Page created by Lauren Rodriguez
V. 81 No. 34		   P.O. BOX 50599, CICERO, IL 60804   (708) 656-6400 FAX (708) 656-2433		              ESTABLISHED 1940

                                                                                          Thursday, September 9, 2021
                    Noticiero Bilingüe


  EVENTOS DeL Grito de la
 Independencia de Mexico
Page 2-LAWNDALE Bilingual News-Thursday, September 9, 2021

                                                                                                 Viva Mexico’
                                                             By: Ashmar Mandou                                                                                 2021. Instead, the historic
                                                                                                                                                               Little Village Arch will
                                                                     Mexicans                                                                                  be lit for a month starting
                                                           celebrate their country’s         ‘
                                                                                                                                                               September 1 through
                                                           Independence Day                                                                                    September 30, 2021, in
                                                           with fireworks, parties                                   hosting the 26th Street
                                                                                                                     Mexican Independence                      celebration of Mexican
                                                           (fiestas), food, dance                                                                              Independence Day and
                                                           and music on September                                    Day Parade and the
                                                                                                                     Fiestas Patrias Festival                  related festivities. The
                                                           16. Flags, flowers                                                                                  decision was made out
                                                           and decorations in the                                    originally scheduled to
                                                                                                                     take place the weekend                    of an abundance of
                                                           colors of the Mexican
                                                           flag – red, white and                                     of September 10-12,                              Continued to page 3

                                                                                            UNABLE TO WORK?
                                                           green – are seen in
                                                           public areas in cities
                                                           and towns in Mexico.
                                                           Whistles and horns
                                                           are blown and confetti
                                                           is thrown to celebrate                                      HAVE YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY

                                                                                                           LET US HELP
                                                           this festive occasion.                                        BENEFITS BEEN DENIED?
                                                           “Viva Mexico” or “Viva
                                                           la Independencia”
                                                           are shouted amidst
                                                           the crowds on this
                                                           day. In Chicago and

                                                                                           SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY
         Chicago will be ripe with festivals this          surrounding suburbs,
weekend celebrating Mexican Independence Day from          several celebrations
Little Village to Pilsen to Cicero, festivals goers will   will take place to honor
have their chance to honor the legacy and contributions    the contributions and            “NO FEE UNLESS WE WIN YOUR CASE” SE COBRA SOLO SI GANAMOS SU CASO
                                                                                                 THE LAW OFFICE OF STEVEN COURSEY
of the Mexican community. In this week’s edition, you      legacy of the Mexican
can also read how organizations are collaborating to       community with El Grito
address violence in the city and where you can go for      and the Lighting of the         1718 S. ASHLAND AVENUE, 2ND FLOOR. CHICAGO, IL 60608

some respite and calm at a museum near you. Have a         Little Village Arch. Enjoy
safe weekend~                                              the celebrations and be          HABLAMOS                                                                       HABLAMOS
                                                           safe.                             ESPAÑOL
  Chicago hierve con festivales este fin de semana                                                                                                                          ESPAÑOL
                                                           El Grito Chicago
celebrando el Día de la Independencia de México            Location: Harrison
de La Villita a Pilsen y a Cicero, los asistentes al       Park
festival tendrán la oportunidad de honrar el legado        Celebrate the 211
y las contribuciones de la comunidad mexicana. En          anniversary of Mexican
la edición de esta semana puede usted leer como las        Independence with the
organizaciones están colaborando para atender la           City’s annual El Grito         ¡Ahora desde $17.60 - $18.35
violencia en la ciudad y donde puede ir para tomar un      event on Saturday, Sept.       para Operadores de
respiro y estar en calma en un museo cercano a usted.      11th at Harrison Park
Que tenga un buen y seguro fin de semana.                  in Pilsen at midnight.         Montacargas y $17.60 -
                                                                                          $20.85 para Seleccionadores
                                                                                          de Tarifas Variables + bono de
Ashmar Mandou
Managing Editor
                                                                                          nueva contratación de $2,000
Lawndale News                                                                             + incentivos adicionales!
Ext. 127
                                                                                             ¡Evento de                                  ¡Ofertas al instante!
                                                                                                                                         DHL Supply Chain ofrece todo lo que
                                                           Authentic food, artisan
                                                           crafts, live music and a
                                                                                            Contratación!                                desea en una nueva oportunidad laboral:
                                                                                                                                         • Trabajos seguros y confiables
                                                           health fair will all be part   Miércoles 15 de Septiembre                     • Salario y beneficios competitivos
                                                           of the celebration during             10:00 AM – 6:00 PM                      • Capacitación remunerada en
                                                           the day from noon to                                                            el trabajo
                                                           4pm.                                  DHL Supply Chain                        • Vacaciones pagas
                                                           The Lighting of the              2303 W Indian Trail, Aurora, IL              • Oportunidades para avanzar
                                                           Little Village Arch
                                                           Location: 3100 block           Trabaja Seguro. Trabaja Inteligentemente. Trabaja Ahora.
                                                           of West 26th Street,
                                                           between S. Albany and                           RSVP Para Asistir:
                                                           S. Troy Street

                                                           The Little Village – 26th
                                                           Street Area Chamber of
                                                           Commerce announces
                                                           the lighting of the Little                      DHL Supply Chain is an Equal Opportunity Employer
                                                           Village Arch in lieu of
LAWNDALE Bilingual News -Thursday, September 9, 2021-Page 3

‘Viva Mexico’...                Continued from page 2

caution and concern for       Street, Chicago
the health and safety of      Come to The National
Little Village community      Museum of Mexican
residents and visitors        Art, where you can
as COVID-19 numbers           immerse yourself in the
now continue to rise in       richness of Mexican art
Illinois.                     and culture right here
Frida Kahlo: Timeless         in Chicago. Whatever
Location: 425 Fawell          your background, you’ll
Blvd., Glen Ellyn             connect to this museum
Featuring a collection        on a very personal level.
of pieces on loan from        We showcase 3,000
the Museo Dolores
Olmedo in Mexico City,
“Frida Kahlo: Timeless”
explores the life and
work of one of the most
well-known painters of
the 20th century. With
26 original pieces on         years of creativity from
display, accompanied by       both sides of the border,
a historical exhibit that     connecting museum
dives into the details of     visitors to the diversity of
Kahlo’s life, visitors will   Mexican culture.  You’ll
be able to gain context       find NMMA in Chicago’s
for the artist’s work,        Pilsen neighborhood.
learning about the bus        Here, in the heart of
accident that led her to      the city’s Mexican
persue a career as an         community, our
artist and her meeting        11,000-piece permanent
(and marriage to) artist      collection meets the
Diego Rivera. Additional      highest museum
items on display include      standards.
reproductions of Kahlo’s      Mexican Independence
distinctive clothing, more    Day in Cicero
than 100 photographs          Location: 34th Street
from throughout her life      and Laramie Avenue
and a Kahlo-inspired          Cicero will host their
garden.                       annual Mexican
Pilsen Vendor Market          Independence Day
Location: 1756 W. 19th,       festivities on Saturday,
Nonprofit gallery and
community space Pilsen
Art House hosts this
weekly indoor and
outdoor market, featuring
local vendors and artists
selling jewelry, candles,
paintings and other

                              Sept. 18th and Sunday,
                              Sept. 19th, featuring
                              musical acts, such as
                              Los Bondadosos and
                              Los Barón de Apodaca.
handmade goods. You           Festival goers will be
can stop by every Sunday      able to enjoy carnival
afternoon throughout          rides, authentic Mexican
the summer—just don’t         food, folk performances,
forget to bring (and wear)    and more.

