FIND YOUR WAY to the Premier lifestyle - Pages

Page created by Don Rice
FIND YOUR WAY to the Premier lifestyle - Pages
 your guide
 to the Premier lifestyle...
FIND YOUR WAY to the Premier lifestyle - Pages
CONTENTS                                                                                                                                      WELCOME
Welcome				               1   Social Media             12                                                          Premier Private Resorts is proud to bring you a fine selection of luxury destinations to choose from, with a range of superb local
Annual Contributions		    2   Christel House           13   OPEN DAYS                                              and international resorts selected especially to suit your discerning tastes.
                                                            Members are now able to make bookings 53 weeks in
2020 Payment Options      3   Plan Your Trip		         14   advance.                                               We can only maintain this level of service by constantly monitoring and researching our members’ expectations and we
Levy Update		             4   Book Your Holiday		      15                                                          request, for this reason, that you participate in our regular surveys.

Using Your Points			      6   Extra Bonuses			         16   ONLINE BOOKING                                         The member feedback received via Twitter, Facebook, and Google+ has been overwhelmingly encouraging, and we look
                                                            For ultimate convenience, Premier Private Resorts      forward to continuing this positive trend in future. Please sign up with these platforms, if you haven’t done so already, in order
2500 Free Points		        7   Member Benefits		        18   members can book online, anytime. Simply log onto      to contact us directly. We love to hear from our members and we look forward to interacting with you through these forums.
Watch Your Windows		      8   Keep In Touch		          19, browse through the options
                                                            and make your booking from anywhere.                   A brand new resort directory is in production at the moment and we will notify you as soon as it is ready.
Join Us Online			         9   Discover Our Country		   20
Annual Campaigns         10   Travel The World		       21                                                          We look forward to showing you the way to matchless indulgence once again in this edition of Find Your Way.

                                                                                                                                                                                               guiding you
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     to special places...

FIND YOUR WAY to the Premier lifestyle - Pages
ANNUAL                                                       CONTRIBUTIONS                                                                                   2020 PAYMENT OPTIONS
    CLUB SUBSCRIPTION                                            REFURBISHMENT RESERVE                                   ANNUAL LEVY CONTRIBUTION                  The following easy payment options and discounts
    •     Like a sports club, Premier Private Resorts requires   •   A payment that covers your proportionate share      •   A payment that covers your
          an Annual Club Subscription to cover its operating         of any Special Levies and other related charges         proportionate share of the Club’s     are available to our members:
          expenses such as accounting, administration,               which may be raised by any of the Club’s holiday        holiday properties’ levies and
                                                                                                                                                                   • R996 discount on your Club Subscription if you pay by debit order.
          reservations, sending statements, issuing guest            properties.                                             any other related charges.
          certificates, communication, etc.                                                                                                                        • 10% discount for a once-off payment made via our Member Portal during October 2019.
                                                                 •   The Refurbishment Reserve is used to maintain the   •   The amount is due every January
    •     This subscription is due upon joining the Club and         standards of the accommodation owned by the             and is based on the agreed            • 5% discount on three equal payments received in October, November and December each year.
          every January thereafter. All members pay the              Club.                                                   percentage of your Points Value.
          same amount.                                                                                                       The current percentage is 8.5%
                                                                 •   The amount is due every January and is based            with a minimum contribution of          DON’T MISS OUT ON THIS BENEFIT...
                                                                     on the agreed percentage of your Points Value.          R5 750 and limited to R16 755.
                                                                     The current percentage is 0.85% with a minimum                                                 • Pay in full online, via the Member Portal, during October 2019 and you will get R996 discount
                                                                     contribution of R575 and limited to R1 675.                                                      on your Club Subscription as well as a 10% early payment discount.

