Effect of Chest Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Combined with Abdominal Muscle Stimulation on Respiratory Function in Tetraplegia

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International Journal of Research and Review
                                                                                                  Vol.7; Issue: 5; May 2020
                                                                                               Website: www.ijrrjournal.com
Original Research Article                                                           E-ISSN: 2349-9788; P-ISSN: 2454-2237

    Effect of Chest Proprioceptive Neuromuscular
   Facilitation Combined with Abdominal Muscle
 Stimulation on Respiratory Function in Tetraplegia
                       Apurva Chatterjee1, Jyoti2, Mohit Kumar Dahiya3
               Post Graduate Research Scholar, ISIC Institute of Rehabilitation Science, New Delhi
                                 Assistant Professor, Sharda University, Noida.
                                 Assistant Professor, Sharda University, Noida.
                                           Corresponding Author: Apurva Chatterjee

ABSTRACT                                                         Key words: Chest PNF, Abdominal muscle
                                                                 stimulation, breathing exercise, tetraplegia,
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to                        respiratory function.
determine whether there was an effect of chest
proprioceptive      neuromuscular      facilitation              1. INTRODUCTION
combined with abdominal muscle stimulation on                            Spinal cord injury (SCI) can be one
respiratory function in tetraplegia                              of the most catastrophic experiences for the
Subjects and Methods: Twenty- seven                              individual who sustains it. It is a life
tetraplegic subjects were randomly assigned to a
                                                                 changing event that can have a profound
PNF+ AS group (n=15) or a BRE+AS group
(n=12). The PNF+ AS group received chest                         effort on personal, social as well as
PNF along with abdominal muscle stimulation                      economical aspect of a person’s life. Injury
for 30 minutes, 4 times a week. Subjects were                    to the cervical cord has an adverse effect to
assessed pre-test and post- test by measurement                  the respiratory function. As SCI results in
of respiratory function (Forced vital capacity,                  muscle paralysis that is determined by the
Forced expiratory volume in 1 second and peak                    neurologic level and completeness of the
expiratory flow rate), respiratory muscle                        injury, higher neurologic level and more
strength (Maximum inspiratory pressure and                       complete injury will result in a greater
Maximum expiratory pressure) and dyspnoea                        degree of respiratory muscle dysfunction
(modified Borg Scale).                                           (P,2003).1
Results: After 3 weeks of intervention, pre and
                                                                         Respiratory complications are the
post intervention analysis for both groups
showed a significant improvement in scores of                    most frequent cause of morbidity and
FVC (% pred), FEV1 (% pred), PEF (% pred),                       mortality in patients with tetraplegia ((H,
MIP, MEP and modified Borg scale. Between                        2008).2
group analysis showed significant improvement                            Tetraplegics have an alteration in
in FVC (% pred) at (p = .01), FEV1 (% pred) at                   their breathing mechanics because of the
(p = .04), PEF (% pred) at (p = .04), MIP at (p =                abnormally high extra pulmonary work of
.001), MEP at (p = .001) and modified Borg                       breathing.
scale at (p = .001)                                                      People with tetraplegia who have a
Conclusion: This study concludes that there                      lesion at a lower level are typically able to
was a significant improvement in respiratory                     breathe voluntarily and are mostly
function, respiratory muscle strength and
                                                                 independent from mechanical ventilation.
dyspnoea        using     chest     proprioceptive
neuromuscular facilitation combined with                         Their     breathing    capacity     is   still
abdominal muscle stimulation for tetraplegia.                    compromised due to paralysis of inspiratory
                                                                 and expiratory muscles. Because the
                                                                 paralysis also affects the abdominal wall

                            International Journal of Research and Review (ijrrjournal.com)                             332
                                                Vol.7; Issue: 5; May 2020
Apurva Chatterjee et.al. Effect of chest proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation combined with abdominal
muscle stimulation on respiratory function in tetraplegia

