Empson USA 2021 Wine Portfolio

Page created by Catherine Caldwell
Empson USA 2021 Wine Portfolio
Empson USA
 Wine Portfolio
Empson USA 2021 Wine Portfolio
Empson USA 2021 Wine Portfolio
Empson USA 2021 Wine Portfolio
Empson USA 2021 Wine Portfolio



NORTHERN ITALY            8

CENTRAL ITALY             14

SOUTHERN ITALY            20

SPAIN                     24

NEW WORLD                 26

Empson USA 2021 Wine Portfolio

Empson has been a leading Italian wine exporter for almost fifty years. It was founded by Neil
and Maria Empson whose main goal has always been to import the deep-rooted quality and
unique appeal of Italy all over the world through their love and appreciation of fine wine.

Maria fell for Italy when she attended the        company continues to enjoy its position as a
Academy of Fine Arts in Florence, vowing to       foremost exporter in an ever more dynamic
one day return. Years later, when exploring       and growing industry, with a portfolio of top
Europe with her husband Neil Empson, she          wines from all over Italy, Spain, Chile, and New
fell in love all over again alongside Neil. The   Zealand, Neil Empson being New Zealand
young, ambitious couple saw the potential         born and bred himself.
in the many stunning regions of the country
and in the quality wines produced using           Daughter and fellow tastemaker Tara
traditional Old World techniques combined         Empson who grew up in Milano and began
with contemporary knowledge.                      her career in the Italian headquarters shares
                                                  her parents’ drive and dedication along
The enterprising pair set up a wine export        with understanding the value of family and
business in Milan and began exploring the         relationships. She is challenging the future
Italian countryside for wineries to export.       of the American market and reaching out to
Neil and Maria knew there was a budding           the new generation of tastemakers with this
market for fine Italian wines overseas, they      ever-changing and evolving industry. Her main
just needed to find the rights ones. They         goal is to continue to promote and strengthen
began focusing on family wineries, in part,       Empson’s portfolio and carrying the legacy
due to Maria’s nostalgia being an Italian-        that her parents started by showcasing the
American away from home and loving fine           portfolio in over 34 countries.
food, relationships, and wine. Their goals were
clear from the start: They wanted to bring
consistent, quality, and boutique wineries that
shared their passion to the world, essentially
highlighting all Italy has to offer.

Having successfully represented some of the
best Italian wineries overseas, the pioneering

Empson USA 2021 Wine Portfolio

At Empson USA we are committed to
showing to the world that Italy is the
home to wine excellence. Family, integrity,
leadership, and authenticity are the four
key strengths that have enabled the
Empson Company to establish its standout
positioning as a pioneer in importing Italian
and other fine wines worldwide. Inspiring
the wine world through authentic and
reliable relationships amongst the team, its
customers and the global wine community.


Empson USA is a leading importer of Italian
and other fine wines worldwide. Founded in
1991, the company works with quality and
distinctive family-owned estates who are
deeply rooted in the excellence of Italian
and other renowned terroirs. With Empson,
customers have the advantage of working
with a team of passionate experts who
offer services in wine marketing, logistics,
advertising and communications, liaising
first-class Italian and other worldwide
wineries with renowned international
restaurants and wine retailers.

Empson USA 2021 Wine Portfolio
Empson USA 2021 Wine Portfolio

Reliability, personalized sales support, and logistical management have always been at
the forefront of the Empson USA mission, and it is our goal to provide the highest-quality
service and product obtainable.


The American market is saturated with          For over 45 years, Empson’s commitment
wine offerings, and Empson USA focuses on      to representing quality wines has never
consistently providing competitively priced,   wavered. The Empson family has and
high-quality products. This defines the        always will be flanked by a team of highly
Empson USA portfolio.                          experienced executives.


Empson USA maintains inventory in the          Empson USA has distribution in all 50
United States to ensure continuity of wine     states. These long-term partnerships are
supply.                                        vital in providing continuity of supply to all


Empson USA is dedicated to education and       The global headquarters is located in Milan,
information sharing. Our website is under      with Empson USA, Empson Canada, and
constant examination and development,          Empson Japan proudly supporting the
offering new tools, marketing materials, and   Empson name and tradition abroad.
easy access to third-party reviews.


