Efficacy of Oral Antiviral Prophylaxis in Preventing Ocular Herpes Simplex Virus Recurrences in Patients With and Without Self-Reported Atopy

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Efficacy of Oral Antiviral Prophylaxis in Preventing Ocular Herpes Simplex Virus Recurrences in Patients With and Without Self-Reported Atopy
Efficacy of Oral Antiviral Prophylaxis in
        Preventing Ocular Herpes Simplex Virus
       Recurrences in Patients With and Without
                  Self-Reported Atopy

                            AND ELISABETH J. COHEN, MD

● PURPOSE:    To compare the efficacy of oral antiviral                     group and in the mixed recurrences in both groups.
prophylactic treatment for herpes simplex virus (HSV)                       Prophylaxis decreased infectious episodes by 44% in
recurrences in patients with and without self-reported                      nonatopic and 76% in atopics and decreased inflamma-
atopy.                                                                      tory manifestations by 69% in the nonatopic group and
● DESIGN: Retrospective cohort comparative study.                           8% in the atopic group.
● METHODS: SETTING: Cornea Service, Wills Eye Hospi-                        ● CONCLUSION: Antiviral prophylaxis for HSV recur-
tal. STUDY POPULATION: Patients who presented with                          rences was more effective in reducing infections in
previously diagnosed ocular HSV between March 2003                          atopics and less effective in reducing inflammatory epi-
and March 2004. From 244 patients invited, 54 patients                      sodes in atopics versus nonatopics. (Am J Ophthalmol
(58 eyes) were included. One hundred and ninety pa-                         2006;142:563–567. © 2006 by Elsevier Inc. All rights
tients were excluded according to exclusion criteria: no                    reserved.)
active episode during follow-up, immunosuppression,

less than one year of follow-up, or previous history of                               ERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS (HSV) IS A LEADING CAUSE
penetrating keratoplasty. The Questionnaire regarding                                 of corneal opacification and infection-related vi-
history of atopic disease, considers: presence of allergic                            sual loss. Approximately half a million people in
rhinitis, asthma or atopic dermatitis, and chart review of                  the United States have experienced ocular HSV disease,
ocular history. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Incidence of all                     and there are approximately 50,000 new and recurrent
types of HSV recurrences with and without antiviral                         cases each year.1 The recurrences may lead to permanent
prophylaxis within each group and between groups. HSV                       structural damage to the cornea and uvea with scarring and
episodes were classified into infectious, inflammatory,                     loss of vision.2– 4 The recurrence rate of ocular HSV has
and mixed for analysis.                                                     been estimated to be as high as 20% by two years, 40% by
● RESULTS: Atopic/nonatopic (P value): mean follow-up
                                                                            five years, and 67% by seven years.5
without prophylaxis 8.1 (ⴞ 8.2)/7.3 years (ⴞ 8.6) (P ⴝ                         Acyclovir (ACV) is an acyclic purine nucleoside analog
.71); mean follow-up with prophylaxis 2.9 (ⴞ 2.3)/2.6                       that binds to viral DNA polymerase resulting in incom-
years (ⴞ 2.2) (P ⴝ .51); the effect of prophylaxis                          plete DNA chains thus preventing replication of the
significantly reduced the all recurrences in both groups                    virus.1,6 Newer drugs, for example, valacyclovir, a prodrug
except in the inflammatory recurrences in the atopic                        for acyclovir, and famciclovir, a prodrug of penciclovir,
Accepted for publication May 10, 2006.
                                                                            have the advantage of more convenient dosing schedule
   From the Cornea Service, Wills Eye Hospital (R.A.R., K.H., C.J.R.,       but they have the same mechanism of action as ACV and
J.F.F., P.R.L., E.J.C.) and Department of Dermatology (G.F.W., A.L.H.L.),   the disadvantage of higher cost. There are still no known
Jefferson Medical College, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania; Department of Ophthalmology, Federal University of Sao        agents to eliminate latent HSV from the nervous system;
Paulo (UNIFESP)–R. Botucatu, Sao Paulo, Brazil (R.A.R.); and Central        however, ACV has been extensively used to reduce sever-
Hospital of Brazilian Air-Force (HCA)–Rua Barão de Itapagipe, Rio de        ity and number of HSV recurrences in humans. The
Janeiro, Brazil (T.B.).
   Inquiries to Renata A. Rezende, MD, Rua Visconde de Silva, 321/201,      Herpetic Eye Disease Study (HEDS) demonstrated that the
Humaita, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil; e-mail: renarezende@terra.com.br       use of prophylactic treatment with oral acyclovir decreases by

