ENTERPRISE 2021 - Transformative Technologies Post Pandemic Top 3 CIO Priorities for

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ENTERPRISE 2021 - Transformative Technologies Post Pandemic Top 3 CIO Priorities for


                                             Post Pandemic


                                               Top 3 CIO
                                              Priorities for

                                               TECH PREDICTIONS

                                             The New Hybrid
 ENTERPRISE MAGAZINE ISSUE #1                    Normal
ENTERPRISE 2021 - Transformative Technologies Post Pandemic Top 3 CIO Priorities for
ENTERPRISE 2021 MAGAZINE                                                                       ENTERPRISE 2021 MAGAZINE

                                                   FROM THE EDITOR                                                                        TABLE OF CONTENTS


                                                                                                                                                                     04 Managing the Covid-19 Pandemic with

Enterprise                                                                                      world. Many had predicted that the                                       Digital Technologies
                                                                                                pandemic would have passed by now,                                       SINGHEALTH

                                                                                                but countries are still in the midst
                                                                                                of vaccinating their populations,
                                                                                                                                                                     08 2020: A Strange Yet Transformative Year
                                                                                                and enterprises are still looking to                                     EDITORIAL FEATURE
managing editor R AHUL JOSHI                                                                    set in place measures that will have
contributing editor JOHN TANNER                                                                 consequences for years (or decades)
                                                                                                                                                                     14 The Digital Backbone
                                                                                                to come.                                                                 EQUINIX
                                                                       was an unprecedented        Enterprise 2021 is a special-issue
                                                                                                                                                                     16 Continuous Transformation and the
publisher JIMMY YU                                         2020        year, and in some        magazine from Frontier Enterprise                                        Importance of Plan B
publisher CARESHMA R AMROOP                                            ways marks a clean       that aims to decode 2020 and unpack
client services manager L AR A FERNANDEZ                 break from the past. The pace, the     the possibilities of 2021 - it seeks to
                                                         operating style and the business       take stock of the changes we've seen
contact phone +65 6815 2996                              models that enterprises were used      and attempts to predict what the                                     18 Agility and Growth
email CONTACT@JICAR AMEDIA.COM                           to underwent permanent change in       next year will bring. We've spoken to                                    MTR FOODS
                                                         several verticals. Many offices were   some of Asia-Pacific's top technology
editorial office                                         emptied and the entire workplace       and industry leaders in this issue —                                 19 Securing Digital Infrastructure
135 MIDDLE ROAD, BYL ANDS BUILDING,                      went virtual in some cases.            we hope it provides insights for our
#05-03, SINGAPORE 188975.                                                                       readers and practical tips on how to
                                                             At the forefront of this change    transform their own workplace in                                     20 The Telco Industry Boom
www.frontier-enterprise.com                              was technology. Standard operating     this strange but promising year.                                         COMVIVA
www.smehorizon.com                                       procedures were cast aside as
www.jicaramedia.com                                      improvised policies and makeshift                                                                           22 Moving Fast in FMCG
                                                         processes were overlaid on the                                                                                  MTR FOODS
Neither Jicara Media nor any of its sponsors or          old workplace. Dozens of gadgets,      Rahul Joshi
partners take any responsibilty for the opinions         devices, and platforms came in to      Head of Content, Jicara Media
                                                                                                                                                                     23 People and Solutions
expressed in this issue.                                 construct an entirely new virtual                                                                               LENOVO
                                                         way of work, while cloud budgets
                                                         ramped up and CISOs scrambled                                                                               24 Helming the Risk Office
                                                         to make sense of application and                                                                                VISA
                                                         network security in a nebulous new
                                                                                                                                                                     27 Preparing for Another Pandemic
                                                                                                                                                                         MANIPAL HEALTH

                                                                                                                                                                     28 The Real Estate of Hybrid Work

                                                                                                                                                                     30 The Outlook for Japan
                                                                                                                                                                         WHITE & CASE

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ENTERPRISE 2021 - Transformative Technologies Post Pandemic Top 3 CIO Priorities for
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Managing the
Covid-19 Pandemic
with Digital
Benedict Tan, Group Chief Information Officer for SingHealth, takes us through
some of the technologies deployed in managing the COVID-19 pandemic and
how digitalisation played a key role in managing the spread.

                           n the final month of 2020, the number of                  5. Strict Classification:
                    I      COVID-19 cases globally exceeded 77 million,           Rigid adherence to the World
                           with around 1.7 million deaths thus far and a          Health Organisation’s (WHO)
                death rate of around 3%. However, Singapore has been              definition in classifying
                one of the countries that has been able to effectively            COVID-19 deaths.
                manage the mortality risk of the disease. With a death
                rate of just 0.05%, it has performed far better than the              Singapore’s COVID-19
                global average, and has one of the lowest rates in                measures can be described as
                Southeast Asia and the world.                                     an adoption of the “Hammer
                                                                                  and Dance” approach, which
                   According to a Reuters report released on 16                   was first shared by health
                September 2020, the success of Singapore in managing              writer Tomas Pueyo on the
                the virus can be attributed to five main factors:                 online platform Medium.
                                                                                  This approach involves the                                                                        The SingHealth team (L-R): Thng Chiok Meng, Head Data and Digital Governance; Benedict Tan, Group Chief Digital Strategy Officer;
                   1. Infection Demographics: 95% of COVID-19 cases are           initial ‘hammer’ - a series of                                                                                                  Kevin Tay, Group Chief Information Officer; Mr Chua Kim Chuan, Chief Information Security Officer.
                amongst the migrant worker population, who are aged in            more extreme measures such
                their 20s and 30s and with less risk of falling critically ill;   as travel restrictions, lockdowns, and wide-spread           public healthcare workload. The group consists of four           Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). Between February and
                                                                                  testing - to get the virus under control, before the         public hospitals, five national specialty centres, three         May that year, Singapore saw 238 cases of SARS and 33
                    2. Detection: Aggressive contact tracing and mass             subsequent ‘dance’, where restrictions are gradually         community hospitals, and eight polyclinics. Their                deaths.
                testing;                                                          lifted as the virus numbers are stabilized and controlled.   flagship hospital, the Singapore General Hospital, was
                                                                                                                                               voted as one of the top ten hospitals in the world in 2020          “During SARS, we were caught a little off-guard”,
                   3. Hospitalisation: All COVID-19 patients above 45                At the Healthcare Frontiers 2020 Conference,              by Newsweek magazine.                                            admitted Tan, “But since then, we have introduced
                years old or with underlying conditions are cared for in          Benedict Tan, Group Chief Digital Strategy Officer at                                                                         various digital workflows and technologies in
                hospital facilities;                                              SingHealth spoke about how the organisation has been                                                                          preparation for similar situations in the future. We had
                                                                                  able to effectively manage the COVID-19 situation by         Lessons from Handling the SARS Epidemic                          already implemented these digital tools and solutions
                   4. Mandatory Mask-wearing: It has been compulsory              adopting digital workflows and technologies.                                                                                  before the COVID-19 situation, and it really helped us a
                for everyone to wear masks in public places since April                                                                           COVID-19 is not the first time Singapore has been             lot in managing the situation.”
                2020; and                                                            SingHealth is Singapore’s largest group of healthcare     faced with a nationwide virus outbreak. In 2003,
                                                                                  institutions and handles close to 50% of the country’s       the country was facing an outbreak of Severe Acute                   The first solution is their Automated Visitor

