Enrichment week your guide to the activities on offer from 16th-19th July - Dorothy Stringer School

Enrichment week your guide to the activities on offer from 16th-19th July - Dorothy Stringer School
your guide to
the activities
on offer from
16th-19th July
Enrichment week your guide to the activities on offer from 16th-19th July - Dorothy Stringer School
In the last full week of the academic year we are planning four days            and the other students involved. We are asking students to make first,
of Enrichment Activities for all students in Years 7 – 9. These will take       second and third choices because many activities have a limited capacity
place from Monday 16th July to Thursday 19th July 2018 and we will              so your first preference may not be guaranteed. There is a slip for you to
be offering students a wide range of activities that will give them an          return which is available in the back of this booklet or via the SLG.
opportunity to learn outside of the classroom or in a different way.
Activities may give them the chance to face a personal challenge that           To secure a place on your child’s chosen activity we require full payment
takes them out of their “comfort” zone or to develop, or further develop,       by Friday 25th May 2018. It is important that your child selects an activity
a new or established skill. They will have the opportunity to work with         that you have already approved with them at home.
staff and other students in new ways which will help their personal
development and allow them to engage in deeper learning.                        Next steps:
                                                                                ● Look at the options with your child
In the booklet you will find details of all the activities being offered this   ● Complete student choice form giving a first, second and third choice
year. Activities offered may be limited to certain year groups or they may      ● Choices forms must be returned to your child’s Form Tutor by
be open to all three year groups. These details are in the booklet along           Friday 26th January
with any costs and equipment needed by students. The contents page              ● We will allocate and confirm choices of activities in March 2018
provides quick overview to assist with this.                                    ● Full payment for activities will be required by Friday 25th May 2018

We have tried to keep the cost of activities as low as possible and many        Thank you for your support - we hope everyone has a worthwhile and
are free of charge. Please read this booklet together with your child and       memorable experience.
examine the activity details carefully. This will help to ensure your child
selects an option that is appropriate for their interests and will make sure
that enrichment week is as enjoyable and successful as possible for them

                                                                                                                                             
Enrichment week your guide to the activities on offer from 16th-19th July - Dorothy Stringer School
Title                                   Pg   Year		   Cost

Above and Below Brighton                6    7,8,9    £60    Graphic Design Course             24   9		     free

All About Animals                       7    7,8,9    £35    Groundforce                       25   7,8,9   free

Battle of the Bands                     8    7,8,9    free   Harry Potter Week                 26   7,8,9   £40

Blackland Farm                          9    7,8,9    £160   Historical War Gaming             27   7,8,9   free

Brave the Wild                          10   7,8,9    £40    Hooked on Crochet                 28   7,8,9   £15

Model Car Design                        11   7,8,9    £30    Paper Craft                       29   7,8,9   £6

Careers Experience in Public Services   12   9		      free   Puppet making Workshop            30   7,8,9   £15

Chess Enrichment                        13   7,8,9    free   Russell Martin Football Academy   31   7,8		   £32

Children's Book Project                 14   7,8,9    £10    School Retreat                    32   7,8,9   £5

Computing for Girls                     15   7,8		    £65    Silversmithing                    33   8,9		   £20

Crafting for All                        16   7,8,9    £20    South Downs Way Walk              34   7,8,9   free

Cycling Skills                          17   7,8,9    £30    Space Exploration                 35   8,9		   free

Duke of Edinburgh Expedition Skills     18   9		      £60    Stringer Bake Off 1               36   7,8,9   £10

Extra-Curricular PE Activity            19   7,8,9    £52    Stringer Bake Off 2               37   7,8,9   £10

Film Studies                            20   8,9		    £53    Surfboard Building                38   7,8,9   £27

Film Production                         21   7,8,9    £5     Trestle Theatre Workshop          39   7,8,9   £32

Geocaching & Treasure Trails            22   7,8,9    free   Wild Art                          40   7,8,9   £15

Golf                                    23   9		      £76    Student Choice Form               41
Enrichment week your guide to the activities on offer from 16th-19th July - Dorothy Stringer School
Above & Below Brighton                                                                              All About Animals
                             General description of activities                                  General description of activities
 Members of staff                                                                                                                                                Members of staff
  Ms Weir, Ms Khalfa                                                                                                                                          Miss Ammour & Mr Simpson
                       Over 4 days students will visit a number of local landmarks        Day 1: A full day of activities at school, led by the educational
    & Miss Orrells
                       and attractions which are both above and below the city            advisor from the Dogs Trust (Shoreham) and her puppy.
                                                                                                                                                                Number of students
                       of Brighton. The activities will look at the history of our city   Day 2: Students will visit the farm at Plumpton College
Number of students

      t   25
                       and how it has developed into what we know today. A
                       likely itinerary will include:
                       Day 1: A day at the Royal Pavilion and Brighton Museum.
                                                                                          and be shown around the campus. There will be a range of
                                                                                          activities for them to try and participate in.
                                                                                          Day 3: A day trip to the Sealife Centre in Brighton. Students

                                                                                                                                                                     Year group
                       Students will take part in a tour around the Pavilion              will experience a range of sea creatures and animals with
    Year group                                                                                                                                                            7-9
                       and learn about its history. They will then take part in a         the possibility of taking part in workshops and guided tours.
                       workshop in Brighton Museum that looks at what Brighton            Day 4: A day trip to Drusillas Zoo Park. Students will take
                       was like during World War 2.                                       part in an animal handling session and a presentation from

                       Day 2: Spending the morning at The Keep, they will take            the education team about animal care/conservation.                           £35
      t  £60
     per student
                       part in a workshop which looks at what turned Brighton
                       from a declining coastal town into a tourist hotspot. In
                       the afternoon they will have a tour of the old police cells,
                                                                                                        Purpose of the activity
                                                                                                                                                                      per student

                                                                                                                                                                Equipment needed
                       dating back to 1832.                                               Students will meet like-minded people and get to learn
                                                                                                                                                                   by students
                       Day 3: Students will take part in a guided history walk            more about different types of animals.
                                                                                                                                                                    Wellies or similar
                       around Brighton Lanes. In the afternoon we hope to take
                                                                                          *  Extending knowledge of a subject outside of the curriculum
                                                                                                                                                               (appropriate) footwear for
                       part in the Brighton Sewer Tour which explores some of the
                       ancient tunnels underneath the city centre.
                                                                                          *  Developing interest and curiosity in animal facts,
                                                                                             welfare and care
                                                                                                                                                              the day at Plumpton College.

