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Find properties for sale, interior trends inside - expert advice and the latest - ESPC
Stylish City Centre                    Award-winning developer
                                       Places for People has
                                                                           fixtures and fittings, open-
                                                                           plan living and spacious
                                                                                                                         Built on the site of the historic
                                                                                                                         tram depot on the edge of the
                                       launched its second phase of        rooms that create the perfect                 New Town, these are the
apartments                             luxurious homes at The
                                       Engine Yard, Leith Walk.
                                                                           area to work from home. The
                                                                           penthouse apartments feature
                                                                                                                         perfect properties for anyone
                                                                                                                         looking to rise above the
                                       Hailed as a ‘gated community        expansive rooftop terraces                    hubbub of city life but remain
New release of 1, 2 and                without gates’, this new            with stunning views across                    within easy walking distance
3-bedroom homes                        phase will include                  Edinburgh City Centre and                     of Edinburgh City Centre and
                                       contemporary one- and               beyond.                                       its local amenities. Homes at

Prices from £255,000                   two-bedroom apartments
                                       and luxurious two- and              Scotland’s Director of
                                                                                                                         The Engine Yard are just a
                                                                                                                         10-minute walk from Princes
                                       three-bedroom penthouses,           Development Roddy                             Street and St James Quarter.
                                       set among beautiful                 MacDonald said: “Our recent                   The show home is open by
Please contact us on:                  landscaped surroundings             release of apartments and                     appointment only.

07919 381278                           with access to underground
                                       parking and an on-site
                                                                           penthouses has attracted
                                                                           strong interest, with many                    To book a viewing,   fitness suite.                      buyers looking to enjoy the                   please contact us.
                                                                           use of our communal gardens
                                       Each home is finished to a          and on-site fitness suite,
                                       high standard, with elegantly       Places Gym.”                                                  APPLY WITH
                                       designed interiors and stylish                                                                    FIRST HOME

                                                            P L AC E S F O R P E O P L E - T H E E N G I N E YA R D - L E I T H WA L K
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“ I D O N ’ T WA N T                                                                                                                CONTENTS
                            J U S T A N Y A PA R T M E N T ”
                                                                                                                                                                       7   COVID-19 AND HOUSE MOVES
                                             JUST ASK CALA                                                                                                                 A reminder of the Scottish Government
                                                                                                                                                                           guidance on house moves and COVID-19

                                                                                                                                                                       8   COLLAGE
Computer Generated Image – Raised communal garden at Waterfront Plaza
                                                                                                                                                                           Artwork collage created with indigo hues
                                                                                                       • APPLIANCES INCLUDED                                          10   FEATURE PROPERTY
                                                                                                            • WELL CONNECTED                                               Sophistication and style in Leith
                                                                                                        • BALCONIES AVAILABLE                                         16   PROPERTY MARKET UPDATE
                                                                                                                                                                           Our January House Price Report
                                                                                                                              Show apartment at Waterfront Plaza
                                                                                                                                                                      20   EXPERT ADVICE
                                                                                                                                                                           Top tips on preparing to buy a house
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      40   ESPC NEWS
                                                                                                                                                                      22   TOP SELLING AREAS OF 2020                       The benefits of using a solicitor estate
                                                                                                                                                                           Top areas according to ESPC data
                                                                                                                                                                      26   AREAS FOCUS                                41   FEATURE PROPERTY
                                                                                                                                                                           Why East Lothian is perfect for outdoor
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Castle life
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      46   SEARCHING FOR HOMES WITH
                                                                                                                                                                      32   MORTGAGE ADVICE
                                                                                                                                                                           What is a flexible mortgage?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           The number of properties on ESPC
                                                                                                                                                                      36   COLOUR CODE: PURPLE
                          Discover your dream home at Waterfront Plaza.                                                                                                    Make a statement in your home with bold
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      50   GARDEN TRENDS FOR 2021
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Some of the top garden trends as
   With flexible open plan living, plentiful outdoor space and excellent links to the city centre,                                                                         purple and pretty lilac shades
            find everything you want in your new home and more, with CALA in Leith.                                                                                                                                        identified by the experts

                                                     LIMITED APARTMENTS REMAIN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      56   MARKET NEWS
                                                             FOR SUMMER                                                                                                                                                    LBTT reduction to end as planned

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      57   COTTAGE CORE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Inspired by traditional and cosy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           countryside homes
2 & 3 bedroom apartments
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      60   INSPIRED BY BRIDGERTON
Prices from £299,500
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Netflix’s hit period drama provides
W AT E R F R O N T P L A Z A , O C E A N D R I V E ,                                                                                            CALA                                                                       excellent home décor inspiration
LEITH, EDINBURGH, EH6 6JJ                                                                                                                       HO ME S
0 1 3 1 5 1 6 9 5 0 3 | C A L A . C O. U K                                                                        5 star customer service                                                                             66   ESPC LETTINGS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           How to choose a letting agent
ESPC_12FEB Prices are accurate at the time of going to print. Images shown are taken from showhome at Waterfront Plaza and feature, fittings, décor, flooring
and soft furnishings which are not included as standard in a CALA home. Images are used to suggest possible finishes that can be achieved in your home at an
additional cost. Please consult a CALA representative for further details. Some images have been enhanced. Telephone calls within the British Isles will be charged
at local rate. Telephone calls may divert to a mobile service in which case call charges may vary. Calls may be recorded for training purposes. 5 stars awarded for
customers’ willingness to ‘Recommend to a Friend’ in findings of the survey undertaken by the Home Builders Federation 2018/19.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ESPC.COM   5
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EDITOR’S LETTER                                                                                                                                                                                           EXPERT ADVICE

                                                  WELCOME                                                                               COVID-19 AND HOUSE MOVES
                                                                                                                                               IN SCOTLAND
     The February issue of the ESPC magazine has                2020 may be over, but we are still looking back
                                                                                                                                    A reminder of the Scottish Government guidance on house moves and COVID-19
     arrived, and we are fast approaching the longer            at how the property market performed over
     days of spring. At the time of writing, mainland           the year. One of this edition’s articles highlights
     Scotland remains under lockdown restrictions               the top selling areas in Edinburgh, the Lothians,          At the time of writing, mainland Scotland           The Scottish Government has also advised
     – while house moves and associated activities              Fife and the Borders. Find out which part of               remains under lockdown restrictions after           that you should do as much of the process
     continue to be permitted, the Scottish                     Edinburgh saw the highest average selling                  Nicola Sturgeon extended these until the            online as possible. They have emphasised
     Government has said that it may be advisable               price, and which Fife town saw the greatest                end of February.                                    that viewings should be done virtually where
     to postpone if possible.                                   decline in selling time.                                                                                       possible, and you should only progress to a
                                                                                                                           The Scottish Government said: “Whilst it is         physical viewing if necessary and you have
                                                                                                                           permitted to leave your house for activities        a serious interest in making an offer on the
     In this issue, we provide a more detailed article          Paul Demarco from ESPC Mortgages explains                                                                      property.
                                                                                                                           in connection with moving home (including
     on the current guidance on house moves.                    how flexible mortgages work and when they
                                                                                                                           viewing a property), or for activities in
     Please be aware, though, that restrictions and             can be useful. If you’re a landlord, Nicky Lloyd
                                                                                                                           connection with the essential maintenance,          Many agents are able to offer virtual
     guidance may have changed by the time you                  from ESPC Lettings offers her top tips on how
                                                                                                                           purchase, sale, letting, or rental of residential   valuations at present also – you should speak
     are reading this, so please contact a solicitor            to choose a letting agent.
                                                                                                                           property that the person owns or is otherwise       to the agent to find out what they can offer.
     estate agent or head to for
                                                                                                                           responsible for, at this time it is advisable to
     up-to-date information.                                    Don’t forget, if you’re looking for a new                  postpone, if possible.                              Please note that the above article refers
                                                                home, there is a selection advertised in this
                                                                                                                                                                               to the guidance at the time of writing –
     Bridgerton is the latest Netflix mini-series               magazine – keep an eye out for the dark blue
                                                                                                                           “Travelling for the purposes of undertaking         the guidance on house moves may have
     everyone is obsessed with and not just due                 ESPC Property label. And, of course, there
                                                                                                                           essential work on a property other than             changed by the time of publication. You
     to the dramatic storyline and fabulous outfits.            are thousands more properties to browse at
                                                                                                                           your main residence should not be used as           should contact a solicitor estate agent or
     The beautiful homes and furnishings are a        
                                                                                                                           a pretext for a holiday. You should not stay        head to to find out
     spectacle in themselves – we round up our
                                                                                                                           longer than for the length of time required to      up-to-date information.
     favourite Bridgerton-inspired products in this
                                                                                                                           undertake the necessary work.”
     issue so you can inject some regency-era
     luxury into your home.                                                                      Happy reading.
                                                                                                                           This means house moves and related
                                                                                                 Claire Flynn              activities, including property viewings, are
     If you love spending time outdoors, then East                                                                         permitted, but the Scottish Government has
     Lothian may be the perfect place for you.                                                   Editor
                                                                                                                           said it is advisable to postpone if possible.
     With beautiful beaches and world-renowned
     golf courses, it’s the perfect base for outdoor
                                                                                                                           If you need to move house, go to or host a
     enthusiasts – find out more in this issue.
                                                                                                                           property viewing, or have businesses visit your
                                                                                                                           home to value or photograph it, it’s important
                                                                                                                           to follow the necessary Scottish Government
                                                                                                                           guidance on staying safe while moving home,
                                                                                                                           which includes social distancing from other
     COVER IMAGE: Indigo Addiction Aizome Collage Wallpaper,     All material published in ESPC magazine is copyright
                     Mindthegap                                   of the publisher and cannot be reproduced without        households, regular hand washing and cleaning
     ESPC (UK) Ltd: 107 George Street, Edinburgh, EH2 3ES         permission. All advertisements and articles appearing    of your property. The Scottish Government also
     TEL: 0131 624 8000                                           in this publication are as far as possible checked for   advises wearing a face covering.
                                                                  accuracy, but persons accepting or offering to accept
     EDITORIAL: Claire Flynn                                      goods or services contained in any advertisement or
     ADVERTISING: Claire Boulton (07498 876315)                   article do so at their own risk.                         Your agent can provide more information on
                   Moyra Vivian (07498 876330)                                                                             this and you can also find out more about the
     EMAIL:                                 ©ESPC 2021
     DESIGN: Melissa Meikle
                                                                                                                           current guidance at

