Page created by Richard Matthews

                               2022/2023   1
Founded in 1967, Fleming College has strived to create a
    legacy of innovation, inclusiveness and community-building.

    This year, we developed a new Fleming brand that shares our
    message of growth, unity and creativity. Our new identity
    captures the spirit of our vision to create prosperity and
    transform communities through education and innovation.

2   Fleming College                                               2022/2023   3
Welcome!                                                                                                                   CONTENTS

                                                                                                                           How to Apply                           4
Our campuses are located                                                                                                   Financial Aid                          5
in diverse, smaller urban                                                                                                  Residence and Housing                  6
centres that offer access to
                                                                                                                           Student Experience                     7
all amenities. However, we
also have a distinct advantage                                                                                             Areas of Study                     10
                                 Sutherland Campus
– opportunities for outdoor      Located on 200 acres in the City of Peterborough,                                         Common First Semester/             12
recreation. Located on part of   Sutherland Campus is the largest campus with about                                        Dual Diplomas/Pathways
                                 5,000 full-time students and 70 full-time programs.
the Trent-Severn Waterway,                                                                                                 Program Chart Key                  13
the region is home to more
                                                                                                                           Health and Wellness                14
than 350 lakes and the
TransCanada Trail traverses                                                                                                Law and Justice                    16
120 km through our campus                                                                                                  Community Development              18
communities. Whether it’s                                                                                                  Business and Information
great food, community                                                                                                      Technology                         20
festivals or just getting
                                                                                                                           Trades and Technology              22
outside in nature, you can
enjoy it here!                                                                                                             General Arts and Sciences          24

                                 Frost Campus                                                                              Indigenous Perspectives
                                 Set on 150 acres bordering the Scugog River in Lindsay,                                   Designation                        26
                                 Frost Campus is home to our School of Environmental
                                 and Natural Resource Sciences. The campus hosts                                           School of Environmental and
                                 about 1,600 full-time students.
                                                                                                                           Natural Resource Sciences          28
                                                                                                                           Haliburton School of
                                                                                           Fleming College respectfully    Art + Design                       32
                                                                                           acknowledges that we are        Connect With Us                    36
                                                                                           situated on the Michi Saagiig
                                                                                                                           Where to Find Us                   37
                                                                                           lands and the traditional
                                                                                           territory covered by the
                                                                                           Williams Treaties. G’chi
                                                                                           Miigwech to the Michi Saagiig
                                                                                           peoples for allowing us to
                                 Haliburton Campus                                         continue our work in your
                                 Nestled in the beautiful Haliburton Highlands, with
                                 its community of resident artists, Haliburton Campus
                                 offers full- and part-time programs within the
                                 Haliburton School of Art + Design.

4   Fleming College                                                                                                                                  2022/2023
                                                                                                                                                      2022/2023   55
1   How to Apply
    If you’ve made the decision to attend post-secondary,
                                                                Your timetable will be available a few weeks before
                                                                classes start. Check your myCampus Student Centre to
                                                                view your schedule and prepare for your courses. And
                                                                make sure you attend Orientation – it’s a great way
    get started by researching your options:                    to meet new friends and get acquainted with life on
        • Visit our website
        • Take a tour of our exceptional learning spaces        For a step-by-step guide to the application process,
                                                                visit: flemingcollege.ca/navigator
        • Attend one of our Open House events
        • Book a one-on-one session with one of our
          recruitment officers                                    Questions? Contact our Admissions Office:
         flemingcollege.ca                                        1-866-353-6464 ext. 1514

2 Ready to Apply?
    Visit ontariocolleges.ca to submit your online
                                                                Mature Students
                                                                If you are 19 years or older by the beginning of
    application.                                                classes, but have not yet completed your high school
                                                                diploma, you will be considered a mature student. This

3                                                                                                                        Financial Aid                                               Tuition and Fees
                                                                designation allows applicants to be considered for

