EDP Renováveis Presentation - September, 2013 www.edpr.com

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EDP Renováveis Presentation - September, 2013 www.edpr.com
EDP Renováveis

September, 2013

EDP Renováveis Presentation - September, 2013 www.edpr.com

This presentation has been prepared by EDP Renováveis, S.A. (the "Company") solely for use at the presentation to be made on September, 2013. By attending the meeting
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EDP Renováveis Presentation - September, 2013 www.edpr.com
EDP Renováveis
EDP Renováveis Presentation - September, 2013 www.edpr.com
EDPR top quality and diversified portfolio
of 8.1 GW in 1H13

                          Building the
                            first wind
                          farm 30 MW
                                                                                                      Offshore                  57 MW             Poland   #1
                            #3 US
                                                                                                     under dev.
                                                                                                    up to 2.4 GW
                                                                                                                                                   320 MW
                         3,637 MW
                                                                                                          314 MW
                                                                                                                                                   Romania    #2
                                                                                                                                        Italy        378 MW

                              Brazil                                              #1 Portugal                 Spain     #3                40 MW

                                                                                               1,010 MW            2,310 MW
                          84 MW

Notes: 1H13 Figures; Portugal installed capacity includes 391 MW from ENEOP (Equity Consolidated)                                                               4
EDPR a worldwide renewable
market leader

 An outstanding growth rate over the last 5 years             #3 worldwide wind energy producer

 Electricity Production Evolution                        Top Wind Players
 (TWh)                                                   (TWh, 2012)

                                    +24%                     31.0

                                                  18.4                         18.4
                                           16.8                                         16.8
                                    14.4                                                        15.2


          2008               2009   2010   2011   2012     Iberdrola Nextera   EDPR   Longyuan Acciona

Source: Companies‘ Reports                                                                               5
Solid key metrics drivers…

         1H13 Operating Metrics                                             1H13 Financial Metrics

     Electricity Output              10.7 TWh                               EBITDA                   €560m
      Ongoing growth                    +8% YoY                           Solid returns              +11% YoY

        Load Factor                      33%                               Net Profit                €129m
       Quality assets                  +0.7bps YoY
                                                                     Increased profitability         +29% YoY

       Selling Price                €64.3/MWh                           Free Cash-Flow
     Low risk portfolio                                               Self funding strategy          €298m
                                        +5% YoY

                        …delivering stronger profitability and robust cash-flow generation

Executing a clear strategy to enhance
shareholder returns

                             Quality assets delivering increased profitability

         Ongoing premium performance on key operating metrics: Load Factor, Availability and Cost Control
                  Better visibility in the US: +250 MW PPA signed in the 1H13 for operating capacity

                                       Selective and profitable growth

      Targeting 0.5 GW of capacity additions for 2013: +163 MW YTD & remaining under or to start construction
      Increased visibility on growth: +0.4 GW of PPA structured for new capacity to be installed in 2014/15 in US

                                         Self-funding business model

         €368m cashed-in through asset rotation in the 1H13: 1st transaction with CTG concluded (Portugal)
   Self-funded growth to be enabled by additional transactions under negotiations with financial investors and CTG

Quality assets delivering
 increased profitability
First-class assets with 4.4 average years of age
set to deliver premium returns

  Assets’ Average Age and Residual Useful Life                                                      Asset Base   Invested Capital
  (Years; weighted average)                                                                         (MW)         (€ million)
          EDPR Assets Age

     Spain               5.8                                                                           2,310
Portugal             4.8                                                                               1,011      Property, Plant and Equipment
   France           4.1                                                                                314
 Belgium            4.3                                                                                 57        (-) PP&E, assets under construction
  Poland           1.4                                                                                 320
                                                                                                                  (-) Cash grants received in the US
Romania            1.4                                                                                 378
      Italy     0.5                                                                                     40        (=) Invested Capital in Existing Assets
        US          4.1                                                                                3,637
    Brazil         2.4                                                                                  84         11,528 (gross)         10,371 (net)
     EDPR           4.4                                                                                8,150

