Project Branding Guidelines - Rev.2 - Interreg Europe

Page created by Douglas Nichols
Project Branding Guidelines - Rev.2 - Interreg Europe
Interreg Europe joint secretariat
          January 2019

Project Branding Guidelines - Rev.2 - Interreg Europe


Programme and Project branding                   3

Provided Logo versions                           4

Typephases                                       5

Basic colour palette                             7

Four topics                                      9

Project identity                               10

Project poster                                 16

Additional elements                            22

Powerpoint template                            24

This is the official and only version of the Interreg Europe branding.

It is available in electronic formats such as Adobe® Illustrator eps to import directly into your print documents,
or PNG for electronic-only versions. No other format is acceptable.
This branding, as a key component of the successful identity of Interreg Europe, represents its core image values and its missions.

                                                                                                                                      © Acom Europe, Paris 2015
Project Branding Guidelines - Rev.2 - Interreg Europe

Programme and project branding

The Interreg Europe programme branding is made up of three elements: the
programme name, the EU flag and fund reference, and a visual element – origami
representing through colour the four themes that Interreg Europe supports. The
programme’s corporate branding guide, including project branding, can be found at:

Project branding is based on the Interreg Europe branding, incorporating the most
relevant elements from the programme branding.

Project logos are designed to be ‘stand-alone’.

The logos must be used by projects without adding the the
programme logo. Furthermore, projects should NOT use
                                                                                     Lorem Ipsum
the 4-colour origami as part of their own branding. Only
the relevant colour scheme linked to the topic in which
their project is approved should be used.

The EU flag and reference to the European Regional                                   LoremEuropean
                                                                                            Ipsum  Union
                                                                                            European Regional
Development Fund must always be used together with the
                                                                                            Development Fund
project logo.
Specific project branding guidance and all files mentioned in this document can be
accessed at:                             Lorem Ipsum

Provided project logo versions
Projects are provided with ten logo version files:

1.     Vector: Project Logo in CMYK

2.     Vector: Project Logo in Greyscale

3.     Vector: Project Logo in Black & white

4.     Vector: Project Logo with EU Flag in CMYK

5.     Vector: Project Logo with EU Flag in Greyscale

6.     Vector: Project Logo with EU Flag in Black & white

7.     JPG: Project Logo in Color

8.     JPG: Project Logo with EU Flag in Color

9.     PNG: Project Logo in Color

10.    PNG: Project Logo with EU Flag in Color

In addition, the EU flag with ERDF reference is also available as a separate vector,
jpg and png file, in colour and black & white, to allow for all permutations as
described in the brand guidelines. Please note that vector files are generally
required for printing, and for all professional graphic design work. PNG and JPG
are for electronic use. PNG is recommended for websites.

Download logos at:


All typefaces must never be distorted in any

Montserrat                                               Typeface     Logo extensions (programme names, project names)

For project identity the typeface Montserrat has         Montserrat   Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed
                                                                      diam nonummy nibh tincidunt ut laoreet.
been chosen as it is visually similar to the Interreg    Regular      + / 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 & @ ! ? %

Open Sans                                                Typeface     Overall communication (body text, headlines, etc.)

The typeface for all other applications from body
                                                         Open Sans    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed
                                                                      diam nonummy nibh tincidunt ut laoreet.
text to headlines is Open Sans. It has a neutral, yet
friendly appearance suitable for all applications.
                                                         Bold         + / 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 & @ ! ? %

Its broad variety of weights and styles makes it
very versatile. It was optimized for print, web,         Open Sans    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed
                                                                      diam nonummy nibh tincidunt ut laoreet.
and mobile interfaces, and has excellent legibility      Semibold     + / 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 & @ ! ? %
characteristics in its letterforms. Both typefaces are
available for free, including web font kits.             Open Sans    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed
                                                                      diam nonummy nibh tincidunt ut laoreet.
The fonts can be downloaded:                             Regular      + / 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 & @ ! ? %

                                                         Open Sans    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam
                                                                      nonummy nibh tincidunt ut laoreet.
                                                         Italic       + / 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 & @ ! ? %

Open sans:

