Page created by Gloria Lopez

                                                                                                    CAPE TOWN
                                                                                                    CONVENTION CENTRE
                                                                                                    WOC2020 will be held at the Cape Town
                                                                                                    International Convention Centre (CTICC),
                                                                                                    a multi-purpose conference and exhibition
                                                                                                    centre in the hub of Cape Town’s business
                                                                                                    and entertainment centre.

                                                                                                    With the iconic presence of Table Mountain
                                                                                                    in the background and a stone’s throw
                                                                                                    from the Atlantic Ocean, the venue offers a
                                                                                                    unique combination of world-class facilities,
                                                                                                    service oriented and professional staff
                                                                                                    committed to exceeding expectations.

                                                                                                    This beautiful city, set in breathtaking
                                                                                                    scenery, is the product of diverse cultures
                                                                                                    and has become a unique centre of style,
                                                                                                    adventure and hospitality.

                                                                                                    Cape Town International Airport is
    INTRODUCTION                                                                                    approximately 20 km away and easily
    The International Council of Ophthalmology      37th World Ophthalmology Congress®              connected with public transport.
    (ICO) works with ophthalmologic societies       (WOC2020) as an exhibitor and/or
    and others to enhance ophthalmic education      supporter. With 10,000 delegates expected
    and improve access to the highest quality       to attend, this is the perfect opportunity to
    eye care in order to preserve and restore       build relationships with our growing global
    vision for the people of the world.             community.
    The ICO is working to build a “World Alliance
    for Sight” by leading, stimulating, and         Held every two years in a different region of
    supporting the efforts of ophthalmologic        the world, WOC2020 will take place June
    societies, eye departments, and related         26 - 28, 2020 (exhibition from June 26 - 28)
    organizations worldwide, with the goal of       in Cape Town, South Africa at the Cape
    enhancing ophthalmic education and eye          Town International Convention Centre.

    The International Council of Ophthalmology
    cordially invites you to participate in the

2                                                                                                                                                   3
BIRDS EYE VIEW                                                                                                                      BIRDS EYE VIEW (continued)

                     CTICC 1
                     1. Auditorium 1                            15. Jasminum conservatory
                                                                                                                                                                               36             39
                     CTICC 1                                    CTICC  2
                     1     Westin cape town
                             Auditorium  1                      16. Strelitzia
                                                                28             restaurant
                                                                       Sky Bridge                                                                                                   42                  38
                     3.    Canal headCape
                                      and ferry
                                           Townterminal         17. Meeting suites
                     2        Westin                            29    Main Entrance                                                                                                           41               37
                     4.    Coffee on the square                 18. Strelitzia conservatory
                     3          Canal head and Ferry Terminal   30     Concourse                                                                                     34
                           Cticc 1 main entrance
                                Coffee on the Square
                                                                19. Auditorium 2
                                                                31     Meeting Suites                                                                                            31                      40
                     6.    Management offices                   20. Roof terrace room
                     5          CTICC 1 Main Entrance           32     Roof Garden
                                Management Offices
                                                                21. Exhibition hall 1
                                                                33     Mountain View Terrace                                                                              30
                     8.    Main foyer                           22. Exhibition hall 2
                     7       Reception                          34    Harbourhall
                                                                                View3 Terrace
                     9.    Boardroom 1.30                       23. Exhibition
                                                                                                                                                          27                             33        32
                     8 Ballroom
                     10.  Main Foyer                            35    Hall Lobby  Entrance
                                                                24. Exhibition hall 4a                                                                                                                        35
                     9 Registration
                          Boardroom   1.30                      36    Marshalling   Yard CTICC 2
                     11.            foyer                       25. Exhibition hall 4b
                     10 Clivia
                     12.    Ballroom
                               conservatory                     37    Lower Hallyard
                                                                26. Marshalling  5
                     11 Jasminum  restaurant
                           Registration Foyer (lower level)     27. Convention
                                                                38             tower
                                                                      Lower Hall 6                                                                                          29
                     12 Meeting
                          Clivia rooms (upper level)
                                 Conservatory                   39     Lower Hall 7                                                              25                        28            44
                     13         Jasminum Restaurant (lower      40     Upper Hall 8.1|8.2|8.3                                          24
                                                                41     Upper Hall 9
                     14         Meeting Rooms (upper level)
                                                                42     Upper Hall 10                 26                           23              17
                     15         Jasminum Conservatory
                                                                43     Meeting Pods                                                                             20
                     16         Strelitzia Restaurant
                                                                44     Coffee On The Circle                         22                 17
                     17         Meeting Suites
                                                                45     Christiaan Barnard Hospital                                                         19
                     18         Strelitzia Conservatory
                                                                                                               21            17                  18
                     19         Auditorium 2
                     20         Roof Terrace Room                                           4                                15
                     21         Exhibition Hall 1               2                                    7                       14
                                                                                                          8                                 16
                     22         Exhibition Hall 2
                                                                                                5                   12
                     23         Exhibition Hall 3                           3
                     24         Exhibition Hall 4A
                     25         Exhibition Hall 4B
                     26         Marshalling Yard CTICC 1
                                                                                                          10            11
                     27         Convention Tower