                                                                                                                                                                                                 DON’T LOSE OUT
        2020 ANNUAL LEVIES                         DUE     CALCULATION
        Club Subscription                        R2 055    Members pay R996 less via debit order
                                                                                                                                                                                    Log into your Member Portal and pay online!
        Refurbishment Reserve                    R 880     0.85% of Points Value
        Christel House Contribution              R 25
                                                                                                                                                                                           SHOULD YOU REQUIRE ASSISTANCE
        TOTAL                                    R2 960                                                                                                                                      Please contact us on accounts@premierprivate.
        Annual Levy                              R8 800    Ready to be used for your holidays                                                                                                or on +27 31 717 7377

        Accommodation Levy                       R_____    Due when your holiday is selected

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FIND YOUR WAY to the Premier lifestyle - Pages
    ANNUAL LEVY                                            LEVY ACCOUNT                                           ACCOMMODATION LEVY                                 HOW YOUR HOLIDAY SAVINGS
    •   The Annual Levy is payable at the beginning
        of each year and is based on the number of
        Points you own.
                                                           •   Your Annual Levy is kept in your Levy Account
                                                               until you book a holiday and only then will
                                                               the applicable amount be deducted from
                                                                                                                  •   When you book your holiday, you will be
                                                                                                                      advised of the Accommodation Levy
                                                                                                                      applicable to that holiday.
                                                                                                                                                                     WORK FOR YOU:
                                                               your Levy Account.
    •   This is used to pay resort levies and covers
        the estimated annual costs of your scheme’s        •   In the event that your Levy Account is
                                                                                                                  •   This Accommodation Levy will be deducted
                                                                                                                      from your Levy Account.                                                STEP 1
        accommodation.                                         depleted, you can pay in additional funds                                                                                     Pay your Annual Levy. Payment is
                                                               towards your desired holiday.                      •   If the Accommodation Levy due is more                                  transferred to your Levy Account, and
    •   This amount is due annually, and is calculated                                                                than the amount in your Levy Account,                                  is available to be used right away.
        on an agreed percentage of the monetary            •   Leftover Levies are carried forward at the             simply pay in the difference within 24 hours
        value of your Points allocation for the year.          end of the year to the next year.                      of making your reservation.
        Currently the Annual Levy is calculated at

                                                                                                                                                                                             STEP 2
        8.5% of the value of the Points you own, with      •   Your Annual Levy may be accumulated
        a minimum contribution of R5 750 and limited           and held as a credit in your Levy Account
        to R16 755.                                            for a maximum of 3 years (the year in which
                                                               the Annual Levy was charged plus two                                                                                          Book online or call your Holiday
    •   Once this payment is received, it is transferred       additional years).                                                                                                            Planner. The Accommodation Levy
        to your Levy Account.                                                                                                                                                                is deducted from your Annual Levy
                                                           •   Any unused credit in your Levy Account from                                                                                   when you make a reservation.
                                                               the first year of accumulation will expire after
                                                               the third year. You will, however, be notified
                                                               in advance.
                                                                                                                                                                               GUEST         STEP 3
                                                                                                                                                                       GUEST   CERTIFICATE
                                                                                                                                                                       CERTIFICATE           Print your Guest Certificate online or
                                                                                                                                                                                             if received from a Holiday Planner,
                                                                                                                                                                                             check that your guest name and
                                                                                                                                                                                             details are correct.

                                                                                                                                                                                             STEP 4
                                                                                                                                                                                             GO ON HOLIDAY!

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FIND YOUR WAY to the Premier lifestyle - Pages
USING YOUR                                                                   POINTS                                                                         2500 BONUS POINTS FREE
                                                                                                                                                                Wouldn’t you like your closest friends and family to enjoy the same great benefits which Premier Private Resorts affords
    FIRST, BUY YOUR POINTS                         BONUS POINTS                                                          ANY UNUSED POINTS                      you? Imagine! It’s so easy! In exchange for the names and details of 5 friends or family members, who may wish to
    •   Once you purchase your Points, they        •   A number of Bonus Points are issued to                            are accumulated for up to 3 years
        are automatically reissued to you each         members when first purchasing Points. These                                                              become members of Premier Private Resorts, you will receive 2500 Bonus Points to use in the next 12 months.
                                                                                                                         (current year + 2 years).
        year.                                          Bonus Points are for once-off use only.
                                                                                                                                                                We will credit your Points account with 2500 Bonus Points for your use.
    •   These Points increase in number with       •   Your Leisure Status Update reflects your                                                                 Simply visit
        inflation every year, ensuring that your       total Points available, including these Bonus                      YOU MAY BORROW
        Points appreciate, which means that            Points.                                                            up to 25% of next year’s Points for   and fill out the online referral form with the names and contact details of
        you continue to enjoy a lifetime of                                                                               a holiday this year.                  5 friends or family members.
        holidays which grow in value every         •   Bonus Points are not re-issued.