MS Office processing typefaces


Arial has been selected as the primary corporate
typeface of Interreg Europe because of its general    Arial Bold          Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed
                                                                          diam nonummy nibh tincidunt ut laoreet.
availability and contemporary and unique feel and                         + / 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 & @ ! ? %
look. It should be used as the primary typeface in
all publications and publicity material.              Arial Bold Italic   Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed
                                                                          diam nonummy nibh tincidunt ut laoreet.
Please note that these fonts must not be condensed,                       + / 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 & @ ! ? %
expanded or digitally manipulated in any way.
                                                      Arial Regular       Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam
Typeface colour                                                           nonummy nibh tincidunt ut laoreet.
                                                                          + / 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 & @ ! ? %
For most uses, typeface colour must be black on
white background.
                                                      Arial Italic        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed
                                                                          diam nonummy nibh tincidunt ut laoreet.
                                                                          + / 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 & @ ! ? %

 Basic colour palette
Colour palette
  The Interreg Europe colour palette consists of
The     uniqueEurope
     Interreg  colours.colour palette consists of
seven unique colours.
                                                        REFLEX     LIGHT         YELLOW         Research          SME           Low-carbon   Environment
                                                         BLUE       BLUE                          and        competitiveness     economy     and resource
Do not create extra colours.                                                                   innovation                                      efficiency
  Projects should only use their topic colour as
Alldominating  colourbeand
    graphics should        addfrom
                        made    other
                                   thiscolours - if
                                        series of
  needed - from the additional coulour palette.
colours.                                              PANTONE

                                                                   2716 U        Yellow U      PMS 109 U      PMS 3115 U       PMS 347 U      PMS 382 U

                                                      C 100 M 80   C 41 M 30     C 00 M 00     C 00 M 24      C 71 M 00        C 81 M 13      C 49 M 00
Do NOT use a printout of this page as an acurate      Y 00 B 00    Y 00 B 00     Y 100 B 00    Y 93 B 00      Y 19 B 00        Y 76 B 01      Y 99 B 00
guide to the palette colours.
                                                      R 00 G 51    R 159 G 174   R 255 G 204   R 253 G 198    R 28 G 184       R 21 G 153     R 152 G 194
such as Pantone, Cromalin, EFIPrint, etc.             B 153        B 229         B 00          B8             B 207            B 97           B 34

                                                      #003399      #9FAEE5       #FFCC00       #fdc608        #1cb8cf          #159961        #98c222

Greyscale palette
A series of grey completes the colour palette for     Greyscale
secondary uses such as web page footer, text block
backgrounds and black/white uses of the origami.

                                                                                               20%            35%              50%           65%

 Additional colour palette
Colour palette
  If neutral colours are needed, for example to create
  an Interreg
The   infographic, these
              Europe     additional
                       colour palettecolours canofbe
  used.unique colours.
                                                          ORANGE        DARK         DARK          DARK          LIGHT        MEDIUM        LIGHT
                                                                       ORANGE        BLUE          GREY          GREY          GREY         BLUE
Do     colours may
   not create      also
               extra    be used on the website,
  brochures or other publications.
All graphics should be made from this series of
colours.                                                 PANTONE

                                                         PMS 021 U     PMS 704 U    PMS 281 U    PMS Neutral   PMS 656 U     PMS 649 U     PMS 657 U
  Light grey, medium grey, light blue should                                                     Black U
  be used with care.                                     CMYK
                                                         C 00 M 68     C 27 M 85    C 100 M 84   C 68 M 59     C6M4          C 13 M 7      C8M3
Do NOT use a printout of this page as an acurate         Y 99 B 00     Y 100 B 26   Y 29 B 17    Y 56 B 64     Y 5 B 00      Y 8 B 00      Y 4 B 00
guide to the palette colours.
                                                         R 236 G 103   R 152 G 54   R 32 G 54    R 54 G 54     R 243 G 243   R 228 G 232   R 239 G 243
such as Pantone, Cromalin, EFIPrint, etc.                B7            B 21         B 104        B 54          B 243         B 233         B 245

                                                         #ec6707       #932f0a      #213669      #363636       #f3f3f3       #e4e8e9       #eff3f5

Greyscale palette
A series of grey completes the colour palette for
secondary uses such as web page footer, text block
backgrounds and black/white uses of the origami.