PIEDMONT                                       PIEDMONT                                           PIEDMONT

CONTERNO FANTINO                               EINAUDI                                            GAUDIO BRICCO MONDALINO
This classic Langhe winery, founded in         Poderi Luigi Einaudi was founded in 1897 by        Gaudio Bricco Mondalino was founded in
1982, testifies to the talent and vision of    Luigi Einaudi, who later went on to become         1973 in the province of Alessandria. The
Claudio Conterno, vineyard manager and         Italy’s first president. Today the estate is run   Gaudio family has been making wine for
co-proprietor, Guido Fantino, who styles the   by his great-grandson Matteo Sardagna,             three centuries, and today the winery is
wines. Today, the property comprises 64        winemaker Giuseppe Caviola, and a team of          owned by Mauro Gaudio, Beatrice, and
acres under vine.                              young winemakers. Located in Dogliani, the         family. Gaudio Bricco Mondalino currently
                                               winery has 148 acres under vine.                   has 44.5 acres under vine.

Langhe Chardonnay “Bastia” DOC                 Barolo ”Bussia” DOCG                               Monferrato Cortese ”L’Amor Cortese” DOC
Barbera D’Alba “Vignota” DOC                   Barolo ”Cannubi” DOCG                              Barbera d’Asti ”Il Bergantino” DOCG
Dolcetto D’Alba “Bricco Bastia” DOC            Barolo ”Ludo” DOCG                                 Barbera del Monferrato Superiore DOCG
Langhe Rosso “Monpra’” DOC                     Barolo Terlo ”Vigna Costa Grimaldi” DOCG           Grignolino del Monferrato ”Gaudio” DOC
Langhe Nebbiolo ”Ginestrino” DOC               Dogliani DOCG                                      Grignolino del Monferrato ”Bricco Mondalino”
Barolo MOSCONI Vigna Ped DOCG                  Dogliani Superiore ”Vigna Tecc” DOCG               DOC
Barolo GINESTRA Vigna Del Gris DOCG            Nebbiolo Langhe DOC                                Malvasia di Casorzo ”Dolce Stil Novo” DOC
Barolo GINESTRA Vigna Sori Ginestra DOCG       Rosso delle Langhe ”Luigi Einaudi” DOC
Barolo CASTELLETTO Vigna Pressenda DOCG
PIEDMONT                                      PIEDMONT                                         PIEDMONT | ALTO PIEMONTE
MARCARINI                                     REVERSANTI                                       TORRACCIA DEL PIANTAVIGNA NEW
Marcarini was founded in the 1850s in         Reversanti was established in 2005. The          Torraccia del Piantavigna was founded in
the province of Cuneo. Today the winery       vineyards are located in Castiglione Falletto,   1997. The family owned winery has nearly
is owned by Manuel Marchetti and his          Barolo, La Morra, and the Barbaresco and         100 acres of hand-tended hillside vineyards
children; daughter, Elisa, as the winemaker   Asti municipalities. The winery focuses on       and is the only winery to have significant
and son, Andrea, overseeing operations.       showcasing each terroir to highlight the         holdings in both Ghemme and Gattinara
Marcarini currently has 49 acres under vine   nuances of the crus of Piedmont.                 DOCG.
including several grand, historic crus.

Barbera d’Alba ”Ciabot Camerano” DOC          Barbaresco DOCG                                  “Erbavoglio” Colline Novaresi Bianco DOC
Barolo ”Brunate” DOCG                         Barbera d’Asti DOCG                              “Neb” Colline Novaresi DOC
Barolo ”La Serra” DOCG                        Barolo DOCG                                      Gattinara DOCG
Barolo del Comune di La Morra DOCG                                                             Ghemme DOCG
Dolcetto d’Alba ”Boschi di Berri” DOC
Dolcetto d’Alba ”Fontanazza” DOC
Nebbiolo Delle Langhe ”Lasarin” DOC
Moscato d’Asti DOCG
Barolo Chinato

LOMBARDY                                        LOMBARDY                                     LOMBARDY

COSTARIPA                                       FERGHETTINA                                  MOLO 8
Founded in 1936, specializing in rosé,          Ferghettina cultivates 200 hectares over     The story of Molo 8 began in 1921 with
Costaripa is located in Moniga del Garda        11 municipalities in Franciacorta. Owner     Quirico Decordi Sr. who ran a small eatery
in Lombardy. The owner and winemaker,           Roberto Gatti styles the wines with his      and made wines to serve in his restaurant.
Mattia Vezzola, focuses on maximizing the       children, Laura and Matteo, (university      The acclaim for the wines was so great that
potential of indigenous grapes like Groppello   graduates in enology) who invented the       the family started focusing on winemaking,
and Marzemino. Mattia with his children,        square-based bottle. The bottle increases    moving from simple house wine to crafting
Nicole and Gherardo, run the winery.            lee contact during secondary fermentation.   artisanal wines produced from local grapes.

