FEDERATION NEWS - A SHOT IN THE ARM CFL clinics vaccinate thousands of Chicagoland union members - Chicago Federation of ...

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FEDERATION NEWS - A SHOT IN THE ARM CFL clinics vaccinate thousands of Chicagoland union members - Chicago Federation of ...
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FEDERATION NEWS            I ssue 2 | 202 1

CFL clinics vaccinate
thousands of Chicagoland
union members
FEDERATION NEWS - A SHOT IN THE ARM CFL clinics vaccinate thousands of Chicagoland union members - Chicago Federation of ...
Table of Contents                              Federation News is a quarterly publication
                                               of the Chicago Federation of Labor ©2021

                                                Federation News is owned and controlled
Affiliate News                           4     by the Chicago Federation of Labor for the
                                               education, protection and advancement of
Carpenters Fight Wage Theft                                 organized labor.

Cover Story                               6       Editor in Chief: Robert G. Reiter Jr.,
CFL Vaccinates Union Members                   Editor: Don V. Villar, Secretary-Treasurer
                                                     Managing Editor: Jake Lewis
CFL News                                 10    Contributors: Gus Fuguitt, Jazmine Reyes,
                                                 Marcus Shepherd, and Nora Cay Ryan
Chicago Celebrates May Day

On the Cover
A union member is vaccinated at a CFL clinic
on April 6, 2021
Photo: CFL

125 Years of
Organizing Chicago
For 125 years, the CFL
has supported organizing
campaigns throughout Cook
County. Here’s an editorial
cartoon from a 1937 edition
of The Federation News
supporting organzing.
Visit CFLOrganize.org to
learn more about the CFL’s
organizing efforts, and
search the hashtag #CFL125
on social media to see more
content from our archives!

FEDERATION NEWS - A SHOT IN THE ARM CFL clinics vaccinate thousands of Chicagoland union members - Chicago Federation of ...
As the Biden administration ramped up          set out by the Biden administration. It is
vaccine distribution across the country,       because of the efforts of Chicago’s unions
Chicago union workers have led the way         that so many workers are now protected
in getting vaccinated. With the vaccine        from COVID-19. If we keep this up, we can
now accessible to all, it will be even         move past this pandemic once and for all.
more important to encourage our fellow
Chicagoans to get vaccinated, so as                 However, now is not the time to
the summer continues, we can                             take our foot off of the gas.
see more of our workers                                      This summer will be
back on the job.                                               critical in our city’s
                                                                 vaccination timeline.
In April, the CFL was                                              With all Illinoisans
proud to lead the way                                               eligible to receive
in vaccinations for                                                  the vaccine and
union members. In                                                     our city and state
collaboration with                                                    on to Phase Five
the city of Chicago                                                   reopening, we have
and the State of                                                      to encourage our
Illinois, the CFL                                                     friends and family
hosted several mass                                                  to make a plan to
vaccination clinics                                                 get vaccinated if
across the Chicagoland                                            they have not done
area that were aimed at                                         so already. Labor has
union essential workers                                       shown up from the start,
who live and work in the city                              and we will continue to show
of Chicago, Cook County, and                           up and lead the way in our return
the broader Northeast Illinois region. We       to normalcy.
vaccinated nearly 5,000 union members
as part of these efforts, the first in the     Unions understand the importance of
nation to be run by the labor movement for     sticking together through to the end of this
union members. Yet again, Chicago union        pandemic, and as one we will lead the way
members are demonstrating that we are          out of this crisis.
the backbone of the city and the heart of
the American Labor movement.

Union members have sacrificed their lives
and livelihoods throughout this pandemic                                    Bob Reiter
to keep our city, state, and nation moving.                                 President
Illinois has made great progress in
vaccinating its residents ahead of the goals
FEDERATION NEWS - A SHOT IN THE ARM CFL clinics vaccinate thousands of Chicagoland union members - Chicago Federation of ...

                                                                           Chicago Regional Council of Carpenters
                                                                           Executive Secretary Treasurer Gary
                                                                           Perinar joins state leaders to announce
                                                                           the Tax Fraud Days of Action.