    Four topics                                                                                                                                                                           Greyscale

                                                Colour palette
                                                The Interreg Europe
                                                                 [1] colour palette consists of
                                       seven unique
    Interreg Europe competency is presented  by     colours.
                                                                                                                   REFLEX           LIGHT             YELLOW           Research              20%
                                                                                                                                                                                           SME              Low-carbo
    four topics, each having its own icon:                                                                          BLUE             BLUE                                and          competitiveness        econom
                                                Do not create extra colours.                                                                                          innovation
       [1]   Research and innovation
                                                All graphics should be made from this series of
       [2]   SME competitiveness                colours.                                                         PANTONE
       [3]                   Colour
             Low-carbon economy            palette                 [2]
                                                                                                                                   2716 U            Yellow U        PMS 109 U         PMS 3115 U       PMS 347 U

       [4]   Environment and resource efficiency
                             The Interreg  Europe colour palette consists of                                     CMYK
                                seven unique colours.
    They should illustrate the topic as a reference to                                              REFLEX          LIGHT
                                                                                                                 C 100 M 80        CYELLOW
                                                                                                                                     41 M 30         Research
                                                                                                                                                     C 00 M 00        C 00SME
                                                                                                                                                                           M 24          71 M50%
                                                                                                                                                                                               00       CEnvironme
                                                                                                                                                                                                          81 M 13
                                                Do NOT use a printout of this page as an acurate     BLUE        Y 00BLUE
                                                                                                                      B 00         Y 00 B 00            andB 00
                                                                                                                                                     Y 100          competitiveness
                                                                                                                                                                      Y 93 B 00           economy
                                                                                                                                                                                       Y 19 B 00        Yand resou
                                                                                                                                                                                                          76 B 01
    the European CommissionDo not create extra colours.
                           policy.                                                                                                                   innovation                                              efficienc
                                                guide to the palette colours.
                          All graphics
    All graphics or main headline      should
                                   colours  in bethe
                                                   made from this series of
    compound of each topic should be made from the                                               PANTONE         R 00 G 51         R 159 G 174       R 255 G 204     R 253 G 198       R 28 G 184       R 21 G 153
                Colour palette                  such as Pantone, Cromalin,
                                                                  [3]      EFIPrint, etc.                        B 153             B 229             B 00            B8                B 207            B 97
    colour of the relevant topics (see colour palette on                                                           2716 U          Yellow U         PMS 109 U        PMS 3115 U        PMS 347 U         PMS 382
    page 7).    The Interreg Europe colour palette consists of                                                   HEX
                seven unique colours.                                                            CMYK
                                                                                                                 #003399           #9FAEE5           #FFCC00         #fdc608           #1cb8cf          #159961
    Icons for reproduction are available from Interreg                              REFLEX         LIGHT          YELLOW           Research            SME           Low-carbon              65%
                                                                                     BLUE        C 100 M 80
                                                                                                    BLUE          C 41 M 30        C and
                                                                                                                                     00 M 00        C 00 M 24
                                                                                                                                                  competitiveness    C economy
                                                                                                                                                                       71 M 00         C 81resource
                                                                                                                                                                                       and  M 13            C 49 M 0
    Europe. DoDonotnot create
                    modify    extra
                           norDo  NOTcolours.
                               create  use a icons.
                                      other   printout of this page as an acurate                Y 00 B 00        Y 00 B 00       innovation
                                                                                                                                   Y 100 B 00       Y 93 B 00        Y 19 B 00         Y efficiency
                                                                                                                                                                                         76 B 01            Y 99 B 00
                                guide to the palette colours.
                All graphics should be made fromGreyscale
                                                     this series palette
                                                                 of                              RGB
    See Pantone PMS, 4-colour process, RGB and Hexa
                colours.                                                          PANTONE
          specifications on page 7.          A series of grey completes the colour palette forR 00 G 51          Greyscale
                                                                                                                  R 159 G 174     R 255 G 204       R 253 G 198      R 28 G 184        R 21 G 153           R 152 G 1
Colour                                                           [4]
                              such as Pantone, Cromalin, EFIPrint, etc.                       B 153                B 229          B 00              B8               B 207             B 97                 B 34
                                                secondary uses such as web page footer, text block 2716 U         Yellow U       PMS 109 U         PMS 3115 U       PMS 347 U           PMS 382 U
The Download  logos at:
    Interreg Europe
                     colour                    backgrounds and black/white uses of the origami. HEX
                             palette consists of
    folders/0B_2u8LvpD_IzQndsY19rUFFzSFk                                          CMYK
seven unique colours.
                                                                                                                                                                                        C 49 M35%
                                                                    REFLEX           LIGHT       #003399
                                                                                                   YELLOW         #9FAEE5
                                                                                                                  Research         #FFCC00
                                                                                                                                     SME            #fdc608
                                                                                                                                                     Low-carbon      #1cb8cf
                                                                                                                                                                     Environment       #159961              #98c222
                                                                                  C 100 M 80
                                                                                                  C 41 M 30      C 00 M 00
                                                                                                                                 C 00 M 24
                                                                                                                                                   C 71 M 00
                                                                                                                                                                      81 M  13
Do not createDo NOT colours.
              extra use a printout of this page as an acurate                     Y 00 B 00       Y 00 B 00      Y 100 B 00
                                                                                                                 innovation      Y 93 B 00         Y 19 B 00        Y20%
                                                                                                                                                                      76 B 01
                                                                                                                                                                       efficiency         Y 99 B 00
                                                                                                                                                                                       35%              50%
               guide to the palette colours.
All graphics should be made fromGreyscale
                                     this series palette
                                                 of                               RGB
colours.                                                         PANTONE          R 00 G 51        R 159 G 174    R 255 G 204    R 253 G 198       R 28 G 184       R 21 G 153         R 152 G 194
                such as Pantone,ACromalin,
                                  series ofEFIPrint,
                                            grey completes
                                                     etc.  the colour palette forB 153           Greyscale
                                                                                                  B 229           B 00           B8                B 207            B 97               B 34
                                secondary uses such as web page footer, text block 2716 U          Yellow U      PMS 109 U       PMS 3115 U        PMS 347 U          PMS 382 U