    Next…                                                       admission based on the skills and experience they have
                                                                acquired since leaving school. For more information:
                                                                flemingcollege.ca/how-to-apply/mature-students.          Your post-secondary education is one of the most            Tuition for post-secondary programs is set in
    Once you’ve applied, we’ll send you an                                                                               important financial decisions you will ever make – and      accordance with the Ministry of Colleges and
    acknowledgement email.                                                                                               we want to ensure you have the support to achieve           Universities fee guidelines. These fees can vary by
                                                                                                                         your goals. Here are a few ways we can help fund your       program type. Please visit our website for complete
    Nov. 1 is the earliest date you can receive an offer of                                                              education:                                                  details on tuition fees and any additional costs
    admission for programs that begin in the upcoming                                                                                                                                associated with individual programs:
                                                                                                                          • The Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP)
    academic year. Offers of admission to highly                                                                                                                                     flemingcollege.ca/programs.
                                                                                                                            provides eligible students with loans and grants for
    competitive programs will be sent to successful
                                                                                                                            their education. Learn more at ontario.ca/osap.
    applicants after Nov. 1 on a rolling basis, based on GPA.
                                                                                                                          • We offer approximately $2 million annually                 Questions? Contact us:
    Confirm your offer of admission at ontariocolleges.ca                                                                   in student bursaries and scholarships:
    by May 1 to secure a seat in the program of your choice.                                                                flemingcollege.ca/financial-aid/scholarships-

4 You’re
                                                                                                                          • An on-campus job is a great way to earn money
         Almost                                                                                                             and learn valuable work and life skills that will help
                                                                                                                            build your résumé.

  There!                                                          NEW! Ontario Colleges can start sending
                                                                  offers of admission beginning Nov. 1.                  Create a Financial Plan
                                                                                                                         Knowing your costs and funding resources is important
    Once you’ve confirmed your offer of admission, you
                                                                  Be sure to apply before Feb. 1 to receive              in preparing for college. Create your own financial plan
    can log into myCampus for important information
                                                                  equal consideration for admission to                   using our online tool:
    and notifications. Be sure to pay your tuition deposit
    and fees by the specified deadlines. We will send an          programs with various start dates during
    email to your Fleming address, and to any other email         the upcoming academic year. (Generally,
    address you have provided, to let you know your Fee           September, January and May.) You can
    Notification is available for you to review.                  select up to three programs of your choice               Questions? Contact us:
                                                                  at Fleming.
    If required, provide proof of successful completion                                                                    flemingcollege.ca/financial
    of admission requirements for your program to

    6     Fleming College                                                                                                                                                                                                     2022/2023    7
Residence and Housing                                                              Student Experience
We offer on-campus, suite-style housing at Sutherland and Frost campuses.          We are committed to providing you with the tools and support you need
Spaces in residence are offered on a first come, first-served basis. Be sure to    to achieve your goals at Fleming. We promote a welcoming and inclusive
apply and confirm early to secure your spot.                                       environment for all students and staff across our campus communities. You’ll
                                                                                   have many opportunities to get involved and have fun.
For a tour of our suites or more information on our facilities, fees, and how to
apply: flemingcollege.ca/student-experience/residence.                             Among our many services, we offer:

                                                                                    • Tutoring and academic skills
Interested in living off-campus? Visit flemingcollege.ca/och for tips on
renting as well as for rental, sublet and roommate listings.                        • Student health services

Your housing choice is an important one. Our Housing Community                      • Counselling and accessible education services
Coordinator is available to assist you during your initial housing search and       • Career services
with any future concerns that may arise with your accommodations.
                                                                                    • Personal wellness supports

                                                                                    • Diversity and inclusion student supports
    1-866-353-6464 ext. 1125
    och@flemingcollege.ca                                                                                                          flemingcollege.ca/student-experience

8    Fleming College                                                                                                                                              2022/2023   9
Get Involved
Through leadership activities, mentoring and tutoring
programs, there are many opportunities for students to
get involved and help other students.

We also offer a Co-curricular Record (CCR), which is
a non-academic record of participation in on-campus
and community events. Document your activity and
supplement your portfolio/résumé.

Support for You
Need to check in? We are here for you. Through the
Personal Wellness Supports hub you will find resources,
modules and apps to help your personal and mental
                                                          Student Services
                                                          Rooted in Indigenous perspectives, Fleming Indigenous
                                                          Student Services nourishes students’ spirits on their
                                                          learning path by supporting connection to community,
                                                          culture, and self-care. This ‘Circle of Care’ approach
                                                          includes mental, spiritual, emotional and physical

                                                          We provide orientation and mentoring through our
                                                          Bishkaa program, cultural programming, and one-to-
                                                          one student support. We have also created meaningful
                                                          partnerships with Indigenous organizations and local       Get active! Our athletics and recreation programs
                                                          service providers to foster student success and connect    include fun intramural activities as well as extramural
                                                          students to community.                                     leagues and competitive varsity sports.