                                                                                                                                                                           CTICC 2
                                                                                                                                                                           28. Skybridge                            37. Lower hall 5
                                                                                                                                                                           29. Cticc 2 main entrance                38. Lower hall 6
                                                                                                                                                                           30. Concourse                            39. Lower hall 7
                                                                                                                                                                           31. Meeting suites                       40. Upper hall 8.1|8.2|8.3
                                                                                                                                                                           32. Blue bell terrace                    41. Upper hall 9
                                                     1                                                                                                                     33. Mountain view terrace                42. Upper hall 10
                                                                                                                                                                           34. Harbour view terrace                 43. Meeting pods
                                                                                                                                                                           35. Hall lobby entrance                  44. Coffee on the circle
                                                                                                                                                                           36. Marshalling yard                     45. Netcare christiaan barnard
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        memorial hospital

12   IN S P I R AT I ON MA N U AL                                                                                                                                                                                                                INSPIRATION M ANUAL   13

     4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            5

                                                                                             02                           01               03

      YEAR		LOCATION			REGION                                                                                        05
      2010 		Berlin				Europe
      2012 		       Abu Dhabi			         Middle East-Africa                                          06
      2014 		       Tokyo				            Asia-Pacific                                                                                            04
      2016 		Guadalajara			The Americas
      2018 		Barcelona			Europe

                                            WOC AVERAGE
    BREAKDOWN OF PARTICIPANTS               ATTENDANCE 2010 - 2018
                                                                                 Europe (Continent)			 		49.19%
                79,5%   6,5%                                                     North America (Continent)			 		13.50%
                            6%                                                   Asia (Continent)				 		19.82%
                                 5%                             10.341           Oceania (Continent)			 		1.72%
                                                                                 South America (Continent)			 		6.58%
                                 3%                                              Africa (Continent)				 		3.72%
                                                                                 Not Advised				 		5.46%

                                                                             TOP 10 PARTICIPANTS 2018 PER COUNTRY

                                      Ophthalmologist                           1165              707       421            326          322
                                      Allied Ophthalmic Personnel                Spain            United   Germany         Japan        United
                                      Resident                                                    States                               Kingdom
                                      Medical Student/ Subspecialty Fellow
                                      Non-ophthalmologist Medical Doctor/
                                      Optometrist/ Scientist                     292              278       242            213          171
                                                                               Switzerland        France     Italy             India   Mexico

