Epl draft 20 Years of Ordinal Patterns: Perspectives and Challenges - arXiv

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                                                   20 Years of Ordinal Patterns: Perspectives and Challenges

                                                   Inmaculada Leyva1,2 , Johann H. Martı́nez3 , Cristina Masoller4 , Osvaldo A. Rosso5 and
                                                   Massimiliano Zanin3 .
arXiv:2204.12883v1 [physics.data-an] 27 Apr 2022

                                                      Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Calle Tulipán s/n, 28933 Móstoles, Madrid, Spain
                                                      Center for Biomedical Technology, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid, Spain
                                                      Instituto de Fı́sica Interdisciplinar y Sistemas Complejos IFISC (CSIC-UIB), Campus UIB, 07122 Palma de Mal-
                                                   lorca, Spain
                                                      Department of Physics, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Rambla St. Nebridi 22, Terrassa 08222, Spain
                                                      Instituto de Fı́sica, Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL), Maceió, Alagoas 57072-970, Brasil.

                                                            PACS   05.45.-a – Nonlinear dynamics and chaos
                                                            PACS   05.45.Tp – Time series analysis
                                                            PACS   87.18.-h – Biological complexity

                                                            Abstract – In 2002, in a seminal article, Christoph Bandt and Bernd Pompe proposed a new
                                                            methodology for the analysis of complex time series, now known as Ordinal Analysis. The ordinal
                                                            methodology is based on the computation of symbols (known as ordinal patters) which are defined
                                                            in terms of the temporal ordering of data points in a time series, and whose probabilities are known
                                                            as ordinal probabilities. With the ordinal probabilities the Shannon entropy can be calculated,
                                                            which is the permutation entropy. Since it was proposed, the ordinal method has found appli-
                                                            cations in fields as diverse as biomedicine and climatology. However, some properties of ordinal
                                                            probabilities are still not fully understood, and how to combine the ordinal approach of feature
                                                            extraction with machine learning techniques for model identification, time series classification or
                                                            forecasting, remains a challenge. The objective of this perspective article is to present some recent
                                                            advances and to discuss some open problems.

                                                      Introduction. – Since it was published in 2002, the           ing points in phase space will diverge. Let x1 (t) and x2 (t)
                                                   seminal paper by Christoph Bandt and Bernd Pompe [1]             be two such points, located within a ball of radius R at
                                                   has been cited more than 17000 times, and the number of          time t. Further, let us assume that these two points can-
                                                   citations per year continues to grow, nearly exponentially.      not be resolved within the ball due to the resolution of the
                                                   The aim of this article is to present a brief overview of        measurement instrument. At a later time, t⋆ , the distance
                                                   the ordinal methodology and to present some examples of          between the points will grow (as the points diverge due
                                                   applications in different fields.                                to chaotic motion), and at time t⋆ the points can become
                                                      An important challenge in time series analysis is how         experimentally distinguishable. This implies that chaotic
                                                   can we determine if a time series was generated by a             motion reveals some information that was not available at
                                                   low-dimensional, possibly chaotic dynamics, or by a high-        earlier times. Then, we can think of chaos as an informa-
                                                   dimensional, possibly stochastic dynamics.                       tion source, and we can use quantifiers based on Informa-
                                                      Stochastic and chaotic time series display some char-         tion Theory to characterize and better understand chaotic
                                                   acteristic which make them almost indistinguishable: a)          systems. This approach, combined with the use of sym-
                                                   A wide-band power spectrum; b) A delta like auto-                bolic analysis, was first explored by Bandt and Pompe
                                                   correlation function; c) An irregular behavior of the mea-       (BP) in 2002 [1]. Since its success with a well-known
                                                   sured signals. Chaotic systems display “sensitivity to ini-      chaotic system, the Logistic map, the BP approach has
                                                   tial conditions” which manifests instability in the phase        been used to analyze a wide range of complex data sets.
                                                   space and leads to non-periodic motion. They display             It would not possible be to review the many applications
                                                   long-term unpredictability despite the deterministic char-       that the BP methodology has found in the last 20 years,
                                                   acter of the temporal trajectory. In a system undergoing         so here we limit to discuss a few examples.
                                                   chaotic motion, two trajectories starting in two neighbor-          The organization of this perspective article is as follows:

I. Leyva, J. Martinez, C. Masoller, O. A. Rosso, M. Zanin

first, we discuss two information-theory quantifiers, the        extreme complexity values, Cmin and Cmax , depend only
entropy and the complexity, and introduce the concept of         on the dimension of the probability space and on the func-
ordinal patterns. Then, we discuss applications of these         tional forms adopted for H and Q [5]. Then, one can eval-
concepts in different fields. We finalize with a discussion      uate the so-called “Entropy-Complexity Plane, H × C” in
of future promising lines of research.                           order to represent the system’s dynamics in this plane.
                                                                    There is no unique answer for the best procedure to
   Entropy, complexity and ordinal patterns. – A                 associate a PDF to a time series. However, when we con-
well-known quantifier is normalized entropy, H[P ] =             sider a sequence of measurements taken in time causal
S[P ]/Smax, with S as the Shannon’s entropy [2], and Smax        order, the temporal structure of the time-series needs to
the system’s maximal entropy that is zero when the in-           be preserved in the associated PDF. For this reason, the
formation (knowledge) about the underlying process de-           procedure proposed by Bandt and Pompe (BP) [1] is very
scribed by the probability distribution function (PDF) P         popular, because it allows to associate a time-causal PDF
is maximal and the outcome of a measure can be predicted         to the time series. In BP approach, from the time series
with complete certainty. In contrast, when physical pro-         a sequence of symbols known as “ordinal patterns” (OPs)
cess follows a uniform distribution, Pe , the knowledge is       is calculated, and the BP probability distribution is ob-
minimal and the entropy is maximum. A related concept            tained by the frequency histogram of symbols. The OPs
is the Statistical Complexity, C[P ], defined as the product     are defined by the sequential order of the data points in
of the entropy, H[P ], with the disequilibrium, Q[P ], which     the time series, without considering the actual values of
is the distance between the distribution P and the equilib-      the data points (see [1] for details).
rium distribution, Pe . The distance between P and Pe is            The OPs represent a natural alphabet for a time se-
often defined in terms of the Jensen-Shannon divergence          ries [6], and are defined in terms of two parameters, the
[3].                                                             “length” of the pattern, D, and the lag, τ , between the
   In physics, complexity notion starts by considering a         data points in the time series that are used to define the
perfect crystal and a isolated gas as two examples of sim-       patterns. The number of possible ordinal patterns (i.e.,
ple states of matter and therefore, as systems with zero         “letters” in the alphabet) grows as D!.
complexity. The structure of a perfect crystal is com-              An important property of the BP–PDF is that it is in-
pletely described by minimal information (i.e., distances        variant under monotonic transformations, and also, it in-
and symmetries that define the elementary cell) and the          corporates time causality in a natural way. Moreover, the