                                                                                                                                                                          EXCLUSIVE TO
                                                                                                                                                                PREMIER PRIVATE RESORTS MEMBERS
                     YEAR 1                                             YEAR 2                                       YEAR 3
             10 000 Points Purchased                                 10 000 Points                        10 650 Points from Year 2
                                                       +650 Points (escalated at 6.5% inflation)        +690 Points (escalated at 6.5% inflation)
        TOTAL: 10 000 Points available                  TOTAL: 10 650 Points available                   TOTAL: 11 340 Points available

                     YEAR 1                                             YEAR 2                                           YEAR 3
             10 000 Points Issued                          4 500 Points from Year 1                               0 Points from Year 2
        -3 000 Points used for Holiday                   +10 000 Points Year 2 allocation                   +10 650 Points Year 3 allocation
        -2 500 Points used for Holiday                      +650 Points (escalated at 6.5% inflation)         +690 Points (escalated at 6.5% inflation)
                                                          +1 200 Points borrowed from Year 3                 -1 200 Points borrowed in Year 2
                                                         -16 350 Points used for Holiday                     -2 600 Points used for Holiday
        TOTAL: 4 500 Points available                      TOTAL: 0 Points available                         TOTAL: 7 540 Points available

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FIND YOUR WAY to the Premier lifestyle - Pages
WATCH YOUR WINDOWS                                                                                                JOIN US ONLINE
                                                                                       LIFE’S EASIER ONLINE
                                                                                       Online is the way to go for our members. Our dedicated online
    • Each year you are allocated Points, and you will also add to your Annual         payment gateway is the quickest and most convenient way
       Levy account in monetary value. These are saved for you until you are           to stay up-to-date with all your payments. Monitor your Levy
       ready to go on holiday.                                                         Account and ensure that it is filled up and ready to go when
                                                                                       you are. You’ll also get access to great discounts for online
    • You can accumulate up to 3 years’ worth of Points and Annual Levy                payments made in respect of the 2020 levies.
       (current year + 2 further years).
                                                                                       Benefits of going Online:
    • Each year’s allocation is stored in a “Window”, waiting to be used.              • Book your holiday                   • Print confirmations

                                                                                                                                                                 READY TO GO ONLINE?
                                                                                       • Check available Points & Levy       • View Specials & Bonuses
    • The Window shows you the year in which your Points and Annual Levy               • Pay online                          • Update guest details
       were allocated.                                                                 • Access the Points Chart &           • Edit & print Guest Certificates
                                                                                         your account                        • Book holiday extras               Follow these easy steps to join our online community:
    • Unused Points and Annual Levy from the first Window will expire at the end
       of the third year, unless they are used before then.

    • Always check your Leisure Status Update to see if any Points or Annual
       Levy is about to expire.
                                                                                              CHECK YOUR POINTS ONLINE
                                                                                                 BEFORE THEY EXPIRE.
                                                                                                                                                                 STEP 1      Go to

                                                                                                                                                                 STEP 2
                                                                                              Always check these “Windows” on your Leisure
                                                                                              Status Update to see if you have any Annual Levies                             Under member login, click on REGISTER NOW
                                                                                              or Points which are about to expire.
    POINTS EXPIRING?                           BOOK EARLY
                                                                                                          Leisure Status Update
    We will always notify you should your
    Points be in danger of expiring.
                                               Book for next year this year to avoid
                                               any accumulated Points or Annual                               Your Annual Levies                                 STEP 3      Fill in your DETAILS
                                               Levies expiring.                                    Use it or Lose it. Your Annual Levies expire on

