Page created by Cory Hardy

A renowned and productive mixed farming unit
located within Central Scotland close to the City of
Stirling 2 miles   ■   M9 Junction 9 3 miles   ■   Edinburgh 38 miles

■   A well-presented traditional principal farmhouse (4
    bedroom, 4 public rooms)
■   Modern Bungalow - Torview Bungalow - (4 bedrooms)
■   Farm Cottage - Dykes Farm Cottage - (3 bedrooms)
■   An extensive range modern farm buildings suitable for
    agriculture and other commercial uses
■   A well-managed and productive block of Grade 3.2 arable
    and pasture ground
■   Land with longer term development potential subject to
    obtaining necessary consents
■   Accessible location close to Stirling and main road


About 144.55 Ha (349.77 Acres) in total.

Stirling                                Alistair Christie
01786 434618                            01786 435047
stirling@galbraithgroup.com             alistair.christie@galbraithgroup.com
                Dykes Farm comprises a productive mixed farming unit extending
                to about 141.55 Ha (349.77 Acres) in total and is situated in an
                extremely accessible location a short distance to the east of the
                City of Stirling some 3 miles to the north of Junction 9 of the M9
                motorways where the M80 and M9 converge.

                The City of Stirling provides for a number of agricultural merchants
                along with 2 renowned livestock markets and offers an excellent
                range of shops, retail outlets, and other professional services
                together with good nearby leisure facilities, a college and Stirling
                University. The nearby settlements of Fallin, Bannockburn and
                Stirling together provide for a full range of amenities to include pre-
                school to secondary education opportunities and a wide range of
                facilities to meet every requirement. The property sits a very short
                distance to the east of the A91 which links the M9 junction 9 to
                the eastern side of Stirling. Stirling provides for excellent transport
                infrastructure with the M8, M9 and M80 motorway system being
                accessible within a few minutes and both Glasgow and Edinburgh
                international airports only around 30 minutes away offering regular
                domestic and international flights. There are local train stations in
                Stirling and Larbert.

                Dykes Farm includes a principal 4 bed farmhouse located in a
                central position within a courtyard setting. The positioning of
                the farmhouse within the steading, along with some well thought
                out sympathetic tree planting, provides a considerable amount
                of privacy to the farmhouse whilst maintaining attractive views
                to the north towards Wallace Monument and the Ochil’s beyond.
                Torview and Dykes Farm Cottages sit a short distance to the west
                of the farmhouse and farm steading provide options for use as
                rental properties or for use as other ancillary accommodation. The
                farm buildings comprise an excellent range of modern agricultural
                buildings which have been used for the existing livestock and arable
                operations on the farm, but would also be suited to alternative
                non-agricultural use subject to obtaining the necessary planning/
                change of use consents.
Lot 1
                The farmland extends to about 134.67 Ha (332.77 Acres) in total
                and the current owners have carried out a continuous programme
                of ditching and drainage works, to ensure the land is farmed to
                its maximum potential throughout their ownership. The farming
                system was historically based on a mixed arable rotation with the
                finishing of around 300 head of cattle at any one time up until 2018,
                before a change in farming policy in recent years to focus on more
                arable and fodder/hay production. The farmland has benefitted
                from a regular application farmyard manure and since the departure
                of the cattle, mushroom compost from a neighbouring local farm
                has been applied to boost the level of organic matter on the land.

                Crop rotations, as detailed in the schedule of the cropping history
                contained at the end of this brochure, have been based around
                spring cropping with spring oats and spring barley being the
                main cereals produced. All the oat straw has been chopped and
                ploughed back into the ground, to maintain the organic matter and
                aid fertility. The grassland fields have been used to produce grass
                for hay, haylage and also silage when cattle were finished on the
Lot 1   Lot 2
The property is for sale as a whole or in 3 lots. Please note Lots 2
and 3 will not be sold prior to the sale of Lot 1.


Dykes Farmhouse
Dykes Farmhouse is a well-presented and maintained principal
farmhouse of mixed stone and rendered brick construction under a
pitched slate roof and provides spacious accommodation over two
levels which can be seen in more detail in the floor plans contained
within this brochure.

The property provides for spacious family accommodation
throughout and it should be noted that the property has undergone
a number of improvements in recent years to include re-skimming
of ceilings, installation of new wetroom, and installation of a new
central heating system.