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                                                                consultation capabilities through platforms such as                                                                       Agency. SingHealth is no exception. Tan mentions that “at
                                                                Zoom. The learning gained when developing these                  These workflows and processes were also supported        SingHealth, the smartphone is used for contact tracing,
A combination of cloud                                          technologies made it easier for SingHealth to quickly        by adopting standardised equipment and infrastructure,       patient registration, dissemination of educational
                                                                adapt to the new solutions available and provide an          allowing the organisation to rapidly scale up their          materials, and even telehealth.”
computing, a well-architected                                   effective range of healthcare services.                      services without any delays in set-up and testing. For
software stack and agile thinking                                                                                            example, the Singapore General Hospital was able to              These advances have also increased the quality of care
                                                                                                                             quickly convert one of their multi-story carparks into a     for patients themselves. For example, robots have been
methodologies meant that                                        Digitalising Workflows                                       fever screening area to deal with the surge of potential     deployed at COVID-19 containment facilities to provide
Singapore and SingHealth were                                                                                                cases during the early onset of COVID-19 in March 2020.      medical services to patients without exposing healthcare
                                                                    SingHealth also took the initiative to digitalise many                                                                workers to additional risk. These robots are able to enter
able to develop minimum viable                                  of their existing workflows and processes. With the large                                                                 these facilities easily to consult and engage with residents
products quickly, deploy them                                   number of healthcare facilities and services under its       Harnessing the Data and New Technologies in                  on their medical status to ensure that their well-being is
                                                                umbrella, emphasis was put on standardising the process      2020                                                         taken care of.
in real scenarios, and iterate                                  and platforms used across the entire organisation.
the product to increase its                                                                                                     Whilst the lessons learnt from SARS provided                  Instant messaging systems through platforms such
                                                                    To help with managing patient records, SingHealth        SingHealth with a strong digital foundation to manage        as Telegram have also been set up to keep all patients and
effectiveness.                                                  developed a single Electronic Medical Record (EMR)           COVID-19, SingHealth’s success in managing COVID-19          residents informed and aware of the developing situation.
                                                                system that was shared across all facilities in the          also drew from its use of data and the new technologies      Named the Dr Covid Chatbot, it provides educational
                                                                organisation. This allowed their staff to see patient        that were available. As part of the global fight against     information in different languages for all residents, and
                                                                records from across their family of medical facilities,      the virus, many in the medical community have                asks them simple questions to check on their physical and
 Management System, which allows hospitals to control           adding to the ease and timeliness of managing patient        come together to share various digital data tools and        mental well-being throughout their containment period.
 the number of visitors to their inpatient wards. The           conditions and ailments. It also helped provide a platform   dashboards, allowing everyone to learn from each other’s
 system is configurable, allowing them to adjust the            for doctors to consult one another and collaborate           experiences in dealing with the virus.                          In the hospitals, technology such as tablets and
 number of visitors allowed in. For example, whilst             in patient care, and serve as a single repository for                                                                     iPads have also been deployed to allow patients the
 four visitors per patient were allowed in normal               data analytics. At the national level, Singapore has             This data has allowed Singapore and SingHealth           ability to track and monitor their own conditions
 circumstances, the number was reduced to only one              implemented the National Electronic Health Record            to make informed decisions on the most effective             and communicate with nurses and doctors when
 visitor per patient during the COVID-19 outbreak to            (NEHR) system where all public and some private health       measures to be implemented. For example, whilst there        necessary. Together with the use of medical robots, these
 maintain safe distancing measures.                             and healthcare agencies submit summarised health             were initial debates on the merits of mandatory mask         technologies significantly increased the uptake and
                                                                records of the population. This platform has extended        wearing in Singapore, the policy was introduced and          acceptance of telehealth amongst patients and doctors,
     Secondly, SingHealth, together with the Integrated         the sharing of patients’ health records across Singapore’s   enforced quickly once new data and research showed its       with many using video consultations to stay in touch
 Health Information Systems (IHiS) and the other public         health system.                                               effectiveness in controlling the spread of the virus.        with their patients.
 healthcare clusters, implemented a Staff Surveillance
 System, or S3, portal. This was a system that allowed for          A common system across the cluster of medical                These data-driven decisions were supported through           Tan raised this increasing acceptance of telehealth
 all SingHealth staff, including their doctors and nurses,      facilities was also set up to handle patient appointments    a range of other technologies available. A combination of    as just one example of the rapid acceleration of digital
 to key in their temperatures twice a day. This helped the      and registration, allowing them to quickly pull out          cloud computing, a well-architected software stack and       transformation due to COVID-19. “We are seeing an
 organisation monitor the health and well-being of all          patient information, review conditions, manage patients      agile thinking methodologies meant that Singapore and        accelerated pace of innovation”, he adds, “and it has
 staff, ensure that there were no fever clusters, diseases      remotely, and offer a range of care options to meet          SingHealth was able to develop minimum viable products       almost demolished many people’s preconceived mindsets
 or infections spreading through the organisation, and          their needs. It also helped them reduce visits and clinic    quickly, deploy them in real scenarios, and iterate the      and helped them adapt to this new normal.” ■
 immediately isolate and lock-down any such cluster that        sessions when issues such as safe distancing or safety       product to increase its effectiveness. The Internet of
 may form.                                                      measures arose.                                              Things and Internet of Medical Things played a huge role
                                                                                                                             in areas such as patient management in foreign worker
     The organisations’ telecommuting protocol was                  Digital communication platforms were set up              dormitories.
 also set-up, as they realized early on during the SARS         internally to help with information-sharing across the
 outbreak that working from home was important in               organisation. An intranet website called Infopedia was           However, one major development that underpinned
 continuing business-as-usual, and these protocols were         created, which allowed SingHealth to share information       many of the management strategies was the ubiquity
 quickly operationalised for a majority of staff in the event   to all its staff members and help them manage the            of the smartphone. Across Singapore, the smartphone
 of any lockdown or safe distancing measures                    situation, and communicate routine instructions on           has played an integral role in the country’s contact
                                                                changes or updates on the situation. The tightening of       tracing protocol, with all residents expected to log their
    This was further supported by the development               communication channels was also strengthened by              movements through the SafeEntry or TraceTogether
 and strengthening of web conferencing and video                utilising the TigerConnect secure messaging tool.            systems developed by the Government Technology

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2020: A Strange Yet
                                                                                                                                             to a survey from Censuswide               hard way. A recent investigation by the      for robotics companies to make
                                                                                                                                             and Rackspace, IT budgets are             Hong Kong Consumer Council found             their business case for autonomous
                                                                                                                                             spread across many groups within          that retailers were often delivering         service robots doing everything from
                                                                                                                                             organizations, making it difficult        perishables like meat, fruits and            disinfecting shopping malls and

