Top 3 - Harrogate Grammar School

Page created by Andre Carr
Top 3 - Harrogate Grammar School
Parent Bulletin                           Week Beginning: Monday 14 June 2021                             Week B

This week there have been news items about sexual harassment in schools. The Government issued a press
release containing the findings of Ofsted Inspections in 32 state and private schools and colleges. Please click here
to read the press release.

We do not tolerate sexual harassment of any member of our community and all incidents are taken seriously. We
encourage students who experience or witness any bullying or harassment to report to school via the Reach out
form on their iPad. Earlier in the year we shared with you a summary of our work in this area. Please click here to
see this summary.

           Top 3
                         Well done to all students in Years 7 to 9 for embracing their end of Year CATs this week.
                         End of Year CATs commence this week for Years 10 and 12. Use all the time allocated to
                         attempt everything on the paper. Be your very best each time.

                         The beauty of the world lies in the diversity of its people. June is Pride month, a time to
                         celebrate and promote equality, respect, diversity, unity and acceptance. Take time to
                         read the information about Pride at the end of the bulletin, including information on what
                         the new flags represent that are displayed at the front of school.

                         Take advantage of the sunny weather by walking to school, also supporting the Zero
                         Carbon Harrogate walk to school scheme taking place this week.

Top 3 - Harrogate Grammar School
Parent Bulletin                    Week Beginning: Monday 14 June 2021                                Week B
         Home Testing

Testing continues to play a crucial role, in and out of classrooms, in the fight against COVID-19. The government
advice is that staff and students should continue to test themselves and report results.

When do I take my test:         Every Monday and Thursday before school (or the evening before)

Reporting results:              1) To school: HGS: form
                                2) To the NHS: Report a COVID-19 result

If positive result:             Also email email
                                Book a confirmatory PCR test
                                Whilst awaiting your PCR result, you and your household should self-isolate

The reporting of test results is important and can be done simply and quickly, from mobiles, iPads or PCs, and
should be completed straight away. Reporting not only supports contract tracing in the event of a positive case
but also assists understanding of community rates of infection.

         RKLT consultation: Wednesday 16 June

As a Trust we are very keen to hear from you regarding how you want our Trust to develop in the
future. We have prepared a very short questionnaire, together with a short introductory video
from our CEO Mr Richard Sheriff, which we would really appreciate you taking the time to watch
and complete.
We are extremely proud of the work we do together as a family of schools, but we also know that we can do more
and we want your help to make sure we do the rights things in the right way for the benefit of all the children that
we serve.

Your views really matter and a link will be sent to you by the school on Wednesday next week and the survey will
remain open until Friday 18th June. Following the survey, we will be taking your feedback and the feedback we are
collecting from students and staff to create a summary of the consultation which will aid us in our planning and work
in the future. Thank you very much in anticipation of your support. Richard Sheriff, CEO RKLT

        End of Year CATs helpful information
    ▪    Learning and Memory Assembly
The link below provides access to the assembly, delivered to students on Monday 24 May. The assembly focuses
on how students have been preparing for the upcoming CATs and advice for the final weeks before they begin.

Link to Learning and Memory Assembly:

    ▪    The Keys to Effective Revision – How You Revise Really Matters!
There are two main reasons why knowledge sticks in your memory so you can recall it in tests:

                                   1)    You keep retrieving (recalling and remembering) and revisiting (spacing)
                                         knowledge e.g. use self-quizzing and repeat testing. Doing tests and
                                         quizzes regularly is a great way to move knowledge from our short term
                                         to long term memory.

                                   2)    You have to really think about the knowledge. Pick revision strategies
                                         that make you think hard e.g. mind mapping or summarising notes or
                                         writing down everything you can remember about a specific topic. Avoid
                                         simply reading and highlighting or copying from a book. This revision will
                                         feel harder, it is more effort, but it is much better use of your time.

