EXPEDITIONS 2018 - Adventure Canada

Page created by Everett Ward
EXPEDITIONS 2018 - Adventure Canada
EXPEDITIONS 2018 - Adventure Canada
                               The past year has been a special      Special places naturally include a mix of favourite haunts,
                               one for Adventure Canada.           and exciting new destinations. For 2018, that means a return
                               Founded in 1987, we ran our first   to Scotland and the North Atlantic—and an all-new expedition,
                               trips in 1988—so we’ve been         Iceland Circumnavigation! Plus, our beloved stomping grounds
                               enjoying a bit of an extended       in Newfoundland and Labrador, Greenland, the Canadian
                               thirty-year anniversary. And why    Arctic, and our signature Northwest Passage trips.
                               not, when we have so much to          Special people? That would be YOU, of course. And
                               celebrate? This year, my father     our amazing staff! Local culturalists, recognized experts,
                               Matthew Swan—founder and            bestselling authors, visionary artists, and inspiring musicians,
                               guiding light of Adventure          all of them dedicated to making every trip an opportunity to
                               Canada—was inducted into            fully engage with nature, culture, and one another.
                               Canada’s Tourism Hall of Fame!        The special way we travel is really at the heart of Adventure
Recent highlights for AC include being named a finalist for        Canada’s success. We believe travel is about engagement,
National Geographic’s Sense of Place World Legacy Award, to        education, and enlightenment. Every moment is a learning
go with our recent Cruise Vision, Nature Inspiration, and Best     moment; every destination, a chance to deepen our
Travel Company Awards.                                             appreciation of the world around us—our fellow people and
   The UN World Tourism Association has declared 2017 the          the wild creatures that share our earthly home. Our hands-on
International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development. So      approach to hiking, Zodiac cruising, wildlife viewing, and
it’s a perfect time for us to reaffirm our ongoing practices and   connecting with communities has inspired our passengers for
demonstrate anew our commitment to sustainable operations.         three decades and counting.
   For us, sustainability isn’t just about ecotourism—it’s           That’s what thirty years of expedition cruising have taught
about ensuring that livelihood continues to flow into remote       us. Go to the ends of the earth. Go with great people. And go
communities; it’s about ensuring responsible cultural              there with open eyes, open hearts, and open minds.
exchange that benefits both sides of the table; it’s about           This year, more than ever, that’s our recipe for success—and
educating a new generation of world citizens with broad            we’re making magic happen.
appreciation for all aspects of human activity on our planet.
Above all, sustainability is about realizing our promise to the     We’d love you to join us!
future—a promise to leave places better than we found them.
   After three decades, we've come to realize that this promise
comes down to three things: visiting special places, with
special people, in a special way.                                   Cedar Swan
                                                                    ceo, Adventure Canada

EXPEDITIONS 2018 - Adventure Canada
The Adventure Canada Experience                               4
Our Resource Specialists                                      5
Matthew Swan: A Lifetime of Achievement                       6
Better Together: Our Partnerships                             8
Expedition Map                                                12
Scotland Slowly                                               14
North Atlantic Saga: Scotland, the Faroe Islands, & Iceland   18
Iceland Circumnavigation                                      22
Arctic Safari                                                 26
Into the Northwest Passage                                    30
Out of the Northwest Passage                                  34
Greenland & Wild Labrador                                     38
Newfoundland Circumnavigation                                 42
Tanzania's Great Migration Safari                             46
The Ocean Endeavour                                           48
Your Expedition Includes                                      49
Cabin Categories                                              50
Life on Board                                                 52
Expeditions: Enhanced                                         53
Small Groups—Big Adventures                                   54
2018 Expedition & Berth Prices                                56
Incentives                                                    57
Important Information                                         58
Registration Form                                             61
Terms and Conditions                                          62

EXPEDITIONS 2018 - Adventure Canada

Travelling with Adventure Canada is an experience             in their respective fields—are approachable, available on
unlike any other—and not just because of our incredible       deck, and always on shore during excursions. Staff and
destinations. We are proud to provide an immersive cultural   passengers dine together for lively, informative conversations;
experience both aboard and ashore.                            we believe laughter should be a part of every experience.
  Our shipboard programming is fun, engaging, and               Our close relationships with local people in the regions
educational. We host presentations, panel discussions,        we visit set us apart. Adventure Canada has a proud history
and workshops in state-of-the-art lecture spaces to provide   of working with communities, hiring locally, and ensuring
perspective and understanding. Our resource staff—experts     our vision of tourism is a sustainable one. We are grateful
                                                              to work alongside so many talented individuals and have
                                                              them invite us into their home territories. We are honoured
                                                              to have them share their stories and experiences with us in
                                                              a meaningful and enduring cultural exchange.
                                                                A unique mix of learning, entertainment, and humour is
                                                              integral to the Adventure Canada ethos—evening concerts,
                                                              trivia nights, theme dinners, and dances are par for the course.
                                                              Hiking, wildlife viewing, historic sites, community visits, and
                                                              Zodiac cruising are regular fixtures. Engaging presentations
                                                              and hands-on activities are offered each day; these range from
                                                              photography and printmaking workshops to examinations
                                                              of archaeological sites and current events. You choose
                                                              programming that is best suited to your abilities and interests.
                                                                Fun and casual, rugged yet comfortable—Adventure
                                                              Canada’s expeditions are true voyages of discovery.

4                                                             Photo credits—from left to right: Danny Catt, Janis Parker and Danny Catt
EXPEDITIONS 2018 - Adventure Canada
I have been on many Adventure Canada
trips and there has always been a hand      OUR RESOURCE
to help me navigate a wet landing or
board a bouncing Zodiac. On every           SPECIALISTS
voyage, there have been world-class
resource staff and adventures on land
and sea that have taken my breath away.
Travelling with AC feels like travelling
with a capable and caring family. In
addition, thanks to these journeys, I now
have new friends with whom I can share
my love of travel.
   AC provides first-class opportunities
                                            Our team travels to some of the world’s wildest,
that help me better understand Canada,
                                            most remote destinations. Polar bear sightings,
and our world. Go! Go anywhere with
                                            Zodiacs cruising between waves, and towering
them. You will be changed.
                                            icebergs are all in a day’s work. Time and
                                            time again, it is our intrepid team of resource
 —Brenda Nutter
                                            specialists that makes our expeditions so special.
 14 Adventure Canada expeditions
                                            We fly the majority of our staff members in for
                                            each voyage—this ensures that they are fresh and
                                            ready for action; it also means that we have region-
My husband and I are longtime
                                            specific experts aboard who are as excited to be
Adventure Canada travellers! For us,
                                            there as you are!
it is more than just the wilderness and
                                              We are authors and painters; we are
the wildlife—it is also the people that
                                            archaeologists and filmmakers. We are musicians
travel with us. Adventure Canada’s
                                            and geologists and anthropologists and marine
staff—their expertise, their skill, and
                                            biologists. We are birdwatchers and songwriters,
their enthusiasm—brings the landscape
                                            photographers and hunters, culturalists,
to life. The world from a Zodiac is not
                                            philosophers, politicians, meteorologists, sculptors,
to be missed! This company provides
                                            historians, explorers, and swimmers of sub-zero
exceptional travel opportunities.
                                            water. We hail from far and wide, and we are
                                            luminary minds in our respective fields. Above all,
 —Janis Parker
                                            we share in a deep love for discovery. For learning.
 18 Adventure Canada expeditions
                                            For exploration and growth. And we are family.

EXPEDITIONS 2018 - Adventure Canada
In 2016, Adventure Canada founder
Matthew Swan was honoured by the
Travel Industry Association of Canada
with a Lifetime Achievement Award.