6                                                                                                                                                     7
SCHEDULE-AT-A-GLANCE                                                                  (Subject to change)                                                                                                                KEY DATES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Abstract Submission open                    01 August 2019
                            FRIDAY                                                   SATURDAY                                                      SUNDAY                                                  MONDAY
                         JUNE 26, 2020                                             JUNE 27, 2020                                                 JUNE 28, 2020                                           JUNE 29, 2020
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Deadline Abstracts Submission               02 December 2019
                       Industry-sponsored                                        Industry-sponsored                                            Industry-sponsored                                      Industry-sponsored
    07:00 – 08:15
                       Breakfast Symposia                                        Breakfast Symposia                                            Breakfast Symposia                                      Breakfast Symposia    Deadline Abstract review                    08 January 2020

                        Subspecialty Day

                                                                                                                                                                     EXHIBITION OPEN (09:30 - 16:00)
    08:30 – 10:00                                                                Scientific Sessions                                           Scientific Sessions                                     Scientific Sessions   Abstract Notification                       27 January 2020

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Deadline Early Bird Registration Fee        17 February 2020
    10:00 – 10:30   Refreshment Break       EXHIBITION OPEN (09:30 - 16:00)   Refreshment Break                                             Refreshment Break                                          Refreshment Break

                                                                                                       EXHIBITION OPEN (09:30 - 16:00)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Advertisement & Signage Artwork Due         01 March 2020
                    Subspecialty Day
    10:30 – 12:00                                                             Scientific Sessions                                           Scientific Sessions                                        Scientific Sessions
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Deadline Regular Registration Fee           05 May 2020
                    Industry-sponsored                                        Industry-sponsored                                            Industry-sponsored                                         Industry-sponsored
    12:15 – 13:30
                      Lunch Symposia                                            Lunch Symposia                                                Lunch Symposia                                             Lunch Symposia      Submission of Industry-sponsored Symposia   To be announced

                    Subspecialty Day
    14:00 – 15:30                                                             Scientific Sessions                                           Scientific Sessions                                        Scientific Sessions   Conference Bag Inserts Due                  01 May 2020

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             WOC2020 Scientific Program                  Start June 26, 2020
    15:30 – 16:00   Refreshment Break                                         Refreshment Break                                             Refreshment Break                                          Refreshment Break

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             WOC2020 Exhibition                          Opens June 26, 2020
                        Subspecialty Day
    16:00 – 17:30                                                                Scientific Sessions                                           Scientific Sessions                                     Scientific Sessions
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             WOC2020 Concludes                           June 29, 2020
                       Opening Ceremony                                             Cultural Night
                      & Welcome Reception                                          (ticketed event)

    u    Cataract and Refractive Surgery                                                            u                                    Ocular Imaging
    u    Contact Lens and Refraction                                                                u                                    Ophthalmic Epidemiology
    u    Cornea, External Eye Diseases,                                                             u                                    Ophthalmic Oncology
         and Eye Banking                                                                            u                                    Ophthalmic Pathology and
    u    Education                                                                                                                       Microbiology
    u    Evidence-Based Medicine                                                                    u                                    Ophthalmic Pharmacology
    u    Eye Care Delivery                                                                          u                                    Orbital, Oculoplastic and Lacrimal
    u    Eye Trauma and Emergencies                                                                                                      Diseases
    u    Free Papers                                                                                u                                    Pediatric Ophthalmology and
    u    Glaucoma                                                                                                                        Strabismus
    u    ICO Special Symposia and Sessions                                                          u                                    Retinal Diseases
    u    Interdisciplinary                                                                          u                                    Vitreoretinal Surgery
    u    Journal Editors                                                                            u                                    Uveitis
    u    Low Vision and Rehabilitation
    u    Neuro-Ophthalmology

8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              9
 The Exhibit Hall is a central gathering point for attendees and one of the busiest places at
 the Congress. Join us as an exhibitor and/or supporter and show your commitment to the
 market and advances in ophthalmology.