                                                                           employees as independent
                                                                           contractors. When this occurs,
                                                                           the state loses out on key revenue
                                                                           because cheating contractors
                                                                           are not paying income taxes,
                                                                           employment taxes for Social
                                                                           Security and Medicare, and
                                                                           contributions for workers’
                                                                           compensation and unemployment

                                                                           A recent study from the Illinois
                                                                           Economic Policy Institute said 20
                                                                           percent of construction workers
                                                                           in Illinois are victims of payroll
                                                                           fraud. Factoring in lost wages and
                                                                           benefits, this cost the state $186
                                                                           million in lost revenue in 2018.

Carpenters Battle Wage             officials to clearly explain how        Article submitted by the Chicago
                                   much tax revenue and insurance          Regional Council of Carpenters
Theft and Tax Fraud                compensation the State of Illinois
On April 7, the Chicago Regional
                                   is losing because tax fraud has         Jewel Transportation
                                   been left unchecked.
Council of Carpenters launched                                             Workers Ratify New
an aggressive campaign to raise                                            Contract
                                   “Construction industry tax fraud
public awareness about pervasive
                                   affects ever man, woman and child
tax fraud in the construction                                              On April 9, the Teamsters Local
                                   in Illinois,” said Gary Perinar,
industry and called on elected                                             710 members who work in the
                                   Executive Secretary Treasurer
officials to help crack down on                                            Transportation division of the
                                   of the Chicago Regional Council
subcontractors who cheat the                                               Jewel Food Stores Distribution
                                   of Carpenters. “Every time an
system.                                                                    Center in Melrose Park, Ill. ratified
                                   unscrupulous contractor cheats
                                   the system and doesn’t pay the          a new five-year agreement with
In coordination with the                                                   over 72 percent voting to accept
                                   state what they owe, that means
500,000-member United                                                      the new tentative agreement.
                                   less money in the public coffers
Brotherhood of Carpenters and
                                   for education, public safety,
Joiners of America, the Chicago                                            The Transportation members
                                   healthcare and other essential
Regional Council and its 30,000                                            voted to reject the original
                                   services. We’re calling on our
hardworking men and women                                                  tentative agreement on March 22,
                                   elected officials at the local, state
stood up and joined workers                                                and the union and the company
                                   and federal levels to hold cheating
across North America for ‘Tax                                              resumed negotiations to continue
                                   contractors accountable and help
Fraud Days of Action’ from April                                           bargaining on April 1.
                                   ease the burden on taxpayers.”
13 to 16. The Council planned
numerous events across the state                                           “We made it clear to the employer
                                   In the construction industry, tax
that included appearances by the                                           at the bargaining table that the
                                   fraud most often comes in two
Attorney General, Comptroller,                                             original tentative agreement had
                                   forms: paying employees in cash,
Treasurer and other statewide                                              some problematic areas, and
                                   and purposely misclassifying

FederationNews                                     4
FEDERATION NEWS - A SHOT IN THE ARM CFL clinics vaccinate thousands of Chicagoland union members - Chicago Federation of ...

