Excited. Involved. Prepared.

Page created by Kelly Stone
Excited. Involved. Prepared.
Excited. Involved. Prepared.
Excited. Involved. Prepared.
                                                                                                                                                                           
                                                                                        Choose two of your favorite                                      Use your toys to act out a
  Have someone call out a     Create an imaginary animal.    Hop on 1 foot and count to   snacks (or books, toys,    Count backwards from 10              book that you have read    Create a set of something
    number (1-10). You         Tell someone about your       10. How many tries did it   animals, sports, games) to            to 1.                         or a show you have            (legos, rocks,
say the number before and     animal and have them draw                take?              compare. How are they                                           watched. Will you change    stuffies, blocks, shoes,
          after.                  or tell you about it                                     alike and how are they                                         the ending or keep it the     anything!) that has
                                      afterwards.                                                 different?                                                        same?                  fewer than 9.
                                                                                                                                                                              
 Find the lyrics to one of                                                                                                                                                            Write a Thank You card to
your favourite songs. Read Create a set of something             Count and tally all the    Have your child investigate        Find 5 Things that are     Help set the table tell     the Earth. Be sure to thank
  the lyrics of the song         (Legos, rocks,                  windows in your house.     things that interest them.                 green.             someone in your family         the Earth for all the
  together with a family     stuffies, blocks, shoes,                                        Ask your child questions                                    how many plates, spoons,         wonderful things it
member. Sing the song for      anything!) that has                                               about the item.                                            forks, napkins, you         provides to humans and
         someone!                 more than 3.                                                                                                                  will need.                     animals.

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Write all the colour words    Make an AABB pattern by        Ask someone to read you a        Create a list of wonder        Read a book and tell           Do a talent show with           Play a card game.
 you can think of or see      clapping and patting your               story.                questions. Who can you ask       someone about the              your friends or family.
where you are currently.          hands on your lap.                                           to help you find the       beginning, middle, and end.

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Go outside and find a tree,   Help with the laundry, look      Have a picnic in your        Listen to music and see if        Write the numbers 0-10      Hide something and give         Ask a family member to
bush, or flower. Then make        for and describing         backyard, park, or on your          you can copy the             outside with chalk on the someone in your house clues          create or draw a
up a story about something                                       living room floor.               beat of a song.               sidewalk or driveway.            to find it.              repeating family so you
                               patterns found on socks,
  that lives in that tree,                                                                                                                                                                 can guess the pattern
                                      shirts, etc.
      bush, or flower.                                                                                                                                                                             rule!
                                                               

 Read a book to a stuffed      Make nature designs and           Write a note to a family
          animal.             pictures with leaves, rocks,              member.
                                  flowers, and sticks.

                                                                                    Excited. Involved. Prepared.
Excited. Involved. Prepared.
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Find 5 things that begin  Write the name of an     Find 5 rectangles and 5      Write your first name,         Write from 0 to 20      Help your parents by      Make a list of 10 words
    with letter “m”.     animal for each letter of        triangles.            last name, and address.       outside with chalk on      writing down the          to describe your
                              the alphabet.                                                                     the driveway or        grocery list for them.          bedroom.

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       Hop down the           What is your favorite    Write a story about        Write your phone            Make 3 different             Read a book to a          Write 4 sentences
    driveway. How many        animal? Why? Write 4    playing outside. It can      number and your        patterns with at least 10        stuffed animal.           about your favorite
     hops does it take?        sentences about it.     be true or made up.      birthday date 5 times        different shapes in                                      place and draw a
                                                                                        each.                       them.                                                 picture.

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Find 7 things that begin   Who is the tallest in      Sing the months of the    Turn on the radio and         Practice tying your         Ask someone to read        Tell someone a joke.
   with the letter P.    your family? Who is the               year.                   dance.                       shoes.                    you a story.

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 Find 7 things that are   Think of 5 words that       Count backwards from      Watch the clouds. Do      Pick 3 sight words that       Draw a picture using         Write 3 words with
         green.              rhyme with cat.                 20 to 1.           they look like animals?      you know. Write a           circles, triangles,          the “oo” team (like
                                                                                                             sentence for each.       rectangles, and squares.       moon) and 3 with the
                                                                                                                                                                        “oo” (like look).

                                                     
  Have someone call out
the number from 1 to 20 Skip around your house.       Write about something
 and you say the number How many skips does it        you did this weekend.
  before and after that          take?

                                                                        Excited. Involved. Prepared.
Excited. Involved. Prepared.
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 Where is your favourite       Bring paints outside and      Write a story about the     Watch and episode of your     Gather rocks around your         Write a story about a         Plan a trip with to take
  place to go? Write 4          search for a beautiful      most exciting summer you       favourite TV with the       dooryard. Paint them with        memory you will never      during the summer. Make a
sentences about the place     flower or scene. Paint the   ever had. What did you do?     closed captioning on and        animals, symbols, or                 forget.               list of the items you will
and draw a picture of the          flower or scene.                                          turn off the sound.            positive words.                                        need to bring and who will
          place.                                                                                                                                                                    gather/prepare the item.
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    Create an imaginary        Have someone call out a Read a book to someone and        Create a journal to write        Write a story about the   Help a family member with            Draw or colour with a
 animal. Draw a picture and   number between 1 and 100 draw a picture about your           and store your daily            job you hope to have     writing the grocery list for       family member or friend.
  write 4 sentences about      and you say the number  favourite part of the book.            experiences.                       someday.                    this week.
         the animal.            before and after that
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    Read for 15 minutes        Help with a making a meal Go to the park. Bring a tape    Write about school. What       How many ways can you        Write a letter to a friend    Make 3 different patterns
     without stopping.        by reading or following the measure to measure items       is your favourite thing to     make a dollar by using        telling them about your      with at least 10 shapes in
                                recipe and setting the      at the park and compare          do during the day?        nickels, quarters, and/or          summer vacation.               each pattern.
                                         table.           the lengths. What is longer,                                           dimes.
                                                             shorter, or the same.
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 Act out a story, show, or        Draw a self portrait.     Read to a sibling or other   Search and find 10 things    Create a picture story of a        Read a book to your           Write your first name,
  scene from a movie you                                   member of your family with      that begin with the         summer adventure. Share            favourite stuffy.            last name, and address.
   have recently read or                                          a flashlight.                  letter S.                with the story with
         watched.                                                                                                        someone who did not
                                                           