               0               5           10             15            20             25

                                    EDPR has €11.5bn invested in a very young asset base with 21 years of useful life

Notes: 1H13 Figures; Portugal installed capacity includes 391 MW from ENEOP (Equity Consolidated)                                                           9
Premium performance based on a distinctive

                                                              Spanish Load Factor: EDPR vs. Market Average
     Energy Assessment & Engineering
                                                               28%             26%     27%               27%
                                                                       25%                     25%
     Wind assessment is knowledge-based
           and difficult to replicate

         Provides site selection criteria                      2007    2008   2009    2010     2011      2012

                                                                  Load Factor: LT view on Current Assets
   Optimises layout for superior performance
                                                                        32%                                32%
                                                              27% 27%         27%
                                                                                    24% 24% 23% 24%
          Supports turbine selection

         Key value drivers to maximize
           load factors and revenues

        Strong in-house wind energy assessment knowledge delivering a structural competitive advantage

A diversified portfolio delivering balanced output

                                                            1H13 Electricity Output Breakdown
      Electricity Output Breakdown
                                                            (GWh; %)
                                           (GWh, %)

    6%                                9%         RoE                       US PPA
                                      8%         Portugal                   41%
    30%                              28%         Spain

    37%                              40%          US PPA                                            Spain
                                                                     US Spot                         29%

    16%                                                                     Portugal
                                     14%         US Spot                             Rest of
    2010            2011             2012                                              9%

   Balanced generation portfolio with increased output in Eastern Europe and lower merchant exposure in US

Diversified portfolio with 88% of PPA/Regulated
frameworks with a long-term maturity

  Capacity under Long-Term Remuneration Frameworks
  (MW; 1H13)

                                                                                                                    Portfolio exposed to a
                                                                                                                       diversified set of
                                                                                                                      economic regimes
                                                  44%                            49%

                                                                                           45%                      88% of PPA/Regulated
                                                                                                                 Frameworks with a long-term
                                                                                                                    maturity beyond 2020
       12%                                                                                            7%

     2025                 Jun-13      PPA/     FiT       Green
                                                                               LT Hedges          Certificates

Notes: PPA/LT Hedges: US, Brazil, Specific Polish projects, Belgium                                                                            12
Solid price performance supported by
low risk portfolio

                                                                EDPR Average Selling Price
 Breakdown of Average Selling Price per MWh

              2010    2011   2012     1H13      YoY%

               €79    €83    €88       €85        -3%
                                                                                                    +5% YoY

               €94    €99    €102      €108      +1%                                          63      64
                                                                     58          58
RoE            €94    €96    €107      €111      +4%

               $54    $51    $52       $52       +1%

      Spot     $31    $30    $31       $31       +24%

              R$254   R$278 R$286     R$309      +11%               2010        2011         2012    1H13

                              1H13 average selling price of 64.3€ per MWh, meaning +5% YoY

Operational excellence is at the core of EDPR
throughout the projects’ life cycle
 1. Performance Optimisation
                                                                            Innovative product
                                     Continuous improvement                 enhancements
  Remote control system and                                                 Power-enhancing retrofits
  performance management             Systematic review of
                                                                            pioneered by EDPR to boost
                                     underperformance, root cause
  Data from over 2 million sensors                                          annual production
                                     analysis and implementing
  in >5,000 WTG, monitored and
                                     improvement initiatives to
  controlled in real time
                                     maximize availability, efficiency
  Proprietary management             and reduce costs
  systems to analyse WTG

 2. Comprehensive O&M Strategy

     Closely manage the initial                                          Post initial warranty
                                            End of warranty
     warranty contracts                                                  O&M contract

                                                                         1. Full Scope agreements
     Proactive supervision                                               with O&M contractors
                                      Exhaustive end of warranty
     through quality assurance
                                      inspections before                 2. Modular Maintenance
     and control inspections to
                                      launching competitive              Model (M3), keeping high
     identify serial/infancy
                                      tenders                            value-added activities

EDPR’s O&M strategy is successfully implemented,
resulting in lower O&M costs

  Breakdown by O&M Contracts                            Latest O&M Service Tenders
  (GW; 2012)                                            (€k per MW)
                 8.0 GW

