False Accusation: The Unfounded Claim that Social Media Companies Censor Conservatives - Squarespace

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False Accusation: The Unfounded Claim that Social Media Companies Censor Conservatives - Squarespace
False Accusation:
The Unfounded Claim that Social Media Companies
Censor Conservatives


          Center for Business
          and Human Rights                  February 2021
False Accusation: The Unfounded Claim that Social Media Companies Censor Conservatives - Squarespace

                                        Executive Summary..................................................................................... 1

                                        1. Introduction............................................................................................. 3

                                        2. Breaking Down the Bias Claim................................................................. 6

                                           Sidebar: Going to Court........................................................................ 10

                                           Sidebar: Attacking Google..................................................................... 12

                                        3. Assessing Available Data....................................................................... 14

                                           Sidebar: Getting Banned by Twitter....................................................... 16

                                        4. Conclusion and Recommendations....................................................... 19

                                        Endnotes................................................................................................... 22

                                        We thank the following people for their time and insight:
                                        Sarah Brandt of NewsGuard, Sam Clark of Transparency Tube, Renée DiResta of the
                                        Stanford Internet Observatory, Eric Effron of NewsGuard, Dipayan Ghosh of the Digital
                                        Platforms and Democracy Project at Harvard Kennedy School’s Shorenstein Center,
                                        Eric Goldman of Santa Clara University School of Law, Jennifer Grygiel of Syracuse
                                        University, Jess Hemerly of Google, Justin Hendrix of Tech Policy Press, Mark Ledwich of
                                        Transparency Tube, Filippo Menczer of Indiana University, Benedict Nicholson of NewsWhip,
                                        James Pethokoukis of the American Enterprise Institute, Matt Perault of the Center on
Authors                                 Science & Technology Policy at Duke University, Nick Pickles of Twitter, Neil Potts of
                                        Facebook, Naomi Shiffman of CrowdTangle/Facebook, Francesca Tripodi of the University
Paul M. Barrett is deputy director of
the NYU Stern Center for Business       of North Carolina.
and Human Rights.
J. Grant Sims is a Ropes & Gray         We extend special thanks to Craig Newmark and Craig Newmark Philanthropies for
Research Fellow with the Center.        continued guidance and financial support.
Executive Summary

                              Conservatives commonly accuse the major social media companies of censoring
                              the political right. In response to Twitter’s decision on January 8, 2021, to exclude
                              him from the platform, then-President Donald Trump accused the company of
                              “banning free speech” in coordination with “the Democrats and Radical Left.”

                              Two days earlier, Trump had included the        against undermining election results
                              ideological bias claim in an incendiary         and inciting violence. If anything, the
                              address to supporters, some of whom             platforms previously had given Trump
      The claim of anti-      then participated in a riot inside the U.S.     a notably wide berth because of his
   conservative animus        Capitol. “The radical left tries to blacklist   position, seeking to appease him,
                              you on social media,” Trump said in his         despite his demagogic and routinely
    on the part of social     speech. “They don’t let the message             false claims.
      media companies         get out nearly as they should.”
                                                                              Trump has been the leading purveyor
       is itself a form of    This accusation—that social media               of the bias accusation, but it will not
          disinformation:     platforms suppress conservatives—               recede with the end of his presidency.
                              riles a Republican base that has long           In his quest to remain politically relevant,
        a falsehood with      distrusted the mainstream media and             Trump almost certainly will continue to
    no reliable evidence      is prone to seeing public events as             press the case via far-right media chan-
                              being shaped by murky liberal plots.            nels and/or right-wing online platforms
            to support it.    On a policy level, the bias claim serves        like Parler and Gab. After getting kicked

                              as a basis for Republican attacks on            off Twitter, Trump said he might set up
                              Section 230 of the Communications               a platform of his own. Other Republican
                              Decency Act, the federal law that               politicians likewise will maintain the
                              protects platforms from liability asso-         accusation, in no small part because
                              ciated with user posts and content              it resonates so powerfully with so
                              moderation decisions.                           many GOP voters.
                              But the claim of anti-conservative              Part 1 of this report provides an intro-
                              animus is itself a form of disinformation:      duction and thematic overview. Part 2
                              a falsehood with no reliable evidence           charts the rise and spread of the bias
                              to support it. No trustworthy large-            claim, analyzing its various manifesta-
                              scale studies have determined that              tions. Part 3 assesses available data
                              conservative content is being removed           showing that conservatives enjoy a
                              for ideological reasons or that search-         prominent place on major social media
                              es are being manipulated to favor               platforms—a situation unlikely to be true
                              liberal interests.                              if conservatives were being systemati-
                                                                              cally suppressed. Part 4 offers a series
                              Even anecdotal evidence of supposed
                                                                              of recommendations to the platforms
                              bias tends to crumble under close
                                                                              and the administration of President Joe
                              examination. Take Trump’s exclusion
                                                                              Biden, as they each consider how to
                              from Twitter and Facebook. These
                                                                              respond to the bias claim. We offer a
                              actions, while unprecedented, were
                                                                              thumbnail version of those recommen-
                              reasonable responses to Trump’s
                                                                              dations on the following page.
                              repeated violation of platform rules

Recommendations in Brief

    For the social media industry:

    1   Provide greater disclosure for content moderation actions. The platforms should give an easily under-
        stood explanation every time they sanction a post or account, as well as a readily available means to appeal
        enforcement actions. Greater transparency—such as that which Twitter and Facebook offered when they
        took action against President Trump in January—would help to defuse claims of political bias, while clarifying
        the boundaries of acceptable user conduct.

    2   Offer users a choice among content moderation algorithms. Users would have greater agency if they
        were offered a menu of choices among algorithms. Under this system, each user would be given the
        option of retaining the existing moderation algorithm or choosing one that screens out harmful content
        more vigorously. The latter option also would provide enhanced engagement by human moderators
        operating under more restrictive policies. If users had the ability to select from among several systems,
        they would be empowered to choose an algorithm that reflects their values and preferences.

    3   Undertake more vigorous, targeted human moderation of influential accounts. To avoid high-profile
        moderation mistakes, the platforms should significantly increase the number of full-time employees working
        directly for them who would help to create a more rigorous human-led moderation channel for the most influ-
        ential accounts. To supervise this and other important issues related to policing content, we recommend that
        the platforms each hire a senior executive—a content overseer—who reports directly to the CEO or COO.

    4   Release more data for researchers. More granular disclosure would allow academics and civil society
        researchers to identify enforcement patterns, such as whether content is being removed for ideological
        reasons. This greater transparency should include the nature of any content that is removed, the particular
        rule(s) a post violated, how the platform became aware of noncompliance (user report versus algorithmic
        moderation), and how any appeals were resolved.

