Page created by Roberta Taylor


            © Quest Adventure Gaming, 2019

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           The Outbound Hope Mission is a multi-day, live-action role-playing
      event intended to give players the realistic, immersive experience of
      being aboard a space-bound starship. Hosted within the interior of the
      decommissioned USS Edson in Bay City, Michigan, players will be en-
      gaged in three days of exciting science-fiction adventures and mis-
      sions. For the duration of the event, the Edson will be outfitted to
      serve as the Ascendant Dawn, a military vessel leading a fleet of colo-
      nists into the unknown. With a crew of over 100 individuals, players
      will need to work together – and against each other – to fulfill duties
      and objectives unique to their character.

                    PLAYER VERSUS CHARACTER
       Throughout these rules, the terms “player” and “character” will be used de-
       liberately. These terms are not interchangeable; “Player” implies the actual
        individual participating in the experience. “Character” implies the fictional
       persona a player is meant to be carrying out. Certain situations may affect a
                        player but not the character and vice versa.

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                                         Throughout the Outbound
     KEY POINTS:                   Hope experience, players will be
                                   asked to remain “in character” as

 ◼   Out-of-Character (OOC)        much as possible. For the sake of
     actions should be kept to a   immersion, players are asked to car-
     minimum.                      ry out the persona of their assigned
 ◼   A call of “GAME HOLD!”        character as much as feasibly possi-
     will temporarily suspend      ble. Interactions – from conversa-
     gameplay to resolve dan-      tions to conflicts – should be isolat-
     gerous OOC situations. A      ed to in-game experiences.
     call of “GAME ON!” will
     resume game functions               As such, they should also be
                                   understood within an in-character
  ◼ Bright orange is used to
                                   context: A conflict between two
     designate OOC items, loca-
                                   characters should never be inter-
     tions, or individuals, and
     should be inconspicuously     preted as a conflict between two
     ignored by players.           players. Players are encouraged to
                                   refer to each other by their charac-
                                   ter names and should avoid out-of-
character distractions – such as personal electronic devices – as much
as possible.
    That being said, there are instances when breaking character is
essential to the safety and well-being of players. In the event a player
becomes injured or is in a situation where injury is possible, any player
involved in the situation may call out “GAME HOLD!” At this time, all
players within earshot should instantly break character, take a knee,
and echo the “GAME HOLD” call. This should allow the at risk-player to
move out of the dangerous situation or seek necessary medical help. If
warranted, another player can – and should – seek out a member of
the Outbound staff. Once the situation has resolved itself, the player
who originally called for the hold (or, if they are removed, any other
player nearby) may call out “3… 2… 1… GAME ON!” At this point, all
paused characters may resume gameplay as if no time has passed. A
“GAME ON” call should similarly be echoed.

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                              OUTBOUND STAFF
      Outbound staff will frequent the play area for the sake of maintaining safety,
      story, and continuity. Whenever this happens, their costume will reflect OOC
       rules and will also be marked with orange. Unless deliberately speaking to a
        player, Outbound staff should be ignored by characters. Though typically

        dressed as the ship’s maintenance staff, there is no in-character reason to
        engage them in any major way. Should a player need something or have a
                         concern, staff members are happy to assist.

          When items, locations, or individuals must be placed out of play,
      they will be marked by Outbound staff with the color orange. Areas
      clearly marked by bright orange should therefore be inconspicuously
      avoided by characters while in-play. An orange object should never be
      used, and a door marked orange should never be entered.

      Inside all berthing (sleeping) areas, players will be given two lockers – one for
        in-character (IC) items and props and the other for out-of-character (OOC)
       personal items. These lockers will be issued upon player sign-in at the event.
      The IC locker should be used for any in-character items a player has access to
        and – being in-character – can be viewed, broken into, and stolen from by
        other characters. While theft from an IC locker is not OOC illegal, it should
        cause a character to report the incident to ship security. IC locker locks are
      provided by Outbound Hope staff. Players will be given the key to these locks
                         along with the character badges at sign-in.

       OOC lockers are strictly for OOC personal items — wallets, keys, electronic
      devices, etc.. At no point should an OOC locker – appropriately marked with
       orange – be broken into or stolen from. Such an act would immediately be
       considered both an OOC offense and a violation of Michigan State law and
       should be referred to game staff. OOC storage areas may never be used to
         hide or maintain IC items – an act that would also be considered an OOC
      offense. Players are asked to provide their own OOC lock, though Quest Ad-
        venture Gaming and the USS Edson reserve the right to remove a player’s
         lock — via bolt cutters if necessary — should the need arise. Players are
      strongly encouraged not to carry their OOC locker key — if any — along with
                                        their IC key.

