FAHS - FEILDING HIGH SCHOOL - 2018 Year 9 Course Information 1 - FEILDING HIGH SCHOOL 2018 Year 9 Course Information

Page created by Darren Quinn
FAHS - FEILDING HIGH SCHOOL - 2018 Year 9 Course Information 1 - FEILDING HIGH SCHOOL 2018 Year 9 Course Information

  Year 9 Course Information

  3. Introduction
  4. 2018 Academic Curriculum
  6. NZQA - NCEA Certificates and Endorsement
  7. University Entrance
  8. Scholarship
  9. Vocational Pathways Certificate
 10. Year 9 core subjects: English, Mathematics, Physical Education,
     Science, Social Studies, Health
 16. Choosing your Year 9 option subjects

2018 Year 9 Proposed Options
17.    9AGR             Agriculture
18.    9ART             Art
19.    9BUS             Business Studies
20.    9DVC             Design and Visual Communication (Graphics)
21.    9DTE             Digital Technology
22.    9DRA             Drama
23.    9FTE             Food Technology
24.    9FRE             French Introduction
25.    9FRX             French Extension
26.    9GEO             Geography
27.    9HIS             History
28.    9HRT             Horticulture
29.    9JPN             Japanese Introduction
30.    9JPX             Japanese Extension
31.    9MUS             Music
32.    9MAO             Te Reo Māori
33.    9THM             Technology Hard Materials
34.    9TTE             Technology Textiles

The following information has been prepared to help you understand the course structure at FAHS -
Feilding High School and to help you select your Year 9 option subjects for 2018. You will be making your
selection on your enrolment form.

  • Students will be placed in a Group class for daily administration each morning, and for Reading each
  • Each Group class includes students at all levels: Year 9 - Year 13
  • Each Group class is one of six in each of the school’s eight Houses

   • After consultation with their contributing school, a student will be placed into a core class of Year 9
   • This core class may be a top band class, a mid band class (two of which will have teacher aide
      support) or a homeroom class for students who have significant learning needs.
   • You will be in the same core class for all of your core subjects: English, Mathematics, Physical
      Education, Science and Social Studies.
   • For Physical Education you will have two lessons per week, and for each of the rest of your core
      subjects you will have four lessons per week.

   • You will also be taking eight option classes throughout the year - two each term.
   • In your option classes, you will not be in your usual core class; there will be students from different
      Year 9 core classes in each option class.
   • For each option class you will have four lessons per week.
   • Your option classes will change every ten weeks.
   • Health is a compulsory option.
   • You must select seven options (and a reserve) from the subjects on your enrolment form.

If you have questions or concerns about selecting your options, contact one of the
Year 9 Deans - Mrs Cecile Ellery or Mrs Anne-Marie Dawson.

Please note, all information in this booklet may be subject to some change before the start of the 2018
school year.

We will try to fulfil the wishes of students and parents in selecting courses,
but the school reserves the right to limit or modify classes according to:
       -        The ability and needs of the student
       -        Available staffing
       -        Available facilities

                 KEY:               Underlined - Compulsory Subject;               (S) - Semester Course;
                                    # - Approved Subject for UE;                   * - Scholarship Examination available

YEAR 9                        YEAR 10                  YEAR 11                        YEAR 12                     YEAR 13

Art                           Art                      Art Practical                  Practical Art               Art Painting*#
                                                                                      Art Design                  Art Design*#
                                                                                      Photography                 Photography*#

Drama                         Drama                    Drama                          Drama                       Drama*#

Music                         Music                    Music                          Music                       Music*#
                                                       Performance Technology         Performance Tech 1(S)       Performance Tech
                                                                                      Performance Tech 2(S)

English                       English                  English A                      English A                   English A*#
                                                       English Studies                English Studies             English Studies #
                                                       English Skills                 English Skills              English Skills
                                                                                      English Language Learning   English Language Learning

                              Media Studies            Media Studies                  Media Studies               Media Studies*#

French Introduction
French Extension              French                   French                         French                      French*#

Japanese Introduction
Japanese Extension            Japanese                 Japanese                       Japanese                    Japanese*#