Write a story about playing Measure the height if each     Go for a bike ride and see
         outside.           member of your family. If      how many shapes you can
                             it is the second time has         find on your ride.
                               there been a change?

                                                                                Excited. Involved. Prepared.
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 Nomme les lettres de                  Nomme ou chante les        Chante une de tes            Lis ou raconte une                 Écoute/lis une histoire Écoute une vidéo ou une       Réponds et poser des
 l’alphabet en ordre de                jours de la semaine.     chansons préférées en       histoire à un membre de                     en utilisant le    émission en utilisant             questions.
          A-Z.                                                   français. Ton choix !       ta famille, un ami ou un               programme Je lis, je    IDÉLLO/Mini-TFO.
                                                                                                animal en peluche.                lis, Boukili, SORA, etc.

                                                                                                                                                                              
 Partage 3-5 mots préférés en          Crée une petite pièce                                Crée une liste d’épicerie de ta
  français avec un membre de                                                                    nourriture préférée et
 ta famille, un ami ou un animal
                                       de théâtre en français Dessine et colorie/Crée       partage-la avec un membre de      Écris une liste de mots         Crée et partage un        Dessine ou prépare ta
 en peluche. Utilise le mot dans           en utilisant des   un animal de ton choix et      ta famille. Aide ta famille à    en français. Ton choix!          bulletin météo en         collation idéale et
     une phrase si tu peux.             marionnettes ou des          décris-le.                 magasiner et nomme la                                               français.                 décris-la.
                                        animaux en peluche.                                     nourriture en français.

                                                                                                                                                                              
                                                                Ton nounours va à l’école                                                                                           Téléphone à un ami de la
Fais une randonnée avec             Joue le jeu « Je vois            pour la journée.         Choisis une lettre de              Choisis 5 animaux.           Choisis une photo ou  classe ou un membre de
un adulte et nomme les             avec mon petit œil… ».       Organise son sac d’école    l’alphabet. Nomme des              Nomme les animaux en           une image. Crée des     la famille/un ami et
 choses que tu vois en                                           et nomme, en français,      mots qui commencent                français et tape le          phrases au sujet de ce  participe à une petite
        français.                                                   les choses qu’il va         par cette lettre.               nombre de syllabes.                que tu vois.         conversation en
                                                                    apporter avec lui.                                                                                                      français.
                                                                                                                                                                              
                                       Dessine un dessin en                                                                                                                          Présente un membre de
Saute autour d’une salle               utilisant des cercles,    Écoute une chanson en      Écris les nombres de 1            Trouve 5 rectangles et 5       Jouer « Simon dit ».     ta famille à un autre
dans ta maison. Combien                 des triangles, des         français et danse.            jusqu’à 100.                        triangles.                                       membre de ta famille
de sauts est-ce que cela                 rectangles et des                                                                                                                               ou un animal en
        a pris ?                              carrées.                                                                                                                                      peluche.

                                                                
                                   Cache des objets dans
Fais une recette avec un           un sac ou un contenant.       Mime les actions de ta
 membre de ta famille.               Choisis un objet et        routine et nomme-les en
Partage les mots que tu             nomme-le en français.               français.
    sais en français.                  Décris l’objet.

                                                                                   Excited. Involved. Prepared.
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Name the letters of the            Name or sing the days          Sing one of your            Read or share a story Listen to or read a story            Listen to a video or a      Answer and ask simple
alphabet in order from                of the week.            favorite songs in French.       with a member of your using the program Je lis,           show on IDÉLLO/Mini-              questions.
         A-Z.                                                       Your choice!               family, a friend, or a   je lis, SORA etc.                        TFO.
                                                                                                 stuffed animal.

                                                                                                                                                                               
    Share 3-5 of your favorite                                                            Create a grocery list in French
      words in French with a                                                              of some of your favorite foods
     member of your family, a      Create a short theatre      Draw and color/Create        and share with a member of          Write a list of words        Create and share a          Draw or prepare your
    friend, or a stuffed animal.    play in French using      an animal of your choice     your family. Help your family        you know in French.         short weather report          favorite snack and
    Use the words in a sentence      puppets or stuffed           and describe it.        shop for the grocery items and            Your choice!                  in French.                 describe it.
             if you can.                                                                       name them in French.

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                                                               Your stuffed animal is      Choose a letter of the                 Choose 5 animals.                                    Call a classmate, a
    Go on a walk with an           Play « Je vois avec mon      going to school for a     alphabet. Name as many                 Name the animals in     Choose a picture or an      family member/friend,
    adult and name items           petit œil/ I spy with my       day. Pack their           items as you can that               French while clapping   image. Create sentences        with your parent’s
     you see in French.                  little eye…”.         backpack and name in          start in French with                  the number of          in French about what       permission, and have a
                                                               French what they will             that letter.                        syllables.                  you see.             short conversation in
                                                                  take with them.                                                                                                            French.
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 Skip around a room in               Draw a picture using     Listen to a French song      Write the numbers 1-             Find 5 rectangles and 5         Play “Simon dit /Simon        Present a member of
 your house. How many                 circles, triangles,            and dance.                    100.                            triangles.                        says.”              your family to another
  skips does it take?              rectangles, and squares.                                                                                                                                family member or a
                                                                                                                                                                                             stuffed animal.