       Quest Adventure Gaming and the Saginaw Valley Naval Ship Museum (USS
              Edson) are not responsible for personal items left in lockers.

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                                          Unlike many live action and
    KEY POINTS:                     tabletop roleplaying games, Out-
                                    bound Hope does not restrict play-

◼   If a player can carry out a     ers to specific sets of skills and abili-
    task within other rule limits
                                    ties. Generally, if a player is capable
    it is permissible.
                                    of doing something, they are per-
◼   Major differences between       mitted to carry it out so long as it
    characters are determined       does not physically harm them-
    by rank and role – both         selves or other players and does not
    determined by a player’s        violate additional rule limitations.
    character sheet.
                                          Generally, characters are orga-
◼   Military and non-military
                                    nized and differentiated by two ma-
    characters will exist within
    a hierarchy of rank; Re-        jor characteristics: Rank and Role.
    specting (or in some cases      Given the military nature of the As-
    ignoring) the chain-of-         cendant Dawn and her occupants,
    command will be an essen-       rank will play a major part in estab-
    tial part of roleplay.          lishing both characters and their
                                    storylines. Military characters will
◼   The responsibilities of a
                                    all begin with a specific rank that
    character’s role will be ex-
    plained during tutorial ses-    places them somewhere within the
    sions prior to the game’s       military hierarchy. Whenever possi-
    start. Players will have am-    ble, characters should make an
    ple time to learn the skills    effort to respect the general chain-
    needed to carry out their       of-command, adhering to the or-
    duties.                         ders of those above them and
◼   It is possible to allow a
                                    demonstrating superiority over
    character to change roles if    those below them. While occasional
    another character teaches       disobedience towards superiors is
    them the necessary skills.      permissible – especially if it is a trait
    Characters new to a role        determined by the character’s back-
    should never be perceived       ground – such actions should draw
    as being more capable than      penalties from higher-ups. For a full
    those who originally began      breakdown of USSC and USOM
    within that class.              ranks, see the appendix.

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                                 GAINING RANK
      Acts of great service and heroism are always to be rewarded, and it is possi-
      ble for players to be awarded with a greater rank while serving in the line of
      duty. This should not be commonplace, however, and generally requires the
      permission of the fleet’s Admiral. When this happens, the character will earn

                         the respect and prestige of her new rank.

            While civilian characters do not fall within the military hierarchy,
      they also possess a notable chain of command. Especially within the
      Civilian Government, the Governor will act as the highest official, with
      lesser officials ranking beneath them. Civilian colonists have very little
      authority and are generally placed below all others. Their obedience to
      the military’s ranking system is purely optional, as they have no per-
      sonal background or interest in it.
                       LEADERSHIP OF THE FLEET
      As a general rule, the three highest-ranking characters aboard the Ascendant
      Dawn are the Fleet Admiral, the Civilian Governor, and the Ascendant Dawn’s
        captain (who ranks below the admiral). Conversions between military and
      civilian rank are left deliberately ambiguous and should ultimately create ten-
       sion between characters. After all, who really leads the fleet – the Governor
                                        or the Admiral?

          In addition to rank, characters will also have a specific role that
      helps to define their activities within the fleet. Some characters will be
      engineers or scientists, while others will be crew members or officers.
      A crew member may be ranked as an Ensign, but possess his role of
      helmsman of the Ascendant Dawn. In every case, they will be tasked
      with a set of responsibilities as outlined in their character sheets.
           The ability to perform these responsibilities will depend greatly on
      the training session that each character will receive before the com-
      mencement of the event. In the hours before game time, players will
      be teamed with Outbound staff members according to character roles.
      In some cases, this may involve familiarizing players with specific props
      or locations, while others will be introduced to specific software essen-
      tial to their character. In every case, these tutorials will allow a player
      time to gain the necessary expertise to do their job well once the mis-
      sion begins.