                                                             On April 15, arts             comedy educators
                                                             educators and facilitators    from The Second City-
                                                             from The Second City-         Chicago into the Illinois
                                                             Chicago celebrated the        Federation of Teachers,”
                                                             announcement by the           said IFT President
                                                             National Labor Relations      Dan Montgomery.
                                                             Board that workers have       “As members of
                                                             overwhelmingly (95            the Association of
                                                             percent) voted to form        International Comedy
                                                             a union, the Association      Educators and IFT/AFT,
                                                             of International Comedy       these professionals will
                                                             Educators (AICE).             now have the powerful
                                                                                           voice they deserve to
                                                             “From this day forward,       make improvements
                                                             our educators have an         in their workplace
                                                             official means to work        for themselves, their
                                                             with management that          students, and the famed
                                                             parallels the impact they     institution they love. It’s
                                                             have on our students,”        a win for everyone at The
                                                             said Taylor Walters-          Second City.”
                                                             Chapman, a four-year
                                Teamsters Local 710          acting program teacher.       The Second City boasts
                              members vote to ratify
                                                             “We are so ready to build     stages and training
                                 their new contract.
                                                             this new relationship in      centers in three cities,
                                                             which the The Second          including the original
the members enforced         “Our Jewel brothers             City faculty, facilitators,   Chicago location, as
that when they strongly      on the committee did            and musical directors         well as in Toronto and
rejected it,” said           an outstanding job              are instrumental in           Hollywood. In February,
Teamsters Local 710          throughout these very           upholding the integrity       more than 100 comedy
Secretary-Treasurer          difficult negotiations,”        of this institution and       educators in Toronto
Mike Cales. “There were      said Cales. “This was           advocating for the next       voted to join AICE and
only a handful of issues     no easy task, and               generation of talent and      the Communications
to still address, and they   while you’ll never get          teachers alike.”              Workers of America
were near and dear to the    everything you want at                                        (CWA)–Canada. On
members. We had some         the bargaining table,           The Chicago-based             April 7, educators and
productive dialogue with     we were still able to win       AICE members are now          facilitators at The Second
Jewel, and the union was     strong improvements             affiliates of the Illinois    City-Hollywood location
successful in securing       across the board for our        Federation of Teachers,       also voted to join AICE
additional protections for   Transportation members.         a state chapter of the        and are now represented
the rank and file.”          Now the real work begins.       American Federation of        by CWA Local #9400.
                             This Local is committed         Teachers/AFL-CIO.
Improvements to              to continue to hold                                           Article submitted by the
the latest agreement         Jewel’s feet to the fire        “We are excited to            Illinois Federation of
centered around the          as we enforce this new          welcome the incredible        Teachers
employer’s use of            agreement and ensure
onboard cameras. The         our members are treated
new language limits the      with dignity and respect
use of audio recordings,     in the workplace.”
reduces discipline arising
from the cameras, and        Article submitted by the
driving behaviors with       Teamsters Local 710
regard to the cameras
will be a topic of           Educators at
discussion with the joint
Safety Committee so the
                             Chicago’s Famed
union can stay on top of     Second City Win
those issues.                Union Election

                                                         5                                      FederationNews
FEDERATION NEWS - A SHOT IN THE ARM CFL clinics vaccinate thousands of Chicagoland union members - Chicago Federation of ...

CFL vaccination clinics bring
COVID-19 vaccine directly to
union members

Union members receive the
COVID-19 vaccine during
the CFL vaccination clinic
on April 6, 2021.
FederationNews               6
FEDERATION NEWS - A SHOT IN THE ARM CFL clinics vaccinate thousands of Chicagoland union members - Chicago Federation of ...
         he advantages of unionization
         have long been tied to better
         wages, dignity on the job, and
         expanded benefits. In Chicago,
         union members added one more
         advantage to the growing list:
the COVID-19 vaccine.

In late March, the city announced vaccine eligibility
would enter Phase 1C, expanding eligibility to
Chicagoans aged 16-64 with underlying medical
conditions, as well as all other essential workers
who had not qualified during Phase 1B. With a large
portion of union members falling into this category,
the Chicago Federation of Labor jumped into action
to get essential workers vaccinated.

“Many of our affiliates were frustrated with the
fact that most union members were put into the
1C category, even though these women and men
remained on the job throughout the pandemic,”
said CFL Assistant to the President/Chief of Staff
Nora Cay Ryan. “We knew that when the 1C category
became eligible, it would be critical to have a union-
run program to ensure we were vaccinating as many
members as quickly as possible.”

Top leadership at the city and state level
acknowledged the value of partnering with Labor,
and with their cooperation, the CFL opened its very
own union-led COVID-19 vaccination clinic on
Monday, March 29 at the International Union of
Operating Engineers Local 399.