    For the Biden administration:

    5   Pursue a constructive reform agenda for social media. This will require the federal government to press
        Facebook, Google, and Twitter to improve content policies and their enforcement, even as the government
        pursues pending antitrust lawsuits against Facebook and Google. The industry, for its part, must strive with
        urgency to do a better job of protecting users and society at large from harmful content—progress that can’t
        wait for the resolution of what might be years-long antitrust court battles.

    6   Work with Congress to update Section 230. The controversial law should be amended so that its liability
        shield is conditional, based on social media companies’ acceptance of a range of new responsibilities related
        to policing content. One of the new platform obligations could be ensuring that algorithms involved in content
        ranking and recommendation not favor sensationalistic or unreliable material in pursuit of user engagement.

    7   Create a new Digital Regulatory Agency. The false claim of anti-conservative bias has contributed to
        widespread distrust of the platforms’ willingness and ability to govern their sites. A new independent authority,
        charged with enforcing the responsibilities of a revised Section 230, could begin to rebuild that eroded trust.
        As an alternative, expanded jurisdiction and funding for social media oversight could be directed to an existing
        agency such as the Federal Trade Commission or Federal Communications Commission.

1. Introduction

                            On January 8, 2021, two days after a mob of Donald Trump supporters
                            ransacked the U.S. Capitol, Twitter permanently banned the sitting president.
                            Twitter said it acted because, even after the deadly riot, Trump continued to
          Trump’s being     tweet in a manner “highly likely to encourage and inspire people to replicate
   exiled from the most     the criminal acts that took place at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.”1

   popular social media     Facing the last days of his presidency         In fact, before he was shut down,
    channels should not     without his preferred megaphone,               Trump had more than 88 million
                            Trump turned to the official White House       followers on Twitter, seven times as
    be misconstrued as      Twitter account, @POTUS, to vent his           many as he did just before his election
     confirmation of the    anger: “Twitter has gone further and           in 2016. On Facebook, which indefi-
                            further in banning free speech,” he said,      nitely suspended Trump and referred
    claim he and others     “and tonight, Twitter employees have           the question of his status to its content
       on the right have    coordinated with the Democrats and             Oversight Board, he had 35 million fol-
                            Radical Left in removing my account            lowers. Going back to before his first
       long made about      from their platform, to silence me—            run for the White House, the platforms
                            and YOU, the 75,000,000 great                  had allowed Trump to spread conspiracy
          platform bias.

                            patriots who voted for me.”2                   theories, threaten political opponents,
                                                                           applaud armed protesters, and under-
                            Twitter soon deleted Trump’s @POTUS            mine basic democratic institutions like
                            tweets, as well, but not before he’d           voting. If anything, the platforms had
                            had a chance to declare once more              given him a wide berth because of his
                            what has become a conservative                 position, despite his demagogic and
                            article of faith. For years, Trump and         routinely false claims.
                            many others on the political right
                            have accused the major social media            The Twitter and Facebook actions
                            companies of censoring conservatives.          against Trump—especially when
                            Trump included the claim in his incen-         combined with similar punishment by
                            diary address to supporters before the         Facebook subsidiary Instagram and
                            riot at the Capitol. “The radical left tries   a host of smaller platforms—mark a
                            to blacklist you on social media,” he          turning point for social media. They
                            told the restive crowd. “They don’t let        raise important questions about free
                            the message get out nearly as they             speech, the power of a handful of
                            should.” On Twitter, he added, “If you’re      billionaire Silicon Valley executives,
                            a conservative, if you’re a Republican,        and, more narrowly, Trump’s political
                            if you have a big voice, I guess they          future without access to Twitter.
                            call it a shadow ban.”3

But Trump’s being exiled from the most     A Pew Research Center poll released          were being interpreted in various online
popular social media channels should       in August 2020 zeroed in on the ques-        forums as supporting the U.S. Capitol
not be misconstrued as confirmation of     tion of censorship. It found that 90% of     attackers and continued resistance to
the claim he and others on the right       Republicans and Republican-leaning           the 2020 election result, the company
have long made about platform bias.        independents say it’s at least some-         said.10 Trump had become a serious
The Trump bans, while unprecedented,       what likely that social media companies      threat to public safety, and one Twitter
were based on reasonable determi-          intentionally censor political viewpoints    no longer wished to amplify.
nations that he violated platform rules    they find objectionable. The comparable
against sabotaging election results        figure on the Democratic side is lower       Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg
and inciting violence.                     but still substantial at 59%.8               offered a similar justification for his
                                                                                        company’s indefinite suspension of
The false contention that conservatives    The trouble with this belief—that tech       Trump. The then-president’s “decision
are throttled online goes far beyond       companies are censoring political            to use his platform to condone rather
Trump and the attack on the Capitol.       viewpoints they find objectionable—          than condemn the actions of his sup-
It is heard from Fox News hosts, law-      is that there is no reliable evidence to     porters at the U.S. Capitol building has
makers and witnesses at congressional      support it. There are no credible studies    rightly disturbed people in the U.S. and
hearings, and right-wing online pundits.   showing that Twitter removes tweets          around the world,” Zuckerberg wrote.
                                           for ideological reasons or that Google       Facebook removed these statements
Consider just a handful of examples        manipulates search results to impede         “because we judged that their effect
from last year:                            conservative candidates (see sidebar         —and likely their intent—would be to
■ Rep. Jim Jordan (R., Ohio), July 2020,   on Google on page 12).                       provoke further violence,” he added.
during a hearing of the House Judiciary                                                 The company took the further step
                                           “The Republicans continue to push this       of suspending Trump out of concern
antitrust subcommittee: “I will just cut   false narrative that tech is anti-conser-
to the chase. Big Tech is out to get                                                    that he intended “to use his remaining
                                           vative,” says Hany Farid, a computer         time in office to undermine the peaceful
conservatives. That’s not a suspicion.     scientist at the University of California,
That’s not a hunch. That’s a fact.”4                                                    and lawful transition of power to his
                                           Berkeley. “There is no data to support       elected successor, Joe Biden,”
■ Conservative internet commentator        this. The data that is there is in the       Zuckerberg added.11
Ben Shapiro, October 2020, on Twitter:     other direction and says conservatives
“What we are watching—the militari-        dominate social media.”9                     These responses to Trump’s social
zation of social media on behalf of                                                     media behavior constitute reasonable
Democrats, and the overt suppression       The Trump Ban                                attempts to forestall additional violence
of material damaging to Democrats                                                       and avoid real risks to the workings
                                           Even anecdotal evidence tends to             of American democracy. They are not
to the cheers of the press—is one of
                                           crumble on close examination. Take           examples of ideologically motivated
the single most dangerous political
                                           the crackdown on President Trump             censorship. Further reinforcing this
moments I have ever seen.”5
                                           in January 2021.                             conclusion were the multiple occasions
■ Fox News host Tucker Carlson,
                                           Twitter explained its action on a com-       in 2020 when Trump used Twitter to
November 2020, three weeks after                                                        applaud armed protesters opposing
the presidential election: Social media    pany blog with an unusual degree of
                                           specificity. As backdrop, it observed        pandemic-related lockdown orders in
companies “rigged the election in front                                                 Michigan, Virginia, and other states.12
of all of us, and nobody did anything      that “plans for future armed protests
about it.”6                                have already begun proliferating on          By many measures, conservative voices
                                           and off-Twitter, including a proposed        —including that of the ex-president,
This drumbeat of accusation has had        secondary attack on the U.S. Capitol
consequences. It helps explain why                                                      until he was banished from Twitter
                                           and state capitol buildings on January       and Facebook—often are dominant in
Republican voters don’t trust the social   17, 2021.” In that ominous context,
media companies when it comes to                                                        online political debates. Compare user
                                           Twitter noted that Trump’s supporters        engagement with Trump’s Facebook
politics. According to a HuffPost/YouGov   parse his statements for what they
poll published in October 2020, 72%                                                     page versus Joe Biden’s page during
                                           perceive as signals from their leader.       the peak of last year’s presidential
of Republicans think social media plat-    Defiant Trump tweets after the U.S.
forms have a liberal bias. In contrast,                                                 campaign, from September 3, 2020,
                                           Capitol riot—in which he referred to         to Election Day. The total number of
a majority of Democrats think the plat-    his supporters as “American Patriots”
forms are either neutral (39%) or biased                                                likes, comments, and shares was
                                           who “will not be disrespected or treated     307 million. Trump elicited 87% of the
in favor of conservatives (16%), with      unfairly in any way, shape or form!!!”—
another 10% seeing a liberal bias.7