   M3                                                                                      -20%
                                      Expiration Date
Full scope
contracts                                  68%

                                                                                                          Adequate for
 Initial                                                                                                 wind farms with
                                               6%                                                          very stable
warranty                                16% 10%
                                                 2013                                                     track-record

                 Dec-12                                      Initial          Full Scope              M3
                                                            Warranty          Contracts           Estimated
                                                              Cost               Cost                Cost

             84% of O&M costs predictable/fixed          Combination of O&M strategic options, competitive
                 for the medium/long-term               tenders and market context yielding lower O&M costs

Strong discipline of controllable operating costs

  Operating costs breakdown(1)                                              Opex/MW Evolution
  (€ million, %)                                                                  (€k)

          10%                     13%    14%
                                                21%     Levies

                                                                         48.8                    47.3

          90%                     87%    86%
                                                79%         Opex
40% of opex

         2010                     2011   2012   1H13                     2010                    2012

      Operating costs have been mostly penalised by the            …while on controllable costs EDPR has been
       introduction of new levies (e.g. 7% tax in Spain)…               demonstrating higher efficiency

Notes: (1) Excludes write-offs.                                                                                 16
Stronger business metrics resulting in
higher profitability since 2011

EBITDA per Average Installed Capacity


                          131        +5% YoY                •   Decreasing merchant exposure and
                                                                electricity price depressing EBITDA


                                                            •     Increased exposure to the higher realised
                                                                  prices in Eastern Europe

                                                            •     PPAs signed in the US guaranteed lower
                                                                  exposure to spot market, accretive to EBITDA
  2010        2011        2012          1H13

                            Selective growth towards most attractive markets and
                         reduction of merchant exposure enabling increased returns

Selective and
profitable growth
EDPR to keep benefiting from a
  diversified portfolio…

                      • Decree-Law published in Feb-13 respecting the agreement
                        reached between the wind sector and the government to extend
                                                                                                Win-win solution and       
                        the remuneration framework
                                                                                                 improved visibility

                      • RDL 9/2013 changes the remuneration framework for the sector
                        with key details still pending to be published
                                                                                                Structurally changes       
                      • Return conceptually defined as Spanish 10Y Bond Yield + 300bps
                                                                                            remuneration for regulatory life
                      • New law maintain number of GC per technology, although re-
                        profiles the projects’ cash-flows.                                   Rights preserved and limited  
                      • Draft proposal for new wind farms, reduction to 1.5 GC until 2017       impact on profitability
     Romania            and 3GC for solar PV

                      • Enactment of the new RES Law has been postponed, impacting the
                        Green Certificate market prices and new long-term contracts
                                                                                             New Law to potentially solve
                                                                                              current price environment

                      • Italy: 2013 YTD renewable tenders successfully completed
                        (EDPR securing 60 MW with a 20-year PPA)                                Long-term visibility for   
                      • Brazil: Upcoming tenders in the 4Q13 to award 20-year PPA                   new projects
Italy, Brazil, France • France: Stable regulatory framework

                      • PTC extension enabling a favourable environment in the US
                        triggering new RfP for PPAs (2013 YTD EDPR secured a total of 380
                                                                                            New growth opportunities on    
                        MW PPA for operating projects)
                                                                                                  the short-term

…to execute a flexible growth model…

   2014-15 Growth Breakdown

              New                         New
            Markets                     Markets                             PPA based growth to provide
            & Techs                     & Techs
                                                                         very high visibility on future returns

                                                                 Strong interest from institutional investors on US PPA
                                                                      assets to enhance asset rotation program

                                                                         US to be at the core of EDPR growth
0% - 30%                                                           EDPR global growth not to exceed 500 MW/year

       Original Strategy            Growth Shift

                           …enabling EDPR to capture opportunities in the most attractive countries

US emerging after PTC extension and
improved fundamentals

          PTC extension                    Increasing demand                         EDPR competitive projects
                                          RFPs by Utilities for new PPA (GW)
                                                                                           2013YTD EDPR New PPAs
  • 10-year PTC starting from COD                                2.3