0002-9394/06/$32.00                            ©   2006 BY   ELSEVIER INC. ALL   RIGHTS RESERVED.                                    563
45% the rate of ocular HSV recurrences during a one-year             each event: “infectious” episodes were related to active
period.7,8                                                           viral replication (blepharo-conjunctivitis and classic HSV
   Over the past few years however, ACV-resistant HSV                epithelial keratitis); “inflammatory” episodes related to
strains have been isolated from ocular sites in patients with        immune reaction to the virus (immune stromal keratitis
impaired cellular immunity including patients with atopic            and endotheliitis); and “mixed” episodes related to both
disease.9 –12 Atopy is associated with ocular, respiratory,          active viral replication and to immune reaction to the
and dermatologic manifestations of human hypersensitiv-              virus (necrotizing stromal keratitis, HSV iritis, and the
ity type I diseases, which include asthma, allergic rhinitis         combined presentation of an infectious along with an
(hay fever), and atopic dermatitis (eczema).13 Atopy is also         inflammatory episode). Neurotrophic ulceration was not
associated with impaired cell-mediated immunity. Yao and             considered an active HSV episode.
associates have demonstrated that cellular immune depres-               In March 2005, the medical records were retrospectively
sion present in atopic patients may induce ACV-resistant             reviewed without the knowledge of the atopic status of
HSV infection in the cornea.9 The purpose of this study is           each patient. The effect of prophylactic ACV therapy in
to compare the efficacy of oral prophylactic ACV treat-              the reduction of HSV recurrences was retrospectively
ment for HSV recurrences in patients with and without                reviewed in patients with and without self-reported atopy.
self-reported atopy.                                                    We included patients who had at least one classic HSV
                                                                     episode based on the Holland classification during fol-
                                                                     low-up on the Cornea Service. In addition, to be included,
                      METHODS                                        each patient needed at least six months follow-up both
                                                                     with and without oral antiviral prophylaxis, totaling a
                                                                     minimum one-year follow-up. Exclusion criteria were im-
consent forms were approved by the Wills Eye Hospital                munosuppression (primary immune deficiency disorders,
Institutional Review Board; all study patients provided              AIDS, high doses of immunosuppressive medications, ma-
written informed consent. The study was performed in
                                                                     lignancies, and chemotherapy) and previous history of
accordance with Health Insurance Portability and Ac-
                                                                     penetrating keratoplasty (PK) before the first visit.
countability Act regulations (HIPAA).
                                                                        We considered antiviral prophylaxis (AVP) as the use of
   The patients were enrolled between March 2003 and
                                                                     acyclovir (400 mg twice daily) or valacyclovir (500 mg
March 2004 when they came for ophthalmic examination
                                                                     every day) or famciclovir (250 mg twice daily) for more
on the Cornea Service, Wills Eye Hospital, Thomas
                                                                     than 30 consecutive days. The periods of 30 days of
Jefferson University. All patients had been previously or
                                                                     prophylaxis did not have to be consecutive, but had to add
were just diagnosed at the same institution as having
                                                                     up to at least six months. The indication for AVP on the
ocular HSV. The diagnosis of every HSV episode was
made by an experienced cornea specialist (E.J.C., C.J.R.,            Cornea Service was based on a history or stromal keratitis
P.R.L., or K.H.) who prescribed prophylactic antiviral               or uveitis, frequent recurrences, and patient’s decision.
medications when indicated.                                          Total follow-up was computed from the first visit to the last
   All eligible patients were invited to participate in the          visit or, in the case of a patient who underwent a PK, the
study and, after informed consent was obtained, they filled          last visit before the PK.
out a questionnaire regarding their personal and familial               Two major analyses were performed: the effect of anti-
history of atopic disease. The questionnaire was developed           viral prophylaxis in reducing all types of HSV recurrences
in consultation with a dermatologist (G.W.), and was                 within each group (each patient was his or her own
based on the European Community Respiratory Health                   control) and between atopic and nonatopic groups. The
Survey14 and the International Study of Asthma and                   variables used to evaluate the effect of ACV were: inci-
Allergies in Childhood.15                                            dence (episodes/year of follow-up) of all types of HSV
   In April 2004, the completed questionnaires were re-              recurrences with and without ACV in both groups (atopic
viewed by G.W., who was blinded to the patient’s ocular              and nonatopic). Secondary outcome measures were: bilat-
history with regards to ocular HSV severity. He classified           erality of HSV ocular disease; loss of vision, need for PK
the patients as atopic based on the presence of at least one         (based on decreased visual acuity and patient’s wish to
of the following disorders: allergic rhinitis or “hay fever”;        improve vision), and presence of allergic conjunctivitis
asthma; or atopic dermatitis or “eczema.” A history of               (atopic, vernal or hayfever conjunctivitis). Visual acuity
atopic conjunctivitis was not considered a criterion for             evaluation included the initial best spectacle corrected
atopy; however, the presence of allergic conjunctivitis was          visual acuity considered as the best corrected visual acuity
recorded after review of the medical records.                        on the first visit without an active HSV episode. It was
   The diagnosis of ocular HSV was clinical, and the                 compared with the final best corrected visual acuity,
classification was based on the one proposed by Holland              considered the best corrected visual acuity at last visit of
and Schwartz.2 The classic HSV episodes were further                 follow-up. All visual acuities were converted from Snellen
grouped into three categories based on the pathogenesis of           chart visual acuity to logMAR for analysis. Other variables