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                                       A large scale artwork collage created with strong
                                      indigo hues, this bold yet ethereal wallpaper from
                                 Mindthegap will add depth and texture to a living space.

                Indigo Addiction Aizome Collage Wallpaper, Mindthegap, £175,

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              STYLE IN LEITH
     This beautiful flat on Duke Street is exceptionally stylish throughout.

10                                                                                                11
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SOPHISTICATION AND STYLE IN LEITH                       Forming part of a B-listed Georgian     the property – it benefits from a
                                                        building in the popular Leith area      fireplace with tiled hearth, window
                                                        of Edinburgh, this stunning main        shutters and shelved storage. The
                                                        door flat is excellently presented      second bedroom is to the front
                                                        to the market, with a chic and          of the property, with sanded and
                                                        stylish aesthetic that captures your    varnished floors, an original marble
                                                        attention instantly.                    fireplace with tiled hearth and
                                                                                                decorative cornicework.
                                                        The striking stone façade and
                                                        dark front door of the property         Also located at the back of the
                                                        lead to a grand entrance vestibule      property, the third bedroom
                                                        with flagstone floors, decorative       could be used as a home office or
                                                        cornicework and a cloakroom. The        nursery. The flat also features a
                                                        vestibule takes you to the spacious     modern, partially tiled bathroom
                                                        hallway.                                and low maintenance front garden.

                                                        It’s hard to pick a favourite room      Excellently located just off the
                                                        in this superb flat, but the living     vast green space of Leith Links,
                                                        room is particularly notable with       the property is within easy walking
                                                        its fantastic proportions, sanded       distance of many of the popular
                                                        and varnished floors, original          bars and restaurants of Leith Walk
                                                        marble fireplace with tiled hearth,     and The Shore. It’s also extremely
                                                        cornicework, window shutters and        well-connected via a number
                                                        built-in bookcases. It’s an ideal       of nearby bus routes, making
                                                        space for relaxing in the evenings.     accessing other parts of Edinburgh
                                                                                                a breeze.
                                                        While the living room showcases
                                                        some of the more traditional            With chic and stylish décor
                                                        features of the property, the sleek     throughout, this fantastic flat in
                                                        dining kitchen evokes a far more        Leith is not one to be missed.
                                                        contemporary feel. Positioned at
                                                        the back of the property, it features
                                                        seamless and glossy white units,
                                                        as well as a number of integrated
                                                        appliances, including a fridge,
                                                        freezer, dishwasher, microwave,
                                                        induction hob, cooker hood and an
                                                        eye-level oven.

                                                        The property boasts three lovely
                                                        double bedrooms, with the main
                                                        one positioned at the back of

83 DUKE STREET, LEITH, EH6 8HN | OFFERS OVER £395,000                                                                      RATING
CONTACT: Call Beveridge & Kellas on 0131 253 2379                      1                   3               1                   C
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NEW BUILD                                                                                                        DON’T MISS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO OWN ONE OF

                                                                                                               THE FINEST HOMES
                                                                                                                 IN EDINBURGH
                                                                                                            V E
                                                                                                         M NOW
             AT DONALDSON’S
                  A limited collection of outstanding penthouse apartments is for sale at
                                        The Playfair at Donaldson’s.

    Boasting majestic views of the Pentland Hills      Residents benefit from access to The
    and Murrayfield Stadium to one side, and           Playfair’s communal areas, which have
    Edinburgh Castle and the historic City Centre      already been restored. These include The
    to another, these rare dual-aspect homes are       Club Room and The Chapel Room located in
    some of the finest built at the award-winning      and adjacent to The Playfair’s original chapel,
    development on West Coates.                        as well as the beautiful, grand entrance hall
                                                       and impressive original staircase.
    Thanks to the design of the original building,
    which was built in the 1840s, the penthouses       Perfect for work, rest or play, the communal
    feature a range of unique living spaces,           spaces at The Playfair are a luxurious
    including study rooms and utilities, situated      extension to residents’ homes – they
    within the building’s original turrets.            can even hire them for their upcoming
                                                       celebrations and events.
    These features, and many other period
    details including original windows and             Situated just moments from Haymarket
    fireplaces, have been meticulously restored        station, The Playfair at Donaldson’s is set
    by City & Country, the UK’s leading developer      amidst 16 acres of elegant private grounds.
    of historic buildings.                             Having been extensively restored, the                 A wide range of 1, 2 and 3 bedroom Mezzanine, Penthouse                   Show homes open
                                                       former college is firmly established as one           and Chapel apartments are available, each with unique details      Thursday to Monday, 10am - 5pm
    Residents have access to their own private         of Edinburgh’s most prestigious addresses,            and historic charm that make them truly one of a kind.
    terraces located within the rooftops of the        recently winning Apartment Development of                                                                                  0131 341 5088
                                                                                                             • Private open spaces and a tranquil courtyard to relax
    majestic building, overlooking the iconic domes    the Year at the 2020 Scottish Home Awards.                                                                         
    and turrets that characterise The Playfair.                                                              • Unwind in the boutique communal spaces
                                                       Some of the penthouses are released                   • BoConcept interior design package included
    Unique snug spaces, ideally suited to working      exclusively to the ESPC and can be found              • From £275,000 to £1,550,000
    from home, can be found on mezzanine levels        on the website. They start from £850,000,
    with high-speed internet to all apartments.        but other homes at The Playfair are priced             BOOK YOUR PRIVATE VIEWING TODAY
    Equally, these spaces could easily be              from £275,000. To register your interest
    transformed for other uses, such as a private      and arrange a virtual tour, visit
    cinema room or occasional guest bedroom.  or call 0131 341 5679.                                                                               WEST COATES EDINBURGH
                                                                                                             Prices correct at time of publication and are subject to change.           EH12 5JQ

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         Find out key property market statistics for Edinburgh, the Lothians, Fife and the Borders
                                      over the past three months.