                                                                                                                     Full-time students at Sutherland Campus have access

                                                                                                                     to the Peterborough Sport and Wellness Centre,
                                                                                                                     located on campus. It features a triple gym, aquatic
     NEW! In 2021, Fleming launched its                                                                              centre, and weight/fitness training facilities. We also
     app – Fleming Mobile. Get connected,                                                                            have four ball diamonds and two world-class artificial
     get involved and find the resources                                                                             turf fields right on campus.
     you need to get off to a great start at
     Fleming. Download it in the App Store                students have identified as First Nation, Métis or Inuit   The Field House is a gymnasium that hosts intramural
     or Google Play.                                      at Fleming in the 2020-21 academic year.                   sports and fitness programs for students at Frost
                                                                                                                     Campus. The Lindsay Recreation Complex is located
     “I can reach people quickly with                     flemingcollege.ca/student-experience/indigenous-           adjacent to the campus and has a pool, two ice pads,
      information about my drop-in sessions,              student-services                                           fitness classes, weight training and cardio gym, and
      and check if any students need my
                                                                                                                     squash courts.
      support. I share my experiences and
      post events I find interesting and think
      others would too!”
                                                                                                                     Our Haliburton Campus has numerous options for            For more info:
                                                                                                                     outdoor recreation with its network of on-campus trails   flemingcollege.ca/student-
     – Sophia Dang, Peer Mentor and Social                                                                           and location on the shores of Head Lake. We offer a
          Service Worker Program Student                                                                             free bike and snowshoe sign-out program for students      experience/athletics-and-recreation
                                                                                                                     to stay active year round.

10     Fleming College                                                                                                                                                                                    2022/2023   11
Areas of
                       • Health and Wellness
                       • Law and Justice
                       • Community
                       • Business and
                       • Trades and
                       • General Arts
                         and Sciences
                       • Indigenous
                       • Environmental and
                         Natural Resource
                       • Haliburton School
                         of Art + Design

12   Fleming College                           2022/2023   13
Common First                                                 2x                                                       Program Chart Key
                                                             Double the Power of your Diploma
Semester                                                     Many of our two-year diploma programs offer
                                                             opportunities to obtain a second diploma within the      Admission Requirements                                     Campus Locations/Training Facilities
                                                             same School with just one or two more semesters
Core diploma programs in the School of Justice               of study. Add another specialization to your skill set   OSSD Ontario Secondary School Diploma                      P – Peterborough       L – Lindsay
and Community Development and the School of                  and increase your career prospects.
Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences share a                                                                   OSSC Ontario Secondary School Certificate (Grade 10)       H – Haliburton         C – Cobourg
common first semester while many diploma programs

in the School of Business and Information Technology                                                                  (C) Secondary school course at college level. When         N – Norwood (Eastern Ontario Training Academy)
share a common first year. Common first semester                                                                      (C) is the minimum course level for admission, (U) and
allows you the freedom to explore and obtain a               Most of our diploma programs have transfer               (U/C) courses are also accepted.
multidisciplinary perspective, while you acquire a base      agreements with both Canadian and international                                                                     Notes for all Programs
of knowledge and fundamental skills. You might find          institutions that recognize our diplomas for credit      (E) Secondary school course at workplace level.
                                                                                                                                                                                 • Gr 12 (C) courses will be accepted where Gr 11 (C)
that a different program is more suited to your goals        toward degrees. The number of credits may vary           When Workplace (E) is the minimum course level for
                                                                                                                                                                                   course requirements are listed.
and interests. If so, you can transfer into your preferred   depending on the agreement with the partner              admission, (C) and (U/C) courses are also accepted.
program in semester 2, depending on enrolment                institution. For more information:                                                                                  • Where (C) level courses are listed, (U) level courses
capacity and academic requirements.                          flemingcollege.ca/education-pathways.                    (U/C) Secondary school course at college or university/      will be accepted.
                                                                                                                      college level.
                                                                                                                                                                                 • Where Workplace level courses are listed, (C), (U)
Look for these symbols in the program charts:
   Common first semester
   Common first year
                                                             600+ external pathways                                   (U) Secondary school course at university level.
                                                                                                                                                                                   and (M) courses will be accepted.
                                                                                                                                                                                 • For programs requiring a majority of credits at
                                                                                                                      (M) Secondary school course at university/college level.     the Workplace level, OLC40 will be counted as an
                                                             50+ partner institutions                                                                                              acceptable English course.