      Interact with your clients &                                         Connect face-to-face with key

                                     01                          04
      customers and strengthen                                             prospects not easily accessible
                key relationships                                          to your team

       Reinforce your                      An exhibit at                           Gather leads to foster
 brand & impact within
       the ophthalmic          02           WOC2020
                                           provides the                   05       new business
                                                                                   for your company
           community                      opportunity to

                Communicate the                                            Demonstrate new
            science & technology
            behind your products
                                     03                          06        products/services &
                                                                           to existing ones

                                                                                                             WHAT IS INCLUDED
                                                                                                             Each exhibition space includes:
     EXHIBIT SPACE RATES                                                                                     u Company profile in printed booklet and mobile WOC2020 App
                                                                                                             u 3 Exhibit Hall only badges per each 9 m2 exhibition space (maximum 35 badges, issued
                                                                                                                to company employees only)
     Space only                                                                                              u Full WOC registration badges: Up to 36 m2 = 1 | 37 m2 – 100 m2 = 2 |
                                                     $805 per sq. meter
     (min. 36 m2)                                                                                               101 m2 – 150 m2 = 3 | >150 m2 = 4
     Shell Scheme Space                              $895 per sq. meter
                                                                                                             Shell Scheme booth package (per 9m2)
                                                                                                             u Fabric booth solution with dark grey anodized aluminium frame and seamless with
     WOC2020 Exhibition & Support Information:                                                                   textile walls
     Otto Viersen                                                                                            u Fascia white including company name and stand number
     Direct: +31 (0)20 – 305 35 84                                                                           u Carpet tiles
     Phone: +31 (0)20 – 570 96 00                                                                            u 11W Scan HB Tube LED Lights
     Direct email: otto.Viersen@icowoc.org                                                                   u 15Amp plug point
     Email: WOC-exh@icowoc.org                                                                               u Initial and daily cleaning
                                                                                                             u 1x White counter
                                                                                                             u 2x White chairs

10                                                                                                                                                                                                    11
CORPORATE SUPPORT OPPORTUNITIES                                                                                            SATELLITE SYMPOSIA & INDUSTRY MEETINGS
 The following opportunities allow for maximum company or product exposure. If the total                                    The Congress will offer opportunities for WOC2020 exhibitors to conduct non-exclusive
 value of your contribution, including your exhibit space and additional sponsor items                                      satellite symposia and industry meetings in rooms of various sizes and on different days.
 reaches one of the following levels of support, your company will receive additional benefits                              Industry sponsored symposia are 75 minutes each and held only Friday through Monday,
 to enhance your visibility.                                                                                                June 26 - 29, from 07:00 - 08:15 and 12:15 - 13:30.
                                                                                        GOLD         SILVER     BRONZE
                            WOC2020 SUPPORT LEVELS                                    $225,000 -   $150,000 -   $75,000 -
                                                                           $350,000                                                                        Satellite Symposia                  Rates
                                                                                       $349,999     $224,999    $149,999
     10 Tickets to Cultural Night                                             •                                              Small (up to 100)                                                $10,000

     Complimentary Congress Bag Insert                                        •                                              Medium (101 - 150)                                               $12,500

     1 Complimentary E-Blast Opportunity                                      •                                              Large (151 - 300)                                                $20,000

     Complimentary Mobile Ad Opportunity                                      •           •                                  X-Large (301 - 700)                                              $32,000

     Complimentary Push Alert Opportunity                                     •           •                                  Grand (701 - 1500)                                               $45,000

     One time use of the Pre-Congress & Post-Congress Attendee List*          •           •                                  Video Recording with Slides                                       $3,500

