FEBRUARY 2021 - Gateway Education

Page created by Ryan Mccoy
FEBRUARY 2021 - Gateway Education
FEBRUARY 2021 - Gateway Education
Inspiring Young Indians – Janhavi Panwar

Thought for the Month


Spell Bee Competition

Learning by Doing

Junior Artists @ Work

Let’s put our Brain to Work…

Creative Nest

Back to School

Basant Panchami

Parental Juggernaut

Elements of Art
FEBRUARY 2021 - Gateway Education
From the pen of Editors

                  Man has two great gifts: 'words' to give sound to
their thoughts and 'writing' to give thoughts a meaning and Udaan
provides a platform for both of them. The last edition of e-magazine
of the academic session 2020-21 is here. As we move towards the end
of the depressing Covid-19 period, GIS is ready to conduct offline ex-
ams for classes 6th to 12th and pre board exams for classes 10th and
12th. Along with academic focus GIS is also providing an overall de-
velopment platform to its students by celebrating festivals like Basant
Panchmi and conducting different activities like rangoli making, tree
plantation etc for students. GIS is also tightening its belt to move into
a thrilling year ahead. The coming session will bring more develop-
ment opportunities for GIS students and help to overcome the setback
faced in the pandemic session. The February edition of the magazine
Udaan is ready and this is a special edition showcasing talents of stu-
dents as well as their parents. So get ready to enjoy yet another inter-
esting e- edition of GIS times Udaan.

Thank you
Joint editors
Komal and Ayushi.
FEBRUARY 2021 - Gateway Education
Mentors                         Editorial Team
 Ms. Meeta Nagpal                       Ayushi-XI
 Ms. Savita Rohilla                     Komal-XI
Ms. Himanshi Kunwar                      Tejas-XI
 Mr. Amit Kaushik                      Tanmay-V A
 Mr. Chandan Sikdar                    Rashmi-V B
   Mr. Nitin Popli                 Yasudhara Saikia-IV A
  Ms. Jasmine Vij                     Bhavishya-IV B
 Ms. Malvika Sauhta
  Ms. Meetu Rawal
Ms. Gitanjali Gureja

                Mr. Prem Ojha (Principal)
             Mrs. Indu Dhingra (Headmistress)
FEBRUARY 2021 - Gateway Education
FEBRUARY 2021 - Gateway Education
FEBRUARY 2021 - Gateway Education
FEBRUARY 2021 - Gateway Education
FEBRUARY 2021 - Gateway Education
FEBRUARY 2021 - Gateway Education
With almost a year spent at home the little gems of 6th to 8th classes finally got a nod by the
State government to reach back to their favourite chairs and benches.

Children usually do not hesitate to barter a normal day to school for a sweet morning sleep. But
who would have thought that students would spend almost an year at home with no worries of
repetitive lunch and school uniform and attending classes by sitting in front of a computer or mo-
bile screen.

But as they say ‘excess of everything is bad’ . what seemed to be an opportunity of joy became
a hassle of life.

Long screen time and home isolation took a heavy toll on students' mental and physical health
in many cases. But the silver lining in this tough time was that students understood the im-
portance of school and what all they used to derive from it.
Schools provide opportunities for students to make new friends, acquire social skills, develop
their personalities and so on.
Sometimes we understand the value of something which we usually take for granted only when
we are denied access to it.

Due to the sheer commitment of the school towards its students the learning never stopped and
surely never will. The school took all necessary measures to provide safe and sound learning
environment to the students at the campus to which the smiling
Faces of the students is testimony to it
Basant Panchami
       An ode to Goddess Saraswati
   According to Hindu religion, it is believed that Lord Brahma created the universe on Basant Panchmi.

                                                          A river that emerges mysteriously,
                                                       Enters me, I am a sea of bitter thoughts.
                                                           How may I utter a single word,
                                                         Without her, she is the only source.
                                                       Bringing down the splashes of wisdom,
                                                          She teaches me, I am a foolish pot
                                                        Through my mother, she talks to me,
                                                                    And cares a lot.
                                                      I bow to the goddess of knowledge, sound,
                                                                And creative thoughts.