                                        © Andrew Stewart
EXPEDITIONS 2018 - Adventure Canada
MATTHEW SWAN has dedicated his life to creating                    MATTHEW HAS WORKED TIRELESSLY TO TO
meaningful travel experiences. His trailblazing work in            ADVANCE THESE PRINCIPLES—TO EDUCATE AND
Canada and the world’s most remote and awe-inspiring               INSPIRE VISITORS ABOUT THE ARCTIC AND EAST
places has notably facilitated the growth of tourism in            COAST’S WILDLIFE AND WILDERNESS, AS WELL AS
Nunavut, Greenland, Newfoundland, Labrador, and beyond.            INUIT AND EAST COAST CULTURE.
It is our great pleasure and honour to announce that,
in 2016, Matthew was honoured by the Travel Industry               His passion for humour, music, and art complemented the
Association of Canada with a Lifetime Achievement Award            already high-quality scientific programming. Through this
in recognition of his work.                                        appealing mix of art and science, Adventure Canada has been
   After training as a young man at Strathcona Lodge and           able to attract an extraordinary team of resource staff. One of
a stint as a river guide on the Ottawa River, Matthew—             Matthew’s great gifts is bringing people together and fostering
along with his brother Bill Swan and friend Dave Freeze—           a collective energy that is a force to be reckoned with.
incorporated Adventure Canada in 1987. They pulled out a             Our dedication to the regions in which we travel sets us
map of Canada, pin-pointed opportunity on the road less            apart. Matthew set the tone for genuine compassion in
travelled and, in 1988, operated their first trip: a hiking tour   the early years of Adventure Canada and it remains a core
of Nunavut’s Auyuittuq National Park. Captivated by the            component today. In 1996, Matthew introduced Adventure
harsh grandeur of the Arctic environment and the warmth            Canada’s Discovery Fund to strengthen sustainable
of the Inuit people, Matthew and his team knew they had            initiatives and projects in the regions the company travels.
found what they were looking for. Since that time, he has          The Discovery Fund is supported by a $250 USD fee
sought out places rarely visited, and developed positive           collected from every Adventure Canada traveller. This
working relationships that ensured benefit and goodwill            directly assists local and national organizations involved
with host communities.                                             with social and economic community development along
   Connecting people with nature and providing the                 with environmental and wildlife preservation. Each year
right elements for cultural exchange is at the forefront           the Discovery Fund support extends to both high-profile
of Adventure Canada’s guiding principles. Matthew has              and grassroots ventures. Through the Discovery Fund,
worked tirelessly to advance these principles—to educate           Matthew has fostered many prominent partnerships and
and inspire visitors about the Arctic, sub-Arctic, and             supported important fundraising campaigns.
maritime wildlife and wilderness, as well as Inuit coastal           On Adventure Canada’s thirtieth anniversary, Matthew
cultures. Matthew dedicated much of his time to positive           says he feels extremely blessed to have found himself
relationship building and friend making to ensure he               in the tourism industry, and couldn’t be more proud to
understood the needs of the communities and that the               have dedicated his life to creating a small company set on
hosts are empowered participants.                                  making a big difference. Please join us in congratulating our
   A hands-on leader, Matthew personally led almost all of         Rear Admiral on this incredible honour!
Adventure Canada’s programs for the first twenty years.

EXPEDITIONS 2018 - Adventure Canada
BETTER                                                                                    STUDENTS ON ICE

                                                                                          Adventure Canada is a
                                                                                          proud partner, sponsor, and
                                                                                          supporter of the Students
For the past thirty years, Adventure Canada                on Ice Foundation (soi), an award-winning organization
                                                           offering transformative educational expeditions for youth
has worked to form strong partnerships
                                                           in the Arctic. Adventure Canada shares soi's pioneering
with like-minded organizations to help                     vision of the polar regions as the world’s greatest
further the knowledge, community                           classrooms. Adventure Canada works with soi to support
                                                           Inuit students through the scholarship program and by
infrastructure, and cultural development
                                                           providing vessels for Arctic expeditions.
in the regions that we visit. Here are some
of the organizations we sail with and are
proud to call friends. We look forward to
sharing their work with you.
                                                                                                            2016 Young Explorers
                                                                                                               aboard the Ocean

              THE EXPLORERS CLUB
              The Explorers Club is an international
              multidisciplinary professional society
              dedicated to the advancement of
              field research and the preservation of
              exploratory instinct. Adventure Canada is
              proud to be the Explorers Club’s exclusive
              polar provider, and delighted to welcome
              notable explorers aboard each of our
              expeditions, including the youths from
              our joint Young Explorers program.

                                                                                                                     © Michelle Valberg
EXPEDITIONS 2018 - Adventure Canada
PROJECT NORTH                                                        TRADITION & TRANSITION
                      Children are the future stewards of                                  Tradition & Transition is a
                      their land. Project North equips them                                research partnership between
                      with the tools and resources needed                                  the Nunatsiavut Government
                      to enjoy their youth, be active, and                                 and Memorial University of
                      develop a strong sense of community       Newfoundland. Conceived of and constructed as a dialogue
                      through play, sport, and education.       between traditional knowledge and academic enquiry, the
                      Adventure Canada is proud to partner      partnership seeks to understand the values that have shaped
with this not-for-profit organization dedicated to improving    Labrador Inuit culture, in order to inform a progressive
the lives of children in the Canadian North. Through            and grounded Indigenous society in twenty-first century
donations of sporting equipment and support for social          Nunatsiavut. Adventure Canada is proud to assist in
initiatives, we work together to support bright futures for     spreading this knowledge by providing logistical, monetary,
young people and their communities. Project North has           and manpower support to the Tradition and Transition team.
delivered $800,000 of sporting equipment to twenty-two
Inuit communities to date and co-sponsored the Stanley
Cup’s polar tour in 2015, 2016, and 2017. Adventure Canada
has proudly participated in a number of deliveries: Nain,
Makkovik, and Kimmirut—to name a few.

                  THE WALRUS FOUNDATION                         THE INUIT HERITAGE TRUST
                  The Walrus Foundation—publisher of The        The Inuit Heritage Trust (iht) is dedicated to the
                  Walrus magazine—has a long-standing           preservation, enrichment, and protection of Inuit heritage
                  partnership with Adventure Canada             and identity embodied in Nunavut's archaeological sites,
                  that presents award-winning Canadian          ethnographic resources, and traditional place names.
                  journalism about some of Canada’s most        Together, the iht and Adventure Canada have fostered
                  environmentally and culturally important      a mentee program for Inuit youth who wish to pursue
                  regions, while also helping to fuel a vital   archaeology as a profession. Our program aims to improve
                  conversation about the role of Canadians      interpretation techniques, create better understanding and
                  in the natural world. Join members of the     handling of the evolving Arctic tourism industry within
                  Walrus Foundation aboard our Greenland        an archaeological-historical context, and expand cultural
                  & Wild Labrador expedition in 2018.           sharing aboard select expeditions.

EXPEDITIONS 2018 - Adventure Canada
Adventure Canada is proud to partner with Parks Canada to embark
on unprecedented voyages of discovery to some of the nation’s
most remote national parks. Our partnership is guided by a mutual
respect and reverence for our nation’s wild places and dedicated
to shaping responsible travel practices for Canada’s national parks
system. Together, we aim to educate and inspire our travellers
about our country’s national treasures, and establish precedent for
future visitors’ conduct.