                    KEY POINTS                             The average property selling price in
                                                           Edinburgh, the Lothians, Fife and the
                                                           Borders over the past three months was
                                                           £265,973, up 7.4% compared to the same

                                                           period last year. In Edinburgh, the average
                                                           property selling price was £281,386, up
                      average                              5.3% compared to the previous year.
                    selling price
                                                           From November 2020 to January 2021,
                                                           East Fife properties experienced a
       Over the past three months, the average             26.6% increase in average selling price
        property selling price in Edinburgh, the           year-on-year, while those in West Fife &
          Lothians, Fife and the Borders was               Kinross saw a 9.8% increase. Properties in
          £265,953, up 7.4% compared to the                Dunfermline experienced a 14.5% rise in
                     previous year.                        average selling price year-on-year.

                                                           Properties in East Lothian and Midlothian      The volume of property sales in these areas     time of 26 days for properties to be placed
                                                           experienced a 9.4% and 9.1% increase           over the past three months has risen by a       under offer, 41 days faster than last year.
                    45.3%                                  in average selling price year-on-year
                                                           respectively, while those in West Lothian
                                                                                                          significant 45.3% compared to last year. This
                                                                                                          reflects how busy the market was in the late    Paul Hilton, CEO of ESPC, said: “In January
                     increase in                           saw a 1.5% decrease.                           summer and early autumn last year.              2021 we saw fewer homes coming to market
                     volume of                                                                                                                            compared to last January. The current
                   property sales                          Between November 2020 and January              The top selling properties by sales volume      lockdown restrictions, Scottish Government
                                                           2021, the Scottish Borders saw property        were two bedroom flats in Leith and three       guidance and impact of home schooling may
                                                           prices rise by 15.6% year-on-year to           bedroom houses in Dunfermline.                  have led people to delay a house sale until
     In these areas, the volume of property sales          £263,283.                                                                                      later in the year.
      from November 2020 to January 2021 was                                                              Between November 2020 and January
                up 45.3% year-on-year.                     Over the past three months, the number         2021, the average percentage of Home            “January was, however, a particularly strong
                                                           of new property listings was up 11.7% in       Report valuation achieved by properties in      month for property valuation requests on
                                                           Edinburgh, the Lothians, Fife and the          Edinburgh, the Lothians, Fife and the Borders   ESPC, suggesting that many people are
                                                           Borders – Edinburgh saw a 21.2% increase.      was 103.3%, compared to 102.4% last year.       looking to sell in the near future. Rising

                     11.7%                                 However, this increase was concentrated
                                                                                                          Edinburgh properties achieved 103.5%
                                                                                                          compared to 103.8% last year.
                                                                                                                                                          selling prices and fast selling times also
                                                                                                                                                          indicate that demand from buyers remains
                     increase in                           in November and December, with January                                                         relatively strong.
                   homes coming                            seeing fewer properties coming to market       Over the past three months, the median time
                      to market                            year-on-year. This could be due to the         for a property to be placed under offer in      “For those thinking of buying or selling in the
                                                           impact of current lockdown measures and        Edinburgh, the Lothians, Fife and the Borders   near future, it is best to speak to a solicitor
                                                           home schooling, with people potentially        was 19 days, four days faster than last year.   estate agent who can help advise you on
      The volume of new property listings during           choosing to hold off until later in the year   In the Borders, properties experienced much     current market conditions and the COVID-19
      this time period was up 11.7% year-on-year.          to sell.                                       faster selling times, with it taking a median   guidance on moving home.”

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                   HEWISBRIDGE, LIDDESDALE VALLEY,                                                                    HEWISBRIDGE, LIDDESDALE VALLEY,
                                                                                                                         NEWCASTLETON, TD9 0SQ
                             NEWCASTLETON, TD9 0SQ                                                                        NEWCASTLETON, TD9 0SQ
                                                                                                       OFFERS OVER £825,000                                   4              3            3           N/A
       OFFERS OVER £825,000                           4           3           3         N/A             OFFERS OVER £825,000                                   4              3            3          N/A


                                                                                                       Inside, the layout and accommodation extends on either side of the central hallway, which
       Inside, the layout and accommodation extends on either side of the central hallway, which         More than
                                                                                                       divides         a forever
                                                                                                                  the three        family
                                                                                                                              formal       home, rooms
                                                                                                                                      reception    Hewisbridge
                                                                                                                                                           - a dualis aaspect
                                                                                                                                                                         unique    country
                                                                                                                                                                                 dining     property
                                                                                                                                                                                         room         brimming
                                                                                                                                                                                               with stone         with
       divides the three formal reception rooms - a dual aspect dining room with stone fireplace         style;
                                                                                                       and   viewsquality
                                                                                                                     to themodern     design and
                                                                                                                             front gardens     fused    perfectly
                                                                                                                                                    orchard,   largewith    traditional
                                                                                                                                                                       sitting   room withcharming
                                                                                                                                                                                             bespokecharacter     - an
                                                                                                                                                                                                       fireplace and
       and views to the front gardens and orchard, large sitting room with bespoke fireplace and       a extended    stone-built
                                                                                                          triple-aspect    sunroom.farmhouse
                                                                                                                                      There isandalsoa an
                                                                                                                                                       fully renovated,
                                                                                                                                                           expansive        detachedkitchen/diner
                                                                                                                                                                         open-plan      17th Century stone   barn with
                                                                                                                                                                                                      and adjoining
       a triple-aspect sunroom. There is also an expansive open-plan kitchen/diner and adjoining         endless
                                                                                                       family       potential.
                                                                                                                room,           With
                                                                                                                        the latter    around
                                                                                                                                   with  French50   acresonto
                                                                                                                                                 doors      of land,   nestled
                                                                                                                                                                the garden        in a stunning
                                                                                                                                                                               terrace  with viewslocation
                                                                                                                                                                                                    down thewithin the
       family room, the latter with French doors onto the garden terrace with views down the valley.     Liddesdale
                                                                                                       Upstairs    are Valley,  just a stones
                                                                                                                        four comfortable        throwbedrooms,
                                                                                                                                             double     from the pretty      village
                                                                                                                                                                     including        of Newcastleton,
                                                                                                                                                                                   a master               Hewisbridge
                                                                                                                                                                                              with ensuite,  and the
       Upstairs are four comfortable double bedrooms, including a master with ensuite, and the           Farmfamily
                                                                                                       main      offersbathroom
                                                                                                                         an enviable  lifestylewith
                                                                                                                                    complete    that's hard to beat.
                                                                                                                                                     freestanding    roll-top bath
       main family bathroom complete with freestanding roll-top bath                                   VIEWING INFORMATION
       VIEWING INFORMATION                                                                               VIEWING INFORMATION
                                                                                                       Contact Hastings Legal & Property
       Contact Hastings Legal & Property                                                                 Contact
                                                                                                       01573        Hastings Legal & Property
       01573 225999                                                                                      01573 225999

18 ESPC.COM                                                                                                                                                                                                    ESPC.COM 19

                     PREPARING TO BUY A HOUSE
              Jacquie Sandison from Watermans Legal offers her top tips on preparing to buy a house.