“Unions are trusted messengers and dedicated
advocates for thousands of Chicago’s essential
workers, and this collaboration will ensure that
workers with the highest need will have access
to the vaccine as we enter Phase 1C,” said city of
Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot. “I want to thank the
Chicago Federation of Labor for their partnership,
which will help to reduce vaccine hesitancy, support
our equity goals and put our city on a path to true
recovery from this terrible pandemic.”

The CFL’s vaccine program had the capacity to
handle approximately 1,200 vaccinations a week—
with 1,185 shots administered to union members
at the first clinic. The system was unlike any other.
Its layout allowed for 100 chairs to be spaced out
throughout the large union hall where 50 people
could get vaccinated every 15 minutes.
“This vaccination site is one of a kind,” said CFL
President Bob Reiter. “It is the first in the country
that is run by the labor movement specifically for
union members. Two thirds of our members are

FEDERATION NEWS - A SHOT IN THE ARM CFL clinics vaccinate thousands of Chicagoland union members - Chicago Federation of ...

                                                                                          Vice President Kamala
                                                                                           Harris (left) talks with
                                                                                            SEIU Local 1 member
                                                                                          Lucio Polanco (seated)
                                                                                               as he receives his
                                                                                           COVID-19 vaccination.

Black and Brown workers, and we must do everything          Harris. “Because this site is a model for the rest of
we can to get this vaccine into arms as quickly as          the country, a safe place to come where the dignity
possible… Today is a new beginning, a huge step             of work is recognized… We see light at the end of
forward out of the darkness of the past year toward a       the tunnel because we’ve gone through so much as a
brighter future.”                                           nation.”

And these union-led efforts did not go unnoticed.           “You know the power of the collective. You know
The following week, the CFL welcomed Vice President         the importance and the strength of people standing
Kamala Harris, alongside Mayor Lightfoot, Gov.              together,” she said. “We’re all here to make a
J.B. Pritzker, U.S. Sens. Dick Durbin and Tammy             statement that we understand the significance of
Duckworth, and U.S. Rep. Danny Davis at IUOE Local          getting vaccinated, that it’s bigger than us” adding
399. During her special visit, Vice President Harris        that now more than ever it is critical that union
toured the vaccination site and praised the effort.         members reach out to their friends and family to
                                                            encourage them to get vaccinated.
“I came to say thank you,” said Vice President

            Visit vaccines.gov to find your closest vaccine location
                      and make your appointment today!

FederationNews                                          6
FEDERATION NEWS - A SHOT IN THE ARM CFL clinics vaccinate thousands of Chicagoland union members - Chicago Federation of ...

“Please help us. Tell your     been out of work since             vaccinated nearly 5,000     Bellwood, Ill. to use their
friends and your family        the pandemic began 15              members.                    union halls to run these
members and your co-           months ago. “The more                                          clinics. It really took
workers when it’s their        vaccinations we get, the           “What made our program      the combined efforts
time to get vaccinated,        more potential we have             so successful is it was     of so many people and
remind people of their         to open our venues—to              for union members by        organizations to bring
power to do something          at least some capacity—if          union members,” said        this program to life.”
that will save their lives,”   not full capacity. That’ll         Ryan. “We teamed up
Harris said. “The people       mean our work comes                with the pharmacists        “Chicago’s union
who carry the most             back, and people can get           at Jewel-Osco, all of       workers have sacrificed
weight are our peers, the      back to concert season,            whom are represented by     their lives and livelihoods
people we respect. So I’m      ballets, shows, all of that.       either Teamsters Local      to keep this city moving
here to ask you to do a        The more people get the            727 or UFCW Local 881,      during this unimaginable
little bit more and help       vaccine, the closer we             to distribute to vaccine.   crisis,” said Reiter.
us, so we can truly get        are to getting back on the         We also teamed up with
back up on our feet.”          job.”                              IUOE Local 399 and           “Unions work every
                                                                  Plumbers Local 130, both     day to help ensure the
And workers who have           Over the course of                 in Chicago, and Cement       health and safety of
stood on the frontlines        six clinics, the CFL               Masons Local 502 in          their members, and we
since the                                                                                          are proud to have
pandemic began                                                                                     vaccinated thousands
understand                                                                                         of workers in the city
not only the                                                                                       of Chicago across
importance                                                                                         dozens of industries,
of getting                                                                                         especially Black
vaccinated,                                                                                        and Latinx workers
but also the                                                                                       who have been hit
importance of                                                                                      especially hard by the
banding together                                                                                   virus,” said Reiter.
to protect one                                                                                     “Yet again, Chicago
another.                                                                                           is leading the way for
                                                                                                   the rest of the nation
“I am out there                                                                                    in standing up for
every day with                                                                                     working people. If
the members,”                                                                                      there is one thing this
said John Rule, a                                                                                  city can count on—
Teamsters Local                                                                                    it’s that Chicago’s
710 member. “I                                                                                     union women and
caught COVID                                                           Union members wait for      men will rise to any
back in early                                                       their vaccine appointments     challenge to keep this
November.                                                             outside of IUOE Local 399.   city running.”
Thank God I
didn’t have any                                                                                    Visit the CFL’s website