Te Reo Māori Introduction
Te Reo Māori (Full Year)      Te Reo Māori             Te Reo Māori                   Te Reo Māori                Te Reo Māori*#
                                                                                      Tikanga Māori

Mathematics                   Mathematics              Mathematics A                  Mathematics                 Calculus*#
                                                       Mathematics Studies            Mathematics Studies         Statistics*#
                                                       Mathematics Skills             Mathematics Skills          Mathematics #

Physical Education          Physical Education       Physical Education & Health      Recreational PE (S)         Fitness for Sport 1 (S)
Health                      Health                                                                                Fitness for Sport 2 (S)
                                                                                                                  Health (S)

                                                       Sport Science                  Sport Science               Sport Science*#
                                                                                                                  Sport Coaching (S)
                                                                                      Outdoor Adventure           Outdoor Leadership
                                                                                      Outdoor Education           Outdoor Management

                                                                                      Driver Education (S)

2018 ACADEMIC CURRICULUM continued …
YEAR 9               YEAR 10              YEAR 11                  YEAR 12                    YEAR 13

Science              Science              Science A                Science
                                          Science Studies          Biology                    Biology*#
                                          Science Skills           Chemistry                  Chemistry*#
                                                                   Physics                    Physics*#

Agriculture          Agriculture          Agriculture              Agribusiness               Agribusiness*#
                                                                   Agriscience                Agriscience*#

Horticulture         Horticulture         Horticulture             Horticulture

                                          Primary Industries       Primary Industries

                                          Land Skills              Land Skills                Land Skills

Social Studies       Social Studies                                Social Studies (S)         Social Studies*#

Geography                                 Geography                Geography                  Geography*#

History                                   History                  History                    History*#

                                                                   Tourism                    Tourism


                                          Business Studies         Business Studies (S)
                                          Accounting               Accounting                 Accounting*#
                                          Economics                Economics                  Economics*#
                                                                   Financial Beginnings (S)

Digital Technology   Digital Technology   Digital Technology       Digital Technology         Digital Technology*#
                                                                   Computer Skills            Computer Skills

Food                 Food                 Food and Nutrition       Food and Nutrition         Food and Nutrition*#
                                          Hospitality              Hospitality                Hospitality
                                                                                              Food Technology*#

Textiles             Textiles             Textiles                 Textiles                   Textiles

Design and Visual    Design and Visual    Design and Visual        Design and Visual          Design and Visual
Communication        Communication        Communication            Communication              Communication *#

Hard Materials       Hard Materials       Hard Materials           Building                   Building

                                                                   Engineering                Engineering
                                                                   Automotive (S)

                                                                   Gateway                    Gateway
                                          SPEC                     SPEC                       SPEC
                                          Transition               Transition                 Transition

 We offer a range of NZQA qualifications: NCEA Certificates at Levels 1, 2 and 3, and
 University Entrance, as well as a number of National Certificates in specific subject
 areas: Cookery, Coffee Appreciation, Building, Primary Industries, Travel and Tourism.
 Many of our subjects (especially at Year 12) offer credits towards the new Vocational
 Pathways Certificates at Level 2.

 Scholarship is also available in most Year 13 courses (see Table 2 on page 12).

 NCEA Level 1 Certificate
 Ÿ     80 credits at Level 1 or higher
 Ÿ     Must include
       - 10 literacy credits (English, Te Reo or specific standards in other subjects)
       - 10 numeracy (Mathematics or specific standards in other subjects)

 NCEA Level 2 Certificate
 Ÿ     80 credits   60 at Level 2 or higher
                    20 may be at Level 1
 •      Students must have met the Level 1 literacy and numeracy requirements

 NCEA Level 3 Certificate
 Ÿ     80 credits   60 at Level 3 or higher
                    20 may be at Level 2
 •      Students must have met the Level 1 literacy and numeracy requirements

Certificate Endorsement
 Level 1, 2 and 3 NCEA Certificates may be endorsed ‘With Merit’ or
 ‘With Excellence’.
    • ‘With Merit’ endorsement requires 50 credits at Merit or higher at the level of
         that certificate or higher.
    • ‘With Excellence’ endorsement requires 50 credits at Excellence at the level of
         that certificate or higher.