muscles which are the main expiratory                   resistive exercises through the PNF
muscles, their capacity to forcefully expire            respiration pattern.
air, e.g. during cough, is also reduced.                        Newer studies showed that PNF
         Electrical Stimulation (ES) is the             respiration exercise can increase pulmonary
application of a train of electrical pulses to a        functions in normal adults, elderly
motor nerve, causing contraction of the                 population and stroke patients.
associated muscle. ES can be used in health                     The purpose of this study is to
care for one of three purposes: to aid                  evaluate the effect of chest PNF along with
diagnosis, as a therapeutic tool, and/or to             abdominal stimulation on pulmonary
restore lost or damaged function. (Rushton,             functions, cough, respiratory muscle
1997) 3                                                 strength and dyspnoea in tetraplegia.
         It has been shown that stimulation of
abdominal muscles during expiration can                 2. MATERIALS & METHODS
improve       respiratory     function.    This                 This study was conducted in Indian
technique can enhanced cough since the                  Spinal Injuries centre, located in New Delhi,
contraction of the stimulated abdominal                 India. The average age of the subjects was
muscles leads directly to an increase in                32 years. All of the protocols used in this
respiratory pressure and consequently to                study were approved by the Ethical
improved expiratory flow. It also causes a              Committee of Indian Spinal Injuries Centre,
reduction of lung volume below the                      New Delhi. Before participation, the
functional residual capacity, and the                   procedure, risks, and benefits were
subsequent passive recoil during inspiration            explained to all the subjects, who gave their
can result in an increase of tidal volume.              informed consent. All the subjects were
Stimulation of the abdominal muscles is                 randomly allocated using an online
typically used in tetraplegic individuals with          randomiser, to the Chest PNF combined
spontaneous breathing, although this                    with     abdominal       stimulation    group
technique has been applied in individuals               (PNF+AS, n = 15) or breathing exercise
who are unable to breathe spontaneously.                combined with abdominal stimulation group
The abdominal muscles are typically                     (BRE+AS, n = 12).
stimulated through surface electrodes which                     The criteria for the subject selection
are easy to apply, and stimulation results in           included      complete      and    incomplete
a uniform, well defined muscle response.                tetraplegics with level of injury between C5-
         Proprioceptive         Neuromuscular           C8; subjects between the age of 18-60
Facilitation (PNF) is a stretching technique            years; subjects with upper motor neuron
that employs to improve muscle elasticity               paralysis of abdominal muscles; subjects
and has been shown to have a positive effect            who were medically stable and willing to
on active and passive range of motions.                 participate. The exclusion criteria were any
Recent research has been focused on the                 recent complication associated with SCI
efficiency of the intervention on certain               such as autonomic dysreflexia, orthostatic
outcome counts, such as passive range of                hypotension, bed sores, etc, which might
motion (PROM), active range of motion                   interfere with the treatment; subjects with
(AROM), peak torque and muscular                        premorbid respiratory conditions such as
strength. (Hindle, 2012) 4                              asthma, COPD, restrictive disease of the
         A study conducted by Dietz et al               lungs; subjects with ventilator support or
indicated that muscle strength can be                   tracheostomy; subjects who were current
improved through three dimensional spiral               smoker i.e. those who currently smoked
large scale resistive exercises using PNF.              cigarettes, cigars, and/or pipes or those who
(Kim, 2015)5 Studies have also examined                 had quit for ≤ 1 year; history of any other
the improvement of respiratory functions                neurological condition (seizures, brain
induced by direct respiratory muscle                    injury or stroke) and psychiatric conditions

                      International Journal of Research and Review (ijrrjournal.com)                  333
                                          Vol.7; Issue: 5; May 2020
Apurva Chatterjee et.al. Effect of chest proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation combined with abdominal
muscle stimulation on respiratory function in tetraplegia