                                   ¡Viva                     CLASIFICADOS 708-656-6400
a mask.
National Museum of

                               La Libertad!
Mexican Art
Location: 1852 W. 19th
Page 4-LAWNDALE Bilingual News-Thursday, September 9, 2021

Baroque in the Park                                                                                                   Bárroco en el Parque
    Music of the Baroque                                                                                   Music        of
(MOB), in association with                                                                                                       el premiere mundial de            en el sitio web de MOB
                                                                                                  the Baroque (MOB),             la primera comisión de            de un espectáculo de 1749
the Department of Cultural                                                                        en asociación con
Affairs and Special Events,                                                                                                      MOB, “Espectáculo de              fuegos pirotécnicos del
                                                                                                  el Departamento de             Luz”. Compuesta por               Río Thames, en honor del
opens its 51st Season with                                                                        Asuntos Culturales y
its second “Baroque in the                                                                                                       el    internacionalmente          Rey George II de Gran
                                                                                                  Eventos Especiales, abre       aclamado       compositor         Bretaña. Los asientos en
Park” open-air performance                                                                        su 51º temporada con
at the Jay Pritzker Pavilion                                                                                                     Stacy Garrop en honor             el pavilion y el césped
                                                                                                  su segunda actuación           del 50 aniversario de             son gratis. Para más
(201 E. Randolph St.) on                                                                          al aire libre”Baroque
Friday, Sept. 10 at 6:30                                                                                                         MOB, el debut de la obra          información, incluyendo
                                                                                                  in the Park” en Jay            fue pospuesta debido a la         los protocolos del
p.m. The concert will be                                                                          Pritzker Pavilion (201 E.
conducted by Music of the                                                                                                        pandemia. Garrop encontró         COVID-19, llame al 312-
                                                                                                  Randolph St.) el viernes,      su inspiración de la obra en      551-144 o visite baroque.
Baroque Music Director         in honor of MOB’s 50th         Thames in honor of Great            10 de septiembre a las
Dame Jane Glover. The          anniversary, the work’s        Britain’s King George                                              un grabado que se muestra         org.
                                                                                                  6:30 p.m. El concierto
program for “Baroque in        debut was postponed due        II. Pavilion and lawn               será conducido por la
the Park” features the world   to the pandemic. Garrop        seating is free. For more           Directora de Música de
premiere of MOB’s first        found her inspiration for      information, including              Music of the Baroque,
commission, “Spectacle         the work in an etching         COVID-19        protocols,          Dame Jane Glover. El
of Light.” Composed by         displayed on MOB’s                                                 programa para “Baroque
                               website of a 1749 fireworks    call        312.551.1414
internationally acclaimed                                                                         in the Park” presenta
                               spectacle on the River         or visit baroque.org.
composer Stacy Garrop

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LAWNDALE Bilingual News -Thursday, September 9, 2021-Page 5

                                 Fall Outdoor Adventures in the QC
Courtesy of Quad Cities                                                                                                                         the Mississippi River/
                                                                                                                                                Sylvan Slough. This 1.2-
 Spend your day                                                                                                                                 mile network of multi-
outdoors in the Quad                                                                                                                            use trails runs around
Cities, enjoying the        designed to engage           the 1860s, this historic                                            things trail-      and across Moline’s
cooler temperatures and     you with hills, valleys,     site offers 22 historic                                             related in the     Sylvan Island Park where
the beautiful colors.       rocky outcroppings, and      buildings to explore.                                               QC. Grab           you can see the river,
Located on the world-       beautiful views exploding    Black Hawk State                                                    your bicycle       wildlife, and views of
renowned Mississippi        with fall colors.            Historic Site is located                                            and explore        the hydropower dam.
River, the QC has plenty    The 1,280-acre Scott         along the Rock River                                                the miles of       The QC offers 45 miles
of places to play outside   County Park in Long          in Rock Island, Illinois.                                           trails on both     of single-track trails for
this fall. Put your phone   Grove, Iowa, with so         There are six miles of                                              sides of the       mountain biking to take
away and let Mother         many miles of different      marked hiking trails.                                               river. Or Visit    you directly into the
Nature find you.                                                                                                             Quad Cities        woods over all types of
Hiking                                                              Here you will
                                                                    discover the     lake with depths up to
                                                                    history of the   55 feet and stocked with
                                                                    great warrior    many varieties of fish and
                                                                    Black Hawk       great for kayaking and
                                                                    and the Sauk     canoeing. Hiking and
                                                                    and Meskwaki     equestrian trails include a
                                                                    people that      two-mile moderate level
                                                                    once called      and a 12-mile continuous
                                                                    this region      moderate level.
                                                                    their home.      Biking
                                                                                     The Great River Trail,
                            trails, along with camping   Stop by the John Hauberg    American Discovery            has free rental bicycles     terrain.
                            and cabins. On the north     Indian Museum to find       Trail, and Mississippi        from their visitor center    For a complete list of
                            side of the park, you        out more.                   River Trail, along with       for day-time use. One        activities, head over to
                            can step back in time        Loud Thunder Forest         other trails, make this       place to explore is Sylvan   www.visitquadcities.com,
                            at Dan Nagle Walnut                                                                                                 call 800-747-7800 and be
                                                         Preserve offers 1,480       riverfront destination a      Island. Sylvan Island is     sure to connect with us on
Put on your sturdy          Grove Pioneer Village.       acres of outdoor            favorite among cyclists.      a former industrial site     social media.
hiking shoes and            A cross-roads settlement     experiences, including      www.qctrails.org is an        that covers approximately
explore woodland trails     and stagecoach stop from     Lake George, a 167-acres    excellent source for all      35 acres on an island in     Photo Credit: Quad Cities

              JUEGA CON


     Aprende cómo cada jugada ayuda en
Page 6-LAWNDALE Bilingual News-Thursday, September 9, 2021

                                                           INVITATION TO BID                                                                                   Regional Great Lakes
                                                            TOWN OF CICERO                                                                                     to Host Adopt-a-Beach
 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the President and Board of Trustees of the Town of Cicero, Cook County, Illinois, that
 sealed bids will be received for the following improvement:                                                                                                   Cleanup
                        BUILDING DEMOLITION – CONTRACT #21 (NSP)
                                                          Neighborhood Stabilization Program

 The proposed project includes the demolition of two residential buildings including all other appurtenant construction.

 Said bids will be received up to the hour of 10:00 a.m., on the 21st day of September 2021, at the office of the Town of Cicero, 4949 W.
 Cermak Road, Cicero, IL 60804, and will be publicly opened and read at that time.

 Plans and proposal forms are available for download only from QuestCDN via the Novotny Engineering website, http://novotnyengineering.com, “Bid-
 ding” tab, for a non-refundable charge of $30.00. Please contact Novotny Engineering (630-887-8640) to obtain the QuestCDN password. The Engineer
 has been authorized to refuse to issue Specifications and Proposals to any person, firm, or corporation that he or she considers to be unqualified. Pro-
 posals must be submitted on the forms provided. No Proposals will be issued to Bidders after 12:00 Noon on the 20th day of September 2021.
 All proposals or bids must be accompanied by a Bid Bond, Cash, or Certified Check made payable to the Town of Cicero in the amount of not less
 than five percent (5%) of the total amount of the Proposal as a guarantee that if the Proposal is accepted, a Contract will be entered into and the perfor-
 mance of the Contract is properly secured.