                                backgrounds and black/white uses of the origami.HEX
                                                                                  #003399          #9FAEE5        #FFCC00        #fdc608           #1cb8cf          #159961            #98c222

Interreg Europe project identities

                                                     Interreg Europe project branding    EU emblem + ERDF references

The project branding

This is the official and only version of the
Interreg Europe project branding.
                                                     Lorem Ipsum                                       European Union
                                                                                                       European Regional
                                                                                                       Development Fund
It is available in electronic formats such
as Adobe® Illustrator eps to import
directly into your print documents, or

                                                     Lorem Ipsum
                                                     Maximum 11 characters per line
PNG for electronic-only versions. No
other format is acceptable.

This branding is a key component of the successful
identity of Interreg Europe. It is mandatory
                                                                                        Vertical display option
that project partners comply to the follwing
                                                     Lorem Ipsum
The project acronym stands on maximum 2
lines, 11 characters per line.
                                                                                        Lorem Ipsum
                                                     Lorem Ipsum                                     European Union
                                                                                                     European Regional
                                                                                        Lorem Ipsum  Development Fund

                                                                                        Lorem Ipsum

Project brand block

Projects funded by Interreg Europe have an identity                                                       [1] The origami in related topic colour
in the form of a project brand block in relation with
the topic they belong to.
                                                                 [2] Project acronym in Montserrat font
  [1]   The related topic colour origami

  [2]   The Project acronym in Monserrat aligned

  [3]   Interreg Europe brand
                                                                 [3] Interreg Europe brand
Project identities are using the topic colours as
defined on page 9.

No other project identity is permitted.

All graphics or main headline colours should be
made from the colours of the related topic.

Documents for reproduction are available from
Interreg Europe. All new documents created should
                                                            Project acronym should be
follow these guidelines.
                                                            placed on one or two lines,
                                                        11 characters max in each line.

Correct logo use on backgrounds                         [1]                                                         Ideal logo use:
                                                                                                                    Standard logo on white

[1] Standard project logo block

[2] Allowed logo use on background
(not recommended)

Using the standard logo block on coloured
background is possible if there is no alternative. It
has to be a very light background.                      [2]

[3] According to EU regulations the EU flag always
needs to have a white border around the rectangle
if placed on a coloured background. The width of
the white border must be 1/25th of the height of
the EU emblem.