      The current Scottish Government stay-                repayments. A good adviser will look at the
      at-home guidance states that: “Whilst it is          lots of mortgage options for you.
      permitted to leave your house for activities
      in connection with moving home (including            WORK OUT A REALISTIC BUDGET
      viewing a property), or for activities in            There’s no point torturing yourself looking
      connection with the essential maintenance,           at houses or flats that are out of your price
      purchase, sale, letting, or rental of residential    range. Set a strict budget and don’t forget to
      property that the person owns or is otherwise        calculate moving costs, LBTT, legal fees and
      responsible for, at this time it is advisable to     a contingency budget too. In certain areas,
      postpone, if possible.”                              many properties sell over the Home Report                                                                                                              4-bedroom Burnet showhome
                                                           value so build that into your calculations.
      This means that you are allowed to move
      house and view properties, provided you              MAKE A CHECKLIST                                     Beautifully designed new homes, flexible interiors and
      follow the necessary health and safety               Make a checklist of “must-haves” and things
      guidance, but that it is advisable to postpone       you would like but are willing to compromise         quality finishes at Lethington Gardens, Haddington
      if possible.                                         on. When house hunting, it’s important not                                                          a range of imaginatively designed,             other properties. The quality of
                                                           to get caught up in the superficial aspects.                                                        high specification, energy-efficient           the build and the service has
      If you are thinking of buying a house at some        Compared to the cost of moving, it is a                                                             3 and 4-bedroom new homes at                   been exceptional. There is a
      point this year, there are plenty of things you      relatively small cost to redecorate.                                                                Lethington Gardens - perfect for               great community feel within the
      can do to prepare from the comfort of your                                                                                                               growing families and executive                 development and it’s so easy to
      own home. Here’s my guide to help you find           IGNORE NATIONAL MARKET                                                                              couples alike.                                 be able to walk to Haddington
      a new home, take the stress out of house             PREDICTIONS                                                                                         Current prices from £289,995                   high street.”
      hunting and avoid any costly mistakes.               Many organisations publish UK property                                                              Mactaggart & Mickel’s                          Homebuyer at Lethington
                                                           market predictions which often vary widely.                                                         focus on quality has helped                    Gardens, Haddington
      GET YOUR MORTGAGE IN PLACE                           It’s better to speak to local agents, find out            4-bedroom Burnet showhome
                                                                                                                                                               achieve a 5-star customer
      If you aren’t a cash buyer, talk to a mortgage       what’s sold recently and look at statistics that                                                    satisfaction rating from the
                                                                                                                It is hardly surprising
      adviser who will explain how much you                are specific to the location you want to live in.                                                   Home Builders Federation
                                                                                                                Lethington Gardens has proved
      can borrow, what repayments are likely to                                                                 so popular. Combine this fine
                                                                                                                                                               for eight consecutive years.
      cost and whether you can afford those                USE YOUR SOLICITOR ESTATE AGENT’S                    development on the western                     Don’t take our word for it - see
                                                           LOCAL KNOWLEDGE                                      edge of the beautiful market                   what this happy buyer has to say!
                                                           Use websites such as ESPC to help your               town of Haddington, with                       “We lived in London for six years
                                                           property search, see what’s on the market and        Mactaggart & Mickel’s long                     and had always planned to move
                                                           gather information. But it’s also important to       tradition of building outstanding              back once we started a family.
                                                           find out who knows the local market. Local           family homes and you have a                    We looked at a few different
                                                           solicitor estate agents can advise you on the        combination certain to appeal to               housebuilders in the area but
                                                           market and contact you directly as soon as a         discerning buyers.                             after we saw the Mactaggart &
                                                           suitable house comes on the market.                  Now is the time to make your                   Mickel showhome, we knew we
                                                                                                                                                                                                                3-bedroom Bryce showhome
                                                                                                                move! Mactaggart & Mickel have                 didn’t want or need to see any
                                                           Find out more about Watermans Legal
                                                           and how they can help you buy a home at
                                                  or contact the team on         Please call 07973 911 280                                                   
                                                           0131 467 5566.                                      The images shown are of typical Mactaggart & Mickel showhomes. The specification depicted may vary to other house
                                                                                                               styles at the above development. Some fixtures and fittings may not be included in the sale price. Prices and details
                                                                                                               correct at time of going to print.
                                                                                           St Andrews    Kelso


                                                                                                        TOP AREAS BY PROPERTY SELLING TIME                Home Report valuation achieved rise 4.8
                                                                                                        The median time for properties in Balgreen        percentage points compared to 2019, while
                                                                                                        to be placed under offer was just 12 days         the Midlothian town of Newtongrange saw
                                                                                                        during 2020, eight days faster than 2019.         an increase of 4.6 percentage points.
                                                                                                        Properties in Pilton had a median selling
                                                                                                        time of 13 days.                                  TOP AREAS BY CLOSING DATES
                                                                                                                                                          Closing dates are indicative of a competitive
                                                                                                        During 2020, the seaside town of St Andrews       market and certain districts saw a high
                                                                                                        saw a significant decline in the median time it   percentage of these during 2020. 61% of

                TOP SELLING AREAS OF 2020                                                               took for a property to be placed under offer,
                                                                                                        dropping by 23 days to 50 days.
                                                                                                                                                          Newtongrange properties sold through
                                                                                                                                                          ESPC agents went to a closing date while
                In this article, we use ESPC data to highlight the top selling areas of 2020                                                              51% of Joppa properties did.
                               in Edinburgh, the Lothians, Fife and the Borders.                        TOP AREAS BY AVERAGE PERCENTAGE OF
                                                                                                        HOME REPORT VALUATION ACHIEVED                    These districts also saw the greatest
                                                                                                        With its location by Portobello beach and         year-on-year increase in the percentage of
    TOP AREAS BY AVERAGE PROPERTY                      and Leith for highest volume of property sales   an array of beautiful Georgian and Victorian      closing dates, at 41.7 and 31.6 percentage
    SELLING PRICE                                      during the year.                                 homes, Joppa properties achieved 107.6%           points, respectively.
    The top location by average selling price                                                           of Home report valuation on average, up 2.1
    in 2020 was the highly desirable area of           Kelso saw the greatest year-on-year increase     percentage points compared to last year.
    Merchiston in Edinburgh, with an average           in property sales, rising by 15.9%.              Properties in the highly desirable area of
                                                                                                                                                          The above data is based on properties sold or listed by
    selling price of £565,933, up 40.5% compared                                                        Trinity achieved 106.8% of Home Report            ESPC agents in Edinburgh, the Lothians, Fife and the
    to 2019. It was followed by the exclusive areas                                                     valuation on average.                             Borders from January to December 2020, compared to
                                                       TOP AREAS BY NUMBER OF PROPERTY
    of Greenbank and Grange.                           LISTINGS
                                                                                                                                                          the same period in 2019. All areas featured had to have a
                                                                                                                                                          minimum of 30 property sales or listings during 2020 to
                                                       Given these locations also achieved the          In terms of year-on-year increase, properties     ensure all statistics provided were valid.
    However, it was a town in the Borders that         greatest number of sales in 2020, it is          in Kelso saw the average percentage of
    saw the greatest year-on-year increase in          unsurprising that Dunfermline, Leith and
    average property selling price - Kelso saw a       Corstorphine saw the greatest number of
    45.2% increase compared to 2019, rising to         homes coming to market last year. However,                                                                                 Portobello Beach at Joppa end
    £214,232.                                          Dunfermline and Corstorphine saw a slight
                                                       decline in listings compared to 2019, while
    TOP AREAS BY PROPERTY SALES VOLUME                 Leith saw a 21.8% increase.
    The historic Fife town of Dunfermline boasted
    the highest volume of property sales of            Lasswade and Fountainbridge saw the
    any ESPC district in 2020. However, sales          greatest year-on-year increases at 77.8% and
    in the area were down 18.3% year-on-year.          73.3% increase, respectively.
    Dunfermline was followed by Corstorphine

22 ESPC.COM                                                                                                                                                                                                  ESPC.COM 23
FAIRVIEW, NENTHORN,                                                                                  26 BOWMONT COURT, HEITON,
                                  FAIRVIEW, NENTHORN,                                                                                   26 BOWMONT COURT, HEITON,
                                      KELSO, TD5 7RY                                                                                          KELSO, TD5 8JY
                                      KELSO, TD5 7RY                                                                                          KELSO, TD5 8JY
       OFFERS OVER £625,000                                 5            2            3            E              OFFERS OVER £550,000                                  5             3            4             D
       OFFERS OVER £625,000                                5            2            3            E                OFFERS OVER £550,000                                  5             3            4             D

        ESPC PROPERTY                                                                                                                                                                                ESPC PROPERTY