Effective revision makes the maximum use of the time you spend on it. If you are revising effectively you will

naturally get tired, so plan in breaks and do things that help you to relax and give your brain a rest.

Quick link: Revision - working with your memory

Top 3 - Harrogate Grammar School
Parent Bulletin                    Week Beginning: Monday 14 June 2021                                Week B
    ▪   Links to end of year CAT letter emailed to parents/carers and students on 18 May

        Year 7                 Year 8                  Year 9                Year 10                 Year 12

        Sleeping Difficulties?

We recently presented an assembly to Years 7 to 11 on the importance of sleep and
referenced information from The Sleep Charity. The charity’s website has a wealth of information and advice around
improving sleep for children and adults. For example, there is a downloadable sleep
diary which can help identify what’s causing sleep difficulties and pinpoint any

In the Student Bulletin this week we’ve included a link to the charity’s website to
download a free eBook, packed with information, advice and handy tips to help
students understand sleep a little more. We have also suggested that students
might wish to ask their respective Year Manager for a copy of the “Teen Sleep
Matters” booklet, containing some interesting facts and advice around improving
their sleep.

We have also reminded students of an online chat facility around sleep difficulties, where support is available each
Tuesday and Thursday evening, from 6 to 8 pm, at

Hope this is helpful!

Mrs Smithson and Mrs Ellenthorpe (Year Managers: Years 9 and 10)

        Year 11: Dates for your diary – Sixth Form Induction Period

          A copy of the communication detailing plans for Year 11 Sixth Form Induction Period can be found here.

 Monday 14 June           Subject Support
 9.00am to 10.50am        Students have the option of coming in to school to receive support with their bridging
                          material or coursing and progression.
 Tuesday 15 June to       Subject Masterclasses
 Thursday 17 June         Students attend one individual masterclass for each of their chosen Sixth Form
                          subjects. The sessions will focus on a big idea or contemporary theme related to the
                          subject area. Students should refer to their timetable for these sessions.
 Friday 18 June           Individual Choice
                          Students can engage with one of the following activities:
                              -   Sports afternoon in school (1.45pm to 3.30pm), book via this form
                              -   Virtual work experience at home
                              -   Independent work on the bridging materials at home

 Monday 21 June           Subject Support
 9.00am to 10.50am        Students have the option of coming in to school to receive support with their bridging
                          material or coursing and progression.
 Tuesday 22 June to       Subject Masterclasses
 Thursday 24 June         Students attend one individual masterclass for each of their chosen Sixth Form
                          subjects. The sessions will focus on a big idea or contemporary theme related to the
                          subject area. Students should refer to their timetable for these sessions.

Top 3 - Harrogate Grammar School
Parent Bulletin                   Week Beginning: Monday 14 June 2021                                Week B
 Friday 25 June          Sixth Form Induction Day
 8.45am to 3.30pm        Arrive via Sixth Form entrance from 8.45am
                         Students will participate in a full day of induction sessions in each of their chosen
                         subjects, meeting students new to the Sixth Form at HGS. Students will be provided
                         with their individual timetable for the day on arrival.

                         8.45am      Arrival via Sixth Form Entrance
                         8.50am      Tutor session
                         9.55am      Subject Lessons
                         10.50am     Break
                         12.55pm     Lunch
                         3.30pm      Depart

Refreshments can be purchased from G2 throughout the day during this 3-week period. Students should dress
smartly (no jeans or trainers). Students should bring a pencil case, their iPad and some paper. Face coverings
should be worn when entering and leaving Sixth Form, as well as during transition between lessons and to and
from communal students’ areas.

