Economists weigh in on Walmart Black Friday protests - People's World

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Economists weigh in on Walmart Black Friday protests - People's World
www.peoplesworl d . o r g               December 6, 2014

Economists weigh in on
Walmart Black Friday

By John Wojcik

            s Black Friday strikes and protests         in solidarity with workers, do some chanting and
            continued, growing calls for change         maybe take some selfies, deliver a memo to the
            were reflected at Walmart. Some 1,600       store manager, and contribute to building a fair
            strikes and protests took place at          economy - for us all.”
Walmart stores, according organizers.                       A new report out from Demos, meanwhile,
    Economists, labor law experts and other pro-        shows big box retailers spent $30 million on elec-
fessionals joined the huge number of labor unions       tions and lobbying during the 2014 election cycle,
and allied groups that were endorsing and plan-         almost six times more than they spent in 2000-
ning to join in the protests.                           and overwhelmingly supported Republicans over
Among them were Robert Reich, former U.S. La-           Democrats.
bor Secretary.
    He outlines how America’s richest family could        T H I S                 W E E K :
single handedly change the direction of Walmart.
Labor law expert John Logan weighed in with his             • Economists weigh in on Walmart Black Friday protests
own remarks: “The tide may be turning against               • We honor you for your work
the billion-dollar corporations like Walmart that           • Turning Ferguson outrage into united action for justice
provide substandard jobs and expect taxpayers to            • Tabaré Vázquez y el gobierno que viene
pick up the tab.
                                                            • St. Louis protesters want justice for VonDerrit Meyers
       “As a result of escalating protests, interna-
tional action and community support, workers are          READ MORE NEWS AND OPINION DAILY AT WWW.PEOPLESWORLD.ORG
finally being heard concerning poverty wages, lack
of hours, and erratic scheduling, meager benefits
and dead-end jobs.”                                       The report finds Walmart is one of the biggest
   Carol Joyner of Labor Project for Working Fam-       political donors in the country, and its owners, the
ilies said that Thanksgiving festivities did not stop   Waltons, spent a total of $7.3 million in campaign
her from joining the Black Friday Protests. “I’ll       contributions between 2000 and 2014, heavily fa-
gather up my turkey-filled friends and relatives        voring Republican candidates and PACs.
and visit my nearest Walmart. I’ll stand outside           The report, Retail Politics, states: “Walmart is

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Economists weigh in on Walmart Black Friday protests - People's World
the biggest spender by a wide margin, with $2.4            “There are certainly retailers that provide high
                                  million in donations through its Political Action       quality jobs, but the data show that far too often
                                  Committee (PAC) and individual donations and            retailers are paying wages that are woefully inad-
Big box retailers                 $12.5 million in lobbying expenses during the           equate to live on. So long as companies can get
spent $30 million                 2014 electoral cycle.                                   away with paying unlivable wages, the American
on elections and                       “This political spending is a problem for de-      taxpayer is getting a bad deal. The savings may
lobbying during                   mocracy, because extensive research suggests that       seem great on Black Friday, but we’re effectively
the 2014 election                 the domination of wealth in our political process       paying extra all year long.”
                                  can significantly effect public policy, and that the
                                  priorities of the affluent often diverge from ma-
                                  jority opinion. On issues like taxation, economic
                                  regulation, Social Security, and the minimum
                                  wage the differences can be stark.”
                                     David Cooper, an economic analyst at the Eco-
                                  nomic Policy Institute, says low wages in retail
                                  across the board and Black Friday deals are con-
                                  nected. He explained why taxpayers should be
                                     “There’s robust research showing that the ex-
                                  ceedingly low wages paid by some large retailers,”

                                  he said, “significantly depresses wages at similar
                                                                                            John Wojcik is co-editor of
                                  competing firms.