        A welcoming family home with charm, character and stunning features blending seamlessly                   The striking property, designed with a Georgian flair, was completed in 2006 and stands
       Awith contemporary
         welcoming            styled with
                       family home   elements,
                                          charm,Fairview  caters
                                                   character  andably  for modern
                                                                   stunning         tastes
                                                                             features       and requirement.
                                                                                       blending  seamlessly       within   the beautifully
                                                                                                                    The striking     property,kept     hamletwith
                                                                                                                                                designed       to the edge offlair,
                                                                                                                                                                  a Georgian   Heiton
                                                                                                                                                                                         completedjust outside
                                                                                                                                                                                                        in 2006 Kelso.    The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   and stands
       with   a peaceful location    and glorious
                             styled elements,        surrounding
                                                Fairview caters ablygardens,  including
                                                                      for modern   tastesaand
                                                                                            wishing  well and
                                                                                               requirement.       property
                                                                                                                    within theis a beautifully
                                                                                                                                   short walk tokeptthehamlet
                                                                                                                                                         SCHLOSS    Roxburgh
                                                                                                                                                                to the        Golf
                                                                                                                                                                        edge of     Hotel village,
                                                                                                                                                                                Heiton    with its,just
                                                                                                                                                                                                    18 hole,   championship
                                                                                                                                                                                                          outside   Kelso. The
        watera feature,
       With     peacefulcomplete
                                    andsauna    andsurrounding
                                          glorious   hot tub, this gardens,
                                                                   forever home   is an aenviable
                                                                            including      wishingfind
                                                                                                            any   golf The
                                                                                                                    property           plotwalk
                                                                                                                                   a short itselftois the
                                                                                                                                                          SCHLOSS generous;
                                                                                                                                                                     Roxburgh with   a south-west
                                                                                                                                                                               Golf Hotel   with its,facing  aspect
                                                                                                                                                                                                      18 hole,        towards
        country  lifestyle seeker.
       water feature, complete with sauna and hot tub, this forever home is an enviable find for any              the
                                                                                                                    golf course. The plot itself is exceptionally generous; with a south-west facing aspectbeyond,
                                                                                                                       famous      Roxburgh    viaduct    spanning  the River Teviot  and   majestic   Eildon   Hills  towards
       country lifestyle seeker.                                                                                  with
                                                                                                                    the the  rear opening
                                                                                                                         famous     Roxburgh toviaduct
                                                                                                                                                                     theand  sheltering
                                                                                                                                                                         River Teviot andwoodland.
                                                                                                                                                                                              majesticIt Eildon
                                                                                                                                                                                                         is a location  which
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Hills beyond,
                                                                                                                    withall therear
                                                                                                                          the     boxes.
                                                                                                                                     opening to endless countryside and sheltering woodland. It is a location which
        VIEWING INFORMATION                                                                                       VIEWING       INFORMATION
                                                                                                                    ticks all the   boxes.
        Contact Hastings Legal & Property                                                                           VIEWING       INFORMATION
                                                                                                                  Contact Hastings Legal & Property
        01573 922603
       Contact Hastings Legal & Property                                                                          01573 225999
                                                                                                                   Contact Hastings Legal & Property
       01573 922603                                                                                                01573 225999

24 ESPC.COM                                                                                                                                                                                                            ESPC.COM 25
                                                                                    North Berwick

                   WHY EAST LOTHIAN IS
                  PERFECT FOR OUTDOOR
                  If you love watersports, golf or cycling, East Lothian could be
                                        the place for you.

26                                                                                                  27
                                                                                    Longniddry Bents
                                                                                                                                                                         Glen Golf Course, North Berwick
                                                                                                         2. WORLD-RENOWNED GOLF
                                                                                                         Quite simply, East Lothian is a golfer’s
                                                                                                         paradise. Muirfield is known for hosting
                                                                                                         The Open Championship, but there are
                                                                                                         a variety of other excellent golf courses
                                                                                                         available in North Berwick, Gullane,
                                                                                                         Longniddry, Dunbar and Musselburgh.

                                                                                                         3. STUNNING WALKS
                                                                                                         With stunning scenery across the area,
                                                                                                         there are a number of breathtaking             Dunbar
                                                                                                         walking routes in East Lothian. You can
                                                                                                         stroll along the John Muir Way from
       WHY EAST LOTHIAN IS PERFECT FOR                                                                   Prestonpans to North Berwick or walk

                                                                                                         beside the picturesque River Tyne in
                                                                                                         Haddington. Whether
                                                                                                         you’re an avid walker or someone who
        With a fantastic selection of homes, highly regarded schools and good transport links, the       just enjoys popping out for some fresh
         towns and villages of East Lothian attract many different types of property buyers, from        air, there will be many different routes to
                                young families to those entering retirement.                             suit you.

          It’s a particularly great base for those who love spending time outdoors – here’s why...       4. EXCELLENT CYCLE ROUTES                                                          Haddington
                                                                                                         East Lothian is also a great base for keen
                                                        1. BEAUTIFUL BEACHES                             cyclists, with lots of main cycle routes.
                                                        From Longniddry and Aberlady to North            National Route 76 connects Haddington
                                                        Berwick and Dunbar, many of East Lothian’s       and Musselburgh with Edinburgh, and on
          East Lothian is an extremely                                                                   past Dalmeny towards Stirling. National
                                                        towns and villages are perched on its
          popular place to live, not just               beautiful coastline, which means there is        Route 196 is a leafy, mostly traffic-free
           because it is home to many                   a range of watersports activities on offer.      route along leafy railway paths and
        picturesque towns and villages,                 Whether you are a keen surfer, into open         quiet roads. It connects Haddington to
       but also because it offers a range               water swimming or enjoy a bit of paddle-         Penicuik, and links to National Route 1
         of houses in various different                 boarding, you will be able to find an activity   south of Edinburgh.
        prices brackets which cater to a                and area to suit you.
        diverse range of buyers. As well
         as those sought-after seaside                                                                                           Whiteadder Reservoir
          views, East Lothian offers an                                                                                                                 5. GREAT FISHING SPOTS
         exceptional quality of life with                                                                                                               Whether you prefer freshwater or sea fishing,
          a range of outdoor activities,                                                                                                                you are spoilt for choice in East Lothian.
       substantial local facilities and an                                                                                                              Whiteadder Reservoir offers good trout and
         easy commute into Edinburgh                                                                                                                    salmon, while Kin Loch at Markle Fisheries
                                                                                                                                                        holds rudd, carp, tench and trout.
          Erin Gilmour, Property Manager
                   at Paris Steele                                                                                                                      Search for your dream home in East Lothian
                                                          Longniddry Beach

28 ESPC.COM                                                                                                                                                                                      ESPC.COM 29

   Modern country homes                  ZeroC, part of Places for People,
                                         has launched the first phase of
                                                                                   The landowner’s vision is for
                                                                                   a mixed-use hub to include a
                                                                                                                         Allison Sutherland, Places for
                                                                                                                         People Regional Director of Sales
                                         modern country homes for sale             café and retail along with studio     and Marketing said: “Off-plan
   A charming collection of              at Longniddry Village. The first          and workshop space for local          reservations have already been
                                         phase includes an elegant mix             businesses, offering employment       made following our recent virtual
   2, 3 and 4 bedroom homes.             of 2, 3 and 4 bed country homes,          opportunities and useful services     launch and we expect a high level
                                         including character bungalows,            for the whole village.                of interest in our homes here to
   Prices from £290,000                  coach houses and uniquely styled
                                         3 and 4 bedroom homes with                The trademark architectural style
                                                                                                                         continue. Our customers are so
                                                                                                                         excited about our refreshing
                                         period charm.                             includes period features such as      approach to architecture; some
                                                                                   sash and case windows, high           have travelled as far as Aberdeen
                                         The range of house types has              ceilings and chimneys. The same       and Inverness to view the Modern
   Please contact us on:                 been designed by celebrated               attention to detail is reflected in   Country show homes at our
                                         architect Ben Pentreath in                beautiful interiors featuring high    other developments.
   07483 349 425                         traditional style to reflect the best
                                         of the nearby county towns and
                                                                                   quality fixtures and fittings,
                                                                                   including designer kitchens and       “We look forward to welcoming                coastal villages and developed            bathrooms. Some of the larger         customers to our new show
                                         in partnership with landowners            homes have a log burning stove as     home early 2021.”            Wemyss and March Estates.                 standard, with a cosy garden room
                                                                                   that creates the perfect space for
                                                                                   working from home.