total; Biden, only 13%. These numbers,
derived from CrowdTangle, an analytics
tool owned by Facebook, don’t suggest             Trump Dominated Biden in Facebook Engagement.
a Republican candidate being stifled.13           Interactions (likes, shares, and comments) with posts by candidates’ pages.
                                                  September 3 through November 3, 2020.
Political Disinformation
The false bias narrative is an example
of political disinformation, meaning                                        13%
an untrue assertion that is spread to                                                         Total interactions:
deceive. In this instance, the deception                                                      307 million
whips up part of the conservative
base, much of which already bitterly                                                              Biden
distrusts the mainstream media. To call                                                           Trump
the bias claim disinformation does not,
of course, rule out that millions of                              87%
everyday people sincerely believe it.

Trump has been the leading purveyor
                                                                                                                   Source: CrowdTangle
of disinformation about platform bias,
but the claim will not recede with the
end of his presidency or presence              Twitter allowed Blackburn to tweet the        Another reason the bias claim matters
on Twitter or Facebook. As he jockeys          message from her regular account but          is that it distorts the larger debate
to remain politically relevant, he’s likely    banned her from promoting it as an ad.        about social media. Facebook, Twitter,
to keep the claim in heavy circulation.        “I’m being censored for telling the truth,”   YouTube and other platforms deserve
In one of his last utterances on Twitter,      Blackburn told potential donors in an         skepticism for their role in the spread
he said, via the @POTUS account,               email fundraising appeal. “Silicon Valley     of disinformation, hate speech, and
“We have been negotiating with var-            elites are trying to impose their values      other harmful content. Their intrusions
ious other sites, and will have a big          on us.” Blackburn was elected to the          on user privacy and tendency to smother
announcement soon, while we also               Senate in November 2018 and has               start-up competition likewise merit
look at the possibilities of building out      been a proponent of the bias claim.15         tougher oversight, some of which they’re
our own platform in the near future.”14                                                      now getting in the form of federal and
Right-wing sites like Parler and Gab,          Congressional Republicans also deploy         state antitrust lawsuits filed against
as well as Trump-friendly media outlets        the accusation in support of their effort     Google and Facebook. But the mis-
such as Fox News, One America News             to revoke Section 230 of the Commu-           leading Republican suppression
Network, and Newsmax could provide             nications Decency Act. That’s the key         argument only distracts from reality-
other potential avenues for him to keep        federal provision that protects platforms     based critiques of the platforms.
the message about online political             from liability associated with user posts
favoritism in circulation.                     and content moderation decisions.             Disinformation about bias contributes
                                               Republicans argue that the platforms          to the delegitimization of the platforms
Trump and other Republicans will               hide behind Section 230 to quash              at a time when they’re actually experi-
perpetuate the bias allegation, in part,       conservative views. In the chaotic final      menting with more aggressive forms of
because it appeals to the same con-            weeks of his White House term, Trump          fact-checking and content moderation
spiratorial mindset that has fostered the      demanded that Congress repeal the             —not just in the case of Donald Trump,
QAnon movement and that animated               law as a condition of his signing a major     but also in connection with falsehoods
at least some of the rioters at the U.S.       defense-spending bill. That gambit didn’t     about Covid-19 vaccines and conspiracy
Capitol. It’s also a handy fundraising         work, but Republican lawmakers have           theories like QAnon. It’s not clear how
tool. In 2017, then-Representative             vowed to try again in 2021. Following         far these experiments will go or what
Marsha Blackburn (R., Tenn.) boasted           the Trump Twitter ban, Senator Lindsey        kind of impact they’ll have on users or
in a Twitter ad that she had “fought           Graham (R., S.C.) tweeted: “It is now time    society at large. But what’s needed
Planned Parenthood” and “stopped the           for Congress to repeal Section 230 and        now is sober analysis of the platforms’
sale of baby body parts.” In fact, there       put Big Tech on the same legal footing        actual behavior, not unverified allegations
is no credible evidence that Planned           as every other company in America.”16         of political intolerance.
Parenthood sold baby body parts.