                                                              
Complete a recipe with a Hide objects in a bag or
 member of your family    container. Choose one                 Mime the actions of
and share the words you    without looking and                 your daily routine and
    know in French.      name the item in French.              name them in French.
                          Describe the object if
                                 you can.

                                                                                 Excited. Involved. Prepared.
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                                Gather medium sized rocks Share some positive words
 Go for a bike ride. When       around your dooryard. Paint  or an encouraging quote.  Grab a deck of cards. Flip a                  Create “A Choose Your               Create a journal to write   Create an “I am…” poem or
 you return write a story         messages or pictures on    Create a window poster     card and move that many                        Own Adventure” or                   and store your daily       any poem of your choice.
explaining where you went         the rocks. Go for a walk  where these words can be times. You can hop, stretch,                        mystery story.                       experiences.
and what you saw on your        and place the rocks around displayed for those driving     jump, spin, or skip.
           trip.                    your neighborhood.       or walking by your home.

                                                                                                                                                                                            
   Create a wonder list.                                             Do you prefer playing    Think about a book you read or       Explore the yard for a                    Choose 3 different
   What do you wonder               Skip count, start at 450,     indoors or outdoors? Make    a show you watched. If you         flower. Guess how many                 numbers between 0 and 9.     Using items around your
  about? What questions             count backwards by 25s        a pros and cons list. Write could have a conversation with      petals it has then count               How many 3-digit numbers     home, design and create
                                                                                               one of the characters, what
 make you curious? Write                     to 250                  for 5 minutes without    would you like to know? Write
                                                                                                                                 them to find out how close             can you create? Choose two   your own board game. Play
 down your wonderings and                                          stopping about why one is down 5 questions you would ask       you were to the correct                of your numbers to add or    the game with friends or
 explore with your family.                                           better than the other.           this character.                      amount.                        two of them to subtract.             family.
                                                                                                                                                                                            
 Make a list of interesting                                                                    If you could go back and   Create a book with a sibling or                                          Estimate how many jumping
    words you notice while   Share some positive words            Find a few riddles or jokes relive a day from the past, a parent. Decide together who                   Draw a hopscotch on the    jacks you can do in one
reading. If you do not know or an encouraging quote.                                          what day would you choose?    the main character of your                                               minute. Set a timer and
                                                                     to share with a family                                                                              ground with chalk or mark
                                                                                                                              story will be and what
  a word, ask someone. Try                                                  member.           Write down your reasoning adventures they will go on. Take                    it with tape and play    count how many you do!
 using some of these words                                                                     explaining why you chose    turns adding illustrations and                         hopscotch.       Now challenge someone else
  in your writing this week.                                                                            that day.              words to your book.                                                    in your family to try!

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                                                                     Design an award for each                                     Choose a box of cereal from your                                    Set a timer for 10 minutes.
At the end of the day, set        Describe to someone or                                            If you could excel at any    cupboard. Look at the pictures and     Create an “I am…” poem or
a timer for 5 minutes. How       write down what would be         family member. Think of their    sport, what would it be and                                           any poem of your choice.     Imagine you have 10 coins in
                                                                                                                                 read the headings and information
                                                                   strengths or areas they have                                                                                                      your pocket. Make a list of all
many things can you pick up      the most impressive tree            worked hard to improve.
                                                                                                    why? Write a letter to a       displayed. Does this cereal box
                                                                                                                                                                                                       the different amounts of
                                                                                                                                 convince you to want to try it? Tell
 around your house? Count         house you can imagine.          Present the awards at a family    friend explaining why you    or write about your opinion and why                                 money you could possibly have
   them as you clean up!                                                 award ceremony.                chose that sport.                  you think that.                                                  in your pocket.
                                                                  

 Ask for an empty cereal box, Trace the an 8 with your finger     Reimagine your “want” list.
shoe box, tissue box or another  starting at in the middle and    List and share all the ways
rectangular prism. Measure and take a deep breath in. As you
 record the length, width, and  cross over to the other side of
                                                                  you “want” to help others.
height of the object using both  the 8, slowly let your breath
     the number and unit.         out. Repeat several times.

                                                                                         Excited. Involved. Prepared.
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                                                                                                You have 8 coins. Half of         Have a conversation with someone
                                                                                                                                   about a topic of your choice. Aim
Design a new cover for the       Help to bake with a family       Sit with a calendar and plan them are dimes, one eighth           for at least five back and forth    Read a story. Write a new          Visit the local library or
   last book you read.               member. Read the             out your week of activities   are quaters and the rest            exchanges. Try to avoid yes/no     ending or add to the ending        community lending library
                                 ingredients and help with             and everyday jobs.      are nickels. What coins do           questions. Try instead, “Tell me
                                                                                                                                                                          that is already there.          and take out a new book.
                                                                                                                                   more about…”, “I wonder why…?”,
                                     the measuring of                                            you have and how much            “Why do you think/feel that way?”
                                        ingredients.                                                  money in all?