probability distribution of the accessible states is repre-      only condition for applicability of the BP methodology is a
sented by a delta function (the state of perfect symmetry        very weak stationary assumption [1]. When the BP–PDF
has probability equal one, while any other state has zero        is used to compute H and C, they are denoted as “per-
probability). In contrast, the probability distribution of       mutation entropy” and “causal complexity”, respectively,
the possible states of an ideal gas in equilibrium is the        which span the so-called “time causal Entropy-Complexity
”simple” uniform distribution. Therefore, both situations        plane”, H × C.
have minimum complexity, and then it is clear that a suit-          The H × C plane has been shown to be a very use-
able measure of complexity can not be made only in terms         ful diagnostic tool to discriminate between chaotic and
of “disorder”, nor only in terms of “information”. How-          stochastic time series [4], since the H and C quantifiers
ever, the definition of statistical complexity as the product    have distinctive behaviors for different types of dynamics.
of S and Q satisfies the condition of being zero in both lim-    Chaotic maps have intermediate permutation entropy H
its (for an ideal crystal, C = 0 because H = 0, while for        while the complexity C is close to the maximum value,
an ideal gas in equilibrium, C = 0 because Q = 0).               Cmax (see Fig. 1 in [4]). Similar behavior is still observed
   The statistical complexity C = H × Q quantifies the           when the time series is contaminated with small or mod-
existence of non-trivial structures. In the cases of per-        erate amount of uncorrelated or correlated noise (see [7]).
fect order and total randomness C[P ] = 0 means the data         In contrast, fully uncorrelated stochastic time series are
possess no structure. In between these two extreme in-           located in the H × C plane quite close to extreme point
stances, a large range of possible values quantifies the level   (H, C) ≈ (1, 0). Pure correlated stochastic time series
of structure in the data. The statistical complexity is able     present decreasing values of entropy H with increasing
to detect subtle details of the dynamical processes that         correlation strength, and associate increase of the com-
generate the data [4]. This is due to the fact that for          plexity C value at intermediate value between Cmin and
a given value of the entropy, there is a range of possible       Cmax (see [4, 7]).
values of complexity.                                               The ordinal pattern probabilities and the H × C plane
   It is interesting to note that C gives additional infor-      have been used in many different applications, among
mation in relation to the entropy, due to its dependence         which we can mention the analysis and characterization of
on two distributions (the one associated with the system         stochastic and coherence resonances [8, 9]; of the nonlin-
under analysis, P , and the equilibrium distribution, Pe ).      ear dynamics of chaotic lasers [10–12]; of the Libor mar-
An important property of C[P ] is that its value does not        ket [13]; of large-scale atmospheric patterns [14, 15]; of
change with different ordering of the PDF. Moreover, the         handwriten signatures [16]; of the Ecosystem Gross Pri-