 Subject Endorsement
 Subject endorsement also applies to each subject at all year levels.
    • To gain a Merit endorsement for a subject, you must gain 14 credits at Merit or
        higher in that subject in the same year, and at least 3 credits must come from
        internal assessment and 3 credits from external assessment.
    • To gain an Excellence endorsement for a subject, you must gain 14 credits at
        Excellence in that subject in the same year, and at least 3 credits must come
        from internal assessment and 3 credits from external assessment.

    To be awarded a University Entrance qualification, you must have achieved all of the following:
        • NCEA Level 3 Certificate
        • 14 credits at Level 3 in each of three approved subjects (see Table 1, page 12)
        • UE numeracy - 10 credits at Level 1 or higher from specific achievement standards across a
            range of subjects, or all three specific numeracy unit standards
        • UE literacy - 10 credits (five in reading and five in writing) at Level 2 or higher from
            specific standards.

    To be enrolled in a university you must meet their entry requirements
    Universities are now setting     -their own entry requirements
                                     -their own Literacy requirements
    Some courses may         - have specific subject prerequisites i.e. specific Y13 courses
                             - have specific required standards
                             - have higher entry requirements such as a greater number of Merit
                               and Excellence grades
                             - be selective and choose the highest achieving students

    For more information, contact Careers Advisors
                                         University liaison officers.


                   Courses that are offered at FAHS - Feilding High School
                   and are APPROVED SUBJECTS for University Entrance

Please note:
- a combination of the Sciences (BIO, CHE, PHY) may provide an additional Approved subject Science
- a combination of the Mathematics (CAL, MAT, STA) may provide an additional Approved subject Mathematics
- a combination of the Technology (DTE, DVC, FTE, TTE) may provide an additional Approved subject Technology

Accounting ACC                              English ENG ENS                Photography (Practical Art) PHO
Agriculture/Horticulture AGBU AGSC          French FRE                     Physical Education SPS
Biology BIO                                 Geography GEO                  Physics PHY
Calculus CAL                                History HIS                    Social Studies SSS
Chemistry CHE                               Home Economics FNU             Statistics STA
Design and Visual Communication DVC         Japanese JPN                   Te Reo Maori MAO
Design (Practical Art) DES                  Mathematics MAT                Technology
Digital Technology DTE                      Media Studies MED                 - Food FTE
Drama DRA                                   Music Studies MUS                 - Textiles TTE
Economics ECO                               Painting (Practical Art) ARP


  •    Assessed in an extra exam for each subject, other than for Sport Science (a report is required) and
       those for which an extra portfolio is submitted

  •    Only one portfolio may be submitted in Practical Art or in Technology

  •    Scholarship Food and Nutrition is available as Scholarship Physical Education


      SCHOLARSHIP SUBJECTS offered at FAHS – Feilding High School

Accounting ACC                                           Japanese JPN
Agriculture AGSC                                         Media Studies MED
Biology BIO                                              Music Studies MUS
Calculus CAL                                             Physical Education SPS FNU
Chemistry CHE                                            Physics PHY
Design and Visual Communication DVC                      Statistics STA
Digital Technology DTE                                   Te Reo Maori MAO
Drama DRA                                                Technology (one option)
Economics ECO                                                - Food FTE
English ENA                                                  - Textiles TTE
French FRE                                                Visual Arts (one option)
Geography GEO                                                - Design DES
History HIS                                                  - Painting ARP
Home Economics (FNU) (assessed as PE Schol)                  - Photography PHO


Six Vocational Pathways sectors have been established
      Construction and Infrastructure
      Creative Industries
      Manufacturing and Technology
      Primary Industries
      Service Industries
      Social and Community Services

Within each sector, specific Achievement Standards and Unit Standards have been
identified as either recommended standards or sector related standards.

Standards you have achieved may
     show you where your strengths lie
     show employers where your strengths and abilities lie

The standards achieved may contribute towards one or more Vocational Pathways
Awards that may be in any one of the six sectors listed above.

To receive a Vocational Pathways Award you must
 Ÿ Achieve NCEA Level 2
 Ÿ Meet the NCEA Literacy and Numeracy requirements
 Ÿ Gain 60 Level 2 credits from recommended standards
 Ÿ Of the 60 credits, 20 Level 2 credits must be from sector related standards

At present you can achieve a Vocational Pathways Award only at Level 2.

