ECDS Early Childhood Data System - Presented by: Diana Pérez, Region One - PEIMS Specialist - Region One ESC

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ECDS Early Childhood Data System - Presented by: Diana Pérez, Region One - PEIMS Specialist - Region One ESC
              Early Childhood Data System

November 12, 2020   Presented by: Diana Pérez, Region One – PEIMS Specialist
ECDS Early Childhood Data System - Presented by: Diana Pérez, Region One - PEIMS Specialist - Region One ESC
                Click to edit Master title style

       ECDS Overview
       Reminders!
       KG Assessment Updates
       Data Flow Overview
       TEAL Roles Required
       Resources
ECDS Early Childhood Data System - Presented by: Diana Pérez, Region One - PEIMS Specialist - Region One ESC
ECDS Overview
ECDS Early Childhood Data System - Presented by: Diana Pérez, Region One - PEIMS Specialist - Region One ESC
                 Click to Childhood      Data
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   TSDS ECDS is the collection of both kindergarten and
    prekindergarten student data
    ➢   student demographic/special program
    ➢   classroom link information
    ➢   assessment data
         •   KG – BOY – DUE JANUARY 28, 2021
         •   PK – BOY & EOY - DUE JUNE 24, 2020                   DATE
   Purpose is to inform about the effectiveness of early childhood
    education to:
    ➢   families                         State/District Reports
    ➢   school administrators            Available in TPEIR
    ➢   community stakeholders
    ➢   policy makers
ECDS Early Childhood Data System - Presented by: Diana Pérez, Region One - PEIMS Specialist - Region One ESC
Early Childhood Data System

    2020-2021 Texas Education Data Standards

ECDS Reminders
KG Reminders: ECDS Data From SIS

❑ Required for ALL LEAs that offer KINDERGARTEN:

        E1440 HOME-ROOM-INDICATOR will be used to designate the KG teacher who
         administered an assessment from the Commissioner’s List of Approved Kindergarten
         Assessment Instruments.
        If you schedule different subjects for KG, only code 1 Course Section (where they
         administered the assessment) with the: Home-Room Indicator (Fatal: 40110-0173
         and 40110-0184)
        Each KG course section in the Master Schedule must have a teacher of record with
         CLASS-ROLE of "01". (Fatal: 30305-0019)
        Teacher of Record must be a 087-Teacher or 047-Substitute
        If there is an Assessment being turned in for KG, then student must be reported
         with a Course Completion record for ECDS. (Fatal: 40100-0159 and 46010-0006)
KG Reminders: ECDS Data From SIS

Sample Interchange Files with HomeRoom Indicator
                             In this example, the ‘Home-Room-Indicator’ is reported incorrectly since it has all
                                                course sections marked as the home room.

                             In this example, the ‘Home-Room-Indicator’ is reported correctly since it has only
                                 one course section with a Home Room Indicator of ‘True’, the other course
                                                      sections are marked as ‘False”.

KG Reminders: Data From SIS

  Make sure only KG students are enrolled in KG Service ID classes.
  New: Make sure each student is enrolled in courses where each service-id is not
   repeated (ex: student taking course Spanish Language Arts and Spanish Reading
   and they are both tagged with “Service ID 02561005”. Resulting in a File Validation
   error on the MasterSchedule xml file that shows duplicate courses)
CODE       TRANSLATION                                                               CODE       TRANSLATION
01020000   Kindergarten                                                              02510001   Art, Kindergarten
01020100   Transition (Pre-First Grade, Developmental First)                         02520004   Music, Kindergarten
01110000   Languages Other Than English, Kindergarten – Arabic                       02540005   Theatre, Kindergarten
01120000   Languages Other Than English, Kindergarten – Japanese                     02550020   Health, Kindergarten
01400000   Languages Other Than English, Kindergarten – Italian                      02560005   English As A Second Language, Kindergarten
01410000   Languages Other Than English, Kindergarten – French                       02561005   Spanish Language Arts, Kindergarten
01420000   Languages Other Than English, Kindergarten – German                       02620001   Reading, Kindergarten
01430000   Languages Other Than English, Classical Languages, Kindergarten – Latin   02630001   English Language Arts, Kindergarten
01440000   Languages Other Than English, Kindergarten – Spanish                      02640005   Mathematics, Kindergarten
01450000   Languages Other Than English, Kindergarten – Russian                      02650000   Science, Kindergarten
01470000   Languages Other Than English, Kindergarten – Portuguese                   02660009   Social Studies, Kindergarten
01490000   Languages Other Than English, Kindergarten – Chinese                      02670000   Technology Applications, Kindergarten
01511000   Languages Other Than English, Kindergarten – Vietnamese                   02530002   Physical Education, K
01521000   Languages Other Than English, Kindergarten – Hindi
01531000   Languages Other Than English, Kindergarten– Urdu
01980000   Languages Other Than English, Kindergarten - American Sign Language
11400000   Languages Other Than English, Kindergarten - Turkish
11401800   Languages Other Than English, Kindergarten - Korean
02497009   Other Foreign Languages, Kindergarten
02502000   Discovering Languages and Cultures, K–6
ECDS Program information for public

