Entry Level Science Can all milk make you fatter? Instructions and answers for teachers

Page created by Everett Hartman
Entry Level Science Can all milk make you fatter? Instructions and answers for teachers
Entry Level Science
Can all milk make you fatter?

Instructions and answers for teachers
These instructions should accompany the OCR resource ‘Can all milk make you fatter?’ activity which
supports OCR Entry Level Science.

 The Activity:

 This resource comprises of 3 tasks.

           This activity offers an              This activity offers an
           opportunity for English              opportunity for maths
           skills development.                  skills development.
 Associated materials:

 ‘Can all milk make you fatter?’ Lesson Element learner activity sheet.
Entry Level Science Can all milk make you fatter? Instructions and answers for teachers
A high level of fat in the diet is one of the risks of coronary heart disease. The fat content of milk can
vary. The density of milk is related to the amount of fat in the milk. The higher the fat content, the less
dense and the slower a milk droplet will fall through copper sulfate solution.

Teachers and/or technicians must trial the practical in advance and teachers demonstrate the technique
of dropping milk through the solution allowing time for the students to practice the technique BEFORE
carrying out the Practical Task.

This links to Food Factory B10, Pushes and Pulls P4 and Casualty B4, though it is anticipated that the
teacher discusses the idea of density prior to the Practical Task linking it to students’ experience (as
identified on the student sheet).

Groups of students will have access to:

•   A boiling tube (for you to practice getting single drops of milk)

•   A measuring cylinder

•   A stopwatch

•   Dropping pipettes

•   A marker pen, chinagraph pencil or sticky labels

•   Paper towels

•   A washing up bowl

•   You must use water to rinse your equipment after the experiment

•   5 different types of milk, labelled A,B,C,D and E.

•   Some copper sulfate solution 0.1 mol dm-3

Risk assessment

Copper (II) sulfate - Harmful if swallowed R36/38. Irritating to eyes and skin R50/53. Very toxic to
aquatic organisms. Solutions more concentrated than 1.0 mol dm-3 labelled HARMFUL
Task 1 Practice
When you look at a bottle of milk which has been standing for some time, you may see a different colour
on the top; this is a layer of fat.

When you mix oil and water and leave it to stand, you see the oil rise to the top as a layer (oil is a type of
liquid fat).

If you have a roast meat dinner and leave the washing up till much later, sometimes you see a solid layer
of fat on the top of the cooking pan, it has settled on the top.

Fat is less dense than water so rises to the top.

A lot of fat in the diet could lead you to develop health problems such as heart disease and obesity. The
fat content in different types of milk can vary.

In this Practical Task you will be asked to investigate and compare the amount of fat in milk from
different sources.

You will be given:

•    A boiling tube (for you to practice getting single drops of milk)

•    A measuring cylinder

•    A stopwatch

•    Dropping pipettes

•    A marker pen, chinagraph pencil or sticky labels

•    Paper towels

•    A washing up bowl

•    You must use water to rinse your equipment after the experiment

•    5 different types of milk, labelled A,B,C,D and E.

•    Some copper sulfate solution (this is blue in colour, DO NOT TASTE IT, WEAR SAFETY
What you do
Your teacher will show you what you are going to do. Your teacher will give you some milk.

Look at the diagram of the apparatus.

                          dropping pipette
                           containing milk

                            250cm3 glass
                    measuring cylinder

                                                                  0.1M Copper II
                                                                  Sulfate solution

•   Collect the apparatus.
•   First, pour some copper sulfate solution into a measuring cylinder.
•   With a dropping pipette take a little of one of the types of milk.
•   If you release a single drop onto the top of the copper sulfate solution you will see it slowly fall to the
    bottom of the tube.
•   You may need to practice this several times to get it done well as you MUST only use 1 drop.
•   When you are happy with the way you are able to release a drop of milk, ask your teacher for the
    Practical Task instruction sheet.
Task 2 Practical Task
Your teacher will show you how to do the practical. You need to practice it until you are happy (see Task

Carry out the method below. Look at the diagram to help you set the apparatus up correctly.

You need to follow the instructions carefully.

                             dropping pipette
                              containing milk

                               250cm3 glass
                          measuring cylinder

                                                                   0.1M Copper II
                                                                   Sulfate solution

•     Collect all the equipment you need. Make sure you have safety goggles when using the copper
      sulfate solution.
•     Fill the measuring cylinder to the 250 cm3 mark with copper sulfate solution.
•     Use a marker pen, or sticky labels to identify the 200 cm3 and 100 cm3 mark.
•     Stir some of the milk with a glass rod. Make a note of what type of milk you are using.
•     Suck up a little of the milk into a dropping pipette.
•     Carefully hold the tip of the syringe just above the top of the copper sulfate solution. Look at the
      diagram to help you.
•     Allow 1 drop of milk to come out from the pipette. It will begin to fall through the solution. (If you
      make a mistake you will need to start again and make another drop, but you should have
      practiced this a lot.)
•    Start the stopwatch when the drop reaches the 200 cm3 mark and stop it when the drop reaches the
     100 cm3 mark.
•    Put your time in the results table.
•    Repeat this with the same milk at least three times.
•    Repeat with all the other milk samples you have been given.
•    Fill in your results in the table. Put the units of time in yourself.

                       Time for milk to        Time for milk to        Time for milk to    Average time
    Type of milk       drop - attempt 1        drop - attempt 2        drop - attempt 3   for milk to drop
                            (     )                 (     )                 (     )            (     )

Task 3 Practical Write Up
Title of my Investigation:

What I did:
What equipment I used:

How I made my investigation safe:

My results table (don’t forget: units, headings, repeats and work out an average for the time it took the
drop to fall for each milk you used):
Draw a graph or chart to show how long it takes for each type of milk drop to fall. Don’t forget a title and
labels on your axes.

Can you notice any pattern in your results? Try to make an ‘er…er’ statement about it. (Hint, look at the
labels on the milk to see the ‘fat content’)

Can you think of any scientific reason why you got these results? If you can write it here. If you can’t try
to think what your results might mean.
Can you make a comment about your experiment. Try to say how you carried out the experiment and
how it affected your results.

        To give us feedback on, or ideas about the OCR resources you have used, email resourcesfeedback@ocr.org.uk

        OCR Resources: the small print
        OCR’s resources are provided to support the teaching of OCR specifications, but in no way constitute an endorsed teaching method that is required by the Board,
        and the decision to use them lies with the individual teacher. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the content, OCR cannot be held responsible
        for any errors or omissions within these resources.
        © OCR 2014 - This resource may be freely copied and distributed, as long as the OCR logo and this message remain intact and OCR is acknowledged as the
        originator of this work.

        OCR acknowledges the use of the following content: Maths and English icons: Air0ne/Shutterstock.com  Pages 4 and 5 pipette:BlueRingMedia/Shutterstock.com,
        cylinder: Leremy/Shutterstock.com
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