2. Breaking Down the Bias Claim

                                         The effort purporting to show that the major social media companies
                                         suppress conservative views started in earnest in 2016. Republicans at that
                                         time began to promote the idea that because most of these firms’ employees
           Republicans have              and executives are politically liberal, the platforms themselves must be
      promoted the idea that             hostile to conservatives. Or, as Donald Trump put it in a tweet in May 2020:
                                         “The Radical Left is in total command & control of Facebook, Instagram,
        because most social              Twitter and Google.”17 This section explains the evolution of the bias claim
                                         and intersperses evidence that undercuts it.
           media employees
          and executives are
                                         2016                                          viewpoints. Facebook nevertheless fired
        politically liberal, the                                                       the Trending Topics staff and eventually
                                         Silicon Valley Politics                       shut down the feature altogether.19
       platforms themselves
                                         Central to the origin story of the bias       A Republican Senate inquiry into the
              must be hostile            claim is a now-defunct Facebook               incident fizzled out, but Trending Topics
            to conservatives.            feature called Trending Topics—a              has remained an emblem of how Face-

                                         curated list of articles popular at any       book, and, by extension, all of Silicon
                                         given moment on the site. The web             Valley, are in the grip of progressives
                                         publication Gizmodo reported in May           hostile to the right. “Bias and censor-
                                         2016, just as the presidential campaign       ship in Big Tech come as no surprise
                                         was heating up, that according to two         given the left-leaning corporate cultures
                                         anonymous former Facebook contract            of technology companies and Silicon
                                         employees, the Trending Topics team           Valley overall,” asserts an October 2020
                                         had routinely removed articles from           report issued by Republicans on the
                                         right-wing sources. Other former              House Judiciary Committee, which
                                         employees denied this account.18              cites the Gizmodo piece.20

                                         In response to a conservative outcry,         One can debate whether the Trending
                                         the company did several things. Founder       Topics episode was overblown. But
                                         and CEO Mark Zuckerberg invited a             it’s beyond dispute that Silicon Valley
                                         group of right-leaning commentators           tech employees are overwhelmingly
                                         like Glenn Beck and Tucker Carlson to         liberal. Political donations tell the story.
                                         a conciliatory meeting at his Menlo Park,     At Facebook, 92% of individual, political
                                         Calif., office. Separately, the company       action committee, and “soft money”
                                         did an internal investigation, determining    contributions to federal candidates and
                                         that, while it couldn’t rule out the possi-   parties in the 2020 election cycle went
                                         bility of “isolated improper actions or un-   to Democrats. At Google, the compa-
                                         intentional bias,” there hadn’t been any      rable figure was 96%; at Twitter, 97%.21
                                         concerted effort to curb conservative

The question, though, is whether             These employees contended that the             taken down, but most of the rest
personal preference for Democrats            posts violated the company’s prohibi-          were allowed to remain so as not to
leads to bias against conservative           tion of “hate speech.” Zuckerberg              anger Republicans.24
content and personalities.                   reportedly intervened, agreeing that the
                                             statements amounted to hate speech             ■ Kaplan played a similar role in late
Appeasement, Not Hostility                   but concluding that the implications of        2017 and 2018, when Facebook re-
                                             removing a candidate’s comments on             vamped the algorithm for its scrolling
Challenged on this point at a November                                                      News Feed feature. Seeking to limit mis-
                                             a newsworthy topic were too drastic.
2020 Senate Judiciary Committee                                                             information, the company changed the
                                             Trump’s anti-Muslim diatribes remained
session, both Zuckerberg and his coun-                                                      algorithm to emphasize posts by friends
                                             on the site.23
terpart at Twitter, Jack Dorsey, denied                                                     and family, as opposed to publishers.
the bias accusation. But they acknowl-       ■ In the weeks after the 2016 presi-           Kaplan reportedly pointed out that the
edged the dominant political cultures of     dential election, Facebook launched an         adjustment would hinder conservative
their companies. “We need to be careful      internal hunt for pages that had spread        publishers more than others. When
and intentional internally to make sure      false news during the campaign. Most           data analysis confirmed that he was
that bias doesn’t seep into decisions        of the dozens of pages in question             correct, the new algorithm was adjusted
that we make,” Zuckerberg testified.22       showed a rightward tilt. In response to        to diminish the disproportionate impact
                                             this push to take down offending pages         on conservative outlets. Once again,
There’s a further observation to be
                                             on the grounds that they had riled the         Facebook accommodated the right.25
made here. In the absence of the
                                             electorate with disinformation, one
long-departed Trending Topics team,                                                         Portrayed by some liberal critics as
                                             of the company’s senior executives,
routine content moderation decisions                                                        a right-wing bogeyman,26 Kaplan is
                                             Joel Kaplan, reportedly warned that
—the day-to-day calls on what stays                                                         defended by current and former
                                             an across-the-board removal would
on the site and what gets removed—                                                          colleagues who say he was merely
                                             have a disproportionate effect on con-
generally aren’t made by Silicon Valley                                                     forecasting how conservatives would
                                             servatives. A relatively rare Republican
employees. These decisions are made                                                         react to proposed company actions
                                             at Facebook and a former White House
by content moderators based largely                                                         and pushing for clear policy bases
                                             deputy chief of staff in the George W.
outside of the U.S. and employed by                                                         for those actions. Certainly, empirical
                                             Bush administration, Kaplan runs the
third-party contractors. Because they                                                       research confirms the plausibility of
                                             company’s Washington office. He had
don’t like to talk publicly about out-                                                      one of Kaplan’s concerns: that initiatives
                                             partial success in the internal fake news
sourcing, U.S. social media executives                                                      to comb out false content dispropor-
                                             debate. A few of the worst pages were
typically don’t discuss how much con-                                                       tionately hurt conservatives.
tent moderation occurs in places like
the Philippines and India. But it seems
unlikely that contract employees in
Manila or Hyderabad would censor                Trump Led the Pack Among U.S. Elected Officials.
content based on its ideological                Facebook interactions (likes, shares, and comments) with posts by politicians’
significance in the U.S.                        pages. January 1 through November 3, 2020.

What does take place in Silicon Valley                                             654 million Donald Trump
is the making of content policy and
high-level decisions, such as whether                                                  33 million Sen. Bernie Sanders
to remove a notorious post or “de-                                                     22 million Elizabeth Warren*
platform” its author—someone like
Donald Trump. In this regard, there                                                    14 million Sen. Ted Cruz
is ample evidence that the leaders of
the social media platforms are acutely                                                 13 million Sen. Eizabeth Warren
aware of conservative criticism—and                                                    10 million Rep. Kevin McCarthy
are determined to placate, rather than
antagonize, the political right.                                                       10 million Vice President Mike Pence

Several illustrations from Facebook:                                                    9 million Gov. Andrew Cuomo
■ In early 2016, a number of Facebook                                                   8 million Speaker Nancy Pelosi
employees pushed for the removal of
then-presidential candidate Trump’s                                                     8 million Rep. Jim Jordan
anti-Muslim posts, including his call for
                                                          100        200         300         400            500             600            700
“a total and complete shutdown of
                                                                                             *Sen. Warren’s personal page   Source: CrowdTangle
Muslims entering the United States.”