                                                                                                                  © Mike Beedell

NIKON CANADA                                                          WWF-CANADA
Travellers aboard Ocean Endeavour expeditions will be able            Since 1967, WWF-Canada has played a significant
to use precision, professional-quality photography equipment          role in conserving vital land, freshwater, and coastal
courtesy of the onboard Nikon Camera Trial Program. Together,         ecosystems. Adventure Canada is proud to work
we empower our passengers to create truly dynamic images and          alongside WWF-Canada to help better educate the
tell vibrant stories. Select Adventure Canada expeditions feature     public about the vital sustainability initiatives and
Nikon Canada Ambassadors, some of the most talented and               practices necessary to proper wilderness conservation
influential visual artists working in the business today—gifted,      efforts. WWF-Canada’s experts join our expeditions
spirited storytellers who go above and beyond, admired for their      to add their expertise to our own, and share their vital
passion, energy, and commitment to their craft. What could be         work, inspiring and educating our passengers.
better than learning from the best, in the best environments,
while using the best equipment?

© Danny Catt
ELLESMERE                SMITH
                                     STRAIT                                                                        Aujuittuq
                                                                                                                   (Grise Fiord)

                                               PARRY CHANNEL                   (Resolute)
                                                                                             Beechey      Devon
                                                                                             Island       Island

                                                                            Somerset                                                                      MELVILLE
                                                            PRINCE OF       Island                             LANCASTER                                    BAY
              ADMUNDSEN                                       WALES                                              SOUND
                 GULF                                        ISLAND                              Sirmilik
                                    VICTORIA                                                    National       BYLOT
                                     ISLAND                                                                   ISLAND                   BAFFIN BAY
                                                  M'CLINTOCK               PRINCE                   Park
                                                   CHANNEL                 REGENT
                                                                            INLET                      Mittimatalik
                                                                                                       (Pond Inlet)

                                               QUEEN MAUD                                                                                                                   Fjord
                 Kugluktuk                        GULF                                                         BAFFIN
              (Coppermine)                                                                                     ISLAND
                                                            (Gjøa Haven)                                                                                                          Uummannaq

TERRITORIES                            NUNAVUT
                                                                                                                         Qikiqtarjuaq                                        Ilulissat
                                                                                                                      (Broughton Island)
                                                                                       FOXE BASIN                                              Itilleq Fjord          Sisimiut Coast


    Arctic Safari                                           HUDSON
                                                              BAY                                           UNGAVA
    Into the Northwest Passage                                                                                BAY
                                                                                               Kangiqsualujjuaq                 Torngat Mountains
                                                                                                (George River)                  National Park
    Out of the Northwest Passage
                                                                                                         NUNATSIAVUT               Hebron                LABRADOR
    Greenland & Wild Labrador                                                                                                   Nain                        SEA

    Newfoundland Circumnavigation
                                                                                                         Mealy Mountains National
                                                                                    QUÉBEC                          Park Reserve
                                                                                                                                               L’Anse aux
                                                                                                                             Red Bay           Meadows

                                                      ONTARIO                                              Woody Point
      These are our proposed routes.
     Weather, sea, and ice conditions will
      determine our daily progress. Actual
                                                                                                Gros Morne National Park
                                                                                                                             (Conne River)
                                                                                                                                                        Terra Nova
                                                                                                                                                        National Park

      itineraries may differ from those                                                                                                            St. John’s

      indicated.                                                                                                                Saint-Pierre     NEWFOUNDLAND
                                                                                                                               and Miquelon

  Isa    rdur                 Siglu   rdur

                                                              Seydis   rdur


                                 ICELAND                      Djupivogur

                Reykjavík                                                                                                                     NORWEGIAN
                            (Westman Islands)

         Surtsey Island

                                                                                                      Western       FAROE ISLANDS
                                                                                                    Faroe Islands

                                                                                             Mykines             Tórshavn


                                                                       NORTH ATLANTIC                                                                      ISLANDS
                                                                          OCEAN                                                              Papa Stour

                                                                                                                                             Foula         Jarlshof

                                                                                                                                  ORKNEY                Fair
                                                                                                                                               Kirkwall Isle

Scotland Slowly                                                                         St. Kilda
                                                                                                       LEWIS      Stornoway

North Atlantic Saga:                                                                                        SKYE

Scotland, the Faroe Islands, & Iceland                                                                                                                Aberdeen
                                                                                        Mingulay                          SCOTLAND
Iceland Circumnavigation                                                                                        Staffa

                                                                                                        Islay    JURA              Glasgow

JUNE 11–21, 2018

      cotland’s western and northern isles are a dream destination—
      and for many, a long-awaited return to ancestral homelands.
      Culture, heritage, and natural history abound here, echoes of
Europe’s ancient past.
  In Medieval times, an already-archaic society in the Hebrides evolved
into the Lordship of the Isles, a sea-kingdom blending Gael and Viking
under the powerful domination of Clan Donald. In the north, Orkney
and Shetland were wed into a formidable Scandinavian earldom. Both
island groups preserve some of the oldest monuments in Europe,
dating back to the Stone Age.
  Kinship and community are two of the constants in this story; Gaelic-
speaking clans retained their independence despite acknowledging the
Lords of the Isles, while free Norse landholders battled the forces of
feudalism in the Northern Isles.
  Aboard the Ocean Endeavour, we’ll enjoy contemporary comforts as
we explore our way out from Glasgow, through the western isles and
the Pentland Firth to Orkney and Shetland. Abundant ecology and
spectacular geology beckon adventurers for a closer look. June is an ideal
month to visit Scotland in search of birds, with breeding well underway,
and avian enthusiasts will be rewarded with excellent opportunities.
Photographers will be in their glory amid the gorgeous scenery; small-
group tutorials will help shutterbugs capture the experience at its finest.
  Island folk have always been extremely conscious of the natural
environment, as its bounty has sustained them.
We’ll experience a bit of island life too—with
music and laughter in community halls and local
pubs. Though modern touches grace many homes,
the people who live here still remain close to their
roots, tracing traditions to the original settlers
who first made their homes here centuries ago.
                                                                  © Andrew Stewart

                          • View the largest seabird colony in the UK                        • Climb Mousa Broch, an almost-perfectly
                            at the cliffs of St. Kilda                                         intact Iron Age fortification
                          • Experience island life on Foula in the                           • Wander among monuments at the Heart
                            Shetlands                                                          of Neolithic Orkney unesco World
                          • Marvel at the largest collection of                                Heritage site
                            prehistoric megalithic structures in                             • Appreciate Scotland’s picturesque
                            western Europe                                                     shorelines and fascinating maritime

                                                                                              Photo credits: Andrew Stewart, and Mick Langan (bottom left)
                                                                                                                 Western Faroe Islands

                          INTENDED ITINERARY                                                                                                         Papa Stour        SHETLAND
                          JUNE 11–21, 2018                                                                                                         Foula

                          Day 1: Glasgow & Oban                                                                                                                             Mousa

                          Day 2: Islay
                          Day 3: Iona & Staffa                                                                                         ORKNEY         Kirkwall

                          Day 4: Isle of Skye
                          Day 5: Mingulay                                                                       Stornoway
                                                                                 St. Kilda
                          Day 6: St. Kilda
                          Day 7: Isle of Lewis                                                           SKYE

                          Day 8: Kirkwall, Orkney                                  Mingulay                               SCOTLAND

                          Day 9: Foula & Papa Stour                                                          Staffa
                          Day 10: Mousa                                                                                Oban

                                                                                                     Islay      JURA                Glasgow
                          Day 11: Aberdeen