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     Because these skills depend almost exclusively on the ability to
carry them out, it is possible that – as the game progresses – charac-
ters may instruct others in how to do their job. In this way, it is possi-
ble that a civilian colonist could be drafted into the USSC to assist a
gunnery terminal – an important opportunity if the existing gunners

are unavailable. Many players — including those in civilian and com-
mand roles — may already be trained in tasks during pre-game tutori-
als to correspond to past backstory. For the purposes of roleplay, such
opportunities present challenges in-character; Reassignment should be
met with opposition or support from others and always with the per-
mission of those in authority. Most importantly, shifting characters
into a new role should never give them superiority to those who were
originally assigned that role. A colonist-turned-engineer should
attempt to be less-skilled than the engineers who began in that role,
even if it means roleplaying a degree of incompetence.

                                         A voyage of exploration and
     KEY POINTS:                    discovery like the Outbound Hope
                                    Mission is sure to bring with it a
 ◼   Character ailments are rep-
                                    host of potential injuries and condi-
     resented by three Medical
                                    tions affecting the overall health of
     Categories (Physical Injury,
     Infection/Poisoning, Radia-    its participants.
     tion) over four Health Stat-       Negative medical conditions are
     ues (Healthy, Sick/Injured,
                                    represented in Outbound Hope by a
     Incapactitated, Dead).
                                    total of three Medical Categories
 ◼   Health Statuses are not        (Physical Injury, Infection/Poisoning,
     permanent, and demand          or Radiation) and four Health Sta-
     specific roleplay require-     tuses (Healthy, Sick/Injured, Inca-
     ments (see next page).         pacitated, Dead). None of the
 ◼   If untreated, non-healthy      Health Statuses – even death – is
     Health Statuses will pro-      ever permanent, with numerous
     gress to the next State        opportunities to move into and out
     after 10 minutes.              of each. All characters start as
                                    Healthy, with no Damage Levels in
                                    any Medical Category.

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           Health Statuses have important roleplay effects on the player:

         CHARACTER Health Statuses: EFFECTS

                    Healthy characters are unrestricted by medical conditions and
                   have unlimited movement. They can carry out normal duties and
                                       tasks without difficulty.

                    A sick or wounded character has been in some way injured, poi-

                    soned, or otherwise negatively affected by another character or
        SICK or

                    the environment around them. Sick or wounded characters have
                   limited movement, requiring them to limp, clutch a limb, or com-
                   plain of severe internal pain (depending on the cause of their con-
                   dition). Their ability to perform tasks is extremely limited. Charac-
                   ters in this State cannot operate their console, use a weapon, etc,
                      without the assistance of another character (see next page).

                   An incapacitated character’s injuries have progressed to the point
                   of unconsciousness. At this point, they are fully immobile, and are
                   completely unable to perform duties or tasks. They have very little
                             awareness of what is going on around them.

                     A dead character has no awareness of their surroundings, no

                                   movement, and no signs of life.

                            For all intents and purposes, “He’s dead, Jim…”

           Progressing from the first to second status – that is, from “healthy”
      to “sick” or “wounded” – can come about through several means: typi-
      cally combat injury, disease, or hazardous atmospheric conditions. In
      some rare circumstances, additional causes can be announced by an

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attending Outbound staff member. Such damage can come from any
of the three Medical Categories, but all result in the sick/injured status.
Note that a character who is hurt during roleplay or gameplay in a way
that is not life-threatening – a black eye, a head cold – is considered to
be healthy. Moving into the sick/wounded status phase requires a

player to roleplay limited movement and an impairment in the ability
to complete tasks, regardless of the cause (that is, an injured character
has the same rule requirements as an irradiated one), though a play-
er’s roleplay should better reflect the original cause (clutching the re-
cently shot limb or feigning extreme nausea, for instance).
     Unfortunately, any ailment will progress if left untreated. All char-
acters will have skills that allow them to perform Stabilization, a type
of first aid, for one or more of the three medical categories. Stabiliza-
tion is one key to returning a player to a Healthy State. If a character is
not Stabilized, they progress down the Health Statuses after a set
amount of time.
     If a Sick/Injured character is not Stabilized within 10 minutes of the
initial injury, the character becomes Incapacitated. Alternatively, if a
character who is in a Sick/Injured State takes additional severe damage
of any Medical Category, they immediately become Incapacitated
    If an Incapacitated character is not Stabilized within 10 minutes of
reaching Incapacitated, the character becomes Dead. Alternatively, if
an Incapacitated character takes additional severe damage of any
Medical Category while in this Health Status, they immediately be-
come Dead. In-character, if a Dead individual is not restored via BioBed
within 72 hours, they have been killed permanently — though this is
impossible for a player given the limited event time.

