Exact Extends Market Reach with 64-Bit Computing

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Exact Extends Market Reach with 64-Bit Computing
Exact Extends Market Reach
                                                     with 64-Bit Computing

SOLUTION SUMMARY                                     Intel/Microsoft/HP customer reference programme case study                 Released: 05.03

Exact was hitting development obstacles
with e-Synergy, its integrated Web-based
enterprise-wide administration system.
The limitations of 32-bit technology meant
the product could only address a maximum
of 8 GB memory directly. Exact wanted to
expand the functionality of e-Synergy and
increase the number of potential users to
embrace the market for larger corporations
and mission critical, data-intensive applications.
                                                     Business Challenge                             Enterprise-wide administration is easy
Solution                                             Exact is a leading manufacturer of             thanks to the innovative architecture
e-Synergy is now being demonstrated on an            accounting, human resource management          developed by Exact, which uses just one
HP Intel® Itanium® 2-based server running            (HRM), customer relationship management        database and transaction table. With
Microsoft® Windows® Server 2003 and                  (CRM,) e-Business and enterprise resource      e-Synergy, organisations can securely
Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 (64-bit).                planning (ERP) software. Established in        make available relevant information to all
By the end of 2004, the HP server will be            1984, Exact has worked hard to become          employees and relations through a sim-
capable of supporting 128 CPUs and the               one of the world’s leading providers of        ple Web browser.
ability to address 1TB memory.The HP server          business software solutions to medium
running e-Synergy has been fully tested in           sized national and multinational organi-       As an international brand, e-Synergy is
a technical environment, and further bench-          sations. Exact software is available in 26     supported by a global network of sub-
marking is being carried out to model a full         languages and is now used in 126 countries.    sidiaries and business partners in more
production system with hundreds of users.            Exact Holding N.V. has been listed on the      than 60 countries. It is specially designed
                                                     Euronext Amsterdam Stock Exchange              to meet the needs of multinational
Business value                                       since June 1999.                               organisations seeking to implement a
Instead of being restricted to 8 GB, e-Synergy                                                      single, standardised business software
can now be used to address 512 GB.                   Traditionally, Exact has specialised in        solution across several countries.
This means faster speeds for Exact’s Web             developing back-office products such as
                                                                                                                         ®          ®
sites, customer and reseller portals. Business       payroll, accounting and logistics software     e-Synergy on Intel Itanium 2
efficiency has improved and new functionality        packages. But in the last two years, its       Until now, e-Synergy, has been running
can be easily added with adversely affecting         innovative research and development team       on 32-bit technology. While this has
performance. It also has the potential to            has broadened this focus by developing         enabled the application to enjoy great
increase sales as it gives Exact the ability to      complete ready-to-go e-Business solutions,     success, it has prevented it from tapping
serve hundreds or even thousands of users            such as e-Synergy, that integrate seamlessly   larger markets and resulted in lost business.
with e-Synergy.                                      with back-office products.                     The launch of the Intel Itanium 2 gives
                                                                                                    e-Synergy the opportunity to compete in
Servers                                              E-Synergy is a new solution that makes         the 64-bit market for very large and
In the forthcoming months HP will offer 2-,          information accessible to an entire organ-     information-intensive mission critical
4-, 8-, 16- 32- and 64-way servers based on          isation using Web technology. It runs on       applications such as those running in
Intel Itanium 2 processors.                          the Microsoft® Windows® operating              data centres. Jeroen van de Heijden,
                                                     system and maximises employee produc-          Division Director at Exact, says: “We are
Operating system                                     tivity as everyone always has access to        currently running on a 32-bit platform
Microsoft Windows Server 2003                        the very latest information, any time, any     using Microsoft SQL Server™ 2000 on
Enterprise Edition                                   where. Internet technology makes it pos-       Microsoft Windows 2000. This gives us
                                                     sible to link everything that is important     the ability to address 8 GB memory, but
Database                                             within an organisation: people, documents,     that is the limit. We cannot address more
Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2003 (64-bit)                 tasks, assets and more. By increasing          memory without the performance slowing
                                                     knowledge and reducing work duplication,       to an unacceptable level. All our Web sites,
Application software                                 e-Synergy empowers businesses with             our customer portal and our reseller portal
e-Synergy from Exact                                 greater competitive strength.                  run from the same database and it is
                                                                                                    losing momentum.
Intel/Microsoft/HP customer reference programme case study