   All Public pre-K programs will be required to submit
    demographic, classroom link information, special program
    information, and funding source information in the TSDS
❑   All Public pre-K programs that administer an assessment from
    the Commissioner’s List of Approved Prekindergarten Assessment Instruments,
    will submit BOY and EOY assessment data through the TSDS collection.
❑   4 year PK students must be assessed and submitted.
❑   Mixed Classrooms of 3 and 4 year olds, then also submit the PK assessments
    for PK 3 is available.
❑   PK3 Only Classrooms do not have to be assessed, but if they were, then they
    MUST be part of ECDS                                                      10
PK Data Requirements From SIS
❑11Required for ALL LEAs that offer PREKINDERGARTEN:
PK Reminders: ECDS Data From SIS

❑    High Quality PK Program: Required Only for course/sections serving eligible
❑    PK 4-Year old

PK Reminders: ECDS Data From SIS

    Maintain PK student’s E1078 PK-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE
PK Reminders: ECDS Data From SIS
    Maintain PK student’s E1079 PRIMARY-PK-FUNDING-SOURCE
PK Reminders: ECDS Data From SIS
    Maintain PK student’s E1079 PRIMARY-PK-FUNDING-SOURCE
PK Reminders: ECDS Data From SIS
 If you schedule different subjects for PK, only code 1 Course
  Section (where they administered the assessment) with the:
  PK-Curricula, Student-Instruction, PK-School Type, Home-Room
  Indicator, HQ Program Indicator, Program-Evaluation-Type.
  (Fatal: 40110-0173, 40110-0184, 10050-0002)
 Each PK course section in the Master Schedule must have a
  teacher of record with CLASS-ROLE of "01". (Fatal: 30305-0019)
 Teacher of Record must be a 087-Teacher or 047-Substitute
 Make sure only PK students are enrolled in PK (Service ID
  01010000) classes.
 If there is an Assessment being turned in for either KG, then
  student must be reported with a Course Completion record for
  PEIMS. (Fatal: 40100-0159 and 46010-0006)
NEW! Click here for ECDS Assessment

                                    PK:                 o GOLD
                                    o BASC-3 BESS       (English/Spanish)
                                    (English/Spanish)   o ISIP-Early Reading
                                    o CIRCLE CLI        (English)
 KG:                                (English/Spanish)   o LAP-3 (English)
 o TX-KEA (English/Spanish)                             o Ready, Set, K
                                    o CIRCLE Liberty
 o mCLASS TX Assessment                                 (English/Spanish)
 (English/Spanish)                  Source
                                    o DIAL-4
                                    o Frog Street
Reminders for
                   Assessment Vendor Files

        Assessment record has the Unique ID associated with the
        ADMINISTRATION-DATE is between the dates the student
         was enrolled in KG/PK class
        If KG student is enrolled in a student section on the day the
         BOY KG assessment is administered, but did not take the
         test for whatever reason (Ex: Absent, Opted out by parent,
         etc.) then should have a score of "-999“.
            Confirm this with vendor. This student will show as
             “ECDS Not Assessed” in ECDS reports.
        Students who were not enrolled when the assessment test
         was administered (withdrew before or enrolled after)
         should not be reported in ECDS. (no -999)
KG Assessment Updates
NEW                 KG Approved Assessments

     o TX-KEA (English/Spanish)
                                      CLI - TX-KEA English and Spanish

     o mCLASS TX Assessment (English/Spanish)
                                          Amplify – mCLASS:
                    (live chat support)
                                             (800) 823-1969

        LEAs are required to use one of these two reading diagnostic
        instruments for the beginning-of-year screener, starting in the 2020-
        2021 school year.
        The Commissioner has chosen TX-KEA Literacy Screener as the
        diagnostic tool and Amplify’s mClass Texas (Dibels 8th) as the
        alternative diagnostic tool.
NEW            Assessment Waiver

      However, because of disruptions to the 2019-2020 school year and possible
      disruptions to the 2020-2021 school year resulting from COVID-19, districts
      that were unable to implement a required instrument in 2020-2021 were able
      to request a waiver in order to continue to use the instrument they used in
      the 2019-2020 school year or another instrument approved by a local district
      board of trustees in order to best meet student needs in the 2020-2021
      school year only.