Mattia Vezzola Product Line                     NV Franciacorta Brut DOCG                    Lambrusco Mantovano DOC
Mattia Vezzola Grande Annata Brut VSQ           Franciacorta Satèn Brut DOCG
Mattia Vezzola Brut VSQ                         Franciacorta ”Milledì” Brut DOCG
Mattia Vezzola Crèmant VSQ
                                                NV Franciacorta Rosé ”Eronero ” Brut DOCG
Mattia Vezzola Grande Annata Rosé VSQ
Mattia Vezzola Rosé VSQ                         Franciacorta Rosé Brut DOCG
                                                Franciacorta Extra Brut DOCG
Costaripa Product Line                          Franciacorta Pas Dosé ”Riserva 33” DOCG
”Pievecroce” Lugana DOC
”RosaMara” Valtènesi DOC
”Molmenti” Valtènesi DOC
”Mazane”  Garda Marzemino DOC
FRIULI-VENEZIA GIULIA                         TRENTINO-ALTO ADIGE                             VENETO

BORTOLUZZI                                    LAGARIA                                         CANELLA
Founded in 1982, Bortoluzzi Winery is         Lagaria was founded in 1975 by Neil and         Canella was founded in 1947 by Luciano
located in Gradisca d’Isonzo where the        Maria Empson. The wines are made by             Canella and was one of the first state-of-the-
vineyards grow on the mineral-enriched        a longtime friend and enologist, Franco         art winery specializing in Prosecco. Located
deposit of the Isonzo River resulting in      Bernabei. Lagaria is comprised of two           in San Donà di Piave, Luciano’s children,
unparalleled Pinot Grigio grapes. The         product lines: the Lagaria Lifestyle Line and   Alessandra, Lorenzo, Nicoletta, and Monica,
owners include Alessio, Alberto, and Angela   the Dolomiti Line.                              now run the winery together with Tommaso,
and their parents, Giovanni and Mireide.                                                      the first Canella of the third generation.

Chardonnay Venezia Giulia IGT                 Dolomiti Product Line                           Prosecco Brut DOC
Pinot Grigio delle Venezie DOC                Pinot Grigio Vigneti delle Dolomiti IGT         Prosecco Superiore Valdobbiadene Brut
Sauvignon Venezia Giulia IGT                  Pinot Grigio “Ramato” Vigneti delle Dolomiti    “Millesimato” DOCG
Cabernet Franc Venezia Giulia IGT             IGT                                             Prosecco Superiore Valdobbiadene Extra
Cabernet Sauvignon Venezia Giulia IGT                                                         Dry “Millesimato” DOCG
Merlot Venezia Giulia IGT                     Lifestyle Product Line                          Pinot Noir Brut Rosé
                                              Chardonnay IGT                                  Prosecco Rosé ”Lido” DOC
                                              Pinot Grigio delle Venezie DOC
                                              Merlot Terre Sicilia IGT


VENETO                                        VENETO                                      VENETO

CANELLA SPECIALTY                             CORTE GIACOBBE                              SPERI
Bottled by the Canella family, Canella        Corte Giacobbe was founded in 1934          Founded in 1874, Speri sits in the heart of
Specialty Wine Cocktails focus on combining   when Augusto Dal Cero purchased his         the Valpolicella Classica region. Run by the
zesty bubbles with succulent fruit to make    first three hectares. Today the winery is   Speri family, producing wine using only its
colorful cocktails. The wine cocktails        run by Augusto’s grandchildren, Davide,     own grapes from 60 hectares of vineyard in
are low in alcohol and have no artificial     Francesca, and Nico. The winery has grown   Valpolicella Classica, the family supervises
flavoring or chemical tampering.              to encompass 40 hectares and is located     all stages of production. The entire
                                              between two extinct volcanos.               production is certified organic.