     Recognition on Email Confirmation Sent to all registered delegates       •           •            •
     Recognition on Pre-Congress Marketing Materials                          •           •            •                    Support includes the following:
     Complimentary Floor Sticker in Front of Booth - Level Supporter          •           •            •                    u Meeting room in the Cape Town International Convention Centre (CTICC)
     Enhanced Exhibitor Listings                                          Extended    Extended     Extended     Extended    u Basic audiovisual equipment (LCD projector, screen, cables, podium, and microphones)
                                                                                                                            in the room and technical staff
     Additional Priority Points                                              15          10            5           3
                                                                                                                            u Listing of the symposium on the WOC2020 website
     Company Logo on WOC2020 Website                                          •           •            •            •       u Complimentary access to the symposium for company staff with an exhibitor badge
     Additional Full Registration Badges for Company Personnel               20          10            5           2        u Access to the speaker ready room for presentation uploads
     Company Logo on Walk-In Slides at Opening Ceremony                       •           •            •            •       u Listing of the symposium in the printed Industry booklet
     Company Logo in Final Program Recognizing Supporters                     •           •            •            •
                                                                                                                            Not included:
 *According to the GDPR regulations
                                                                                                                            u Travel expenses or other expenses for speakers and/or moderators
                                                                                                                            u Food and beverage for participants (note that most rooms will be set theater style –
                                                                                                                            buffets or boxed meals must be provided)
                                                                                                                            u Special audiovisual needs and symposium staffing

                                                                                                                            All satellite symposia are organized by the supporter in consultation with the WOC2020
                                                                                                                            Organizing Committee. Satellite symposia will take place in the Cape Town International
                                                                                                                            Convention Centre (CTICC). The selection of available dates and times will be made at the
                                                                                                                            time of confirmation.

12                                                                                                                                                                                                                  13
SPONSOR ITEMS                                                                                       MOBILE APP (exclusive)                            SUPPORT THE E-POSTER AREA AND
                                                                                                     $ 60,000                                          THE SHARING OF KNOWLEDGE
 In addition to exhibition space the World Ophthalmology Congress offers a variety of other
                                                                                                     With the WOC2020 mobile app, attendees            $ 15,000
 sponsorship opportunities. Although we are confident that you will be able to find a sponsor
                                                                                                     will be able to have the Congress in the palm     There will be big structures with large E-Posters
 item that fits your specific interest and budget, we are open to any creative proposals that do     of their hand. The app provides participants      viewing screens. Be the first company to
 not appear on the list.                                                                             on-the-go access to meeting information,          support one of the structures, and benefit from
                                                                                                     including sessions, speakers, abstracts, and      the modern look of the E-Poster area with your
 LANYARDS (exclusive)                              ADVERTISEMENT IN THE FINAL                        exhibitors.                                       company logo on the giant overhead banner.
 $ 30,000                                          PROGRAM                                           Benefits:
 Take this golden opportunity to promote your      $ 8,000 - Inside Back Cover                       u Company logo on secondary                       CONGRESS BAG INSERT
 company’s name and enhance its image by           $ 7,500 - Industry Tab Page                            (full page) splash page                      $ 5,000
 supporting the conference badge lanyards.         $ 7,000 - Full Page Inside                        u Landing page ad (can link to exhibitor          Drive traffic to your booth and promote your
 Your company logo will be placed on each          Distributed to every attendee, the Final               listing, URL or multi-media message)         company by including a promotional piece in
 lanyard distributed to the participants and       Program contains high-level information for all   u Convention Center signage provided              the Congress Bag that will be given to every
 forever captured in WOC photos. Cost includes     educational aspects of the meeting, including           by WOC2020                                  attendee when they check in at registration.
 production and distribution of the lanyards.      the schedule of events, session listings, and     u Printed Industry booklet recognition            Supporter is responsible for the production
                                                   meeting room locations.                           u Includes Extended Enhanced Listing              and delivery of literature.