                                                                                 ZEROC – LONGNIDDRY – EAST LOTHIAN
30 ESPC.COM                                                                                                                                       ESPC.COM 31
                                                                                                                                                  1 THE OLD GYMNASIUM, CARBERRY,

              WHAT IS A FLEXIBLE MORTGAGE?                                                                                                                  MUSSELBURGH EH21 8PY
        Paul Demarco, Independent Mortgage Adviser at ESPC Mortgages, explains what a flexible
                                                                                                                                     FIXED PRICE £430,000                         3           3          2           C
                               mortgage is and when it can be useful.

    Flexible mortgages allow           As the mortgage is also             usually the Bank of England                                                                                                    ESPC PROPERTY
    you to manage your monthly         portable, it can be transferred     base rate. The tracker rate
    payments to suit your cash         to the new purchase if a            would be expressed as a
    flow needs. This is an             mortgage is required for that       certain percentage above
    additional feature over the        purpose.                            or, in some cases, below the
    standard variable and fixed                                            benchmark rate.
    rate mortgage options that         Also, if someone wants to
    have early redemption              buy before they sell, or they       It’s important to remember
    penalties.                         cannot sell at present, and         that interest rates can go
                                       they either have no or a very       up. If it rises sharply, your
    Flexible mortgages allow           small mortgage on their             payments may increase
    you to repay capital early         existing property, they will        substantially.
    without any early redemption       use the flexible mortgage
    penalties, take back some          option to buy the new               Contact ESPC Mortgages
    cash you have paid in and          property with the deposit           for independent mortgage
    postpone payments.                 funded from savings.                advice on fsenquiries@espc.
                                                                           com or 0131 253 2920.
    Some are run as substitutes        Further down the line, if they
    for current and savings            decide to sell the other
    accounts, so all your money        property, they can repay the
    is working to minimise             mortgage in part or in full
    interest on the mortgage.          without any early redemption
    Each provider will specify         penalties.
    the extent of flexibility on its
    product and the interest rate      In general, there are two           The information contained in this article
    may be variable or fixed.          types of flexible mortgages         is provided in good faith. Whilst every
                                                                           care has been taken in the preparation
                                       that lenders offer – fixed rate     of the information, no responsibility is
                                       and tracker rate.                   accepted for any errors which, despite
    There are a number of                                                  our precautions, it may contain.  Located within the grand Carberry Tower Estate amongst 40 acres of private parkland, this
    reasons why flexible
                                       FIXED RATE                                                            exclusive three-bedroom end-terrace house occupies a sought-after corner plot, providing a
    mortgages may be used.                                                 The initial consultation with an
    For example, if someone            This is when the mortgage                                             rare opportunity for families and professionals.
                                                                           adviser is free and without obligation.
                                                                                                                                     Located within the grand Carberry Tower Estate amongst 40 acres of private parkland, this
    wants to re-mortgage their         payments are fixed for a            Thereafter, ESPC Mortgages charges
                                                                           for mortgage advice are usually £350                      exclusive three-bedroom end-terrace house occupies a sought-after corner plot, providing a
    property to get a lower            specific period and do not          (£295 for first-time buyers). YOUR                        rare opportunity for families and professionals.
    interest rate, but they also       change until the end of the         HOME MAY BE REPOSSESSED IF YOU
    want to sell their property        fixed rate period.                  DO NOT KEEP UP REPAYMENTS ON
                                                                           A MORTGAGE OR OTHER LOANS
    within the next six to twelve                                          SECURED AGAINST IT.
    months or so, the flexible         TRACKER RATE
                                                                                                              VIEWING INFORMATION
    mortgage option offers             These offer you a variable          ESPC (UK) Ltd is an Appointed
                                                                           Representative of Lyncombe
                                                                                                                                     VIEWING INFORMATION
    them a lower rate of interest      rate mortgage with an interest                                         Viewings Information Tel: 01620 893 481
                                                                           Consultants Ltd which is authorised
    and no early redemption            rate that rises and falls in line   and regulated by the Financial
                                                                                                                                  Viewings Information Tel: 01620 893 481
    charges.                           with a specific benchmark,          Conduct Authority.

32 ESPC.COM                                                                                                                                                                                                              ESPC.COM 33
25/2 RANKEILLOR STREET, NEWINGTON,                                                                           90 WARRENDER PARK ROAD, MARCHMONT,
                                      EDINBURGH, EH8 9JA                                                                                          EDINBURGH EH9 1ET
       OFFERS OVER £425,000                         3           2          1          C                                FIXED PRICE £385,000                          2          2           1          C

        ESPC PROPERTY                                                                                                                                                                       ESPC PROPERTY

                                                                                                 This impressive main-door two-bedroom flat offers a private garden, generous
                                                                                                 accommodation, and impeccable interiors, with neutral décor, desirable period features, and
                                                                                                 contemporary fixture and fittings. It forms part of a traditional tenement and provides a
       This beautifully-modernised, traditional first-floor flat in Newington, within the South Side                  This impressive main-door two-bedroom flat offers a private garden, generous
       conservation area, lies nestled between Holyrood Park and The Meadows and within strollingcentral and prime location  for city and
                                                                                                                      accommodation,  professionals    and urban
                                                                                                                                          impeccable interiors,       families.
                                                                                                                                                                with neutral décor, desirable period features, and
       distance of the city centre.                                                                                    contemporary fixture and fittings. It forms part of a traditional tenement and provides a
                                                                                                                       central and prime location for city professionals and urban families.

                                                                                             VIEWING INFORMATION
       VIEWING INFORMATION                                                                                             VIEWING INFORMATION
                                                                                             Viewings Information Tel: 0131 516 5366
       Tel VMH 0131 253 2964                                                                                     Viewings Information Tel: 0131 516 5366

34 ESPC.COM                                                                                                                                                                                                ESPC.COM 35

                                       Make a statement in
                                       your home with bold
        Enamel Hanging Planter,         purple and pretty                  Eichholtz Marquis Vase,
        Bohemia Design Limited,            lilac shades.                   Sweetpea & Willow, £84,

                             Evie Bed, Living It Up, £892.50,

       Zahra Sheepskin Baa Stool,       Purple Softness Poster,            Arabella Purple Velvet
            Lime Lace, £245,          Desenio, £9.95,        Pom Pom Cushion, Ragged
                                                Rose Ltd, £35,   Cricket Corner Sofa, Sofology, £1,999,

36 ESPC.COM                                                                                                                                                     ESPC.COM 37
19B LAW ROAD,                                                                           26 (3F1), DARNELL ROAD,
                               NORTH BERWICK, EH39 4PT                                                                                EDINBURGH, EH5 3PL
          OFFERS OVER £355,000                            3           2           1           B             OFFERS OVER £350,000                          2           1          2           C

           ESPC PROPERTY                                                                                                                                                         ESPC PROPERTY

ee bedroom, two bathroom, mid terrace house in North Berwick, within easy
ance of beaches, shops, schools and the train station. In addition to a secure low-
e garden, with a detached garden room, the property also benefits from allocated
          Modern three bedroom, two bathroom, mid terrace house in North Berwick, within easy               A beautiful, well proportioned, 2-bedroom flat forming part of a handsome traditional stone
          walking distance of beaches, shops, schools and the train station. In addition to a secure low-   built tenement located in desirable Trinity area. Modernised to an extremely high standard
          maintenance garden, with a detached garden room, the property also benefits from allocated        throughout with high ceiling with fine cornice work which adds greatly to the character.

          VIEWING INFORMATION                                                                               VIEWING INFORMATION
ormation Tel: 01620 893 481
        Viewings Information Tel: 01620 893 481                                                             By apt with Boyd Legal 0131 202 5935

   38 ESPC.COM                                                                                                                                                                                   ESPC.COM 39
ESPC NEWS                                                                                                                                                                 PROPERTY FEATURE

       THE BENEFITS OF USING A SOLICITOR                                                                                       CASTLE LIFE
                ESTATE AGENT                                                                             If you’ve ever wanted to live in a castle, this beautiful flat in Dunfermline
                                                                                                                                  will let you do just that.
       The Scottish property buying and selling process is different to before COVID-19. That’s why
                  it’s more important than ever that you choose an agent you can trust.

