Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday - April 3 and 4, 2021 - St. John ...

Page created by Claude Scott
Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday - April 3 and 4, 2021 - St. John ...
April 3 and 4, 2021
Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday
Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday - April 3 and 4, 2021 - St. John ...
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                                                      18. Recap and Look Ahead (Easter, 4/4/21)

                                             We began our St. John the Baptist Patron Saint series over
                                             four months ago as the season of Advent opened. This year
                                             we are preparing for our One Hundredth Parish Anniversary,
                                             culminating in June, 2022. We call on our patron saint to
                                             guide our parish family and are invited to use these months
                                             to learn more about St. John the Baptist.
                                          Each week we have taken a small section of Sacred Scripture
                                          and perhaps have discovered more about St. John than we
                                          might have taken for granted. The past seventeen (17)
installments are on the parish website under “100th Anniversary.”
Part of our Jubilee Year will be a pilgrimage to the Holy Land in the steps of Jesus and John the Baptist.
Both Jesus and John lived their entire lives in this small part of the world! We depart on March 28,
2022. The pilgrimage includes Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Nazareth, the Sea of Galilee, Mount Tabor
We will also visit the sites associated with John the Baptist:
   Ein Kerem: In the “hill country of Judea,” which is the traditional site of the birth of St. John the
       Baptist and the Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth
   Monastery of St. John the Baptist: an ancient site that venerates the hidden years of St. John’s
   The Judean Wilderness: Just west of Jerusalem on the way down to the city of Jericho, where John
      spent the years of his ministry.
   Baptism Site: The most ancient site is just north of the Dead Sea on the Jordanian side of the River
   The Church of St. John the Baptist, Madaba, Jordan: Shrine church nearby the baptism site and
      north of Machaerus.
   The Fortress of Machaerus: Built by King Herod the Great and later the palace of Herod Antipas
      who executed St. John. The “lower town” is where John was imprisoned and executed.
The pilgrimage begins in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (we fly into Amman, Jordan), and we cross
the frontier into the State of Israel at Eilat. We will stay on the Sea of Galilee and in Jerusalem as well.
We return to JFK from Ben Gurion Airport in TelAviv.
The pilgrimage is a year away and all are welcome. Please check out the full itinerary on the parish
website, and feel free to email Fr. Frank with any questions. (Father Frank has led many pilgrimages to
the Holy Land, and visited eighteen times over the past years.)

                                     St. John the Baptist, pray for us!
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         Preschool Registration for September 2021-June 2022
                               Now Open
            For more information, please call 631-929-3220

Pre-K              4 yr olds           Nursery       3 yr olds
M/T/W/TH/F-AM      9:15 AM-12:00 PM    T/TH - AM     9:00 AM-11:30 AM

Pre-K              4 yr olds           Nursery       3 yr olds
M/W/F - AM         9:00 AM-11:45 AM    T/TH/F - AM   9:15 AM-11:45 AM

Pre-K              4 yr olds           Nursery       3 yr olds
T/W/TH - PM        12:15 PM-2:45 PM    T/TH-PM       12:15 PM-2:45 PM
                                       T/W/TH-PM     12:15 PM-2:45 PM
Talented Twos      2 yr olds
M/W - AM           9:30-11:45 AM

     Rice Bowls were due to be returned last weekend.
    Please leave them on the table in the gathering area.
Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday - April 3 and 4, 2021 - St. John ...
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      We are able to provide
      Easter meals this year for
      30 families!

   Jelly
   Liquid dish soap
   Razors
   Deodorant
   Paper Towels

Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday - April 3 and 4, 2021 - St. John ...
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                     Mass Presiders Schedule
                  This Weekend: Easter Sunday
Easter Vigil, Saturday, April 3, 7:30 p.m.         Fr. James
Easter Sunday, April 4, 8:00 a.m.                  Msgr. Bennett
Easter Sunday, April 4, 10:30 a.m.                 Father Frank

        Next Weekend: Octave of Easter (Divine Mercy)
Saturday, April 10, 5:15 p.m.                      Fr. Frank
Sunday, April 11 8:00 a.m.                         Msgr. Bennett
Sunday, April 11, 10:30 a.m.                       Father James

                                     Holy Week Livestream

                           7:30 pm Holy Thursday-Mass of the Lord’s
          3:00 pm Good Friday-Service of the Lord’s Passion
                 7:30 pm Holy Saturday-Easter Vigil
                       10:30 am Easter Sunday

                 Follow the link to our YouTube channel!
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Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday - April 3 and 4, 2021 - St. John ...
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                            Happy Easter 2021!

                           To the Parish Family Members of
                           St. John the Baptist

Blessings and peace on this Easter Sunday! The
Risen Lord greets his disciples with “Peace be with you!” and
promises his new life after he endured the cross. We, too,
have endured so much this past year.
Thank you for your support of our parish community during
this difficult time of pandemic. We hope that you and your
loved ones have been able to be vaccinated, and that we can
return to “normal” soon.
With our prayers and Easter wishes.
Fr. Frank, Pastor
Fr. James, Associate Pastor
Msgr. Bennett, Weekend Assistant
And the Parish Pastoral Staff
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Monday, April 5, 8:30 a.m.,               Please remember the faithful departed.
Marie Bernaudo                                   May they rest in peace.