Transformative Year
                                                                                                                                             for IT decision makers to maintain        ice cream that arrived at customer           hospitals to bringing food to your
                                                                                                                                             visibility into where and how their       doorsteps spoiled, overripe or melted.       restaurant table.
                                                                                                                                             IT budgets are being spent. Also,
                                                                                                                                             many organisations are not properly           Meanwhile, online travel agencies           Perhaps an overlooked yet ironic
                                                                                                                                             governing and optimizing IT costs.        like Expedia and Tiket.com had the           aspect of COVID-19 is its impact on
In short, 2020 was a year of forced change for enterprises as they scrambled to keep their businesses                                                                                  problem of customers requiring               the so-called ‘gig economy’, which
                                                                                                                                                 Consequently, said Jeff DeVerter,     refunds or changes in their bookings.        includes Grab drivers, FoodPanda
running and customers served. But while it was rough going for most, COVID-19 had the ironically
                                                                                                                                             head of CTO Solutions at Rackspace,                                                    delivery people, Airbnb hosts, or
positive impact of making the case for digital transformation and the need to put CX at the center of                                        “Many businesses have found out           A good year for some                         people who bid for jobs on sites like
                                                                                                                                             the hard way in 2020 that their                                                        TaskRabbit and Upwork.
the business. Written by John Tanner, Contributing Editor at Frontier Enterprise.
                                                                                                                                             IT systems, resources and spend               Despite such challenges,
                                                                                                                                             tracking weren’t ready for COVID.”        however, e-commerce was perhaps                  Overall, 2020 was a mixed bag
                            here can be no doubt that      get the spread of the coronavirus        enterprises.                                                                       unsurprisingly one of the few                for gig-economy workers. Business-
                    T       the biggest story of 2020 in   under control, many enterprises                                                   Customers really are king                 business sectors that actually               wise, COVID-19 meant more business
                            the enterprise technology      were essentially forced to adopt WFH         By May, the strain was already                                                 thrived in the year of COVID-19.             for on-demand delivery drivers
                sector was COVID-19. Indeed, the           if they wanted to stay operational.      showing on the bottom line as many           Meanwhile, enterprises needed         Amazon is the one that makes                 (although of course they also face
                coronavirus dominated and disrupted                                                 enterprises either laid off workers,     to make sure they weren’t losing          the most headlines, of course, but           higher risks just by being out and
                virtually every aspect of our lives in         That in turn meant IT managers       cut salaries or froze scheduled pay      customers as a result of stores           overall the e-commerce sector got a          about in the midst of a pandemic),
                some form or other, in or out of the       suddenly found themselves                raises to cut costs (though it’s worth   closing. Early in the pandemic,           boost from the pandemic in terms             but it also meant less business for
                office – so much so that there was         confronted with a new set of security    adding that salary cuts and freezes      enterprises were seeing significant       of both revenue and new users. In            ride-hailing services like Grab, Uber
                practically no such thing as “out of       issues: how to ensure that employees     were also happening at C-level, not      spikes in requests for support,           Singapore alone, Accenture Applied           and Lyft, and costly cancellations for
                the office” as work from home (WFH)        attempting to access sensitive data      just the front line).                    amid the COVID-19 pandemic. For           Intelligence estimates that the              hosts who rent out their properties
                became the new normal for many             could do so securely from home – a                                                example, Zendesk’s Benchmark              island’s digital economy will rake           on Airbnb and Vrbo.
                organizations.                             daunting task if your employees are           On the other hand, HR               Snapshot showed a 20% year-on-            in almost $500 million as a result
                                                           using their personal laptops and         departments who were still hiring        year increase in global tickets for       of COVID-19. A separate report                  Moreover, COVID-19 highlighted
                    We're so used to COVID-19 by now       iPads over their home broadband          faced difficulties in connecting with    the week of March 15-22. According        from Google, Temasek and Bain                the disparities between gig workers
                that it’s almost easy to forget what       connections rather than company-         furloughed employees looking for         to Zendesk, the three biggest             & Company says that COVID-19                 and traditional workers when it
                a shock to the ecosystem the initial       issued laptops connecting to a VPN.      work elsewhere. This prompted            categories by industry were: remote       boosted Southeast Asia’s digital             comes to things like health insurance
                lockdowns were for many businesses.                                                 CHROs from Accenture, Lincoln            conferencing and learning (with           economy past the $100 billion mark.          and qualifying for financial relief
                Most business continuity plans                 Meanwhile, bosses and IT             Financial Group, ServiceNow and          a 216% surge in ticket requests) ,        Of that, e-commerce was the largest          from government programs aimed to
                (BCPs) were designed to sustain the        managers found out the hard way          Verizon to create and launch an          airlines (199%), and grocery brands       vertical, growing 63% to reach $62           help small businesses struggling to
                average company for perhaps a few          that WFH isn’t simply a matter           analytics-driven platform called         (39%).                                    billion in 2020.                             survive in the pandemic.
                days, maybe a week, but not several        of technology, but employee              People + Work Connect, which pools
                months. Consequently, BCPs buckled         management. Employees used to a          non-confidential and aggregated              E-commerce sites such as                  Meanwhile, COVID-19 gave a               DX saves the day
                as supply chains were disrupted            team-building office environment         workforce information by categories      Coupang, Sendo and Bukalapak              boost to digital payments in 2020,
                and both customers and employees           now had to cope not only with the        such as location and experience to       also found themselves prioritizing        potentially setting the stage for                While COVID-19 impacted
                stayed home. Even videoconferencing        stress of being cooped up to avoid the   help HR managers spot potential          customer experience and service,          accelerated adoption as DX initiatives       different sectors in different ways, by
                and collaboration platforms like           coronavirus, but also the challenges     hires looking for work. While it’s       not least because so many people          also accelerate. Online banking also         the latter part of the year a clear trend
                Zoom, DingTalk and WeChat Work             of maintaining the psychological         not yet known just how effective         turned to such sites to purchase          saw a significant boost in usage in          had emerged: for the enterprises that
                found themselves caught off-guard          division between work and personal       the platform has been overall since      everyday essentials while they were       Singapore.                                   weathered the COVID-19 storm best,
                as demand for their platforms spiked       time, and overcoming the paranoia        its launch in April 2020, Accenture      in lockdown and/or quarantine.                                                         digital transformation made all the
                almost immediately as employees            that the boss may think they’re not      says over 265 companies from 95          Customer service wasn’t just a matter         That said, the financial sector          difference.
                found themselves having to work            working hard enough.                     countries have joined as of December     of ensuring items were in stock and       overall had its share of pandemic-
                from home.                                                                          2020, with more than 400,000 roles       transactions went through – they          related challenges, from an escalation           Indeed, the objective of DX is
                                                              By March – at which point the         now on the platform.                     also had to work with supply chain        of cyber-attacks specifically targeting      to make enterprises of all stripes
                   Indeed, WFH blindsided many             WHO officially designated the                                                     partners to ensure that deliveries        financial institutions to the difficulties   agile and flexible enough to adjust
                enterprises across the region, as          spread of the novel coronavirus as a        IT departments were also              were made on time.                        of establishing and maintaining              quickly to sudden market shifts and
                remote working wasn’t a common             pandemic – it was painfully obvious      disrupted by COVID-19 – not just                                                   trusted partner relationships over           disruptions – to include, as it turns
                practice in Asia at the start of 2020.     that COVID-19 wasn’t just the flu, or    in terms of having to support               This was especially crucial for        Zoom rather than in person.                  out, a global pandemic shutting down
                As more governments started                a repeat of SARS. It was also obvious    WFH arrangements at scale, but           online grocery deliveries – a fact that                                                supply chains and forcing customers
                imposing mandatory lockdowns to            that the pandemic was impacting          also budgeting for it. According         Hong Kong consumers discovered the           COVID-19 also provided a platform         and employees alike to stay home.