                                We honor you for your work
                                David Cavendish

                                                 ith the recent commemoration of         for example-faces many difficulties. No one needs
                                                 Veterans Day, we often heard the        to go through the list of daily stressful conditions
                                                 phrase “we honor you for your ser-      that can lead to burnout, injury, or illness. Not to
                                                 vice” directed at those who served      mention the end product of their work, oftentimes
                                in the armed forces. And honored they should be,         a commodity that an owner sells at a profit.
   It is only when
                                for they made great sacrifices while in the mili-             The bottom line is that the two statements
                                tary. Some received serious wounds, both physical        express two very different outlooks on life. Again,
  understand that
                                and mental; and if nothing else, they gave up years      no one takes anything away from the veteran, yet
    labor is at the             of their lives, while some were placed in harm’s         the ubiquity of the phrase “we honor your service”
     core of all we             way in combat zones. We cannot forget the more           is really the outgrowth of a system that has incor-
 know that we will              than 100,000 Americans who gave their lives in           porated war and militarism into its basic fabric.
   make progress                conflicts just since World War II.                       “We honor your work” describes a view that the
        toward the                   Even on Labor Day there are few statements          production of goods and services in a society is
      creation of a             honoring workers for their work, other than those        the result of people making a daily sacrifice-their
 socialist society.             from the AFL-CIO, a labor union, or from some            time and their labor-so that modern civilization
                                in the progressive community. Almost nothing             can exist.
                                in the media or at sporting events (where profes-             Maybe it is unrealistic to expect a high level
                                sional team owners fall over themselves to honor         of respect for those who work in a capitalist so-
                                veterans). Everyone would agree that the average         ciety. It is only when people understand that la-
                                person who gets up in the morning and goes to            bor is at the core of all we know that we will make
                                work-in an office, a factory, a mine, or a hospital,     progress toward the creation of a socialist society.

 www. p e o p l e s w o r l d . o r g                                                                                                       Page 2
Turning Ferguson outrage into united action
   for justice

   PW Editorial

               utrage. That’s the sentiment in Fergu-      Calls for a special prosecutor went unheeded, addi-
               son and around the country in reaction      tionally undermining public confidence.
               to the failure of the Ferguson grand jury        It’s no surprise then that faith in justice system,
               to indict Darren Wilson for the murder      particularly among young people has been lost.
   of Michael Brown.                                            Sadly, some of the outrage in Ferguson took
        The decision was not unexpected. From the          violent forms last night complete with the familiar
   outset, local and state authorities carried out a       pattern of police provocation and the reaction of          Nearly 400 are
   campaign to criminalize Brown: video footage was        some protestors. But the call of Michael Brown’s           killed yearly by
   released of him allegedly shoplifting at a local gro-   parents along with the civil rights, labor and com-        police,
   cery; even grand jury testimony of forensic evidence    munity organizations to honor his life with peaceful       exceeding the
   purporting to favor the policeman’s version of the      protests is sure to prevail.                               numbers lynched
   deadly encounter was leaked to the press.                    The NAACP is calling for a 120-mile 7-day             during the height
        Still many held out a glimmer of hope that a       “Journey for Justice” march from Ferguson to the           of Jim Crow.
   process leading to justice would prevail. Instead       governor’s mansion in Jefferson City.
   the worst fears of decent minded Americans were              The country may be reaching a turning point.
   realized. Once again a deadly pattern of racist po-     The spate of police murder of young black and brown
   lice murder of black and brown youth was upheld,        men is at new level. Nearly 400 are killed yearly by
   a pattern that almost guarantees immunity for the       police, exceeding the numbers lynched during the
   perpetrators in blue.                                   height of Jim Crow.
        Indeed, the grand jury process from the begin-          Whether a turning point will be reached will
   ning had the appearance - if not reality - of being     depend on the degree of public pressure to insure
   rigged. From the outset, St. Louis County Prosecut-     justice is done.
   ing Attorney Bob McCulloch’s close ties to local             We urge our readers to continue fighting for
   police were cause for concern, concerns that were       justice for Michael Brown by participating in the
   justified when the prosecutor failed to provide the     militant and peaceful protests occurring all over the
   grand jury with possible charges against Wilson.        country. Let’s keep the pressure on!

www. p e o p l e s w o r l d . o r g                                                                                             Page 3
LOCAL NEWS                               Tabaré Vázquez y el gobierno que viene
            L O C A L        C O N T A C T
                                                   Prensa Latina