  • Start of construction to begin                                                                 250 MW
    before YE2013                                                                     projects
                                                     1.6                Wind
    (no time limit for COD)                                             competiti-
                                                                                      2014 COD     280 MW
  • Two options:
   i) Demonstrate physical works
      of continuous natures                                             RPS
                                                                                      2015 COD     100 MW
   ii) 5% capex spending “safe
       harbour”                                                                                    630 MW
                                         1H12       2H12        1H13

       Regulatory Clarity            +    Market Opportunity                     +      Top Notch Projects

EDPR is securing PPAs for 2014-15 projects at
attractive returns

                                                                 EBITDA per MW - Portfolio vs New PPAs
        2013: PPAs for new projects in US

            Headwaters       Rising Tree       Arbuckle
MW             200               80               100
State         Indiana         California      Oklahoma
RPS             Yes              Yes             No
COD            2014             2014             2015
PPA                                                                              117
Duration       20yr             20yr              20yr

     New PPA vs. EDPR PPA US Installed Capacity (1H13)

Factor         ▲                 ▲                ▲
1st year
PPA Price      ▼                 ▲                ▼
Price                                                                EDPR US installed capacity    New PPAs
Escalator      ▲                 ▼                ▲                      (including merchant)
duration       ▲                 ▲                ▲

                EDPR continues to execute a flexible business, adding high quality projects to the portfolio

business model
Operating cash-flow and asset rotation as key
sources of funding of EDPR

          Operating Cash-Flow                 Balance sheet discipline
      to clearly cover Capex needs

                                     EDPR to keep debt levels and cost of debt under
              >120%                         control in a growth environment

         Operating Cash-Flow as
          % CAPEX (2012-15E)

                                     Sources of funds to both cover capex levels and
                                     allow for a reduction of Net Debt/EBITDA ratio
         Asset Rotation target

               €2bn                     Asset rotation program as key to support
          Proceeds from Asset                   different capex scenarios
          Rotation (2012-15E)

EDPR’s high quality and low risk projects to be the
focus of asset rotation and value crystallisation

Cost of Capital throughout the life cycle of a wind farm
(WACC; %)
                                                           Operating Assets
                                         value creation    Accelerate value growth through
                                                           asset rotation:

                                                           1.   Crystallise existing projects’ NPV
                                                                (capture value created)
                                                           2.   Re-invest in new value accretive

                                          Assets to

    High Risk        Risk Reduction        Low Risk               As an option to expand to
                                                                other markets or technologies

  Development         Construction        Operation

EDPR has already executed two significant
asset rotation transactions

                                                     November 2012:                     China Three Gorges           December 2012:
                                                     Borealis acquires a 49%            Corporation                  CTG acquires a 49%
                                                     interest in US wind farms in                                    equity shareholding and
                                                     Oregon, Minnesota, Texas                                        25% of the outstanding
                                                     and Illinois                                                    shareholder loans of
                                                                                                                     wind farms in Portugal

         Transaction Scope:                              Total consideration:             Transaction Scope:         Total consideration:

                          599 MW                                                $230m             615 MW                        €359m

         Implied Transaction                             Average asset age:               Implied Transaction        Average asset age:
         Value (EV/MW):                                                                   Value (EV/MW):

                                $1.3m                                            4.5y                 €1.6m                               6y
                                       $2.4m(1)                                                           €2.4m(1)

Notes: (1) including all cash-flows generated by the projects since inception                                                                  26
Asset rotation program to be enhanced by
Institutional Investors and US strategy

                China Three Gorges                                         Institutional Investors

• Looking for top quality projects with stable and visible    • Looking for projects with electricity output contracted
  cash flows                                                    mainly through PPA/LT Hedges schemes

• Partnering with CTG for the sale of minority stakes in      • Ongoing negotiations for operating assets, specially in
  wind farms and for a co-capex program through 2015            the US, but also in European FiT asset type

                                                              • US growth PPA based strategy to be an enabler of the
• 2nd transaction with CTG in progress
                                                                asset rotation strategy