Tuesday, April 6, 8:30 a.m.,                During the pandemic, Funeral Masses
Father Ted                                can be scheduled. Approximately 100 are
                                                     permitted to attend.
Wednesday, April 7, 8:30 a.m.,
Pat Krupski (living)

Thursday, April 8, 8:30 a.m.,
Jeffrey LaPorta

Saturday, April 10, 5:15 p.m.,
John Lynch

Sunday, April 11,
8:00 a.m.
George O’Sullivan
                                                Upcoming Baptism Dates:
                                                       12:00 Noon
10:30 a.m.
Henry T. & Agnes Young                                   April 18
                                                          May 2
                                                         May 16
                                                         June 6

                                          Baptism Class last Sunday of the month
                                              right after the 10:30 a.m. Mass
Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday - April 3 and 4, 2021 - St. John ...
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                              WEEKLY COLLECTION

Sunday Collection: March 28, 2021                  $ 7,838.43 (up 28%)
Sunday Collection: March 29, 2020         $ 6,115.28
(Last year at this time the Pandemic was announced.)

Christmas Collection December 25, 2020 $30,898.00

 Many are facing financial hardship, and we are deeply grateful to those
     who have mailed in their envelope, dropped it in the mailbox
              in the upper parking lot, or used Faith Direct.
    Thank you to those who “caught up” with a full month’s donations!
Please consider “automated giving” as you reflect on
support of our parish family!
The fruitful ministries at our parish are examples of how
many of you have answered, and continue to answer, that
call. To ensure such work can continue requires not only
gifts of time, but also of financial help. I ask you to prayerfully consider supporting
our parish with electronic donations through Faith Direct. You can find paper enroll-
ment forms in the parish office, or you can sign up online at www.faithdirect.net by
using our church code, NY67.
                                                   2020 Catholic Ministries Appeal
         Special Collections:                                Goal $52,300.00
 04/11   Grammar Schools                                    Pledges $21,260.00
 04/25   Outreach                                       Over (Under) ($31,040.00)
                                                                Donors 79
 05/02   Catholic Elementary Schools                      Payments $16,585.00
 05/09   Mother’s Day                                      Average Gift $269.11
 05/13   Ascension                                      Percentage of Goal 40.65%
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          Finance Committee, 2020-2021
      Dr. Barbara Fontana, Trustee, ex officio
                                                           Pastoral Council Members,
       Steven Gallagher, Trustee, ex officio
                Robert Lutz, Chair
                  Richard Amper                               Vincent Manzello, Chair
                Thomas McEnany                                     Daniel Bealey
                     Lisa Kelly
                                                                   Linda Bealey
                                                                Rosemary Desimone
          Worship Committee, 2020-2021                     Dr. Barbara Fontana (trustee)
            Cheryl MacDougall, chair
                                                                 Michelle Gaffney
               James MacDougall
                William Hennessy
                                                                 Michelle Gallucci
                Barbara Johnston                                   Kevin Heavey
                    Liz McNeill                                   Maria Maxwell
                   John O’Hare
                                                                  Richard Rossin
              Elizabeth Waskowiak
               Edward Waskowiak

                                        PASTORAL STAFF
                                      Phone: 631-929-4339
Pastor: Father Frank Schneider, ext. 16                 pastor@sjbwr.org
Associate Pastor: Father James Calledo                  paxjim94@yahoo.com
Deacon: Fred Finter, ext. 44                            deaconfred@sjbwr.org
Deacon: Vincent Pozzolano, ext. 45                      v7vac@hotmail.com
Parish Organizational Associate: Dr. Jeffrey Pedersen jpedersen@sjbwr.org (ext. 10)
Faith Formation Coordinator: Mrs. Jane Oliva, ext. 12   reled@sjbwr.org
Outreach Director: Deborah O’Hare, ext. 22              stjohnsparishoutreach@gmail.com
Music Coordinator: Liz McNeill (631) 495-8913           emcneill@sjbwr.org
Pastoral Assistant: Barbara Johnston
Bookkeeper: Lindsay Finter, ext. 17                     lfinter@sjbwr.org
Receptionist: Sue Kozakiewicz, ext. 10                  office@sjbwr.org
Preschool        Director: Mrs. Gayle Mercurio, ext. 14 preschool@sjbwr.org
                 Secretary: Susan Plattner, ext. 19     preschool@sjbwr.org
                 Preschool Phone: 631-929-3220
Maintenance: Servio Ortiz
Weekend Priest Assistants: Msgr. John Bennett
                      Parish Outreach Hours: Tues & Thurs 10am-2pm

                                    Parish Office Hours
                            Monday - Thursday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
                                  Website: www.sjbwr.org
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                                            Bread, wine, altar candles
                         Should you like to donate the candles, bread, wine for the celebration
                                         of the weekend Eucharist,
                                   especially in memory of a loved one,
                          please contact the Parish Office, 631-929-4339, ext. 10.

                              Tabernacle Lamp
The Tabernacle Lamp indicates that the Blessed Sacrament is present in church. The red candle
                     can be memorialized for the week of your choice.
                         All memorials are published in the bulletin.

                           Eucharistic Adoration
        The Blessed Sacrament is exposed for Adoration on the main altar
                   in the church every Wednesday afternoon.

              All novenas and devotions are suspended at this time.
                      Silent prayer during Adoration Hours.

                                             For those serving in the Military
                                Michael Brennan, Patrick Hanley, Jeffrey L. Beilman Jr.,
                                Ryan Santiro, Thomas G. Verbeeck, Michelle Verbeeck,
  Joseph DeMonte IV, Michael Anderson, Devin Henry, Marielle Verbeeck, Cassidy Vail,
                Evan Purdy, Sean Tully, Sean Brady, Lauren Rodriguez

                   For the Homebound, the Sick and in Hospice Care
       For all those who are suffering from the coronavirus, and also John Ryan,
     Thomas Mongiello, Ann Bertolini, Edward Hegel, Christine Pernice, Pat Krupski
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