[4] In exceptional cases, the negative monochrome
logo version may be used on very dark backgrounds.
                                                              Standard logo on very lightly coloured background –   Standard logo on bright photo –
                                                              enough contrast necessary                             enough contrast necessary


                                                              Negative Monochrome logo very dark background

Project brand +                          [1]                              [3]
EU emblem and ERDF
                                                                                Lorem Ipsum                  European Union
                                                                                                             European Regional
                                                                                                             Development Fund

Construction grid

The project identity is designed
                                               Lorem Ipsum                      Lorem Ipsum
                                                                                Lorem Ipsum                  European Union
                                                                                                             European Regional
with   maximum      two    lines,   11
                                                                                                             Development Fund
characters per line.
                                                                                Lorem Ipsum
Interreg Europe project identity               Lorem Ipsum                [4]   Lorem Ipsum
[1] comes complete with the
European Union emblem and
                                                                                Lorem Ipsum
                                                                                       Ipsum            Lorem Ipsum
reference     to    the    European                                             Lorem Ipsum
Regional Development Fund [2].
                                               Lorem Ipsum                          European Union              European Union
                                                                                    European Regional           European Regional
The placement of the EU emblem                                                  Lorem Ipsum
                                                                                    Development Fund
                                                                                Lorem                   Lorem  Ipsum
                                                                                                            Development Fund

[2] is free. For small sizes where the
EU emblem can be placed on the
same line [3], or underneath the
                                               Lorem Ipsum                [5]
                                                                                Lorem Ipsum             Lorem Ipsum
project logo [4].

[5] Sample positionning in case the
project logo stands with logos of                                               Lorem
                                                                                        Ipsum           Lorem  Ipsum
                                                                                                            European Union
                                                                                                                European Regional
different organisations.                                                                                        Development Fund

                                                      European Union
                                                                                 Lorem Ipsum
                                                [2]   European Regional
                                                      Development Fund

                                                                                 Lorem Ipsum

                                                                                 Lorem Ipsum

Small size versions
Ideally the smallest version of the project identity
                                                          Lorem Ipsum
should not result in the brand name “Interreg
Europe” being smaller than 20 mm.                               20 mm
                                                          Lorem Ipsum

                                                          Lorem Ipsum

                                                          Lorem Ipsum

Use with partners
                                                         Lorem Ipsum     European Union
                                                                         European Regional
Along with other organisations related to the ERDF,                      Development Fund

in order not to duplicate identical components (EU
emblem, reference to ERDF), partner logos may            Lorem Ipsum
be placed between the project logo and the EU
                                                       Lorem Ipsum          European Union
                                                                            European Regional
emblem.                                                                     Development Fund

                                                         Lorem Ipsum
                                                       Lorem Ipsum
                                                       Lorem Ipsum
                                                         Lorem Ipsum
                                                                            European Union
                                                                            European Regional
                                                                            Development Fund

                                                       Lorem Ipsum
                                                       Lorem Ipsum

                                                       Lorem Ipsum
                                                       Lorem Ipsum

Black & white versions

For limited use when no colour option is available,
a black & white version is available.

Greyscale version

Project logos have to use the topic’s shade of grey
as defined on page 9.

Project poster
Projects are provided with a project
                                                                                                                                                            SOCENT SPAs improves the

poster in PDF format.                                                                                                                             effectiveness of regional policies
                                                                                                                                                      in sparsely populated areas to
                                                                                                                                          actively support social economy and
                                                                                                                                                   social entrepreneurs as a driver

The poster must be printed and displayed
                                                                                                                                                           to regional competitiveness
                                                                                                                                                                       and inclusive growth.

in A3 size minimum.                                                                                                     

                                                                                                                                              An interregional cooperation project for
                                                                                                                                             improving SME competitiveness policies.
                                                                                                                                                                                              Project Partners

                                                                                       General Directorate for Social Economy and Self-Employed Persons - Regional Government of Castile and León (ES)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Green Screen works across eight EU regions to
                                                                                                                                                                                       NGOD Cives Mundi (ES)
                                                                                                                                                                                             Social Impact (DE)
                                                                                                                                                                    Lapland University of Applied Sciences (FI)
                                                                                                                                      Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic (SK)
                                                                                                                                                                          Not-for-profit organization EPIC (SK)

Key components of the poster:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       reduce the carbon footprint of the film and TV

                                              Image © Jordán Fernádez Barranco
                                                                                                          0.83 M          Jan 2017
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               industries, which are a successful driver

                                              PGI02359 • SOCENT SPAs
    Project logo and topic colors
                                                                                                           ERDF           Jun 2021

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               for growth across the European creative

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  industries economy.
    Short description text with a visual

    Project website address

    Project partners
                                                                                                                                             Night Light enables and stimulates
    Project budget                                                                                                                                  regional authorities to improve
                                                                                                                                                        their regional policies for the
                                                                                                                                                         prevention of light pollution,
                                                                                                                                                              preservation of dark skies                                                                                              An interregional cooperation project for
    Project duration                                                                                                                                     and sustainable exploitation
                                                                                                                                                                            of dark sky places.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      improving low-carbon economy policies.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Project Partners