The course outlines that follow, show where standards assessed against may contribute towards a
Level 2 Vocational Pathways Award.

You can check your progress towards any of the Vocational Pathways Award in your academic

For more information about Vocational Pathways Awards, log on to


You will study five compulsory core subjects in your core class.
In each of these subjects
    • you should be in the same class with the same group of students for the whole year.
    • you will have four lessons in each week.
    • you will have each subject in a different room.

Year 9 English                                                                      9ENG

The Year 9 English course is designed to introduce students to secondary school English.

Topics covered include
   • novel
   • poetry
   • film
   • static image
   • speech

Teachers will also work with students to reinforce fundamental spelling, grammar and punctuation skills.
Essay, formal and creative writing will all be covered in the course.

There will be opportunities to extend gifted and talented students and support can be put in place for
those students who need some extra help.

This is a diverse and enjoyable course that will prepare students for further study in English.

Year 9 Mathematics                                                                          9MAT

Students will consolidate their mathematical knowledge, develop their problem solving skills, and explore
and extend new mathematical concepts.

The Year 9 Mathematics course covers
   • number and algebra
   • geometry and measurement
   • statistics and probability

Students will learn through a variety of classroom activities as well as the integration of e-learning tools.

The school provides two weekly mathematics tutorials and access to Moodle to complement student
learning by providing extra support.

Success in the senior school is very much dependent on the skills, habits and routines students develop in
the junior school.

Year 9 Physical Education                                                    9PEH

9 Physical Education is a compulsory core subject. Students will have 2 lessons per week
throughout the year.

In Year 9 Physical Education students will study a range of different activities.

The units of work and activities we offer include:
   • Striking and fielding games
   • Cross country
   • Aquatics
   • Invasion games
   • Adventure based learning
   • Movement – gymnastics / dance

Students learn about team work, leadership as well as their body’s response to exercise.

Year 9 Health                                                    9PEH

Year 9 Health is a compulsory option.

Students will have 4 lessons per week for one term (10 weeks).

Students will study a range of topics:
   • Puberty
   • Healthy relationships
   • Bullying
   • Drugs and alcohol
   • Cyber safety

Year 9 Science                                                                           9SCI

In Year 9 Science students will study the following units of work:
    • Science skills
    • Chemistry of matter
    • Chemistry - physical and chemical change; separating substances
    • Classification in biology and ecology
    • Human body: blood and circulation
    • Human body: food and digestion
    • Physics of light
    • Motion and force
    • Astronomy
Students begin by becoming familiar with the laboratory equipment. They will develop science skills which
include investigating, planning, collecting data and analysing it.

The course has a strong practical component, where possible.

The topics covered during the year will help develop a broader knowledge and understanding of biology,
chemistry, physics and astronomy.

Some classes will have extension in some areas during the year, while other classes will follow a modified
science programme.


Year 9 Social Studies                                                                       9SST

Year 9 social studies is about how societies work and how people can participate as critical, active, informed
and responsible citizens.

A wide range of topics is studied to help students learn about the way the world works.
These topics can be from the past, present, and future and from places within and beyond New Zealand.

Students learn about concepts or big ideas that affect us all.
These include but are not limited to:
   • Resources and Sustainability
   • Wealth, Poverty and Inequality
   • Government
   • Human Rights
   • Cultural Identity and Cultural Interaction

Students will learn through a combination of in-class activities and inquiry.
Field trips may also run to reinforce learning from the classroom.



• You must choose seven options from those described on the following
  pages; Health is the eighth and compulsory option.

• The first five must be chosen as directed on the enrolment form: one from
  Languages, two from Arts and two from Technology.

• You must the select a further three (and a spare). You should enter them
  on your enrolment form in rank order –
  1 is your 1st first choice to 4 for your 4th choice.

AGRICULTURE                                                                9AGR

Agriculture is part of our primary industries and therefore is one of our most important industries.