                                                                                                                                                                                 *In addition, some other courses are recommended.
                                                             2+2                                                                                                                  Although not required for admission, taking them will
                                                                                                                                                                                  help you prepare for the program.
                                                             College Diploma + University Degree
                                                             Spend two years at college and two years at
                                                             university and get the best of both worlds.                                                                         **School of Environmental and Natural Resource
                                                                                                                                                                                   Sciences only (page 31): Applicants entering directly
                                                                                                                                                                                   from high school must apply to the four-semester
                                                             35+      opportunities to complete a                                                                                  Technician program. Applicants with previous post-
                                                                                                                                                                                   secondary education should contact the Admissions
                                                             diploma and degree in just four years.

                                                                                                                                                                                 CFS – Common First Semester
                                                             University to                                                                                                       CFY – Common First Year

     “I originally accepted my offer and
                                                             College                                                                                                                  – Indigenous Perspectives Designation
                                                             Are you a university grad? You may be eligible
      started at Fleming in the Earth
                                                             for advanced standing in one of our diploma
      Resources Technician Co-op program.
                                                             programs, or build on your degree with one of our
      While I enjoyed the content, the
                                                             post-graduate programs. Put theory into practice:
      common first semester gave me all the
                                                             gain specialized skills through real-world, applied
      educational resources to realize that
                                                             learning opportunities. These programs are short in
      Environmental Technician was the right
                                                             duration and targeted to the needs of employers.
      program for me. I strongly recommend
      attending one of the Fleming courses
      that has a common first semester. You
      will quickly get an idea of what you                   20+        Ontario College Graduate                        Every attempt is made to ensure the accuracy of information in this Viewbook. Please check our
                                                                                                                        website or contact us for the most up-to-date program information. Some program changes
      want your focus to be in.”                                                                                        were not finalized at the time of printing. The College reserves the right to modify or cancel any
                                                                                                                        course, program, fee, timetable, or campus location at any time.
               – Sophia Palouzzi, Graduate,
         Environmental Technician program.                       Advanced Standing Diploma programs
                                                             for university graduates

14     Fleming College                                                                                                                                                                                                     2022/2023       15
Health and Wellness
HEALTH AND WELLNESS                                                                                        PROGRAM                                PROGRAM   CAMPUS   PROGRAM          MIN. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY                    START DATE
                                                                                                                                                  CODE               LENGTH
                                                                                                                                                                                      OSSD with majority of courses at College (C) or Open
                                                                                                                                                                                      (O) unless otherwise stated
                                                                                                           ONTARIO COLLEGE CERTIFICATES
                                                                                                    NEW!   Community Pharmacy Assistant           CPH       P        3 semesters      OSSD including Gr 11 or 12 (C) English*                Sep
                                                                                                                                                                     (2 semesters
                                                                                                                                                                     + 140-hour
                                                                                                           Personal Support Worker                PWS       P        2 semesters      OSSD with majority of credits at the Workplace (E)     Sep/Jan/ May
                                                                                                                                                                                      level including Gr 12 (E) English
                                                                                                           ONTARIO COLLEGE DIPLOMAS
                                                                                                           Esthetician                            EST       P        3 semesters      OSSD with majority of credits at the Workplace (E)     Sep/Jan/ May
                                                                                                                                                                                      level including Gr 12 (E) English
                                                                                                           Fitness and Health Promotion           FHP       P        4 semesters      OSSD including Gr 12 (C) English*                      Sep
                                                                                                           Health Information Management          HIM       P        4 semesters      OSSD including Gr 12 (C) English, Gr 11 (C) Math       Sep
                                                                                                                                                                                      and any two Gr 11 or 12 (C) Sciences
                                                                                                           Occupational Therapist Assistant       POA       P        4 semesters      OSSD including Gr 12 (C) English and any two           Sep
                                                                                                           and Physiotherapist Assistant                                              Gr 11 or 12 (C) Sciences*
                                                                                                           Paramedic                              PMD       P        4 semesters      OSSD including Gr 12 (C) English, Gr 11 (C) Math,      Sep
                                                                                                                                                                                      Gr 11 (U) or Gr 12 (C) Chemistry, and Gr 11 (C)
                                                                                                                                                                                      Biology. Minimum final grade of 65% in each
                                                                                                                                                                                      required course.
                                                                                                           Pharmacy Technician                    PHM       P        4 semesters      OSSD including Gr 12 (C) English, Gr 12 (C) Math,      Sep
                                                                                                                                                                                      Gr 11 (U) or Gr 12 (C) Chemistry, Gr 11 (C) Biology
                                                                                                           Practical Nursing                      PN        P        5 semesters      OSSD including Gr 12 (C) English, Gr 12 (C) Math       Sep/Jan/May
                                                                                                           Practical Nursing is also available    PNP                                 and two different Gr 11 or Gr 12 (C) Science
                                                                                                           as a 9-semester part-time program.                                         subjects (i.e. Chemistry, Biology, Physics).*
                                                                                                           For details, please see our website.                                       Minimum final grade of 65% in each required
                                                                                                           Recreation and Leisure Services        RLS       P        4 semesters      OSSD including Gr 12 (C) English                       Sep
                                                                                                           Recreation and Leisure Services –      RLD       P        10 months        Ontario College Diploma or University Degree in        Sep
                                                                                                           Advanced Standing                                                          related field or equivalent