feature that tracks the U.S. groups and
                                                                                                     pages attracting the largest number of
    Fox News, Breitbart Outdistanced Mainstream Media.                                               hateful user comments. BuzzFeed
    Facebook interactions (likes, shares, and comments) with posts by media                          obtained a list of the top 10 hate bait
    organizations. January 1 through November 3, 2020.                                               sources over a recent 14-day period.
                                                                                                     Although admittedly just one snapshot
            Fox News                                                       448 million
                                                                                                     in time, not a conclusive determination
              Breitbart                                295 million                                   by Facebook, the list was made up
                                                                                                     entirely of right-leaning organizations,
                 CNN                                  191 million
                                                                                                     led by Breitbart, Fox News, and The
           ABC News                         138 million                                              Daily Caller.30
           BBC News                    109 million                                                   2017
           NBC News                    106 million
                                                                                                     ‘Always Anti-Trump’
                  NPR              99 million
                                                                                                     Since his initial campaign for the pres-
       The Daily Caller            97 million                                                        idency, Donald Trump has sought to
             Now This             90 million
                                                                                                     galvanize his political base by attacking
                                                                                                     the traditional media as “fake news” and
    The New York Times           87 million                                                          “the enemy of the people.” Gradually,
                                                                                                     he began including “Big Tech” in his
                                 100                 200             300       400             500
                                                                                                     indictment. “Facebook was always
                                                                               Source: CrowdTangle
                                                                                                     anti-Trump,” he tweeted in September
                                                                                                     2017.31 A little more than a year later,
That’s because the right spreads more                 of false content: “No fact emerges             he declared—again on Twitter—that
content that violates platform rules                  more clearly from our analysis of how          “Twitter has removed many people from
than the left. In light of this discrepancy,          four million political stories were linked,    my account and, more importantly, they
it stands to reason that right-leaning                tweeted, and shared over a three-year          have seemingly done something that
content would face labeling, demotion,                period [2015 - 2017] than that there is        makes it much harder to join.” His Twitter
or removal more frequently than left-                 no symmetry in the architecture and            account had once seemed like “a Rocket
leaning content.                                      dynamics of communication within               Ship,” he added, but “now it is a Blimp!
                                                      the right-wing media ecosystem                 Total Bias?”32
Consider some of the studies finding                  and outside of it,” the Harvard team
that the right generates more online                  wrote in a 2018 book called Network            Trump’s contention that Facebook and
falsehoods than the left:                             Propaganda. They underscored “the              Twitter had targeted him for unfavor-
■ Using U.S. samples collected during                 central role of the radicalized right in       able treatment doesn’t survive scrutiny.
a 90-day period in late 2017 and early                creating the current crisis of disinfor-       For years, the two platforms helped
2018, the Oxford Internet Institute divid-            mation and misinformation.”28                  him circumvent the mainstream media
ed Twitter users into 10 groups, ranging                                                             and maintain control over his message
from Trump supporters to progressives.                ■ Scholars from Harvard, Northeastern          and base. At the same time, the main-
Trump supporters, the researchers                     University, and the University of Buffalo      stream outlets amplified that message
found, circulated more “junk news” than               published congruent findings in 2019.          by covering his tweets and posts as
all of the other groups combined. Using               In a study of more than 16,000 Twitter         news events.
different groupings for their Facebook                accounts active during the 2016 elec-
analysis, the Oxford team found that                  tion season, they determined that              Contrary to being an enemy, social
“extreme hard-right pages” circulat-                  fewer than 5% of people on the left or         media played a central role in Trump’s
ed more junk news than all the other                  in the center ever shared “fake news.”         2016 victory. Brad Parscale, his former
audiences put together. The research-                 But 11% of people on the right and 21%         digital campaign chief, told Wired just
ers defined “junk news” as deliberately               of people on the extreme right shared          after the election: “Facebook and
deceptive information purporting to be                fake news. These scholars defined              Twitter were the reason we won this
real news.27                                          “fake news” as the output of entities          thing. Twitter for Mr. Trump, and Face-
                                                      that lack editorial norms and process-         book for fundraising.” Targeted ads
■ Researchers affiliated with the                     es for ensuring accuracy.29                    on Facebook helped generate the
Berkman Klein Center for Internet &                                                                  bulk of the $250 million the first
Society at Harvard University observed                Finally, on this point, BuzzFeed News          Trump campaign raised online.33
a similar imbalance in the production                 reported in December 2020 on Face-
                                                      book’s “hate bait dashboard,” an internal

Facebook, in particular, aided the 2016         certain political points of view should
Trump campaign by helping to sharpen            concern every American,” said Ronna
the targeting of tens of thousands of           McDaniel, the chairwoman of the
variants of online ads. The company             Republican National Committee, who          By 2019, what may have
even dispatched ad-sales employees              was one of the prominent GOP figures        seemed like spontaneous
to “embed” at Trump campaign offices,           allegedly shadow banned.38 Others
where they helped with the placement            included Republican Representatives         attacks on ‘Big Tech’
of political messages for highly specific       Matt Gaetz of Florida and Jim Jordan
groups of voters. Google and Twitter            of Ohio. In October 2020, Republicans       had crystallized into a
provided similar services to the Trump          on the House Judiciary Committee            coordinated Republican
campaign. Facebook offered to embed             called the shadow banning allegations
employees with the Clinton campaign,            “perhaps the most prominent example         disinformation drive.

