countries by way of Army, money, food

It gave deeper knowledge than that provided in the media.

The following examples were taken from exam papers 6 November 2001.

The question posed was "How would you include current events in SOSE lessons?" SOSE
is designed to include current issues and so most of the students chose either terrorism of
the federal election as their focus. The responses are often couched in SOSE perspectives,
but they illustrate how they would have dealt with terrorism if they were teaching.

The key values would be touched upon. The role of peace would have students look at why
these events have occurred and the future portrays in issues of peace or war. The inquiry
based approach in SOSE involves students in asking why and how they feel about the
situation, also what should be done. Questions like "Where has the terrorists motivation
originated from?" should be asked of the students in turn having them intrigued and wanting
to discover. The social justice value would look at what rights people have to express
feelings on the issue and the religions concerned.

An issue that would develop is that it is not the entire Muslim religion or community that
approve of the terrorist attacks, just an extreme group of Muslims. This is an important issue
that promotes social justice and attempts not to alienate people.

An approach on the effects on globalism would be taught as students need to learn the
positives of globalisation. The fact that Australia is involved in threats by concerned terrorists
shows the impact of globalism that although USA was the concerned party, many other
nations have given their support and become involved

Peace as a key value could maintain particular focus as America faces war in Afghanistan
with the Taliban. Peace includes the absence of war, therefore world peace has drastically
been affected.

Distribution of food and resources. Many areas around the tragic site are still without, not
only power, but food supplies and resources.. The increase in racism is also shocking.
Therefore, this event which has stopped the world reflects people, society and the
environment and represents all major aspects of SOSE.

Look at the issue through the value of peace and the futures perspective… Children aren’t
oblivious to what is going on around them.. The idea of SOSE is to present information
unbiasedly, develop student’s knowledge, and develop a lifelong learner who is able to
critically think about their world. A student who will grow up to be an active and informed

To begin, the teacher should discuss the geographical aspect of Afghanistan. Get the
children to find out where it is in their Atlas. They can discuss its capital (Kabul), main
language (Pashtul), main religion (Islam) etc. Allow the children time to learn about the
geography of Afghanistan. Learning about the land, people and geography of the place,
enabled the children to feel comfortable and knowledgeable about the topic. Once they are
knowledgeable, it is much easier to discuss the issue.

The teacher can then begin to discuss the politics of the area, discussing the leaders,
Taliban, military, forces, etc. They can learn why the Taliban formed (Pakistan formed it to
protect the border), what it consists of, why they do it, etc. Without placing the blame on
Afghanistan, the teacher should begin discussing the terrorist attacks on America, what
happened and what the consequences are, need to be discussed.

Even though the topic may be upsetting and controversial, it is better for children to know the
full facts and details so they can understand and make informed opinions and choices
related to the event.

Globalisation includes communication technologies, such as the internet, the telephone.
Transportation with speed.. Marketing, finance and enterprise, which is one of the main
problems that the Taliban has on the country of America. The fact that America is extremely
rich and that Afghanistan is one of the poorest countries in the world.

The issue of peace and should Australian troops be involved in the war is one issue that
could be looked at.. Controversial issues need to be tackled with caution. The plan the
teachers should use is culcation, knowledge, reflection, and action. Students need to be
critical thinkers, and also critically reflective.

An event like this [terrorism] cannot be ignored.. Students can also look at the role of
Australia in East Timor and Somalia, to understand our defence force role and to understand
why we are helping out America. By giving the students background information into the war
on terrorism.. is mainly to help students see that it has been a long running problem.

A list or table could be made that demonstrates some of the rules/lifestyle practices in
Afghanistan. For example, no toys, no music, no cardboard games, no schooling for girls, no
make-up etc.

Issues of religion and culture should not be blamed or used as reasons for the attacks..
Issues of how the world is affected economically should be taught. You could look at the
cost of terrorism attacks on the economy, how it is affected and how to build the economy up
again. You could look at the market prices and how it has effected local economy and world
economy and tourism.

The ‘war against terrorism’ would be essential to incorporate into the curriculum.. how the
terrorist attacks impacted not only on the US economy, but the global economy, individuals,
families of victims and soldiers), Muslim communities around the world and us. In doing this,
the concept of globalism must be incorporated into these teachings. Identifying the changes
in people’s habits, attitudes and behaviour since September 11 would be a valuable
teaching point. The values of peace, economic and ecological sustainability and systems
resources and power could be taught through this current event.

Teach about the actual Muslim religion and how the Taliban is a political body and not a
religious one. This will at least give students education about Muslims which they may not
have known and will hopefully reject any racism. The students need to reflect on why the
world is fighting terrorism and consider the repercussion many Muslims have suffered
because of these actions.

Students may then look at any previous conflicts among these countries [Israel, Palestine
and Afghanistan] and discover America’s involvement What events have previously occurred
(Time, Continuity and Change) Students may also investigate the economies of these
countries, discovering if one is more prosperous that than another, are they run the same
way? Do they rely on import/export, etc.

It is not a war on Afghanistan. It is a war on terrorism. I would make them aware of the
different types of Islam.

What is a terrorist? Evaluation of the history of how conflict escalated in Afghanistan, its
geographic position. It empowers children to deeper understanding, critical thinking, problem
solving and action and encourages them to be an active participant in the world. It shows
respect for all – equality, human rights.
Two students where on practicum on September 11.

I was on prac with a year 4-7 class in a country area and the theories that had developed
overnight were quite unbelievable. As a teacher, the next day was spent educating the
students on what really had happened in an attempt to provide them with an understanding
of the events.,, Topics on peace and how the world tries to prevent war, how America and
other countries have come together to fight against the destruction of peace

Social justice – understanding of Holy War, racial bigotry (to Muslims) – understanding of the
Taliban and Northern Alliance through the Culture and Identity strand. – the effect of the war
during Ramadan (starts 17th November) and why Ramadam is so important to Muslims
(Culture and Identity strand).

Finally, it is important that students gain education on controversial topics, as biases can be
quickly formed by the media and students need a neutral grounding to make up their own
minds about what is happening. It is also very important that students are given a positive
side/view to the negative as they need to know that the future is not ‘doomed’ and that they,
as future adults, can influence the world to become a better place to live.

I was on practicum at the time [September 11] in a year 2/3 class. Their responses included
"Why did it happen? "There’s going to be a war" to "Are we going to die?" My reason for
incorporating this current event into my SOSE class would be the fact that it was causing a
lot of concern and discussing it may help the children to understand what was happening

The teacher I was with at the time was a little apprehensive about discussing the terrorist
attacks with the children, however did so in an attempt to calm the children.

Three SOSE values come to mind,

Ecological and environmental sustainability

Economy – US dollar/Australian dollar

Effect of WTC being destroyed


Markets and finance

Social justice

Discriminated against due to religious beliefs

Should Australia send troops?

Innocent people of Afghanistan


New democratic alliances

Anti-war demonstrations
Tightening of security


Students were tested before and after the terrorism in America last September. Lessons on
political and economic systems, ideology and globalism immediately preceded the terrorism.
Data analysis indicates that students’ interest and understanding of current global issues
was influenced by their immediate application of the socio-political principles that were
raised in their classes to evaluate the terrorism and its aftermath.

Issues raised include their increased awareness of political systems, including a growing
commitment to democracy, plus a heightened awareness of the processes of globalism and
economic interdependence. Applying various socio-political perspectives empowered the
students and many interpreted this as a sign of maturity and evidence of adult status.
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