Canella Bellini                               Pinot Grigio ”Ramato” delle Venezie DOC     Amarone della Valpolicella Classico ”Vigneti
Canella Blood Orange Mimosa                   Soave ”Corte Giacobbe” DOC                  Monte Sant’Urbano” DOCG
                                              Soave Superiore ”Runcata” DOCG              Valpolicella Classico Superiore ”La Roverina”
                                                                                          Valpolicella Classico Superiore ”Ripasso” DOC
                                                                                          Valpolicella Classico Superiore
                                                                                          ”Sant’Urbano” DOC
                                                                                          Recioto della Valpolicella Classico ”La Roggia”

  12                                              = Certified Organic

TUSCANY                                      TUSCANY                                          TUSCANY

BOSCARELLI                                   CARPINETA FONTALPINO                             CIGNALE
Founded in 1962, Boscarelli is located in    Carpineta Fontalpino was founded in 1967         Cignale was founded in 1981 by Neil and
Montepulciano in Tuscany. Paola De Ferrari   by Italo Cresti. The estate sits just outside    Maria Empson when they decided they
Corradi owns the estate alongside her        Siena, in Castelnuovo Beradenga, famed for       wanted to craft their own Super Tuscan
two sons, Luca and Nicolò. Together they     an 800-year-old battle between Florence and      wine. The wine’s name comes from the first
have achieved an unbroken track record of    Siena and has 27 acres under vine. Today,        experimental harvest in 1983, when the
vintage-to-vintage consistency and quality   the winery is run by Italo’s children: Filippo   entire crop was wiped out by wild boars.
that has lasted over half a century.         and Gioia, renowned female winemaker.

Rosso di Montepulciano ”Prugnolo” DOC        Chianti Colli Senesi DOCG                        ”Cignale” Colle della Toscana Centrale IGT
Vino Nobile di Montepulciano DOCG            Chianti Classico “Fontalpino” DOCG
Vino Nobile di Montepulciano “Costa          Chianti Classico “Montaperto” DOCG
Grande” DOCG                                 Chianti Classico “Dofana” DOCG
Vino Nobile di Montepulciano ”Il Nocio”      Do ut Des IGT
Vino Nobile di Montepulciano Riserva DOCG
Vino Nobile di Montepulciano Riserva
”Sotto Casa” DOCG


TUSCANY                                       TUSCANY                                       TUSCANY

COSTANTI                                      FULIGNI                                       MARCHESI PANCRAZI
Conti Costanti was founded in 1555 in the     Fuligni was founded in 1923 in the province   Marchesi Pancrazi was founded in 1975
province of Siena. Today, Andrea Costanti     of Siena. Today the winery is owned by        in the province of Florence. The winery is
owns the winery, and Vittorio Fiore acts as   Roberto Fuligni and the winemaker is Paolo    owned by Giuseppe Pancrazi. Marchesi
the winemaker. Costanti currently has 25      Vagaggini. Fuligni currently has 32 acres     Pancrazi currently has 51 acres under vine.
acres under vine with an average yearly       under vine. The Fuligni range is a complete   The vineyards, which grow only the best
production of about 60,000 bottles.           cross-section of Montalcino offerings,        clones, contain high levels of iron in the soil,
                                              Rosso, Brunello, Super Tuscan.                essential to producing complex Pinot Nero.

Brunello di Montalcino DOCG                   Brunello di Montalcino DOCG                   Pinot Nero Rosato “Villa Di Bagnolo” IGT
Brunello di Montalcino Riserva DOCG           Brunello di Montalcino Riserva DOCG           Pinot Noir Toscana “Monte Ferrato” IGT
Rosso di Montalcino DOC                       Rosso di Montalcino ”Ginestreto” DOC          Pinot Noir Toscana “Villa di Bagnolo” IGT
Rosso di Montalcino ”Vermiglio” DOC           ”S.J.” Toscana IGT                            Pinot Noir Riserva Toscana “Vigna
                                                                                            Baragazza” IGT

TUSCANY                                          TUSCANY                                         TUSCANY

MONTE ANTICO                                     SUPREMUS                                        TERRABIANCA
Monte Antico was founded in 1977 by              Neil and Maria Empson have always               Terrabianca is currently owned by the
Neil and Maria Empson as a dedication to         favored Tuscany as a winemaking region.         Burkard Family and was founded in 1988 in
their love of Tuscany. Franco Bernabei, a        Pairing with friend and winemaker, Franco       the Chianti Classico and Maremma regions
longtime friend of the Empsons, acts as the      Bernabei, Supremus is crafted from some         of Tuscany. Vittorio Fiore acts as the
winemaker and works with the Empsons to          of the best vineyards sites in Maremma,         winemaker. The property covers 569 acres
style the wine which is a blend of Sangiovese,   Colline Pisance, Colli Fiorentini and Chianti   of vineyards, olive groves, and woodland.
Cabernet Sauvignon, and Merlot.                  Classico.