      Second Hand uniform

                            We are starting to collect used uniform for the big end of year sale in July. The likely
                            date for your diaries is Thursday 8 July 2pm to 4pm but please keep an eye on the
                            HGS PTA Facebook page or the HGS second-hand uniform sell/buy/want Facebook
                            page for updates nearer the time. We would love this sale to be as popular as the last
                            one so please donate any uniform you no longer need. Year 11 parents in particular,
                            please consider donating as we have lots of requests for the larger sizes including PE
                            kit, blazers, skirts and trousers. Ties and socks are always in high demand as a spare
                            pair too. For anyone who can't make the afternoon sale in July, please message us on
                            the HGS PTA Facebook page nearer the time and we will see what we can do - not
                            quite click and collect but we will try!                               HGS PTA

       Collecting students from school by car

                                  We kindly ask that if you are collecting your child from school via car that car
                                 engines should be switched off when parked. Leaving a vehicle’s engine running
                                 whilst it is stationary increases the amount of exhaust fumes in the air, which
                                 contain harmful gases including carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and
                                 hydrocarbons which have been linked to asthma and other lung diseases.


Top 3 - Harrogate Grammar School
Parent Bulletin                   Week Beginning: Monday 14 June 2021                               Week B

Children and Families Service: Courses for Dads, Step-Dads, Grandfathers,
Dads, step-dads, uncles, grandfathers – have you heard about this locally sponsored, offer:

Did you know North Yorkshire County Council have PRE-PAID for every parent and carer in North Yorkshire to
access a course for parents/carers (access now for life-long access)? FREE (with access code: NYFAMILIES at: for residents in our area. There are courses for parents, carers and grandparents about
children from bump to 19+ years. There are 11 modules which each take 10-15 minutes to complete.

Other courses are also available: ‘Understanding your teenager’s brain’ (short course) or ‘Understanding your
child’s feelings’ (taster course)

                                                                                                       Back to top

Dates for Your Diary
          Important Dates:
              •   Home testing: weekly every Monday and Thursday before school
              •   May Half Term: Monday 31 May to Friday 4 June, return to school Monday 7 June
              •   Complete Sport England consent form: link to original letter
              •   Year 7 to 9 End of Year CATs: w/c 7 and 14 June
              •   Year 10 and 12 End of Year CATs: w/c 14 and 21 June
              •   GCSE Virtual Art Exhibition – Tuesday 15 June
              •   PTA meeting – Tuesday 22 June
              •   Deadline: Year 7 Bolton Abbey complete consent and make payment: link to original letter
              •   Year 13 Ball – Saturday 26 June
              •   Flamingo Land Rewards Trip – Year 9 and 10 – Wednesday 30 June
              •   Flamingo Land Rewards Trip – Year 7 and Year 8 – Thursday 1 July

          All upcoming events, term dates and holidays can be located in the school web calendar.

  **Unfortunately, we have made the decision to postpone the PTA Summer Garden Party on the afternoon of
  Saturday 17 July.**

Top 3 - Harrogate Grammar School
Parent Bulletin                   Week Beginning: Monday 14 June 2021                               Week B

The following communications have been emailed this week:

*NEW* Rewards Trip to Flamingo Land for Years 7 to 10 – click here to view the letter. For Years 8, 9 and 10:
please note, your balance for the trip may appear as £8, this is correct as the payment you made for the Rewards
Trip in spring 2020 has been carried forward to this trip.

Year 7 Bolton Abbey Trip information – please provide consent and make payment by Wednesday 23 June

   Date          Sport       Opposition    Age Group      Home/Away       Meet time      Start/KO      Return time
Mon 14 June      Cricket        Settle        U15            Away           1pm            2pm            6pm
Mon 14 June     Rounders      St Aidans      U12 ABC          Home          3.30pm        3.50pm            5pm
Tue 15 June      Cricket       Allerton        U13            Away          1.20pm         2pm              5pm

Results from w/c 24 May
   Date          Sport       Opposition     Age Group     Home/Away                         Results
Thu 24 May       Cricket     Scarborough       U15           Away           Won – Harrogate 93 runs from 20 overs,
                                                                             Scarborough bowled out for 51 runs.
Sun 30 May      Eventing                          U18                      90 Class: Team were placed 1st, individual
                                                                                    Sophie Harris placed 6th
                                                                           100 Class: Emily Gaskell was placed 3rd in
                                                                                   the individual competition