                       Day 4: In the morning students will have a flight on
                                                                                          *  Learning opportunities that everyone can access
                       the i360 and take part in a group session that looks at
                       the engineering behind the structure. In the afternoon
                                                                                          *  Local awareness of animal life and care in Sussex

                       students will visit Brighton Pier and have unlimited rides
                       on the attractions.

                                     Purpose of the activity

                       To show students how their city was created and what
                       goes on both underneath it, in the sea and above it.
                       Furthers their knowledge of local history and geography
                       and allows them to experience parts of Brighton they
                       might not know about.

                                  t   6        ENRICHMENT BOOKLET 2017/8                        DOROTHY STRINGER SCHOOL
                                                                                                                                      t   7        ENRICHMENT BOOKLET 2017/8
Enrichment week your guide to the activities on offer from 16th-19th July - Dorothy Stringer School
Battle of the Bands                                                                       Blackland Farm
                                  General description of activities                              General description of activities
  Members of staff                                                                                                                                           Members of staff
Mr Shilladay, Mr Davison,                                                                                                                                   Ms Turner & Mr Francis
                            Over 4 days students will take part in a number of activities   Blackland Farm is a multi-purpose activity centre. Students
Ms Williams, Mr Duggan,
                            which could either be to:                                       will stay in a lodge for the three nights and take part in
Mrs Flint, Mr Eaglestone                                                                                                                                   Number of students
                            a) build up a band; b) spend some time working with a           challenging and fun activities during the day. They will be

Number of students
                            band already in existence; or c) an opportunity to develop
                            skills and find out more about playing the guitar.
                                                                                            busy from dawn to dusk enjoying activities such as water
                                                                                            sports, climbing, abseiling and archery.                               t

                            To support this we would watch videos, possibly including
                            masterclasses, talk about the skills introduced and have
                                                                                                         Purpose of the activity
                                                                                                                                                                 Year group
     Year group
                            a chance to develop some of these techniques and ideas.         Students will experience an assortment of physical
          7-9                                                                                                                                                        Cost
                            Some groups would be supported with aiming towards a            activities that will increase their enjoyment and

                            performance and/or developing song ideas.                       appreciation of the outdoors. Taking part in the fun and
                                                                                            challenging activities will help them to bond, learn new              t

                                                                                                                                                                  per student
           free                          Purpose of the activity                            skills and develop their self-esteem.

                                                                                                                                                           Equipment needed
                            To have fun and further develop interest and skills in
Equipment needed                                                                                                                                              by students
                            music/guitar. Songwriting and performance.
   by students                                                                                                                                              Waterproof coat, active
    Own instruments                                                                                                                                       clothes, trainers, overnight
  (if they have them).                                                                                                                                     clothes, wash bag, towel,
                                                                                                                                                              bedding and pillow.

                                      t   8     ENRICHMENT BOOKLET 2017/8                         DOROTHY STRINGER SCHOOL
                                                                                                                                    t   9     ENRICHMENT BOOKLET 2017/8
Enrichment week your guide to the activities on offer from 16th-19th July - Dorothy Stringer School
Brave the Wild                                                                          Model Car Design
                         The Science of Survival
                                  General description of activities                              General description of activities
 Members of staff                                                                                                                                                 Lead staff
Ms Watts, Ms Wainman                                                                                                                                               Mr Firman
   & Miss De Silva          *   How would you explore the Universe?                        Day 1: Designing/ making Students start to design a

                            *   What would you do if faced with the most dangerous
                                animals in the sea?
                                                                                           chassis for their car on 2dDesign to fit the motor and axles.
                                                                                           The chassis is laser cut and the components are added.
                                                                                                                                                             Number of students

Number of students
                            *   Would you be any good if left in the wilderness?           Day 2 : Produce design ideas for the car styling. Learn                  10
       t  90
                            *   What do nature’s deadliest predators look like close up?
                                Sign up for our Science Week and we’ll show you…
                                                                                           about aerodynamics. Clay is used to make the moulds for
                                                                                           the body shell of the car. These will be vacuum formed.
                                                                                                                                                                  Year group
                                                                                           Day 3: Car making continues. Designing the graphics.
    Year group                                                                                                                                              7-9 (Year 9 students would
                            Join us on our week long adventure, where you’ll discover      Students continue making the car. Trim the body shell and
         7-9                                                                                                                                               need to have chosen Product
                            the facts about:                                               make attachments. Students design the graphics for the
                                                                                                                                                           Design as an option for KS4)
        Cost                *   The Universe on our trip to the Observatory                car body shell on 2dDesign to be cut on the vinyl cutter.

                            *   Animals and evolution on a trip to London Zoo              Day 4 : Testing/ building track/competition Students build

                            *   Scavenging and hunting on our nature tour                  the track and test the cars in a corridor or outside.

     per student            *   The underwater world at the Sea Life Centre and rock
                                pooling at the Marina
                                                                                           *   Evaluation of final designs/performance/ trophy/prize
                                                                                               giving ceremony                                                      t
                                                                                                                                                                   per student
Equipment needed
                                         Purpose of the activity
                                                                                           *   Possible trip on one of the days to a motor racing
                                                                                               engineering firm
   by students
Suitable weatherproof
                            To engage and inspire students to enjoy science in the                      Purpose of the activity
  clothing, additional
                            real world.
 spending money and
                                                                                           To develop their love of designing and making.
a packed lunch will be
   required each day.

                                      t  10     ENRICHMENT BOOKLET 2017/8                        DOROTHY STRINGER SCHOOL
                                                                                                                                    t   11    ENRICHMENT BOOKLET 2017/8
Enrichment week your guide to the activities on offer from 16th-19th July - Dorothy Stringer School
Public Services Careers                                                                                    Chess Enrichment
                                General description of activities                                General description of activities
 Members of staff                                                                                                                                         Members of staff
Miss Judd & Miss Taylor                                                                                                                                   Mr Stone & Mr Holtom
                          Students will spend 4 days with people from different areas      Students will receive daily coaching on how to become
                          of public services. A likely itinerary (although final details   a better player. They will then put this into practice by
Number of students                                                                                                                                       Number of students
                          will be confirmed) would include:                                playing friendly games against each other.