The farmhouse benefits from a private area of lawn to the north
which is interspersed by several areas of mature shrubs and bushes,
and enclosed by an area of mature trees which provide visual
shelter to the property. There is also a small greenhouse within the
garden area.

Torview Bungalow
Torview Bungalow, located a short distance to the west of the main
farmhouse and steading, comprises an attractive residential property
which was extended in 1992 and is of rendered brick construction
under a pitched tiled roof. Accommodation is set over a single floor
and can be seen in more detail in the floor plans contained within
this brochure. The property is in good decorative order throughout
and benefits from a modern kitchen and bathroom.

The property benefits from an attractive area of decking on the
southern elevation along with a compact area of garden ground
which is predominantly down to lawn.

Dykes Farm Cottage
The property comprises a traditional farm cottage, and is located to
the west of the modern bungalow. Of rendered brick construction
set under a pitched tiled roof the property provides spacious
accommodation over a single floor which is laid out in more detail
in the floor plans contained within this brochure. The property
benefits from a small area of garden ground providing an attractive
area of lawn. The property has been let for a number of years on a
Private Residential Tenancy and would benefit from modernisation
internally. Vacant possession will be available from November 2021.

Farm Buildings
The Dykes Farm benefits from a first class range of modern farm
buildings which are well suited to modern day agriculture use and
would also lend themselves to alternative commercial uses, subject
to obtaining the required planning/change of use consents.

                                                                       Torview and cottage
Chicken Sheds (former Cattle Courts) (42.67m x 27.43m)                                                       LOT 1: FARMLAND EXTENDING TO ABOUT 84.97 HA (209.96 ACRES)
A triple span concrete portal frame building with cavity walls and brick facings under a pitched             The agricultural land included with Lot 1 extends to approximately 81.74 Ha (201.98 Acres) in total
corrugated roof with concrete flooring throughout. The building has traditionally been used as cattle        including roads, yards and buildings, and is accessed directly from the farm steading which is located
courts with cattle feed bunkers still in situ however the building has been adapted for the rearing of       centrally within the holding. The land benefits from an excellent level of vehicle access either directly
poultry. The existing poultry fixtures and fittings (including the suspended ceiling) could be easily        from a number of public roads which intersect the land or via a network of farm tracks. All of the land
removed if required.                                                                                         included within Lot 1 is classified by The James Hutton Institute as being Grade 3.2 with a generalised soil
                                                                                                             type of mineral gleys and the component soils forming non calcareous gleys. The land is predominantly
Straw Sheds & Building No. 2 (71.89m x 27.74m)                                                               flat in aspect sitting at around 10m above sea level dropping to about 5m on the northern boundary
This consists of two inter-connecting buildings, one a double span concrete portal frame building            with the Bannock Burn. The land is laid out in a number of well apportioned fields which generally have
almost 90ft in length used for straw storage, the other is a single span portal building 150ft x 90ft with   stock proof boundary fencing. The land in Lot 1 is currently used for arable and fodder production
a central raised feed passage. The sheds have pitched corrugated roofs and concrete floors.                  growing a combination of spring barley, spring oats and Timothy hay.

Cattle/Grain Shed (46.08m x 22.25m)                                                                          LOT 2: LAND EXTENDING TO ABOUT 29.34 HA (72.49 ACRES)
A single span concrete portal frame building with cavity walls under a pitched corrugated roof divided       A productive block of farmland extending to approximately 29.34 Ha (72.49 Acres) in total and situated
into 3 sections consisting of cattle housing areas with capacity for in the region of 120 cattle.            to the north east of the landholding and is accessed directly from the adopted public road and via a
                                                                                                             third party access track. All of the land is classified as Grade 3.2 by The James Hutton Institute and is
Workshop/Grain Store, Garage & Boiler House (27.74m x 17.98m)                                                generally flat in aspect and soil types are made up of mineral gleys and some alluvial soils. The land in
Of mixed brick and stone construction with a timber frame and pitched corrugated roof with a concrete        Lot 2 is currently utilised for arable production and livestock grazing. The land is split into a number
floor. The shed is split into 3 distinct sections currently used as a grain store, workshop and the boiler   of well apportioned enclosures which are accessed direct from the farm track and are generally well
house.                                                                                                       fenced.