                                                              a abrumadora victoria elec-     leyes que envíe al Parlamento -que no
                                                              toral de Tabaré Vázquez, del    requieran mayorías especiales- serán
  St. Louis protesters                                        gobernante Frente Amplio        aprobadas.
                                                              (FA), considerada histórica,        Así, el gobierno Vázquez-Sendic
  demand justice for                               augura un próximo gobierno poco            podrá cumplir sin obstáculos el pro-
                                                   común para el país y la región.            grama gubernamental, aprobado en
  VonDerrit Meyers                                 Aparte de vencer con casi 13 puntos        reciente congreso del FA.
                                                   porcentuales por encima de su rival,          Sorprendió a algunos observadores
 By James Raines                                   Luís Lacalle Pou (41), del opositor        que el FA no sufriera, como es común,
                                                   Partido Nacional (PN) y sus aliados,       un desgaste electoral luego de 10 años
      Some 100 protesters congregated on           su votación -53,6 por ciento- es con-      en el gobierno y que, además, creciera
Shaw Ave. near the spot where 18-year-             siderada la más alta de la historia del    en el interior del país, otrora bastión
old VonDerrit Myers was killed by off-duty         país.                                      de los partidos tradicionales.
police officer Jason Flanery on Oct. 8. The           El ex presidente (2005 al 2010) re-        El FA ganó en 12 de los 19 departa-
police claim Myers was armed and fired at          cibirá el tercer gobierno del FA (2015-    mentos del país, incluido Montevideo,
Flanery. While that has yet to be indepen-         2020), el próximo primero de marzo,        lo que muchos expertos consideran
dently confirmed, an independent autopsy           de manos del presidente José Mujica,       un dato clave con miras a las eleccio-
shows that Myers was shot seven times, six         quien deja la presidencia con una          nes departamentales y municipales a
times in the back of his legs, and once in the     cifra record de popularidad: 65 por        realizarse en mayo del próximo año.
face.                                              ciento.                                    En ese sentido, Vázquez manifestó in-
   The historic Shaw neighborhood is a well-          En las eleccioens del pasado 26 de      terés en iniciar cuanto antes la tran-
integrated neighborhood compared too               octubre, Mujica (89) fue electo sena-      sición del actual gobierno al próximo,
much of St. Louis or any other city of its size.   dor con la más alta votación, por lo       para lo cual Mujica ordenó a sus min-
As the group of mostly college-aged white          que seguirá trabajando por el FA den-      istros preparar los documentos perti-
residents marched through the mist towards         tro del Parlamento. Preguntado sobre       nentes sobre la marcha de sus respec-
Grand Ave., chanting familiar slogans, a           su futuro, respondió: “ya no puedo         tivas carteras.
dozen police vehicles followed.                    dejar de ser militante”.                       Lo más probable es que ese pro-
    From the number of Guy Fawkes masks,           Vázquez (74) también entrará en la         ceso comience después del día 10, que
college students in keffiyehs, and famil-          historia como el primer presidente         el presidente uruguayo regresará de
iar chants the group shuffled through, you         reelecto en este siglo (el tercero en la   una gira por Venezuela, Ecuador y
could mistake them for Occupiers (“This is         historia del país), y contará además       México.
what democracy looks like!).                       con mayoría en ambas cámaras del               Mientras tanto, se espera que en
  Janece Jones, Tynisha Smith, and Brittany        Parlamento, que asume funciones el         los próximos días, Vázquez anuncie
Furr are out this evening to support the fight     venidero 15 de febrero.                    los nombres de sus futuros ministros,
against police violence. While police vio-            El FA obtuvo en las elecciones de       aunque ya informó que el actual vice-
lence and institutional racism are nothing         octubre, 50 de los 99 miembros de la       presidente Danilo Astori, será su min-
new Janece Jones said that the movement            Cámara de Diputados y 15 de los 30         istro de Economía y Finanzas.
in St. Louis “is different.” She said that all     integrantes del Senado, al que ahora
of the “people coming together is new, this        se suma el vicepresidente electo, Raúl
generation is different, we’re not as crazy as     Sendic (52), que presidirá ese cuerpo.
people make us out to be.” The three women         Los analistas señalan que esa mayoría
laughed. “Maybe this will be an example,”          -alcanzada por tercera vez consecu-
Smith said. Her friends nodded in agree-           tiva por el FA- proporciona tranqui-
ment: “It isn’t even about race anymore,”          lidad al nuevo mandatario, porque las
she said. “It is about injustice.”

                                                                          N A T I O N A L     C O N T A C T

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