                        “[T]his site is a model for the
real problems,                                                                                     at chicagolabor.org or
but the wife was                                                                                   the CFL’s social media
in the hospital…                                                                                   channels
Just get it done.”     rest of the country, a safe place                                           @ChicagoLabor on
                                                                                                   Facebook, Twitter, and
“It’s important
to get the
                        to come where the dignity of                                               Instagram for photos
                                                                                                   and videos of the CFL’s
vaccine, not
just for you,                work is recognized”                                                   vaccination clinics
                                                                                                   as well as more from
but for other                                                                                      Vice President Kamala
people,” said                                                                                      Harris’ visit to Chicago.
Slick Jorgensen,
member of
                                                         - Vice President
2, who has
                                                           Kamala Harris
                                                              7                                    FederationNews
FEDERATION NEWS - A SHOT IN THE ARM CFL clinics vaccinate thousands of Chicagoland union members - Chicago Federation of ...

CFL Celebrates the
Women of Labor
To mark Women’s History Month
and celebrate the hardworking
women of labor, the CFL held
its annual Woman of the Year
ceremony as well as a virtual panel
discussion about the impact of the
pandemic on women workers.

At the April 6 CFL Delegates
meeting, the CFL honored Carole
Pollitz as the 2021 Woman of the
Year. She has been a member of
IBEW Local 134 for more than 30
years. She began her career in
the labor movement as a union           Panel participants during the April    Pandemic on Women.” The panel
apprentice, then continued as           8 virtual event One Year In: The       discussion explored the impact of
                                        Impact of the Pandmic on Women         the COVID-19 pandemic on women
Journeyman Wireman/Foreman
in the construction field. She then                                            and included: Cherita Ellens of
                                       appointed by Business Manager
served as an instructor for the                                                Women Employed, Ms. Pollitz,
                                       Don Finn in 2015.
IBEW-NECA Apprenticeship.                                                      Mamie Pratt of UFCW Local 881
                                                                               and the Chicago Chapter of the
Pollitz became the first woman         Then, on April 8, women leaders         Coalition of Black Trade Unionists,
Business Representative under          from across the movement came           Ann Bolden of Painters District
the Construction agreement in the      together for a virtual event entitled   Council 14, Roushaunda Williams
history of Local 134 when she was      “One Year In: The Impact of the         of UNITE HERE Local 1, and Lori

  2021 CFL Woman of the Year Carole Pollitz
  (center) with CFL President Bob Reiter (left)
  and Secretary-Treasurer Don Villar (right).