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    Perhaps unsurprisingly, many            in 2021 – hence the various claims       a forecast, it is reality,” Sreekanti     Security Technology and Strategy,         technologies they have.                   SolarWinds.
organizations who had been dragging         from industry watchers that WFH and      says. “I believe we will shift from       Asia Pacific, at Akamai.
their feet on DX initiatives have now       other COVID-related policies will be     a cloud-first mandate, to a cloud                                                       “According to Gartner, the               “With tightening budgets and
found sufficient motivation to get          the new normal.                          everywhere mandate.”                          “As traffic continues to grow, edge   abatement of revenue uncertainty          other pandemic-induced operational
cracking on it. By June, a survey from                                                                                         security will become increasingly         in late 2020 will allow for the           challenges, organizations and tech
GlobalData and Telstra found 93% of             Many CEOs are at least open to the       Keerti Melkote, president and         critical to ensuring a strong security    resurgence of more predictable            teams will have no choice but to fully
businesses were recalibrating their         idea of hybrid working environments      founder of Aruba (a Hewlett Packard       posture while balancing the need for      IT spending by CIOs, but social           embrace automation to optimize
digital transformation strategy to          where employees have the option to       Enterprise company), adds that            speed, quality and resiliency we have     distancing will continue through          environments and reduce the time
at least some degree (with remote           work from home. Indeed, they may         IT teams will take the next step in       come to expect when we’re using the       2021, capping office capacity at 40%,”    spent on monotonous tasks,” Taylor
working a top priority, naturally). A       have to if they want to attract new      their transformational journey to         Internet,” he says.                       Giese explains. “IT teams will need       says. “This will include automating
separate survey from Twilio reported        talent. A recent report from Deloitte    the ‘intelligent edge’ and begin to                                                 to get even more creative with how        time-consuming tasks like
that a whopping 97% of enterprise           found that up to 47.8 million people     create the requisite infrastructures.         David Hughes, founder of Silver       they’re spending their money, with        workstation patching, configuration
decision makers said the pandemic           in the ASEAN-6 nations (Indonesia,       “As they do so, it won’t just be about    Peak, predicts that the ‘new edge’ will   IT spending expected to decrease.         changes for network devices,
accelerated their company’s digital         Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines,        connecting constituents to the cloud.     evolve to bring together the principles   Though organizations don’t need to        compliance checks and remediation,
transformation strategy by an average       Thailand, and Vietnam) could shift to    It will be about how users and IoT        of SD-WAN, SD-Branch and SASE             put digital transformation on pause,      server patching, and more.”
of six years. A more recent report          entirely remote work over the next few   devices are connected, and about          (Secure access service edge) in 2021,     there will be pressure for them to do
from IBM Institute For Business Value       years.                                   using data generated at the edge to       which he says will significantly          more with less, leading them to focus
found that the COVID-19 pandemic                                                     power new experiences and business        enhance security posture and yield        on strengthening the tech already in         2021 will see
accelerated digital transformation for          In fact, most employees in Asia      outcomes.”                                operational efficiencies.                 place to optimize businesses.“
59% of organizations in Singapore,          hope those policies will remain                                                                                                                                           the emergence
while 66% said they were able to            in place long after COVID-19 is             There’s also a 5G component to the         Hughes also expects that edge             Unfortunately, this will also apply      of the “software-
complete initiatives that previously        under control. A recent survey           2021 edge paradigm, as 5G rollouts        strategies overall will be reevaluated    to CISOs, says James Forbes-May, Vice
encountered resistance.                     from Skillsoft found that 89% of         continue and telcos set their sights on   in light of the ‘new normal’. “It’s now   President – APAC for Barracuda.              defined
                                            workers across APAC want at least        enterprises as the next big revenue       commonly recognized that the global                                                    enterprise”,
     When looking at those numbers,         one COVID-19 practice adopted            opportunity, says Frank Feldmann,         pandemic has forever changed the              “Security executives will need to
it’s worth remembering that some            permanently, whether it’s flexible       VP of the APAC Office of Technology at    way we work and conduct business.         achieve the same level of security or        in which the
industries have been pushed harder          working hours, remote working,           Red Hat Asia Pacific.                     In 2021, enterprises will step back       more with tighter budgets in 2021,” he       software-defined
than others to embrace DX – perhaps         more time dedicated to their physical                                              and review what they learned in the       says. “There will also be a continued
none more so than the healthcare            and mental well-being, increased             “5G, IoT and edge computing can       past year and evolve their remote         shortage of cybersecurity talent in          principles of
sector, which not only had to deal with     family time (47%), or a reduction        be applied to smart fleet management,     work strategies, applying a longer-       the region despite the recession and         SD-WAN will be
the pandemic on the front lines, but        in unnecessary work meetings and         wherein edge devices can monitor          term perspective of the workplace.        COVID-19 job losses.”
also had to guarantee IT and service        outside commitments.                     critical vehicle systems and access       This will include eliminating                                                          applied in other
delivery internally as remote working                                                the 5G network to send alerts, track      trade-offs between security and               David Hughes is somewhat more            areas like the
and social distancing measures kicked           Here are selected vendor             the flow of goods, plan routes, and       user-experience and providing more        optimistic, predicting that 2021 will
in. Experts attending Jicara Media’s        predictions for 2021 worth betting       facilitate communications between         a consistent experience as users work     see the emergence of the “software-          data center and
recent Healthcare Frontiers 2020            on.                                      a vehicle and any IoT-enabled entity      from home, the road or the office.”       defined enterprise”, in which the            campus LAN.
Conference discussed how digitization                                                that may affect or be affected by the                                               software-defined principles of SD-
in healthcare is more crucial than ever     The year of the edge and 5G              vehicle,” Feldmann says. “We foresee      DX acceleration (with caveats)            WAN will be applied in other areas
– and that the pandemic has made this                                                more APAC organizations and cities                                                  like the data center and campus LAN.          One area primed for greater
necessity painfully clear.                      The network edge made a              adopting 5G, IoT, and edge computing          As mentioned earlier, digital                                                   automation is the IT help desk, she
                                            difference in 2020 as enterprises        in 2021 to become more connected          transformation initiatives are               “In 2021, these software-defined       adds. “As monitoring and service desk
Break out the crystal balls                 embraced remote working and the          and efficient. Emerging use cases         generally expected to pick up speed in    silos will begin to come together into    integrations become more prevalent,
                                            cloud to keep workers and customers      for the three technologies include        2021. On the other hand, that doesn’t     a broader software-defined enterprise     tech pros will start the process of
    By all reliable accounts, the           alike connected. That trend will         analyzing sensor data for predictive      necessarily mean they’re going to         architecture,” Hughes says.               automating ticket assignments, asset
pandemic will continue through much         continue in 2021 as the cloud            maintenance and quality control,          throw unlimited amounts of money                                                    updates, configuration management
of this year, even as vaccines are rolled   becomes more crucial to enterprise       augmented reality systems for             at such projects and invest in all        More automation (i.e. AI)                 database (CMDB) updates, updates to
out – between the reported virus            operations, says Kumar Sreekanti,        remote operations, and personalized       new technologies. The disruption of                                                 customers, and more.”
mutations and the fact that countries       Chief Technology Officer and Head        ‘connected experiences’ for customer      COVID-19 places several caveats in            A key component of making all
with out-of-control infection rates         of Software at Hewlett Packard           and supplier engagement.”                 how managers approach their DX            this work will be automation powered          Andy Watson, Senior Vice
are struggling with proper vaccine          Enterprise (HPE).                                                                  strategies from here on out.              by artificial intelligence and machine    President and General Manager for
distribution, the chances of a swift end                                                The increased focus on the edge                                                  learning – so much so that even           Asia Pacific Japan and Greater China
to COVID-19 in 2021 are slim.                  “Three years ago, we predicted        will make it more mission-critical,          For a start, says Sascha Giese, one    enterprises that have approached          at SAP Concur also predicts that AI
                                            the enterprise of the future would       which in turn means edge security         of several Head Geeks at Solar Winds,     automation technologies with caution      and automation will play a bigger role
    Which means that many of the            be edge-centric, cloud-enabled, and      will become extremely important,          IT managers are going to be expected      will have a change of heart, says         in workplaces in 2021 as the pace of
lessons learned in 2020 will still apply    data-driven. Today, that is no longer    says Fernando Serto, director of          to do more with less and optimize the     Chrystal Taylor, another Head Geek at     digital change increases.