but the Democratic candidate declined.          of Twitter’s mistreatment of certain
In 2020, the platforms didn’t embed             views and speakers.”39
employees in presidential campaigns.34
                                                But there’s no evidence that Twitter
The assertion that Twitter has intention-       intentionally shadow banned Repub-          the censorship of AMERICAN CITIZENS
ally undercut Trump by removing some            licans or anyone else. Rather, Twitter      on social media platforms.”42
of his followers isn’t true. Since 2017,        said it experienced a technical glitch
                                                                                            Facebook had ample grounds, based
Twitter periodically has purged its             which caused some 600,000 accounts
                                                                                            on its published community standards,
servers of millions of automated “bots”         —including those of some Democratic
                                                                                            for banning the group of seven. The
and other suspicious accounts. This             politicians—not to be auto-suggested
                                                                                            platform’s prohibition of “dangerous
housekeeping, from time to time, has            when people searched for them.
                                                                                            individuals” includes people who en-
mildly dented Trump’s follower count,
                                                The problem grew out of Twitter’s efforts   gage in hateful speech or conduct.
just as it has affected the followings of
                                                beginning more than a year earlier to       Alex Jones had described the 2012
other popular Twitter users, including
                                                remove or down-rank low-quality and         Sandy Hook elementary school mas-
former President Barack Obama and
                                                harassing accounts. What apparently         sacre as a hoax designed to promote
pop star Katy Perry.35
                                                happened was that large numbers of          gun control, and he referred to 9/11 as
2018                                            these disfavored accounts had inter-        an inside job.43 According to the Anti-
                                                acted with the Republican politicians’      Defamation League, Yiannopoulos’
Shadow Banning                                  accounts. This caused Twitter’s search      public statements reveal someone
                                                system not to auto-suggest the Repub-       who is “misogynistic, racist, xenopho-
“Twitter ‘SHADOW BANNING’ promi-
                                                licans, the company said. The malfunc-      bic, [and] transphobic.”44 Illustrating
nent Republicans. Not good,” Trump
                                                tion, which never had to do with bias       that it wasn’t aiming exclusively at far-
tweeted in July 2018. “We will look into
                                                against politicians of either party, was    right zealots, Facebook also banished
this discriminatory and illegal practice
                                                fixed within 24 hours.40 But the claims     Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan,
at once!”36 Trump has used the term
                                                of partisanship related to the episode      who has warned his followers about
“shadow banning” to mean different
                                                have continued to echo years later.         “the Satanic Jews” and compared
things at different times. His tweet in
                                                                                            Jews to termites.45
2018 referred to the central assertion
of an article in Vice published the day
                                                                                            A few months later, Trump hosted
before—namely, that Twitter had manip-          ‘Dangerous Individuals’                     a Social Media Summit at the White
ulated its search algorithm to limit the                                                    House devoted to airing right-wing
visibility of certain Republican officials.37   In May 2019, conservatives erupted
                                                                                            grievances. “The truth is that the
In this context, shadow banning refers          when Facebook announced it had
                                                                                            social media giants would love to
to what happens when a Twitter user             banned seven controversial figures for
                                                                                            shut us down,” Senator Josh Hawley
begins to type a name into the plat-            violating its rules against “dangerous
                                                                                            (R., Mo.), told the audience of conser-
form’s search box. As letters are typed,        individuals and organizations.” Among
                                                                                            vative digital pundits and provocateurs.
Twitter ordinarily “auto-suggests” poten-       them were Alex Jones of InfoWars, the
                                                                                            Hawley referred to Section 230, the
tial search results. The shadow banning         purveyor of numerous right-wing con-
                                                                                            liability-shield law: “If they want to
claim arose when auto-suggestions               spiracy theories, and Milo Yiannopoulos,
                                                                                            keep their special deal, here’s the
didn’t appear for certain people, requi-        an alt-right commentator who previously
                                                                                            bargain: They have to quit discrimi-
ring searchers to enter full names to           had been banned by Twitter for leading
                                                                                            nating against conservatives.”46 In
find their tweets.                              a racist campaign against African-
                                                                                            January 2021, Hawley helped lead
                                                American actor Leslie Jones.41 In a
                                                                                            the abortive attempt to overturn
Republicans reacted angrily to the sha-         tweet, then-President Trump decried
                                                                                            Joe Biden’s presidential victory.
dow banning claim. “The notion that             the bans: “I am continuing to monitor
social media companies would suppress

Coordinated Campaign
                                                                                                    Trump’s Social Media Summit illustrated
     Going to Court                                                                                 how, by 2019, what may have seemed
                                                                                                    like spontaneous attacks on “Big Tech”
     Dozens of conservatives have turned their censorship allegations                               had crystallized into a coordinated
     into lawsuits against social media platforms. These legal actions                              Republican disinformation drive. This
     have failed to present substantial evidence of ideological favoritism—                         strategy, tied to Trump’s reelection pre-
     and they have all been dismissed.                                                              parations, grew, in part, out of internal
                                                                                                    GOP polling showing that an increasing
     In June 2020, a state judge in Virginia rejected a suit filed against                          number of Americans distrust the major
     Twitter by Representative Devin Nunes (R., Calif.). The suit concerned                         platforms. “People feel they’re being
     posts by two parody accounts, one pretending to be the congress-                               manipulated, whether it’s by what they’re
     man’s mother; the other, his cow. Echoing many of his Republican                               being shown in their feeds or actions the
     colleagues, Nunes alleged, in part, that Twitter and other social media                        companies have taken against conserva-
     companies discriminate against conservatives. The judge ruled that                             tives,” an unnamed Republican operative
     a federal liability shield called Section 230 of the Communications                            told Axios.47 Another reason more and
     Decency Act precluded the suit.1                                                               more Republicans believed the bias disin-
                                                                                                    formation was that Trump and other GOP
     This litigation is part of a larger set of some three dozen cases in                           leaders told them so often it was true.
     which social media users claim to have been harmed by an action
     against their account or their content. Every case has failed at a                             Facebook tried to respond to persistent
     pretrial stage, according to Eric Goldman, a law professor at Santa                            claims of bias by releasing the results
     Clara University who tracks internet litigation.                                               of an independent “audit” in August 2019.
                                                                                                    The company had recruited a former
     While the suits put forward scant evidence of bias, they tend to                               senator, conservative Jon Kyl (R., Ariz.),
     get dismissed for other reasons. One ground for dismissal is Section                           to lead the investigation. With the help
     230, which protects platforms from liability for most content posted                           of attorneys from the law firm Covington
     by users. The other main basis for dismissal arises in response to                             & Burling, Kyl interviewed more than
     claims that platforms violate the First Amendment when they limit                              130 individuals and organizations. His
     users’ speech. Courts generally have ruled that the First Amendment                            report noted that many conservatives
     applies only to government actors, not to private sector corporations.                         perceived the company’s content policies
                                                                                                    and practices as being skewed against
     Roughly another dozen suits have alleged that a platform illegally
                                                                                                    them. Kyl himself concluded that “Face-
     removed or restricted third-party content by, for example, demone-
                                                                                                    book’s policies and their application have
     tizing it or placing it behind a restricted-viewing filter. These cases
                                                                                                    the potential to restrict free expression,”
     also have failed.
                                                                                                    adding that “there is still significant work
     In February 2020, Google convinced a federal appeals court based                               to be done to satisfy the concerns we
     in San Francisco to reject claims that YouTube illegally censors                               heard from conservatives.” But he didn’t
     conservative content. The suit had been filed by Prager University,                            point to any evidence of actual bias.48
     a right-leaning non-profit run by radio talk show host Dennis Prager.                          “They found nothing,” Renée DiResta of
     The plaintiff contended that YouTube’s political hostility prompted it                         the Stanford Internet Observatory says
     to restrict access to dozens of videos on such topics as abortion and                          in an interview.
     Islam and to block advertising adjacent to the videos. But the court
                                                                                                    Mark Zuckerberg, meanwhile, was per-
     ruled that YouTube is a private forum not covered by the First Amend-
                                                                                                    sonally reassuring prominent conservative
     ment and therefore may decide how content is displayed on its site.
                                                                                                    figures that Facebook meant them no
     Google has consistently maintained that YouTube’s decisions are not
                                                                                                    harm. Over several months in 2019,
     tainted by ideological animus.2
                                                                                                    he reportedly had a series of informal
                                                                                                    talks and off-the-record dinners with the
                                                                                                    likes of Fox News host Tucker Carlson;
                                                                                                    syndicated radio personality Hugh Hewitt;
     1 The New York Times (https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/25/us/politics/devin-nunes-cow-         and Ben Shapiro, co-founder of the con-
                                                                                                    servative website The Daily Wire. In Sep-
     2 Reuters (https://www.reuters.com/article/us-google-lawsuit-censorship/google-defeats-con-
        servative-nonprofits-youtube-censorship-appeal-idUSKCN20K33L).                              tember 2019, Zuckerberg held meetings
                                                                                                    in Washington with then-President Trump
                                                                                                    and his son-in-law and senior adviser,
                                                                                                    Jared Kushner. The following month, the