                          *  A whole day with the army. Learn what it is like to have
                             career with the army and the different roles they offer.      A knock-out tournament will take place on the final day of          t

    Year Group            *  PT session at a local gym                                     Enrichment week.
                                                                                                                                                              Year group
          9               *  Visit to a local company and looking at ways to set up
                             their own business                                            All abilities welcome, however, some knowledge of the

        Cost              *  Visit to a fire station                                       rules (available online) would save time in the sessions.
                          *  Day of talks in school - e.g. police, ambulance,

       t  free
                             electricians, lawyers, vets, landscape gardeners etc
                             Talks with colleges and students to create a
                             presentation on path of interest
                                                                                                        Purpose of the activity                                t  free

Equipment needed
                                                                                           Students will have an opportunity to experience a sense
   by students
                                       Purpose of the activity                             of enjoyment and fascination in learning to explore one of
     Pens & Paper
                                                                                           the world’s most mentally challenging pastime.
                          To give pupils a chance to experience a day working
                          with services that benefit /help the community. To give          They will have the opportunity to socialise and work with
                          the opportunity to be involved in something they might           other students they may have not met before who share a
                          never have thought about doing before. To help widen             common interest/hobby. Students will also develop their
                          knowledge so that when it comes to picking options they          problem solving skills.
                          maybe have some idea of what they would like to do.

                                    t  12     ENRICHMENT BOOKLET 2017/8                          DOROTHY STRINGER SCHOOL
                                                                                                                                     t  13     ENRICHMENT BOOKLET 2017/8
Enrichment week your guide to the activities on offer from 16th-19th July - Dorothy Stringer School
Children's Book Project                                                                           Girls into Computing
                              General description of activities                                 General description of activities
 Members of staff                                                                                                                                         Members of staff
Ms White, Mr Shellard                                                                                                                                       Miss Mockeridge
                        Day 1: Students will visit a variety of local childcare settings   Day 1: Meet in school. Morning: teams organised and
   & Ms Brimson
                        to meet young children and discover what they like about           Coding/App Challenge set. Afternoon: field trip to the
                        their favourite books. In the afternoon they will research         Apple Store (Churchill Square) for workshop.                 Number of students
Number of students

      t  30
                        a wide range of children's books and develop some initial
                        ideas for their own book.
                        Day 2: Students will meet a local children's illustrator
                                                                                           Day 2: Meet in school. Trip to Bletchley Park by coach.
                                                                                           Day 3: Meet in school. Trip to the Science Museum by

                        who will show them how to create interesting characters            Day 4: In school all day. Apply findings from trips to            Year group
    Year group                                                                                                                                                  7-8 Girls
                        and illustrations. They will then spend the rest of the day        Coding/App Challenge.
                        planning and making their book.
                        Day 3: Students will spend the day creating their book.                         Purpose of the activity                                  Cost

      t £10
                        Working either individually or in small teams.
                        Day 4: Students will finish off their books and celebrate
                        their achievement with an afternoon tea.
                                                                                           To develop students’ awareness of wider ideas and context
                                                                                           of Computing and Computer Science. To encourage girls to
                                                                                                                                                              per student
     per student
                                                                                           see many opportunities for women in the IT sector.
                                      Purpose of the activity                                                                                            Equipment needed
                                                                                                                                                            by students
                        To create a children’s book and learn new skills in design,                                                                    Bringing their own cameras
                        writing and book production.                                                                                                   (could be phones) would be
                                                                                                                                                              an advantage.

                                   t  14     ENRICHMENT BOOKLET 2017/8                           DOROTHY STRINGER SCHOOL
                                                                                                                                    t   15    ENRICHMENT BOOKLET 2017/8
Enrichment week your guide to the activities on offer from 16th-19th July - Dorothy Stringer School
Crafting for All                                                                      Cycling Skills
                                  General description of activities                           General description of activities
  Members of staff                                                                                                                                          Members of staff
       Mrs Rayson                                                                                                                                           Mr Cutler, Mr Imrie,
                             Experienced crafters are welcome to bring in any projects   Over 4 days students will take part in a range of cycling
                                                                                                                                                          Mr Graves & Mr Stephens
                             to work on throughout the four days.                        skills activities including gaining a Level 2 qualification.
 Number of students
                             Beginners will have sessions on:                            Day 1: Students take part in the Bikeability course and

                                                                                                                                                          Number of students
                             *  Knitting a scarf                                         obtain a level 2 qualification. The students learn to

      Year group
                                Making a tapestry book mark
                                Embroidering a greeting card
                                                                                         carry out a simple bike check, safe start and stopping
                                                                                         procedures, turning left and right and they learn how to                t

           7-9               *  Simple mending                                           use the gears on their bicycles. They learn to turn left and
                                                                                         right and pass parked vehicles. They learn road signs. The
                                                                                                                                                               Year group
                             Each day will begin with a new project but then students    training takes place on the road near to the school where
                             are welcome to work on any of the projects throughout       suitable junctions can be found.

          £20                the day.                                                    Day 2 and 3 : After meeting at Dorothy Stringer students

 Equipment needed
                                          Purpose of the activity
                                                                                         will head to Stanmer Park and develop their cycling skills
                                                                                         with a qualified mountain bike instructor (Jamie Lynch of
                                                                                                                                                                per student
    by students
                                                                                         Day 4: Meet at Dorothy Stringer and take part in a technical
Students welcome to bring                                                                                                                                 Equipment needed
                             Trying new crafts and learning some useful skills.          trail ride over the South Downs.
  in any materials for any                                                                                                                                   by students
 of the crafts but nothing                                                                                                                                   Helmets are essential.
                                                                                                      Purpose of the activity
         necessary.                                                                                                                                      Bikes are in good condition
                                                                                                                                                            – preferably checked by
                                                                                         To develop and learn new skills to do with cycling and
                                                                                                                                                        trained bike mechanic before
                                                                                         cycle safety.
                                                                                                                                                          the course. Unsatisfactory
                                                                                                                                                           bikes will not be allowed
                                                                                                                                                            to take part as it can be
                                                                                                                                                           a risk to personal safety.
                                                                                                                                                         Students should preferably
                                                                                                                                                        have completed a Bikeability
                                                                                                                                                           course at primary school.