“      The key benefits of
Itanium 2 to Exact are
scalability, headroom for
                                   While it has served us well thus far, we
                                   are experiencing the boundaries and
                                   limitations of the 32-bit platform, so we
                                                                                    We believe it has the potential for
                                                                                    implementation in companies with
                                                                                    thousands of users.
                                   want to upgrade to a 64-bit platform.”
growth, and support for                                                             “On the HP stand at the launch of Microsoft
                                   Solution                                         Windows Server 2003 we demonstrated
future expansion with the          Exact wants to build on its success              an HP server platform with Intel Itanium
ability to address more            achieved on the 32-bit platform in order         2 running e-Synergy. The operating system
                                   to increase the number of potential users        is Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition
memory directly. The result        and add functionality. “Because our              (64-bit), and the database application is
of this will be improved           product is performing so well, we want           SQL Server 64-bit version.”
                                   to be able to expand the application.
business efficiency and            Our database is 300GB so we want more            Exact is testing the system internally at
effectiveness… Another key         memory in the server in order to read            first to ensure that it will meet user
                                   more memory from the cache instead of            requirements. The ultimate aim is to sell
benefit for Exact is the ability   having to access it via the disks. With 64-bit   e-Synergy running on the 64-bit platform
to add functionality without       technology, we can expand to address             to customers. “If our customers in future
                                   much more memory. This includes                  hit similar obstacles to growth then we
having a downgrading effect        expanding the number of potential users          can offer them the product running on
on the performance of the          and also extending the functionality.            the 64-bit platform,” says van de Heijden.
                                   We want to show the potential and new            “By that time we will have the benefit of
machine                            possibilities of e-Synergy running on a          our own experience with 64-bit and can

Jeroen van de Heijden,
Division Director, Exact.
                            ”      64-bit platform,” says van de Heijden.

                                   Windows Server 2003 is primed for mem-
                                   ory intensive applications. This, coupled
                                                                                    advise them. It’s a very exciting time and
                                                                                    we’re looking forward to seeing the
                                                                                    expected benefits.”