                     Further news on asset rotation deals expected to be announced throughout 2013

Spanish Regulation
New framework in Spain still to be implemented
structurally changes the remuneration scheme

         Spanish Energy Reform consists of several events with impact on Renewable Energy

       Royal-Decree Law                            Royal-Decree                       Ministerial Order

         Approved                            Draft Published                              Pending

           RDL 9/2013                       Draft of RD sent to the               Government to announce
 Project of Electricity Sector Law          Energy Regulator (CNE)                remuneration components

 • Changes the remuneration             • Defines remuneration                 • Government will have 3
   framework for Renewable                methodology: based on past             months after the RD approval
   Energy Sector                          and future (Revenues-Costs)            to develop a Ministerial Order
 • Outlines principles: return            of standard asset                    • Key parameters definition will
   defined as Spanish                   • Sets 6 year regulatory periods         determine renewable energy
   10Y Bond Yield + 300 bps for         • Efficient asset will continue to       remuneration for each
   the regulatory life                    receive above-average returns          segment of assets

                             Details of new regulation expected to be published in the 4Q13
           Only after the publication of key parameters and standards the economic impact can be assessed

Ministerial Order will define key parameters for each
group of assets to yield an average 7.5% return

                   How to compute the 7.5% return
                        for a standard asset?
                                                                     1       COD                                            Today
      1                   Define the standard asset
      •    When was the asset installed?                             A
      •    What was the standard investment cost?                                  (MW x average load factor x regulated price)
      •    Which cash-flows received a standard asset?                                                 -
                                                                                               ( standard opex )
      •    What is today the Net Asset Value of a standard asset?             B                                         Net Asset
                                                                                       Capitalised at
      2                  Define future key parameters                              10Year Bond + 300bps                   A - B

      • How many years of regulatory life?
        What is the future pool price?                                                                                   End of
      • What is average load factor for the standard asset?
                                                                     2        Today                                  Regulation
      • What are the operating costs of a “well managed
        company”?                                                        Net Asset
      • What is the required capacity complement (on a per                Value
        MW basis) for a standard asset to obtain a 7.5% return?              C + D
                                                                           (MW x standard load factor x pool price(1) with cap & floor)
      3                   Regular regulatory revision                    C
                                                                                           ( standard opex )
      • Complement will be revisited every 6 years, following the                       capacity complement per MW
        update of the Net Asset Value of the standard asset.             D
      • There will be interim revisions (every 3 years) to correct                                 Discounted at
                                                                                               10Year Bond + 300bps
        deviations from the expected pool price.

Notes: (1) Forecasted.                                                                                                                    30
EDPR has younger assets with
above market operating metrics

                                                            Installed Capacity in Spain
EDPR continuously delivering better load factors
                                                            (%, MW)

   Spanish Load Factor: EDPR vs. Market Average                     Installed Capacity: EDPR vs. Market Average

        Average annual premium of 230bps                                  EDPR: 5.8 years; Market: 7.2 years

                                                            100%                                                  Market
  27% 27% 29% 29% 27% 28%             27%
                            25% 26%         25% 27%


 2002    2004    2006     2008    2010         2012                2002     2004    2006     2008     2010     2012

           Higher load factor represents                                    EDPR has younger assets, with
  premium annual electricity sales (+c10% per MW)                          19 years of remaining useful life

1H13 Results
Delivering a sound 1H13 performance

                         • 8.1 GW of installed capacity (+648 MW YoY and +163 MW YTD)
 Premium assets and
                         • Top-notch load factors of 33% (wind index at 105%)
 diversified portfolio
                         • +8% YoY on electricity output growth to 10.7 TWh

                         • Revenues up 12% YoY: Output (GWh) +8% and Avg. Price +5%
 Strong financial
                         • EBITDA +11% YoY with performance more than offsetting new 7% tax in Spain
                         • Net Profit up 29% YoY to €129m (or +17% adjusted)