T   his ode to the goddess of learning resonates
with our own nurturing. Ever since we can remem-
ber, the goddess Saraswati has been the presiding
goddess in our home. We were told that if you
worship the goddess Saraswati, Lakshmi will auto-
matically follow. Saraswati is about the intrinsic
worth and intangible resources, whilst the goddess
Lakshmi is about the abundance of material wealth
and possessions. It was also believed that the two
goddesses never did get along, and where one of
them presided, the other ran away. However, in

contemporary times, the two often live in judicious
harmony and wellbeing. It appears the long-drawn
war between the two is finally over and the two of
them have learned to co-exist peacefully together.
Basant Panchmi or Vasant Panchami falls on the           For instance: the Primavera pagan festivals could
fifth day of the period of Magh (January –March)         be traced to fertility rituals which were first fol-
of the Indian calendar. According to Hindu reli-         lowed by the Egyptians, then Greeks, and later Ro-
gion, it is believed that Lord Brahma created the        mans. In Pakistan and east Punjab, the tradition of
universe on this day. Vasant Panchami is a huge          flying kites on the day of Vasant Panchami was
celebration which is celebrated with great devotion      introduced by Maharaja Ranjit Singh in the nine-
and reverence across the country. This favourable        teenth century. The tradition is still practised by
day is devoted to goddess Saraswati who is viewed        the kite-lovers.
as the goddess of intelligence, knowledge and mu-
sic. This day additionally denotes the end of winter     In this season, fields of yellow mustard fascinate
and the dawn of the spring season.                       everybody's heart. In this manner, it is additionally
                                                         viewed as a promising colour by numerous people
                                                         to sport yellow on Vasant Panchami. Mustard as
There are a number of stories related to Vasant
                                                         crop and colour is equally celebrated. In Bihar and
Panchmi.                                                 eastern states of India, for example, West Bengal,
In the epic Ramayana, it is said and believed that       Odisha and Assam, and in Nepal people visit Sar-
on the day of Vasant Panchami, Shabari fed Lord          aswati sanctuaries and perform prayers. In Bangla-
Rama with the half-eaten jujube fruit or ber to un-      desh likewise, major educational institutes view it
derline her devotion to him. Vasant Panchami is          as an extraordinary occasion to perform puja in
also related to Shringara Rasa –the disposition of       reverence to Goddess Saraswati.
love and passion associated with the praise of the       The festival was also celebrated with great enthu-
Kamadeva and his wife Rati. In another belief, it is     siasm at the Gateway International School,Sonipat.
clearly stated that on this day, after taking a plunge   The students along with teachers assembled in the
in the holy waters of Saraswati ,Kalidas gained his      School auditorium ‘The Ekam’ and paid reverence
literary genius.                                         to Goddess Saraswati. A small cultural programme
Spring is known as the ruler of the season, so be-       was concluded with inspirational words of
sides the celebration by the people in the Indian        Hon’ble Head Mistress Ma’am. The day moved
subcontinent, across the world, the season of            further    with   various     events    such    as
spring is celebrated with different interpretations.     Havan,Plantation, Poster and Rangoli making.
Parental Juggernaut

      Gateway international school
is a co education school.this is
among top 15 private schools in
Sonipat. This school is a place
where one learns about the totali-
ty,the wholeness of life .
Academic excellence is necessary         Dear Teachers,
but gateway international school
includes more than that. In this         We know the level of disruption
school teachers explain every con-       COVID-19 has caused to education in
cept very deeply, detailed and nice-     the last one year.
ly with full joy.                        During this time, teachers have gone
They totally help them in their aca-     to amazing lengths to help students
demics,and also in sports .all the       of Gateway International School
facilities are available for students    keep learning.
like:-smart classes,3 labs(biology,      We, the parents, had the rare oppor-
chemistry, physics),ac rooms ,and        tunity this time to be present in the
much more.                               virtual classrooms during the online
Gateway international school pro-        classes and realized the magnitude
vides many co - curricular activi-       of challenges the teachers had to
ties       too      like:-art     and    face in conducting these classes
craft,dance       ,music      ,   pic-   with minimal disruptions.
His provides full transport facili-      Hence, To every teacher of Gateway
ties to teachers and students.           International School, we have two
The school faculty is very friendly      words for you: THANK YOU!!
and helpful.gateway school cele-
brates every festival with joy.they      Rathindra Bhattacharya
motivate and allow students to           &
participate in events . gateway in-      Kasturi Bhattacharya
ternational school is a good
school in Sonipat and I must say
that every child should start their
journey from this school .We wish
the school a very best of luck for
the upcoming session