20 years of ordinal patterns

mary productivity [17]; of transportation media [18]; of          response to different types of aperiodic signals. While the
electric load consumption [19]; of cardiac [20,21] and brain      two distributions of ordinal probabilities, Pl and Pn , com-
signals (Electroencephalography (EEG) and Magnetoen-              puted from the output of the laser and from the output
cephalography (MEG) [22–24]); of textures in synthetic            of a neuron model might have similar values of permu-
aperture radar (SAR) imagery [25]. Next, we discuss a             tation entropy and statistical complexity, there may be
few specific examples of application of these concepts in         some differences that are not captured by these quanti-
different fields.                                                 fiers. Therefore, additional research is needed in order to
                                                                  better understand how to detect and quantify similarities,
   Uncovering similarities between neurons and                    and also significant differences, in the values of the ordinal
lasers. – While neurons and lasers are, at first sight, re-       probabilities.
markably different dynamical systems, ordinal analysis has
allowed to uncover some unexpected similarities [26]. By             Some biomedical applications. – Entropy plays an
analyzing the statistics of sequences of spikes, simulated        essential role in biology. While at first this seems at odd
with neuronal models and recorded experimentally, in the          with its concept of being randomness and disorder, living
intensity emitted by a semiconductor laser with feedback,         entities are constantly swimming against the inexorable in-
conditions have been identified in which the sequences of         crease in entropy mandated by thermodynamics. In other
neuronal and optical spikes have the same hierarchy of or-        words, being alive implies maintaining control in a sea of
dinal probabilities, i.e., the same order in the probabilities,   disorder; hence, the analysis of how (and how much) such
that reveal the same more-expressed and less-expressed            control is enforced gives hints about how healthy the or-
patterns in the spike sequences (see Fig. 4a in [27] and          ganism is. Permutation entropy further allows to add a
Fig. 3a in [28]).                                                 new dimension to the analysis: the temporal one, i.e. how
   In both spike trains (recorded from the laser output           the system copes with, or depends on, its history.
and simulated with a neuronal model), when using OPs                 Analysis of biomedical time series started soon after this
of length D = 3 (that give six possible OPs, which we             methodology was proposed, to the best of our knowledge
may label as 123, 132, 213, 231, 312 and 321) it has been         with the study of electroencephalography data near epilep-
found that four out of the six patterns form two “clus-           tic events [32]. This was closely followed by a plethora of
ters” with very similar probabilities: P (132) ∼ P (213)          applications, spanning from heart rate [33], gene expres-
and P (312) ∼ P (231). This property holds in other ex-           sion [34], electromyographic (muscle response) data [35],
perimental time series [29] and in simulations of a minimal       intracranial pressure [36], to human gait [37]. Many suc-
model represented by a “circle map” [27].                         cess stories have emerged, as well as many tools to diag-
   Since neurons encode and transmit information in se-           nose a wide range of pathologies [38–41].
quences of spikes, uncovering similarities between neu-              Medicine is a fast evolving field, and it will require a
ronal spike trains and optical spike trains may open a path       parallel evolution in how we analyse biomedical data. We
for implementing optical neurons, that genuinely mimic            foresee two forces that may change how permutation pat-
neuronal responses and are able to use neuronal mecha-            terns and associated metrics will be used in this context.
nisms to process information, as efficiently as biological           The first one is exogenous, and relates to how we can
neurons, but orders of magnitude faster. Progress in this         monitor the human body. Novel technologies are allowing
direction requires a good understanding of the neuronal           moving from a lab-centric approach, to a scenario in which
encoding mechanisms and how they can be implemented               smart devices (as e.g. smart watches and activity mon-
in laser systems.                                                 itors) provide non-invasive ways of monitoring patients
   Using neuronal models it has been shown that, when             throughout their daily life [42]. This implies, on one hand,
a weak (subthreshold) periodic input is perceived by a            a huge data quality improvement: long time series can, for
stochastic neuron, the neuron fires a sequence of spikes          the first time, be recorded in a natural environment. On
with specific properties of ordinal probabilities. The or-        the other hand, and almost contradictory, this comes at
dinal probabilities depend on the amplitude and on the            the cost of a reduction in quality: sensors of this kind
period of the input signal [28, 30] and thus, they may be         can be noisy and may generate artefacts or missing data.
informative of these features of the signal. It was also          Little is known about how these aspects can affect the es-
found that this encoding mechanism can be enhanced in             timation of permutation patterns and associated metrics
an ensemble of neurons, when they all perceive the weak           [43–45], especially in a context of non-stationarity. Dif-
signal [31]. Thus, a neuronal ensemble could encode, in           ferent sensors can also provide information with different
time-varying ordinal probabilities, time-varying features         time resolutions, both because of their technical specifica-
of aperiodic signals.                                             tions and of the time scales that are characteristic of the
   Exploiting this coding mechanism to implement laser            processes they measure. To illustrate, postural data can
systems that use neural information coding requires a care-       be registered several times per second [37], while glucose
ful comparison of the properties of the ordinal probabili-        levels can be sampled every five minutes [40]. While per-
ties computed from experimental optical spike sequences           mutation patterns can be assessed on multivariate time
and those simulated neuronal ones, that are emitted in            series [46,47], how such heterogeneity can be dealt with is