                                                                                                                                        }                        STEP 4
                                                                                                        31/12/2019              R0.00
                                                                                                        31/12/2020          R 554.86                                         Don’t forget to SELECT “I have read,
    YOU CAN BORROW                            ANY UNUSED ANNUAL LEVY                                    31/12/2021          R2 296.04                                        and agree to, the terms & conditions”
    up to 25% of next year’s Points for       are accumulated for up to 3 years.                                            R2 850.90
    a holiday this year.                      (current year + 2 further years)                           Your Accumulated Points
                                                                                                        Use it or Lose it. Your Points expire on                 STEP 5      Click the REGISTER button
                                                                                                                               19 163
                                                                                                                               20 269
                                                                                                                                        }                        STEP 6      You will receive an email with your PASSWORD
                                                                                                     USE IT! DON’T LOSE IT!                                                    IT’S THAT SIMPLE!
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FIND YOUR WAY to the Premier lifestyle - Pages
                                                                            2019 AT A GLANCE
                                                                            We love treating our members to extra opportunities for holidays and so
                                                                            we run regular campaigns and flash sales, giving everyone the chance
                                                                            to book an additional holiday or two. These are some of the campaigns
                                                                            which took place in 2019, in addition to our regular Specials, Bonus Weeks
                                                                            and Impulse Bookings:

                                                                            MANDELA DAY
      Our “Rock Your Boat” campaign                                         This year we celebrated Mandela Day by giving our members 67% off
                                                                            Points required for all bookings made on that day. Holidays were snatched
      has come to an end and what a                                         up fast and furiously and even more bookings were made than last year.
      success it was!                                                       Be sure to take advantage of our discounted holidays during our Mandela
                                                                            Day campaign next year!
      One lucky member was the winner                                       Total number of bookings: 187
      of the Rock Your Boat competition.
      This awesome cruise, valued                                           APRIL FOOLS BONUS BREAKS
      at R15 000, was aboard the                                            There was no kidding around with the April Fools Bonus Breaks, where
                                                                            members got to enjoy great holiday savings and awesome spa treatment
      MSC Orchestra and included the                                        deals as part of their travel packages. Keep a look out for the upcoming
      following:                                                            bonus bookings and make sure not to miss out on more crazy discounts.
      • A weekend cruise for 2                                              Total number of bookings: 37
      • All meals
      • Daily entertainment                                                 MAY PRICE FREEZE
                                                                            Prices were as cold as ice during the May Price Freeze, as members could
      Next year we will be running a                                        take advantage of 2018 prices in their bonus bookings. Nothing beats

                                              CRUISE WINNERS
                                                                            great savings at low prices, and members can look forward to more
      similar competition, entitled “Life’s                                 spectacular deals next year.
      a Beach,” so keep your eyes                                           Total number of bookings: 66
      peeled for details and make sure        CONGRATULATIONS
      that you enter!
                                              Mr M.J. & Mrs L.M. Mhlontlo   HALF-WAY THERE SPECIAL OFFER
                                                                            This superb special was well-received, and members could get up to 50%
                                                                            Off Points on their next holiday for bookings made at the half-way point of
                                                                            the year. More special booking offers are on the horizon, so keep checking
                                                                            and do not let the perfect holiday opportunity pass you by.
                                                                            Total number of bookings: 109