Mr bhupender singh
For a student's life , schooling has a very crucial role .
    Very few realize the wealth of sympathy, kindness and talent hidden in the soul of a child . The effort
    of every educator unlocks that and Gateway International School is an excellent example of it . Still,
    due to covid , everyone has faced a lot of problems , especially student's education . Education al-
    lows an individual to face real life challenges with adequate knowledge and the temple where we stu-
    dents get it, is our school. GIS have an excellent staff ,but still due to difference in level of all student's
    learning , it is difficult to control and teach everyone simultaneously and hence more activities based
    on real life
    IF- THEN situations must be enhanced , which is necessary for an individual to learn easily and in a
    better way , Apart from that , Students must be encouraged to take part in extra curricular activi-
    ties, and their skills of creativity must be enhanced . Man is a social animal and students must learn
    social skills as well. Schools must also look upon the principle of " Learning by doing " and " Oppor-
    tunity for all".
    I am sure with co-operation of all and blessings of almighty , the school will continue to grow in all
    ways In years to come ........
    Regards ,
    Seema Dahiya
    M/O Allen Dahiya

Dear Sir/Madam

I want to express my sincere appreciation to you all for being a it , superb school teachers, I have
known. For the past 9 years my children are studying here and during the critical times of Covid your
school has been remarkable and inspiring. I may not always say it , but I mean it whenever I say it ...
thank you teachers for all your efforts
Parents of Ishika Tushir

   Dear Sir/ Madam,

   Thank you for creating a school that is based on love, respect and kindness, Please know how thankful
   we are to you for taking time to help and coach us whenever we needed you with issues.
   Your advice has influenced our families in more ways than you'll ever know.Your philosophy has
   passed on to our children, a love of learning, curiosity in the class rooms and respect for one another,
   big and small.

   With respect
   Tulsi's Parents

 Dear parents,
 Your overwhelming contribution was indeed very heartening and encouraging. Your contribu-
 tion in all forms strengthened our belief more than ever that we are moving in the right direction
 and we have your full support and good wishes.
 Your contribution was enormous but due to space constraints we could add only a few. We hope
 that it will not offend your feelings and we'll continue to have your support in future too.
 We are ever so grateful and look forward to working with you in our future endeavors too.
Elements of Art
Have you ever looked at an artwork and wondered how the artist decided to begin making it? All art, whether
two-dimensional like a painting or three-dimensional like a sculpture, contains one or more of the Six elements
of art. These elements are:
               1. Line         2.Shape         3. Form         4. Space       5. Color        6. Texture

They are the basic building blocks of making art.
So how exactly does an artist use the elements? Working as an artist and creating an artwork is similar to being
a chef and cooking a meal. The chef uses a list of ingredients combined together in certain amounts to produce
a unique recipe. The artist uses art elements and combines them in different ways to create a unique piece of
art. The elements of art are like the ingredients in a recipe. Sometimes artworks contain only one or two ele-
ments. Sometimes they have all the elements of art. One thing is certain, however. There would be absolutely
no art without the seven elements of art.

       Line is a mark with greater length than width. Lines can be horizontal, vertical, or diagonal; straight or
curved; thick or thin.

       Shape is a closed line. Shapes can be geometric, like squares and circles; or organic, like free-form or
natural shapes. Shapes are flat and can express length and width.

       Forms are three-dimensional shapes expressing length, width, and depth. Balls, cylinders, boxes, and
pyramids are forms.

       Space is the area between and around objects. The space around objects is often called negative space;
negative space has shape. Space can also refer to the feeling of depth. Real space is three-dimensional; in visual
art, when we create the feeling or illusion of depth, we call it space.

       Color is light reflected off of objects. Color has three main characteristics: hue (the name of the color,
such as red, green, blue, etc.), value (how light or dark it is), and intensity (how bright or dull it is). • White is
pure light; black is the absence of light. • Primary colors are the only true colors (red, blue, and yellow). All other
colors are mixes of primary colors. • Secondary colors are two primary colors mixed together (green, orange,
violet). • Intermediate colors, sometimes called tertiary colors, are made by mixing a primary and secondary
color together. Some examples of intermediate colors are yellow green, blue green, and blue violet. • Comple-
mentary colors are located directly across from each other on the color wheel (an arrangement of colors along a
circular diagram to show how they are related to one another). Complementary pairs contrast because they
share no common colors. For example, red and green are complements, because green is made of blue and yel-
low. When complementary

       Texture is the surface quality that can be seen and felt. Textures can be rough or smooth, soft or hard.
Textures do not always feel the way they look; for example, a drawing of a porcupine may look prickly, but if
you touch the drawing, the paper is still smooth.
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