Monte Antico Toscana IGT                         Supremus Toscana IGT                            Campaccio IGT
                                                                                                 Campaccio Riserva Collezione IGT
                                                                                                 Chianti Classico Riserva ”Croce” DOCG


TUSCANY                                       MARCHE                                        UMBRIA

TOSCOLO                                       BUCCI                                         BELLAFONTE
Founded in 1988 by Neil and Maria Empson,     Ampelio Bucci and his sisters began           Peter Heilbron founded Bellafonte in 2007
Toscolo was a labor of love for the Empsons   producing wine on the hills of Castelli di    after falling in love with Umbria. Located
who wanted to express their longtime          Jesi in 1970. Together, they have worked to   in Bevagna, the winery focuses on local
passion for the Chianti region. They called   maintain the best of Marche’s winemaking      varieties while creating minimal impact on
on friend and world-renowned winemaker,       traditions, while revolutionizing some of     the environment. The total area under vine
Franco Bernabei to help style the wines,      Italy’s winemaking ideas. The winery has      is 17 acres.
combining fruit and finesse.                  been organic for 20 years.

Vernaccia di San Gimignano DOCG               ”Villa Bucci” Castelli di Jesi Riserva di     Trebbiano Spoletino ”Arnèto” Umbria IGT
Chianti DOCG                                  Verdicchio DOCG                               Montefalco Rosso “Pomontino” DOC
Chianti Classico DOCG                         ”Bucci” Classico Verdicchio Classico          Montefalco Sagrantino ”Collenottolo” DOCG
                                              Superiore dei Castelli di Jesi DOC
Chianti Classico Riserva DOCG
                                              ”Pongelli” Rosso Piceno DOC
                                              ”Villa Bucci Rosso” Riserva Rosso Piceno

  16= Certified Organic

Fantini, located in Ortona, tries to capture that history and bring it to consumers
worldwide. The Farnese Group is not only dedicated to producing high-end wines but
also to giving back to the surrounding community. They partner with small family farms
that have been in the area for generations and bring in world-class consultants to work
with the families to help them grow higher-quality grapes. The winery focuses on native
varietals made in an international style.

Gran Cuvée Rosé Vino Spumante Brut           ”Casale Vecchio” Montepulciano d’Abruzzo
Chardonnay IGT                               DOC
Pinot Grigio Terre Siciliane IGT             Montepulciano d’Abruzzo DOC
Trebbiano d’Abruzzo DOC                      Sangiovese Terre di Chieti IGT
Cerasuolo d’Abruzzo DOC                      ”Calalenta” Rosato Terre Siciliane IGP
Edizione Cinque Autoctoni                    Collection Vino Rosso
OPI Montepulciano d’Abruzzo Colline          Collection Vino Bianco
Teramane Riserva DOCG

                                                          = Certified Organic             17

ABRUZZO                                                                                      PUGLIA

FEUDUCCIO                                                                                    MATANÉ
Feuduccio Winery was founded by Gaetano Lamaletto in 1995 in the province of Chieti          Matané was founded in 2008 as an
in the region of Abruzzo. Today Feuduccio is proudly run by the founder’s son, Camillo       exploration of Southern Italy’s winemaking
Lamaletto, and the founder’s grandson, Gaetano. The winery focuses on native varietals,      potential. Neil, Maria, and Tara Empson
giving extreme attention to detail including clonal selection and detailed soil analysis.    looked for the right terroir in the area. The
The total surface under vine is 133 acres on the superb hillside soil at the foot of Mount   winery’s name comes from the names of
Maiella.                                                                                     the owners: MAria, TAra and NEil.