 No bid shall be withdrawn after the opening of the proposals without the consent of the President and Board of Trustees of the Town of Cicero for a period            September Adopt-
 of forty-five (45) days after the scheduled time of closing bids.                                                                                             a-Beach is the largest
                                                                                                                                                               annual day of action for the
 The Bidder is specifically advised that the Town of Cicero is a Subgrantee of the County of Cook of a grant made pursuant to the Housing and Community        Great Lakes and this year
 Development Act of 1974 as amended, pursuant to an agreement entered into and between the County of Cook and Town of Cicero. Payments to the
 Contractor will be made by the Town of Cicero only after it has received the funds to make such payments from the County of Cook in accordance with
                                                                                                                                                               marks the program’s 30th
 the terms of the aforesaid agreement. Further, in compliance with the Stevens Amendment to the Department of Defense Appropriation Act of 1989, the           anniversary. Each year,
 estimated percentage of the total cost of this project to be funded with federal dollars is approximately ONE HUNDERED PERCENT (100%) and                     thousands of volunteers
 the exact dollar amount of federal funds which will be set aside for this project will be based on the contract amount awarded under this offering.           cleanup beaches on all
                                                                                                                                                               five Great Lakes while
 APPLICABLE FEDERAL REQUIREMENTS                                                                                                                               collecting data on beach
                                                                                                                                                               litter.    Adopt-a-Beach
 All laborers and mechanics employed by Contractor or Subcontractor(s) on construction work for this project shall be paid wages at rates not less than        volunteers are on the
 those prevailing on similar construction in the locality as determined by the Secretary of Labor in accordance with the Davis-Bacon Act as amended            front-lines of keeping
 (U.S.C. 76-276a-5), and shall receive overtime compensation in accordance with and subject to the provisions of the Contract Work Hours and Safety            plastic pollution out of
 Standards Act (40 U.S.C. 327-333) and the Contractor and Subcontractor(s) shall comply with all regulations issued pursuant to these Acts and other
 applicable Federal laws and regulations pertaining to labor standards. The Secretary of Labor has, with respect to the labor standards specified in this
                                                                                                                                                               the Great Lakes. More
 Section, the authority and functions set forth in Reorganization Plan Number 14 of 1950 (5 U.S.C. 113z-15) and Section 2 of the Act of June 13, 1934,         than 85 percent of the
 as amended (40 U.S.C. 276c).                                                                                                                                  beach litter collected by
                                                                                                                                                               volunteers each year is
 All Contracts and Subgrantees for construction or repair shall include a provision for compliance with the Copeland "Anti-Kickback Act" (18 U.S.C. 874)       made up fully or in part of
 as supplemented in Department of Labor Regulations (29 CFR, Part 3).                                                                                          plastic. New and returning
                                                                                                                                                               volunteers are needed for
 Each Bidder is required to comply with Equal Employment Opportunity for Community Development Block Grants, a copy of which is on file with the               Adopt-a-Beach cleanups
 City Clerk and is available for inspection.                                                                                                                   on all five Great Lakes.
                                                                                                                                                               Volunteers come from all
 Compliance with "Section 3", which calls for affirmative action by the Contractor to train and hire lower income residents of the project area and to sub-
 contract with local small businesses, is required on this project.
                                                                                                                                                               walks of life including
                                                                                                                                                               individuals,      families,
 An explanation of the applicable federal requirements previously mentioned is provided in the Special Provisions of the Bid Specifications.                   schools, businesses, and
                                                                                                                                                               community groups. The
 The successful Bidder for the construction of the improvement will be required to file a Performance Bond equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the          cleanups are held as part
 bid, with sureties to be approved by the President and Board of Trustees, which Performance Bond shall be conditioned upon proper and faithful perfor-        of the International Coastal
 mance by the Contractor of the work specified in accordance with the Plans and Specifications therefore, according to the time and terms and conditions       Cleanup, a global event.
 of the Contract; and also that the Bidder and Contractor shall properly pay all debts incurred by the Contractor in the execution of the work, including      The event will take place
 those for labor and materials furnished.                                                                                                                      at various locations on
                                                                                                                                                               Saturday, Sept. 18th. To
 The Contractor shall be required to furnish sufficient insurance or guaranty of indemnity to Town of Cicero, Illinois, and the County of Cook, Illinois,
 against any and all claims which might arise for damages to persons or property due to the negligence of the Contractor or Subcontractor(s), or their of-
                                                                                                                                                               learn more, visit www.
 ficers, agents, employees or servants, during the construction of said improvement and until the said improvement has been finally accepted as complete       greatlakesadopt.org. There
 by the President and Board of Trustees of the Town of Cicero, the right to reject any and all Proposals or Bids is reserved.                                  are two ways to join the
                                                                                                                                                               fun. Volunteers can visit
 Dated at Cicero, Illinois, this 7th day of September 2021.                                                                                                    www.greatlakesadopt.org
                                                                                                                                                               to find a cleanup in their
 PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES                                                                                                                               community or to create
 TOWN OF CICERO                                                                                                                                                their own Great Lakes
 						                                                                                                                                                        cleanup event. For more
                                                                                                                                                               information about what to
 By:                Larry Dominick                  (s)
                                                                                                                                                               expect at a cleanup event or
                                                                                                                                                               how to become an Adopt-
 ATTEST:            Maria Punzo-Arias               (s)                                                                                                        a-Beach Team Leader,
                    Clerk                                                                                                                                      visit     www.greatlakes/
LAWNDALE Bilingual News -Thursday, September 9, 2021-Page 7

Humble Design Serves 2,000th Client in Fight Against Homelessness
    Late August, Humble                                                                                   their empty houses into       personal stake in their
Design provided charitable                                                                                fully furnished homes,”       newly furnished homes,
services to its 2,000th client                                                                            said Julie Dickinson,         leading to a remarkable
emerging from a homeless                                                                                  director of Humble Design     success rate – 99 percent
shelter. With the help of                                                                                 Chicago. “So many of our      to receive Humble Design’s
passionate volunteers,                                                                                    veterans have experienced     services have escaped the
Humble Design does this                                                                                   the trauma of war, and we     cycle of homelessness.
by transforming empty                                                                                     know the impact one’s         Clients are referred by
residences into clean,                                                                                    environment has on mental     designated services that
dignified and welcoming                                                                                   health. We see it every       work with local shelters.
homes through its free                                                                                    week. At Humble Design,       “U-Haul is proud to
professional design services                                                                              we create homes for the       sponsor the 2000th family
                                                                                                          veterans that reflect them,   served by Humble Design
and the repurposing of
                                                                                                          to serve as a refuge and      because we recognize what
gently used furnishings                                                                                                                 it means for a family to move
donated by the community.                                                                                 healing space.
                                                                                                                                        forward towards a new life,”
Humble Design Chicago                                                                                     Humble Design furnished
                                                                                                                                        stated Sebastien Reyes,
celebrated this milestone                                                                                 its 1,000th home in early     U-Haul Vice President
with a special home “deco”                                                                                2019, nearly 10 years after   of Communications and
and reveal. U-Haul, a                                                                                     the project began. Demand     Humble Design Board Chair.
national partner of Humble                                                                                and impact have increased     “Every one of us associated
Design since 2016, served                                                                                 dramatically since then       with this mission believes
as the 2K Family Sponsor.                                                                                 as the charity served its     in the power of a bed and
“It is such a joy to say                                                                                  second 1,000 clients in two   a roof overhead to change
‘thank you for your service’                                                                              years thanks to expansion     lives.” To learn more about
to veterans by transforming                                                                               and local sponsorships that   volunteer opportunities,
                                                                                                          have ensured sustainability   corporate sponsorships,

Humble Design Sirve al Cliente No. 2,000 en su                                                            in more markets. CB2
                                                                                                          proudly serves as the city
                                                                                                          sponsor for Humble Design
                                                                                                                                        furniture donations or
                                                                                                                                        making a financial gift,
                                                                                                                                        please visit humbledesign.