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    “Many companies were in the           vaccinations,” Tiviti says.               solutions means companies are              to be effective,” Gan says.               “Previously held notions of inside/             Barracuda also reminds CISOs
early and mid-stages of digital                                                     automatically kept up-to-date with the                                               outside will need to be discarded, and      that humans remain the weakest
transformation when the pandemic              He also expects AI to be critical     most cutting-edge technology, without          At the same time, enterprises will    IT professionals will need to treat         link in the security chain, and there
struck. They pivoted and sped up          for real-time supply and demand           having to worry about manual updates       search for ways to strike the right       every environment with the same level       are several attack surfaces specific to
that transformation to address            matching, which could have mitigated      or replacing hardware,” he says. "As       balance between work and leisure to       of protections, irrespective of where       COVID-19 that employees and CISOs
unprecedented global disruption and       or even prevented the supply chain        we move into a new year that likely        ensure maximum productivity, he           or who a user is. With a zero-trust         alike need to watch for: COVID check-
customer needs, and now they will         disruptions of 2020. Tiviti also          will bring more uncertainty, multi-        adds, noting that not every employee      access approach, security becomes           in apps; Contact tracing apps; and
be expected to continue operating         predicts that AI will transform the       tenant cloud solutions will become         likes working from home – in fact,        more dynamic and adaptive to meet           COVID-19 vaccine.
within this new context,” he says. “As    hiring process in the unpredictable job   critical technology differentiators,       a recent Barco survey found 63% of        the changing needs of companies well
businesses maintain hybrid remote-        market of 2021.                           helping businesses remain agile and        respondents enjoyed WFH less than         beyond the next year.”                         ESET offers some additional new
working models and anticipate other                                                 innovative, while also reducing their      they did at the start of the pandemic.                                                security threats to watch for in 2021:
potential disruptions in 2021 and         Cloud cloud cloud (not to be              e-waste footprints and helping them                                                      James Forbes-May of Barracuda
beyond, the role of automation and AI     confused with multi-cloud)                move closer to their sustainability            “Given that we are expecting          agrees that there will be an increased          • Ransomware with a twist –
use cases in the workplace will grow.                                               targets.”                                  hybrid working to continue next           focus on zero trust to secure               pay up or your data gets leaked:
These may include enabling efficient          As mentioned earlier, enterprises                                                year, businesses need to encourage        distributed enterprises and remote          With ransomware attackers seeking
day-to-day communications between         are expected to dive deeper into          Challenges for the new hybrid              the less tech savvy workforce to          workers.                                    greater leverage to coerce victims
knowledge workers doing their jobs        hybrid cloud as part of their DX          workplace                                  stay motivated and focused as well                                                    into paying, as well as upping
from home and automating invoicing        strategies. That will spur increasing                                                as prioritising employee safety and           “To reduce the security risk in         the ante in ransom demands, the
and expenses to keep valued partners      adoption of cloud-native apps, says           The acceleration of DX in 2021 will    well-being. Organisations need to         [hybrid] environments, a zero-trust         stakes are increasing for victims.
paid and to preserve budgets.”            Red Hat’s Feldmann.                       necessitate a shift in corporate culture   relook their company policies and         approach will be the big focus for          Exfiltration and extortion may not
                                                                                    and mindset – long identified as           think of solutions to overcome these      organizations in 2021 to provide            be new techniques, but they are
   Feldmann of Red Hat Asia                   “Cloud-native applications            crucial elements of any successful DX      challenges be it emotional well-being,    secure, reliable and fast access to         certainly growing trends, says Tony
Pacific agrees that we’ll see a lot       can respond quickly to change,            strategy, says Red Hat’s Feldmann.         or sustaining the workplace culture       cloud or on-premise applications            Anscombe, ESET Chief Security
more automation in 2021 as APAC           adapting and evolving with new                                                       and practices.”                           and workloads from any device and           Evangelist: “Companies are becoming
organizations strive to reduce            features and functionalities released         “With APAC businesses                                                            location,” he says. “This ensures only      smarter, deploying technologies that
complexity, lower operating costs         incrementally more quickly, reliably      recognizing that digital                       Don Weinstein, Corporate Vice         the right person, with the right device,    thwart attacks and creating resilient
and create an additional layer of         and frequently with less risk,”           transformation is driven by a              President of Global Product and           and the right permissions has access to     backup and restore processes, so the
automated insight to optimize             he says. “As more organizations           change in mindset, we foresee              Technology at ADP, agrees that            company resources.”                         bad actors need a ‘Plan B’ to be able
business processes. For example, some     adopt hybrid cloud to increase the        more organizations embracing               employers need to focus on the well-                                                  to monetize their effort and build
APAC banks are already using robotic      scalability and availability of apps,     open principles, processes, and            being of their workers. Weinstein         Security threats (old and new)              resilience into the attack, rather
process automation (RPA) to approve       those that also embrace cloud-native      culture in 2021,” he says. “By doing       expects this to be driven by a                                                        than being reliant on a single form of
credit card applications, automate        development are in a better position      so, organizations can nurture              number of trends in 2021, including           Which of course leads us to             threat.”
payments, and validate claims.            to build and run responsive, scalable,    collaboration and empower employees        a prioritized focus on resilience and     the various security threats that
                                          and fault-tolerant apps on any cloud.”    to bring their best ideas and selves       safety, advancing diversity, equity and   enterprises will enjoy in 2021. The            • “Fileless malware” attacks:
    However, he warns, “they must                                                   to work, which can help accelerate         inclusion within the workforce, paying    short version: more of the same, plus       these kinds of attacks piggyback on
have an enterprise-wide automation            This in turn will drive container     innovation and address changing            close attention to culture and social     more.                                       the operating system’s own tools
strategy instead of deploying             adoption in 2021, he adds. “With          customer and business requirements         responsibility, a dynamic approach to                                                 and processes and leverage them for
automation in silos in order to fully     containers, developers can more           in an agile manner.”                       WFH, and streamlining compliance-            For example, says Forbes-May,            malicious purposes. “Fileless threats
benefit from the technology.”             easily release and update apps as a                                                  related tasks to alleviate the burden     cloud security has never not been           have been evolving rapidly, and it is
                                          collection of loosely coupled services,       At least some of that effort will go   on HR and payroll departments while       important, but it will become               expected that in 2021 these methods
    Drilling down into specific use       like microservices, instead of            towards sustaining the new hybrid work     leveraging aid.                           more crucial in 2021 as enterprises         will be used in increasingly complex
cases, Fabio Tiviti, Vice President of    having to wait for one large release.     environment by building effective and                                                accelerate migration to cloud services      and larger-scale attacks,” says Camilo
ASEAN at Infor, predicts that AI will     Recognizing that containers can help      secure hybrid workforces, says Gan            That said, as the hybrid workforce     and switch to SaaS-based apps over          Gutiérrez Amaya, ESET Senior
become especially mission-critical for    accelerate innovation, 45% of APAC        Ta Loong, managing director of Barco       blurs corporate and personal              on-prem implementations.                    Security Researcher.
the healthcare sector in 2021.            respondents from [Red Hat’s] 2021         South East Asia.                           boundaries, this will raise security
                                          Global Tech Outlook expect more                                                      challenges and necessitate accelerated       “While riding this wave of cloud             Raen Lim, Area Vice President
    “By applying machine learning to      than half of their workloads to be           “Workplaces are expected to be          adoption of zero-trust access in 2021,    adoption, don’t let security take a         for South Asia at Splunk, agrees that
real-time global data sets, healthcare    containerized in the next 12 months.”     more flexible as hybrid working            says Fernando Serto of Akamai.            back seat due to budget and resource        2020 was “a year of unprecedented
professionals can more accurately                                                   models become mainstream. These                                                      constraints,” he advises. “Make sure        challenge for IT security teams” due
track contact between staff and               Infor’s Fabio Tiviti also expects     workplaces without boundaries                  “As hybrid working arrangements       you know who is responsible for the         to remote working, and expects that
infected patients, enable accurate        multi-tenant cloud architectures          will also increase vulnerabilities         gain momentum in 2021, the                security of infrastructure, workloads       CISOs can expect the bad guys are
diagnoses, utilize predictive analytics   to be the new gold standard for           and security concerns. Solutions           lines between different security          and assets in the cloud. Many don’t fully   coming up with new tricks to exploit
to track personal protective equipment    enterprises.                              adopted in the next year must address      environments such as home/work,           understand the responsibilities of both     this reality to infiltrate company
(PPE), optimize workforce allocations,                                              the security, connectivity and             inside/outside will continue to blur,     their organisation and public cloud         systems. ■
and develop more effective and lasting       “Using multi-tenant cloud              productivity needs of the organisation     becoming even more fluid,” Serto says.    provider, which could leave gaps.”