Building No. 5 (27.43m x 11.58m)                                                                             LOT 3: LAND EXTENDING TO ABOUT 27.24 HA (67.31 ACRES)
Of brick construction with a concrete frame and pitched corrugated roof with a concrete floor. The           The land within Lot 3 extends to approximately 27.24 Ha (67.31 Acres) in total and is situated to the
shed is predominantly used for the purposes of grain and machinery storage                                   north east of the landholding and is accessed directly from the adopted public road and via a third party
                                                                                                             access track. All of the land is classified as Grade 3.2 by The James Hutton Institute and is generally
                                                                                                             flat in aspect and soil types are made up of mineral gleys and some alluvial soils. The land is currently
                                                                                                             utilised for a mixture of arable production and livestock grazing. The land is split into a number of well
                                                                                                             apportioned enclosures which are accessed via a gated access direct from the adopted public highway.
Lot 2
Lot 2   Lot 3

Lot 3   Lot 3
SOLICITORS                                                                                                    SGRPID
McLean & Stewart Solicitors                                                                                   Strathearn House
51-53 High Street                                                                                             Broxden Business Park
Dunblane                                                                                                      Lamberkine Drive
FK15 0EG                                                                                                      Perth
T: 01786 823217                                                                                               PH1 1RX
E: gemma.baillie@mcleanandstewart.co.uk                                                                       T: 01738 602000
                                                                                                              F: 01738 602001
The missives of sale will be subject to the purchaser(s) granting a standard security in favour of the        BASIC PAYMENT SCHEME (BPS) 2021
Sellers to clawback 25% of the uplift in value in the event of planning permission being granted for          Any payments relating to the 2021 scheme year will, if appropriate, be retained by the Seller. The
development for any purpose other than agricultural over any of the land being obtained subsequent to         Seller will enter discussion with the purchaser to transfer the rights to receive Basic Payment Scheme
the date of entry for a period of 25 years. Further details are available from the Selling Agents.            Entitlements which are available by separate negotiation.

DATE OF ENTRY                                                                                                 If applicable, the purchaser(s) will be responsible upon occupation of the subjects of sale to comply
The date of entry will be by mutual agreement.                                                                fully with the Statutory Management requirements to maintain the farmland in Good Agricultural and
                                                                                                              Environmental Condition (GAEC) as laid down under the Cross Compliance rules of the Basic Payment
SPORTING RIGHTS                                                                                               Scheme (BPS) for the remainder of the scheme year.
Insofar as these rights form part of the property title, they are included within the sale.
                                                                                                              FARM CODE
TIMBER                                                                                                        The Farm Code is. 95/807/0041
All fallen and standing timber is included in the sale insofar as it is owned.
                                                                                                              LAND MANAGEMENT OPTIONS
MINERAL RIGHTS                                                                                                There are no land management options currently in place on the land.
The mineral rights are included in the sale insofar as they are owned by the Seller.
                                                                                                              ANTI MONEY LAUNDERING (AML) REGULATIONS
LOCAL AUTHORITY                                                                                               Please note that under the 2017 AML regulations we are legally required to carry out money laundering
Stirling Council                                                                                              checks against purchasers. To enable us to complete these checks purchasers will need to provide along
Old Viewforth                                                                                                 with their offer either:
FK8 2ET                                                                                                       a) originals of primary (eg a passport) and secondary (eg current council tax or utility bill) ID; or
T: 0845 2777000                                                                                               b) copies of such primary and secondary ID certified and dated by the purchasers’ solicitors as true
                                                                                                                 copies along with written confirmation from the purchasers’ solicitors that they accept that we will
DIRECTIONS                                                                                                       be relying on this copy ID for AML purposes.
The Dykes is located approximately 2 miles to the east of Stirling. Access to the land is gained off either
the A905 or Bannockburn Station Road. From the M9, exit at Jct 9 sign posted A91/Stirling Services,           Failure to provide this information may result in an offer not being considered.
take the fourth exit sign posted Stirling/A91. Continue on the A91 for approximately 5 miles, after the
fourth roundabout take the third exit on to the A905. The northern access road is first right off the A905    THIRD PARTY RIGHTS AND SERVITUDES
and the Dykes is on either side of this road.                                                                 Lot 2 is accessed via a private access track owned by a third party over which there is a right of access
                                                                                                              for agricultural purposes. Maintenance obligations are on a user basis.
FK7 7LU                                                                                                       The access track to Lot 3 forms part of the property and is subject to a third party access with a
                                                                                                              neighbouring landowner. Maintenance obligations are on a user basis.
https://w3w.co/couches.cotton.ordeals                                                                         The subjects are sold together with, and subject to, all existing rights of way, servitudes, wayleaves
                                                                                                              and others whether contained in the Title Deeds or otherwise, and purchasers will be deemed to have
SERVICES, ENERGY PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE AND COUNCIL TAX BANDING                                              satisfied themselves in respect thereof.
                           Electricity     Water       Drainage         Heating        EPC    Council Tax
Dykes Farmhouse              Mains         Mains      Septic Tank       Oil Fired      F29        G
Torview Bungalow             Mains         Mains      Septic Tank       Electric       E53        E
Dykes Farm Cottage           Mains         Mains      Septic Tank       Electric       F32        E
The purchaser(s) of the property shall, in addition to the
purchase price, be obliged to take over and pay for at a
valuation to be agreed by a mutually appointed valuer(s)
with respect to the following:

1.   All cultivations and growing crops on a seeds, labour,
     lime, fertiliser, sprays and machinery basis with an
     increment representing the enhanced value of the
     establishment and age of such crops.
2.   All feed stuffs, hay, straw, fodder, roots, silage and
     farmyard manure and other produce at market value.
3.   All oils, fuel, fertilisers, sprays, chemicals, seeds, and
     sundries at cost.

Note: If the amount of the valuations has not been agreed
on the date fixed for completion, then the purchaser shall
pay to the seller such a sum as selling agents shall certify
on account at the valuation pending agreement. Should the
payment not be made within seven days then the interest
will become payable on outstanding monies at 8% over
Bank of Scotland borrowing rate.

A deposit of 10% of the purchase price shall be paid within
seven days of completion of Missives. Deposit will be non-
refundable in the event of the purchaser failing to complete
for reasons not attributable to the Seller or their Agents.

Strictly by appointment with the Selling Agents. Please note
that due to the ongoing current Covid 19 pandemic, internal
viewings of residential properties shall be on a second
viewing basis only following a formal note of interest being
lodged by the viewer’s solicitor. Virtual viewings of Dyke
Farmhouse & Torview are available from the Selling Agents
upon request.

The property is an agricultural holding and appropriate
caution should be exercised at all times during inspection
particularly in reference to the farm buildings, farm land and
any water courses.

Galbraith are approved Agents for the Agricultural Mortgage
Corporation (AMC) and we can assist you in securing
finance loans for a variety of farming purposes including
the purchase of land and property, restructuring debt, and
to provide working capital for diversification, improving or
erecting farm buildings. For further details and to discuss
any proposals in confidence please contact Ian Hope on
07968 209543 Email: ian.hope@galbraithgroup.com.
Dykes Farmhouse
Torview Bungalow                                                                                                                                                  Dykes Cottage

1. These particulars are intended to give a fair and overall description of the property. If any points are relevant to your interest, please ask for further information, prior to viewing. Prospective purchasers are
advised to seek their own professional advice. 2. Areas, measurements and distances are given as a guide. Photographs depict only certain parts of the property. Nothing within the particulars shall be deemed
to be a statement as to the structural condition, nor the working order of services and appliances. 3. These particulars shall not be binding on our clients whether acted on or otherwise, unless the same is
incorporated within a written document, signed by our clients or on their behalf, satisfying the requirements of Section 3 of The Requirements of Writing (Scotland) Act 1995. 4. Closing Date. A closing date
may be fixed. Prospective purchasers who have notified their interest through lawyers to Galbraith, in writing, will be advised of a closing date, unless the property has been sold previously. The Seller will not
be obliged to accept the highest, or indeed any offer and has the right to accept an offer at any time or withdraw the property from the market. The Seller will not be liable for any costs incurred by interested
parties. 5. Offers. Formal offers in the acceptable Scottish Legal Form confirming; if an offer is in relation to the whole, or a specific lot, or a combination of lots, and if an offer is subject to the sale of a property,
together with proof of funding, should be submitted to: Galbraith, Suite C, Stirling Agricultural Centre, Stirling FK9 4RN. T: 01786 434600 F: 01786 450014 E: stirling@galbraithgroup.com 6. Third Party Rights
and Servitudes. The subjects are sold together with and subject to all existing rights of way, servitudes, wayleaves and others whether contained in the Title Deeds or otherwise, and purchasers will be deemed
to have satisfied themselves in all respects thereof. 7. Particulars prepared June 2021 8. Photographs taken June 2021

                                                                                                     Lot 1

Field No      Field Area      BPS Region           Arable                   TGRS                    PGRS            EFA / FALLOW            Misc            2021       2020        2019        2018       2017