                                       t  16     ENRICHMENT BOOKLET 2017/8                     DOROTHY STRINGER SCHOOL
                                                                                                                                  t  17    ENRICHMENT BOOKLET 2017/8
Enrichment week your guide to the activities on offer from 16th-19th July - Dorothy Stringer School
Duke of Edinburgh                                                              Extra-Curricular PE Activity
                     Expedition Skills

                          General description of activities                                General description of activities
 Members of staff                                                                                                                                        Members of staff
     Mr Ibbott                                                                                                                                               Mr Lawrence
                     Day 1: Expedition Skills Training                               Students will be placed into five Stringer houses which will

Number of students   *  First Aid and emergency procedures                           gain points throughout the week. There will be 10 points
                                                                                                                                                       Number of students
                     *  Preparatory map skills                                       available for any member of staff to give throughout each

                        Campcraft and equipment
                        Food and outside cooking
                                                                                     activity that takes place, which will go towards their overall
                                                                                     house score. Appropriate clothing needs to be worn to any                 t

    Year group       *  Countryside and Highway code                                 day of activity, such as swimming or rock climbing.
                                                                                                                                                             Year group
        9            *  Teambuilding
                     Day 2: Expedition preparation                                   Day 1: Alternative activities – students will take part and

       Cost          *  Navigation and route planning                                develop their knowledge and understanding of various
                     *  Practical map skills                                         sports, including Kin Ball, Swimming, Rock-it-ball, Ultimate

    per student
                     *  Compass skills
                     Day 3 & 4: Practice Expedition
                     Students will participate in a two day one night expedition.
                                                                                     Frisbee and Street Surfing, to name a few.
                                                                                     Day 2 and 3: Branching Out Adventures and Brighton
                                                                                     Palace Pier, which day students attend each of the activities
                                                                                                                                                              per student
                     They will walk over the Southdowns consolidating the skills     will depend on the Stringer house they are in.
                                                                                                                                                        Equipment needed
                     they gained in the first two days of training. They will camp   Day 4: Organised competition – students will take part in
                                                                                                                                                           by students
                     over night and walk back the next day.                          their houses, to compete in all learnt sports from Day 1.
                                                                                                                                                      Appropriate clothing for the
                                                                                     Each student will participate in all the sports, winning
                                  Purpose of the activity                            points for their house.

                     To prepare students for their Expedition section for the                      Purpose of the activity
                     Duke of Edinburgh Award or for students that have an
                     interest in learning or developing expedition skills.           To offer anyone who participates in P.E. extra curricular
                                                                                     activities, an opportunity to learn and experience different
                                                                                     sports and opportunities.

                               t  18     ENRICHMENT BOOKLET 2017/8                         DOROTHY STRINGER SCHOOL
                                                                                                                               t   19     ENRICHMENT BOOKLET 2017/8
Film Studies/Appreciation                                                                                Film Production
                           General description of activities                                General description of activities
 Members of staff                                                                                                                                        Members of staff
     Mr Schvetz                                                                                                                                               Mr Buchan
                     Watching films of different genres and focusing on               Day 1: A short lesson introducing film ‘theory’ (focusing on
                     elements of film production                                      Image) and script writing. Groups (max. 5 in each) are then
Number of students                                                                                                                                      Number of students
                     *  The language of film analysis - writing film reviews 		       given a treatment for a short film (this may be a proposed

     t  25              (reading examples first, then writing one and
                                                                                      film trailer), which they need to turn into a script using
                                                                                      computers. Groups then share some ideas with class (or                   t

    Year group       *  Discussions on films                                          staff ).They then have a quick introduction to storyboarding
                                                                                                                                                             Year Group
       8&9           *  Trip to IMAX in Crawley                                       before turning their scripts into shooting storyboards,
                     *  Trip to film studio/film location tour/something similar      focusing mainly on image. Day 2 will be the film shoot, so

       Cost          *  Guest speaker on film production/critics, how to get into
                        the film production business or be a film critic
                                                                                      they will also need to plan to bring in props and costumes.
                                                                                      Day 2: Groups use their storyboards and scripts to plan

    per student
                     Day 1: Exploring film analysis. Discussing genres, favourite
                                                                                      the day’s filming (create a shooting schedule). Most of the
                                                                                      day will then be taken up by shooting at various locations               t

                     films, what makes a good film review. Watching a film.           around school. They will be encouraged to set up difficult
                                                                                                                                                        Equipment needed
                     Day 2: Watch a film and review it. BBC3 & Radio 1 film critic    shots and to get lots of interesting footage. They will then
                                                                                                                                                           by students
                     will come in to talk to the group about the film industry.       put the footage on to the computers to watch and fill out a
                                                                                                                                                      Students will need their own
                     Day 3: Trip to IMAX in Crawley. Back to school to write          short review form.
                                                                                                                                                       costumes and props. If they
                     review of IMAX and the film.                                     Day 3: A short lesson introducing film ‘theory’ (focusing on
                                                                                                                                                        have an MP3 recorder this
                     Day 4: Trip to a studio tour/film locations exact venue to be    sound). The groups of 5 will then spilt into smaller groups
                                                                                                                                                          would be very useful.
                     confirmed.                                                       (2 or 3) and add to their storyboards with sound effects they
                                                                                      would like to use. The day will end with a film theory lesson
                                   Purpose of the activity                            on editing.
                                                                                      Day 4: The day will begin with a tutorial on Video Pad (the
                     A week to get you engaged in the joy of films and develop        editing software). Students will then work individually to
                     your skills in talking and writing about them! If you are a      edit their films using their footage and sound.
                     film buff or are just interested in sharing your views about
                     the films you love with other students (and watching                           Purpose of the activity
                     films!), then this is the choice for you. Popcorn and critical
                     brains at the ready please…                                      To learn about filmmaking and create a short film.
                                                                                      Students will work together and individually to develop
                                                                                      their film making skills.