    EU emblem and reference to the European
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Film London (UK)
                                                                                                                                       An interregional cooperation project for                                                                                                                                            Flanders Audiovisual Fund (BE)
                                                                                                                                improving natural and cultural heritage policies.                                                                                          Municipal Company of Initiatives and Activities of Málaga S.A. - Promálaga (ES)
    Regional Development Fund                                                                                                                                                                 Project Partners

                                                                                                                                                                                      Province of Fryslân (NL)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Ile-de-France Film Commission (FR)
                                                                                                                                                                                   Samsø Energy Academy (DK)
                                                                                                                                                                                       Avila County Council (ES)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Rzeszow Regional Development Agency (PL)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Bucharest-Ilfov Regional Development Agency (RO)
                                                                                                                                                                            Island Government of La Palma (ES)
                                                                                                                                                                          Hajdú-Bihar County Government (HU)
                                                                                                                                                                                           Basilicata Region (IT)
                                                                                                                                                                         Matera-Basilicata 2019 Foundation (IT)
                                                                                                                                                                                           Nature Park Our (LU)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Municipality of Ystad (SE)
                                                                                                                                                                    BSC, Business support centre Ltd., Kranj (SI)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Regional Development Agency Senec – Pezinok (SK)
                                              Image © Turismo LaPalma / VanMarty

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Greenshoot (UK)

                                                                                                          1.62 M         Jan 2017
                                              PGI02217 • Night Light

                                                                                                           ERDF          Dec 2021
                                                                                   Environment &

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Image © Adam Johnsson
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           1.70 M   Jan 2017

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    PGI02020 • Green Screen
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ERDF    Dec 2021


The hexagonal shape is part of the visual
identity. It may be used for various           €
graphic puroposes (see sample graphics
on page 18).
                                             12.4 M


Usage of icons is encouraged. Icons
should be simple and have a clear and
easily understandable meaning.

A similar style shall be kept if new icons
are created.
Improving policies in Europe                                                                                                                                                                 18
                                                 Zoom-in on countries

                                                                                                                                                   Improving policies in Europe
Infographic samples                            Growth            Growth           European             Other
                                               and Jobs          and Jobs         Territorial           policy
                                               Share %         Programmes        Cooperation        instruments



                                                                                                                                                                                         work on

                                                                                                        33   1 1 5

                                                             - 1 8       -
                                                                                      64   7 0 13          100 1 1 6

                                                                                                             100 1 0 2

                                                              1 1 4      50                                100 1 0 4

                         2 0 4   67
                                                     4 1 9    80
                                                                                                                                                   22                                                                      151
                                                                                             55   12 1 8                                          European                                                                    Other
                                      5 1 5    42                                                                                                                                     144
                                                                                                                                                  Territorial                                                                  policy

                                                                                                                                                 Cooperation                                                               instruments
                                                                      12 1 6
                                                                                                                                                                                  Growth and Jobs
                                                    2 0 9    29                                                                                                                    Programmes

                                                                              5 1 4    63
                                                     0 0 2    0                                   57    4 1 2

                                         17 3 4     47                         1 1 2    50                                                         All topics are
                                                                                                  57                43
                                                                                                       4 1 2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                = 46%
                                                                                                                         3 1 6                     represented
                                                            - 0 1    -
                                                                              1 0 8    100                                                                                                                      of all Growth and Jobs
                                                                                                                                                       101       Research
                                                                                                                                                                 and innovation                                 Programmes in the EU

                                                                                             50   1 1 5
                                                                                                                     38     3 0 8                           95      SME

                                                                      21 3 12    41
                                                                                                                                                       67       Low carbon
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Each Growth and Jobs
                                 36   16 1 7                                                                                                                                                                    Programme addressed
                                                                                                                                                            56       Environment and

                                                                                                               50                                                                                               by 8 projects on average
                                                                                                                                                                     resource efficiency

           12 1 8   55                                                                                              9 0 1

                                                                                                                                    1 0 1   50                                             55

                                                                             1 0 1     33
                                                                                                                                                                    Average % of Growth and Jobs
                                                                                                                                                                  Programmes worked on per country

Powerpoint template

Overhead presentations are part of the identity of
Interreg Europe. Correctly using this template will
convey a consistent image of the project as part of
the programme.

Download the powerpoint template at: https://
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