CEO and his wife, Priscilla Chan,             or modify the incendiary looting/shoot-
attended a private dinner with Trump          ing post. Zuckerberg even spoke by
at the White House.49 In reaction to          phone to Trump about the situation.
media coverage of his encounters with         After some haggling, Trump posted           Consistency, clearer rules,
conservatives, Zuckerberg responded           again to say that the looting/shooting      and greater transparency
on Facebook: “I have dinners with lots        comment was meant merely as a
of people across the spectrum on              safety warning to the public. With          would have gone a long
lots of different issues all the time.”50     that qualification, the Facebook post
                                              would stay up.53                            way toward defusing
                                              Several months later, as the Trump-         criticism of Twitter and
Fact-Checking                                 versus-Biden contest neared its bitter      Facebook in the episode
Traumatic public events and a conten-         conclusion, Twitter and Facebook both
tious presidential campaign combined          took action against posts of a question-    involving the New York
to bring the bias claim into high relief      able story about the Biden family pub-
                                              lished by the New York Post. The article,
                                                                                          Post’s coverage of alleged
in 2020. Twitter responded to the
turmoil by more aggressively fact-            apparently based on stolen emails,          Biden family corruption.

checking and labeling certain dubious         suggested that in 2015, Hunter Biden
tweets, including some posted by              arranged for a meeting between his
then-President Trump. This provided           father, then-Vice President Joe Biden,
a new target for conservatives claiming       and an executive with a Ukrainian
partisan suppression.                         energy company. The Biden camp
                                              denied that any such meeting occurred.
                                                                                          In other instances, Facebook relaxed
In May, Twitter appended fact-check           Facebook reduced distribution of the
                                                                                          its rules on misinformation to allow
labels to two Trump tweets asserting,         Post story; Twitter blocked it from
                                                                                          conservative news outlets and person-
without evidence, that casting ballots        being shared at all.
                                                                                          alities to avoid “strikes,” as in baseball
by mail leads to vote fraud. The presi-
                                              Republicans responded with fury.            strikes, which can lead to restrictions
dent responded two days later by
                                              “Never before have we seen active           on the distribution of posts and/or
issuing an executive order aimed at
                                              censorship of a major press publication     advertising revenue. Beneficiaries of
punishing the social media industry
                                              with serious allegations of corruption      this rule-bending reportedly included
by rolling back Section 230. From
                                              of one of the two candidates for presi-     pages run by Breitbart, pro-Trump
the Oval Office, he lashed out at tech
                                              dent,” Senator Ted Cruz (R., Texas)         internet personalities known as Diamond
companies, which he said possessed
                                              told reporters.54                           and Silk, and the right-leaning nonprofit
“unchecked powers to censor, restrict,
                                                                                          outlet Prager University. Citing leaked
edit, shape, hide [and], alter virtually
                                              The Post/Biden imbroglio, in retrospect,    company documents, NBC News report-
any form of communication.”51
                                              seems like a case of reasonable deci-       ed in August 2020 that over the previous
A day after that, Trump reacted to un-        sions wrapped in mystifying processes.      six months, Facebook employees and
rest in Minneapolis following the police      Facebook generally tries to stop posts      executives deleted strikes imposed
killing of George Floyd, an unarmed           from spreading if there are “signals”       against conservative pages in hopes of
African-American. Trump tweeted that          of falsehood. But as in the Post/Biden      avoiding further backlash from the right.56
the U.S. military was ready to “assume        case, the company doesn’t disclose
control” and that “when the looting starts,   what those signals are, leaving onlook-     2021
the shooting starts.” Twitter quickly         ers to speculate. For its part, Twitter
                                              froze the Post/Biden story based on
                                                                                          ‘Be There, Will Be Wild!’
put the president’s dispatch behind a
message stating that the tweet violat-        a rule against sharing hacked material.     In the social media world, the U.S.
ed its rules, and the company blocked         But under fire from conservatives,          Capitol riot will be remembered primarily
other users from retweeting, liking,          Twitter backed down, saying that from       as the event that precipitated Donald
or replying to it. Trump posted the           now on, it would ban hacked material        Trump’s ouster from Twitter and Face-
same message on Facebook, where               only if it is directly shared by hackers    book. That’s fair enough, but it shouldn’t
it remained, unlabeled.52                     or their accomplices. Then, Twitter         obscure the fact that in the build-up
                                              switched its justification to say that      to the insurrection, social media provi-
Facebook’s response to Trump’s                the Post’s inclusion of certain personal    ded Trump and his supporters with the
looting/shooting post pointed once            information was the reason the Biden        crucial means to organize a large-scale
more to the company’s eagerness               piece was blocked. Consistency, clearer     invasion of Congress. In this sense,
to mollify conservatives, not confront        rules, and greater transparency would       Facebook and Twitter did not censor
them. As recounted by Axios and The           have gone a long way toward defusing        an extreme conservative cause, but
Washington Post, Facebook deferen-            criticism of these platform actions.55      facilitated it.
tially asked the White House to delete

In connection with the
Capitol riot, Facebook
and Twitter did not
                                                Attacking Google
                                                Just after the November 2020 election, three Republican senators sent a letter
                                                to Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google, accusing the company of surreptitiously using
                                                its search engine to help Joe Biden defeat Donald Trump. In a statement accom-
censor an extreme                               panying the letter, Senator Ted Cruz of Texas said: “Google must provide answers
                                                as to why and how it manipulated users to influence this election.”
conservative cause,
but facilitated it.                             The researcher whose findings propelled the letter—and who for years has fueled