                               t  20      ENRICHMENT BOOKLET 2017/8                         DOROTHY STRINGER SCHOOL
                                                                                                                               t  21     ENRICHMENT BOOKLET 2017/8
Geocoaching & Treasure Trails                                                                                                          Golf
                                   General description of activities                                   General description of activities
    Members of staff                                                                                                                                             Members of staff
      Mrs Revéreault &                                                                                                                                                 Mr Tyrie
                             We will go to 3 or 4 different local locations (Brighton,          Day 1: Training session at Hollingbury Golf Course (2 hrs).
        Miss Meyer
                             Shoreham, Steyning and Lewes) and will complete the                Benfield Valley 9 holes (2.5 hrs).
                                                                                                                                                               Number of students
                             treasure trail or the murder mystery trail as well as looking      Day 2: Training session at Hollingbury (1 hr).

  Number of students
                             for, and hopefully finding, any geocaches and photo clues          Hollingbury 9 holes (2 hrs).                                          10
          t 14               in the area.                                                       Day 3: Training Session East Brighton Golf Course (1 hr).
                                                                                                East Brighton 9 holes (2 hrs).
                                                                                                                                                                     Year group
                             Geocaching is an outdoor recreational activity, in which           or Roedean Golf Pitch & Putt 9 holes (2hrs).
       Year group                                                                                                                                                         9
                             participants use a GPS receiver or mobile device to hide           Day 4: Waterhall Golf Course 18 holes.
                             and seek containers, called “geocaches” or “caches”, at specific
                             locations marked by coordinates all over the world. Inside                       Purpose of the activity

                             each geocache will be a small trinket or treasure which                                                                                  £76
         t  free             hunters can take and trade with ones they bring to put in
                             the boxes themselves.
                                                                                                    Provide access to golf
                                                                                                    Introduce a low impact activity involving significant
                                                                                                                                                                     per student
   Equipment needed                                                                                                                                             Equipment needed
      by students
                             A Treasure Trail is an imaginative way to explore towns,
                             cities & villages across the UK with a self-guided themed
                                                                                                *   Develop awareness of a range of facilities and options
                                                                                                    for continuing to play the sport independently
                                                                                                                                                                   by students
  Mobile phones would help                                                                                                                                       Students will need to
                             walk. An easy to follow route will enable you to crack the
     but not necessary.                                                                                                                                        provide/hire/borrow their
                             clues whilst taking in some of the sights along the way. By
                                                                                                                                                                    own golf clubs.
                             solving the fiendish clues on the Trail, you’ll be discovering
                             whodunit, finding the location of the buried treasure, or
                             completing the mission like a true secret agent.

                                           Purpose of the activity

                             To explore the local area by foot in an interesting way.

                                        t  22      ENRICHMENT BOOKLET 2017/8                           DOROTHY STRINGER SCHOOL
                                                                                                                                          t   23     ENRICHMENT BOOKLET 2017/8
Graphic Design Course                                                                                 Groundforce
                          General description of activities                            General description of activities
 Members of staff                                                                                                                                    Members of staff
    Mrs Shevlin                                                                                                                                         Mr Sandercock
                     Over 4 days students will learn how to use photography,     Working in small teams we will endeavour to transform
                     Indesign, graphic design software which will help them to   part of the school grounds into a new area for students to
Number of students                                                                                                                                 Number of students
                     produce posters etc.                                        enjoy at break and lunch times.

                     Day 1: Students will learn to use digital SLR cameras and
                                                                                 Day 1: Students will spend the day clearing and preparing
                                                                                 the designated area that we will transform over the week.                t
                     go on a walk into Brighton to take photographs.             Students will learn how to use a range of tools to do this.
    Year group                                                                                                                                          Year group
                     Day 2: Students will learn how to edit their photography    Day 2: We will visit a local nursery to learn from experts
        9                                                                                                                                                    7-9
                     using Photoshop.                                            about growing and planting a range of plants.
                     Day 3/4: Students will be given a project and using the     Day 3: Building benches. Students will learn or develop
       Cost                                                                                                                                                 Cost
                     skills learnt and developed in the 2 previous days will     carpentry skills as we build benches that will be used for

      t free         produce the item requested.

                                  Purpose of the activity
                                                                                 seating for the area.
                                                                                 Day 4: We will spend the day fixing the benches in place
                                                                                 and planting the area with suitable plants. Students will
                                                                                                                                                          t  free

                                                                                                                                                   Equipment needed
                                                                                 also develop their forest skills and learn how to make a fire
                                                                                                                                                      by students
                     To gain knowledge of Photoshop and Adobe Indesign and       finishing off with a BBQ.
                                                                                                                                                  A pair of good garden/work
                     to create graphic solutions to projects.
                                                                                                                                                     gloves. Sturdy shoes.
                                                                                               Purpose of the activity

                                                                                 Students will develop a connection with the natural
                                                                                 environment. They will also learn a range of skills related to
                                                                                 creating outdoor spaces and plants.

                              t   24     ENRICHMENT BOOKLET 2017/8                     DOROTHY STRINGER SCHOOL
                                                                                                                           t   25     ENRICHMENT BOOKLET 2017/8
Harry Potter Week                                                                Historical War Gaming
                             General description of activities                               General description of activities
 Members of staff                                                                                                                                       Members of staff
Ms Walton & Mrs Jones                                                                                                                                       Mr Brand
                        Students would take part in a variety of activities            Students will focus on the tactics, weapons, personalities
                        over the week:                                                 and great events of warfare of one period of history. We will
Number of students                                                                                                                                     Number of students
                        *  Playing quidditch                                           cover the Napoleonic period and World War II aerial combat

                           Making chocolate frogs and designing a box for them
                           Writing spin offs/prequels to characters from the stories
                                                                                       during The Battle of Britain.
                                                                                       Additional periods offered are likely to be Ancient warfare,         t

    Year group          *  Quizzes and games                                           the Punic Wars between Rome and Carthage and World War
                                                                                                                                                           Year group
        7-9             *  Watching the films                                          II ground warfare from the Eastern or Western Fronts.
                        *  On the 4th day visit the Harry Potter studios
                                                                                       For Each Period Planned: Students will watch a film and/
        Cost                                                                                                                                                  Cost
                                     Purpose of the activity                           or documentary informing them about the warfare/

     per student        * ToTo develop literacy and an interest in literature
                                                                                       great events in that period. (This will be age appropriate).
                                                                                       Students will be able to take on the role of commanders              t free