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FIND YOUR WAY to the Premier lifestyle - Pages
     FACEBOOK                                                                LIKE
     Our social media pages are becoming increasingly popular,
     with over 4000 people following us on Facebook. This is an
     increase of 113% since the end of January. Don’t miss out on
     all the latest news from your club; find us on Facebook today!
                                                                            SHARE   At Christel House our Mission is to break the cycle of poverty. As a
                                                                                    school for the very poor, we service 20 Cape Town townships which,
     @Premier Private Resorts
                                                                            TWEET   unfortunately, have become clouded in crime and desperation. We
                                                                                    take underprivileged children from their communities and give them
     At Premier Private Resorts we are on a journey of discovery,
                                                                          COMMENT   nutritious meals as well as a holistic model of education.
     to see, taste, feel and soak up everything that our beautiful
                                                                                    Our aim is to identify and ignite the passion which every child has
     country can throw at us. Join us...
                                                                                    by lifting them up to become all that they can be. As such, sports,
                                                                                    music, art, debating and other extra-curricular activities are always
     TWITTER                                                                        a priority at Christel House.
     Follow us on Twitter and get instant updates on the latest news...
                                                                                    Unique to Christel House, our teachers are paid based on the
                                                                                    objectives that their learners achieve, which includes exam
                                                                                    results, but also success at university and their employment status

                                                                                    Over the past eight years our pupils have achieved a 100%
                                                                                    matriculation pass rate (vs 71% for public schools) and 98% of
                                                                                    our matriculants have either found employment, or are busy with
                                                                                    further studies. This is the result of your generous contributions
                                                                                    toward our humble project which aims to uplift lives for generations
                                                                                    to come. Thank you for changing these lives and for giving hope.

                                                                                     “Intelligence plus character - that
                                                                                     is the goal of true education.”
                                                                                     - Martin Luther King Jr.

FIND YOUR WAY to the Premier lifestyle - Pages
PLAN YOUR                                               TRIP                                                                                 BOOK YOUR                                                               HOLIDAY
                                                                                                                                                  HOW TO MAKE A RESERVATION
                                                                                                                                                  1. Visit and browse our resorts online at your leisure.
                                                                            MAXIMISE YOUR MEMBERSHIP
                                                                                                                                                  2. Search by the region and season in which you would prefer to holiday.
                                                                            •    Book early to avoid disappointment.
                                                                            •    Before you begin planning, find out what accommodation is        3. Prepare to be flexible and try out new experiences, regions and seasons.
                                                                                 available, where and when.                                       4. Decide on the number of people holidaying with you.
                                                                            •    Consider using units of various sizes.                           5. Have your member number and password on hand and LOG IN.
                                                                            •    Halfway through a 2-week stay, be flexible with regard to        6. It’s the easiest, quickest and most affordable way to book. Check discounted holidays, availability and
                                                                                 switching units or resorts.                                         the number of Points needed / Accommodation Levy due. Then BOOK! What’s more, you can enhance
                                                                            •    Take advantage of Specials and Bonus Breaks.                        your stay and book fantastic holiday extras: Horse Riding, Dam Boat Cruises, Spa Treatments, Rounds of
                                                                                                                                                     Golf, Hippo & Croc Boat Cruises & Fred’s Goodie Bag.
                                                                             POINTS CHART                                                         7. Don’t waste any time. We book over 3000 holidays per week.
                                                                             •   The Points Chart is updated every year and is available online
                                                                                 at                                      8. Remember: additional guest certificates and guest name changes are FREE online. Alternatively, you
                                                                                                                                                     can contact your professional Holiday Planner on 031 717 7410 for bookings.
                                                                             •   This displays the number of Points required for each holiday
                                                                                 destination.                                                     YOUR GUEST CERTIFICATE
                                                                                                                                                  1. Once your reservation has been confirmed with your Holiday Planner, you will receive a Guest Certificate
                                                                             LEISURE STATUS UPDATE                                                   via email or post. Alternatively, Guest Certificates can also be printed online. Please check that your
                                                                             • Use it! Don’t lose it!
                                                                             •                                                                       guest name and details are correct. All information updates can be done online.
                                                                                                                                                     Remember: guest name updates and changes are FREE online.
                                                                             • You will receive your Leisure Status Update every quarter.
                                                                             This provides a summary of:                                          2. Present your Guest Certificate and photo ID when you arrive at your holiday destination.
                                                                             • Your holidays.
                                                                             •                                                                    3. A Guest Certificate may be issued in the name of a family member or friend up to four times a year.
                                                                                                                                                     Please notify the Club when you would like to take advantage of this benefit.
                                                                             • The Points available to you.
                                                                                                                                                     Tel: +27 31 717 7410 Fax: +27 31 709 1810 or Email:
                                                                             • The available balance in your Levy Account.
                                                                             • The expiry date of both your Annual Levies and your Points.        CANCELLING A RESERVATION
                                                                                                                                                  1. Should you cancel a domestic reservation 21 days or more before the date of occupation, you will be
      NOT ENOUGH POINTS? YOU CAN STILL GO ON HOLIDAY!                                                                                                refunded all of your Points and the Accommodation Levy, after a nominal administration fee has been
      • If you don’t have enough Points, you can borrow up to 25% of your                                                                            deducted.
         Points from next year.                                             NOT ENOUGH ANNUAL LEVIES? NO PROBLEM!
                                                                                                                                                  2. Your Points and Accommodation Levy are forfeited for domestic cancellations made less than 21 days
      • You can also borrow up to 100% of next year’s Points when making    If you don’t have enough in your Levy Account, a “top-up” payment        before the date of occupation.
         a reservation this year for next year.                             can be made to secure your booking. Your “top-up” must be paid        3. International cancellations must be made 28 days or more before the date of occupation to receive a
                                                                            within 48 hours of making a reservation.                                 refund of your Points and the Accommodation Levy (less a nominal administration fee).
      • Call your Holiday Planner for assistance.