      The waiver request submission window is now closed (due Sept 2020). If an
      This waiver will only be approved for one year and will not be waived in the
      2021-2022 school year and beyond.

      In this case, ECDS does not need to be completed. Follow instructions in
      slide 27.
NEW                   KG INTERCHANGES

                                         KG                            2020-2021
                            TSDS – Core Collection Interchanges
LEAs will be                                                      Approved ECDS KG
responsible for                                                   Assessment
                                Education Organization
extracting and                                                    Vendors (DC154)
loading Student/Staff               Master Schedule
                                                                  ❑   CLI (Children’s
Classroom section &                 Student Parent                    Learning Institute)
Special Program
from their SIS vendor.            Student Enrollment              • BOY TX-KEA English
                                                                  • BOY TX-KEA Spanish
LEA must initiate the
                                    Staff Association
process to load
                                Assessment Metadata               ❑   Amplify
assessment files into the
ODS using the ‘Load
Assessments’ button in
                                  Student Assessment              • BOY KG mCLASS TX
                                                                    Assessment English
the ECDS application                                              • BOY KG mCLASS TX
                                                                    Assessment Española

Resolving UID issues with ECDS assessment

❑   LEAs are responsible for providing correct Unique IDs to assessment vendors:

      ❑   ECDS assessment vendors can request the UID0-000-005 report from an LEA which provides a listing of
          all enrollment events for each student who has enrolled in the reporting LEA/campus during a given
          school year:
             ❑   Enroll/Withdraw Type – Type of event:
                    ❑   01 – Enrollment     02 – Withdrawal

❑   In addition to providing student enrollment/withdrawal dates, the UID-000-005 report includes Unique ID,
    Local ID, and Student ID information.

      ❑   ECDS assessment vendors can utilize the report to compare and troubleshoot UID information in their
          own system.

Data Flow Overview
ECDS Data for KG Administering a
                   Click to edit Master
                   Commissioner         title
                                 approved     style

                                                             (Demographic, Classroom Link & Special
                                                                     Program Information)
  TEA will receive LEA-level KG assessment files
     directly from each assessment vendor.                                  OBTAIN
                                                                        ECDS data from SIS
  LEA will select when to load the assessment
       files into the ODS using the ‘Load                                   VALIDATE
  Assessments’ button in the ECDS application.                           ECDS SIS xml files

  LEA will verify their ECDS KG assessment data                               LOAD
  loaded into the ODS (via eDM) and contact                           ECDS SIS files into ODS
  their vendor if they have any data errors.

Verify ECDS Assessment Data is inserted into--------->ODS Validate Data > Makes Corrections and reloads until Data is accurate and Reports have been
                             reviewed > Complete in ECDS Application
ECDS Data for KG Not Administering a
                         Commissioner approved assessment

     ❑KG  programs that are not administering an assessment from the
     Commissioner’s List of Approved Kindergarten Assessment Instruments do not
     need to submit any demographic or assessment data.
            ❑LEAs   need to fill out this form when using an alternate assessment for KG.
            ❑The    LEA is responsible for retaining assessment data should TEA decide to collect it at a later

        No need to maintain your SIS with the E1440 Home-Room
        No need to go into ECDS application
      Please        let us know if you will NOT be submitting.
ECDS Data for PK Administering a
                   Click to edit Master
                   Commissioner         title
                                 approved     style

                                                             (Demographic, Classroom Link & Special
                                                                     Program Information)
      ECDS assessment xml files from vendor                                 OBTAIN
                                                                        ECDS data from SIS

                   VALIDATE                                                 VALIDATE
            ECDS assessment xml files                                    ECDS SIS xml files

                    LOAD*                                                    LOAD*
        ECDS assessment files into the ODS                            ECDS SIS files into ODS

Verify ECDS SIS Data is inserted into--------->ODS Validate Data > Makes Corrections and reloads until Data is accurate and Reports have been
                             reviewed > Complete in ECDS Application
ECDS Data for PK Not Administering a
                        Click to edit Master
                        Commissioner  approvedtitle style

                                                      ❑   The LEA should notify TEA of its choice of
                                                          assessment instrument by completing the
        (Demographic, Classroom Link & Special
                                                          Alternate Assessment Form.
                Program Information)
                                                      ❑   Retain assessment data locally should
                       OBTAIN                             TEA decide to collect it later
                   ECDS data from SIS                 ❑   Still maintain your SIS with ECDS PK
                    ECDS SIS xml files