                           OFFERING HELP
“Help” is a dedicated action where a present healthy character may choose to
  take direction or directly assist a Sick/Injured character to complete tasks
  otherwise restricted to the latter character’s role. So long as a Sick/Injured
   character hasn’t become Incapacitated they may continue to guide Help.
Roleplay during this time is expected to reflect the difficulties of performing a
 task outside of one’s training, as well as the all the severe pain, nausea, etc.
     of trying to keep working while suffering life-threatening condition.

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                                                  Stabilization is key to pre-
            KEY POINTS:                     venting the progression of damage
                                            to a character. All healthy charac-

            Any Healthy character can
                                            ters have the ability to “Stabilize”
            Stabilize a character with a
            Physical Injury through
                                            another suffering from a physical
            appropriate roleplay for        injury or an incapacitated state re-
            one minute.                     sulting from a physical injury;
                                            Healthy medical-trained characters
        ◼   Healthy medical-trained         can additionally Stabilize infected,
            characters can Stabilize and
                                            poisoned, or irradiated characters.
            Treat any known Health
            Status from any medical               To do this, the Stabilizing char-
            category.                       acter must maintain close proximity
        ◼   Stabilization locks a charac-   to the victim for at least 1 minute
            ter in their current Health     and display appropriate roleplay --
            Status, preventing decline.     applying pressure to the wound,
            Treatment returns a char-       “dosing” with game-provided props
            acter to a more favorable       like medicines or faux injections,
            Health Status.                  etc.. Once completed, the patient
        ◼   Medical Treatment is exclu-     will be Stabilized, and progression
            sive to medical personnel,      to the next status will be halted in-
            and varies slightly between     definitely. If the Stabilizing charac-
            medical categories              ter is stopped or redirected to an-
            (Physical Injury, Infected/     other task (or victim), the ten-
            Poisoned, Irradiated).          minute progression timer will begin
        ◼   Treatment options include       approximately where it left off. This
            use of the HADTU, extend-       rule is slightly altered in any of the
            ed surgery (roleplay) and       Ascendant Dawn’s medical facilities,
            — in cases of death — use       where medical-based characters
            of the BioBed.                  may can Stabilize or Treat up to
                                            three characters at a time.
          While useful, Stabilization does little more than lock a character in
      his or her current state. Treatment refers to bringing characters back
      to more favorable Health Statuses – ideally returning them to full
      health. This can be achieved in a variety of ways.

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  For obvious reasons, character ailments will not always be visible to other
players. A gunshot wound – which would realistically be clearly visible – may
need to be narrated rather than viewed. Any character may approach a sick/
wounded or incapacitated character and quietly declare “MEDICAL CHECK.” If

the character in question has been damaged by a physical wound, their play-
 er may     then describe the wound out-of-character to the checking player.
                     Otherwise, they should merely declare “non-wound.” If
                          the checking player is playing a medical character,
                            the sick/wounded or incapacitated character can
                              freely describe the ailment in whatever form.
                              Note that medical characters’ uniforms will al-
                              ways incorporate patches with the appropriate
                                      cross symbol shown on the left.

                           While Physical Injury Stabilization is an op-
                         tion open to any healthy player, all other Sta-
                      bilizations and all Treatments require medical
                 specialists exclusively. All Stabilizing or Treating char-
acters must be in good health themselves, since such an act would be
prevented by the existence of a negative Health Status.
   In the Treatment of character ailments, Stabilization and Treat-
ment break down along the following categories:

    PHYSICAL                 Infection/
     INJURY                  POISONing

◼   Physical Injury: Anyone on the Outbound Hope
    Mission already has the basic training required to Stabilize an-
    other’s physical injury. All Treatment, however, must be conduct-

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          ed by a medical professional (hospital corpsman, marine medic, or
          chief medical officer). Only characters in the appropriate medical
          classes will be able to conduct these tasks.
      ◼   Infected/Poisoned: All Stabilization and Treat-

          ment must be conducted by a medical professional. Only charac-
          ters in the appropriate medical classes will be able to conduct
          these tasks.
      ◼   Irradiated: All Stabilization and Treatment must be con-
          ducted by a medical professional. Only characters in the appropri-
          ate medical classes will be able to conduct these tasks.