    This is our proposed itinerary. It is highly probable that weather, sea conditions, and unforeseen circumstances will not allow us to
   travel this exact route. Our Expedition Leader and the ship's captain will determine our exact route day by day.
i   For more information about this itinerary—including destinations and onboard resource staff—visit us online.   17
JUNE 21–JULY 1, 2018

      merging from the mists of
      legend, the north Atlantic
      isles are wonders of geology,
ecology, and human history. From
the craggy coastline of Scotland,
past the staggering cliffs of the
Faroe Islands to the volcanic plains
of Iceland, this expedition charts a
course unlike any other on Earth.
  Join us as we explore ancient
Neolithic ruins on rugged Celtic
islands, and sail into the sagas of Norse explorers bound for far-flung Arctic
shores. Hikers and bird-watchers alike will delight in the puffins and skuas that
wheel over wave-battered headlands. You’ll experience local culture in villages
that have been occupied since ancient times, and meet modern-day fishermen
working the same waters that fed their forebears.
  Find seabird populations abounding in their vast nesting grounds. Photo-
graph exquisite wildflowers in early summer bloom. Visit newborn islands,
picturesque communities, and sprawling glaciers. Join the lucky few who have
travelled in the wake of the Vikings from Aberdeen to Reykjavík—charting an an-
cient course between modern ports, amid the mythic islands of the north Atlan-

Photo credits—clockwise top to bottom: Mike Beedell, Mike Beedell, and Larry Frank   19
• Stand amidst the Neolithic standing stones of                            • See one of the world’s newest islands, the volcanic
  Stenness and Brodgar                                                       Surtsey in Iceland
• Wander the prehistoric villages of Skara Brae and                        • Discover Tórshavn, capital of the Faroes, with its
  Jarlshof, c. 3180 BC!                                                      superb walking opportunities
• See the teeming fulmar, puffin, and gannet colonies                      • Be among the few to sail the dramatic seascapes and
  along the cliffs of Fair Isle                                              cliffs of western Faroes
• Shop for exquisite handicrafts unique to the North                       • Experience Reykjavik, the world’s northernmost
  Atlantic islands                                                           capital city—and one of its greenest and cleanest
• Follow the Viking explorers on sea-routes recorded in
  the Norse sagas                                                            Photo credits—clockwise left to bottom: Michelle Valberg, Larry Frank, Larry Frank, and Mike Beedell

JUNE 21–JULY 1, 2018
Day 1: Aberdeen, Scotland                                                                               ICELAND
Day 2: Stromness, Orkney Islands

Day 3: Fair Isle & Grutness, Shetland Islands                                                                                                                         FAROE
Day 4: Suðuroy Island and Sumba, Faroe Islands                                                    Island

Day 5: Tórshavn                                                                                                                                                            Tórshavn

Day 6: Western Faroe Islands                                                                                                                                                             SHETLAND
                                                                                      FAROE ISLANDS
Day 7: Mykines Island                                                                                                                                                                 Jarlshof
                                                                                           Faroe Islands
Day 8: At Sea  Surtsey Island, Iceland                                                                                                                                    Stromness             Fair
Day 9: Heimaey, Westman Islands
                                                                                     Mykines               Tórshavn
Day 10: Southwest Iceland                                                                                                                                          SCOTLAND
Day 11: Reykjavík, Iceland

       This is our proposed itinerary. It is highly probable that weather, sea conditions, and unforeseen circumstances will not allow us to
      travel this exact route. Our Expedition Leader and the ship's captain will determine our exact route day by day.
i   For more information about this itinerary—including destinations and onboard resource staff—visit us online.   21
JUNE 30–JULY 10, & JULY 9–19, 2018

                                                    xplore a mystical land shaped
                                                    by fire and ice on this excur-
                                                    sion to the ancient Viking
                                              stronghold of Iceland. Voyaging
                                              aboard the Ocean Endeavour, you’ll
                                              see Iceland at its best and most di-
                                              verse. Marvel at the geological won-
                                              ders of this island at the edge of the
                                              Arctic Circle, exploring its unforget-
                                              table culture, history, and people—
from small fishing communities, to the ancient and modern capital, Reykjavík.
  First settled in 874 AD, Iceland today is the most sparsely populated country
in Europe—yet it may also be the most dramatic. Volcanically and geologically
active, Iceland is famed for its awe-inspiring lava fields, mountains, glaciers,
and glacial rivers. Natural wonders and a stirring history await on Iceland’s rug-
ged shores. Join us as we set sail in the wake of the sagas of old.

Photo credits: Michelle Valberg
                                                         • Trace the routes of the Icelandic sagas' heroes
                                                         • Soak up the culture in Reykjavík, one of the cleanest and greenest
                                                           cities in the world
                                                         • Marvel at bird colonies up to a million strong
                                                         • Explore pristine fjords and volcanic landscapes unlike any on Earth
                                                         • Visit traditional fishing villages dating back more than eight
                                                           hundred years
                                                         • Search for whales in the rich, productive waters of Húsavík
                                                           Photo credits: Michelle Valberg, and Dennis Minty (right page bottom left)

JUNE 30–JULY 10, 2018 OR
JULY 9–19, 2018                                                                                                                           Grimsey

Day 1: Reykjavík
Day 2: Reykjavík                                                                        Isa    rdur                   Siglu    rdur

Day 3: Stykkishólmur                                                                                                           Akureyri
                                                                                                                                                         Seydis   rdur
Day 4: Isafjördur
Day 5: Siglufjördur/Grimsey
Day 6: Akureyri                                                                                                       ICELAND                            Djupivogur

Day 7: Húsavík
Day 8: Seydisfjördur
Day 9: Djupivogur                                                                              Vestmannaeyjar
                                                                                               (Westman Islands)
Day 10: Vestmannaeyjar
(Westman Islands)
Day 11: Reykjavík

       This is our proposed itinerary. It is highly probable that weather, sea conditions, and unforeseen circumstances will not allow us to
      travel this exact route. Our Expedition Leader and the ship's captain will determine our exact route day by day. Please note that this
       expedition includes a first night spent at a Reykjavík hotel.
i   For more information about this itinerary—including destinations and onboard resource staff—visit us online.   25
AUGUST 6–17, 2018

Expedition team member Sarah Wong

                       n this trip, we seek the wilds and the wonders of
                       the Arctic, in the welcoming company of those
                       who call it home! Beginning in Qausuittuq (Res-
             olute Bay), we’ll enter expedition mode as we seek polar
             bears, whales, birds, and muskoxen throughout Lancaster
             Sound. At Beechey Island, we’ll pay our respects at the
             graves of three of Sir John Franklin’s men; at Dundas Har-
             bour, we’ll explore the abandoned hbc and rcmp post that
             once guarded the gateway to the Northwest Passage.
               Mittimatalik (Pond Inlet) with its stunning views of Bylot
             Island is a dynamic contemporary Inuit community; we’ll
             spend the day getting to know the place before striking
             out across Baffin Bay for Greenland. Towering mountains,
             pristine fjords, and colourful communities are among
             the attractions of this mighty Arctic island. The modern
             Greenlandic center of Illulissat offers museums, shopping,
             and cafés with a European flair. The Jakobshavn Icefjord,
             a unesco World Heritage Site and source of the majority
             of the icebergs in the North Atlantic, provides a dramatic
             climax to a northern journey unlike any other.