                                   with the powerful combination of industry        Benefits
                                   standard hardware from HP and Intel,             “The key benefits are scalability, head-
                                   means companies, such as Exact can               room for growth, and support for future
                                   essentially do more with less.                   expansion with the ability to address
                                                                                    more memory directly. The result of this
                                   “At present, if we tried to add functionality    will be improved business efficiency and
                                   it would have an adverse affect on per-          effectiveness because the product is used
                                   formance. The combined Microsoft, Intel          in-house for a huge range of activities from
                                   and HP systems will be able to cope with         HR and business administration to sales
                                   that additional functionality without            and customer support. Another key benefit
                                   slowing down,” says van de Heijden.              for Exact is the ability to add functionality
                                                                                    without adversely affecting machine
                                   Kees van Amersvoort, Business Manager            performance,” says van de Heijden.
                                   of the HP Itanium products in the
                                   Netherlands, says: “e-Synergy from Exact         High Availability
                                   is a very important and popular software         “HP is confident that there are going to
                                   package both in the Netherlands and              be major benefits in performance and
                                   internationally. It offers ERP and portal        scalability with the move to Intel Itanium 2
                                   solutions running on Windows. We are             and Microsoft Windows Server 2003
                                   excited about demonstrating e-Synergy            Enterprise Edition. No figures are available
                                   live on Intel Itanium 2 and Windows Server       yet, but at the HP competence centre in
                                   2003 Enterprise Edition (64-bit) because         Grenoble we are working with Microsoft
                                   the demonstration shows e-Synergy can            and Exact to build, test, and benchmark
                                   be used in a larger environment with             the e-Synergy solution on Itanium 2. We
                                   more memory and CPUs.                            already have the system up and running,
however, we have not yet tested the high
availability aspect with the equivalent of
a whole company running on the system.
                                                For a larger environment that requires a
                                                high level of computing power, this offers
                                                advantages in performance, scalability,
                                                                                               “      Apart from sheer
                                                                                               processor speed, the
                                                                                               performance advantage is in
At present we are still tuning the perfor-      and high availability.”
mance and building in more high avail-                                                         the amount of memory that
ability,” says van de Heijden.                  “Typically these large data intensive
                                                environments would be running                  can be directly addressed…
Future-Proof Solution                           applications such as SAP and Oracle, but       Up to 512 GB of memory
Exact can be confident that it has invested     for smaller and medium-sized companies
in a platform that will grow as its business    and those that are growing into big enter-     this year and up to 1 TB
needs do. It can also be confident that there   prises, Exact is becoming an increasingly      of memory next year.
is a long term, and very well supported         important competitor. Now, with 64-bit
product roadmap.                                computing and Windows Server 2003, a           HP is the first to deliver
                                                whole opportunity for Exact opens up.          these powerful leading-
Development of the 64-bit processor goes        “Itanium is highly strategic to HP in the
back a number of years. HP has worked           longer term in the mid-range and at the        edge systems.
closely with Intel and been involved with
the design of the Itanium architecture from
the outset. HP engineers also contributed
to the processor's Explicitly Parallel
                                                high end, in addition to what we are
                                                doing at the lower end with Intel Xeon
                                                processors. Because we are not producing
                                                volumes in anything like the quantity of
                                                                                               Kees van Amersvoort,
                                                                                               Business Manager of the HP Itanium
                                                                                               products in the Netherlands
Instruction Computing (EPIC) architecture.      Intel, the cost per CPU for our customers
The future of the architecture was at the       is high. It made much more sense for HP
forefront of both Compaq and HP’s               to focus on high-end computing and let
agendas’ when they merged in 2001.              Intel concentrate on cost-effective CPU
                                                development to come to a higher
Kees van Amersvoort, Business Manager           price/performance ratio.”
of the HP Itanium products in the
Netherlands, says: “Both HP and Intel           Maximise Existing Investments
have spent a great deal of money on R&D         In the current economic and highly
in developing the Itanium processor.            competitive climate, companies are
So, here at HP we are very committed to         increasingly trying to maximise their IT
the success of the Itanium processor.”          investments and more carefully balance
                                                technology decisions against the risk of
“Another thing we can do with these             not investing. But by investing in industry
systems is to shift applications across         standard technology solutions such as
server subsystems. For example, during          the Microsoft, Intel and HP combination,
the day employees could use Microsoft           they can be sure they have a reliable,
Office software while at night the system       dependable platform that is well supported
could switch to Exact, Oracle or SAP            if any problems arise.
running a batch job on the same CPUs.
This enables workload management and            In addition to 64-bit applications, a lot of
better use of IT capacity. It also creates      32-bit applications will also run on the
major opportunities for consolidation           Itanium 2 processor. Customers will
around an organisation’s current server         therefore be able to run a vast majority of
environment with all applications running       applications on these operating systems
on Itanium architecture.”                       on HP Itanium processor-based servers,
                                                bringing about new high levels of system
“There are lots of advantages of having         performance, scalability, standardisation,
the same CPUs, the Intel Itanium 2, and         integration and consolidation, in addition
the same box, for all an organisation’s IT      to maximising existing investments.
Intel/Microsoft/HP customer reference programme case study