                                                                                                           ONTARIO COLLEGE ADVANCED DIPLOMAS
                                                                                                           Biotechnology – Advanced     BTF                 P        5 semesters      OSSD including Gr 12 (C) English, Gr 12 (C) Math       Sep/Jan
                                                                                                                                                                                      and any two Gr 11 or 12 (C) Sciences
                                                                                                           Massage Therapy (Compressed)           MAC       P        5 semesters      OSSD including Gr 12 (C) English and any two           Sep
                                                                                                                                                                                      Gr 11 or 12 (C) Sciences*
                                                                                                           ONTARIO COLLEGE GRADUATE CERTIFICATE
                                                                                                           Perioperative Nursing        RNF                 P        1 semester       Students applying to Perioperative Nursing must     Sep/Jan
                                                                                                                                                                                      meet the following requirements:
                                                                                                                                                                                      – BScN Degree, Registered Nurse (RN) in good
                                                                                                                                                                                        standing with the College of Nurses of Ontario.
                                                                                                                                                                                      – Students with a RN Temporary License to practice
                                                                                                                                                                                        will also be considered.

Build a stronger,
                                                                                                           Therapeutic Recreation                 THR       P        3 semesters      Ontario College Diploma or University Degree in     Sep
                                                                                                                                                                                      related field or equivalent
                                                                                                           BACHELOR OF SCIENCE – NURSING (BSCN) DEGREE
                                                                                                           Trent/Fleming Collaborative    RCN       P                8 semesters      ENG4U, SBI4U, SCH4U, any 4U Math (min. 70% in Sep
                                                                                                           Bachelor of Science in Nursing Apply                                       each), a minimum average of 75% calculated on

healthier community
                                                                                                                                          through                                     the required courses, plus your next two best 4U/M
                                                                                                                                          OUAC                                        courses. Successful completion of the CASPer test

                  A career in Health and Wellness can be challenging and                                   Graduate with work experience                                           New! Choose the accelerated or part-time
                  rewarding. Our programs combine theory with extensive                                    In addition to extensive hands-on training in our re-                   option for Practical Nursing
                  opportunities for practical training. You’ll learn the same                              designed labs and technologically advanced learning                     Our full-time program lets you graduate in less than 2
                  way you’ll work in your profession – in collaborative,                                   spaces, each program includes at least one work                         years by taking 5 consecutive semesters.
                  intradisciplinary teams.                                                                 experience, such as a placement, internship, field or
                                                                                                           clinical experience.                                                    Or choose to complete the program part-time in 9
                                                                                                                                                                                   sequential semesters. You can apply for a seat in
                                                     flemingcollege.ca/school/health-and-wellness                                                                                  the full-time program after successfully completing
                                                                                                                                                                                   Semesters 2, 4, 6 or 8.