               Treatment Options
           Medical characters will have a number of Treatment options at
      their disposal, each with various advantages and disadvantages:
      ◼   HADTU (Handheld Augmented Diagnostic & Treatment Unit)
          The use of a HADTU device requires medical personnel and the
          HADTU prop. The character is healed of the Treated Damage Type
          5 minutes after the HADTU dispenses nanomaterials specific to the
          category of ailment sustained. Each HADTU will have limited charg-
          es for each of its nanomaterial types, and is a consumable re-
          source. Specific usage information will be given to medical person-
          nel during tutorial.
      ◼   Surgery or Extended Treatment
          This is active care roleplay, for 30 minutes, and requires appropri-
          ate props. It may be surgery, administering drugs via IV, Treatment
          with handheld devices, etc. The medical personnel administering
          extended Treatment cannot leave the patient during the 30 mi-
          nute period without resetting the timer and returning the charac-
          ter to their previous state. This is a one-on-one interaction, with
          one patient and one medical specialist. The exception to this is in
          the MedBay, where sophisticated equipment allows one medical
          specialist to Treat (or Stabilize) up to 3 patients simultaneously.

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           Introducing the HADTU (Handheld Augmented Diagnostic
          & Treatment Unit)! Brought to you by TraumaTek Industries!

     Diagnoses and Dispenses Specific Materials for Field Expedient Medical
    Care! Works with individual patient’s personal nanotech to rapidly diag-

    nose and develop immediate custom treatments for debilitating and life-
     threatening conditions. Using the latest in TraumaTek Gen6 Nanotech,
    the HADTU dispenses programmable materials your TraumaTek Nanites
      can employ to repair nearly the full range of human injury. This is the

            industry’s most advanced and reliable system and puts
                    your personnel back where they belong!

◼     BioBed
      Despite their high degree of sophistication, no nanobots or drugs
      can restore the dead. In this case, the only solution is the BioBed,
      which cannot be used on a living patient. The BioBed works with
      each character’s internal passive nanonetwork to restore the char-
      acter to a full Healthy state. The BioBed has two modes; Scan or
      Repair. In Scan mode, the BioBed writes the character’s complete
      State, including current memories, to their personal nanonetwork.
      In Repair mode, the Biobed restores the character biologically to
      their last nanonetwork recorded state.
    The restoration process of the BioBed takes less than 5 minutes.
The body must be placed into the device, requiring the player to be
present at (if not in) the prop. When the player emerges, they are
Healthy but have no memory of events since their last BioScan.
     In most instances, this will require a significant amount of roleplay,
since a player may be asked to ignore critical – and recently acquired –
information. For all Outbound Hope personnel, their last scan was
within the 72 hours before the launch of the Mission. If a new scan
does not take place before death, the character will return to life be-
lieving that the mission had not yet passed through the Bifröst Station.
Medical staff will be trained – during the tutorials – about how to
properly scan player information. Human nanonetworks are only able
to update with a scan once every 12 hours.

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      Medical Flowchart
      ◼   Unlimited Movement

      ◼   Normal Duties and Tasks

                           PHYSICAL           INFECTION/
                           WOUND              POISONING

      ◼   Restricted Movement
      ◼   Limited Task Performance Only
      ◼   Normal Duties may resume with 1:1 Help from a Healthy Character

      10 MIN. W/OUT        PHYSICAL           INFECTION/
      STABILIZATION        WOUND              POISONING

      ◼   Partial to Full Unconsciousness
      ◼   No Movement
      ◼   Unable to Perform Duties or Tasks

      10 MIN. W/OUT        PHYSICAL           INFECTION/
      STABILIZATION        WOUND              POISONING

      ◼   Complete Unconsciousness, lack of awareness of surroundings
      ◼   No Movement
      ◼   Unable to perform Duties or Tasks

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                  RP, Heals after
Heals in 5 Min.
                      30 min.

                                        (1 Min RP) PREVENTS
                                       PROGRESSION TO DEAD
                                           (Medical Only)

                  RP, Heals after
Heals in 5 Min.
                      30 min.

                                        (1 Min RP) PREVENTS
                                       PROGRESSION TO DEAD
                                           (Medical Only)


      COMBAT Systems
                                                   Outbound Hope uses three
            KEY POINTS:                      separate combat systems, depend-
                                             ing on the situation: Passive com-

            Combat exists within three
            separate systems: Passive,       bat, live combat, and starship com-
            Live, and Starship.              bat.