                         • Operating cash-flow increased 31% YoY (€472m) largely…
 Cash generation         • …covering the €104m Capex in the period
 capabilities            • Net Debt of €3.0bn (-€0.3bn YTD) reflecting operating performance and
                           execution of asset rotation strategy

Strong growth allied to top performing assets

Electricity Production
                                                                     Load Factor and Technical Availability

                                                                                1H12     1H13        1H3 vs.
                         +8%                                                                         average

                                             10.7                               27%       31%             110%
     9.9                       +0.2

                                                                                38%       36%          101%

                                                                                25%       27%          96%

                                                                                32%       33%            105%

                                                                 Technical      97.6%    97.7%
    1H12      Capacity     Load Factor      1H13                Availability
              Growth      Performance

                                      Assets delivering leading operating metrics

Selling price increased +5% YoY to €64/MWh
supported on higher output from Europe

                                                                   EDPR Price Evolution (€/MWh)
       1H13 % YoY

                        Higher prices in RoE
  EU    €94    -0.4%    hampered by the end of
                        the Transitory Regime (SP)                                             64.3

                                                                                                        Mix impact:
                        Benefiting from higher
  US    $48    +5%                                                                                     Forex impact:
                        PPA prices and output                                                           -€0.4/MWh

                        Inflation + working hours
  BR   R$309   +11%

                                                                    1H12                      1H13

        Higher output in Europe and stronger prices in the US driving the +5% YoY avg. selling price

Revenues increased 12% YoY to €756m...

  Main drivers for Revenues performance
                                                           (€ million)

         Quality assets: +648 MW YoY
          Top-notch load factor: 33%
            High availability: 97.7%                                   673

        Solid electricity output: +8% YoY
          EU +19%; US +0.2%; BR +5%

    Stronger average selling prices: +5% YoY
          EU -0.4%; US +5%; BR +11%
                                                                      1H12                1H13

                         ...driving a continuous improvement in the portfolio’s metrics

Strong discipline of operating costs with
performance penalised by new 7% tax in Spain

  Opex (excluding Other Operating Income)
  (€ million)

                                         +20%                                                                     (€k)
                                                                  221                     7% Tax
                     184                                           19                    in Spain
                                                                                                                                  1H12           1H13

                                                                                                                  Opex/MW (ex-7% Tax in Spain & write-offs)
                                                                  202                                             (€k)

                    1H12                                         1H13                                                             1H12          1H13
Operating             14                +€11m                      25
Income (1)

                                                              Ongoing focus on efficiency and control over Opex

Notes: (1) 1H13 impacted by $18m (€14m) from the restructuring of the off-taking volumes of a long-term PPA in the US (200 MW).                               37
Solid financial growth from top to bottom

EBITDA to Net Profit
(€ million)

                                      D% YoY

   EBITDA                 560         +11%     Strong top-line growth and costs under control

      D&A                       233    +5%     New capacity, impairments and grants amort.

      EBIT          327               +16%     Performance benefiting from operational leverage

                          121          -6%     Lower interest costs (-4%) due to lower net debt

     Taxes           56               +18%     Tax Rate of 27.3% (vs. 31.1% in 1H12)

 Minorities         21                +282%    Borealis transaction and performance in Iberia

 Net Profit   129                     +29%     Net Profit benefits from top-line performance

Operating Cash-Flow increased 31% YoY
Free Cash-Flow totalled €298m

  1H13: Source and Use of Funds
  (€ million)

                 Source of Funds                                                                  Use of Funds

                                                                              93                                     Free Cash-Flow
                                                                                        104                                €298m

         +31%                                                                                    337


     Operating      Cash Asset Rotation                                   Net Interest Capex     PP&E      Other  Dividends   Debt
     Cash-Flow      Grant    (CTG)                                          Costs(1)           suppliers Payments           Reduction

                                                     Net Debt decreased €263m YTD (€464m QoQ)
                            CTG-EDPR Portugal transaction concluded in 1H13 as expected (€368m)

Notes:                     (1) Net Interest cost (post capitalisation).                                                                  39
Debt reduction and lower cost of debt leading to a
decrease of Net Interest Costs