564                                       AMERICAN JOURNAL      OF   OPHTHALMOLOGY                                 OCTOBER 2006
TABLE 1. Demographic Characteristics of the Sample,                                TABLE 3. Ocular Herpes Simplex Virus Episodes
      Presence of Allergic Conjunctivitis, Orofacial Herpes                             Observed During the Follow-up Period Grouped
       Simplex Virus, and Bilaterality of Herpetic Disease                                             into Categories

                                         Nonatopic               Atopic                                        Nonatopic                 Atopic
          Characteristics             (n ⫽ 23 Patients)     (n ⫽ 31 Patients)                                 (n ⫽ 24 eyes)         (n ⫽ 34 eyes)

   Male/female                            11/12                 11/15              Category of HSV Episode Without AVP With AVP Without AVP With AVP

   Age (SD)*                          53.5 (⫾ 16.7)         47.6 (⫾ 17.4)
                                                                                   Infectious                 32            8       79            11
   Caucasian/non-Caucasian                22/1                  28/3
                                                                                   Inflammatory               32           13       46            20
   Orofacial HSV                           13                    23
                                                                                   Mixed                      14           10       28            18
   Bilateral HSV                            1                     4
                                                                                   Total episodes             78           31      153            49

     SD ⫽ standard deviation; HSV ⫽ herpes simplex virus.
                                                                                     AVP ⫽ antiviral prophylaxis; HSV ⫽ herpes simplex virus.
     *Mean age at presentation in years.