        ◼   Players are asked to curb         As the Outbound Hope Mis-
            on-ship combat as much as   sion strongly emphasizes interper-
            possible for safety con-    sonal conflicts, stories, and relation-
            cerns.                      ships between characters, combat
                                        situations will be less frequent than
      in many other forms of live-action role play. Still, there are numerous
      occasions that might spark open conflict and violence between player
      characters or between player characters and non-player characters.
          Conflict situations will play out very differently depending on
      whether characters are aboard the Ascendant Dawn (as depicted by
      the USS Edson) or an alternative location. Given the concern for safety
      and the need to preserve the historical site that is the USS Edson, The
      Saginaw Valley Naval Ship Museum has asked that combat scenarios
      be kept off-ship as much as possible. For this reason, most violent en-
      counters aboard the Edson will operate off a very different rule set
      than in alternative locations, and is known here as “passive combat.”
      “Live combat,” involving a much more physical and realistic approach
      to combat, is the term used to describe off-site, alternative locations.
      Starship combat – the third form of character combat available in Out-
      bound Hope – is carried out through a combination of computer soft-
      ware simulation and physical character actions.
        Given that players must curb their desires for on-board combat, characters
        can help to explain this by understanding the significant damage a firefight
         might cause to a ship’s delicate systems. For all intents and purposes, live
       combat aboard a vessel like the Dawn is incredibly risky, as a stray projectile
      could sever a life support system or puncture a reactor. Anyone attempting to
       start live combat aboard the Dawn should be dissuaded by other characters
            present as much as possible – One missed shot could kill everyone!

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    As of the release of this beta version of this ruleset
(August 2019), Outbound Hope Staff are still undergoing
          playtesting of passive combat rules.

    These rules will be added prior to the event and
       will be reflected in all player handbooks.

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                                                Players will be presented with
          KEY POINTS:                     a number of opportunities for off-
                                          ship combat in the form of ship-to-

          Live Combat exists as a
          more physical form of com-      ship boarding and possible station
          bat based on the use of a       or planetary landings. While most
          infrared laser system.          of these types of conflicts will favor
                                          Marine characters, there is always
      ◼   In Live Combat, each par-
                                          the potential that other individuals
          ticipant will be assigned an
                                          could be caught up in these violent
          IR-projecting weapon and a
          body-mounted receiver,          affairs. In these instances, an alter-
          largely dependent on their      native combat ruleset – referred to
          character role.                 as “live combat” – will occur.
      ◼   Receivers will keep track of          Live combat incorporates the
          and display a character’s       use of a high-tech infrared-based
          armor points. When armor        combat system using IR-projecting
          points are depleted, the        weapons and body-mounted receiv-
          character should take a         ers. Prior to a live combat instance,
          “Physical Injury” and is no
                                          all participating players must be
          longer able to fight.
                                          outfitted with receivers and their
      ◼   Use of melee weapons can        weapons. Once the engagement
          instantly cause one drop in     begins, it will play out in much the
          Health Status — despite         same way as a typical airsoft or
          remaining armor points. In      paintball encounter. Each individual
          this way, wounded players       receives a specific amount of armor
          can be accelerated into
                                          points, displayed on a player’s re-
          incapacitation and death.
                                          ceiver and determined by the char-
      ◼   In rare circumstances, live     acter type they are playing. Security
          combat can take place on        personnel will begin with sufficient-
          the Edson with GM approv-       ly more armor points than typical
          al and supervision. When        officers, crewmen, or civilians, with
          this happens, a call of “Live
                                          Marine personnel having far more
          Combat Situation” will be
                                          than security, and OMEGA Troopers
          given. Players who do not
          wish to participate may         having the most. The amount of
          evacuate.                       damage a weapon deals is deter-

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mined largely by the weapon being used.
                     THE WEAPONS OF 2219
 In character, all ranged weapons still rely upon many of the same technolo-
  gies available in the 21st century – that is, they continue to fire projectiles.
 While newer methods and technologies have been introduced into the Out-

bound Hope World, military forces have yet to rely upon lasers, plasma, phas-
   ers, etc. to eliminate the enemy. To maintain realism on this point, all IR
      weapons will be set to emit appropriate sounds and muzzle flashes.