Fonte Venna Product Line                       Feuduccio Product Line                        Negroamaro Puglia IGT
Pecorino Terre di Chieti IGT                   Pecorino Colline Teatine IGT                  Primitivo Puglia IGT
Rosato Terre di Chieti IGT                     Passerina Colline Teatine IGT                 Primitivo di Manduria ”Il Matane” DOC
Montepulciano d’Abruzzo DOC                    Cerasuolo d’Abruzzo DOC
                                               Montepulciano d’Abruzzo DOC
Margae & Ursonia Product Line
”Margae” Montepulciano d’Abruzzo DOC
”Ursonia” Montepulciano d’Abruzzo Riserva


BASILICATA                                       SICILY                                           SICILY

VIGNETI DEL VULTURE                              HAUNER                                           LE CASEMATTE
Vigneti del Vulture was founded in 2009 on       Carlo Hauner Sr. founded the winery in           Le Casematte was founded in 2008 by
the slopes of Monte Vulture. The winery          1968 on the Island of Salina in the Aeolian      Gianfranco Sabbatino in Strait of Messina
focuses on showcasing Basilicata’s native        Islands and Vulcano. Today it is run by his      in Faro Superiore, the hilly village on the
varietals, namely Aglianico, Greco, and Fiano,   son, Carlo Hauner Jr. The winery currently       extreme northern edge of Sicily. Faro DOC
and bringing them to the international market.   has 49 acres of land under vine on mineral-      is a niche wine with 49 acres in production,
Owned by the Farnese Group with Dennis           rich volcanic soil in addition to vineyards in   12 of which belong to Le Casematte. Today
Verdecchia acting as the head winemaker.         Vulcano. It grows world-renowned Malvasia.       the winery has 27 acres under vine.

”Pipoli” Greco-Fiano Basilicata IGT              “Carlo Hauner” Salina IGT                        Grillo IGP
”Pipoli” Aglianico del Vulture DOC               Salina Bianco IGT                                ”Rosematte” Nerello Mascalese IGT
”Piano del Cerro” Aglianico del Vulture DOC      “Hiera” Sicilia Terre di Sicilia IGT             ”Peloro” Bianco Terre Siciliane IGT
”Sensuale” Moscato Basilicata IGT                “Rosso Antonello” Salina IGT                     ”Peloro” Rosso Terre Siciliane IGT
                                                 Salina Rosso IGT                                 “Nanuci” Nocera Terre Siciliane IGP
                                                 Malvasia delle Lipari DOC                        Nero d’Avola IGP
                                                 Malvasia delle Lipari ”Passito” DOC              Faro DOC


SICILY                                       SICILY                                        SICILY

MUSÌTA                                       PIETRADOLCE                                   VIGNETI ZABÙ
Musìta was founded in the late 1800s by      Pietradolce was established in 2005 on the    Vigneti Zabù sits on a hill, Sambuca di
Don Ignazia in Salmei. The location’s hot,   Northern slopes of Etna. The vineyards are    Sicilia, located in the Belice Valley. The
dry climate produces grapes with excellent   composed of stony, sandy loam and some        location of Lake Arancio nearby tempers
aromatics. Today, the winery is now in its   grow pre-phylloxera vines, over 100 years     the hot Sicilian summers creating an ideal
fifth-generation and is 100% family-run.     old. The soil is the result of the numerous   microclimate. Founded in 2007, Giuseppe
There are 125 acres under vine.              eruptions by Mount Etna, which makes the      Alfano Burruano is the lead winemaker.
                                             wines unique and minerally-driven.

Cabernet Sauvignon Sicilia IGT               Etna Bianco DOC                               “Il Passo” Terre Siciliane IGT
Syrah Terra Sicilia IGP                      “Archineri” Etna Bianco DOC                   “Impari” Sicilia IGT
                                             “Vigna Sant’Andrea” Etna Bianco DOC           Nero d’Avola Terre Siciliane DOC
                                             Etna Rosato DOC
                                             Etna Rosso DOC
                                             “Archineri” Etna Rosso DOC
                                             “Vigna Barbagalli” Etna Rosso DOC
                                             “Contrada Rampante” Etna Rosso DOC
                                             “Contrada Santo Spirito” Etna Rosso DOC
SARDINIA                                        SARDINIA                                         SARDINIA

JANKARA                                         SANTADI                                          SHARDANA
Jankara Winery was founded by Renato            Founded in 1960, Santadi is the largest          Neil and Maria Empson founded Shardana
and Angela Spanu in 2006 when they              vineyard owner in the “del Sulcis” DOC zone      with the help of Santadi’s winemaking team
purchased 21 acres of virgin hillside soil in   with 1,000 acres of prime, gently rolling        and world-renowned winemaker, the late
the prestigious sub-zone called Vena di San     land The President Antonello Pilloni works       Giacomo Tachis. Santadi’s location near
Leonardo. Today the winery has 23.5 acres       alongside Riccardo Curreli, Massimo Podda,       the seafront provides outstanding terroir
under vine. The Spanus are now flanked by       and Gianni Poeta to produce wines deeply         for the vineyards and produces grapes with
legendary winemaker Gianni Menotti.             rooted in Sulcis terroir.                        amazing complexity.