                                                                                                                                                                                                   
                                   Fold a piece of paper in                                                                  Find a collection of items in                                                    Write a fractured
   Begin a journal of your           half. Draw half of a          Play a board game or do a     Create a secret code with a   your house. How can you                  Perform a random act of           fairytale. Retell a familiar
 daily events and activities.     picture on one side. Then,                puzzle.               friend or family member    arrange that collection into                kindness in your home.           fairy tale with a new spin
                                   make the other side it’s                                      and write secret messages.       different arrays?                                                         on the plot. (Ex: 3 Little
                                    mirror image (make it                                                                       (Arranging in rows and                                                       Pigs, The Gingerbread Man,
                                        symmetrical).                                                                                  columns.)                                                                Beauty and the Beast)

                                                                                                                                                                                                   
                                                                                                                                                                         Gather medium sized rocks        Take a piece of paper and fold
    Create a family time         Write a number less than             Read to a sibling for 20       Visit an elderly relative.                                          around your dooryard. Paint     it in half. Label each half. Then
                                                                                                                                  Do a science experiment.
                                                                                                                                                                         messages or pictures on the         fold it in half again. What
    capsule and choose a         5000 that uses only three                   minutes.
                                                                                                                                                                        rocks. Go for a walk and place      happens? Can you label the
 location to bury it in your              words.                                                                                                                            the rocks around your           parts? Fold it in half again.
            yard.                                                                                                                                                               neighborhood.              What happens? Can you label
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   the parts now?

                                                                                                                                                                                                   
Estimate the number of steps     Set a timer and see how long it Choose three different times     Go for a bike ride. When
   to get to the end of your      takes you to get dressed. Now    of the day to look out your    you return write a story        Find 10 interesting facts            Tell a story at supper time.           Create and test a new
driveway. Record it, then walk     cut the time in half. Can you  bedroom window. Record the     explaining where you went
and count. How close were you     get dressed in that amount of time and what you notice. What                                    about a topic of interest.                                                 healthy smoothie recipe.
 to your estimate? What unit     time? CHALLENGE: Can you get       is different? What is the
                                                                                                 and what you saw on your
  would you use to measure?      yourself dressed in a fourth of              same?                         trip.
                                            the time?

                                                                    
Think of a summer moment with Take a walk around your house.
 a special person and the place. Do you see fractions anywhere?
                                                                       Fix something in your
 Create a storyboard with 5-6     (Windows are a great place to
   panels using stick figures.     start). Make a list of other       household or dooryard.
Sketching helps you remember fractions you see. Try to draw
             details.                a picture and label each

                                                                                          Excited. Involved. Prepared.
                                                                                                                                                                                         
  Choose a book you have   Create a comic strip using              Which fraction is greater     Begin writing a journal to      Generate a list of interview     Using an ink pad or paint.   Help someone cook in your
 read. Reread it. Design a three people in your home              two fifths or two eighths?     reflect on the events of       questions to help you make a     Gather the fingerprints of      household by reading a
      new book cover        as characters. Make sure                Explain your answer to      your day, what did you see        timeline of your life or the    each of the members in       recipe to them as they are
                                                                                                                                life of someone important to
representing what the book your comic has a beginning,            someone in your household.      or do and how you feel.        you. Decide how to organize
                                                                                                                                                                  your house and compare                 cooking.
         is about.               middle, and end.                                                                              the timeline with pictures and

                                                                                                                                                                                         
    Explore your backyard with a      Begin your own garden.                                       Plan your weekly lunch    Look at a flyer, online or in the
    magnifying glass. Make a list    Design and create a space        Visit an art gallery or    menu. Make a grocery list mail. Pick 5 items that you think Choose a photo and tell or            Visit the local library and
     of the items you could see       in your yard where you                                     that includes all the items   your home needs. How much
                                                                             museum.                                                                           write a story that matches           choose a book to bring
    with your eyes and those you                                                                                             would it cost to buy one of each
       could only see with the
                                      can grow vegetables, or                                     you would need for the      item? How much would it cost              the photo.                            home
          magnifying glass.                   flowers.                                          week. Don’t forget to keep       to buy two of each item?
                                                                                                Canada’s Food Guide in mind

                                                                                                                                                                                         
                                                           Do you prefer playing                                              Watch a news program and              Create a wonder list.
  Interview a relative or a Make a movie about a day in indoors or outdoors? Make                Complete a jigsaw puzzle.     explore a current issue.             What do you wonder            Create a family time
neighbour about a historical        your life.          a pros and cons list. Write                                           Have a conversation with an          about? What questions          capsule and choose a
    event that they lived                                 for 10 minutes without                                              adult about questions that          make you curious? Write      location to bury it in your
          through.                                       stopping about why one is                                             come up when watching.             down your wonderings and                yard.
                                                          better than the other.                                                                                  explore with your family.

                                                                                                                                                                                         
Pretend you are planning a          Go through your photos and                                   Create a poster showing        Choose a book you have
   dinner party for your             tell someone the story of    Read to a sibling or other      the different uses of        read. Reread it. Design a             Read for 20 minutes         Measure and record the
 community. There are 60               that photo (beginning,      member of your family.         magnets and how they              new book cover                    without stopping.         height of each member of
people each table can seat           middle, end, where it took                                 benefit people. Be sure to    representing what the book                                               your family.
8 people. How many tables              place, who was there).                                   include a catchy title and             is about.
      should be set?                                                                                     captions.

                                                                    
  Find a family heirloom or a
   meaningful family object
                                    Go for a hike. Write a poem       Play a board game with
  (picture, dish, piece of art,
 photo). Draw a picture of the        about your experience.             friends or family.
 object or describe it. Write
 about why it is special to you
        and your family.

                                                                                         Excited. Involved. Prepared.
                                                                                                                                                            
 Écoute/lis une histoire    Choisis un nombre de                                                                                                                  Crée une petite pièce de
     en utilisant le        départ et un nombre              Chante une de tes         Lis ou raconte une        Écoute une vidéo ou    Choisis un sujet. Parle    théâtre en français en
programme Je lis, je lis, final. Compte en français        chansons préférées en    histoire à un membre de         une émission en            du sujet.                utilisant des
   SORA, Boukili etc.      par bonds de 1, 2, 3, 4,         français. Ton choix!      ta famille, un ami ou    utilisant IDÉLLO/Mini-                               marionnettes ou des
                            5, 10, 100. Ton choix!                                            autre.                     TFO.                                       animaux en peluche.