                                     As soon as both parties – typically
                              one PC, one NPC – are present in an off-site
                               location, the combat may break out. Play-
                                ers will need to aim their IR weapons at
                                their enemies, striking their sensors. With
                               each hit, the player’s IR rig will calculate
                              everything from remaining ammo to availa-
                            ble armor points. Once a character’s armor
                         points are depleted, their weapons system will
                     cease operation, and the character should now be
wounded via “Physical Injury.” Wounded characters will no longer be
able to fight, and will thus need to retreat if still able. Following the
typical medical progression, an untreated wound will eventually cause
incapacitation, and finally death. In this instance, other players may
continue to Stabilize and Treat wounds, though doing so may put them
at significant risk.
    Though the vast majority of a live-combat situation involves the IR
weapons system, use of melee weapons can bypass the system alto-
gether. If a player is able to make contact with another player via a
melee weapon (such as a combat knife), it causes the victim to move
down by one Health Status – despite remaining armor points. In this
way, characters may “stab in the back”, or expedite a character’s pro-
gression from wound to incapacitation or incapacitation to death. It is
the responsibility of every player to ensure the safety of others.
   While live combat situations almost exclusively occur in locations
other than the USS Edson, there are highly-specified times when live
combat may occur on the ship itself. When this happens, players will

                              ...AD ASTRA
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      be notified via an announcement from the ship’s SAI indicating the
      commencement of a “Live Combat Situation.” This call will typically
      occur long before combat itself is meant to break out, allowing charac-
      ters who do not wish to participate ample time to evacuate. GM’s will
      typically mark out designated areas to contain the Live Combat en-

      counter. This ensures that players who do not feel physically safe and
      able — or simply desire not to — are not obligated to be involved in
      the situation. A similar call of “live combat situation now over” will re-
      turn the area to a passive combat zone.

      COMBAT SYSTEMS - starship
                                                 Ship-to-ship combat is the
           KEY POINTS:                    third means of combat, and exists
                                          as a vastly different system from
        ◼ Starship combat takes
            place primarily via terminal  the other three. Given that the As-
            through the game’s elabo-     cendant Dawn, its gunships, and the
            rate starship system.         remainder of the Outbound Fleet
                                          exist within an elaborate software
        ◼ Role specifics will be out-     network, all ship-to-ship combat
            lined to players in the tuto-
                                          will take place through the software
            rial sessions.
                                          itself. Characters whose role in-
                                          volves ship control, maintenance,
      or weapon use will all play a part in ship-to-ship combat. Role specifics
      will be outlined to players in the tutorial sessions at the beginning of
      the Outbound gameplay weekend.
          While most actions will occur via computer interfaces – including
      power allocation, shield allocation, or targeting
      with and firing weapons – there are instances
      when physical actions and the manipulation of
      props will affect the situation within the sim-
      ulation software. An engineer repairing a key
      power node, for example, could restore a
      ship’s shields and bring them back into the
      fight. Like software familiarity, these specific
      actions will be detailed to players at the time
      of tutorials before the event.

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                                         Certain situations may cause
    KEY POINTS:                    characters to encounter various
                                   environmental hazards associated

◼   Environmental hazards can
    negatively impact a charac-    with the dangers of space travel.
    ter’s health. They are typi-   When this occurs, hazards will be
    cally indicated by a colored   indicated by a specifically colored
    light within a given space.    light to notify players, who should
                                   respond accordingly.


                         INDICATED                  SUGGESTED
                          HAZARD:                   ROLEPLAY:

                                                  Gameplay may continue
White/RED/                 NO HAZARDS
                                                       as normal.
                              Gameplay may continue as normal.

                                                     Choking, inhibited
                        LOW ATMOSPHERE             breathing as a result of
                                                        low oxygen
                      Health Status decrease by one level for every 60 sec-
                     onds of exposure (PHYSICAL INJURY). Can be avoided
                             by use of appropriate protective gear.

                                                  Difficulty breathing, se-
                        TOXIC ATMOSPHERE
                                                     vere pain, shaking
    YELLOW            Health Status decrease by one level for every 60 sec-
                       onds of exposure (INFECTED/POISONED). Can be
                        avoided by use of appropriate protective gear.

                                                  Nausea, disorientation,
                         HIGH RADIATION
                                                    weakness, fatigue.
BLACKLIGHT            Health Status decrease by one level for every 60 sec-
                      onds of exposure (IRRADIATED). Can be avoided by
                              use of appropriate protective gear.