Lucha Contra la Falta de Vivienda                                                                         Chicago. Families take a      org.

       El pasado agosto,         experimentado el trauma        el 99 por ciento de los
Humble Design brindó             de la guerra y sabemos el      que reciben servicios de
servicios benéficos a su         impacto que el ambiente        Humble Design han
cliente No. 2,000 que            tiene en la salud mental. Lo   escapado al ciclo de la falta
salía de un albergue para        vemos todas las semanas.       de vivienda. Los clientes
desamparados. Con la ayuda       En Humble Design,              son referidos por servicios
de cariñosos voluntarios,        creamos casas para los         designados que trabajan
Humble Design hace esto,         veteranos, que los reflejen,   con los albergues locales.
transformando residencias        que les sirvan como refugio    “U-Haul se enorgullece
vacías en hogares dignos         y como lugar de sanación.      en patrocinar la familia
y limpios gracias a sus          Humble Design amuebló su       No. 2000 atendida por
servicios gratuitos de           casa No. 1,000 a principos     Humble Design, porque
diseño profesional y la          del 2019, cerca de 10 años     reconocemos lo que
reutilización de muebles         después que comenzara          significa para una familia
en buen estado donados           el proyecto. La demanda        cambiar a una nueva
por     la     comunidad.        y el impacto han crecido       vida”. declaró Sebastien
Humble Design Chicago            dramáticamente desde           Reyes, Vicepresidente de
celebró este logro con una       cuando la organización         Comunicaciones y Director
decoración especial para         benéfica sirvió a sus          de la Mesa Directiva de
el hogar. U-Haul, afiliado       segundos 1,000 clientes        Humble Design de U-Haul.
nacional de Humble Design        en dos años, gracias a la      “Cada uno de nosotros
desde el 2016 y sirvió como      expansión y los patrocinios
Patrocinador       Familiar      locales que han asegurado      asociado con esta misión
de 2K. “Se siente tanta          la sostenibilidad de los       cree en el poder de una cama
felicidad decir ‘gracias         mercados. CB2 sirve            y un techo sobre la cabeza
por su servicio’ a los           orgullosamente        como     para cambiar una vida”.
veteranos, transformando         patrocinador de la ciudad      Para más información
sus casas vacías en casas        para Humble Design             sobre oportunidades de
totalmente amuebladas”,          Chicago. Las familias          voluntariado, patrocinio de
dijo Julie Dickinson,            tienen un interés especial     corporaciones, donaciones
directora de Humble              en sus casas recién            de muebles o para hacer
Design Chicago. “Muchos          amuebladas, lo que lleva a     una donación financiera,
de nuestros veteranos han        una tasa de éxito notable:     visite humbledesign.org.
                                                                 que en la lucha contra la
Page 8-LAWNDALE Bilingual News-Thursday, September 9, 2021

        HOUSES FOR SALE                                     HOUSES FOR SALE                                  HOUSES FOR SALE                                HOUSES FOR SALE                                 HOUSES FOR SALE                               HOUSES FOR SALE