                                                                                                                                                            
                                Choisis un sujet (p. ex.                            Pense à ton dîner idéal.
 Écris une liste de mots         : les animaux). Écris         Crée et partage un      Décris ce que tu         Joue le jeu « Je vois   Compare 2 animaux, 2           Choisis une photo ou
 en français. Ton choix!         tous les mots que tu           bulletin météo en    mangerais. Mon dîner      avec mon petit œil… ».   nourritures, 2 objets.         une image. Crée des
                                connais en français de               français.          idéal est… Je                                                                 phrases au sujet de ce
                                        ce sujet.                                        mangerais…                                                                         que tu vois.

                                                                                                                                                            
Téléphone à un ami de la                                                            Fais une recette avec un                             Participe à un défi :
classe ou un membre de      Écoute une chanson en          Roule 2-3 dés et nomme membre de ta famille.        Fais un pique-nique et   fais 10 sauts, bondis 5   Crée un jeu de société.
  la famille/un ami et        français et danse.           les nombres en français.  Partage les mots /les     parle de la nourriture      fois sur ton pied           Joue le jeu.
 participe à une petite                                                              étapes que tu sais en       que vous mangez.       gauche, touche ton nez
    conversation en                                                                         français.                                         20 fois, etc.
                                                                                                                                                            
                                                           Quelle saison est la plus Partage ce que tu as fait  Choisis 2 sports ou 2      Lis une histoire.
Fais des activités sur le        Ecoute un livre de        amusante : le printemps,     hier, ce que tu fais      activités. Lequel      Raconte ce qui s’est            Crée une petite
    site de FLORA.                 STRUCTO ou                  l’été, l’automne ou   aujourd’hui et ce que tu préfères-tu et pourquoi passé dans l’histoire en        histoire ou créer une
                                 APPRENONS LES              l’hiver. Pourquoi ? Je    aimerais faire demain.    ? Je préfère… parce   utilisant : Premièrement,       affiche. Sujet de ton
                                      SONS.                 pense que ____ parce      Hier, j’ai…, Aujourd’hui,          que…            ensuite, finalement.                choix !
                                                                     que___.           je vais…, Demain, je…
                                                           

Joue un jeu de cartes en        Peinture une roche.          Saute à la corde en
       français.                 Décris ton dessin.         comptant en français.

                                                                              Excited. Involved. Prepared.
                                                                                                                                                               
                               Choose a starting
Listen to or read a story     number and a final       Sing one of your           Read or share a story       Listen to a video or a Choose a topic that you         Create a short theatre
using the program Je lis, number. Count in French favorite songs in French.       with a member of your      show on IDÉLLO/Mini-      can speak about in             play in French using
 je lis or an alternative: by 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 10s,   Your choice!               family, a friend, or              TFO.           French. Talk about that           puppets or stuffed
   SORA, Boukili, etc.        100s. Your choice!                                          other.                                              topic.                         animals.

                                                                                                                                                               
                              Choose a theme (ex.                            Think of your ideal lunch.
    Write a list of words   animals). Write all the   Create and share a    Describe what you would be          Play « I spy with my     Compare 2 animals, 2            Choose a picture or an
    you know in French.      words you can think of short weather report in eating using the sentence               little eye…”.      food items or 2 objects.              image. Create
                                                                             starters: Mon dîner idéal
        Your choice!        in French associated to         French.                                                                                                       sentences in French
                                                                               est… Je mangerais…
                                  that theme.                                                                                                                             about what you see.

                                                                                                                                                               
  Call a classmate, a                                                            Complete a recipe with a                                      Participate in a
family member/friend,       Listen to a French song       Roll 2 or 3 dice and    member of your family      Go on a picnic and talk        challenge: 10 jumping     Create a game board
  with your parent’s              and dance.              practice naming the         and share the          about the food you are        jacks, hop on your left   with items you know in
permission, and have a                                    numbers in French.       words/the steps you          eating in French.            foot 5 times, touch      French and play the
 short conversation in                                                               know in French.                                         your nose 20 times,             game.
        French.                                                                                                                                      etc.
                                                                                                                                                               
                             Listen to one of the      Which season is more fun: Share what you did yesterday,     Choose 2 sports or 2        Read a story.
                                                         spring, summer, fall or  what you are doing  today  and
    Complete one of the     audio stories from the                                  what you would  like to do
                                                                                                                 activities. Which do you    Summarize what              Write a short story or
                             series STRUCTO or            winter? Explain your                                     prefer and why using happened in the story by
     FLORA activities.                                thinking using the sentence
                                                                                  tomorrow using the sentence                                                            create a poster. Your
                              APPRENONS LES                                           starters: Hier, j’ai…,      the sentence starter:   using the words: First,           choice of topic!
                                                      starter: Je pense que ____ Aujourd’hui, je vais…, Demain,
                                    SONS.                    parce que___.                                       Je préfère… parce que…        next, finally.

                                                       

    Play a card game in     Paint a rock. Describe    Skip rope while counting
          French.               your painting.               in French.