                                                Republican claims that Google uses search results and other means to favor
                                                liberal candidates over conservatives—is Robert Epstein. He’s a Harvard-trained
                                                PhD psychologist and former editor-in-chief of Psychology Today magazine who
                                                has advanced his views in testimony before Congress, dozens of articles, and
In the weeks leading up to the riot,            multiple appearances on Fox News. A crucial figure supporting the conservative
Trump tweeted at least six times to             bias claim, he broadens the accusation to include not just social networks but
exhort his faithful to come to Washington       also Google’s dominant search engine.
on the day Congress was scheduled to
ceremonially count the electoral votes          Based on a series of experiments, which in aggregate have involved thousands
confirming Joe Biden’s victory. “Big            of subjects, Epstein estimates that Google has “shifted” millions of voters to
protest in D.C. on January 6th,” he             supporting Democratic candidates in 2016, 2018, and 2020. In an interview,
tweeted on December 19. “Be there,              he says that the “rock bottom” number of votes Google affected in last year’s
will be wild!”                                  presidential race was six million. What’s more, he adds, “it’s obvious that they’re
                                                doing this deliberately.”
His supporters responded, many of
them anticipating violence and discuss-         Epstein, 67, speaks urgently about the need to raise money to “monitor” Google.
ing the need for weapons. Accounts              “By exposing their manipulations, we can get them to back off,” he says on
on Twitter posted conspiracy theories           his website StopBigTechNow.com. The site, which offers links to his interviews
about leftists plotting to kill Trump sup-      with conservative media luminaries like Tucker Carlson, Mark Levin, and Glenn
porters at the protest and suggested            Beck, solicits donations to the American Institute for Behavioral Research and
that demonstrators arm themselves               Technology, the nonprofit in Vista, Calif., to which he’s attached.
for “Independence Day.”57
                                                Google flatly denies Epstein’s claims. “Any allegations that Google deliberately
On the Facebook group Red-State                 designed search algorithms or intervened with the intent of swaying voters
Secession, which had about 8,000                is categorically false,” Mark Isakowitz, the company’s vice president for public
followers, participants openly discuss-         policy and government relations in the U.S. and Canada, wrote in a November 12,
ed plans for January 6 over a period of         2020, response to Senator Cruz and his Republican colleagues. “We approach
weeks. On the day before the protest            our work without political bias, full stop.”
and riot, a member said: “If you are not
prepared to use force to defend civiliza-       ‘Not Comfortable’
tion, then be prepared to accept barba-
rism.” Comments responding to that              Epstein says that personally, he holds liberal political views and votes for
post showed photos of firearms people           Democrats. “I have been pushed into this little corner that is conservative
said they were bringing to Washington.          America,” he says. “I am not comfortable at all.”
Other comments referred to occupying
                                                A brush with Google in 2012 piqued his interest in the company. The incident
the Capitol and forcing Congress to
                                                involved Google warning would-be visitors away from an Epstein website (not
overturn the 2020 election. Facebook
                                                StopBigTechNow.com), saying it had been compromised by hackers. Epstein
removed Red-State Secession on the
                                                maintained he hadn’t been hacked. The New York Times covered the spat
morning of January 6, by which time
                                                and quoted him as asking, “How did Google come to have so much power?”1
protesters were gathering to hear
Trump speak.58                                  Epstein’s research has many permutations. In one, he rearranges the order of
                                                search results shown to groups of voters. One group sees an ordering that
                                                favors candidate A; the other group, candidate B. The reordered results can
                                                shift voting preferences by 20% or more, Epstein says. He calls this the Search
                                                Engine Manipulation Effect (SEME). Looking at the 2020 presidential race,

he assumed that 30 million voters were uncommitted in the run-up to the election and susceptible to
being influenced by SEME. He applied the 20% rate to the 30 million figure to arrive at his “rock bottom”
estimate of six million votes “switched” to Biden. (Biden won the popular vote by seven million.)

The basic question Epstein asks—how might internet searching affect voting—is potentially important.
But his extrapolation to hard numbers of purposefully changed votes seems highly questionable.
Francesca Tripodi, a social media scholar at the University of North Carolina who has reviewed Epstein’s
work, says in an interview that he lacks evidence of either Google’s intent to manipulate elections or that
the company has distorted search results toward that end. In a November 2020 article in Slate, she writes
that “his hypothesis that Google influenced U.S. elections has never been rigorously tested or reviewed
by political or information scientists.”2

In fact, there is other research that clashes with Epstein’s findings. A study released in 2019 by researchers
at Stanford University concluded that Google’s search algorithm is not biased along political lines and
instead emphasizes authoritative sources.3 In a separate inquiry published the same year, The Economist
came to a similar conclusion. The magazine compared news sites’ actual proportion of search results
in Google’s News tab with a predictive model of that proportion based on factors Google says its search
rankings rely on—namely, a site’s reach, output, and accuracy. “If Google favored liberals, left-wing sites
would appear more often than our model predicted, and right-wing ones less,” The Economist said.
“We saw no such trend.”4

Epstein counters that his “work is meticulous. My standards are very high.” He points out that in 2015, he
co-authored an article on SEME for the peer-reviewed Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
That piece, however, didn’t make any allegations against Google or point to any actual vote manipulation.5

Asked how he knows Google intentionally changes votes, Epstein responds, “Look at all the leaks.” By that
he means various disclosures, some from unhappy former Google employees. In one video obtained by the
right-wing outlet Breitbart, company co-founder Sergey Brin is seen at an all-hands meeting bemoaning
Donald Trump’s 2016 victory.6 In another, Susan Wojcicki, the CEO of YouTube, which is owned by Google,
says the video service is “pushing down the fake news” and boosting “authoritative news.”7

It requires quite a leap of fact and logic, though, to get from these statements to a corporate conspiracy
to control elections.

The letter Senate Republicans sent to Google in early November referred to another Epstein finding: In fall
2020, he says that he discovered that, for a time, only liberal subjects were receiving get-out-the-vote
messages on Google’s home page.

The company says that it didn’t discriminate in sending the pro-voting messages. According to Isakowitz,
the Google vice president: “In the days prior to the election, our home page reminded all users in all states
how to find authoritative information on where to vote and how to vote. Any claim that this information
targeted people based on their political ideology is absolutely untrue.”

1 The New York Times (https://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/01/05/one-mans-fight-with-google-over-a-security-warning/?searchResultPosition=1).

2 Slate (https://slate.com/technology/2020/11/big-tech-conservative-bias-trump-election-voter-suppression.html).

3 Proceedings of the Association for Computing Machinery on Human-Computer Interaction via Stanford University (https://news.stanford.edu/
4 The Economist (https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2019/06/08/google-rewards-reputable-reporting-not-left-wing-politics).

5 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (https://www.pnas.org/content/pnas/112/33/E4512.full.pdf?with-ds=yes).

6 Breitbart (https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2018/09/12/leaked-video-google-leaderships-dismayed-reaction-to-trump-election/).

7 Vimeo (https://vimeo.com/354354050).

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