             Photo credits: Danny Catt (left), and Andre Gallant (above)   27
HIGHLIGHTS                                                                                       INTENDED ITINERARY
                                                                                                 AUGUST 6–17, 2018
• Search for bears, whales, and walrus in their
  Arctic feeding grounds                                                                         Day 1: Qausuittuq                             Day 7: At Sea
                                                                                                 (Resolute), NU                                Day 8: Karrat Fjord
• View the magnificent fjords of Greenland’s coast
                                                                                                 Day 2: Beechey Island                         Day 9: Uummannaq Fjord
• Photograph exquisite Arctic flowers at the
  height of summer bloom                                                                         Day 3: Devon Island                           Day 10: Ilulissat
• Visit the Franklin Expedition gravesites at                                                    Day 4: Lancaster Sound                        Day 11: Sisimiut Coast
  Beechey Island                                                                                 Day 5: North Baffin Island                    Day 12: Kangerlussuaq,
• Cross the Arctic Circle by sea—twice!                                                          Day 6: Mittimatalik (Pond                     Greenland
• Zodiac cruise the Disko Bay at the mouth of the                                                Inlet)                 ELLESMERE
                                                                                                                                           ISLAND       SOUND
  Ilulissat Icefjord—unesco World Heritage Site
  and home to the world’s fastest-moving glacier
• Meet the Tununiq Arsarniit Theatre Group    of
                                       PARRY CHANNEL                                               (Resolute)
                                                                                                                Beechey      Devon
  Mittimatalik during a cultural exchange                                                                       Island       Island
• Seek belugas and narwhals in Lancaster Sound,
                                            PRINCE OF
                                                                                                SOMERSET                                                         MELVILLE
                                                                                                 ISLAND                           LANCASTER
  a proposed National Marine Conservation Area
                                             ISLAND                                                                 Sirmilik

                                                                                                                   National       BYLOT
                                                                                                                                 ISLAND             BAFFIN BAY
                                                                                  M'CLINTOCK   PRINCE                  Park
                                                                                   CHANNEL     REGENT

Northbound Charter Flight: Ottawa, ON to Res-                                                   INLET                     Mittimatalik
                                                                                                                          (Pond Inlet)
olute, NU Early-morning departure $978 usd per
person including all taxes and fees                                                                                                                                              Fjord
Southbound Charter Flight: Kangerlussuaq,                                                                                                                                              Fjord

Greenland to Toronto, ON Evening arrival $1,317
usd per person including all taxes and fees                                                                                                                                         Ilulissat

                                                                                                           FOXE BASIN                                                       Sisimiut Coast

                                                                                                                                                         DAVIS                 Kangerlussuaq
Photo credits—clockwise: Andrew Stewart, Andre Gallant, Andrew Stewart, and Andre Gallant

              This is our proposed itinerary. It is highly probable that weather, sea conditions, and unforeseen circumstances will not allow us to
             travel this exact route. Our Expedition Leader and the ship's captain will determine our exact route day by day.
i   or   ore in or ation a out this itinerary—including destinations and on oard resource staff—visit us online.   29

       he Northwest Passage represents the pinnacle of Arctic explo-
       ration. On this trip, like the explorers before us, we’ll experi-
       ence the quaint villages, dramatic fjords, and calving glaciers
of Greenland. Then, crossing Davis Strait, we’ll visit Qikiqtarjuaq,
the iceberg capital of Nunavut, and pay respects at the Franklin
Expedition graves at Beechey Island. Somerset and Devon Islands
offer opportunities to spot Peary caribou, polar bear, walrus, and
muskoxen—and for visits to ghostly rcmp and Hudson’s Bay
Company posts. Parry Channel and Peel Sound afford a passage to
Queen Maude Gulf and onward to our destination: Kugluktuk (Cop-
permine), the end of our epic journey above the Arctic Circle.
   To sail the Northwest Passage is to sail living history. Meet the Inu-
it who have called this remarkable place home for generations, and
join the ranks of the adventurers who have been lured by its legend.

Photo credits: Michelle Valberg (left), and Scott Forsyth (above)      31
HIGHLIGHTS                                                                    INTENDED ITINERARY
                                                                              AUGUST 17–SEPTEMBER 2, 2018
• Sail the heart of the Northwest Passage in comfort
  aboard our ice-strengthened expedition ship                                 Day 1: Kangerlussuaq,                                   Day 11: Beechey Island
• Visit ancient sites of the Thule and Dorset                                 Greenland                                               Day 12-13: Parry Channel
  people with our onboard archaeologist                                       Day 2: Sisimiut                                         and Peel Sound
• Photograph rare birds and Arctic wildlife in                                Day 3-4: Ilulissat                                      Day 14: Usqsuqtuuq (Gjøa
  their stunning natural habitat                                              Day 5-6: Western                                        Haven)
• Marvel at the Ilulissat Icefjord, where 90% of                              Greenland                                               Day 15: Queen Maud Gulf
  the North Atlantic’s icebergs calve                                         Day 7: Qikiqtarjuaq                                     Day 16: Coronation Gulf
• Enjoy Greenland’s unique European approach                                  Day 8: Eastern Baffin Island                            Day 17: Kugluktuk
  to Arctic life                                                                                                                      (Coppermine), NU
                                                                              Day 9: Northeast Baffin
• Experience Inuit communities, culture and                                   Island
  worldview first hand
                                                                              Day 10: Devon Island
• See haunting artifacts of the northern
  explorers, hbc, and rcmp                                                                                                                                                     SMITH
                                                                                                                                                        ELLESMERE             SOUND

• Sail the waters where Franklin’s ships, hms                                                  McCLURE
                                                                                                                                       Beechey                                         GREENLAND
  Erebus and Terror, were recently discovered                                                            PARRY CHANNEL                 Island
                                                                                                                PRINCE OF
Northbound Charter Flight: Toronto, ON
                                                                                                                  WALES                                   LANCASTER
                                                                             ADMUNDSEN                                                                                              BAY
                                                                                                                 ISLAND                                     SOUND
                                                                                GULF         VICTORIA                                     Sirmilik      BYLOT
to Kangerlussuaq, Greenland Early-morning                                                     ISLAND      M'CLINTOCK
                                                                                                                                                                      BAFFIN BAY

departure $1,450 usd per person including all
                                                                                     GULF               QUEEN MAUD

taxes and fees
                                                                                 Kugluktuk                             Usqsuqtuuq                    ISLAND
                                                                              (Coppermine)                             (Gjøa Haven)

Southbound Charter Flight: Kugluktuk                                                            NUNAVUT

(Coppermine), NU to Edmonton, AB Evening                                                                  CANADA                      FOXE                     (Broughton                    Sisimiut Coast
                                                                                                                                      BASIN                      Island)
arrival $1,045 usd per person including all taxes                                                                                                                                            Kangerlussuaq
and fees                                                                      TERRITORIES
                                                                                                                  BAY                                HUDSON
Photo credits: Michelle Valberg, and Dennis Minty (bottm left)                                                                        NUNAVIK         STRAIT

              This is our proposed itinerary. It is highly probable that weather, sea conditions, and unforeseen circumstances will not allow us to
             travel this exact route. Our Expedition Leader and the ship's captain will determine our exact route day by day.
i   or   ore in or ation a out this itinerary—including destinations and on oard resource staff—visit us online.   33
SEPTEMBER 2–18, 2018

      he Northwest Passage remains one of the
      world’s last true frontiers, and this expedi-
      tion takes you to its heart. In Canada’s vast
northern wilderness, wildlife roams free and the
great geological forces shaping our planet reveal
themselves to the wondering eye. The recent
finding of Franklin’s ships, hms Erebus and hms
Terror reminds us that we sail into history, leg-
end, and myth that continues today!
  Nunavut’s communities offer a warm welcome,
blending the traditional and the contemporary
in unique and compelling ways. Making our way
north to Smith Sound, we enter the realm still
defined by ice: towering icebergs, vast glaciers,
and the last redoubt of the great northern pack.
Greenland offers geology, geography, and culture
with a European flair.