                                                                           Excited. Involved. Prepared.
Oral                                             Lecture                                           Écriture
              Qu’en penses-tu?                                   Qu’en penses-tu?                                 Qu’en penses-tu?                            Suggestions for Reading and
  Choisis un sujet parmi la liste suivante, et         Lis l’article qui parle de la distanciation   Prends le même sujet de la boîte à gauche, et                  Viewing Online
 formule ton opinion. N’oublie pas d’exprimer       physique. Es-tu d’accord avec la manière dont    écris ton opinion en forme de discours. Divise
 ton raisonnement et de soutenir ton opinion        la société réagit au virus COVID-19, surtout          ton texte en paragraphes, inclus des      •      Epic! Online Books – 40 000 books online.
                avec des faits.                        ici, au N.-B.? Pourquoi, ou pourquoi pas?    arguments pour appuyer tes points, et tente de         Free subscription for 30 days.
      Fais un partage avec un(e) ami(e).              Choisis deux (ou plus) des cinq questions à    persuader ton audience. Partage ton discours •        AudioBookCloud - Classic literature,
                                                   répondre. Tu peux faire cela à l’oral avec un(e)           écrit avec ton enseignant(e).                science fiction, contemporary
                                                       ami(e), ou dans un journal de réflexion.
                                                                                                                                                           blockbusters and more in audiobook
                                                                                                                                                           format. (free online resource – NB Public
                20 Questions                                    Rapport de lecture                                   Bon appétit!                      •   E-books Kids – audio stories – great for
                                                                                                                                                           Late FI students
  Avec un(e) ami(e), dresse une liste d’objets   Choisis un livre en français qui t’intéresse. Cela     Écris une recette en suivant la marche à      •    Edu-Media Science Learning -
   communs (ex. un sac à dos, un livre). Écris   peut être un roman, une bande dessinée, ou un        suivre. En voici un exemple qui peut t’aider.        Interactive resources for learning
 chaque objet sur une feuille séparée. Chaque     livre numérique. Installe-toi pendant 20-30        N’oublie pas la liste d’ingrédients, les étapes,      science (free online resource – NB Public
  personne pige un objet, et l’autre essaie de      minutes et lis. Par la suite, réfléchis à ta    et une image du produit final! Tu peux partager        Library)
 deviner ce que c’est en posant des questions.    lecture, et partage avec un(e) ami(e). Inclus                     une photo de ton
 Attention, il y a un maximum de 20 questions        tes sentiments, recommandations, etc.                                                            •    Driver’s Manual for NB (some students
    qu’on peut poser par objet. Par la suite,     *Essaie cette activité avec un genre de livre                                                            could get an early start – especially if
                 changer de rôle.                             qui est nouveau pour toi!                                                                    they want to get a license for a scooter,
 *Les questions doivent se poser en français!                                                                                                              challenge yourself by reading parts of it
**Au besoin, il est permis d’offrir des indices.                                                                                                           in French)
                  Interview                                     Roulette poétique!                                      Textez!                        •   La Presse – French, Art and Culture.
                                                                                                                                                           Enriched level of reading for those
Choisis un(e) ami(e) avec qui tu peux avoir une       Choisis un poème au hasard avec cette           Chaque jour pour une semaine (5 jours en             looking for a challenge
 conversation en français. Appelle-lui, soit par     roulette. Lis le poème qui sera généré, et       total) garde un journal personnel. Tu peux
 téléphone ou par vidéoconférence et parle-lui       essaie de visualiser l’image que le poète a     inclure ce que tu fais, comment tu te sens,       •   Cuisinons en famille - Combines French,
               pendant 15 minutes.                   créée. Réfléchis sur le message. Tu peux       quelles activités t’intéressent, mais le tout se       Math, Health and wellbeing with some
    *Si tu veux, tu peux dresser une liste de       écrire tes pensées, ou tu peux les partager     fait comme une série de textos. Imagine que            fabulous recipes to try
   questions à poser, ou des expressions pour       avec quelqu’un. Répète l’activité trois fois,      tu écris à ton ami(e) ou un membre de ta        •   Infos-Jeunes – Chose an article that you
t’aider à mener la conversation entièrement en          donc pour trois poèmes différents.              famille, pour partager de tes nouvelles.
                                                                                                                                                           find interesting and either listen to it or
                                                                                                        Si tu veux, tu peux dessiner les boîtes,           read it. Share your new knowledge with a
  **Tu peux inclure plusieurs personnes pour                                                              incluant les emojis **appropriés**
              enrichir la discussion.                                                                                                                      family member or a friend

                                                                               Excited. Involved. Prepared.
Kahkahkuhs &     Wolastoqey           The Little                 Jujij by       Wolastoqiyik
   Witapil      Phrase of the          People                    Brandon        Communities
                    Day                                          Mitchell

Ohemək - Pets   Wolastoqey         Kehtaqs (The                 Wolastoqey     Kiskahkil - Days
                Terminology       Cackling Ghost)              Phrase of the    of the Week
                                   Wolastoqiyik                    Day

Moose and the    Wolastoqey           Rebecca                  Blueberries     Wolastoq Song
   Whale        Phrase of the      Thomas: I'm
                    Day           Finding My Talk

                                Excited. Involved. Prepared.
Read for at least 15 minutes per day. Your reading can include fiction, non-fiction,                             Suggestions for Reading and
          graphic novels/comics, e-books, audiobooks, online texts, and more!                                             Viewing Online
                       Check out the SORA library for new titles.                                            •   Epic! Online Books – 40 000 books online. Free
                                   Use your favourite form of social                                             subscription for 30 days.