16   Fleming College                                                                                                                                                                                                                     2022/2023          17
Law and Justice
LAW AND JUSTICE                                                                                            PROGRAM                           PROGRAM   CAMPUS     PROGRAM         MIN. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY                      START DATE
                                                                                                                                             CODE                 LENGTH
                                                                                                                                                                                  OSSD with majority of courses at College (C) or Open
                                                                                                                                                                                  (O) unless otherwise stated
                                                                                                           ONTARIO COLLEGE CERTIFICATE
                                                                                                           Pre-Service Firefighter Education PFF/FF    N          3 semesters     OSSD including Gr 12 (C) English and Gr 12 (C) Math      Sep/Jan
                                                                                                           and Training
                                                                                                           ONTARIO COLLEGE DIPLOMAS
                                                                                                           Community and                     CJS       P          4 semesters     OSSD including Gr 12 (C) English                         Sep/Jan
                                                                                                           Justice Services                                       CFS

                                                                                                           Customs Border Services           CBS       P          4 semesters     OSSD including Gr 12 (C) English                         Sep/Jan

                                                                                                           Law Clerk                         LCK       P          4 semesters     OSSD including Gr 12 (C) English                         Sep/Jan

                                                                                                           Paralegal                         PLG       P          4 semesters     OSSD including Gr 12 (C) English                         Sep/Jan

                                                                                                           Police Foundations                PF        P          4 semesters     OSSD including Gr 12 (C) English                         Sep/Jan

                                                                                                           Police Foundations                PFD       P          2 semesters     University Degree or Ontario College Diploma in          Sep
                                                                                                           – Advanced Standing                                                    related field or equivalent
                                                                                                           Protection, Security and          LSR       P          4 semesters     OSSD including Gr 12 (C) English                         Sep
                                                                                                           Investigation                                          CFS

                                                                                                           ONTARIO COLLEGE GRADUATE CERTIFICATE
                                                                                                    NEW!   Emergency Management and          EMP       Online      3 semesters    Ontario College Diploma or University Degree or          Sep
                                                                                                           Business Continuity                         + some                     equivalent
                                                                                                                                                       classes (P)

                                                                                                                                                                                 Progressive curriculum will give you
                                                                                                                                                                                 essential skills

                                                                                                                                                                                 Our programs focus on adding not just technical
                                                                                                                                                                                 skills, but crucial life skills, such as mental health
                                                                                                                                                                                 strategies, personal resilience, leadership, ethics
                                                                                                                                                                                 and communication skills. You can also pursue an
                                                                                                                                                                                 Indigenous Perspectives Designation (IPD) which
                                                                                                                                                                                 provides a more in-depth knowledge of Indigenous
                                                                                                                                                                                 (First Nations, Métis and Inuit) peoples, their cultures,
                                                                                                                                                                                 histories, traditions and contributions to our shared

Protect, Serve and Support                                                                                 Explore careers in the common
                                                                                                           first semester

                  Live-action, scenario-based training and our state-of-                                   Our diploma programs start with a common
                  the-art simulation facilities ensure that you graduate                                   curriculum. You will be guided through a program
                  with extensive practical experience.                                                     exploration process that includes program details
                                                                                                           from all programs and professional opportunities
                                                                                                           for graduates. You will have the option to alter your
                                                                                                           pathway in Semester 2 with no cost to switch and no
                                                                                                           loss of time.


18   Fleming College
18   Fleming College                                                                                                                                                                                                                     2022/2023      19
Community Development
COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT                                                                              PROGRAM                         PROGRAM   CAMPUS   PROGRAM        MIN. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY                      START DATE
                                                                                                                                   CODE               LENGTH
                                                                                                                                                                     OSSD with majority of courses at College (C) or Open
                                                                                                                                                                     (O) unless otherwise stated
                                                                                                   ONTARIO COLLEGE CERTIFICATE
                                                                                                   Community Integration through   CIC       P        4 semesters    See College website                                      Sep
                                                                                                   Co-operative Education
                                                                                                   ONTARIO COLLEGE DIPLOMAS
                                                                                                   Developmental Services Worker   DSW       P        4 semesters    OSSD including Gr 12 (C) English                         Sep