What I will learn:
  • Primary industries in NZ: what they are and their importance to us as a country.
       This includes pastoral and non-pastoral farming in NZ.
  • Livestock classes in NZ: this could include sheep, cattle, deer, pigs and goats.
  • Nutrition: how we feed our stock with particular emphasis on pastures and crops.
  • FAHS farms: Manawanui and Ngakauanui

How I will learn:
  • Classroom lessons
  • Visits to the school farms


ART                                                                                  9ART

9 Art teaches students how to make artworks and communicate ideas using the processes and procedures of

What I will learn:
Students will learn how to respond to and reflect on their own and others’ work using the language, symbols
and text that are specific to our subject

How I will learn:
Skills will be obtained through practical work with varied media and by participating in, and contributing to,
class and group activities demonstrating the values that are important to this subject.

Other detail:
The fee associated with the course covers the cost of the students’ take-home materials.


BUSINESS STUDIES                                                                   9BUS

Consumer studies is an introductory course studying economic and financial matters that affect us all.

What I will learn:
  • Important economic concepts that affect our daily lives, such as scarcity, decision making and
       opportunity cost.
  • An understanding of the role of the Government in our lives, in particular taxes and government
  • Basic financial literacy tools to help us manage our income, such as saving, budgeting and insurance.

How I will learn:
The content and skills in this course will be learnt through a combination of structured bookwork, class
discussions and practical activities.


DESIGN AND VISUAL COMMUNICATION                                                    9DVC

Design and Visual Communication is the study of design and visual communication

What I will learn:
Students will learn how to use the design process to create and develop original ideas to solve a design

The construction and presentation of freehand and instrumental drawings is taught, allowing students to
communicate their ideas in the best way possible.

How I will learn:
Students will carry out their work using a range of media including paper, computers, portfolios and model

There will be a major project which will enable students to develop their presentation and communication


DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY                                                                  9DTE

Digital technologies impact on every aspect of our lives and are vitally important in our rapidly changing

What I will learn:
Students will
   • learn how computer science has evolved
   • explore the fundamentals of computer programming languages
   • learn how to use Web 2.0 and presentation tools to communicate and enhance study skills
   • become confident digital citizens who safely use digital technologies

How I will learn:
Skills will be learned through the creation of digital media, use of basic programming languages and


DRAMA                                                                        9DRA

9 Drama has a special focus on exploring core physical skills of performance while building social skills and
the ability to work effectively as part of a team.

What I will learn:
Students will learn how to effectively create the elements of Drama in performance through their use of
body, voice, movement and space. They will explore physical storytelling and learn the actors’ ‘tricks’ for
creating role, tension, focus and action. The course is designed for absolute beginners through to students
who have extensive performance experience.

How I will learn:
Skills will be obtained through practical/physical workshops done as a class or in groups. Students will also
learn the language of Drama by keeping a weekly journal. There is no requirement of students to perform
publicly in this course.

Other detail:
Students may be invited to attend live performances as part of the Drama Department where appropriate.
The fee associated with the course covers the cost of photocopying for the students’ take-home journal.


FOOD TECHNOLOGY                                                                    9FTE

What I will learn:
In this course of study, students’ will develop and extend their nutritional knowledge
and skill level through the processes of selecting, preparing, cooking, and serving food. Students will have
the opportunity to develop their creativity and experience a sense of accomplishment as they gain skills
that contribute to well-being.

How I will learn:
Students will have regular practical lessons designed to help them develop health enhancing attitudes to
food and nutrition.

Topics covered in this course will include
   • hauora
   • food safety
   • food choices
   • product development

Other detail:
Students will be required to provide some ingredients for practical lessons.

A fee is charged to assist with the supply of other ingredients.


FRENCH INTRODUCTION                                                                 9FRE

When learning French the focus will be on communication and the ability to interact with each other. At
the same time, you will be able to explore another culture and compare it with your own personal world.

What I will learn
The course will give you a range of vocabulary and its pronunciation and will cover a variety of themes
from greetings to being able to introduce yourself.
You will learn about subjects that are relevant to you: family, school life, pets, time, and weather.
By the end of the course you will have started to build your confidence whether you are a beginner or
already have some knowledge and skills.

How I will learn
You will be given opportunities to research topics and compare what you find with your own knowledge so
to expand your understanding of the world.
The course will provide you with the material to practise and with some interactive activities to do in class.
Some homework will be required to review the vocabulary learnt during the lesson.