Photo credits: Scott Forsyth and Carlos Santos (above)   35
HIGHLIGHTS                                                                                  INTENDED ITINERARY
                                                                                            SEPTEMBER 2–18, 2018
• Travel the route that has enchanted explorers
  for centuries                                                                             Day 1: Kugluktuk                                        Day 10: Aujuittuq
                                                                                            (Coppermine), NU                                        (Grise Fiord)
• Enjoy visits to vibrant Inuit communities
                                                                                            Day 2: Coronation Gulf                                  Day 11: Smith Sound
• Make the most of excellent opportunities to
  encounter whales and polar bears                                                          Day 3: Queen Maud Gulf                                  Day 12-14: Northwest
                                                                                            Day 4: Usqsuqtuuq                                       Greenland
• Visit the historic graves of the ill-fated Franklin
                                                                                            (Gjøa Haven)                                            Day 15: Ilulissat
                                                                                                                                                    Day 16: Itilleq Fjord
• Cruise the Ilulissat Icefjord, a unesco World                                             Day 5–7: Peel Sound and
  Heritage Site—home to the world's fastest-                                                Parry Channel                                           Day 17: Kangerlussuaq,
  moving glacier                                                                            Day 8: Beechey Island                                   Greenland
• Experience the northern lights in all their                                               Day 9: Lancaster Sound

Northbound Charter Flight: Edmonton, AB                                                                                                                            ELLESMERE
                                                                                                                                                                     ISLAND         SMITH

to Kugluktuk (Coppermine), NU Early-morning
                                                                                                             McCLURE                                           Aujuittuq
                                                                                                                                                               (Grise Fiord)
flight $1,045 usd per person including all
                                                                                                                                                     Beechey                                  GREENLAND
                                                                                                                       PARRY CHANNEL                 Island
taxes and fees
                                                                                                                              PRINCE OF                                                  MELVILLE
                                                                                                                                WALES                               LANCASTER
Southbound Charter Flight: Kangerlussuaq,                                                  ADMUNDSEN
                                                                                              GULF         VICTORIA

                                                                                                            ISLAND      M'CLINTOCK        PRINCE
Greenland to Toronto, ON Evening arrival
                                                                                                                         CHANNEL          REGENT                                BAFFIN BAY

$1,450 usd per person including all taxes
                                                                                                   GULF               QUEEN MAUD
and fees                                                                                       Kugluktuk                             Usqsuqtuuq                ISLAND
                                                                                            (Coppermine)                             (Gjøa Haven)

                                                                                                                        CANADA                      BASIN
                                                                                                                                                                                   Itilleq Fjord
                                                                                            TERRITORIES                                                                            DAVIS
                                                                                                                              HUDSON                           HUDSON
                                                                                                                                BAY                             STRAIT
Photo credits—clockwise: Scott Fordyth, Michelle Valberg, Dennis Minty, and Bert Jenkins                                                            NUNAVIK

              This is our proposed itinerary. It is highly probable that weather, sea conditions, and unforeseen circumstances will not allow us to
             travel this exact route. Our Expedition Leader and the ship's captain will determine our exact route day by day.
i   For more information about this itinerary—including destinations and onboard resource staff—visit us online.   37

       his extraordinary sailing show-
       cases staggering geographic
       diversity, covering over 2,200
nautical miles from the head of Sondre
Stromfjord in Greenland all the way to
St. John’s, NL— stopping at four Canadi-
an National Parks along the way.
  We set out along the western coast
of Greenland, calling at Nuuk, one
of the world’s northernmost capital cities, and exploring one of
the many fjords for which the area is famed. Across Davis Strait in
Canada, we visit stunning Torngat Mountains National Park—the
first and only National Park in Canada to be staffed completely by
Inuit. Here, at the edge of the Canadian shield, massive mountains
slope down to the Labrador Sea, forming one of the most dramatic
coastlines in Canada. Northern Labrador has to be seen to be be-
lieved—and we will do just that, via daily Zodiac expeditions and
organized excursions.
  As we move further south, we'll visit the newly created Aka-
mi-Uapishk-KakKasuak—Mealy Mountains National Park Reserve,
Canada's 46th National Park; encompassing 10,700 square kilome-
tres, it is the largest in eastern Canada. Crossing the Strait of Belle
Isle to Newfoundland, we'll pay our respects to North America’s
Viking visitors at L’Anse aux Meadows. While in Newfoundland,
we'll explore Terra Nova National Park before ending our voyage
in historic St. John’s.

Photo credits: Michelle Valberg (left), and Dennis Minty (above)     39
HIGHLIGHTS                                            INTENDED ITINERARY
                                                      SEPTEMBER 18–OCTOBER 2,                                                                         GREENLAND
• Cross the Arctic circle while sailing
                                                      2018                                                                                               Kangerlussuaq
  a spectacular Greenlandic fjord
                                                      Day 1: Kangerlussuaq,
• Hike the pristine wilds of the                                                                                                                         Qeqqata
                                                      Greenland                                                                    DAVIS
  Torngat Mountains National Park                                                                                                  STRAIT                 Nuuk
                                                      Day 2: Qeqqata Kommunia
• Search for polar bear and black bear                                                                HUDSON
                                                      Day 3: Nuuk                                      STRAIT
  along the rugged Labrador coast
                                                      Day 4: At Sea—Davis Strait
• Enjoy a community welcome at the                                                                       UNGAVA
  Illusuak Cultural Centre in Nain                    Day 5: Kangiqsualujjuaq                                            Torngat Mountains
                                                                                                                         National Park
                                                      (George River), QC                               (George River)
• Follow in the wake of the Vikings                                                                                       Hebron             LABRADOR
                                                                                                      NUNATSIAVUT                               SEA
  at L'Anse aux Meadows and the                       Day 6–8: Torngat Mountains
                                                                             NUNAVIK                                     Nain

  Wonderstrands                                       National Park, NL                                       LABRADOR

• Search for marine life in the rich                  Day 9: Hebron                                    Akami-Uapishk-KakKasauk-
                                                                                                        Mealy Mountains National
  waters of Newman Sound and Terra                    Day 10: Nain                                                 Park Reserve      L’Anse aux
  Nova National Park                                                                                    QUÉBEC
                                                      Day 11–12: Labrador Coast
Charter Flight:                                       Day 13: L'Anse aux Meadows                                NEWFOUNDLAND
                                                                                                                                        Terra Nova
                                                                                                                                        National Park
Toronto to Kangerlussuaq Early-                       Day 14: Terra Nova
morning departure $1,195 usd per
                                                                                                                                         St. John’s
                                                      National Park                                    CANADA
person including all taxes and fees
                                                      Day 15: St. John's, NL

                                                                                                                                                  Photo credits: Dennis Minty

        This is our proposed itinerary. It is highly probable that weather, sea conditions, and unforeseen circumstances will not allow us to
       travel this exact route. Our Expedition Leader and the ship's captain will determine our exact route day by day.
© Michelle Valberg

             i       For more information about this itinerary—including destinations and onboard resource staff—visit us online.   41
OCTOBER 2–12, 2018

       tarting and ending in histor-
       ic St. John’s, this trip offers
       an intimate experience of
Newfoundland’s lively culture and
dramatic scenery via daily expedi-
tion stops and community visits. A
visit to the French island of Saint-
Pierre completes the adventure.
Famed for its music and stories,
Newfoundland is also incredibly
picturesque, with a rugged coast-
line rendered spectacular by autumn foliage and light.
  Newfoundland’s rich natural history, including the remarkable geology of
Gros Morne, is second only to its incredible cultural offerings. We will visit Red
Bay's Basque Whaling Station (a unesco World Heritage Site), learn about the
Viking history in North America at L’Anse aux Meadows National Historic Site,
and enjoy a taste of the Mi’kmaq culture in Miawpukek First Nation (Conne Riv-
er). And we will do it all in the company of a lively resource staff of local musi-
cians, artists, and naturalists.
  This sailing is ideally timed for viewing spectacular fall colours and taking
advantage of excellent hiking opportunities. Experience legendary music,
food, and hospitality in true Newfoundland fashion: by sea!