                ECDS SIS files into ODS

     Verify ECDS Data is inserted into--------->ODS

     Promote > Validate Data > Makes Corrections and reloads until Data is accurate and Reports have been
                                 reviewed > Completes in ECDS Application
Sample KG Interchanges collected for ECDS
                                                 SIS Interchanges
1. ######_000_2021TSDS_201910091230_InterchangeEducationOrganizationExtension.xml
2. ######_000_2021TSDS_201910091230_InterchangeMasterScheduleExtension.xml
3. ######_000_2021TSDS_201910091230_InterchangeStaffAssociationExtension.xml
4. ######_000_2021TSDS_201910091230_StudentParentExtension.xml
5. ######_000_2021TSDS_201910091230_StudentEnrollmentExtension.xml
        LEAs must load and batch the SIS Interchanges first before processing Assessment Interchanges.

                              Assessment Interchanges
1. ######_000_2021TSDS_201910091230_InterchangeAssessmentMetadata.xml
2. ######_000_2021TSDS_201910091230_InterchangeStudentAssessment.xml

Sample PK Interchanges collected for ECDS
                                                SIS Interchanges
1. ######_000_2021TSDS_201910091230_InterchangeEducationOrganizationExtension.xml
2. ######_000_2021TSDS_201910091230_InterchangeMasterScheduleExtension.xml
3. ######_000_2021TSDS_201910091230_InterchangeStaffAssociationExtension.xml
4. ######_000_2021TSDS_201910091230_StudentParentExtension.xml
5. ######_000_2021TSDS_201910091230_StudentEnrollmentExtension.xml
6. ######_000_2021TSDS_201910091230_StudentProgramExtension.xml
                              Assessment Interchanges
1. ######_000_2021TSDS_201910091230_InterchangeAssessmentMetadata.xml
2. ######_000_2021TSDS_201910091230_StudentParentExtension.xml
3. ######_000_2021TSDS_201910091230_InterchangeStudentAssessment.xml

       Note: For PK Collection, LEA’s administering a Commissioner approved pre-K assessment would require
                  Assessment Interchanges to also be loaded. Otherwise, these are not expected.

TEAL Roles Required

To access ECDS, district users must first request
access to TSDS within TEAL:

             © 2020 Region One Education Service Center
Staff at the LEA who will load the TSDS data files into the ODS:
 ODS Data Loader - This role loads the data into the ODS.

ECDS Staff at the LEA who will promote, validate, review reports, and complete the ECDS
 Core LEA Data Completer - This role formally certifies the completeness and accuracy of their
 data and submits it to TEA. This role can also schedule and monitor promotions, schedule and
 monitor validations, and generate reports.
  Core Data Approver - This role is generally for the Superintendent or his/her designee at the
  LEA. It allows the LEA to request an extension for the ECDS submission in extreme situations.
 Core LEA Data Promoter - This role initiates the promotion that copies the data over from the
 ODS. It can schedule/monitor promotions, validations, and generate reports.
  Core LEA Data Viewer - This role can monitor data promotions, data validations and generate

ECDS Program Staff at the LEA who will promote, validate, and complete ECDS Submission:
 TIMS L1 Support - This role can submit help desk tickets through the TSDS Incident Management
 System (TIMs)               © Copyright 2007-2019 Texas Education Agency (TEA). All RightsReserved. 33
TSDS UNIVERSE                                       RF


   ROSTER                                                                  ECDS-PK


                                 ODS TSDS                           Jun.
                               (Make ECDS corrections as needed)


     ECDS -                                                                 CLASS
       KG                                                                  ROSTER
              © 2020 Region One Education Service Center
                          Click to edit Master title style

     Technical Resources:
        Region One ESC TSDS ECDS
        Monthly FCN e-mails. Contains ECDS Updates and a list of Known Issues

     ESC Technical Support:                                 ESC Early Childhood Program Support:
     Diana Perez          Sergio Saenz                      Brenda Villasano        
     956-984-6096         956-984-6090                      956-984-6137

     TEA ECDS Policy Questions:
     TEA Early Childhood Data System

❑   TEA - Texas Education Agency
❑   ESC - Education Service Center
❑   LEA - Local Education Agency
❑   ECDS - Early Childhood Data System
❑   KG - Kindergarten
❑   pre-K – Prekindergarten
❑   AskTED - online directory of Texas schools - Public LEAs

Questions & Discussion
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