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FIND YOUR WAY to the Premier lifestyle - Pages
EXTRA                                                 BONUSES
     CRUISE HOLIDAYS                                                                  FIRST RESERVATIONS AND TRAVEL                                                  BONUS BREAKS                                       IMPULSE BOOKINGS
     In collaboration with MSC Cruises, we                                            Our in-house travel team goes the extra mile to make sure that you             Bonus Breaks are cash bookings, available          Keen to take a last-minute holiday? We offer
     are pleased to offer a fantastic variety of                                      enjoy the best rates on car hire and flights. A myriad of thrilling packages   during out-of-season periods, and are subject to   Impulse Bookings which are for occupation
     cruises which are ideal for members who                                          at fantastic rates are also available. Visit dream destinations such as        availability. Take advantage of 10 Bonus Breaks    within 28 days. These are short-notice bookings
     are looking to escape from it all. Whether                                       Mombasa, Morocco, Zanzibar and Phuket - all possible with First                per year for extra getaways.                       where the Points required are reduced by as
     for a family getaway, romantic retreat or                                        Reservations and Travel, your very own travel specialist.                                                                         much as 50% and you can also make use of your
     weekend of fun with friends, the MSC Orchestra provides just what you                                                                                                                                              Annual Levy.
     need.                                                                            The First Reservations and Travel website is regularly updated with the        SPECIAL OFFERS
                                                                                      latest travel packages and great flight deals.                                 Members can make use of 10 of these Special
     Rand for Rand, cruising offers the best value, with accommodation,               Visit us on or call 087 808 2000.                  Offers per year - both locally and abroad,
     3 meals a day, a midnight snack, non-stop entertainment, on-board                                                                                               where discounts are offered on Points and
     activities and a kiddies’ amusement programme all included in your               EXCHANGES THROUGH PARTNERS                                                     Accommodation Levy.
     fare. Premier Private Resorts cruise rates are exclusive to members.             One call gives you access to our vast holiday portfolio and to those of our
     Call +27 31 717 7410.                                                            18 Holiday Partners. With Premier Private Resorts, no additional exchange
                                                                                      levies apply to any bookings made with our Holiday Partners, and no
                                                                                      Membership Levies are payable to any exchange company.

      Look out for them in your Gilt Edge magazine, which is available online, or in the
      monthly “Your Premier Passport” email.
      Book online at or alternatively, call us on +27 31 717 7410.

