DWS Emerging Sovereign Bond Fund USD (AUD) - Semiannual Report 2018

Page created by Michele Wang
Deutsche Asset Management S.A.

DWS Emerging Sovereign
Bond Fund USD (AUD)
Semiannual Report 2018
Investment Fund Organized under Luxembourg Law
DWS Emerging Sovereign
Bond Fund USD (AUD)

Semiannual report 2018
for the period from January 1, 2018, through June 30, 2018

General information .................................................................................................... 2

Semiannual report
DWS Emerging Sovereign Bond Fund USD (AUD) ..................................................... 4

Semiannual financial statements ................................................................................ 6

General information

    The fund described in this         within the scope of investment      Issue and redemption prices
    report is an investment fund       accounts at Deutsche Asset          The current issue and redemp-
    (fonds commun de place-            Management S.A., are used           tion prices and all other infor-
    ment) in accordance with           as the basis for calculating the    mation for unitholders may be
    Part II of the Luxembourg          value. Past performance is not      requested at any time at the
    Law of December 17, 2010,          a guide to future results. The      registered office of the Man-
    on undertakings for collec-        corresponding benchmark – if        agement Company and from
    tive investment, as amended,       available – is also presented       the paying agents. In addition,
    and is considered to be            in the report. All financial data   the issue and redemption
    an alternative investment          in this publication is as of        prices are published in every
    fund (“AIF”) in accordance         June 30, 2018 (unless other-        country of distribution through
    with the amended Law of            wise stated).                       appropriate media (such as the
    July 12, 2013, on alternative                                          Internet, electronic information
    investment fund managers.          Sales prospectuses                  systems, newspapers, etc.).
                                       Fund units are purchased on
    Performance                        the basis of the current sales
    The investment return, or per-     prospectus and management
    formance, of a mutual fund         regulations, as well as the key
    investment is measured by the      investor information document,
    change in value of the fund’s      in combination with the latest
    units. The net asset values per    audited annual report and any
    unit (= redemption prices) with    semiannual report that is more
    the addition of intervening dis-   recent than the latest annual
    tributions, which are, for exam-   report.
    ple, reinvested free of charge

Semiannual report
DWS Emerging Sovereign Bond Fund USD (AUD)

             DWS Emerging Sovereign Bond Fund USD (AUD)
             Performance at a glance
             ISIN				                                                                            6 months
             LU0758196686				-10.9%
             “BVI method” performance, i.e., excluding the initial sales charge. Past performance is no guide to future results.
                                                                                                          As of: June 30, 2018
                                                                                                       Data on U.S. dollar basis

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financial statements
DWS Emerging Sovereign Bond Fund USD (AUD)

    Investment portfolio – June 30, 2018

                                                                                           Count/             Quantity/   Purchases/         Sales/		                   Total market   % of
    Description                                                                            currency           principal   additions          disposals Market price     value in       net assets
                                                                                           (– / ’000)         amount        in the reporting period		                   USD

    Investment fund units                                                                                                                                               4 186 250.00    99.52

    In-group fund units                                                                                                                                                 4 186 250.00    99.52
    DWS Emerging Sovereign Bond Master Fund USD
    (AUD) (LU0758194046) (0.400%). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                      Count             42 500		                   3 000      USD       98.5000   4 186 250.00    99.52

    Total securities portfolio                                                                                                                                          4 186 250.00    99.52

    Cash at bank                                                                                                                                                          24 070.19      0.57

    Demand deposits at Depositary
    USD deposits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        USD               21 458.24			%                                  100          21 458.24      0.51
    Deposits in EU/EEA currencies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                  USD                1 553.41			%                                  100           1 553.41      0.03

    Deposits in non-USD currency
    Japanese yen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        JPY              117 216.00			%                                  100           1 058.54      0.03

    Other assets                                                                                                                                                               50.71     0.00
    Interest receivable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         USD                    50.71			%                                 100               50.71     0.00

    Total assets 1								                                                                                                                                              4 210 370.90   100.09

    Other liabilities                                                                                                                                                      -3 827.23    -0.09
    Liabilities from cost items. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .            USD                -3 823.56			%                                 100           -3 823.56     -0.09
    Additional other liabilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         USD                     -3.67			%                                100               -3.67      0.00

    Net assets                                                                                                                                                          4 206 543.67   100.00

    Net asset value per unit                                                                                                                                                   50.96

    Number of units outstanding                                                                                                                                           82 547.000

    Negligible rounding errors may have arisen due to the rounding of calculated percentages.