Photo credits—clockwise left to right: Andrew Stewart, Michelle Valberg, Daniel Bailey, and Michelle Valberg   43
Red Bay
HIGHLIGHTS                                                                                                                      L’Anse aux
• Explore the remote reaches of Newfoundland &
  Labrador with fall colours in full show
• Visit the reconstructed Viking settlement at L’Anse                                    Woody Point
  aux Meadows, unesco World Heritage Site                                                 Gros Morne
                                                                                         National Park

• Travel with widely respected naturalists,
  musicians, and culturalists
• Explore and hike the phenomenal landscapes of                                                          NEWFOUNDLAND
  Gros Morne National Park
• Share the warmth of a classic Newfoundland                                                                        (Conne River)

  kitchen party                                                                                                                                       St. John’s

• Visit Miawpukek, Newfoundland's Mi'kmaq First
  Nation community                                                                                 and Miquelon

• Explore Red Bay’s Basque Whaling Station—
  Canada’s 17th unesco World Heritage site

                                                                           INTENDED ITINERARY
                                                                           OCTOBER 2–12, 2018
                                                                           Day 1: St. John’s, NL                             Day 7–8: South Coast
                                                                           Day 2–3: Northeast Coast                          Day 9: Miawpukek
                                                                           Day 4: L’Anse aux                                 (Conne River)
                                                                           Meadows                                           Day 10: Saint-Pierre,
                                                                           Day 5: Red Bay                                    France

                                                                           Day 6:Woody Point and                             Day 11: St. John’s, NL
                                                                           Gros Morne National Park

       This is our proposed itinerary. It is highly probable that weather, sea conditions, and unforeseen circumstances will not allow us to
      travel this exact route. Our Expedition Leader and the ship's captain will determine our exact route day by day.
Photo credits­—clockwise left to right: Michelle Valberg, Michelle Valberg, Scott Forsyth, Andrew Stewart, and Dennis Minty

i   For more information about this itinerary—including destinations and onboard resource staff—visit us online.                                                                   45

      xperience the magnificent Great Migration of Tan-
      zania in comfort and style on this one-of-a-kind
      adventure opportunity. Travel with expert regional
guides and enjoy luxurious, rustic camps as you seek out
the region's spectacular wildlife in daily safari excursions.
This far-reaching adventure hits the highlights of Serengeti
National Park, Olduvai Gorge, and the Ngorongoro region,
celebrating Tanzania's legendary culture and wildlife. See
unique and spectacular landscapes, and experience the
incredible culture of Tanzania—join us as we explore the
heart of Africa!

Please see page 58 for credit card pricing

          This is our proposed itinerary. It is highly probable that weather, wildlife, and unforeseen circumstances will not allow us to travel this
         exact route. Our route will be determined day by day. This expedition requires a separate registration form—please call for details.
                                                  INTENDED ITINERARY
• Safely camp right in the middle of
                                                  JANUARY 30–FEBRUARY 9 AND FEBRUARY 11–21, 2018
  the wildlife
                                                  Day 1: Arrival into Arusha                               Day 4–7: Serengeti National Park
• Enjoy authentic interactions with
  the local Maasai                                Day 2: Arusha to Eastern Serengeti                       Day 8: Ngorongoro Conservation
                                                  Ecosystem                                                Area
• Experience the rustic luxury of
  Nyumba camps and more                           Day 3: Eastern Serengeti                                 Day 9–10: Ngorongoro Highlands
                                                  Ecosystem                                                Day 11: Departure
• See more animals than you
  ever thought possible during
• Access a private nature reserve
                                                           Central                     Eastern Serengeti            KENYA
  exclusive to our guests                                Serengeti                     Ecosystem
                                                     Nyumba Camp
• Visit National Parks, nature
                                                                      SERENGETI    LOLIONDO
  reserves, the Olduvai Gorge,                                        NATIONAL
  the Ngorongoro Crater, and the                                                  NGORONGORO
  Ngorongoro Highlands Kenya                              Southern
                                                          Serengeti                       Ngorongoro
                                                                       Olduvai                                             MOUNT
                                                      Nyumba Camp       Gorge             Nyumba Camp                KILIMANJARO
 Photo credits: Clayton Anderson
                                                                               Farm                        Arusha
                                                   TANZANIA                               Ngorongoro                  Kilimanjaro
                                                                                          Crater                      International
           For more information about this
 i         itinerary—including destinations and
           resource staff—visit us online.

                                                                                                         © Jerry Kobalenko

The Ocean Endeavour is the perfect vessel for expedi-       two saunas, and even a hot tub! The spacious interior
tion cruising. Outfitted with twenty Zodiacs, advanced      allows for varied workshops and presentations to occur
navigation equipment, multiple lounges, and a top deck      simultaneously. The three lounges aboard the Ocean
observation room, she is purpose-built for passenger ex-    Endeavour are optimal locations for seminars, events,
periences in remote environments. The Ocean Endeav-         parties, and conversation.
our boasts a 1B ice class, enabling her to freely explore     The Ocean Endeavour’s crew is experienced and
throughout the Arctic summer. Launched in 1982, she         friendly. The ship’s shallow draft and manoeuvrability
has had numerous upgrades, most recently in 2016.           allow her to access isolated fjords, bays, and secluded
  At 137 metres in length, the Ocean Endeavour has          communities. Enjoy the class and comfort of a boutique
plenty of interior and exterior space. Ample deck space     hotel while venturing to some of the world’s last great
offers comfortable lounge chairs, a swimming pool,          frontiers aboard the Ocean Endeavour!


COMPASS CLUB                                                           POLARIS RESTAURANT

YOUR EXPEDITION INCLUDES                           ABOARD:
                                                   • Educational presentations
                                                   • Interactive workshops
• Introductions to local people and customs
                                                   • Nikon Canada lender program
• Sightseeing
                                                   • Evening entertainment
• Museum entry, park access, and port taxes
                                                   • All shipboard meals, including on-deck barbeques and
• Access to pristine wilderness areas
                                                     afternoon tea
• Zodiac tours and transfers
                                                   • 24-hour coffee, tea, and snacks
• Educational on-site interpretation
                                                   • Hors d’oeuvres and snacks during daily recaps
• Community programming—local performances, pre-
                                                   • 24-hour film and documentary programming in cabins
  sentations, and demonstrations
                                                   • Fully stocked library
• Instructional photography walks
                                                   • Access to all ship's amenities, including saunas, gym,
• Rubber boots for expedition landings
                                                     pool, and hot tub

                                               CABIN CATEGORIES
Type of         Passenger Cruise Ship

Year built:     1982: Szczecin,
                Poland (keel laid 1980)

Refurbished:    2001 / 2004 / 2010 / 2015
                / 2016

Registry:       Bahamas

Length:         137 metres / 450 feet

Breadth:        21 metres / 69 feet

Draft:          5.8 metres / 19 feet

Ice Class:      1B                                                                 polaris

Main Engines: 4 x Skoda Sulzer
Propellers:     2 x variable pitch
                propellers                                                   compass
                                                                                                               day Spa

Stabilizers:    Gyrofin stabilizers

Bow-thruster:   600 kW / 800 hp

                                                                                                                                    Deck 9
                                                                                 nautilus        Aurora
                                                                                 Lounge          Lounge

                                                                                                                     Deck 8

                                                 Deck 4          Deck 5                 Deck 6        Deck 7

                                            * Photos are a guide only; actual cabins may differ from those shown.