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The Digital Backbone                                                                                                                        customers building hybrid and multi-cloud solutions              to manage large data flows and ingestion from various
                                                                                                                                            at Equinix, it seems obvious that previous on-premise            sources.
    Tejaswini Tilak, Senior Director of Solution Marketing and Mac Lewis, Director-Strategic Alliances                                      private IT infrastructure and application management
                                                                                                                                            made adapting to the pandemic extremely difficult.               How will enterprises be impacted by the pandemic
    APAC at Equinix, take us through the necessary steps for transformation in a cloud-enabled world.
                                                                                                                                            Also, these companies could not wait years to gradually          and the post-pandemic reality?
                                                                                                                                            change, it needed to happen immediately, and some
              As you head into the office at the beginning of                number of on-ramps each has located at Equinix IBX’s           businesses suffered because they could not take                     [TT] The rapid global shift to remote work and
              2021, what are your top 3 priorities for the year?             globally. These on-ramps enable enterprise customers           advantage of the agility and adaptability cloud-based            time spent at home has demonstrated the increasing
                                                                             to directly connect critical applications, that require low    solutions offer.                                                 importance of infrastructure in today’s digital
              [Tejaswini Tilak]:                                             latency and secure connections to databases, data and                                                                           businesses. Collaboration tools like Zoom, messaging
                 1. Customer centricity – some things have changed           both hybrid and multi-clouds, supply chain partners and            Lesson learned were understanding how cloud is               apps like MS Teams and Slack, and cloud-based email
              permanently due to COVID-19, in particular the shift to        customers, while reducing complexity of the physical           now at the core of any business, enabling engagement             were already being deployed in organizations at some
              digital. Clients are accelerating their move to digital as     networking elements.                                           locally, regionally and globally; but also with                  level. The current environment has driven a surge in
              the advantages of digital have become quite clear. So, it’s                                                                   customers, suppliers and other eco-system partners,              the usage of those tools along with document sharing
              important to stay focused on customer needs and help              Not all cloud applications require high speed, real-        to scale and change as unpredictable circumstances               and collaboration resources such as Box and One
              them take advantage of these digital shifts.                   time, low latency connections, however, critical business      arise.                                                           Drive. Another critical application from an enterprise
                                                                             applications and workloads are heavily dependent upon                                                                           perspective in the remote working environment is VPN
                  2. Innovation and creativity – COVID-19 forced us to       these elements to operate as customers expect.                      The second lesson is the need for various IT providers to   gateways -- as secure corporate network access has
              challenge some of the old norms and ways of working.                                                                          work together, to design and execute an enterprise outcome.      become more important.
              But it also led to a lot of creative ways of adapting to the   What were some of the biggest lessons of 2020?                 Transformation or migration to the cloud cannot just be
              blended physical and digital worlds. We should continue                                                                       undertaken by cloud-trained specialists for example. Due             Service providers and similar businesses
              to take advantage of the opportunities created due to new          [TT] Lessons for businesses around the world centre        to regulatory or audit reasons enterprises cannot refactor       mirroring their practices were early adopters of digital
              and digitally-enabled ways of doing work.                      on navigating their digital strategies to stay competitive     all applications, or do not wish to move these, such as          transformation. With the advent of COVID-19, these
                                                                             in the new normal. As many global businesses have              rebuilding existing databases from scratch, or migrating all     digital leaders have experienced incredible surges in
                                3. Focus on wellness – Wellbeing should      implemented shelter-in-place policies and enabled their        SAP applications to the cloud. Therefore many other areas        interconnection bandwidth growth, as they have the
                            remain top of mind. We can’t expect people       employees to work remotely, this has shifted traffic from      need to be considered when an enterprise is looking at its       infrastructure in place to scale with the changes in demand.
                            to be back to 100% productibity and back         corporate networks to their homes.                             cloud strategy. Potentially, up to 16 different technology       According to our latest market research, GXI Vol.4, service
                            to “old normal”. Everyone is going to go                                                                        partners may be required.                                        providers show the highest growth rate of interconnection
                            through an adjustment period, so it’s               Given the dynamically changing environment,                                                                                  bandwidth capacity, with a 5x increase in the forecast
                            important to focus on wellbeing.                 businesses need the ability to quickly ramp up - adding        What do you see as being the most impactful                      over the next four years, driven by greater demands from
                                                                             new locations, connections and applications – for              technologies coming into play over the next year?                enterprises at the edge. Enterprises are also transforming
                            [Mac Lewis]:                                     business continuity. They need to continue assessing                                                                            infrastructure to match service providers’ best practices,
                               Due to the accelerated requirement by         their situational risks/needs, evaluating business                 [TT] I would emphasize two as being critical                 reaching over a 50% growth rate in 2023.
                            our enterprise customers to transform their      continuity options and scenario planning.                      infrastructure pillars for enterprises as they look
                            current on-private premise applications                                                                         for competitive advantage and resilience beyond the                  Data centers are part of the core digital infrastructure.
                            and IT infrastructure to a cloud-based               The surge in digital use has never been so drastic in      pandemic: cloud native infrastructure, and an edge-first         Every time we post on social media, purchase a book
                            environment, we are:                             such a short span of time. The response to the enormous        paradigm.                                                        online, stream a movie, send an email, etc. these
                                                                             demand for increased bandwidth has demonstrated our                                                                             communications move through a data center. The
          Tejaswini Tilak      1. Focused on how we help these               dependency on data centers and internet infrastructure             [ML] We are seeing more customers looking to stay            pandemic has reshaped internet usage patterns within
                            customers who are looking to migrate to          to support us during and lead us through the crisis.           competitive, increase productivity, explore new market           a short period of time - we noticed that data exchange
                            Microsoft Azure, AWS, Google Cloud or                                                                           opportunities and deliver better customer service                surged over 40% in Q2 2020.
                            Oracle OCI.                                          Many of Equinix's customers play a key role in the         through the adoption of analytical cloud services, AI and
                                                                             infrastructure supporting the health, financial, government    ML capabilities. Enterprises are looking at multiple cloud           [ML] In realty I think the ‘new norm’ is very apparent,
                               2: Identifying critical applications and      and technology sectors, which are proving critical to          services offerings from multiple cloud providers, and            and already in play, from the way enterprises are needing
                            workloads the customer needs to migrate,         maintaining public health and stabilizing the economy.         in doing so, are needing to interconnect various public          to manage their customer delivery, production, supply
                            rehost, refactor, retire/retain as key                                                                          cloud services to access various workloads and data              chain management, customer service and interactions
                            transformation aspects we can assist with.           When you think about digital experiences -- such as this   across multiple clouds in near real-time.                        to a far greater focus on internal employee welfare
                                                                             virtual interview we are conducting from my home office,                                                                        programs and communications.
                               3: Always keep the customers' business        the online classes our kids are taking because of school          To enable this fully, organisations need to access
                            requirements as the focus; identify and          closures, and the streaming movies that are keeping us         various databases, and data sources, which often reside             All of these require a shift from traditional IT
                            work with multiple partners to execute the       entertained during social distancing – all of these require    in multiple locations -- including in other companies.           solutions to cloud-based architecture, and where critical
                            desired business outcomes.                       internet connections to happen behind the scenes between                                                                        applications and workloads need to be physically
                                                                             companies. Those connections happen at Equinix.                   We are seeing far more Cloud2Cloud requirements               connected and with very low latency to Azure via
                               The reason Equinix works with these                                                                          from enterprises, which require low latency, very quick          ExpressRoute, AWS via DirectConnect, Oracle OCI via
              Mac Lewis     four big cloud providers is due to the              [ML] From the accelerated uptake we have seen of            scalability, and multiple interconnection points able            Fastconnect or Google Cloud via GCI. ■