                                                                                                   Early Childhood Education       EC        P        4 semesters    OSSD including Gr 12 (C) English                         Sep/Jan
                                                                                                   Educational Support             ED        P        4 semesters    OSSD including Gr 12 (C) English                         Sep
                                                                                                   Educational Support             EDD       P        10 months      Ontario College Diploma or University Degree or          Sep
                                                                                                    – Advanced Standing                                              equivalent.
                                                                                                   Mental Health and               DA        P        4 semesters    OSSD including Gr 12 (C) English                         Sep/Jan/May
                                                                                                   Addiction Worker
                                                                                                   Social Service Worker           SW        P        4 semesters    OSSD including Gr 12 (C) English                         Sep/Jan/May
                                                                                                   ONTARIO COLLEGE ADVANCED DIPLOMA
                                                                                                   Child and Youth Care            CYW       P        6 semesters    OSSD including Gr 12 (C) English                         Sep/Jan

                                                                                                                                                                    New! Dual Diploma in Social Service
                                                                                                                                                                    Worker and Mental Health and
                                                                                                                                                                    Addiction Worker

                                                                                                                                                                    Start in either program and gain a dual diploma in
                                                                                                                                                                    just six consecutive semesters. You will complete a
                                                                                                                                                                    placement in each program and graduate with broader
                                                                                                                                                                    skills and greater career opportunities.

                                                                                                   Your pathway to becoming a teacher

                                                                                                   Our Educational Support program and Early Childhood
                                                                                                   Education program now offer a pathway to transition

Make a Difference                                                                                  to Trent’s Teacher Education Stream degree program.

                  Creating a positive impact on the lives of others can
                  be an inspiring and rewarding career. With extensive
                  placements, additional certifications and a focus on
                  specialized skills, you will be ready to shape your


20   Fleming College                                                                                                                                                                                                        2022/2023       21
Business and Information Technology
BUSINESS AND INFORMATION                                                                        PROGRAM                           PROGRAM CAMPUS   PROGRAM       MIN. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY                    START DATE
TECHNOLOGY                                                                                                                        CODE             LENGTH
                                                                                                                                                                 OSSD with majority of courses at College (C) or Open
                                                                                                                                                                 (O) unless otherwise stated
                                                                                                ONTARIO COLLEGE DIPLOMAS
                                                                                                Accounting                        BAC      P       4 semesters   OSSD including Gr 12 (C) English and Gr 11 (C)         Sep/Jan
                                                                                                                                                   CFS           Math*
                                                                                                Business                          GBE      P       4 semesters   OSSD including Gr 12 (C) English and Gr 11 (C)         Sep/Jan
                                                                                                                                                   CFY           Math*
                                                                                                Business – Human Resources        BHC      P       4 semesters   OSSD including Gr 12 (C) English and Gr 11 (C)         Sep/Jan
                                                                                                                                                   CFS           Math*
                                                                                                Computer Engineering Technician   CTN      P       4 semesters   OSSD including Gr 12 (C) English and Gr 12 (C)         Sep
                                                                                                Hospitality – Hotel and Restaurant HTR/HRW P       4 semesters   OSSD including Gr 12 (C) English and Gr 11 (C)         Sep/Jan
                                                                                                Operations                                                       Math*
                                                                                                Tourism – Global Travel           TV/TVW   P       4 semesters   OSSD including Gr 12 (C) English, Gr 11 (C) Math       Sep/Jan
                                                                                                ONTARIO COLLEGE ADVANCED DIPLOMAS
                                                                                                Business Administration           BAD      P       6 semesters   OSSD including Gr 12 (C) English and Gr 11 (C)         Sep/Jan
                                                                                                                                                   CFY           Math*
                                                                                                Computer Engineering         CTY      P            6 semesters   OSSD including Gr 12 (C) English and Gr 12 (C)         Sep
                                                                                                Technology                                                       Math
                                                                                                Computer Security and        CSI      P            6 semesters   OSSD including Gr 12 (C) English and Gr 12 (C)         Sep/Jan
                                                                                                Investigations                                                   Math
                                                                                                ONTARIO COLLEGE GRADUATE CERTIFICATES
                                                                                                Global Business Management        GBS      P       4 semesters   Ontario College Diploma or University Degree in        Sep/Jan
                                                                                                                                                                 related field or equivalent
                                                                                                International Business            IBM      P       2 semesters   Ontario College Diploma or University Degree in        Sep/Jan
                                                                                                Management                                                       related field or equivalent
                                                                                                Project Management                PMG      P       2 semesters   Ontario College Diploma or University Degree in        Sep/Jan/May
                                                                                                                                                                 related field or equivalent
                                                                                                Supply Chain Management –       SCL        P       2 semesters   Undergraduate degree or Ontario College diploma        Sep/May
                                                                                                Global Logistics                                                 in business, commerce or a related field.
                                                                                                Wireless Information Networking WIN        P       4 semesters   Ontario College Diploma or University Degree in        Sep/Jan/May
                                                                                                                                                                 related field or equivalent