Create a written journal, blog, or    media, email, audio or video       Explain something you know a lot    •   TeenBookCloud - An online database of
                                    message, or a letter or postcard                                             eBooks and educator resources, with a
    photo journal about your                                                 about to someone who is
                                                                                                                 selection of graphic novels, enhanced novels,
                                   to send a message of gratitude or        unfamiliar with your topic.
          experiences.                                                                                           classic literature, National Geographic videos,
                                                praise.                                                          and audiobooks. (free online resource – NB
                                                                                                                 Public Library)
                                                                                                             •   AudioBookCloud - Classic literature, science
Examine a play or screenplay and    Create a comic strip or political   Write a letter to the editor or an       fiction, contemporary blockbusters and more
                                                                                                                 in audiobook format. (free online resource –
 write your own play/ script for               cartoon.                            op-ed essay.                  NB Public Library)
your family or others to perform.                                                                            •   Edu-Media Science Learning - Interactive
                                                                                                                 resources for learning science (free online
                                                                                                                 resource – NB Public Library)
                                                                                                             •   Modern World History
 Conduct research and write an       Read like a writer and try out      Create a how-to video or guide.     •   FunBrain – High interest books (but lots of
       article or essay.            some of the moves you notice a                                               ads to contend with)
                                    writer using in your own writing.                                        •   The Kids Should See This! – Interesting
                                                                                                             •   Driver’s Manual for NB (grade 8 students
                                                                                                                 could get an early start – especially if they
                                                                                                                 want to get a license for a scooter)
  Write and illustrate a book of         Write a fictional story.        Write a review of a book, song,
                                                                                                             •   Poetry Text Set (with direct links to the
              poetry                                                          product, game, etc                 poems)

                                                       Excited. Involved. Prepared.
Fitness                  Skill Application                   Mindfulness                        Fitness                    Skill Application
Choose 6 exercises, roll a dice                                                                                                    By yourself or with family
 and complete exercises that    Using a sock or tinfoil, you      Stretching enhances your          Go for a 30 min run/walk     members, throw 5 different
match that number. Complete      and a parent will practice        flexibility, strength and       either on a road or trail or  objects overhand at targets.
10 rolls 3 times. (Ex: Jumping striking an object using your     coordination. By yourself or    around your house. Run 4 mins If you hit or land in a target
   Jacks, 5 push ups or 30      open hand. (like Badminton)        with a partner create 6            then walk a minute till        you get the points you
                                Have a rally, play a game of     stretches that you can use                 complete.             assigned to that one. Play 3
   second plank, 5 squats or
                                keep it up. Remember you               for a cool down.                                         rounds and the winner creates
     lunges, 30 seconds of
                                    can’t carry the ball!                                                                        a special throwing challenge
    mountain climbers etc.)
                                                                                                                                     for the other players.
          Nutrition                       Fitness                      Skill Application                   Mindfulness                      Fitness

Plan a meal that uses as many    Do as many burpees as you       Using tape or chalk and any      Lying on the floor with calm      Go for a walk/run/push
food groups as you can. Have          can in 3 minutes          object you can find create an     music playing, practice deep     ups/create your own game
a parent or guardian help you                OR                  obstacle course that allows     controlled breathing. In nose
          prepare.                Go for a walk with your         you to practice balance,                 out mouth.
                                           family                  speed, levels, direction,
                                                                   pathways, body control.

      Skill Application                   Fitness                         Nutrition                    Skill Application                   Mindfulness

Choose materials around your     Select 6 fitness exercises      Read 10 different labels on     Outside toss an object (sock,     Get comfy and listen to your
 house. Limit your equipment     and number them. Roll the       food products in your house     ball, ben bag) up in the air to    favourite music. Reflect on
 to 3-5 items. Create a game     dice, add it together with      or online. Rank each (best to   yourself to catch. Challenge      how it makes your body feel.
 that has an objective, rules,   your age and then perform        worst) based on sugar, fat      you to: throw it high, how         Does your breath change?
 and directions. Feel free to    the exercise that matches           and sodium content.         many in a row, toss and spin,      What different sounds can
record. Be sure your game is         the number rolled.                                           create your own challenge.        you hear that you may have
            active!                                                                                     (T-Step-Throw)                    missed before?

                                                               Excited. Involved. Prepared.
The Feeling Exercise                          The Seeing Game                                          Ocean Breathing
                                            Spend one minute silently looking around a               Sit or lie down in a comfortable position.
Collect several interesting objects such as
                                             room in your house. Your goal is to find                Slowly breath in through your nose, and
 feathers, putty, stones, or anything else   things in the room that you have never                   then out through your pursed lips as if
that might be interesting to hold. Choose noticed. These could be large items like a                you are blowing through a straw. The slow
  an object and hold it for a minute just      picture or piece of art, or just small                and steady breathing will sound like the
  noticing what it feels like in your hand.    details like cracks in the ceiling or a                 ocean waves, gently crashing on the
  After the minute, describe to someone       unique pattern on the door. When the                  shore. Repeat this activity for one to two
  else how the object felt or write your     minute is up, share the most interesting                                 minutes.
              thoughts down.                 you noticed with someone or write your
                                                         observations down.

                                                                                                 The Body Squeezing Exercise
             Build a Stress Ball                     The Five Senses Exercise             Sit or lie down in a comfortable position
 Gather the following items to build your Go outside on a nice day and lie silently in and squeeze each of the muscles in your
   own stress ball: balloons, floor, and a     the grass. Begin to think about each of     body one-by-one. You should hold each
 funnel. You may want to use two balloons       your five senses in turn (sight, smell,   squeeze for about five seconds. As you
  and place one inside the other, so it has sound, taste, and touch). Spend one to two release each squeeze pay attention to how
two layers. You are going to use the funnel minutes on each of your senses focusing                   it feels when you relax.
  to fill the balloon with flour and tie the on how you would describe to someone else                     Muscle focus suggestions:
 balloon off, so the flour does not escape.   what you are experiencing or observing. • Make fists and pretend you are trying to squeeze all the
                                                                                          juice from an orange.
  Other filling options could include small                                             • Tense your legs by pretending you are standing on your
                beads or rice.                                                            tippy-toes, trying to look over a fence.
                                                                                                •    Curl your toes tight like you are picking up a pencil with your