          Extra-curricular Activities
              PE/Sports Extra-Curricular Activities Summer Term 2
              Click on the link to view the PE/Sports extra-curricular timetable for the summer term, click here to
              view the timetable

              HGS STEAM club: Summer Term
              Join the HGS STEAM: Illumination club
              Y7 – Thursday after school in A33

              Year 9 Creative Writing Club
              Wednesday lunchtime in A49

              Chinese Lessons
              Monday: Lunchtime, Year 11 in A25. After school, Year 9 in A25
              Tuesday: After school, Year 8 in A25
              Thursday: After school, Year 11 in A25
              Friday: After school, Year 10 in A25

              Year 10 to Year 13 additional study sessions
              There are a number of additional study sessions taking place in school for Years 10 to 13. Your
              teachers will let you know if they have a study session planned for a lunchtime or after school.

Top 3 - Harrogate Grammar School
Parent Bulletin                        Week Beginning: Monday 14 June 2021                                        Week B

Post 16 opportunities
          Click here for Post 16 opportunities. Information shared with Year 12 and 13 within the Sixth Form

        Useful contacts

Each year group has an allocated year       manager who should be your first point of contact.
 Year 7 Manager                              Mrs Cathy Bennett     01423 535211
 Year 8 Manager                              Ms Caroline Brown     01423 535214
 Year 9 Manager                              Mrs Debi Smithson     01423 535213
 Year 10 Manager                             Mrs Marie Ellenthorpe           
 Year 11 Manager                             Miss Deborah Moore    01423 535213
 Sixth Form Senior Student Support           Mrs Carly Jackson     01423 535233

 Query                                            Contact
 Assistant Headteachers for further enquiries     Director of Lower School (Years 7 to 9)– Ms Smith -
                                                  Director of Upper School (Year 10 and 11) – Mr Mason –
                                                  Director of Sixth Form – Mr Twitchin –
 General queries                        
 To report a planned/unplanned absence  

 To report booked test, test results or 
 symptoms for any students at HGS
 For any queries regarding testing in school or
 to withdraw consent to testing

Well-being Support


Top 3 - Harrogate Grammar School
Parent Bulletin                        Week Beginning: Monday 14 June 2021                           Week B

HGS in the News

                                         Sixth Form student selected for regional cricket squad
                                         Congratulations to Emma Marlow, a year 12 student, whose cricketing
                                         talents have led to her selection to England Cricket Board’s regional
                                         development squad. The Northern Diamonds Academy is one of eight
                                         regional ECC academies designed to provide a sporting pathway for young
                                         women who have the potential to forge a career in cricket.

                                         Click here to read the full article.

Equestrian teams reach National Championships
Our equestrian teams are celebrating after reaching the National
Championships with three different teams of the annual competition run
by the National Schools Equestrian Association.

Click here to read the full article.

                                             World Triathlon Championships

                                             Congratulations to Gabe Shepherd, Year 8 and Eve Whitaker, Year 11
                                             who participated in the World Triathlon Championships in Leeds last
                                             weekend. Gabe was 2nd in his year group, and 8th in the age 13-14
                                             male section. Eve came 4th in the U17 female section. Amazing results,
                                             well done.


Top 3 - Harrogate Grammar School

June is PRIDE month, the time of year when many countries around the world, including the
UK, celebrate and continue to push for LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer)

How did Pride begin?
Pride is held in June to mark the anniversary of the Stonewall riots, a series of protests that occurred in
New York city after police attempted to raid the Stonewall Inn, a popular gay bar, in the early hours of
June 28, 1969. The confrontation sparked a gay rights uprising, that grew year on year - including in
other American cities and abroad - with each passing anniversary.