                        * them a sense of enjoyment of learning and creating
                               engage in an area that interests them and give 		       to plan and fight battles using some war gaming rules. The
                                                                                       complexity of some rules will be reduced to aid playability.
Equipment needed
   by students          * ToTo develop their imagination

Writing equipment for   * To be  creative                                                            Purpose of the activity

   some activities.     * not met before
                               work and socialise with students they have

                                                                                       * and
                                                                                         To give students the opportunity to work as a team

                        * To work collaboratively                                            as individuals, making decisions and carrying
                                                                                           through plans

                                                                                       *   To obtain an overview of that period in history, major
                                                                                           events/battles/persons involved

                                                                                       *   To possibly do some research and make a presentation

                                                                                       *   Technical skills will involve accurate measuring and
                                                                                           developing an understanding of probability

                                 t   26     ENRICHMENT BOOKLET 2017/8                        DOROTHY STRINGER SCHOOL
                                                                                                                                 t   27    ENRICHMENT BOOKLET 2017/8
Hooked on Crochet                                                                                           Paper Craft
                                    General description of activities                               General description of activities
   Members of staff                                                                                                                                             Members of staff
 Mrs Francis & Mrs Spence                                                                                                                                           Mrs Potts
                              Day 1: We will introduce the basic stitches of crochet and      Day 1: Students will spend the day making a selection
                              give students a chance to practise these skills by creating     of greetings cards for different occasions. Students will
 Number of students                                                                                                                                            Number of students
                              small individual pieces.                                        explore different forms of calligraphy and use a range of

         20                   Day 2: Trip to Ditchling Museum for Art and Craft. We will
                              look at the history behind crafting and have a chance to
                                                                                              materials to decorate their cards.
                                                                                              Day 2: We will spend the morning learning how to create               t
                              complete a weaving project, as well as spending time in         a variety of figures in origami. The afternoon will be spent
      Year group                                                                                                                                                   Year group
                              the workshop. Students will need to bring a packed lunch        designing and creating an origami mobile using figures of
           7-9                                                                                                                                                        7-9
                              to eat in the private patio area of the museum.                 their choice.
                              Day 3: Students will plan what they would like to design        Day 3: Scrapbook design and creation. Students will spend
          Cost                                                                                                                                                        Cost
                              and make before going on a walk to local charity shops to       the morning planning and designing their scrapbook on

        per student
                              find wool/accessories so that they can begin to create their
                              own design.
                              Day 4: They will have the chance to work on their own
                                                                                              the computers. In the afternoon, they will begin to piece
                                                                                              their scrapbook together.
                                                                                              Day 4: The last day will be spent finishing and finalising the
                                                                                                                                                                   per student
                              piece(s) to take home or will learn to make hats or little      students’ scrapbooks, bringing together all the different
  Equipment needed
                              octopuses for premature babies, which will be donated to        skills learnt throughout the week. Students will be able to
     by students
                              the local hospital.                                             take their scrapbooks home at the end of the day.
 Students can bring their
own equipment with them,
                                           Purpose of the activity                                          Purpose of the activity
but we will provide crochet
     hooks, wool etc.
                              * Students  are able to use their imagination and be
                                creative when developing crochet masterpieces. They
                                                                                              To learn or develop new skills in the art of paper crafting.
                                                                                              To try new things and meet new people.
                                  will choose the wool they would like to work with and
                                  develop their own designs.

                              *   Students will be able to work collaboratively to create
                                  a group piece as well as work together as they learn what
                                  will probably be a new skill. Lots of encouragement
                                  and perseverance will be needed. Self-teaching
                                  through using iPads to follow YouTube tutorials.

                              *   Students will be reflective when looking at their work
                                  which will then help them to improve it. Students will
                                  be able to experience a sense of enjoyment as they will
                                  be able to see their crochet work develop.

                                        t  28     ENRICHMENT BOOKLET 2017/8                         DOROTHY STRINGER SCHOOL
                                                                                                                                        t   29     ENRICHMENT BOOKLET 2017/8
Russell Martin Football Academy
 Puppet making workshop                                                                 (Football Development)
                            General description of activities                              General description of activities
 Members of staff                                                                                                                                    Members of staff
Ms French & Ms Mager                                                                                                                                     Mr Lawrence
                       Students will work from their own designs to create a 3/D      Students will spend 3 of the 4 days developing knowledge
                       working puppet. A professional puppet maker will be            and understanding of the game.
Number of students                                                                                                                                 Number of students
                       joining us to pass on skills and help create an expressive

      15               and unique puppet. Students will also collaborate on set
                       design and making.
                                                                                      The 3 days will be broken down into skill development,
                                                                                      team play and a tournament structure competition. The                t
                                                                                      other day will combine with the PE department and be
    Year group                                                                                                                                           Year Group
                                    Purpose of the activity                           spent at the Pier.
        7-9                                                                                                                                                   7-8
                       To give students an opportunity to work with a                              Purpose of the activity
       Cost                                                                                                                                                  Cost
                       professional artist and to create their own unique puppet.

    per student
                       Students with an interest in Art, prop making, Theatre
                       design, Textiles, Set design or Costume design would be
                       especially welcome.
                                                                                      To develop your skillset and understanding of football.

                                                                                                                                                   Equipment needed
                                                                                                                                                      by students
                                                                                                                                                  Sports clothing, shin pads,
                                                                                                                                                  football boots (suitable for
                                                                                                                                                            the 3G).

                                t  30     ENRICHMENT BOOKLET 2017/8                         DOROTHY STRINGER SCHOOL
                                                                                                                               t  31    ENRICHMENT BOOKLET 2017/8
School Retreat                                                    Silversmithing (Ring making)
                                  General description of activities                                General description of activities
   Members of staff                                                                                                                                               Members of staff
Mrs Danahar, Ms Murnaghan,                                                                                                                                           Bernie Parkyn
                             Day 1 in school all day: Following introductions, the day       Over the 4 days students will learn basic silversmithing and
   Ms Kempt & Ms Bento
                             will start with a yoga session (please bring your own mat       jewellery making skills. A likely itinerary is as follows:
                                                                                                                                                                Number of students
                             if possible). Other activities will include making mala bead    Day 1: Students will develop their skills in piercing (sawing)

  Number of students
                             necklaces/bracelets; an introduction to meditation; a group     and filing with the materials.                                             10
         t  40               coaching session aimed to help students achieve their own
                             goals; Ayurveda tasting session, where students will learn
                             about the benefits of different kinds of food on our moods
                                                                                             Day 2: Students will design and plan the ring which they
                                                                                             will be making
                                                                                             Day 3: Students will work on their soldering skills and will
                                                                                                                                                                      Year Group
       Year group                                                                                                                                                         8&9
                             and health; a session making Mandalas and a final yoga          solder the final piece together.
                             session.                                                        Day 4: Students will finish off their piece and polish it using
                             Day 2: Will begin with a yoga session and be followed by        the correct equipment.