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Continuous Transformation and
the Importance of Plan B                                                                                                                                                        The biggest lesson for
                                                                                                                                                                                me is to have a plan
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 applications for them.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Companies that have
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 invested in and are quick
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  COVID-19 has impacted our
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              society, but it has also made us a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              more aware society, focused on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 to deploy technologies       sustainability, diversity, well-being,
           An interview with Kee Yaw Yee, Chief Information Officer, StarHub. Yaw Yee is responsible for the                                                                    B that is ready to be                            to practical usage will      and pursuing aspirations in a way

           IT strategy, IT infrastructure, systems and applications required to support StarHub’s business                                                                      activated and deployed                           strive in 2021 and           that is seamless and digital. StarHub
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 beyond.                      wants to be part of this journey,
           growth and customer goals.                                                                                                                                           when disaster strikes                                                         enabling people and companies
                                                                                                                                                                                and business and life                                                         to work with us and grow their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 How has your                 own digital ecosystem. We are
                                                                                                                                                                                normality is disrupted.                          workplace transformed        expanding our enterprise business
                                                                                                                                                                                The ability of businesses                        over 2020, and               by pursuing growth in cybersecurity
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 what are your                with Ensign InfoSecurity, cloud,
                                                                                                                                                                                to operate in an                                 precise workplace            data analytics and software-as-a-
                                                                                                                                                                                alternative paradigm is                          transformation               service (SaaS) with Strateq, as well
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 strategies for 2021?         as merging digital 5G services and
                                                                                                                                                                                key for businesses to                                                         solutions with our core connectivity
                                                                                                                                                                                survive.                                               Except for critical    products. Enterprises are expected to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   business operations and    continue investing in their network
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   activities that can only   infrastructure and adopting cloud
                                                                                                                                                                            can improve our resilience and           be conducted on-site, our workforce      and security services, data analytics
                                                                                                                                                                            posture to deal with pandemics           has been working remotely since          and visualisation, Internet of Things
                                                                                                                                                                            by adopting a more collaborative         the pandemic hit. Starting this year,    and data centre-related services as
                                                                                                                                                                            and collective community mindset         our employees are returning to the       part of their digitalisation journey.
                                                                                                                                                                            instead of pushing for individual        office in a split-team arrangement
                                                                                                                                                                            survival. Nobody is safe until           while observing safe-distancing              Business activities are resuming

                                                                                                                                          Photograph courtesy of StarHub.
                                                                                                                                                                            everyone is safe – this applies at the   measures. We have successfully           safely in phases, and it is still
                                                                                                                                                                            country level. Only when the world       transitioned into business-as-usual      the early days of Singapore’s
                                                                                                                                                                            leaders think and act in the interests   work arrangement.                        reopening. Enterprise customers,
                                                                                                                                                                            of the globe will we stand a chance                                               being cautious, are deferring the
                                                                                                                                                                            of weathering another pandemic               Remote working and                   implementation of certain projects,
                                                                                                                                                                            onslaught.                               conferencing tools are also evolving     leading to some level of delays.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     as the demand for such software          Travel restrictions are still in effect,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     platforms has increased. We are          impacting mobile prepaid and
                                                                                                                                                                            What do you see as being the             discovering more and better ways         roaming services. We are monitoring
               As you head into the office at the       2) Improve and optimise our                The biggest lesson for me is to have                                     most impactful technologies              for employees to engage with one         the situation closely, and we expect
               beginning of 2021, what are your         operational IT with the aim to lower   a plan B that is ready to be activated                                       coming into play over the next           another and external parties. My         to see recovery – which may be
               top 3 priorities for the year?           our cost of doing business             and deployed when disaster strikes                                           year? What are your broad                charter for my team this year is to      uneven – as the COVID-19 situation
                                                                                               and business and life normality is                                           technology predictions for 2021?         continue to raise the bar on creating    stabilises gradually in the future. ■
                         s the CIO for StarHub,         3) Improve our cybersecurity posture   disrupted. The ability of businesses to                                                                               user-friendly platforms for business
                  A      my top priorities are as       as we progressively expand our         operate in an alternative paradigm is                                            Amid a prolonged pandemic            collaboration.
                         follows:                       digital business footprint             key for businesses to survive. When                                          situation, I believe technologies that
                                                                                               businesses survive, people can at                                            enable business to proceed as usual
               1) Progress the IT transformation                                               least maintain their way of life if they                                     will continue to maintain our way of     How will your vertical be
               programme that we embarked on            What were some of the biggest          continue to be employed.                                                     life. For example, drones, AI driving    impacted by the pandemic and
               last year, by keeping the vision         lessons of 2020? Have we                                                                                            robotics and automation, and data        the post-pandemic reality? What
               and accelerating the momentum to         learned these lessons, and is             The world has survived a few                                              analytics – while these technologies     will the “new normal” look like
               refresh our IT stack in order to drive   the globe ready for another            major pandemics but not without                                              have existed for a while now, we will    for your industry?
               our digital strategy                     pandemic?                              significant casualties. I believe we                                         find new, more practical and urgent