1H13 Debt Breakdown
                                                       1H13 Operating Metrics

               4%        Bank       =2018                                -10bp YoY
  Net Debt
  €3,042m               with EDP    81%
                                              Net Interest Costs
                                                                          -4% YoY

   Debt      Currency    Type      Maturity

IFRS 11 rules and impact in EDPR

                   IFRS 11 rules…                         …with impact in EDPR from 2014 onwards

        Joint ventures previously consolidated                   EDPR his currently consolidating
          using proportional method will be                 proportionally assets in the US and in Spain
            consolidated by equity method                            from 50/50 partnerships

                                                              Capacity included in
                                                             reported EBITDA MW              277 MW
 Proportional consolidation will only be allowed when      from 50/50 partnerships
 the partner has control over the assets and obligation
     for the liabilities, as defined in the agreement
                   between the partners                      Estimated impact in
                                                             2014E EBITDA from                c€30m
                                                           IFRS11 implementation

                                                             Estimated impact in
  Implementation of IFRS in EDPR will happen in 2014       2014E Net Income from                none
                                                           IFRS11 implementation

Regulation Pack
Spain: New regulatory review yet to be fully

             7% General Tax over electricity sales generated in Spain was introduced in January, 2013

                      RD 2/2013                                                    RD 9/2013

               Compulsory for all the assets                              RD 2/2013 to lose its effect once
                 under the special regime                     full framework enters into force (reference date Jul-2013)

                     Feed-in Tariff                                                   Return
                                                             • Established as the Spanish 10-year Bond yields plus
• First 20 Years: €81.247/MWh (2013)
                                                               300bps (currently 7.5%)
• After Year 20: €67.902/MWh
                                                             • Remuneration method based on past and future returns
                                                               of a standard asset

                Inflation Adjustments                                          Visibility yet limited
• Annual inflation excluding energy products and food, and   • Legislation still pending to be published and approved
  any impact of tax changes, minus “x” (50 bps).

                                                                     Further details expected in the 4Q13

Portugal: Feed-in tariff according to wind
farms’ COD

  All the capacity contributing to EDPR’s EBITDA is                    ENEOP’s capacity is remunerated
               under the “old” regime                                     under the “new” regime

                 Before DL 33A/2005                                           After DL 33A/2005

                  Applicable to wind farms                                          Applicable to
               licensed until February, 2006.                                    ENEOP’s wind farms

                       Feed-in Tariff                                              Feed-in Tariff
• Duration: 15 years + 7 years                               • Duration: 15 years (or the first 33 GWh (per MW).
• Initial duration (15 years): Feed-in tariff updated with   • Price defined in a international competitive tender
  inflation                                                  • €74 established tariff for first year. CPI monthly update
• Duration extension (7 years): market price with a            for following years.
  cap/floor system (€74/MWh - €98/MWh)                       • After the initial period wind farms are to receive the
• Tariff is indexed to operating hours and is inversely        market electricity price and Green Certificate, if a GC
  correlated with load factor.                                 market exists.

France and Belgium: Stable regulatory environment

                           France                                                  Belgium

                       Feed-in Tariff                              Market Price + Green Certificates
• First 10 years: Feed-in tariff is fixed at €82/MWh,
                                                         • National market for electricity or bilateral contracts
  inflation-type adjusted.
                                                         • 1 GC /MWh for wind during 10 years, with 5-year validity
• Years 11-15: Tariff is revised in year 10, inversely
                                                           and tradable on established market.
  correlated with historical load factor:
                                                         • Cap and floor for GC:
       €82/MWh for an average 27% Load Factor
                                                                Wallonia (€65-110)
       €28/MWh for an average 41% Load Factor
                                                                Flanders (€80-125)

Italy: Remuneration with long-term profile

                  COD before 2013                                   COD equal to 2013 or later

Market Price + Green Certificates / Feed-in Premium               PPA through competitive auctions
• Market price + GC until 2015. GCs are bankable for 3   • Competitive annual tenders awarding 20-year PPAs
• GSE has obligation to buy GCs issued until 2015 at
  0.78*(€180/MWh – “P-1”), where “P-1” is the previous
  year average market price.
• GSE buying price for 2013 is €80.3.
• After 2015, remuneration is absorbed into a Feed-in
  Premium scheme with premium defined as
  0.78*(€180/MWh – “P-1”), where “P-1” is the previous
  year average market price.