 INVITATIONS                                       CITY MAP (exclusive)                              BRANDING OPPORTUNITIES                            CARDBOARD STOOLS (exclusive)
 $ 9,500                                           $ 20,000                                          In the CTICC there are several branding           $ 30,000
 The congress organizer will send your             Assist participants to easily navigate the        opportunities. If you are interested, please      Your support includes the design, production,
 personal invitations per email to all             hosting city of the Annual Congress with this     send an e-mail to WOC-exh@icowoc.org.             transport and distribution of 500 high-quality
 preregistered delegates, after the deadline for   practical, folded city map full of information.                                                     cardboard chairs. These chairs are folded
 early registration.                               Your company name and/or logo will be             CHARGING STATIONS                                 and distributed throughout the congress
                                                   displayed on the city map and distributed to      $ 15,000 (per station - max 4)                    venue, between session rooms, poster area,
                                                   10,000+ delegates.                                Associate your company with this much             exhibition, etc. Delegates are free to use and
                                                                                                     appreciated service! Located in high traffic      move them around during the congress. You
                                                                                                     areas, each station is equipped with multiple     can also bring some back to your office! At
                                                                                                     power connections for charging mobile             the end of the congress, participants are also
                                                                                                     devices. Your company logo will be placed on      encouraged to fold them up and take them
                                                                                                     multiple areas of customized charging stations.   home.

14                                                                                                                                                                                                     15
ENHANCED LISTINGS                                WETLAB
 $ 1,500 (Enhanced)                               As during the 36th WOC in Barcelona, we
 Stand out in the Final Program, online, and in   will be organizing wetlabs during the 37th
 the mobile app by enhancing your exhibitor       WOC. These wet labs are meant to provide
 profile listing. Enhanced listings include:      instruction to attendees of various levels of
 company listing description with up to 1,000     expertise. Wetlab sessions will be included in
 characters, logo in printed program, and         the program again, and it is possible for you
 company highlighted on the online floor plan     to sponsor them. If you are interested, please
 with an enhanced listing icon.                   send an e-mail to WOC-exh@icowoc.org.

 DISPLAY YOUR AD IN THE                           GRANTS
 CONGRESS MOBILE APP                              $ 45,000 (for 10 grants)
 $ 4,000                                          These grants are intended for ICO fellowship
 You can provide an advert for the opening        alumni from developing countries, who travel
 carousel of the Congress Mobile App. The         from undeserved communities and might not
 number of adverts is limited to 10 to maximize   otherwise be able to participate in WOC2020.
 your exposure.                                   Travel grants will be made available to help
                                                  cover registration, travel and lodging costs.
                  12  0 AM
                                                  Selection of recipients will be decided by a
                                                  committee organized by the ICO.

           Sunday, 12 November

                                                  INDUSTRY BOOKLET (exclusive)
                                                  $ 25,000
         > slide to unlock

                                                  The Industry booklet is designed to be a quick
                                                  and portable guide to help attendees navigate
                                                  their way around the show. The sponsors
                                                  name and/or logo are displayed on/in the
 CONGRESS BAGS (exclusive)                        Industry booklet in a strategic location. The
 $ 60,000                                         Industry booklet is distributed to all congress
 This is an exceptional opportunity to ensure     participants.
 your company’s corporate branding is seen
 everywhere, as attendees carry these bags
 throughout the congress venue and the streets
 of Cape Town! Attendees will use these totes
 onsite and back in their workplace ensuring
 your branding will endure beyond the four
 days event. This opportunity also includes one
 insert in the registrant bags.