            Ha         Ac                   Ha               Ac      Ha             Ac       Ha              Ac     Ha       Ac      Ha             Ac

   1       5.95      14.70        1        4.49         11.09       0.00           0.00     1.00           2.47     0.00    0.00    0.46            1.14   S Barley   S Barley   S Barley     S Barley   S Barley

   2       5.03       12.43       1        0.00         0.00        0.00           0.00     4.90           12.11    0.00    0.00    0.13           0.32     PGRS       PGRS        PGRS        PGRS       PGRS

   3       5.47       13.52       1        5.47         13.52       0.00           0.00     0.00           0.00     0.00    0.00                   0.00    S Barley   S Barley   S Barley     S Barley   S Barley

   4       6.77       16.73       1        5.97         14.75       0.00           0.00     0.60           1.48     0.20    0.49                   0.00    S Barley   S Oats      S Oats      S Oats     S Oats

   5       9.99      24.69        1        0.00         0.00        0.00           0.00     9.71           23.99    0.00    0.00    0.28           0.69     PGRS       PGRS        PGRS        PGRS       PGRS

   6       2.48       6.13        1        0.00         0.00        0.00           0.00     2.48           6.13     0.00    0.00                   0.00     PGRS       PGRS        PGRS        PGRS       PGRS

   7       0.45        1.11       1        0.00         0.00        0.00           0.00     0.45             1.11   0.00    0.00                   0.00     PGRS       PGRS        PGRS        PGRS       PGRS

   8       23.19     57.30        1        0.00         0.00        22.78          56.29    0.00           0.00     0.00    0.00    0.41            1.01   TGRS3      TGRS 2     TGRS 1`      S Barley   S Barley

   9       14.17      35.01       1        13.94        34.45       0.00           0.00     0.00           0.00     0.23    0.57                   0.00    S Barley   S Barley   S Barley     S Barley   S Barley

  10       8.24      20.36        1        8.20         20.26       0.00           0.00     0.00           0.00     0.00    0.00    0.04           0.10    S Barley   S Oats      S Oats      S Oats     S Oats

 MISC      3.23       7.98                                                                                                          3.23           7.98

 Total     84.97    209.96                 38.07        94.07       22.78          56.29    19.14          47.29    0.43    1.06    4.55           11.24

                                                                                                     Lot 2

   11      6.54       16.16       1        6.54             16.16   0.00           0.00     0.00           0.00     0.00    0.00                           S Barley   S Barley   S Barley     S Barley   S Barley

   12       7.19      17.77       1         7.19            17.77   0.00           0.00     0.00           0.00     0.00    0.00                           S Barley   S Barley   S Barley     S Barley   S Barley

   13      6.25      15.44        1        0.00         0.00        0.00           0.00     6.12           15.12    0.00    0.00    0.13           0.32     PGRS       PGRS        PGRS        PGRS       PGRS

   14      6.72       16.61       1        6.72             16.61   0.00           0.00     0.00           0.00     0.00    0.00                   0.00    S Barley   S Oats     S Barley     S Barley   S Barley

 MISC      2.64       6.52                                                                                                          2.64           6.52

 Total     29.34     72.50                 20.45        50.53       0.00           0.00     6.12           15.12    0.00    0.00    2.77           6.84

                                                                                                     Lot 3

   15      7.88       19.47       1        0.00         0.00        0.00           0.00     0.00           0.00     6.85    16.93   1.03           2.55     FALW       FALW       FALW         FALW       FALW

   16      0.74       1.83        1        0.00         0.00        0.00           0.00     0.74           1.83     0.00    0.00                   0.00     PGRS       PGRS        PGRS        PGRS       PGRS

                                                                                                                                                           S Barley   S Barley   S Barley /   S Barley   S Barley
   17      17.61      43.51       1        10.97            27.11   0.00           0.00     5.17           12.78    0.00    0.00    1.47           3.63
                                                                                                                                                           / PGRS     / PGRS       PGRS       / PGRS     / PGRS

 MISC       1.01      2.50                                                                                                          1.01           2.50

 Total     27.24      67.31                10.97            27.11   0.00           0.00     5.91           14.60    6.85    16.93   3.51           8.67

 Total     141.55    349.77     0.00       69.49        171.71      22.78          56.29    31.17          77.02    7.28    17.99   10.83          26.76
Lot 2 & 3
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