(dementia, Alzheimer disease), which may                         The intensity of the stimulation was
interfere with the treatment and any                    increased till a visible contraction was seen
musculoskeletal conditions like rib fracture            in the abdominal musculature. The pulse
which might interfere with the treatment and            duration was adjusted manually throughout
any other contraindications to ES such as               the experiment to avoid progressive muscle
cardiac pacemaker, local skin infection, etc.           fatigue. The subjects were told that they
        The instruments needed were a 4                 might feel a tingling sensation or a
channel stimulation unit with 8 carbon                  squeezing of abdominal muscles. They were
electrodes, spirometer and a manometer.                 asked to immediately report, in case they
Modified Borg Scale was used to measure                 felt any abnormal sensation and in those
dyspnoea.                                               cases the treatment was terminated.
        Procedure for Group A (PNF+AS)                           Procedure for Group B (BRE+AS)
consisted of chest PNF and abdominal                    consisted of breathing exercise and
stimulation. Chest PNF was administered                 abdominal muscle stimulation. Breathing
simultaneously along with abdominal                     exercise was administered simultaneously
muscle stimulation. The subjects were made              along with abdominal muscle stimulation.
to lie down in supine and the entire                    The subjects were instructed to breathe in
procedure was explained. The therapist                  slowly and deeply through the nose, while
placed his hands on the lateral surface on              keeping the shoulders relaxed and the upper
both side of the 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th ribs           chest quiet, allowing the abdomen to rise.
of the subject. For inspiration, the subjects           At the end of inspiration, the subjects had to
were instructed to “take a deep breath”. As             hold the breath for five seconds and exhales
the subjects’ ribs moved upward and                     slowly through the mouth.
laterally, the therapist assisted the                            The spirometry was performed for
movement of the ribs. A maximum                         FVC, FEV1 and PEF with KoKo® Legend
inspiration, the subjects were instructed to            Portable spirometer using American
hold their breath for 5 seconds. At                     Thoracic Society standards. The MIP and
maximum expiration the therapist applied                MEP were checked with a manometer using
pressure on the lower ribs diagonally in a              the Black and Hyatt model. Each subject
caudal and medial direction, with both the              was seated and made to wear a nose-clip.
hands. As the subjects breathed out, the                The MEP was measured near total lung
therapist shook the region to discharge the             capacity (TLC) after a maximal inspiration.
remaining air from the lungs (SeoJ, 2014).6             The MIP was measured near residual
Abdominal muscle stimulation was given to               volume (RV) after a maximal expiration.
subjects in the supine position. Abdominal              The pressures measured were maintained
hair was shaved off and the area was                    for at least 1 second. The determination was
cleaned with water and cotton to remove                 repeated three times and the average value
dust and oil. Four pair of electrodes were              was used in the subsequent calculations.
applied around the umbilicus, where two                 The dyspnoea was quantified before training
channels were used to stimulate the rectus              and at the end of 3 weeks using the
abdominals and the other two channels were              Modified Borg Scale. Values of FVC, FEV1
used to stimulate the internal and the                  and PEF were recorded as percentage
external oblique on both sides of the                   predicted (% pred) and the values of MIP,
abdomen.                                                MEP were recorded in cm H20.
Parameters for stimulation were 2:                      DATA ANALYSIS
Frequency – 50 Hz                                                Data was analysed using SPSS
Intensity – constant current between 30 and             version 21 for Windows (SPSS Inc.,
100 mA                                                  Chicago, Illinois). Out of 30 subjects there
Pulse duration – 100-400 µs                             were 3 drop outs therefore analysis was
                                                        done for 27 subjects who completed the

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                                          Vol.7; Issue: 5; May 2020
Apurva Chatterjee et.al. Effect of chest proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation combined with abdominal
muscle stimulation on respiratory function in tetraplegia

study. Sample size was determined through                   Group A and 12 in Group B) at 0.05 level of
power calculation based on previous studies                 significance was calculated. 30 subjects
for abdominal muscle stimulation in SCI                     were recruited to allow 10% dropouts. The
with an estimated effect size of 0.08. An                   demographic details of Group A and Group
overall sample size of 27 participants (15 in               B are given in Table 2.1.
                               Table2.1: Demographic details of Group A and Group B

The physical characteristics of the Group A and Group B were analysed by unpaired t test
(table 2.2).

                    Table 2.2: Comparison of pre-intervention scores between Group A and Group B

The mean change scores were calculated as                           There were statistically significant
the difference between post and pre test                    difference between pre and post results
scores and an independent t test was used to                within both groups. Mean and standard
test the difference in the changed scores                   deviations are mentioned for each group in
between two groups. Paired t test was used                  table 3.1, table 3.2, respectively. The mean
to analyse within group difference. A level                 change of scores of Group A and Group B
of significance was set at 0.05.                            revealed significant changes for FVC (p =
                                                            0.01), FEV1 (p = 0.04), PEF (p = 0.04), MIP

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Apurva Chatterjee et.al. Effect of chest proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation combined with abdominal
muscle stimulation on respiratory function in tetraplegia

(p = 0.001), MEP (p = 0.001) and MBS (p =                      0.001) as shown in table 3.3

                  Table 3.1: Comparison of pre – intervention and post – intervention scores of Group A

                   Table3.2: Comparison of pre – intervention and post -intervention scores of Group B

                Table3.3: Comparison of post – intervention mean change scores of Group A and Group B

4. DISCUSSION                                                  respiratory functions, respiratory muscle
        Respiratory dysfunction due to                         strength and dyspnoea.
paresis or paralysis of respiratory muscles is                         Cervical spinal cord injury patients
common among tetraplegics. In this study,                      from neurological level C5 to C8 were
chest PNF combined with abdominal                              recruited post 3 months after injury, to
muscle stimulation was used to improve