“      We are excited about
demonstrating e-Synergy
live on Intel Itanium 2 and
                                     HP will offer Itanium 2 servers from 2 to
                                     64 CPUs this year, and next year to 128
                                     CPUs. “Apart from sheer processor speed,
                                     the performance advantage is in the amount
                                                                                     Kees van Amersvoort, Business Manager
                                                                                     of the HP Itanium products in the
                                                                                     Netherlands, says: “e-Synergy from Exact
                                                                                     is a very important and popular software
                                     of memory that can be directly addressed…       package in the Netherlands and interna-
Windows Server 2003                  Up to 512 GB of memory this year and            tionally. It offers ERP and portal solutions
                                     up to 1TB of memory next year. HP is the        under Windows. We are excited about
Enterprise Edition 64-bit
                                     first to deliver these powerful leading-edge    demonstrating e-Synergy live on Intel
version because the                  systems,” says van Amersvoort.                  Itanium 2 and Windows Server 2003
                                                                                     Enterprise Edition 64-bit version because
demonstration shows                  “This is the kind of environment you            the demonstration shows e-Synergy can
e-Synergy can be used in             would be able to access from Exact.             be used in a larger environment with
                                     It breaks new barriers in terms of the          more memory and CPUs. We believe it
a larger environment with            high-end back-office infrastructure it          has the potential for implementation in
                                     can be used with.”                              companies with thousands of users.”
more memory and CPUs.
We believe it has the                Internally, HP is transitioning its system      Industry Leading Support for Industry
                                     software to the new Itanium processor–          Leading Solution
potential for implementation         based platform. Utilities such as               The combined knowledge of three leading
                                     mathematical and statistical subroutine         industry players, and the experience,
in companies with thousands          libraries are tested and ready. In co-          history and expertise they bring, are also
of users.                            operation with Intel, HP has developed          a major plus point for businesses. HP will