                                                                                                      where The Judicial Sales Corporation con-          IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK                 60527 (630) 794-9876                                IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK
   IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK                          IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK                                                                                                                                                                              COUNTY, ILLINOIS
            COUNTY, ILLINOIS                                      COUNTY, ILLINOIS                    ducts foreclosure sales.                                     COUNTY, ILLINOIS                   THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY
  COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY                         COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY                   For information, JOHNSON, BLUMBERG               COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY                   One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chi-                           DIVISION
                  DIVISION                                                                            & ASSOCIATES, LLC Plaintiff's Attorneys,                           DIVISION                     cago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE
  U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION,                                       DIVISION                                                                                                                                                                         U.S BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION
    AS TRUSTEE FOR RESIDENTIAL                          WILMINGTON TRUST, NA, SUCCES-                 230 W. Monroe Street, Suite #1125, Chi-           U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION                You can also visit The Judicial Sales                               Plaintiff,
                                                         SOR TRUSTEE TO CITIBANK, N.A.,               cago, IL, 60606 (312) 541-9710. Please                              Plaintiff,                  Corporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 day                               -v.-
  ASSET SECURITIES CORPORATION,                                                                                                                                                                                                                     JUANITA J. EDWARDS, DORA CAMPBELL,
   HOME EQUITY MORTGAGE ASSET-                            TRUSTEE, IN TRUST FOR REGIS-                refer to file number 16-4402.                                         -v.-                      status report of pending sales.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NONRECORD
   BACKED PASS-THROUGH CERTIFI-                       TERED HOLDERS OF BEAR STEARNS                   THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION                       NORMA BEDINGFIELD, CITY OF                 CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C.                                       CLAIMANTS
         CATES, SERIES 2007-KS1                        ASSET BACKED SECURITIES 2007-2,                One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chi-         CHICAGO, UNKNOWN OWNERS AND                    15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD,                                       Defendants
                   Plaintiff,                                                                         cago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE
                     -v.-                                 ASSET-BACKED CERTIFICATES,                                                                          NONRECORD CLAIMANTS                     SUITE 100                                                         18CH06680
 LEON YATES, LOUISE YATES, CITY OF                                  SERIES 2007-2                     You can also visit The Judicial Sales Cor-                        Defendants                    BURR RIDGE IL, 60527                                           4924 W FULTON
                                                                         Plaintiff,                   poration at www.tjsc.com for a 7 day status                                                     630-794-5300                                                 CHICAGO, IL 60644
   CHICAGO, AN ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL                                                                                                                                     2019CH07873
 CORPORATION, UNKNOWN OWNERS                                                -v.-                      report of pending sales.                                                                                                                                      NOTICE OF SALE
                                                                                                                                                                5445 W AUGUSTA BLVD                   E-Mail: pleadings@il.cslegal.com
    AND NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS,                                                                         JOHNSON, BLUMBERG & ASSOCI-                                                                                                                   PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that
                                                      ROMAN MORROW, MORTGAGE ELEC-                                                                                CHICAGO, IL 60651                   Attorney File No. 14-19-05847
         UNKNOWN OCCUPANTS                                                                            ATES, LLC                                                                                                                                     pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and
                                                        TRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS,                                                                               NOTICE OF SALE                     Attorney ARDC No. 00468002
                 Defendants                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Sale entered in the above cause on May 17,
                                                       INC., AS NOMINEE FOR FIELDSTONE                230 W. Monroe Street, Suite #1125               PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN                   Attorney Code. 21762
                19 CH 13692                                                                                                                                                                                                                         2021, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corpo-
     1449 NORTH KILDARE AVENUE                           MORTGAGE COMPANY, NATIONAL                   Chicago IL, 60606                               that pursuant to a Judgment of Fore-            Case Number: 2019CH07873                      ration, will at 10:30 AM on October 5, 2021,
            CHICAGO, IL 60651                        CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, LLC, CAPITAL                 312-541-9710                                                                                    TJSC#: 41-1309
                                                                                                                                                      closure and Sale entered in the above                                                         at The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South
             NOTICE OF SALE                             ONE BANK (USA), N.A., PORTFOLIO               E-Mail:       ilpleadings@johnsonblumberg.                                                      NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collec-       Wacker Drive, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at a
                                                                                                                                                      cause on November 13, 2019, an agent
PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that                      RECOVERY ASSOCIATES, LLC, UN-                 com                                                                                                                                           public sale to the highest bidder, as set forth
pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure                                                                                                                 for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at     tion Practices Act, you are advised that
                                                      KNOWN OWNERS AND NON-RECORD                     Attorney File No. 16-4402                                                                       Plaintiff's attorney is deemed to be a debt   below, the following described real estate:
and Sale entered in the above cause on                                                                                                                10:30 AM on September 28, 2021, at The
                                                                      CLAIMANTS                       Attorney Code. 40342                                                                                                                          Commonly known as 4924 W FULTON, CHI-
July 14, 2021, an agent for The Judicial                                                                                                              Judicial Sales Corporation, One South           collector attempting to collect a debt and
Sales Corporation, will at 10:30 AM on                                 Defendants                     Case Number: 17 CH 1354                                                                                                                       CAGO, IL 60644
                                                                                                                                                      Wacker Drive, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell          any information obtained will be used for
October 19, 2021, at The Judicial Sales                               17 CH 1354                      TJSC#: 41-1344                                                                                                                                Property Index No. 16-09-404-033-0000
                                                                                                                                                      at a public sale to the highest bidder, as      that purpose.
Corporation, One South Wacker Drive,                               5808 W. IOWA ST.                   NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collec-                                                                                                       The real estate is improved with a residence.
CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at a public sale                                                                                                             set forth below, the following described        Case # 2019CH07873
                                                                  CHICAGO, IL 60651                   tion Practices Act, you are advised that                                                                                                      Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by
to the highest bidder, as set forth below,                                                                                                            real estate:                                    I3174792                                      certified funds at the close of the sale pay-
                                                                   NOTICE OF SALE                     Plaintiff's attorney is deemed to be a debt
the following described real estate:                                                                  collector attempting to collect a debt and      Commonly known as 5445 W AUGUSTA                                                              able to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No
Commonly known as 1449 NORTH                         PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that
                                                                                                      any information obtained will be used for       BLVD, CHICAGO, IL 60651                                                                       third party checks will be accepted. The bal-
KILDARE AVENUE, CHICAGO, IL 60651                    pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure
                                                                                                                                                      Property Index No. 16-04-317-007-0000                        REAL ESTATE                      ance, including the Judicial Sale fee for the
Property Index No. 16-03-215-034-0000                and Sale entered in the above cause on           that purpose.
                                                                                                      Case # 17 CH 1354                               The real estate is improved with a single                                                     Abandoned Residential Property Municipality
The real estate is improved with a single            January 28, 2019, an agent for The Judi-
family residence.                                                                                                                                     family residence.                                                                             Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential
                                                     cial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30 AM on      I3175094
The judgment amount was $150,593.85.                                                                                                                  Sale terms: 25% down of the highest                IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF Cook               real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or
                                                     October 12, 2021, at The Judicial Sales
Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid                                                                                                               bid by certified funds at the close of the        County, Illinois, County Department,        fraction thereof of the amount paid by the pur-
by certified funds at the close of the sale          Corporation, One South Wacker Drive,                                                                                                                                                           chaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds/
                                                     CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at a public sale                                                        sale payable to The Judicial Sales Cor-                     Chancery Division
payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation.                                                                                                                                                                                                          or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24)
No third party checks will be accepted. The          to the highest bidder, as set forth below,              HOUSES FOR SALE                          poration. No third party checks will be               Nationstar Mortgage LLC d/b/a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee
balance, including the Judicial Sale fee             the following described real estate:                                                             accepted. The balance, including the                  Champion Mortgage Company               acquiring the residential real estate pursuant
for the Abandoned Residential Property               Commonly known as 5808 W. IOWA ST.,                                                              Judicial Sale fee for the Abandoned Resi-                         Plaintiff,                  to its credit bid at the sale or by any mort-
Municipality Relief Fund, which is calcu-            CHICAGO, IL 60651                                    IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK                dential Property Municipality Relief Fund,                           vs.                      gagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor
lated on residential real estate at the rate                                                                      COUNTY, ILLINOIS                    which is calculated on residential real es-                                                   acquiring the residential real estate whose
of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof            Property Index No. 16-05-419-033-0000;                                                                                                                Unknown Heirs and Legatees of
                                                                                                        COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY                  tate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or                                                     rights in and to the residential real estate
of the amount paid by the purchaser not              16-05-419-027-0000                                                                                                                                    Geraldine Ware; Midwest Federal          arose prior to the sale. The subject property
to exceed $300, in certified funds/or wire           The real estate is improved with a single                          DIVISION                      fraction thereof of the amount paid by the
                                                                                                                BANK OF AMERICA, NA;                                                                   Savings Bank, a Corporation as sbm           is subject to general real estate taxes, special
transfer, is due within twenty-four (24)             family residence.                                                                                purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified                                                    assessments, or special taxes levied against
hours. No fee shall be paid by the mort-                                                                                 Plaintiff,                                                                       to U.S. Bank National Association;
                                                     The judgment amount was $445,562.90.                                                             funds/or wire transfer, is due within twen-                                                   said real estate and is offered for sale without
gagee acquiring the residential real estate          Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid                                vs.                                                                             Banco Popular North America;            any representation as to quality or quantity of
                                                                                                                                                      ty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by
pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by                                                              GERALD NORDGREN AS SPECIAL                                                                       Secretary of Housing and Urban           title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in
any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other           by certified funds at the close of the sale                                                      the mortgagee acquiring the residential
                                                                                                                REPRESENTATIVE FOR                                                                                                                  "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject
lienor acquiring the residential real estate         payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation.                                                       real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the    Development; State of Illinois Depart-       to confirmation by the court.
whose rights in and to the residential real          No third party checks will be accepted. The         ROSETTA DAVIS; EDALIS CORREA;                sale or by any mortgagee, judgment cred-         ment of Revenue; Eric Ware aka Eric          Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the
estate arose prior to the sale. The subject          balance, including the Judicial Sale fee                      UNKNOWN HEIRS
                                                                                                                                                      itor, or other lienor acquiring the residen-                                                  purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale
property is subject to general real estate           for the Abandoned Residential Property              AND LEGATES FO ROSETTA DAVIS;                                                                 Lynn Ware; Thomas P. Quinn Special           that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the
                                                                                                                                                      tial real estate whose rights in and to the
taxes, special assessments, or special               Municipality Relief Fund, which is calcu-                   UNKNOWN OWNERS                                                                          Representative for Geraldine Ware;         real estate after confirmation of the sale.
taxes levied against said real estate and is                                                                                                          residential real estate arose prior to the