FederationNews                                           10

Torres of the Chicago                                                       Memorial       below) as part of its 125th
Teachers Union.                                                             statue.        anniversary celebration.
                                                                                           The new logo and
Women have been                                                             Following      branding is rolling out
disproportiantely                                                           the FIOM       this summer across CFL
impacted by the                                                             dedication     products.
pandemic, bearing                                                           event, labor
the vast majority of                                                        leaders        “Our 125th anniversary
job losses. The labor                                                       gathered       is a great opportunity to
movement continues                                                          alongside      revisit and refresh our
to find ways to support                                                     community      brand,” said CFL Director
women as the country                                                        members to     of Communications Jake
reopens and the                                                             honor the      Lewis. “We are excited to
pandemic recedes. The                                                       Coalition of   update our brand to stay
discussion is available                                                     Black Trade    current while not losing
for viewing on the CFL’s                                                    Unionists      our important history.”
Facebook and YouTube                                                        with an
pages.                                                                      honorary       In addition to the
                                                                            plaque as      updated branding and
                                                                            well. At       logo, the CFL is also
CFL Honors
                                                                            the event,     rolling out a newly
Workers During                CFL Secretary-Treasurer          members of CBTU spoke       updated website.
May Day                       Don Villar after running
                                                               honor of labor and          Development is ongoing,
                              the CFL 5k for May Day.
                                                               recognize the power of      and the site is expected
On May 1, workers all                                          workers to uplift one       to be live by late July. The
across the country            learn more about labor
                                                               another.                    site will include a newly
celebrated International      history. From the streets
                                                                                           revamped webstore
Workers Day, also known       of Downtown Chicago, all
                                                               “I want us to look at       featuring updated CFL
as May Day. May Day           the way to Washington
                                                               May Day as a way to         and Proud Union Home
is a time for workers to      D.C., participants laced
                                                               rejuvenate ourselves,”      gear.
remember the struggles        up in celebration of
                                                               said Terry Melvin,
of the past while             workers, submitted
                                                               national President of the   “Our iconic links logo
rededicating themselves       photos of their runs, and
                                                               CBTU. “A day to get ready   is part of who we are at
to the fight for fairness     competed for prizes.
                                                               for the battles we have     the CFL, but we must
for all working people.                                        ahead of us… Today is a     continually refresh our
                              Additionally, the CFL
                                                               great day.”                 look,” said CFL President
Despite the ongoing           partnered with the
                                                                                           Bob Reiter. “I’m excited
restrictions on in-person     Illinois Labor History
                              Society to host a series         CFL To Update               to update our brand
gatherings due to the                                                                      as part of our 125th
COVID-19 pandemic,            of online events at the          Brand, Logo,                anniversary celebration.”
the Labor community           Haymarket Memorial.              Website as Part
                              On May Day, Secretary-
kept the spirit of May                                         of Anniversary              Keep an eye out for the
Day running strong by         Treasurer Don Villar
                              joined Larry Spivak,             Celebration                 updated CFL branding
hosting a series of virtual                                                                later this summer!
and in-person events          President of the
                              Illinois Labor History           The Chicago Federation
and programming to                                             of Labor is proud to        Visit chicagolabor.org to
celebrate throughout the      Society to celebrate                                         learn more about the new
                              the Italian Federation           announce its updated
day.                                                           logo and branding (see      branding!
                              of Metalworkers
Here in Chicago, the CFL      (Federazione
launched its inaugural        Impiegati Operai
5k for May Day Virtual        Metallurgici,
Run & Walk, an event          FIOM) by
to celebrate labor            presenting them
while socially distant,       with an honorary
encouraging supporters        plaque for the
to get active as they         Haymarket

                                                          11                                    FederationNews
                                                                             US POSTAGE
                                                                              CHICAGO IL
180 N. Stetson Ave.                                                        PERMIT NO 10005
Suite 1529
Chicago, Illinois 60601


                          UPCOMING CFL DELEGATES MEETINGS

Tuesday, Oct. 5, 2021                          Delegates must present their current
                                           Chicago Federation of Labor membership
Tuesday, Nov. 2, 2021                      card or this notice for admission. We look
                                            forward to full representation from your
Tuesday, Dec. 7, 2021                      local union to assist the Federation in the
                                                          development of its policies.
6 p.m.
Location dependent on local
public health orders. The CFL will
email location information prior
to the meeting.                                                           Don V. Villar
You can also read