    In the current guidance on moving home              and concluding the missives, making it as
    and COVID-19, the Scottish Government has           seamless as possible.
    recommended anyone looking to buy or sell
    property should speak to a solicitor in the first   3. HIGH STANDARDS OF CONDUCT
    instance. ESPC agents are all solicitor estate      Solicitor estate agents are bound by the
    agents, meaning they can help with every            professional code of conduct issued by the
    aspect of buying or selling your property,          Law Society. This means they meet high
    from advising you on the current processes          standards with regards to any legal aspects
    to the legal aspects to property marketing.         of the buying or selling process and are duty
    Here are five reasons to use a solicitor estate     bound to do the best by their clients, so you
    agent in Scotland:                                  can trust that they are offering you the best
                                                        possible advice throughout the process.
    GUIDANCE                                            4.LOCAL MARKET INSIGHT AND
    ESPC solicitor estate agents are experts in         KNOWLEDGE
    the local buying and selling process and can        The guidance of an experienced agent on
    therefore answer any questions you may              properties and how much to offer or how
    have. Our solicitor estate agents also work         much to accept is very valuable. ESPC
    to stay up-to-date with new government              solicitor estate agents benefit from expert
    guidance and legislation relating to the            knowledge on the local market, with access
    Scottish property market and COVID-19,              to up-to-date ESPC sales data, so they can
    making them best-placed to advise you on            advise you on this.
    the current situation.
                                                        5. PROPERTY MARKETING
    You need a solicitor to buy or sell a house         A specific benefit of using an ESPC solicitor
    in Scotland. A solicitor estate agent can           estate agent to sell your property, is that
    therefore help with every stage of the              they can advertise your home on various
    moving process, from the marketing of your          ESPC marketing channels, including the
    property to submitting and accepting offers         ESPC website which receives hundreds of
                                                        thousands of visits per week.

                                                        Our 2019 market research revealed that
                                                        most buyers in the local area look at ESPC
                                                        channels first when they’re searching for
                                                        their new home, ensuring you reach the right
                                                        audience at the start of their buying journey.

                                                        Find an ESPC solicitor estate agent at

40 ESPC.COM                                                                                                                                                                                    41

CASTLE LIFE                                                          This unique and beautifully
                                                                     presented property forms part of
                                                                                                              The picturesque communal
                                                                                                              grounds which surround the castle
                                                                     A-Listed Pitreavie Castle, which         incorporate woodland, lawns, ponds
                                                                     was built in the 17th century and        and a summer house, making it
                                                                     sits in around four acres of grounds     perfect for those looking for peace
                                                                     between Rosyth and Dunfermline.          and quiet.
                                                                     In recent years, the castle has
                                                                     been transformed into six stunning       However, it’s also relatively well-
                                                                     apartments.                              connected with Rosyth Railway
                                                                                                              Station just a ten minute walk away,
                                                                     The flat itself has been freshly         providing direct access to Haymarket
                                                                     decorated and is a credit to the         Station in the centre of Edinburgh in
                                                                     present owners, with lovely décor        less than thirty minutes.
                                                                                                              The nearby towns of Rosyth and
                                                                     Upon entering the castle, you are        Dunfermline also offer a range of
                                                                     greeted by an entrance vestibule         amenities, like shops, eateries and
                                                                     which leads to a hugely impressive       schools, meaning you may not have
                                                                     sweeping carpeted staircase. The         to venture to the capital too often.
                                                                     flat entrance is located on the
                                                                     second floor.                            The seaside towns of Fife are easy
                                                                                                              to access by car or public transport
                                                                     The apartment features a small           and Fife is also known for its beautiful
                                                                     internal hallway, and a few steps        countryside walks and historic
                                                                     down the stairs takes you into a         attractions, meaning there is plenty in
                                                                     useful study/utility area. A main        the nearby area to explore.
                                                                     staircase leads to the upper level
                                                                     and a bright, spacious hallway.          Presenting a unique opportunity
                                                                                                              to live in a super stylish apartment
                                                                     Overlooking the beautiful gardens        within a castle, this property is
                                                                     of the castle, the living room is one    certainly one-of-a-kind.
                                                                     of the highlights of the property. It
                                                                     benefits from a feature fireplace.
                                                                     The property also has a modern,
                                                                     newly-fitted dining kitchen.

                                                                     With three well-proportioned
                                                                     double bedrooms, the property
                                                                     could be ideal for a small family or
                                                                     a couple seeking additional space.
                                                                     There is also an impressive four
                                                                     piece family bathroom in the flat.

10 PITREAVIE CASTLE, CASTLE DRIVE, KY11 8FX | OFFERS OVER £265,000                                                                        RATING
CONTACT: Call Morgans on 01383 280427                                               1                     3              1                   D
97 MAYFLOWER GARDENS,                                                                                       14A POLWARTH GROVE, MERCHISTON,
                                  LOANHEAD, EH20 9BF                                                                                                      EDINBURGH EH11 1LY
       FIXED PRICE £330,000                            4           2           2           C                                  FIXED PRICE £325,000                            2            2           1           B

        ESPC PROPERTY                                                                                                                                                                                  ESPC PROPERTY

                                                                                                  This stunning two-bedroom, two-bathroom garden flat with furniture included, boasts a
                                                                                                  prime location in popular Polwarth. Intersected by the picturesque Union Canal, Bruntsfield
                                                                                                  and Merchiston lies within walking distance of all the capital has to offer and is well-served by
       Forming part of a contemporary development in Loanhead, this modern detached house                               This stunning two-bedroom, two-bathroom garden flat with furniture included, boasts a
       enjoys four bedrooms, two bathrooms, neutral décor throughout, and an enviable south-      local shops, entertainment     amenities,
                                                                                                                        prime location          andPolwarth.
                                                                                                                                        in popular    24-hour     bus links.
                                                                                                                                                               Intersected  by The    cleverly converted
                                                                                                                                                                                the picturesque                  flat is set
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Union Canal, Bruntsfield
       facing aspect, plus a large rear garden, an attached single garage, and a double driveway. on the lower-ground and
                                                                                                                        floor   of a traditional
                                                                                                                            Merchiston               mid-terraced
                                                                                                                                         lies within walking           villa,
                                                                                                                                                             distance of       presented
                                                                                                                                                                         all the              inoffer
                                                                                                                                                                                 capital has to   a move-in    condition,
                                                                                                                                                                                                      and is well-served    by
                                                                                                                        local shops, entertainment
                                                                                                  with a private main entrance and rear garden.      amenities,  and 24-hour   bus links. The  cleverly converted  flat is set
                                                                                                                              on the lower-ground floor of a traditional mid-terraced villa, presented in a move-in condition,
                                                                                                                              with a private main entrance and rear garden.
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HEARTSEASE, 2 UPPER MANORHILL HOUSE,                                                                                  BENGERBURN OLD FARMHOUSE,
              HEARTSEASE, 2 UPPER MANORHILL HOUSE,                                                                                  BENGERBURN OLD FARMHOUSE,
                         SELKIRK, TD7 5LS                                                                                                 SELKIRK, TD7 5LD
                        SELKIRK, TD7 5LS                                                                                                   SELKIRK, TD7 5LD
       OFFERS OVER £315,000                                 2            2            2            D              OFFERS OVER £235,000                                   2            1             2             F
       OFFERS OVER £315,000                                2            2            2            D                OFFERS OVER £235,000                                   2               1          2             F

        ESPC PROPERTY                                                                                                                                                                                ESPC PROPERTY