                                                        Excited. Involved. Prepared.
Go for a Walk                   Play a Board Game                    Multiplication War               Plan a Garden Space                  Take-Out Night

Talk with your family. Walk for a Choose any game you have that         Each player has 2 dice. Players    Use estimation to consider how If your family sometimes orders
 kilometer. Predict and measure      includes points, money, or            roll at the same time and       many plants might fit into the take-out food, keep the take-out
how long it would take to walk 3 strategic thinking. Reflect on the          multiply their numbers          space. Work out accurate      menus handy and calculate the
           kilometers.             math involved in the game What
                                                             .          together. The player with the     measurements and then compare. amounts required and the total
                                  strategy did you use? How would          highest product wins that                                                    cost.
                                    your score change if you had         round. The one with the most
                                   made this move instead? What           tally marks after 20 rounds
                                  types of game decisions take the                    wins.
                                      most time to decide on?
         Bake Together                     Plan an Event                       Paper Airplane                Once Through the Deck                Family Game Night

 Take your favorite recipe and       Plan a birthday party or other     Construct 3 different styles of   Shuffle cards and make a pile        Designate a night as Family
 bake it with a family member.        family event. Decide on the       plane and estimate the distant   face down. Decide what times          Night. Play board games and
Before baking plan to double the      number of people you will be       they will travel when thrown.   family you are going to work on.    other games that use dice, card
    recipe and work out the        inviting. Calculate the amount of   Then fly each plane, measure the Flip over one card at a time and      games, dominoes, puzzles, etc.
   increased measurements.          food and beverages needed and       distance travelled and compare multiply that card by the number
                                      construct a budget for your            with your estimates.       you have decided to practice and
                                                  event.                                                   say aloud only the answer.
                                                                                                           Continue through the deck.

           Even/Odd                       How Close to 100                    Household Chores                  Estimate then Count                 Shopping Around

  Playing with a partner, one is    Begin with a blank grid of 100   Estimate the time it will take to       Choose a section of the shelf    Search online or in catalogues
Odd, the other is Even. Roll two squares and two dice. The first     clean a bedroom, the living room        or bookcase with items on it.    for an item you are interested
  dice. You can add, subtract,    player rolls and the numbers that     or the kitchen. Then do an           They could be spices, canned       in purchasing. Compare the
    multiply or divide the two        come up are used to draw a    accurate timing and compare it to         foods and cereal boxes etc.     prices to see which is the best
numbers, depending on which skill    square or rectangle of those             your estimate                   Estimate the amount of the      deal. Calculate the percentage
  you want to practice. Players   dimensions on the grid. The game                                          items on that shelf. Count the     you are saving with the less
   receive a point depending on   ends when there is no space left                                         exact amount and compare it to             expensive item.
 whether the answer is even or                on the grid.                                                          the estimation.

                                                                   Excited. Involved. Prepared.
Practice making simple predictions at Write a procedural piece about three     Select a current issue in the field         Suggestions for Reading and
     home and in nature and then      ways to produce heat. This should be     of science and research the topic.                Viewing Online
collecting types of data. Think about          in paragraph form.                 Explain to a friend or family
                                                                                member what is taking place and       • The Biology Corner – Electronic and Print
 how you could record and organize                                                                                      Resources (6-12)
  the information collected. Think                                             why you though it was interesting.
                                                                                                                      • Astronomy Picture of the Day – Daily
    about probability and chance.                                                                                       photo explained by an astronomer. (K-12)
                                                                                                                      • Animal Tracking Identification Guide –
                                                                                                                        Use this guide, go for a walk, what
                                                                                                                        animals can you find? (K-12)
                                                                                                                      • Project You Can Do With A (Virtual)
    Examine your surrounding for       Chose a task to explain to someone Give an example of a “force” that we          Partner – Building challenge with Lego or
examples of cause and effect. These      else. Write down the steps and     can observe on Earth. Design an             simple materials (K-8)
   can be examples of things that     procedures to complete the task and   experiment to demonstrate this            • Switch Zoo – Learn about animals and
 happen naturally in the environment   draw a diagram to go with it. Some force. (Ex. Gravity, drag, magnetism,         create your own. (K-8)
or are due to the actions of animals.           ideas could include:          applied, spring, or frictional)         • 12 Ways to Teach About Potential &
  Compile a list of the items you can          • Making a sandwich                                                      Kinetic Energy! – 12 Engaging Hands-On
observe around your home, yard, and            • Building a fort                                                        Activities (K-12)
           neighbourhood.                      • Packing for a trip                                                   • Walrus from Space – Become a WALRUS
                                                                                                                        DETECTIVE, help count walrus from
                                                                                                                        space and be a citizen scientist! (6-12)
 Design a comic strip with at least    Choose several common household       In the evening, observe the night sky    • Virtual Science Lab – Click on objects
 five sections that illustrates the    items (pop, juice, vinegar, etc) to      with binoculars or just your eyes.      throughout the lab to explore! (K-8)
 relationship between a prey and       make old oxidized coins clean and      Keep a log of what you see over the     • Amino Labs – Virtual Amino Lab (6-12)
 predator in the same ecosystem.       shiny again. Predict (hypothesize)       span of a week. Were you able to      • Computer Science at Home (Code.org) –
                                         which will work best. After the     identify any constellations? Could you     offers options that are engaging, easy-
                                        experiment do some research to        make out any satellites passing over      to-try ways to begin the exploration of
                                                                               head? What phase was the moon in         computer science.
                                              explain the results.
                                                                               each night? Could you identify any
                                                                                   planets in our solar system?

                                                            Excited. Involved. Prepared.
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