                             activities including creating inspiration boards to help with                                                                             £20
        per student
                             goal setting; creating a non-sugar treat; an introduction
                             to mindfulness and a trip to either the beach or the South
                             Downs to complete a mindfulness activity.
                                                                                                           Purpose of the activity
                                                                                                                                                                        per student
                                                                                                                                                                (if students want to make
                                                                                                                                                               anything else, there may be
                             Day 3: Again starting with yoga, the day will also include      Students will take part in a creative activity and develop
  Equipment needed                                                                                                                                                an additional charge).
                             some individual coaching sessions, some craft activities,       their skills using different equipment. They will also
     by students
                             another healthy food tasting session and a trip to the          experience a sense of fun and wellbeing.
    Yoga mat if possible
                             Buddhist Centre in The Lanes.
                             Day 4: in school all day. The yoga session will be followed
                             by candle decorating; an introduction to head massage; a
                             group lunch using what has been learnt during the week
                             (participants should bring a dish to share with the group);
                             a mediation session; a final group coaching session and a
                             final yoga session.

                                          Purpose of the activity

                             To introduce students (or grow their knowledge of )
                             the powerful tools of yoga, mindfulness, Ayurveda and
                             meditation. Students will also benefit from individual and
                             group coaching to gain strategies for achieving goals.

                                       t  32     ENRICHMENT BOOKLET 2017/8                         DOROTHY STRINGER SCHOOL
                                                                                                                                        t  33     ENRICHMENT BOOKLET 2017/8
South Downs Way Walk                                                                               Space Exploration
                           General description of activities                                  General description of activities
 Members of staff                                                                                                                                          Members of staff
     Mr Aitken                                                                                                                                           Mr Latham & Miss Marshall
                     A series of walks that take in the beautiful scenery and           Students will learn what it takes to get into space and to
                     surroundings that are part of the South Downs Way.                 survive in this harsh environment. They will learn about
Number of students                                                                                                                                        Number of students
                     Starting from Bramber Castle and ending at Bo Peep Hill            rocket design and launch their own rockets, they will find

      14             (above the village of Alciston, nr Lewes) each day will cover
                     5-6 miles including a stop for lunch and a visit to a local
                                                                                        out about the needs of astronauts in space and how this is
                                                                                        overcome and they will contemplate the future and what a                t   30
                     attraction/landmark or activity involving the area.                space station on Mars might look like. All highly interactive
    Year group                                                                                                                                                 Year group
                     Day 1: Bramber Castle to Devils Dyke.                              with design projects, build activities and group challenges.
       7-9                                                                                                                                                         8-9
                     Students will explore the castle site before starting their        Day 1: We have lift off - Rockets Propulsion and Rocket Design
                     walk to Devils Dyke. The first part of the walk will also          Day 2: Material Science – Space Suits and Space Stations
       Cost                                                                                                                                                        Cost
                     follow the Downslink trail.                                        Day 3: Building a Mars Station – Requirements for Life

      t free         Day 2: Devils Dyke to Ditchling Beacon.
                     The route will head towards Ditchling beacon and students
                     will stop off at Jack and Jill windmills.
                                                                                        Day 4: Alien Invasion – When we become the Aliens of Space

                                                                                                     Purpose of the activity
                                                                                                                                                                 t free

                     Day 3: Ditchling Beacon to Nr Kingston.
                     Day 4: Southease to Bo Peep Hill.                                  An appreciation of the science and technology linked to
                                                                                        space exploration. The historical nature of attempts in
                                   Purpose of the activity                              the past and how it has built our thinking for the future.
                                                                                        Specifically they will be looking at rocket propulsion,
                     Students would gain a wider understanding of the area              requirements for life in space, materials used in rockets and
                     they live in and some of the history surrounding it. They          space suits and evidence for extra-terrestrial life.
                     will also get some exercise/fresh air and improve their fitness.

                               t   34     ENRICHMENT BOOKLET 2017/8                           DOROTHY STRINGER SCHOOL
                                                                                                                                  t  35     ENRICHMENT BOOKLET 2017/8
Stringer Bake Off 1                                                                         Stringer Bake Off 2
                                     General description of activities                               General description of activities
   Members of staff                                                                                                                                               Members of staff
  Ms Richards, Mr Ryan,                                                                                                                                         Mrs Panwar & Mrs Lewery
                               Students will meet at MET College over a series of four         Working individually and in teams students will be given
  Ms Uren, Ms Houslop
                               days. Each day will require students to produce a specified     the opportunity to develop and build their baking skills.
      & Mr Bernal                                                                                                                                               Number of students
                               bake that is personalised.                                      Gradually completing more and more complex bakes as the

 Number of students
                               Prior to the week, pupils will need to complete a baking
                                                                                               days go on and finally taking part in a competition where
                                                                                               students design and make a “signature bake” where we will               t

         30                    journal, which requires them to plan their bakes, thinking
                               about decoration, presentation, ingredients and equipment.
                                                                                               crown the “Stringer Bake Off Champion”. There will also be
                                                                                               opportunities to look at healthier baked dishes and we will
                                                                                               be making both savoury and sweet dishes. We will provide
                                                                                                                                                                     Year group
       Year group
                                            Purpose of the activity                            ingredients for all bakes.
            7-9                                                                                                                                                          Cost
                                                                                               Day 1: Fairy cakes (creaming method) with decoration

           Cost                * ToGiveenrich
                               * kitchen
                                         pupils the experience of working in a professional
                                                                                               techniques (icing/piping). Healthier baking– alternative to
                                                                                               sugar.                                                                  t

                               * Develop     culinary skills
                                                                                               Day 2: Pastry– shortcrust pastry (meat and vegetable pies).
                                                                                               Choux pastry (eclairs), Designing of signature bake.