16                                                                                                  17
MCI AMSTERDAM/MCI GROUP                                                                                TERMS OF PAYMENT
 DATA PROTECTION CLAUSE (GDPR)                                                                          After the contract (page 20, 21 or 22) is received by the Congress Organizer, a confirmation
 1. In accordance with European data protection regulations, in particular Regulation (EU)              and an invoice for the amount accoding the payment schedule below, will be sent and is due
 No. 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal            to be paid within three weeks after receipt.
 data, MCI Group, as data controller, processes the exhibitor/sponsor’s personal data for
 the purposes of (i) managing and organising WOC2020, in particular the management of                   FOR PAYMENT SCHEDULE:
 exhibitor/sponsor’s stand (ii) managing and organising prospecting and loyalty (iii) enabling          Before September 26, 2018 till January 16, 2019, 20% of the total costs will be invoiced.
 the exhibitor/sponsor to benefit from our services (iv) enabling the exhibitor/sponsor to              From January 17, 2019 till October 30, 2019, 50% of the total costs will be invoiced.
 receive ICO and WOC news. These data processing have as legal basis the execution of                   From October 31, 2019 till June 27, 2020, 100% of the total costs will be invoiced.
 the contract: the information we collect is necessary for the implementation of the contract           Submit application to:
 to which the exhibitor/sponsor has adhered, failing which the contract cannot be executed.             Direct email: otto.Viersen@icowoc.org
 Exhibitor/sponsor’s data are retained for the time necessary for processing purposes,                  Email: WOC-exh@icowoc.org
 namely 5 years from the end of the business relationship.
 For processing purposes, the data of the exhibitor/sponsor’s data - or transmitted by him - will
 be transmitted to the following recipients: management service providers of our Customer
 Relationship Manager, service providers in charge of management, event service providers
 (reception service providers, security, printing, etc.).                                               TERMS OF CANCELLATION
 The data necessary for MCI Amsterdam and MCI Group to fulfil the purposes described                    Notification of a sponsor to cancel or reduce exhibit space or sponsor items must be
 above are those appearing on the submitted order form. In accordance with the regulations              submitted to the Congress Organizer in writing before October 31, 2019. The effective date
 in force, the exhibitor/sponsor benefits from a right of access, rectification, limitation, deletion   of space cancellation or reduction will be the date on which the Congress Organiser receives
 and portability on his data.                                                                           the written notice.
 The exhibitor/sponsor may also object to the processing of his personal data concerning him                                                                 CANCELLATION PENALTIES
                                                                                                        Need Assistance? Contact:
 and lodge a complaint with the data protection and control authority. The exhibitor/sponsor
                                                                                                        Otto Viersen                                             Through September 25, 2018
 may exercise his rights by sending a request to the following address: WOC-exh@icowoc.                                                                                0% of total cost
                                                                                                        Exhibition & Sponsoring Sales Manager
 org or by contacting our Data Protection Officer (DPO): anne.lesca@mci-group.com
                                                                                                        Direct: +31 (0)20 – 305 35 84                        September 26, 2018 – January 16, 2019
                                                                                                        Phone: +31 (0)20 – 570 96 00                                   20% of total cost
 2. In any event, the exhibitor/sponsor acknowledges compliance with European data
                                                                                                        Direct email: otto.Viersen@icowoc.org                 January 17, 2019 – October 30, 2019
 protection regulations for its own processing, including Regulation (EU) No. 2016/679 on the                                                                          50% of total cost
                                                                                                        Email: WOC-exh@icowoc.org
 protection of personal data, foremost among which the integrity and confidentiality of data                                                                      On or After October 31, 2019
 communicated by participants and compliance with their data-retention periods. In case of                                                                             100% of total cost
 communication to MCI by the exhibitor/sponsor of a personal data file, the exhibitor/sponsor
 acknowledges having informed and obtained the consent of the person(s) concerned by this

18                                                                                                                                                                                                     19
APPLICATION & CONTRACT                                                                                                  APPLICATION & CONTRACT
FOR EXHIBITION SPACE                                                                                                    SATELLITE SYMPOSIA & INDUSTRY MEETINGS

Company Name:                                                                                                           Company Name:

Adress:                                                                                                                 Adress:

City:				                                          State:                                                               City:				                                              State:

Zipcode:				                                       Country:                                                             Zipcode:				                                           Country:

Contact Person:                                                                                                         Contact Person:

Job Title:                                                                                                              Job Title:

Telephone: 				Website:                                                                                                 Telephone: 				Website:

E-mail:                                                                                                                 E-mail:

                                                                                                                                                                Satellite Symposia                                           Rates

             Space only - $805 per sq. meter (min. 36   m2)		            Shell Scheme Space - $895 per sq. meter                      Small (up to 100)                                                                      $10,000
                                                                                                                                      Medium (101 - 150)                                                                     $12,500

Booth Size: 					                                                        Booth Cost: $                                                Large (151 - 300)                                                                      $20,000
                                                                                                                                      X-Large (301 - 700)                                                                    $32,000

Preferences: 1st			                               2nd			                                 3rd                                          Grand (701 - 1500)                                                                     $45,000
                                                                                                                                      Video Recording with Slides                                                            $3,500

      After receipt of the contract by WOC2020 Organizer, a confirmation together with an invoice according to               After receipt of the contract by WOC2020 Organizer, a confirmation together with an invoice according to
      the payment schedule will be sent, due to be paid within three weeks after receipt.                                    the payment schedule will be sent, due to be paid within three weeks after receipt.

      I have read and accepted the cancellation policy as indicated in this Sponsor & Exhibition Brochure at page 19.        I have read and accepted the cancellation policy as indicated in this Sponsor & Exhibition Brochure at page 19.

      I will send our company logo in high resolution as an EPS format together with this contract.                          I will send our company logo in high resolution as an EPS format together with this contract.

Exhibitor Signature: 						Date:                                                                                        Exhibitor Signature: 						Date:

                                                                                                                        PLEASE SEND THIS FORM TO:
                                                                                                                        Otto Viersen
Otto Viersen                                                                                                            Exhibition & Sponsoring Sales Manager
Exhibition & Sponsoring Sales Manager                                                                                   Direct email: otto.Viersen@icowoc.org                             Direct: +31 (0)20 – 305 35 84
Direct email: otto.Viersen@icowoc.org                       Direct: +31 (0)20 – 305 35 84                               Email: WOC-exh@icowoc.org                                         Phone: +31 (0)20 – 570 96 00
Email: WOC-exh@icowoc.org                                   Phone: +31 (0)20 – 570 96 00

Company Name:


City:				                                          State:

Zipcode:				                                       Country:

Contact Person:

Job Title:

Telephone: 				Website:


LANYARDS (exclusive)                                             CONGRESS BAG INSERT
$ 30,000                                                         $ 5,000

$ 9,500                                                          $ 30,000

ADVERTISEMENT IN THE FINAL PROGRAM                               ENHANCED LISTINGS (extended)
                                                                 $ 1,500
Inside Back Cover        $ 8,000
Industry Tab Page        $ 7,500                                 DIGITILIZE YOUR ADVERTISING
Full Page Inside         $ 7,000                                 $ 4,000

CITY MAP (exclusive)                                             CONGRESS BAGS (exclusive)
$ 20,000                                                         $ 60,000

MOBILE APP (exclusive)                                           WETLAB
$ 60,000                                                         If you are interested, please send an e-mail
                                                                 to WOC-exh@icowoc.org
If you are interested, please send an e-mail                     ICO FELLOWSHIP ALUMNI TRAVEL GRANTS
to WOC-exh@icowoc.org                                            $ 45,000 (for 10 grants)

CHARGING STATIONS		                                              INDUSTRY BOOKLET (exclusive)
$ 15,000 (per station - max 4)                                   $ 25,000

$ 15,000
                                                            Total Amount Sponsoring: $

    After receipt of the contract by WOC2020 Organizer, a confirmation together with an invoice according to
    the payment schedule will be sent, due to be paid within three weeks after receipt.

    I have read and accepted the cancellation policy as indicated in this Sponsor & Exhibition Brochure at page 19.
    I will send our company logo in high resolution as an EPS format together with this contract.

Signature:                                                             Date:

 Otto Viersen                                                 Email: WOC-exh@icowoc.org
 Exhibition & Sponsoring Sales Manager                        Direct: +31 (0)20 – 305 35 84
 Direct email: otto.Viersen@icowoc.org                        Phone: +31 (0)20 – 570 96 00
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