Other detail
Students who wish to study French in Year 10 should take the French Extension Course in Term 4 which is a
consolidation of the things learned earlier in the year.

Other detail

FRENCH EXTENSION                                                                      9FRX

Students will have completed the 10 week course of French Introduction in Term 1, 2 or 3 before entering
French Extension in Term 4.

What I will learn
You will continue to develop your skills in listening to and speaking French.

With reading and writing short scripts you will increase your knowledge of family and school and family

The themes such as defining parents and siblings, describing them and what they are wearing will give the
support to learn and master the vocabulary and grammar structures of the new language.

How I will learn
You will learn through songs, role-plays, creating posters and other activities.

Other detail
Entry to Year 10 French requires students to have completed the French Extension option.


GEOGRAPHY                                                                          9GEO

Geography is a study of the natural environment as the home of people.

What I will learn:
  • How our environment is formed by natural processes
  • How people use and change the environment
  • Basic geographic skills such as map reading and construction, resource interpretation and research
  • A geographic study of some major world issues, such as pollution, water use, migration or resources

How I will learn:
Through investigating and researching case studies, field work, and classroom based activities.


HISTORY                                                                              9HIS

History is a study of the awesome world of the past: its triumphs, terrors, marvels and mistakes.

What I will learn:
Students will learn the skills of historical research, to think critically and become an informed citizen of the
modern world. The focus will be on the ‘stories’ of past events, eras and civilisations while building a
practical skills base for future learning.
   - Ancient Civilisations
   - Medieval Europe
   - New Zealand in the 1960’s

How I will learn:
Through investigating interesting case studies, using a variety of written, visual, aural and oral up-to-date
resources, class discussions and simulations.


HORTICULTURE                                                                       9HRT

Horticulture is a vital industry both in New Zealand and globally – horticulture feeds the world.

What I will learn:
Students will be introduced to the world of plants and their significance to both the New Zealand economy
and the region’s economy. Students will raise seedlings, propagate plants from cuttings and learn how to
successfully manage plant growth. They will work in the horticulture garden plots and be responsible for
the plants grown in there.

How I will learn:
Learning will be achieved through practical work, managing a garden, demonstrations and both group and
individual project work.

Other details:
There is a small course fee which contributes to the purchase of seeds, potting mix and other materials.
Student are able to take home many of the plants they grow.


JAPANESE INTRODUCTION                                                             9JPN

Students are not expected to have any knowledge of Japanese before entering this course.

What I will learn:
The Written Language:
Students will learn the basics of the written language, starting with Hiragana the syllabary script. Hiragana
is phonetic and as Japanese has vowel sounds that are almost identical to Te Reo Maori is easy to learn.
With a new picture card system, students can learn to recognize all 46 letters of Hiragana in a one-hour
lesson and in less than 10 weeks become proficient at writing it. Homework consists of completing
Hiragana drill sheets for each line of the chart and tests are held weekly to assess the students’ knowledge.
These drill sheets are not time-consuming and easy to use. Students will learn to write their own names in
the Katakana script but this is not generally introduced till year 10.

The Spoken Language:
From the outset it is the aim to encourage students to introduce themselves in Japanese, memorizing at
least 10 sentences including information about name, age, school, grade and likes and dislikes. Classroom
instructions are often given in Japanese and correct cultural protocol and manners are taught and adhered

How I will learn:
Students will learn to read and write Japanese via drill sheets, word finds and quiz games. The art of brush
writing and advanced technology is also used to reinforce the written and spoken language. DVDs, on line
activities, quizzes and games are used to make the lessons vibrant and interesting.
Skype sessions with their counterparts in Japan are sometimes part of this process of learning so real time
conversations in Japanese do occur.

Other detail:
A graduation ceremony is held at the end of the first 10 weeks and students are issued with certificates
and prizes.

Students who wish to study Japanese in Year 10 are encouraged to do the Japanese Extension Course in
Term 4 which is a consolidation of the things learned earlier in the year and has more of an emphasis on
cultural activities and real use of the language.


JAPANESE EXTENSION                                                                9JPX
Students will have completed the 10 week course of Japanese introduction in Term 1, 2 or 3 before
entering Japanese Extension in Term 4.