DECK 5 PICTURED           DECK 7 PICTURED                             DECK 8 PICTURED

CATEGORY 10 | SUITE                  CATEGORY 9 | JUNIOR SUITE                 CATEGORY 8 | SUPERIOR TWIN                  CATEGORY 7 | SELECT TWIN
Deck seven: forward-                 Deck five: (picture windows,              Deck five: (two picture windows,            Deck five: (picture windows,
facing picture windows,              unobstructed view; queen                  unobstructed view; two lower berths,        unobstructed view; two low-
unobstructed view; queen             bed, sitting area — approx. 270           sitting area — approx. 210 sq. ft.), deck   er berths, approx. 190 sq. ft.)
bed, private bath with full          sq. ft.), deck seven forward:             seven forward: (forward-facing picture      and deck eight: (oversize win-
tub, refrigerator — approx.          (forward-facing picture windows,          windows, unobstructed; queen bed,           dows, partial obstruction queen
310 sq. ft.                          unobstructed; queen bed, private          private bath with full tub — approx. 180    bed — approx. 145 sq. ft.) private
                                     bath with full tub, sitting area —        sq. ft.), deck seven midship: (picture      bath, refrigerator
                                     approx. 290 sq. ft.) private bath,        windows, partial obstruction; queen
                                     refrigerator                              bed — approx. 190 sq. ft.) private bath,


CATEGORY 6 | COMFORT TWIN                                                     CATEGORY 6 | SITTING AREA                    CATEGORY 5 | MAIN TWIN
Deck four: (two porthole windows, unobstructed view; two lower berths —                                                    Deck five: Picture window,
approx. 175 sq. ft.), deck seven: (picture window, partial obstruction; two                                                unobstructed view; two lower
lower berths — approx. 135 sq. ft.), and deck eight: (picture windows, ob-                                                 berths, private bath — ap-
structed view; queen bed — approx. 160 sq. ft.) private bath, refrigerator                                                 prox. 115 sq. ft.

CATEGORY 4 | EXTERIOR TWIN              CATEGORY 3 | INTERIOR TWIN                   CATEGORY 2 | TRIPLE                   CATEGORY 1 | QUAD
Deck four: Porthole window, unob-       Deck five: Interior cabin, two lower         Deck four: Interior cabin, three      Deck four: Interior cabin, four
structed view; two lower berths,        berths, private bath — approx. 125 sq.       lower berths, two private baths       lower berths, private bath (sep-
private bath — approx. 100 sq. ft.      ft. (twin) / 110 sq. ft. (single)            — approx. 200 sq. ft                  arate shower room and powder
(Twin) / 90 sq. ft. (Single)                                                                                               room) — approx. 240 sq. ft.
                         The Ocean Endeavour is designed for passen-
                         ger comfort, and ice-strengthened for safety in
                         Arctic waters.
                           The hardworking crew greatly enriches our on-
                         board experience and understands the unique
                         needs of expedition travel; they give their all to
                         make your adventure perfect.
                           Life aboard an expedition vessel is engaging and
                         exciting. We pride ourselves on an unparalleled mix
                         of discovery, learning, and fun. Above all, our expe-
                         ditions are adaptable. That means that you choose
                         the programming that most appeals to you. With
                         lively talks and presentations, trivia nights, evening
                         concerts, sing-alongs, theme dinners, and dances,
                         there’s certainly no shortage of things to do!
                           Enjoy the onboard spa, pool, and hot tub; get the
       © Dennis Minty
                         blood flowing in the health club and gym; enjoy a
                         therapeutic massage or a quiet sauna after a day
                         out in the Zodiacs. Top it all off with unbeatable
                         gourmet food, sourced locally where possible.
                           Stay up to date with the expedition through
                         daily multimedia recaps, and take a trip to the
                         well-stocked shipboard library for some informal
                         discussion and personal reflection.
                           Travelling aboard the Ocean Endeavour is an
                         experience like no other: all the comforts of a
                         boutique hotel, at sea in some of the world's most
                         remote environments!
     © Julian Buchwald

At Adventure Canada, we’ve been offering our pas-          ence them in the way that means the most to them.
sengers trips-of-a-lifetime for thirty years. Along the      We work with local operators to provide authentic
way, we’ve discovered that the very best way to see the    experiences, bringing added value to your voyage and
world’s most remote places is by ship. Expedition land-    economic benefit to local communities. From helicopter
ings, hikes on the land, and Zodiac cruises allow guests   tours and private fishing excursions to bicycle rentals
to experience wilderness, wildlife, and culture in a way   and volcano excursions, we want to ensure that you are
unlike any other. Now, get even closer to our storied      able to take advantage of every experience the incred-
destinations with these paid Program Enhancements:         ible regions we visit have to offer. By popular demand,
customized excursions for those who want them! This        our Program Enhancements take the core AC ethos—
allows you full control of your expedition. Because our    and put it in overdrive!
trips are for everyone, and we want everyone to experi-

© Dennis Minty                                                                                                  53

                                         THE ROYAL SCOTSMAN TRAIN
                                         JUNE 8–11, 2018 — $4,295 USD
                                         For those seeking an unforgettable train holiday, Scotland is sure to ignite your
                                         imagination. Explore the wild wonders and unique heritage of the highlands.
                                         Departing from Edinburgh, set off in luxury to discover ancient castles, glorious
                                         gardens, and exclusive formal dinners. Take a ride on the country's wild side on this
                                         inspiring three-night journey, visiting iconic sites: Loch Lomond, Ben Nevis, the Isle of
                                         Bute, and Mount Stuart—a stunning Gothic Revival country house.

JUNE 14, 2018–JUNE 21, 2018 — $6,475 CAD + TAX
Camp in the Arctic summer at the edge of the Baffin sea ice for a wildlife-
viewing experience unlike any other. Search for the enigmatic narwhal, the
mighty polar bear, flocks of northern seabirds, and more amidst stunning
landscapes while soaking up local Inuit culture.

                                         THE OUTLANDER TRAIL
                                         THREE DEPARTURES: JUNE 7–10, 17–20 AND 21–23, 2018 — $1,395 USD
                                         Travel through time and follow in the footsteps of Jamie and Claire on our Outlander
                                         tour from Edinburgh. Relive the tragic battles, death-defying escapes, and sentimental
                                         moments of Outlander! You’ll visit towns that are virtually unchanged since the
                                         sixteenth century, wander through ancient battlefields, and visit some of Scotland’s most
                                         sequestered castles. Enjoy the gorgeous landscapes of the highlands and follow the epic
                                         journey of the time-travelling love affair!

       Itineraries are priced per person, based on double occupancy. Contact us if you have any questions regarding any of
       these programs, and visit our website for more information.
                                           JUNE 28–JULY 8, 2018 — $6,675 CAD + TAX
                                           Visit three wonderfully unique and diverse ecoregions—the high Arctic, boreal
                                           forest, and aspen parkland and potholes. Seek out amazing wildlife, from
                                           shorebirds in superb breeding plumages to jaegers and king eiders to yellow-billed
                                           loons, amidst fascinating tundra and taiga habitats.

JULY 1–10, 2018 — $7,695 CAD + TAX
Discover the remote archipelago making up British Columbia’s
Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve on this unique eight-day
cruise. This picturesque journey takes us to the remains of
ancient Haida villages along the protected east coast of Moresby
Island. Along the way, we hope to see humpback whales, sea
lions, puffins, and black bears foraging on the shore.

                                           CANOEING THE KEELE RIVER, NORTHWEST TERRITORIES
                                           JULY 2018 — $8,300 CAD + TAX
                                           The Keele River offers an iconic Canadian wilderness canoeing experience through
                                           the rugged Mackenzie Mountains in Canada’s Northwest Territories. Turquoise waters
                                           flow from through towering mountain scenery and broad valleys of rugged black
                                           spruce with inviting vistas on every curve. Awaiting you there are spacious campsites,
                                           big-mountain vistas, tremendous fly-fishing, excellent hiking—with no portages, and
                                           very few bugs to worry about. Suitable for novice to intermediate paddlers.

OCTOBER AND NOVEMBER 2017 & 2018 — FROM $5,799 CAD + TAX
Home to the King of the Arctic—Manitoba’s polar bears—Churchill is also a hub
of history and culture for the area. This unique adventure puts you up close and
personal with the word’s largest land predator in its element and includes two days
of Tundra Buggy excursions.
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