                                     new compilers optimised for the Itanium         provide customers with a single point of
                                     processor family.                               contact for ongoing support and a single
Kees van Amersvoort,                                                                 point of responsibility to ensure that these
Business Manager of the HP Itanium   Performance Gains                               systems meet customer requirements for
products in the Netherlands          Exact has not yet made a decision on            total solutions and high availability.
                                     exactly which model of HP server to use.        “Another thing we can do with these
                                     “We are waiting until full test results are     systems is to shift applications across
                                     available,” says van de Heijden.” “At this      server subsystems. For example, during
                                     stage we are unable to give much in the         the day employees could use Windows
                                     way of performance details as we still          Office software while at night the system
                                     have only run a technical test environment.     could switch to Exact, Oracle or SAP
                                     Tests of a production system will take          running a batch job on the same CPUs.
                                     place in mid-2003 at the HP test centre.        This enables workload management and
                                     Significant performance gains are expected      better use of IT capacity. It also creates
                                     and we have high hopes and expectations         major opportunities for consolidation
                                     of the Microsoft Windows Server 2003, HP        around an organisation’s current server
                                     and Intel Itanium 2 processor architecture.”    environment with all applications running
                                                                                     on Itanium architecture.”
                                     Overall Benefits to Exact
                                     Jeroen van de Heijden says: “the key            “There are lots of advantages of having
                                     benefit of Itanium 2 to Exact is scalability,   the same CPUs, the Intel Itanium 2, and
                                     headroom for growth, and support for            the same box, for all an organisation’s IT
                                     future expansion with the ability to address    needs. For a larger environment that
                                     more memory directly. The result of this        requires a high level of computing power,
                                     will be improved business efficiency and        this offers advantages in performance,
                                     effectiveness because the product is used       scalability and high availability.”
                                     in-house for a huge range of activities
                                     from HR and business administration to
                                     sales and customer support. Another key
                                     benefit for Exact is the ability to add
                                     functionality without having a down-
                                     grading effect on the performance of the
“Typically these large data intensive           Itanium 2 Processor Ecosystem                   Lessons Learned
environments would be running applica-          HP is supporting an “ecosystem” evolving         Facilitating mission critical data
tions such as SAP and Oracle, but for           around the Itanium 2 processor platform.          intensive applications. The launch of
smaller and medium-sized companies and          HP offers:                                        the Intel Itanium 2 gives e-Synergy the
those that are growing into big enterprises,     Consultancy services; also offered by           opportunity to compete in the 64-bit
Exact is becoming an increasingly important       key VARs and SIs                                market for very large and information
competitor. Now, with 64-bit computing                                                            intensive mission critical applications
                                                 Partnerships with all the major ISVs
and Windows 2000, a whole opportunity                                                             such as data centre environments.
                                                  for middleware (server, directory, and
for Exact opens up.”
                                                  security software), database software,
                                                                                                 The 64-bit environment supports
                                                  and applications software, including
“On the HP stand at the launch of                                                                 multiple operating systems.
                                                  software for key vertical markets and
Microsoft Windows Server 2003                                                                     Windows, Linux and HP-UX can all
                                                  Web-enabled ecommerce.
Enterprise Edition we demonstrated an                                                             run at the same time on Itanium 2,
HP server platform with Intel Itanium 2          Complete portfolio Support Services             giving users the ability to choose from
running e-Synergy. The operating system          Complete line-up of Itanium 2 systems           some 50,000 applications.
is Windows Server 2003 Enterprise                Extensive portfolio of Itanium 2 solutions.
Edition 64-bit version, and the database                                                         Mobile computing enhances user
application is SQL Server 64-bit version.”      Microsoft is another key partner in the           productivity. At the show Exact
                                                Itanium 2 processor environment. IDC,             demonstrated the use of tablet PCs
 “All this excitement over Intel Itanium 2      the market research company, says:                linked in to the server environment
doesn’t mean 32-bit Intel architecture is at    “Microsoft is currently supporting                and the e-Synergy system.
an end because there is always a price point.   Itanium processor–based systems with its
We believe HP Proliant, which is based                                                           Mobile computing enhances user
                                                Windows 2000 Advanced Server, Limited
on the Intel Xeon processor, has at least       Edition. In 2003, Microsoft will introduce        productivity. Thanks to tablet PCs
8-10 years to go and remains extremely          two 64-bit versions of this operating             linked in to e-Synergy, users can
price effective for smaller companies.”         system: Windows Server 2003 Enterprise            enjoy the improved functionality and
                                                Edition and Windows Server 2003 Data              performance of the 64-bit environment
Mobile computing                                Center Edition.”*                                 whether they are working from home,
“Another innovation at the show was the                                                           client sites, or on the move.
use of tablet PCs linked in to the e-Synergy    Current versions of 64-bit Windows
system. Exact representatives walked                                                             Industry support for Itanium
                                                operating systems support up to
around the show with the tablet PCs             8 processor SMPs. However, customers              2-based server development.
demonstrating how they can be used to           can run multiple copies of these operating        IDC believes that HP's plan to integrate
link in to the server environment.”             systems on multiple partitions of larger          its server technologies with the Intel
                                                servers. IDC notes that future versions           Itanium processor family represents a
High availability                               of 64-bit Windows will scale to higher            viable path for HP's customers,
“HP is confident that there are going to        processor counts.                                 offering high performance technical,
be major benefits in performance and                                                              business critical and mission-critical
scalability with the move to Intel Itanium                                                        data processing.
2 and Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Enterprise Edition. No figures are available
yet, but at the HP competence centre in
Grenoble we are working with Microsoft
and Exact to build, test and benchmark
the e-Synergy solution on Itanium 2.
We already have the system up and
running as it will be at the Windows
Server 2003 Enterprise Edition launch.

However, we have not yet tested the high
availability aspect with the equivalent of
a whole company running on the system.
At present we are still tuning the
performance and building in more high
Intel/Microsoft/HP customer reference programme case study

© 2003 Intel Corporation. All rights      About Intel Corporation                        About Microsoft
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THIS SUMMARY. Microsoft, Microsoft        For more information                           About HP
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Part number: CS16-2003/E
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