Vermentino di Gallura Superiore DOCG            Vermentino di Sardegna “Cala Silente” DOC        Valli di Porto Pino “Shardana” IGT
Cannonau di Sardegna DOC                        Vermentino di Sardegna “Villa Solais” DOC
“755” Isola dei Nuraghi IGT                     Carignano del Sucis “Tre Torri” Rosé DOC
Colli del Limbara ”Lu Nieddu” IGT               Carignano del Sulcis “Grotta Rossa” DOC
                                                Carignano del Sulcis Superiore “Terre
                                                Brune” DOC
                                                Carignano del Sulcis Riserva “Rocca Rubia” DOC
                                                Cannonau di Sardegna “Noras” DOC
                                                Monica di Sardegna “Antigua” DOC
                                                “Latinia” IGT

Empson USA is introducing a new Spanish Portfolio. Today, Spanish
wines are a growing tread in the U.S. market with its high quality-to-   SPAIN | CATALUNYA
value ratio and the increase in consumer interest in native varietals.
                                                                         SANGRE DE TORO
Empson USA remains committed to its four key strengths: family,          Founded in 1954 Sangre de Toro is the
integrity, leadership, and authenticity. As such, Familia Torres and     ambassador of the Spanish Way of Wine.
Empson USA have partnered together, with Empson USA as the               Today, people around the world see Sangre
exclusive importer in the US for Torres’ Lead brands: Sangre de          de Toro as a model of quality Spanish
Toro, Viña Esmeralda, and Viña Sol.                                      winemaking: an elegant and versatile classic
                                                                         whose magnificent rebirth reaffirms the
”There is a strong, natural synergy between our companies, we            importance of authenticity.
are both tied to family and the values that have been passed to us.
We believe that the key is to always honor and maintain our family
legacy, and at the same time be versatile and proactive in today’s       Original
industry. We are very delighted to add Torres’ prestigious family        Tempranillo
name to our US portfolio and we look forward to accelerating their
growth in this market, and many more milestones together.”
                                        -Tara Empson, Owner & CEO


SPAIN | CATALUNYA                             SPAIN | CATALUNYA                               SPAIN | CATALUNYA

VIÑA ESMERALDA                                VIÑA SOL                                        TORRES
Born on the Mediterranean coast in 1976       Founded in 1962 Viña Sol’s timeless appeal,     The Torres family has been making wine
and inspired by the color of the sea, Viña    approachable palate, and ability to pair well   for five generations. As a tribute to the
Esmeralda is seduction and elegance with      with most dishes has led to its popularity      Garnacha variety and their family heritage,
a feminine and contemporary soul, floral      with thousands of consumers for over half       the winery selected five special parcels in
textures and extraordinary flavor. Wherever   a century. Today it is the number one seller    the Campo de Borja region to create this
you are, Viña Esmeralda takes you where       by volume worldwide of Torres Wines.            exquisite blend.
you want to be with glamour and style.

White                                         Bianco                                          5G



COROFIN                                         MAIN DIVIDE                                    PEGASUS BAY

Corofin is an artisan family wine company       Main Divide is the second brand of the         Pegasus Bay was founded in the mid-1980s
in Marlborough, New Zealand launched in         Donaldson Family. The fruit comes from local   by Ivan and Chris Donaldson and their
2014 by Mike and Anna Paterson. Their sole      growers who provide grapes that express        four sons. The winemaker is their eldest
ambition is to transmit the voice of the land   unique regional and varietal characters. The   son, Matt Donaldson. The Pegasus Bay
and the season through crafting small single    Donaldson family works closely with these      Philosophy has always been to grow grapes
block wines from pinot noir and chardonnay      growers and has significant input into the     of the highest quality that fully express the
grapes.                                         vineyards’ management.                         unique characteristics of their vineyard.