I. Leyva, J. Martinez, C. Masoller, O. A. Rosso, M. Zanin

yet not clear.                                                for a wide range of dynamics and network structures, and
   This shift in data may also be accompanied by an en-       it allows to detect the network hubs without references to
dogenous change in the way permutation patterns are           site-to-site correlations. The method is applied in Ref. [60]
studied. Specifically, such patterns constitute the building  to analyse the structure of networks of in vitro cultured
blocks for many complementary metrics: from simple en-        neurons from invertebrates, showing that the structural
tropies, complexity and irreversibility [48, 49] metrics, up  information can be retrieved even in stochastic environ-
to the reconstruction of transition networks [50,51]. With    ments.
the notable exception of the first two [4], little is known      The robustness of ordinal methods to noise and their
about how these metrics interact; future research works       ability to discriminate between dynamical states make
can then be focused on understanding how complemen-           them particularly well suited to tackle the analysis of brain
tary the information they provide is, up to the possibility   signals in the framework of complex networks. The inter-
of constructing an entropy-irreversibility plane.             est of the neuroscientist for the ordinal methods is contin-
                                                              uously spreading to face new problems as early cognitive
   Application to complex networks and neuro- diseases [61], analysis of resting states [23, 62], cognitive
science. – A relevant research field where ordinal meth- reserve [63], stress [64], or epilepsy [65], to mention some
ods could be expanded is the study of ensembles of cou- examples. Very recently, the newest techniques such as
pled dynamics systems, particularly those with nontrivial ordinal networks and multivariate ordinal analysis [66–68]
topologies as complex networks. For small groups of el- have been incorporated into the tool collection of neuro-
ements, several studies have implemented new methods science, and it is to be expected that they become funda-
to detect correlations between the temporal series of cou- mental in the next decade.
pled dynamical systems. The ordinal techniques are gen-
erally faster and computationally cheaper than standard          Applications to sport science. – During the last
correlation methods in those cases. Bahraminasab et. al. years, sports have been benefited from new technologies
[52] developed the permutation information approach to that extract priceless information about what happens
quantify the directionality of coupling between interact- during both the competition and training [69]. The access
ing oscillators. In. Ref. [53] the authors use a multi-scale to this data has awakened the interest of different scien-
version of this approach for discriminating the time de- tific areas in sports [70–73], and nonlinear dynamics and
lay between two coupled time series, applying the method statistical physics are not an exception. A new point of
to reveal delayed and anticipated synchronisation between view arises when considering a collective game as a physi-
the dynamics of brain areas. The coherence level can be cal system composed of players/athletes interacting under
also measured in terms of the ordinal synchronisation [54], specific rules and evolving in time in a constrained space
with the advantage over non-ordinal methods of being able [74, 75]. Under this scope is not strange to use network
to detect signatures of both phase and antiphase synchro- science and time-series analysis to advance in the under-
nisation in weakly coupled systems in a very fast way. standing of the team’s organization, performance, scoring
Another possible route is using multivariate ordinal pat- processes, or the evaluation players’ physical condition.
terns to analyse several time series simultaneously. This [76–80]. For example, information theory has been widely
method has allowed detecting the proximity to synchroni- used to tackle the nonlinearity aspects of teams’ perfor-
sation in small groups of chaotic coupled nodes [55], and mance [81–89]. However, the scientific literature contains
should be extensible to large ensembles.                      few studies assessing the information content of teams by
   However, the use of ordinal methods in studying large using ordinal patterns [90]. Specifically, in football, OPs
complex networks dynamics has been limited so far, but have been proposed as a way to identify what variables of
it is a promising tool for the important issue of inferring a team should be observed in order to understand team
the unknown underlying structure of connections. In some performance. In this way, this recent paper has analysed
cases, the ordinal mutual information allows for the com- the Spanish football league to describe the dynamics of
plete inference of the underlying network [56,57], provided players’ interactions [90]. In this work, the authors con-
an appropriated choice of the observable variable and dy- struct passing networks whose structure evolves during
namical range.                                                a match and map the evolution of their features, which
   Beyond these methods based on pairwise interactions, are endowed with the team’s structural progression, thus
every single element of the ensemble is encoding in its capturing its information content. Results show both a
dynamics the interaction with its environment, deviating negative correlation of networks’ features dynamics in the
from the isolated node dynamics in a node-specific way. entropy-complexity plane; and how the entropy of cen-
The fact is exploited in Ref. [58, 59] to obtain information trality measures (center of mass) of teams is positively
about the network structure. The principal finding is that (negatively) influenced by their average number of passes.
in the weakly coupled regime, the topological centrality of      Nowadays, the door is open for further studies using
each node can be inversely correlated to its statistical com- OPs methods for the benefit of sports science. To name
plexity, therefore acting as a straightforward proxy for the but a few: new studies might evaluate whether the in-
degree distribution. This correlation appears very general ner dynamics of teams would be influenced by the context