Poland: Green Certificate system

          Framework for Existing Assets                                        Draft for New Assets

          Market Price + Green Certificates                              Market Price + Green Certificates
• Price achieved in market, bilateral contracts or selling to   • Enactment of the new RES Law has been suffering delays.
  distributor at regulated price (PLN201.4/MWh in 2013)         • New RES Law will define key parameters for new assets:
• Wind receive 1 GC/MWh which can be traded in the                  Number of Green Certificates per technology
                                                                    Quota of GCs for energy suppliers
• Electric suppliers have a substitution fee for non
  compliance with GC obligation. In 2013, the substitution
  fee was set at PLN297. Substitution fee is updated with

Romania: Green Certificate system

         Framework for Existing Assets                                     Draft for New Assets

          Market Price + Green Certificates                           Market Price + Green Certificates
• Wind assets receive until 2017 2GC/MWh and after 2017     • Draft proposal for new wind farms: 1.5 GC until 2017 and
  until completing 15 years receive 1GC/MWh. 1 out of the     0.75 GC from 2018 onwards until completing 15 years.
  2 GC earned until Dec-2017 can only be sold from Jan-     • Draft proposal for new solar power plants: 3CG for solar
  2018                                                        PV for 15 years.
• Solar assets receive 2GC/MWh for 15 years. 2 out of the
  6 GC earned until Mar-2017 can only be sold after Apr-
• GC are tradable on market under a cap and floor system
  (cap €58.8 / floor €28.9)

US: Electricity Sales + Tax Incentives

         Framework for Existing Assets                                      Draft for New Assets

          Market Price + Green Certificates                            Market Price + Green Certificates
• Sales can be agreed under PPAs, Hedges or Merchant         • Sales can be agreed under PPAs, Hedges or Merchant
  prices.                                                      prices, with region being a determinant
• Green Certificates (Renewable Energy Credits, REC          • Green Certificates (Renewable Energy Credits, REC
  subject to each state regulation                             subject to each state regulation

                     Tax Incentives                                               Tax Incentives
• Depending on the COD, wind also collect Production Tax     • Projects that start construction or have COD until Dec-
  Credits (10-year period starting from COD) or Investment     2013 are ilegible for a 10-year PTC / 30% ITC.
  Tax Credit (in the amount of 30%, which – dependind on
                                                             • Accelerated depreciations (MACRS) allows to fiscal
  COD – could be monetised through the Cash Grant
                                                               depreciate wind farms (around 95%) over the first 5
• Accelerated depreciations (MACRS) allows to fiscal
  depreciate wind farms (95%) over the first 5 years
Brasil: Long-term PPA

         Framework for Existing Assets                                        New Assets

                           PPA                                     PPA through competitive auctions
• Electricity sold under 20-year PPA with price annualy   • Competitive annual tenders awarding 20-year PPAs
  updated according with inflation-type adjustment.
• Contracts established under incentive programs for
  renewable energy

IR Contacts
                                      Rui Antunes, Head of IR
                                      Francisco Beirão
                                      Maria Fontes
                                      Emanuel Sousa

                                      E-mail:   ir@edpr.com
                                      Phone:    +34 914 238 402
                                      Fax:      +34 914 238 429

                                      Serrano Galvache 56, Edificio Olmo, 7th Floor
                                      28033, Madrid - Spain

             EDP Renováveis online                      Next Events

Site: www.edpr.com                   September 10th – Roadshow London
                                     September 11th – BBVA Conference (London)
Link Results & Presentations:        September 12th – Morgan Stanley Conference (London)
                                     September 13th – BPI Conference (Oporto)
                                     September 19th & 20th – Boston & NYC Roadshow
                                     September 19th – ESN Conference (Frankfurt)
                                     September 27th – Paris Roadshow
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