                                                     lated on residential real estate at the rate          AND NONRECORD CLAIMANTS;                                                                                                                 The property will NOT be open for inspection
offered for sale without any representation                                                                            Defendants,
                                                                                                                                                      sale. The subject property is subject to           Unknown Owners and Non-Record              and plaintiff makes no representation as to
as to quality or quantity of title and without       of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof                                                        general real estate taxes, special assess-                                                    the condition of the property. Prospective bid-
                                                     of the amount paid by the purchaser not                           19 CH 3882                                                                                      Claimants
recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condi-                                                                                                           ments, or special taxes levied against                                                        ders are admonished to check the court file to
tion. The sale is further subject to confir-         to exceed $300, in certified funds/or wire                    NOTICE OF SALE                                                                                    Defendants,                    verify all information.
                                                                                                      PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that              said real estate and is offered for sale
mation by the court.                                 transfer, is due within twenty-four (24)                                                                                                                   Case #2019CH10474                   If this property is a condominium unit, the
Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the                                                           pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure           without any representation as to quality
                                                     hours. No fee shall be paid by the mort-                                                                                                                  Sheriff’s # 210026-001F              purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale,
purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that                                                     and Sale entered in the above entitled          or quantity of title and without recourse                                                     other than a mortgagee, shall pay the as-
                                                     gagee acquiring the residential real estate                                                                                                                   F19080152 CPN
will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real                                                      cause Intercounty Judicial Sales Corpora-       to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The                                                    sessments and the legal fees required by
estate after confirmation of the sale.               pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by                                                                                                     Pursuant to a Judgment made and
                                                                                                      tion will on Tuesday, October 12, 2021 at       sale is further subject to confirmation by                                                    The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS
The property will NOT be open for inspection         any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other                                                                                                                                                     605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a
                                                                                                      the hour of 11 a.m. in their office at 120      the court.                                      entered by said Court in the above en-
and plaintiff makes no representation as to the      lienor acquiring the residential real estate                                                                                                                                                   condominium unit which is part of a common
condition of the property. Prospective bidders       whose rights in and to the residential real      West Madison Street, Suite 718A, Chi-           Upon payment in full of the amount bid,         titled cause, Thomas J. Dart, Sheriff of      interest community, the purchaser of the unit
are admonished to check the court file to verify                                                      cago, Illinois, sell at public auction to the   the purchaser will receive a Certificate of     Cook County, Illinois, will on Septem-        at the foreclosure sale other than a mort-
                                                     estate arose prior to the sale. The subject
all information.
                                                     property is subject to general real estate       highest bidder for cash, as set forth below,    Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a       ber 28th, 2021, at 1pm in room LL06 of        gagee shall pay the assessments required
If this property is a condominium unit, the pur-                                                      the following described mortgaged real          deed to the real estate after confirmation                                                    by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS
chaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other    taxes, special assessments, or special                                                                                                           the Richard J. Daley Center, 50 West
                                                                                                      estate:                                         of the sale.                                                                                  605/18.5(g-1).
than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments          taxes levied against said real estate and is                                                                                                     Washington Street, Chicago, Illinois,         IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOM-
and the legal fees required by The Condo-            offered for sale without any representation      P.I.N. 16-04-408-014-0000.                      The property will NOT be open for inspec-
                                                                                                                                                                                                      sell at public auction the following de-      EOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO
minium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1)            as to quality or quantity of title and without   Commonly known as 1019 N Leamington             tion and plaintiff makes no representa-                                                       REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS
                                                                                                                                                                                                      scribed premises and real estate men-
and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium        recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condi-      Avenue , Chicago, IL 60651.                     tion as to the condition of the property.                                                     AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POS-
unit which is part of a common interest com-                                                          The mortgaged real estate is improved           Prospective bidders are admonished to           tioned in said Judgment:                      SESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SEC-
                                                     tion. The sale is further subject to confir-
munity, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclo-                                                     with a single family residence. If the sub-     check the court file to verify all informa-           Common Address:         936 North       TION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORT-
sure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay           mation by the court.                                                                                                                                                                           GAGE FORECLOSURE LAW.
                                                     Upon payment in full of the amount bid,          ject mortgaged real estate is a unit of a       tion.                                           Lavergne Avenue, Chicago, Illinois
the assessments required by The Condo-                                                                                                                                                                                                              You will need a photo identification issued
minium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1).         the purchaser will receive a Certificate         common interest community, the purchas-         If this property is a condominium unit,         60651                                         by a government agency (driver's license,
IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOM-                       of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a     er of the unit other than a mortgagee shall     the purchaser of the unit at the foreclo-       P.I.N: 16-04-418-026-0000                     passport, etc.) in order to gain entry into our
EOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO                                                                        pay the assessments required by subsec-         sure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall        Improvements: This property consist           building and the foreclosure sale room in
REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS                     deed to the real estate after confirmation
AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSES-                   of the sale.                                     tion (g-1) of Section 18.5 of the Condo-        pay the assessments and the legal fees          of a Multi Family unit.                       Cook County and the same identification for
SION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION                     The property will NOT be open for inspec-        minium Property Act.                            required by The Condominium Property            Sale shall be under the following             sales held at other county venues where The
15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE                  tion and plaintiff makes no representation       Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds,        Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If                                                      Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclo-
FORECLOSURE LAW.                                                                                                                                                                                      terms: payment of not less than ten           sure sales.
                                                     as to the condition of the property. Pro-        balance, by certified funds, within 24          this property is a condominium unit which
You will need a photo identification issued by a
                                                                                                      hours. No refunds. The property will NOT                                                        percent (10%) of the amount of the            For information, examine the court file, CO-
government agency (driver's license, passport,       spective bidders are admonished to check                                                         is part of a common interest community,
etc.) in order to gain entry into our building and                                                    be open for inspection.                                                                         successful and highest bid to be paid         DILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. Plaintiff's Attor-
                                                     the court file to verify all information.                                                        the purchaser of the unit at the foreclo-
the foreclosure sale room in Cook County and                                                          For information call Ms. Kathryn Bodan-                                                         to the Sheriff by cashier’s check or          neys, 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD,
the same identification for sales held at other      If this property is a condominium unit, the                                                      sure sale other than a mortgagee shall                                                        SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL, 60527 (630)
county venues where The Judicial Sales Cor-          purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure         za at Plaintiff's Attorney, Marinosci Law       pay the assessments required by The             certified funds at the sale; and the full
poration conducts foreclosure sales.                 sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the      Group, PC, 134 North LaSalle Street,            Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS              remaining balance to be paid to the           THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION
For information, The sales clerk, LOGS Le-           assessments and the legal fees required          Chicago, Illinois 60602. (312) 940-8580.        605/18.5(g-1).                                  Sheriff by cashier’s check or certified
gal Group LLP Plaintiff's Attorneys, 2121                                                                                                                                                                                                           One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chi-
                                                     by The Condominium Property Act, 765             19-00359                                                                                        funds within twenty-four (24) hours af-
WAUKEGAN RD., SUITE 301, Bannockburn,                                                                                                                 IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HO-                                                                 cago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE
IL, 60015 (847) 291-1717 For information call        ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this prop-       INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES COR-                                                                 ter the sale.                                 You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corpora-
                                                                                                                                                      MEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT
between the hours of 1pm - 3pm.. Please refer        erty is a condominium unit which is part         PORATION                                                                                                                                      tion at www.tjsc.com for a 7 day status report
to file number 19-092188.                                                                             intercountyjudicialsales.com
                                                                                                                                                      TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30                     Sale shall be subject to general tax-
                                                     of a common interest community, the pur-                                                         DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER                    es, special assessments.                      of pending sales.
THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION                                                                        I3175372
One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago,         chaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale                                                       OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE                                                                  CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Premise will NOT be open for inspec-          15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE
IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE                         other than a mortgagee shall pay the as-                                                         WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE IL-
You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corpora-       sessments required by The Condominium                                                                                                            tion.                                         100
tion at www.tjsc.com for a 7 day status report                                                                                                        LINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE                     Firm Information: Plaintiff’s Attorney        BURR RIDGE IL, 60527
                                                     Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1).
of pending sales.                                                                                                                                     LAW.                                                                                          630-794-5300
LOGS Legal Group LLP                                 IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HO-                                                                                                                    Diaz, Anselmo, Lindberg LLC
                                                                                                                                                      You will need a photo identification is-                                                      E-Mail: pleadings@il.cslegal.com
2121 WAUKEGAN RD., SUITE 301                         MEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT                                                                                                                     1771 W. DIEHL., Ste 120
                                                                                                             EN LA
Bannockburn IL, 60015                                                                                                                                 sued by a government agency (driver's                                                         Attorney File No. 14-18-04676
                                                     TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30                                                                                                                   Naperville, IL 60563
847-291-1717                                                                                                                                          license, passport, etc.) in order to gain                                                     Attorney ARDC No. 00468002
                                                     DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF                                                                                                                  Sales Department
E-Mail: ILNotices@logs.com                                                                                                                            entry into our building and the foreclo-                                                      Attorney Code. 21762
Attorney File No. 19-092188                          POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH                                                                                                                   foreclosurenotice@fal-illinois.com            Case Number: 18CH06680
Attorney Code. 42168                                                                                                                                  sure sale room in Cook County and the
                                                     SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS
                                                                                                          COMPRE EN
Case Number: 19 CH 13692                                                                                                                              same identification for sales held at other     866-402-8661 fax 630-428-4620                 TJSC#: 41-1336
                                                     MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW.                                                                                                                                                                      NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection
TJSC#: 41-1295
                                                     You will need a photo identification issued                                                      county venues where The Judicial Sales          For bidding instructions, visit www.fal-

NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection                                                                                                                                                                                                          Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff's
Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff's      by a government agency (driver's license,                                                        Corporation conducts foreclosure sales.         illinois.com
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    attorney is deemed to be a debt collector at-
attorney is deemed to be a debt collector at-        passport, etc.) in order to gain entry into                                                      For information, examine the court file,        This is an attempt to collect a debt pur-     tempting to collect a debt and any information
tempting to collect a debt and any information
obtained will be used for that purpose.
Case # 19 CH 13692
                                                     our building and the foreclosure sale room
                                                     in Cook County and the same identifica-
                                                                                                            LOCALES                                   CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. Plaintiff's
                                                                                                                                                      Attorneys, 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE
                                                                                                                                                                                                      suant to the Fair Debt Collection Prac-
                                                                                                                                                                                                      tices Act and any information obtained
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    obtained will be used for that purpose.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Case # 18CH06680
I3175656                                             tion for sales held at other county venues                                                       ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL,                will be used for that purpose.                I3175013
LAWNDALE Bilingual News -Thursday, September 9, 2021-Page 9

Experian goes bilingual with its industry-leading                                           Experian se Vuelve Bilingüe con su Chat de Twitter de
credit and personal finance Twitter chat                                                    Crédito y Finanzas Personales Líder de la Industria
                                                                                                      En un esfuerzo por   latinos y les brindará una
                                                                                            educar a más consumidores      divertida e interactiva
                                                                                            sobre el crédito y las         plataforma para desarrollar
                                                                                            finanzas        personales,    su comprensión de temas y
                                                                                            Experian®           anunció    finanzas personales.
                                                                                            nuevos recursos gratis                   #ChatDeCrédito
                                                                                            creados específicamente        se iniciará al comienzo del
                                                                                            para personas bilingües        Mes de la Herencia Hispana
                                                                                            e hispano parlantes,           a las 3 p.m. tiempo del este,
                                                                                            incluyendo una serie de chat   el 15 de septiembre. Tanto
                                                                                            en línea y otro contenido de   los hispanoparlantes como
                                                                                            educación. La nueva serie      los angloparlantes están
                                                                                            mensual, #ChatDeCrédito,       invitados a unirse al chat
                                                                                            explorará temas financieros    para tweetear en inglés,        establecer el crédito
                                                                                            importantes para los           español o una combinación       y mejorar tu puntaje
                                                                                            consumidores hispanos-         y aprender como puede           crediticio
                                                                                                                           usarse el crédito como          •Diciembre 2: Como crear
   In an effort to educate     Latino consumers and           or a combination, and learn   establish credit and boost     instrumento financiero,         metas financieras para el
more consumers about           provide them with a fun        how credit can be used as     your credit scores             que puede impactar las          nuevo año
credit and personal finance,   and interactive platform to    a financial tool, what can    •December 2: Creating          calificaciones de crédito,      •Enero 6: Formas de
Experian® announced new        build their understanding      impact credit scores, tips    financial goals for the new    consejos para establecer        proteger su crédito y
free resources created         of important credit and        for building credit, and      year                           el crédito y más. Los           prevenir el robo de
specifically for bilingual     personal finance topics.       more. Consumers can           •January 6: Ways to protect    consumidores        pueden      identidad
and Spanish speakers,          #ChatDeCrédito will kick       join and ask questions by     your credit and prevent        unirse y hacer preguntas
including an online            off at the start of Hispanic   searching @Experian or        identity theft                 buscando @Experian o                 Más información en
Twitter chat series and        Heritage Month at 3 p.m.       #ChatDeCrédito on Twitter.        Learn more at www.         #ChatDeCrédito en Twitter.      www.experianplc.com o
other education content.       Eastern time on September      Upcoming #ChatDeCrédito       experianplc.com or visit       Los temas del próximo           visitar nuestro contenido
The new monthly series,        15. Both bilingual and         topics include:               our global content hub at      #ChatDeCrédito incluyen:        global en nuestro blog de
#ChatDeCrédito,         will   Spanish-speakers         are   •October 7: Strategies for    our global news blog for       •Octubre 7: Estrategias         noticias mundiales para
explore financial topics       invited to join the chat to    paying down debt              the latest news and insights   para pagar deudas               conocer las últimas noticias
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                                       Paid vacations and paid holidays after 1 year of employmnet.

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Page 10-LAWNDALE Bilingual News-Thursday, September 9, 2021

                                                                                                                                                         Pacifico Spa
       APT. FOR RENT                             APT. FOR RENT                53         HELP WANTED                      53 HELP WANTED

            (N. Riverside)                                                         TRABAJO! TRABAJO!
 1- bdrm, new tile-windows, laundry                                                               NECESITAMOS                                            We offer relaxing anti strees
 facilities, AC, includes heat - natural gas                                        LIMPIADORES DE ALFOMBRAS                                             massages. Light massages more
                                                                                                                                                         than just a massage. Given by
                                                                               Y limpiadores de conductos de aire y limpieza de
                 $999.00 per month                                                 construcción. No se requiere experiencia,
                                                                                                                                                         professionals who will attend
                                                                                                                                                         you with pleasure.
                      Call Luis                                                     ENTRENAREMOS. Excelente salario,
                                                                                                                                                         Ofrecemos masajes relajantes anti estrés. Masajes
                                                                                      jornada completa con tiempo extra.
                   (708)366-5602                                                                                                                         ligeros más que un simple masaje. Dada por
                                                                                                                                                         profesionales que te atenderán con gusto.
                  Leave Message
                                                                                                                                                                                We are located at:
                                                                                                                                                          RELAXING         2851 W. Belmont Ave.
53        HELP WANTED                      53 HELP WANTED
                                                                                    Perfection Cleaning Service                                               YOUR
                                                                                                                                                                              Open from 9am to 8pm