20 years of ordinal patterns

of the game, e.g., the score, the players on the pitch, the       Outlook. – We end this perspective article by propos-
ranking of the teams, etc. At the same time, OPs methods        ing some, in our opinion, promising research lines.
could be used to analyze the evolution of different game
events, such as faults, tackles, shots, or goals. It would be     1. Over the years, extensions of the BP approach have
also interesting to observe the change of entropy and com-           been proposed (e.g., [101–104]). Their advantages
plexity of teams dynamics when playing at different mo-              and drawbacks, in particular in terms of their com-
ments of the season, or different scenarios (e.g., Champi-           putational requirements and robustness to noise are
ons league, vs country’s national league), altogether could          not yet fully understood.
be framed in the causal (H × C) plane. One could even
think of using information theory to compare different col-       2. New extensions to multivariate signals and ensemble
lective games and investigate, for example, how the effec-           dynamics, and new applications of the causal com-
tive position of teams evolves in time and space and its             plexity – permutation entropy plane. For example,
relation with the pitch/court size [88,90]. The use of ordi-         for tracking changes in the teams’ dynamics of collec-
nal networks [91,92] or measures of statistical irreversibil-        tive sports at different seasons or different scenarios.
ity [49, 93] could also offer new ways of studying the inner         It could also be used to compare reached levels of
dynamics of games with this kind of data.                            these quantifiers extracted from planar OPs applied
   Furthermore, this kind of analysis could also be used             on data of events, vs tracking of players.
to unveil the synchronization between teams. The use of
                                                                  3. A better understanding of how to deal with missing
information-based correlations of OPs [54, 94] might lead
                                                                     data or equal values, non-equi-sampled values, etc.
to interesting results when observing the degree of cohe-
sion between fluctuations of a network parameter of two           4. Alternative approaches for defining ordinal pattern
teams in a match.                                                    networks (which pattern follows each pattern) that
   From the spatial point of view, there is debate around            best capture the correlational structures in the data.
players’ heatmaps obtained from events or tracking
datasets [95]. The former with spatio-temporal knowledge          5. A better understanding of how to assign confidence
of players’ actions (passes, faults, goals); and the latter          intervals to the ordinal probabilities and to the
with the localisation of players and with a resolution of a          information-theory measures (causal complexity, per-
few centimeters and 25 frames per second [96]. Heatmaps              mutation entropy, Fisher entropy, etc.). The work
characterise the spatial role of players by mapping their            done by Frery group [105], for uncorrelated noises
activity into matrices of pixels. These kinds of matrices            opens a promising path in this direction.
have previously been analysed by a bidimensional adap-
tation of OPs in other contexts [97–99]. Nonetheless, the         6. More research is needed to better understand the sta-
use of planar patterns in heatmaps would shed new in-                tistical properties of the ordinal patterns, and in par-
sights around the event-vs-tracking data debate to hope-             ticular, the values of the ordinal probabilities. If the
fully understand and detect the team’s formations from a             existence of ordinal patterns with similar probabili-
nonlinear perspective.                                               ties turns out to be a generic property of certain dy-
   It is also well-known that some teams use to have a par-          namical systems, this should be taken into account
ticular game style. Some of them prefer long-range passes            when combining ordinal analysis with machine learn-
with large time lapses between them, and others adopt                ing, as a proper selection of the input features (ordinal
a composite style, e.g., ball possession mainly driven by            probabilities) will avoid feeding the machine learning
long-playing sequences. In a mimic of biological systems,            algorithm with redundant features.
the act of passing the ball can be viewed as a neuronal
spike solely activated when the neuron (player) conveys
information (pass) to another one. These all-or-none “sig-                                  ∗∗∗
nals” provide information of the neural culture (the team,
in this analogy) by studying the interspike intervals, i.e.,      The authors acknowledge hospitality of the Max Planck
the interludes between two successive events [100]. The         Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, where a
information content of the time series of inter-passes in-      collaboration was established and this work started. C.M.
tervals could shed light on the game style of a team by         acknowledges funding from the ICREA ACADEMIA pro-
characterising the entropy and complexity of OPs of these       gram, Generalitat de Catalunya; M.Z. from the Euro-
passing sequences.                                              pean Research Council (ERC) under grant agreement
   In view of all, the application of OPs to sports science     No 851255; M.Z. and J.M. from the Spanish State Re-
will offer a complementary perspective regarding team or        search Agency through Grant MDM-2017-0711 funded
individual performance in the years to come, and it can         by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033; I.L. from the
be considered as an emergent branch with potential and          Spanish State Research Agency through Grant PID2020-
interesting results to unveil the nonlinear dynamics hidden     113737GB-I00. J.M acknowledges J. M. Buldú for valu-
in collective sports.                                           able comments and J. J. Ramasco for his assistance.

I. Leyva, J. Martinez, C. Masoller, O. A. Rosso, M. Zanin

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