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MEMBER                                        BENEFITS                                                                  KEEP IN                                           TOUCH
     FAQs                                                 GILT EDGE                                               HAVE YOUR CONTACT DETAILS CHANGED?                             RESERVATIONS:
                                                          Our exclusive member magazine, Gilt Edge, is            Please notify us in writing if your contact details have       Tel:   +27 31 717 7410
     Got any questions?
                                                          available to you online 3 times a year. It is full of   changed, and remember to quote your Membership                 Email:
     For answers visit
                                                          information and inspiration about prime holiday         Number.                                                        Web:
                                                          opportunities, both in South Africa and around the      Send changes to : Premier Private Resorts
     YOUR HOLIDAY EXPERIENCE                                                                                                         Preferred Services                          ACCOUNTS:
     Share stories about your happy holidays                                                                                         P.O. Box 1583, Pinetown, 3600               Tel:   +27 31 717 7377
     and your advice with our members. Please                                                                     Via Email        :                Email:
     send your short story, with photographs, to                                                                  Via Fax          : +27 31 709 1810
     We’re constantly striving to improve your                                                                    Alternatively, you can update your details on the website:
     holiday experiences at our resorts and we                                                          
     value your feedback.
     to give us feedback on your experiences.                                                                     WEBSITE AND ONLINE NEWS
                                                                                                                  Visit and follow the prompts under the Member Login section that appears on
     MEMBER SURVEYS                                                                                               the top right-hand corner of the webpage. Once you are registered, it’s so easy to access your account.
     We ask all our members to complete a                                                                         Make payments, view holiday destinations and our Points chart, book your holiday and enjoy the latest
     short survey upon returning from a holiday,                                                                  news. Our resourceful online member platform is a convenient one-stop portal where you can organise
     summarising their holiday experience. This                                                                   and monitor all your holiday needs as you require.
     helps us to address any problem areas that
     there might be and to stay up-to-date with
     our members’ preferences.

     Make sure that we have your email address
     so that you can receive our monthly
     e-newsletter, “Your Premier Passport.” It
     is packed with the latest Special Offers,
     Bonus Breaks, exhilarating travel packages,
     flight specials and sensational promotions.