 SE NECESITA JARDINERO                                                              CALL 847-564-1300                                                         BODY             773-245-8915
                                                                                  3213 Doolittle Dr. NORTHBROOK, IL 60062
                      $18.00 LA HORA
   Se necesita lo más rápido posible
                                                                              WANTED TIRE REPAIRMAN
                                                                              -Apply in person
                                                                              -Must have VALID IL Driver’s License
         Debe entender un poquito de Inglés                                   -Bilingual a plus

      630-303-1299                                                            NECESITAMOS REPARADOR DE LLANTAS
                                                                              -Aplicar en persona
                                                                              -Tener Licencia de Conducir de IL VALIDA
                                                                                                                                                           INVIERTA EN LA
                                                                              - Se prefiere bilingüe                                                         COMPRE EN
          HIRING NOW!                                                         Para mas información favor de visitarnos:
                                                                              Truck Tire Sales
                                                                                                                                  For more info visit:
                                                                                                                                    Truck Tire Sales
                                                                                                                                                          TIENDAS LOCALES
       GDI Integrated Facility Services                                       426 W Pershing Road                              426 W Pershing Road
                                                                              Chicago IL 60609                                     Chicago IL 60609
 Be a part of our Dedicated team in providing our                                                                                     M-F 8am-4pm               HELP WANTED
                                                                              Lunes a Viernes 8am -4pm                                                   53                          PROFESSIONAL SERVICE
 clients with a clean, safe, and healthy facility!
 Full and Part Time janitorial positions available
 throughout Chicago and the surrounding suburbs.
                                                                                                                                                                                       IMPORT AND
   SIGN ON BONUS UP TO $300 for Full Time employees and
   $150.00 for Part Time employees! We are currently offering a
                                                                               The Metropolitan Water Reclamation                                                                    EXPORT RAMIREZ
   sign-on bonus program for new team members who join GDI
                   between now and 10/31/2021                                  District of Greater Chicago will be                                                                   Partes para Licuadoras
                      Please contact
              Gricel Rivera (630)320-2296 or
                                                                               accepting applications for the following
              Melissa Garcia (708)340-7347
                  for more information.

COMPAÑIA DE                                                                    Laboratory Technician II (Original)
           DE TELA CON EXPERIENCIA                                             Additional information regarding salary,
Para el primer y segundo turno, tiempo completo para constureras y presores
empacadores y control de calidad para prendas de vestir como blazers,
jackets, camisas y pantalones. debe tener documentos legales para trabajar.
                                                                               job description, requirements, etc. can be
El trabajo es tiempo completo todo el año y oportunidades de tiempo extra,
buen pago y ofrecemos seguro.                                                  found on the District’s website at
     LLAME PRIMERO AL 773-545-0990
                                                                               www.districtjobs.org or call 312-751-5100.                                                                 Blender Parts
                                                                                                                                                                                         Chicago, IL.
              847-476-4999                                                                                                                                                                 TEL:
        3500 N. Kostner Ave. Chicago,IL 60641                                                                                                                                         773-990-0789 /
                                                                               An Equal Opportunity Employer - M/F/D                                                                       TEL:
             CLASIFICADOS 708-650-4096                                                                                                                                                 773-209-3700
LAWNDALE Bilingual News -Thursday, September 9, 2021-Page 11

                                     LEGAL NOTICE                                                53       HELP WANTED          53 HELP WANTED            53      HELP WANTED

                         LEGAL NOTICE OF DEMOLITION

                                                                                                 SE NECESITA                                              PLUSH PUP
To all owners, lienholders and parties with a current legal or equitable interest in the fol-
lowing properties (“Parties”): (A) 5811 W. Roosevelt Road, Cicero, IL 60804, with PIN
                                                                                                                                                          5344 N. Cumberland Ave.
16-20-203-006-0000, with Legal Description of LOT 6 IN CAROLINE PETER'S SUB-
                                                                                                                                                             Chicago, IL 60656
                                                                                                                                                         Close to the Blue Line /CTA
                                                                                                      7622 N. PAULINA • CHICAGO                             FAST FOOD
20, TOWNSHIP 39 NORTH, RANGE 13, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERID-                              Debe tener papeles legales para trabajar en los EEUU.     RESTAURANT
IAN, IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS; (B) 4902 W. 29th Place, Cicero, IL 60804, with PIN                Debe ser responsable. Tiempo completo. Tiene que           Looking for
16-28-418-032-0000, with Legal Description of LOT 29 (EXCEPT THE NORTH 64.50                     hablar un poquito de Inglés. SALARIO $17.00 por hora.    EXPERIENCED
FEET) IN BERSBACH'S SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 1, 2, 3, 10, 11 AND 12 IN BLOCK                           PUEDE GANAR MAS DE ACUERDO A                           FULL-TIME COOKS
15 IN HAWTHORNE, A SUBDIVISION OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 28,                                       SU EXPERIENCIA
IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS (collectively the “Property”). The Town of Cicero has
determined that all buildings on the Property are open and vacant and constitute an
                                                                                                      Llamar al   773-764-6273                           APPLY IN-PERSON
immediate and continuing hazard to the community; the Town intends to demolish,
repair, and enclose the buildings and remove any garbage, debris, or other hazardous,            53       HELP WANTED         53      HELP WANTED         53 HELP WANTED
noxious, or unhealthy substances or materials from the Property if the owner or own-

                                                                                                              ABE’S AUTO BODY
ers or lienholders of record fail to do so. The Property buildings are, without limitation,
structurally unsound, rodent-infested, an attractive nuisance for gang activity and other
crimes, are fire hazards, contain refuse and debris, suffer numerous building code
violations, are uninhabitable, and are violative to the public health, safety and welfare,
and must be demolished. Parties are responsible for demolition of buildings on the                 7313 S. WESTERN AVE. CHICAGO, IL 60636
Property within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, and including enclosure
and removal of all garbage and debris from around the buildings; failure to do so will
result in the Town being authorized to eliminate all hazards, which will include demoli-                                        BODYMAN & PAINTER
                                                                                                                                 NEEDED. FULL TIME
tion of the buildings. You are further notified that should the Town be required to take
the necessary action to eliminate such hazards, the owners of record shall be liable
for all costs incurred by the Town; the Town will record a lien for its costs and will seek

                                                                                                                        SIGNING BONUS
recovery of costs by foreclosing the lien. You have the right to object to the Town tak-
ing this action by filing legal action in a court of competent jurisdiction including filing a
complaint in the Municipal Division of the Circuit Court of Cook County and serving the
Clerk of the Town and the Town Building Commissioner; if you have questions about
this procedure, consult a lawyer. You may also contact the Town Building Department,                                               Please Call
                                                                                                         773-925-7252 or 708-668-8483
4949 W. Cermak Road, Cicero, IL 60804 (708-656-3600) regarding remediation / de-
molition. This is a legal notice published pursuant to 65 ILCS 5/11-31-1(e). - Town of
Cicero Building Commissioner.

                   CLASIFICADOS 708-656-6400

Page 12-LAWNDALE Bilingual News-Thursday, September 9, 2021
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