”Settlement Vineyard” Pinot Noir                Sauvignon Blanc                                Sauvignon Semillon
”Cowley Family Vineyard” Pinot Noir             Pinot Noir                                     Riesling
”Churton Vineyard” Pinot Noir                                                                  Chardonnay
                                                                                               Pinot Noir
                                                                                               Pinot Noir “Prima Donna”
                                                                                               Sauvignon Semillon “Finale”


SEVEN TERRACES                                    FALERNIA
Founded by Neil and Maria Empson, Seven           Aldo Olivier Gramola, who has been producing grapes and wine since 1975, founded
Terraces is a tribute to the couple’s love for    Falernia in 1998 with his cousin Giorgio Flessati, famed Italian oenologist. The winery
wine. A native Kiwi, Neil takes pride in his      is located in the Elqui Valley region of Chile, the Northern-most wine producing region.
heritage and the evolution in the quality of      The vineyards have a dramatic contrast between day and night temperatures during the
Kiwi wines. The Empsons decided to bottle         ripening season, from an average high of 85°F to an average low of 51°F. This increases the
these approachable and fruit-forward wines        development of sugars polyphenols and advances the development of aromas and flavors
as a dedication to the terroirs of New Zealand.   in the grapes.

Sauvignon Blanc                                   Reserva Product Line                          Carmenere Gran Reserva
Pinot Noir                                        Chardonnay Reserva                            Carmenere-Syrah Gran Reserva
                                                  Pedro Ximenez Reserva                         Malbec Gran Reserva
                                                  Sauvignon Blanc Reserva                       Syrah Gran Reserva
                                                  Cabernet Sauvignon Reserva
                                                  Carmenere Reserva                             Top Tier Product Line
                                                  Pinot Noir Reserva                            Carmenere Gran Reserva “Pedriscal”
                                                  Syrah Reserva                                 Syrah Reserva ”Titon”
                                                                                                Number One
                                                  Gran Reserva Product Line
                                                  Chardonnay Gran Reserva

Empson USA has always been committed to searching the world for
the most elegant hand-crafted wines and boutique producers. In        ITALY | PIEDMONT
2017, Empson USA took the natural step to launch an Italian Spirits
Portfolio.                                                            IMEA
                                                                      The distillery, Distilleria Quaglia, was
The portfolio, which focuses on authentic Italian spirits, is         founded in 1860. Today the company
composed of producers that work with the finest quality materials,    is directed by Carlo, great grandchild of
sourced locally and with as little impact on the environment as       the founder, who is working to expand
possible.                                                             the product line while staying true to the
                                                                      company’s history of artisan excellence.
With cocktail culture becoming an expanding interest for
consumers, the need for artisanal producers is at an all-time high.
Empson USA, as always, is committed to consistently providing
competitively priced, high-quality products which are a defining      Imea Gineprina d’Olanda Gin
element of our portfolio for over 45 years.


ITALY | ISCHIA                                  ITALY | PIEDMONT                                ITALY | SARDINIA

ISCHIA SAPORI                                   ROMANO LEVI                                     WILD SARDINIA
Ischia Sapori sits on the island of Ischia,     Founded in 1924 in Neive, Levi Distillery was   Wild Sardinia is located in the Province
situated just off the coast of Naples near      run by Romano and Lidia Levi. The Grappas       of Oristano in Sardinia. When the owner,
Capri. The Savastano Family has set up          that are produced there are known for the       Flavio Porcu, decided to start his project
shop as the island’s first and only producer    freshness of the pomace and the Distillery’s    here, he knew what he wanted to create,
to bottle the incredible flavors, colors, and   use of direct-fire stills. Additionally,        a product that reflects its location and is
aromas of Ischia’s bounty in the form of all-   Romano was known for hand painting the          made from high-quality Sardinia ingredients
natural liqueurs.                               label of every bottle of grappa produced.       with elegant packaging.

“Rucolino” Amaro alla Rucola                    Grappa Barbaresco                               Wild Sardinia Gin
                                                Grappa Barolo                                   Wild Sardinia Mirto
                                                Grappa Bianca                                   Wild Sardinia Vermouth
                                                Grappa Signorina Camille                        Wild Sardinia Vodka
                                                Grappa Moscato
                                                Grappa Paglierina


719 Prince Street, Alexandria, VA 22314
United States

P: 703-684-0900

E: orders@empsonusa.com
E: info@empsonusa.com

W: www.empsonusa.com


719 Prince Street, Alexandria, VA 22314
United States

P: 703.684.0900
F: 703.684.2065
General Questions:     info@empsonusa.com
Ordering:              orders@empsonusa.com
Accounts Payable:      ap@empsonusa.com
Job Opportunities      jobs@empsonusa.com

W: www.empsonusa.com
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