                                                                                up; 13% (22/169) underwent a PK before one year of
                                                                                follow-up on the service, 7.1% (12/169) underwent PK
   TABLE 2. Types of Atopy Presenting in the Atopic Group                       before their first visit to the service; 4% (7/169) immuno-
               With Herpes Simplex Keratitis                                    suppressed (four on chemotherapy for breast or lung cancer
                                                                                treatment, two lymphoma, one multiple sclerosis); 3.5%
                                                          Number of Patients    (6/169) had a doubtful diagnosis of HSV; and 2.9%
                      Type of Atopy                           (n ⫽ 31)
                                                                                (5/169) did not mail back the questionnaire, despite
   Allergic rhinitis                                             16             reminder letters.
   Asthma                                                         1                From the 54 patients included, 50% (27/54) were
   Atopic dermatitis                                              2             female, 92.6% (50/54) were Caucasian, and 57.4% (31/54)
   Allergic rhinitis ⫹ asthma                                     3             were atopic (Table 1). The most common type of atopy
   Allergic rhinitis ⫹ atopic dermatitis                          4             was allergic rhinitis present in 87.1% (27/31) of the atopic
   Atopic dermatitis ⫹ asthma                                     1
                                                                                patients (Table 2). Most of the atopic patients, 64.5%
   Allergic rhinitis ⫹ asthma ⫹ atopic dermatitis                 4
                                                                                (20/31), had used oral antihistamines alone or in combi-
                                                                                nation with other medications, only 16.1% (5/31) of the
evaluated were ethnicity, age at first visit, gender, and                       patients had used oral corticosteroids in low dosage (less
history of oral facial herpes simplex infection.                                than 20 mg/day), 6.4% (2/31) patients had used nasal
   An active episode on first presentation was used for                         corticosteroids, and only one patient had used topical
diagnostic purposes but was not computed in the incidence                       corticosteroids to treat eczema. None of the patients
calculation due to the absence of previous follow-up. The                       included in the study had used oral corticosteroids in high
incidence of the episodes was calculated on an eye/year of                      dosage (higher than 1 mg/kg/day), and therefore none of
follow-up basis. Statistical analysis was done using SPSS/PC                    the atopic patients was excluded because of high doses of
10.1 software (Windows, SPSS Inc, Prentice Hall, Upper                          immunosuppressive medications.
Saddle River, New Jersey, USA). Comparisons within groups                          Fifty-one of the fifty-four patients were on oral acyclovir
were made using the Student t test for paired samples, and                      (400 mg twice daily) and only three patients were on other
between groups using Student t test for independent sam-                        antiviral medications (two patients on valacyclovir 500 mg
ples and ␹2 test. Levels of statistical significance were set at                every day and one on famciclovir 250 mg twice daily).
P ⬍ .05, using a two-tailed test.                                                  The final follow-up computed for all the analyses ranged
                                                                                from one to 38.4 years. The mean follow-up was 9.9 years
                                                                                (SD ⫾ 9.1, median of 5.9 years) in the nonatopic group
                             RESULTS                                            compared with a mean follow-up of 11.1 year (SD ⫾ 8.1,
                                                                                median of 9.0 years) in the atopic group (P ⫽ .59). The
BETWEEN MARCH 2003 AND MARCH 2004, 244 PATIENTS                                 nonatopic group had a mean follow-up without antiviral
were invited to fill out the questionnaires; a response rate                    prophylaxis of 7.3 years (SD ⫾ 8.6, median of 3.2 years)
of 91.4% (223 patients) was obtained. Our final study                           and a mean follow-up with antiviral prophylaxis of 2.6
population was 54 patients, 58 eyes. One hundred and                            years (SD ⫾ 2.2, median of 1.9 years). The atopic group
sixty-nine patients were excluded after the retrospective                       had a mean follow-up without antiviral prophylaxis of 8.1
review of their medical records for the following reasons:                      years (SD ⫾ 8.2, median of 5.3 years) and a mean
56.2% (95/169) had fewer than six months’ follow-up with                        follow-up with antiviral prophylaxis of 2.9 years (SD ⫾
or without antiviral prophylaxis, 13% (22/169) patients                         2.3, median of 2.4 years). The analysis of the incidence of
had no classic active episode of HSV during their follow-                       the HSV episodes considered the follow-up period of each

VOL. 142, NO. 4                       ORAL ANTIVIRAL THERAPY PREVENTING OCULAR HSV                    IN   ATOPICS                                     565
There was no significant difference between atopic and
                                                                          nonatopic groups regarding the bilaterality of HSV ocular
                                                                          disease (Table 1). Nor was there a significant difference in
                                                                          the mean visual loss in logMAR (0.59, SD ⫾ 0.70 in the
                                                                          nonatopic and 0.42, SD ⫾ 0.70 in the atopic group, P ⫽
                                                                          .39). There was a trend for significance when we compared
                                                                          the need for PK (six eyes in the nonatopic and two eyes in
                                                                          the atopic group, P ⫽ .05).