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Apurva Chatterjee et.al. Effect of chest proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation combined with abdominal
muscle stimulation on respiratory function in tetraplegia

minimize changed due to spontaneous                     resistance in order to induce irradiation can
recovery in the acute phase of injury.                  result in facilitation.
        A total of 30 subjects consented to                      Gellhorn and Loofbourroe showed
participate in the study. Out of these, there           that a muscle’s response to cortical
were 3 drop outs, 2 subjects dropped out                stimulation increases with resisted muscle
because of illness and 1 subject could not              contraction. Studies in the past explained
continue the 3 week protocol.                           about the neuromuscular mechanism in
        With technical advancement and                  detail, whereby it was observed that sensory
improved care, survival rates for tetraplegic           inputs from the periphery leads to stronger
patients have increased. In tetraplegics,               excitation of the cortical areas. This caused
respiratory insufficiency due to paresis or             a variation in the threshold of the motor
paralysis of respiratory muscles is                     neuron activation (D,2013).9
commonly seen.          Factors such as                          Respiratory muscle strength and
concomitant trauma of lung tissue and                   endurance is seen to be improved after
thorax, spasticity of the trunk muscles and             resistive training and it could be a result of
the degree of preservation of expiratory                change in the individual muscle fibre’s
muscles may play an important role. In                  oxidative capacity of the diaphragm. The
addition, over time the inability to inspire            easily fatigable fibres change to more
deeply (due to weak inspiratory muscle                  fatigue resistant fibres (A, 1998).10 Increase
strength) may lead to a cascade of reduced              in FVC, MIP and MEP are attributable to
compliance of lung and thorax, lowered                  the fact that when the subject was breathing
reserve capacity of the respiratory pump,               in, the activity of the diaphragm and other
increased susceptibility for medical                    assistant inspiratory muscles was promoted
complications       recurrent       respiratory         by the therapist. Pushing both sides of the
infections and gradual deterioration of lung            subjects’ chest wall towards the head creates
tissue (J., 2010).8                                     a spiral movement which increases the intra
        According to Mateus et al (SRM,                 - abdominal pressure. This leads to resisted
2007) 7, the most important pulmonary                   inspiration. When the subjects breathe out,
function change is a nonparenchymatous                  the chest wall mobility was increased as
pulmonary restriction, owing to weakness or             much as possible by giving assistive
paralysis of respiratory muscles, hence the             movements with the medial gathering of the
aforementioned factors of inspiratory                   lower chest wall.
muscle function, lung volumes and cough                          Resisted      training  causes      an
flow may have a complex and cumulative                  improvement in respiratory muscle strength
nature.                                                 which reduces dyspnoea.
        To maintain adequate gas exchange                        Troyer et al, states that intercostal
during quite breathing and in situations of             muscles have an important function in
increased respiratory demand, preserved                 stabilizing the chest wall as these muscles
inspiratory muscle strength is essential.               prevent the inward collapse of a passive rib
        It is possible that chest PNF could             cage(SeoJ, 2014).6
had affected the chest wall compliance                           Pink et al showed that unexercised
which is reduced in tetraplegics. Chest PNF             muscles become active during resisted
could have worked by stimulating the                    upper extremity PNF patterns in normal
proprioceptors      by     facilitating     the         subjects. Loverdige et al also showed
neuromuscular mechanism. Kabat reported                 improvement in MIP after ventilator muscle
that when employing facilitating techniques             endurance training.
with resistance, a greater motor response                        All the findings are in accordance
can be achieved. A number of factors such               with the previous work done on abdominal
as application of stretch, use of particular            muscle stimulation (Zupan, 1997) (Jaeger,
movement patterns and use of maximal                    1993) (Linder, 1993) 2, 11-13. They stated that

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                                          Vol.7; Issue: 5; May 2020
Apurva Chatterjee et.al. Effect of chest proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation combined with abdominal
muscle stimulation on respiratory function in tetraplegia

there are effects of abdominal muscle                   leading to large inter- subject variability.
stimulation on pulmonary function test                  Despite this complex mix, the results show
results.                                                that FVC, FEV1, PEF, MIP, MEP and MBS
         A possible explanation for the                 improved in all patients.
increases may be due to increased                               The results have shown that both
abdominal muscle mass and tone which has                chest PNF combined with abdominal
shown to be reduced in tetraplegia.                     muscle stimulation and breathing exercises
         Abdominal muscles are powerful                 with abdominal muscle stimulation are
muscles for expiration which plays an                   effective in improving respiratory function,
important role in functions such as forced              respiratory strength, and dyspnoea. More
expiration and coughing. Exhalation is a                significant improvement was seen in MIP,
passive process occurring in the absence of             MEP and dyspnoea in the group which
thoracic or abdominal muscle contraction.               received chest PNF combined with
However, as minute ventilation increases,               abdominal muscle stimulation.
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exhalation pulling the chest caudally to                REFERENCES
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