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DISCOVER                OUR COUNTRY                                                                               TRAVEL THE                                                              WORLD
 time      to   find
                                KZN DURBAN                   EASTERN CAPE                                                         UNITED STATES                            SPAIN & ISLANDS                             UNITED KINGDOM
                                • Oceanic                    • Brookes Hill                                                       • Fort Lauderdale Beach Club             • Bahia Blanca                              • Brockwood Hall
                                • The Palace All-Suite       • Kowie River Chalets                                                • Holiday Inn Orange Lake-West Village   • Club Las Calas                            • Brunston Castle
                                                                                                                                  • Hilton Grand Vacation Club Las Vegas   • Club Marina                               • Clowance Estate & Country Club
  your perfect vacation...      KZN SOUTH COAST
                                • Caribbean Estates
                                                            WESTERN CAPE
                                                            • Avalon Springs
                                                                                                                                  • Magic Tree Resort                      • Crown Resorts At Club Calahonda           • Cromer Country Club
                                                                                                                                  • Sheraton Vistana Resort                • Crown Resorts At Club Caronte             • Macdonald Loch Rannoch Highland Club
                                • La Côte d’Azur            • Bantry Bay                                                          • Silver Lake Resort                     • Crown Resorts At Club Delta Mar           • Macdonald Plas Talgarth Resort
                                • Margate Sands             • Beacon Island                                                       • Summer Bay Resort                      • Crown Resorts At Club Marbella            • Seasons Knocktopher Abbey
                                • St. Michaels Sands        • Cape Gordonia                Qwantani                               • Wyndham Avenue Plaza                   • Diamond Club Calypso                      • Seasons at Laugharne Park
                                                            • Club Mykonos Langebaan
                                KZN NORTH COAST             • Hastings Hall
                                                                                                                                                                           • Elite Apartments At Fairways Club         • Whitbarrow Village
                                                                                           Qwantani was awesome; simply           MEXICO                                   • Elite Apartments At Pueblo Evita
                                • Breakers                  • Hermanus Beach Club                                                 • Mayan Palace at Vidanta Riviera                                                    EUROPEAN ALPS
                                • Cabana Beach              • Knysna River Club            amazing! Every single staff                                                     • Fairways Club
                                • Umhlanga Sands Hotel      • Mount Sierra                 member is friendly and helpful. The       Maya, Cancun                          • Hollywood Mirage Club                     • Alpen Club
                                                            • Pinnacle Point               scenery is absolutely beautiful. The                                            • Los Pinares                               • Clubhotel Am Kreischberg
                                KZN DRAKENSBERG             • Port Owen Marina             only sad part of my experience         AUSTRALIA                                • Macdonald Villacana Resort                • Ferienclub Grundlsee
                                • Bushman’s Nek             • Riviera Suites               was having to pack up and return       • Beachcomber International Resort       • Miraflores Beach & Country Club           • Ferienclub Schloesslhof
                                • Castleburn                • Strand Pavilion              to Johannesburg after a week of        • Cedar Lake Country Club                • Miraflores Vacation Club                  • Les Cretes-Euroloisirs
                                • Champagne Sports Resort • The Peninsula                  complete soul rejuvenation. Thank      • Mansfield Country Resort               • Pueblo Evita Club                         • Portes Du Soleil
                                • Drakensberg Sun           • Wilderness Dunes             you to all the Qwantani staff. You     • Nepean Country Club                    • Santa Barbara Golf & Ocean Club           • Residence Panorama Villars-Sur-Ollon
                                • Champagne Valley                                         are the best in Africa!                • The Moorings Resort                    • Sunset Beach Club                         • Residence Laurin
                                • Fairways                  MPUMALANGA                                                                                                                                                 • Royal Alpage Club Alps Switzerland
                                                                                           Candice Reeve                          THAILAND / MALAYSIA                      PORTUGAL
                                • Riverbend Chalets         • Kruger Park Lodge                                                                                                                                        • Siesta Ferienclub Scharn Scharnitz-Gless
                                                            • Millstream                                                          • Absolute Bangla Suites                 • Alfagar Village
                                KZN INLAND                  • Pine Lake Resort                                                    • Absolute Twin Sands                    • Clube Praia Da Oura                       MALTA
                                • Midlands Saddle & Trout   • Sabi River Sun
                                                                                           Selborne Golf             Estate,      • Laguna Holiday Club Phuket             • Four Seasons Vilamoura                    • Coral Reef Club
                                • Whispering Waters         • Sanbonani Holiday Spa
                                                                                           Hotel & Spa                            • LHC @ Allamanda Laguna Phuket          • Monte Carvoeiro Clube                     • Golden Sands Island Resort
                                                            • Waterberry Hill                                                                                              • Montechoro Beach Club                     • Sunny Coast Resort Club
                                LIMPOPO                     • Mount Sheba                                                         ITALY                                    • Oura View Beach Club                      • Solana Hotel
                                                                                           As a golfer I like to stay at a
                                • Mabalingwe Nature                                        venue that has everything you          • Centro Vacanze Veronza                 • Pestana Palms
                                   Reserve                  NORTH WEST                     need; Selborne is that property!       • Hotel Mioni Royal San                  • Pestana Palm Gardens
                                • Mabula Game Reserve       • Bakubung Bush Lodge          The accommodation is stunning          • La Ferriera - Half-board
                                • Sondela Nature Reserve • Kwa Maritane                    and the food is good. I had the        • Palace Residence1 & 2                  FRANCE
                                                            • Magalies Park
                                FREE STATE
                                                                                           lamb curry and would definitely                                                 • Club Le Bristol
                                • Qwantani                  CRUISES
                                                                                           recommend it. The scenery is just                                               • Marriotts Village d’lle de France Paris
                                                                                           beautiful and the staff is friendly.
                                                            • MSC Orchestra                They go the extra mile to make
                                HENTIES BAY                                                your stay unforgettable.
                                • Desert Rose           View details of these resorts at                                          Call your Holiday Planner on +27 31 717 7410 to find out more about our international resorts.
                                                         Glenda Nell

20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              21
                                                   Tel: +27 31 717 7410


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