What I will learn

The Written Language

   •    Students will revise Hiragana both reading and writing to refresh their memories and consolidate
        what they learned in a Japanese Introduction option.
   •    There will be more intensive learning of the Hiragana script and a Certificate of Achievement will be
        awarded to all those who get a 100% pass in the Hiragana test at the end of Term 4.
   •    Students will also be introduced to Japanese calligraphy (Shodo/Shuji).
   •    More advanced sentence structure and grammar will be learned.

The Spoken Language

   •    There will be an expectation that students use Japanese during class time when addressing the
        teacher, when talking to each other or when introducing themselves to a group.
   •    Conversation role plays will be used to help them and to encourage them to use Japanese naturally
        in class

How I will learn

Examples of conversation on DVD, the internet and Skype will be used to help students get used to
speaking and listening in a more natural way. Students will meet native speakers and engage in
conversation with them as much as possible. Students will watch Japanese animated videos in the target
language with English subtitles to help them get used to listening to Japanese.

Cultural Emphasis

Students will be introduced to Japanese life style, food, festivals, martial arts, traditional music and
technological achievements. “The Last Samurai” movie will be shown and also a sushi party held during the
last few days of the term to introduce them to food, table etiquette and the use of chopsticks.


MUSIC                                                                              9MUS

9 Music exposes students to different genres, instruments and eras of music, while introducing them to the
discipline of learning an instrument by attending lessons and practising.

The course is designed for absolute beginners through to students who have extensive performance

What I will learn:
Students have the opportunity to learn an orchestral instrument they have never played before and attend
itinerant lessons, as well as the opportunity to play guitar and keyboard in class.

How I will learn:
Skills will be obtained through practical activities, listening to music and some theory work. Students are
issued an instrument and attend itinerant lessons in small groups once a week. In class, they will learn music
to play together. There is no requirement of students to perform publicly in this course.

Other details:
Students may have opportunities to attend live concerts and workshops performed by other students or

The fee associated with the course covers the cost of instrument hire and lesson fees which are highly


TE REO MĀORI                                                        9MAO/9MO

Students may choose to study Te Reo Māori for one term or for a full year.

ONE TERM                                     9MAO

What I will learn:
Year 9 students will study whānau in Term 1. This will include learning basic pronunciation of the language
and acquiring and developing skills and confidence in listening, speaking, writing and reading Te Reo Māori.

Students will also learn about tikanga Māori and te ao Māori.

FULL YEAR                                    9MO1/2/3/4

Further study will include tōku kāinga (my home), te marae, kai, hākinakina, myths and legends. This will
build on the introductory course to further develop skills in listening, speaking, writing and reading.

All students will participate in mahi toi (art) and ngā mahi-ā-Rehia (traditional Māori games)

How will I learn:
By speaking, listening, reading and writing and through practical work such as art and craft, Māori
performing arts and games.

Other detail:
A marae visit may take place during the year and other trips may arise.

Students will be encouraged to join Te Rau Huia, the school’s kapa haka group, and to support other
kaupapa the Māori department is involved in such as Ngā Manu Kōrero, Pae Rangatahi, Matariki
celebrations and pōwhiri.

Students who have come from a Te Reo Māori immersion programme, such as a Kura Kaupapa, may be
assessed to enter a higher level class if necessary.


TECHNOLOGY HARD MATERIALS                                                           9THM

This course will introduce students to technological practice within the context of materials technology with
a focus on hard materials such as, but not limited to, wood, metal and plastic.

What I will learn:
Students will develop their technological practice and knowledge. This will be done through problem solving,
applying the design process and using practical skills to produce a practical outcome.

How I will learn:
Students will learn by using basic tools and machines and sketching to enhance their skills and projects


TECHNOLOGY TEXTILES                                                                   9TTE

This course includes components of design, development, mock up and prototype.

What I will learn:
The aim of this course is to learn the basics of sewing including machine use, seams, zips, pockets and
finishing techniques.

Students will also use a range of media to add design features to their work.

How I will learn:
Students will complete a sampler of the skills taught and then go on to design and make a garment of their

Other detail:
Students are required to provide fabric and other necessary materials for their design.

The fee is to assist with the supply of materials such overlocker thread, needles, calico, paint.


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