  Equipment needed             * courses available at MET College
                                 To highlight to pupils the range of practical / industry 		   Day 3: Bread– basic white bread dough, focusing on shaping
                                                                                               - Focaccia bread.
     by students
                                                                                               Day 4: Signature bakes– criteria for this will be announced at
Students will need to bring
                                                                                               the beginning of the week.
 any additional equipment
 that their individual bakes
                                                                                                             Purpose of the activity
  require (pre-planned in
   baking journal) and a
                                                                                               Competition, developing baking skills.
container to transport their
        bakes home.

                                         t  36     ENRICHMENT BOOKLET 2017/8                         DOROTHY STRINGER SCHOOL
                                                                                                                                        t  37     ENRICHMENT BOOKLET 2017/8
Trestle Theatre Mask
                 Surfboard Building                                                         & Physical Theatre Workshop
                                  General description of activities                              General description of activities
   Members of staff                                                                                                                                     Members of staff
        Mr Russell                                                                                                                                     Ms Ettinger, Miss Poole
                             Day 1: teamwork designing/ making.                             A theatre company will be invited in to work with the
                                                                                                                                                            & Ms Butler
                             Students begin surfboard construction using the                students over 2 full days (Monday and Tuesday). This
 Number of students
                             workshop tools. Students begin design of the surfboard         will involve introducing the students to working with

                                                                                                                                                      Number of students
            10               graphics using traditional sketch work and later 2dDesign      full face mask and physical theatre. The remaining 2

      Year group
                             Day 2: possible trip out during day 2, linking with local
                                                                                            days (Wednesday and Thursday) students will have the
                                                                                            opportunity to experiment with the techniques they have          t
                             organisations.                                                 learnt in creating a devised performance piece.
             7-9                                                                                                                                           Year group
                             Day 3: teamwork designing/ making.
  (year 9 students should                                                                                                                                       7-9
                             Students continue making/ shaping the surf board. Students                  Purpose of the activity
have chosen product design
                             continue cutting the graphics using the vinyl cutter.
  as an option for GCSEs)                                                                                                                                      Cost
                             Students apply the graphics and coat the boards in varnish
                                                                                            * Introduce new and experimental theatre techniques.

                             Day 4: teamwork testing/ competition.
                             Students test the boards in the pool and have a
                                                                                            * theatre
                                                                                              Give KS3 students the opportunity to work with
                                                                                                      practitioners.                                         t

        £27                  Competition relay race. Evaluation of final designs/ shapes/
                             performance/ trophy/prize giving ceremony.
                                                                                                                                                       Equipment needed
                                                                                                                                                          by students
  Equipment needed                                                                                                                                      Clothes suitable for a
                                          Purpose of the activity
     by students                                                                                                                                      practical drama workshop
        Swim kit                                                                                                                                             and trainers.
                             * ToTo develop students' love of designing and making

                             * give them an experience of surf culture/surfing

                                      t   38    ENRICHMENT BOOKLET 2017/8                        DOROTHY STRINGER SCHOOL
                                                                                                                                  t  39     ENRICHMENT BOOKLET 2017/8
Student Choice Form
                              Wild Art
                                                                                          Student's name:				Tutor Group:
                                General description of activities
 Members of staff
                                                                                          Please detail below your first, second and third choices. Many activities have a limited
   Ms Fahy, Mr Lee
                          Day 1: Introduction to nature and wildlife on the school        capacity so your first preference may not be guaranteed.
    & Dr Danahar
                          campus exploring the woods, the pond and the butterfly
                          haven. Learning some photographic techniques and then                                     Title of Activity
Number of students
                          drawing and taking photographs to use on Days 3 and 4.

       t  14              Day 2: Trip to RSPB Pulborough Brooks in West Sussex to
                          see birds, wild deer, butterflies, insects, trees, plants and
                          even maybe snakes! Drawing and taking photographs to
                                                                                           First Choice:

                                                                                           Second Choice:
     Year group                                                                            Third Choice:
                          use on Days 3 and 4.
                          Day 3 and 4: Using nature and wildlife to create a work
                          of art for a final exhibition of work in the Art department.
                          Work on canvas, and/or paper and photographs.                   Please return this completed and signed form to your Form Tutor before the deadline of

       t £15
     per student
                                        Purpose of the activity
                                                                                          Friday 26th January 2018.

                                                                                          Remember to fill in your name and your choices. Forms will not be accepted without a
Equipment needed          *   To develop appreciation and knowledge of nature
                              and wildlife in our local area and in Sussex
                                                                                          parent/carer’s signature.
   by students
Cameras & art materials   *   To look at how artists illustrate wild life

                          *   To develop art skills using a range of media
                                                                                          Having parental responsibility, I confirm that …………………………… (student name)

                                                                                          in …………………(tutor group) would like to select the activities/trips indicated above

                                                                                          and I agree to my child taking part.

                                                                                          ● I understand that if the activities are undersubscribed they may not run and that
                                                                                            spaces are limited on each activity so students may not get their first choice.
                                                                                          ● I agree to pay in full by Friday 25th May 2018.
                                                                                          ● I understand that if payment is not received by Friday 25th May 2018 my child
                                                                                            will not be able to take part in the activity of their choice and will be allocated to
                                                                                            another activity.


                                                                                          Print Name:

                                    t                                                                                              t
    DOROTHY STRINGER SCHOOL            40     ENRICHMENT BOOKLET 2017/8                        DOROTHY STRINGER SCHOOL                  41    ENRICHMENT BOOKLET 2016/7
Highlights from
           Enrichment week 2017

                                                                                                             Making a Murmuration
                                                                                                                                                                  Living W
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Mosaic Making                                                           Surfboard
                                               Wild Art                                   Building
                                                                                                                                                                                              ..and result!

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                               at                                                                                                                                                                          n Course
                School Retre                              PE Activity                                All About
                                                                                                                 Animals                                                                   Graphic Desig
Dorothy Stringer School | Loder Road | Brighton | BN1 6PZ
     Email: enrichmentweek@dorothy-stringer.co.uk
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