How is Pride celebrated today?
Pride celebrations today often take the form of large, colourful marches through city centres. Although it
is a celebration of LGBTQ people, non-LGBTQ people who believe in equality (sometimes referred to as
allies) are always welcome. Rainbow flags, as a symbol of gay rights and the LGBTQ community's
diversity, are commonplace at Pride marches. Harrogate has its own Pride in Diversity parade; however,
this has sadly had to be cancelled this year due to COVID-19. The Pride in Diversity Team in Harrogate
are working towards a Hate Crime Awareness Week event in Autumn 2021 and will be back on Sunday 19
June 2022.

What does Pride mean?
The Oxford Languages dictionary defines gay pride as, "Confidence, self-respect, and solidarity as
expressed by gay people, associated with openness about one's own sexual identity, and the celebration
of gay culture and history."
Top 3 - Harrogate Grammar School
Pride flags displayed at HGS

To mark the month of Pride, we are displaying flags at the front of school, which represent our
inclusive community here at HGS. Here is some more information about these flags in case you
are not fully sure what they mean of represent:

                           This is the Transgender Pride flag. This year marks the 20th anniversary of
                           the Transgender Pride Flag, a blue, pink, and white striped flag, which was
                           designed by Monica Helms, a transgender woman, activist, and author, in

                          This is The Progress Pride Flag – It has the traditional six-
                          stripe rainbow design as a base, then the "Progress" variation adds a
                          chevron along the hoist that features black, brown, light blue, pink, and white
                          stripes to bring those communities (marginalised people of colour, trans
                          individuals, and those living with HIV/AIDS and those who have been lost).

                           This is The Straight Ally Pride Flag - Straight allies are heterosexual and/or
                           cisgender people who support equal civil rights, gender equality, LGBTQA+ social
                           movements, and challenge homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, and any discrimination
                           against the LGBTQA+ community.

                          This is one version of The Queer Pride Flags. Queer is an identity, and often
                          considered a movement, for people of sexual and gender minorities, and people who
                          fall outside of and/or reject the cultural norms around sexuality, gender identity,
                          and/or gender expression.
HGS Book

Diverse voices , a collection of         Access the HGS library platform .
 Available on the platform……..
teen  books celebrating                  To register for the library platform tap on
                                         the link.
diversity                                https://harrogategrammarlrc.eplatform.c

                                    The shortlisted books are available on the
                                   platform and on the shelf take a look….
On The Shelf Recommendations …..

           What would you do if your home wasn't safe anymore? Bea and her
           family are trying to live as if everything is normal. She and her sister
           Hannah look out for one another, at home and in school. But their
           country is starting to fall apart.
           Bea lives with her dad, her older sister, and their baby brother.
           She goes to school, squabbles with her sister, and tries to live a
           normal life. But she and her family aren’t allowed to leave the
           community they live in. The country is at war around them, and
           everyone’s looking for a way out. Bea realizes her life, and her
           relationship with her family, is on the edge of permanent change. And
           the war is drawing ever closer to their home…
           A civil war is raging, and it's getting closer. Bea is desperate not to
           leave home, but how long will it be before they have to run?

           The body seemed to fall for a long time. There was no splash, or if there
           was it was lost in the waves. Isobel was frozen to the spot for a moment -
           and then her common sense caught up with her, and she stepped back
           quickly into the shadows.

           When Isobel Petty is orphaned, she finds herself being taken away
           from her home in India and sent to live with a distant uncle in England.
           On board the S.S. Marianna, she witnesses a shocking act - somebody
           being thrown overboard in the middle in the night. But when the ship's
           captain insists that nobody is missing, Isobel and her two new reluctant
           friends must solve two mysteries - the identities of both the murderer
           and the victim - before they reach England and the culprit has the
           chance to escape.
           Inspired by The Secret Garden and the golden age of crime writing,
           The Secret Detectives is perfect for fans of Robin Stevens and
           Katherine Rundell.
You can also read