                                                                          OCULAR HSV IS CONSIDERED THE MOST COMMON CAUSE
                                                                          of corneal opacification in developed countries. The recur-
                                                                          rent nature of the HSV infection is the main cause of
FIGURE. The effect of antiviral prophylaxis on the reduction of           ocular morbidity.2 After a person is infected with HSV, the
the mean incidence of all types of herpes simplex virus recurrenc-        virus remains in a latent state within the nervous tissue
es/year of follow-up. Statistically significant (P < .05).
                                                                          indefinitely.16 The pathogenesis of HSV keratitis involves
                                                                          not only reactivation and centrifugal migration of latent
                                                                          trigeminal ganglion virus but also, potentially, replication
eye, resulting in a total of 237 eyes/year of follow-up in the            of latent virus in the cornea itself.17–19 Although there are
nonatopic group and of 378 eyes/year of follow-up in the                  no medications to eliminate latent HSV from the nervous
atopic group.                                                             system, prophylactic antiviral therapy has been shown to
   The most common types of HSV recurrences observed                      decrease ocular HSV recurrences.7,8
were dendritic keratitis, followed by immune stromal keratitis,              Atopic patients may have unusually severe keratitis and
uveitis, blepharoconjunctivitis, endotheliitis, geographic                poor therapeutic response to topical antivirals.20 Some au-
ulcer and necrotizing keratitis. All episodes observed dur-               thors have isolated ACV-resistant HSV strains from ocular
ing the follow-up were grouped into categories and are                    sites in patients with impaired cellular immunity.9 –12 It is
listed in Table 3. Infectious episodes were more common                   known that atopy is associated with a number of functional
in the atopics.                                                           abnormalities of the immune system, including T-cell
   The Figure shows a reduction of the mean incidence of                  number, imbalance of T-cell subpopulations, poor response
all types of recurrences with the use of antiviral prophy-                to certain T-cell mitogens, cutaneous anergy, and de-
laxis. There was a reduction in the incidence of all types of             creased susceptibility to contact sensitization.21 The pre-
HSV from 0.46 to 0.24 episodes/year in the nonatopic                      cise way in which immune processes operate to protect the
group (48% reduction, P ⬍ .01) and from 0.64 to 0.34 in                   host against HSV infections is not yet clear.
the atopic group (47% reduction, P ⬍ .01)/year was                           This study showed that antiviral prophylaxis consider-
observed. The rate of infectious episodes decreased from                  ably reduced the recurrences in both atopic and nonatopic
0.16 to 0.09 in the nonatopic (44% reduction, P ⬍ .01)                    groups in every type of ocular HSV, except in the inflam-
and from 0.33 to 0.08 in the atopic (76% reduction, P ⬍                   matory recurrences in the atopic group and in the mixed
.01); in inflammatory episodes, the reduction was from                    recurrences in both groups (Figure). As we had demon-
0.16 to 0.05 in nonatopic (69% reduction, P ⬍ .01) and                    strated in a previous study,22 infectious HSV episodes seem
from 0.13 to 0.12 in the atopic (8% reduction, P ⫽ .62);                  to be more common in atopics. It is noteworthy that AVP
and in mixed episodes from 0.14 to 0.10 in nonatopic                      was more effective in decreasing this category of HSV
(29% reduction, P ⫽ .08) and from 0.18 to 0.15 in the                     episodes (infectious) in atopic than in nonatopic patients
atopic group (17% reduction, P ⫽ .14).                                    (44% in nonatopic and 76% reduction in atopic, P ⬍ .01).
   When both groups were compared we found no statis-                     AVP was less effective in decreasing inflammatory mani-
tically significant difference in reduction of incidence of all           festations in atopic than nonatopic patients (69% in the
episodes with ACV prophylaxis (48% in the nonatopic                       nonatopic group and 8% in the atopic group, P ⬍ .01), but
and 47% in the atopic, P ⬎ .05) and in the reduction of                   atopic patients are less prone to them than nonatopics.
mixed episodes (29% in nonatopic and 17% in the atopic,                      The finding of this study that patients with atopic
P ⬎ 005). A statistically significant difference was found in             disease have fewer inflammatory HSV recurrences is con-
the reduction of infectious episodes with ACV between                     sistent with our previous finding22 and with Schmid and
groups (44% in nonatopic and 76% reduction in atopic,                     Rouse’s report20 that stromal keratitis appears to result from
P ⬍ .01) and in the reduction of inflammatory episodes                    the induction of an excessive T-cell response to HSV.
(69% in the nonatopic group and 8% in the atopic group,                   Therefore, atopic patients’ impaired T-cell immunity seems
P ⬍ .01).                                                                 to make them make them less susceptible to inflammatory

566                                          AMERICAN JOURNAL        OF   OPHTHALMOLOGY                                  OCTOBER 2006
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slightly less loss of vision in the atopic group. With larger             1030 –1036.
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VOL. 142, NO. 4                 ORAL ANTIVIRAL THERAPY PREVENTING OCULAR HSV              IN   ATOPICS                             567
Renata A. Rezende, MD, graduated from medical school in 1998 and did three years of ophthalmology residency in Rio
de Janeiro, Brazil, and completed a one year cornea research fellowship at Wills Eye Hospital. Dr Rezende is preparing her
PhD thesis on “Herpes simplex keratitis and atopic disease” for the Federal University of Sao Paulo by the end of 2006.
Currently, she is an Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology of Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RJ) and a
Cornea Specialist at Hospital Sao Vicente de Paulo.

567.e1                                  AMERICAN JOURNAL    OF   OPHTHALMOLOGY                              OCTOBER 2006
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