                          ...AD ASTRA
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           Green (low atmosphere) and yellow (toxin) lights are typically used
      to mark an entire room or region, and thus its effects take place for
      everyone within that space. UV (high radiation) lights are typically
      emitted from a particular object. In this case, any character within a 10
      foot radius from the light source takes the effect of radiation. Typically

      a monitoring GM will supervise any area of environmental hazard. Ad-
      ditional hazards may come into play as the game progresses; Present
      GMs will explain these conditions when appropriate.
                                                 In some instances, characters
            KEY POINTS:                    will need to obtain information
        ◼   Interrogation is allowed,      from sources unwilling to give it up.
            but only under strict condi-   When this happens, a system of
            tions.                         Interrogation may be employed.
                                           Given that this type of roleplay can
        ◼   A player may — at any time
                                           be uncomfortable to some, it re-
            — opt out of an Interroga-
            tion, though doing so will     quires a highly-specific and manda-
            cause them to reveal any       tory set of procedures:
            information their character
                                           ◼  An Outbound Staff Member
            may have been hiding.
                                           must be present
        ◼   Interrogations play to a
            character’s “Weakness,” as     ◼   The character subject to Inter-
            outlined in their character    rogation must be restrained or im-
            packet. If an Interrogator’s   prisoned (in character)
            roleplay successfully corre-
            sponds to the victim’s         ◼   The player must never be made
            weakness, they must re-        to feel physically or emotionally
            veal information. Other-       threatened
            wise, they make react as
            they see fit.
                                                 If these conditions are satis-
                                           fied, an Interrogation may begin.

        At any point, a player has the option of “opting-out” of Interrogation by
         revealing their information. This immediately ends the Interrogation.

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        PAIN              PERSUASION                 COMFORT

     Interrogations play off of a character’s “Weakness,” a trait found
on the “Personnel Profile” page of a player’s character packet. Weak-
nesses are one of three things: Pain, Persuasion, or Comfort. At the
beginning of an Interrogation, an Interrogating player may begin a
roleplayed Interrogation that threatens one of these basic weaknesses
if proper information is not revealed. Appealing to “pain,” for instance,
might take a more aggressive approach, threatening the physical safe-
ty of the character. “Persuasion” might attempt a more logical ap-
proach, outlining the reasons why it might be in the character’s best
interest. “Comfort” effectively “sweet-talks” the character, offering a
more “good cop” approach. The roleplay of the Interrogator should
clearly reflect one of these options.
    If the Interrogator’s approach matches the captive’s weakness,
they must reveal the information that the Interrogator seeks for ap-
proximately the next five minutes. While every detail and specific need
not be given, the responses of the captive should be the general truth
as much as possible. If the Interrogator’s approach does not reflect the
captive’s weakness, the captive can respond however they would like –
even feigning fake duress or giving false information if they choose. If
the Interrogator fails to achieve their goal, they may try another Inter-
rogation session a minimum of fifteen minutes from the start of the
prior – No character may be Interrogated more than once every fifteen
minutes, even if a different Interrogator is used.
    Given its questionable implications, Interrogation should be seen
as a moral and ethical issue by most characters.

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      RESTRAINT & Imprisonment
                                                  Situations may arise that re-
            KEY POINTS:                    quire the restraint or imprisonment
                                           of a character. In such instances,

            Characters may be re-
                                           certain rules must be followed in
            strained or imprisoned, but
            a Player must always be        order to allow for maximum safety
            able to remove themselves      of all players involved.
            for safety purposes.
                                                 Characters can only be re-
        ◼   Restraints or imprisonment     strained or imprisoned if the corre-
            areas must be given or es-     sponding player agrees; while it is
            tablished by staff, and can-   possible to resist, doing so may
            not be escaped without         cause the injury or death of the
            assistance from another        character. Even if a character is in-
            character.                     capacitated, the player may not be
                                           restrained against their will.
          Restraining a player involves the use of specific props provided by
      the Outbound Hope Staff. At no point should an individual be re-
      strained by anything other than a Staff-provided prop — especially one
      which prevents easy escape in the case of a real-world emergency.
      While it is possible to easily break out of Staff-provided props, this fea-
      ture is purely for the safety of the player and should be ignored in
      roleplay. Restraint props cannot be broken out of by the character in
      them; They must seek the
      assistance of another char-
      acter in order to escape.
          Similarly, players may
      be imprisoned in specific,
      staff-established      areas,
      which also allow for easy
      escape in the event of an
      emergency. These, too, can-
      not be escaped from with-
      out the assistance of anoth-
      er character.

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