    Exchange rates (indirect quotes)
                                                                                        As of June 29, 2018

    Japanese yen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        JPY             110.733906       = USD     1

    Notes on valuation
    The Management Company determines the net asset values per unit and performs the valuation of the assets of the fund. The basic provision of price data and price validation are
    performed in accordance with the method introduced by the Management Company on the basis of the legal and regulatory requirements or the principles for valuation methods defined
    in the fund prospectus.

    If no trading prices are available, prices are determined with the aid of valuation models (derived market values) which are agreed between State Street Bank Luxembourg as external
    price service provider and the Management Company and which are based as far as possible on market parameters. This procedure is subject to an ongoing monitoring process. The
    plausibility of price information from third parties is checked through other pricing sources, model calculations or other suitable procedure.

    Investments reported in this report are not valued at derived market values.

    The management fee / all-in fee rates in effect as of the reporting date for the investment fund units held in the securities portfolio are shown in parentheses. A plus sign means that
    a performance-based fee may also be charged. As the fund held units of other investment funds (target funds) in the reporting period, further costs, charges and fees may have been
    incurred at the level of these individual target funds.

    1                 Does not include positions with a negative balance, if such exist.

DWS Emerging Sovereign Bond Fund USD (AUD)

Transactions completed during the reporting period that no longer appear in the investment portfolio

Derivatives (option premiums realized in opening transactions, or total options
transactions; in the case of warrants, purchases and sales are shown)

                                                                         Value (’000)

Futures contracts

Currency futures

Futures contracts to purchase currencies
USD/JPY                                                            USD            18

DWS Emerging Sovereign Bond Fund USD (AUD)

    Interim distribution(s) in the reporting period

    Type                     As of               Currency   Per unit
    Interim   distribution   January 22, 2018    USD        0.20
    Interim   distribution   February 20, 2018   USD        0.20
    Interim   distribution   March 20, 2018      USD        0.20
    Interim   distribution   April 20, 2018      USD        0.20
    Interim   distribution   May 22, 2018        USD        0.20
    Interim   distribution   June 20, 2018       USD        0.20

DWS Emerging Sovereign Bond Fund USD (AUD)

Information pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2015/2365 on transparency of securities financing
transactions (SFTs) and of reuse and amending Regulation (EU) No. 648/2012 –
Statement in accordance with Section A
There were no securities financing transactions according to the above Regulation in the reporting period.

Management Company, Alternative                 Management Board of the AIFM               Auditor
Investment Fund Manager (AIFM),
Central Administration Agent, Transfer Agent,   Manfred Bauer                              KPMG Luxembourg
Registrar and Main Distributor                  Chairman                                   Société coopérative
                                                Deutsche Asset Management S.A.,            39, Avenue John F. Kennedy
Deutsche Asset Management S.A.                  Luxembourg                                 1855 Luxembourg, Luxembourg
2, Boulevard Konrad Adenauer
1115 Luxembourg, Luxembourg                     Nathalie Bausch (since February 1, 2018)   Depositary
Equity capital as of December 31, 2017:         Deutsche Asset Management S.A.,
EUR 285.7 million before profit appropriation   Luxembourg                                 State Street Bank Luxembourg S.C.A.
                                                                                           49, Avenue John F. Kennedy
Supervisory Board of the AIFM                   Ralf Rauch (until April 30, 2018)          1855 Luxembourg, Luxembourg
                                                Deutsche Asset Management
Holger Naumann                                  Investment GmbH,                           Sub-Transfer Agent
Chairman                                        Frankfurt/Main
Deutsche Asset Management                                                                  State Street Bank International GmbH
Investment GmbH,                                Barbara Schots                             Brienner Straße 59
Frankfurt/Main                                  Deutsche Asset Management S.A.,            80333 München, Germany
Nathalie Bausch (until January 31, 2018)                                                   Portfolio Manager
Deutsche Bank Luxembourg S.A.,
Luxembourg                                                                                 Deutsche Asset Management
                                                                                           Investment GmbH
Yves Dermaux (until June 5, 2018)                                                          Mainzer Landstraße 11-17
Deutsche Bank AG,                                                                          60329 Frankfurt/Main, Germany
                                                                                           Sales, Information and Paying Agent
Stefan Kreuzkamp
Deutsche Asset Management                                                                  Luxembourg
Investment GmbH,                                                                           Deutsche Bank Luxembourg S.A.
Frankfurt/Main                                                                             2, Boulevard Konrad Adenauer
                                                                                           1115 Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Frank Krings
Deutsche Bank Luxembourg S.A.,

Dr. Matthias Liermann
Deutsche Asset Management
Investment GmbH,

                                                                                           As of: July 31, 2018
Deutsche Asset Management S.A.
2, Boulevard Konrad Adenauer
1115 Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Tel.: +352 4 21 01-1
Fax: +352 4 21 01-9 00
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