        A country escape beautifully restored in true homage to its Victorian roots, Manorhill is an              Nestled in rolling countryside quintessential of the beautiful Yarrow Valley, Bengerburn
       Aimmaculate   apartment
          country escape           set in restored
                           beautifully    a secluded
                                                   in private  location
                                                       true homage    toto
                                                                         itsthe edge ofroots,
                                                                             Victorian   town Manorhill
                                                                                               - surrounded  by
                                                                                                         is an    Farmhouse
                                                                                                                   Nestled in isrolling
                                                                                                                                   the ideal   spot for those
                                                                                                                                           countryside         in searchofof the
                                                                                                                                                         quintessential         an enviable
                                                                                                                                                                                                Yarrow balance      - with the
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Valley, Bengerburn
        stunning landscaped
       immaculate   apartmentgardens       with a rolling
                                  set in a secluded        countryside
                                                      private           backdrop,
                                                              location to the edgesheltering    woodlands and
                                                                                     of town - surrounded   by    area  benefitting
                                                                                                                   Farmhouse          a scenic
                                                                                                                                  is the        and peaceful
                                                                                                                                          ideal spot for thosesemi-rural
                                                                                                                                                                 in search position,   this charming
                                                                                                                                                                              of an enviable    work-lifespot is surprisingly
                                                                                                                                                                                                          balance    - with the
       stunning     outlooks gardens
                 landscaped    - it is an enviable home
                                          with a rolling    providing abackdrop,
                                                          countryside   perfect balance    between
                                                                                  sheltering         peaceand
                                                                                              woodlands     and   well
                                                                                                                          benefittingequidistant   to peaceful
                                                                                                                                        a scenic and  the popula   r towns of
                                                                                                                                                                 semi-rural       Peebles
                                                                                                                                                                               position,    and
                                                                                                                                                                                          this   Galashiels
                                                                                                                                                                                               charming   spotwhich   host an
                                                                                                                                                                                                                is surprisingly
        ease of accessibility.
       restorative outlooks - it is an enviable home providing a perfect balance between peace and                excellent
                                                                                                                   well connected; equidistant to the popular towns of Peebles and Galashiels which hostnot
                                                                                                                              range  of  amenities  and  transport  links, it provides   the  perfect country  getaway,      an
       ease of accessibility.                                                                                     too  far fromrange
                                                                                                                   excellent     civilisation.
                                                                                                                                       of amenities and transport links, it provides the perfect country getaway, not
                                                                                                                   too far from civilisation.
        VIEWING INFORMATION                                                                                       VIEWING INFORMATION
        Contact Hastings Legal & Property                                                                          VIEWING
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                                                                                                                             Hastings   Legal & Property
        01573 225999
       Contact Hastings Legal & Property                                                                          01573 225999
                                                                                                                   Contact Hastings Legal & Property
       01573 225999                                                                                                01573 225999

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                   GARDEN TRENDS FOR 2021                                                                              From fruit and vegetables to herb gardens, the discovery that you don’t
              Here are some of the top garden trends for 2021, as identified by the experts.                           need a huge space and that lots can be grown in a container, means this
                                                                                                                                               will continue to trend.
      It might still be cold, but the days are slowly getting a bit lighter, signalling that spring is around
      the corner. If you’ve started to think about how to upgrade the outdoor space of your home for                           Marcus Eyles, Horticultural Director at Dobbies Garden Centres
      the warmer months, here are some of 2021’s top gardening trends, as identified by the experts.

                                                                       Paxton swinging egg chair, Gardenesque

                                                                                                                GROWING YOUR OWN FOOD
                                                                                                                2020 saw an increasing interest
                                                                                                                in growing food at home, and this
                                                                                                                is likely to continue according
                                                                                                                to Marcus Eyles, Horticultural
                                                                                                                Director at Dobbies Garden
                                                                                                                Centres, who said, who said:
                                                                                                                “From fruit and vegetables to
                                                                                                                herb gardens, the discovery that
                                                                                                                you don’t need a huge space
                                                                                                                and that lots can be grown in
                                                                                                                a container, means this will
                                                                                                                continue to trend.”

                                                                                                                                    Seaton firepit, Gardenesque
                                                                                                                                                                  OUTDOOR ROOMS
                                                                                                                                                                  The experts at Gardenesque believe gardens
                                                                                                                                                                  will continue to become an extension of our
                                                                                                                                                                  living space, and creating an outdoor room is
                                                                                                                                                                  a great way to unlock your garden’s potential
                                                                                                                                                                  this summer. Comfortable furniture is key
                                                                                                                                                                  to creating a relaxing space to unwind and
                                                                                                                                                                  socialise as a family.

                                                                                                                                                                  They are also anticipating an upswing in
                                                                                                                                                                  products that extend the evening on our
                                                                                                                                                                  patios, balconies and in our gardens, such
                                                                                                                                                                  as outdoor firepits and fireplaces. Similarly,
                                                                                                                                                                  Gardenesque has reported a surge in interest
                                                                                                                                                                  in barbecues, outdoor kitchens and pizza
                                                                                                                                                                  ovens, highlighting al-fresco cooking and
                                                                                                                                                                  dining will remain popular.

50 ESPC.COM                                                                                                                                                                                              ESPC.COM 51

                                                                                               Raised beds are popular not only
                                                                                               because the height saves us from
                                                                                            the aches and pains of bending down
                                                                                                but because they make growing
                                                                                             fruit, vegetables and flowers possible
                                                                                            anywhere, even if you just have a front
                                                                                                         porch or a patio.
                                                                                                  Kate Turner, Gardening Guru
                                                                                                         at Miracle-Gro

               Dedicating an area of the garden to wildflowers, even if a small square
              metre, can have a big impact. Just think of the cumulative effect if even a
                  small portion of those with outdoor space planted wildflowers.
                      Marcus Eyles, Horticultural Director at Dobbies Garden Centres

                                                                                                                                      RAISED BEDS
                                                                                                                                      The team at Miracle-Gro (lovethegarden.
      Marcus Eyles from Dobbies also
                                                                                                                             did some research on Instagram
      believes there will be a continued
                                                                                                                                      to find out what the top emerging
      focus on sustainability in 2021,
                                                                                                                                      gardening trends for 2021 were, and one
      with planting styles that will help
                                                                                                                                      of them was raised beds. By building
      encourage pollinators and wildlife to
                                                                                                                                      a raised wooden garden bed, you can
      help gardeners become greener. He
                                                                                                                                      create a lovely outdoor feature but it’s
      advises: “To encourage pollinators,
                                                                                                                                      also an ideal space saver for those with
      plant simple single flowers, rather
                                                                                                                                      small gardens.
      than blousy doubles, as this will
      give them the chance to access
      the nectar.”                                                                                                                    You can then grow whatever plants, fruit
                                                                                                                                      or vegetables that you feel like or what
                                                                                                                                      will work in that position of your garden.

52 ESPC.COM                                                                                                                                                               ESPC.COM 53
                       10/11 ARDMILLAN PLACE, ARDMILLAN,                                                                                    51 ETTRICK TERRACE,
                                                                                                                                              SELKIRK, TD7 4JS
                                        EDINBURGH EH11 2JU                                                                                     SELKIRK, TD7 4JS
                                                                                                                OFFERS OVER £220,000                            3            3           2           E
           OFFERS OVER £230,000                             2            1           1           C               OFFERS OVER £220,000                            3            3           2           E

             ESPC PROPERTY                                                                                                                                                                ESPC PROPERTY

 professionals, first-time buyers, and buy-to-let investors, this third/top-floor flat
rdmillan forms part of a modern development, boasting two spacious double
                                                                                                                Charming traditional stone built cottage in the heart of Selkirk. Tastefully presented
 generous living/dining room, and private residents' parking. The home has a                                    throughout
         Ideal for city professionals, first-time buyers, and buy-to-let investors, this third/top-floor flat    Charming boasting
                                                                                                                           traditionalits stone
                                                                                                                                          own enviable  self contained
                                                                                                                                                 built cottage  in the apartment! Rolling Tastefully
                                                                                                                                                                       heart of Selkirk.  hillside views, lovely
on, within   walking
         in popular      distance
                      Ardmillan  formsofpartHaymarket
                                               of a modern train  station,
                                                            development,      and is
                                                                           boasting  twowell-presented
                                                                                           spacious double      outdoor spaceboasting
                                                                                                                 throughout   and private    parking.
                                                                                                                                        its own enviable self contained apartment! Rolling hillside views, lovely
           bedrooms, a generous living/dining room, and private residents' parking. The home has a               outdoor space and private parking.
           prime location, within walking distance of Haymarket train station, and is well-presented

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