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                                                             MTR FOODS                                                                            BITGLASS

                                                             AGILITY & GROWTH                                                                     Securing Digital
                                                             Ganesh Shenoy, Chief Financial Officer & Vice-President -
                                                             IT, at MTR Foods, details the multiple levels of workplace
                                                             transformation involved in managing disruption.                                      Jonathan Andresen, Senior Director of Marketing at Bitglass, explains precisely

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Photograph courtesy of Bitglass.
                                                                                                                                                  what security strategies are needed to safeguard distributed workforces, and the
                                                             are available on tap. I think those     across the globe
                                                             organisations which always had              • Tele-medicine and remote               rise of Secure Access Service Edge in enabling the future of work.
                                                             strong Business Continuity plans        diagnostic capability which will
                                                             (also testing and refreshing them       enable remote hospitals to get the benefit                              ith the office gradually      trust network access security
                                                             constantly) were the organizations      of medical experts for challenges in                            W       entering the home, it         forming their three main pillars.
                                                             which flourished and grew               medical diagnosis and treatment                                         has become increasingly       This full suite of services allows
                                                             exponentially. Some of the key                                                                       important for workers to be able to      clients to secure their data regardless
                                                             characteristics that businesses need    How has your workplace                                       get the data that they need for their    of where it resides, what devices
                                                             to specifically develop are :           transformed over 2020, and                                   work whenever and wherever they          are used to access it, or where their     that can leverage cloud services and
                                                                  • Resilient attitude amongst       what are your precise workplace                              want it, and in a secure fashion.        users are accessing it from. Together     mobile applications to work in a
                                                             its employees — a "never give up"       transformation strategies for                                This emphasis on security also           with the ability to customise the         more productive way.
Photograph courtesy of MTR Foods.
                                                             culture — which comes through if        2021?                                                        needs to be supported by an agile IT     security needs to a very granular
                                                             the organization nourishes an open                                                                   security posture that still allows the   level, this allows their clients to           At the same time, many companies
                  As you head into the office at the         minded, transparent, an innovative           Our workplace transformation is                         business to be dynamic and adapt         employ a strong policy engine that        are still exploring ways to create
                  beginning of 2021, what are your           and a “here to win” cultural mindset.   at multiple levels. The front end now                        in implementing the digital tools        provides modern security for the          connections while working remotely.
                  top 3 priorities for the year?                  • Flexible and empowered           executes its sales responsibility using                      necessary to support remote work.        entire organisation, and yet retain       Working as a team is still a big part
                                                             teams with open and clear two-way       hand held devices moving towards an                          This need for both security and          the agility to move quickly in their      of the workplace, and technologies
                              hile the pandemic was          communication channels up the           almost contactless sales process with                        dynamism means that companies            digital transformation and improve        that allow real-time collaboration
                     W        essentially a disruption, it   hierarchy to ensure that the business   its stockists including an automated                         need to constantly modernise             productivity.                             or video telecommunication have
                              has triggered new learnings    pulls in one direction.                 claims processing proess.                                    IT infrastructure to support and                                                   become critical in supporting
                  / insights leading to new ways of                                                                                                               sustain their workforce.                 The Priorities of Digital                 interaction across physically distant
                  working which can be leveraged even        What do you see as being the               The office will most certainly                                                                     Transformation                            groups of people.
                  after normalcy is restored. The top        most impactful technologies             move to a more flexible "Work from                           The Rise of Secure Access
                  priorities for 2021 are:                   coming into play over the next          Home" model as we have worked                                Service Edge (SASE)                          What then does this digital           The Workforce and Workplace
                        • Embedding digital and              year? What are your broad               almost a year on WFH without losing                                                                   transformation look like? Andresen        of the Future
                  automation tools / processes to            technology predictions for 2021?        much momentum.                                                   “With most companies pre-            responds that there are a number
                  energise the front-end teams                                                                                                                    pandemic, you typically assume           of priorities that Bitglass is helping       With the pandemic accelerating
                  resulting in significant sales                 Several technologies which were     How will your vertical be                                    10%-15% are going to be working          clients with. The first is to help them   what had already been a long-term
                  productivity                               on the fringe eg: Teams, Zoom etc       impacted by the pandemic and                                 remotely. Now, it is suddenly 90%-       take advantage of new technologies        trend towards mobility, cloud
                        • Accelerating more workflow         have suddenly acquired significant      the post-pandemic reality? What                              100%,” shares Jonathan Andresen,         that can support this process, such       services, and remote working,
                  processes across the business value        prominence without which businesses     will the “new normal” look like                              Senior Director of Marketing at          as the use of cloud services. With an     employers and employees have
                  chain to move towards a paperless          could not have functioned in 2020.      for your industry?                                           Bitglass. “With all your business        increasing number of organisations        also embraced the benefits of these
                  organization                               In addition, safety at manufacturing                                                                 done remotely, architectures need        having all their data residing in         changes. For companies, remote
                        • Building a robust IT security      workplaces triggered the rollout            In the finance and IT functions                          to shift. We need a flexible security    the cloud, the security platform for      working has meant cost-savings on
                  framework as digitised processes           of automated body scanners and          which I lead, we have moved to                               posture that can grow with the           the company must also be built to         operational expenses such as office
                  scale at a much more rapid pace than       devices to ensure early detection of    a more digital way of working                                business and work in this kind of        support that kind of architecture.        space, and for their workers, many
                  before                                     infections as well as maintain social   in almost all functions which                                digital environment”.                                                              have warmed up to the flexibility and
                                                             distancing. Several other technology    eliminate the need to work in an                                                                          Using new technologies and            convenience provided by a remote
                  What were some of the biggest              developments in e-commerce,             office. However, we have observed                               One solution that has come to         ensuring security all feed into           working option.
                  lessons of 2020? Have we                   manufacturing, automation will lead     that processes and projects which                            the fore is SASE, or Secure Access       the last priority, which is to
                  learned these lessons, and is              to newer ways of interacting with       require a more collaborative and                             Service Edge. SASE combines cloud        help companies support a new                  “Remote working is not going to
                  the globe ready for another                customers / consumers. Some of the      engaging mindset (especially R&D,                            security and networking security         modern workforce that revolves            go away,” concludes Andresen. “It
                  pandemic?                                  technology predictions for 2021 are:    marketing etc) may require face to                           into a single platform. Whilst they      around remote working. For most           will be with us for awhile, not only
                                                                  • Augmented reality based          face meetings. So a blended work                             had started with a foundational          organisations now, their workers          because of the pandemic, but because
                     Disruptions are always great            e-commerce sites for apparel,           form is what we may finally evolve                           technology called CASB (Cloud            lean heavily on mobile devices such       employees like working like this, and
                  events in history which force              fashion accessories etc                 towards. ■                                                   Access Security Brokers), Bitglass       as tablets, laptops, or even mobile       companies find it cost-effective. It
                  everyone to challenge the status               • Virtual fairs and exhibitions                                                                  has built on that success to become      phones. Yet, VPNs do not provide the      will become increasingly normalized
                  quo not just for survival but to also      which may include multiple discussion                                                                a full SASE provider, with cloud         speed and scalability required - this     in 2021 and 2022, and form a big part
                  leverage the opportunities that            tracks etc inviting experts from                                                                     security, web security, and zero-        increases the need for new solutions      of our work-life balance.” ■

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