                                                                                                Real-World Challenges,
                                                                                                Real-World Solutions

                                                                                                Business and Technology students participate in an
                                                                                                intensive project for an industry partner that requires

Lead the Team
                                                                                                a broad range of applied, project management and
                                                                                                leadership skills. Teams provide innovative solutions for
                                                                                                diverse organizations in a variety of sectors, including
                                                                                                small companies, international enterprises, not-for-
                                                                                                profit and social service organizations.

We focus on applied, real-world experience, entrepreneurial thinking,                           The Applied Projects learning experience culminates
and strong communication skills, which means you’ll graduate job-                               with the annual Innovation and Technology Showcase
ready. Expand your network through our links to many professional and                           in partnership with Bell.
global organizations.                                                                                                                                            “My project work helped me start
                                                                                                                                                                  my career and move into full-time
Join an organization, start your own enterprise, or pursue advanced                                                                                               employment.”
degree studies through our many transfer agreements: your pathway to                                                                                                   – Parth Dubal, Wireless Information
future success starts here.                                                                                                                                                 Technology program graduate


 22   Fleming
               College                                                                                                                                                                                             2022/2023          23
Trades and Technology
TRADES AND TECHNOLOGY                                                            PROGRAM                             PROGRAM CAMPUS   PROGRAM          MIN. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY                      START DATE
                                                                                                                     CODE             LENGTH
                                                                                                                                                       OSSD with majority of courses at College (C) or Open
                                                                                                                                                       (O) unless otherwise stated

                                                                                 CERTIFICATES OF SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION
                                                                                 Carpenter – General             –           P        3 sessions of    OSS Certificate (Grade10); must be employed and a        Oct/Jan/Mar
                                                                                 (Basic, Intermediate, Advanced)                      240 hours each   registered Apprentice                                    See website
                                                                                 Electrician – Construction      _           P        3 sessions of    OSSD or equivalent; must be employed and a               Oct/Jan/Mar
                                                                                 and Maintenance (Basic,                              8, 10 and 10     registered Apprentice                                    See website
                                                                                 Intermediate, Advanced)                              weeks
                                                                                 Plumber (Basic, Intermediate,   –           P        3 sessions of    OSSD or equivalent; must be employed and a               See website
                                                                                 Advanced)                                            240 hours each   registered Apprentice

                                                                                 Trades and Technology Programs
                                                                                 ONTARIO COLLEGE CERTIFICATES
                                                                                 Culinary Skills                     CHT     P        2 semesters      OSSD including Gr 12 (C) English                         Sep/Jan
                                                                                 Electrical Techniques               ETQ     P        2 semesters      OSSD with Gr 12 (E) English plus Gr 11 (C) Math          Sep/Jan
                                                                                 Mechanical Techniques –             PLM     P        2 semesters      OSSD with majority of credits at the Workplace (E)       Sep/Jan
                                                                                 Plumbing                                                              level including Gr 12 (E) English
                                                                                 Trades Fundamentals                 TTF     P        2 semesters      OSSD with majority of credits at the Workplace (E)       Sep
                                                                                                                                                       level including Gr 12 (E) English
                                                                                 Welding Techniques                  WTQ     P        2 semesters      OSSD with Gr 12 (C) English and Gr 11 (C) Math           Sep/Jan
                                                                                 ONTARIO COLLEGE DIPLOMAS
                                                                                 Carpentry and Renovation            CPT     P        4 semesters      OSSD with Gr 12 (C) English and Gr 12 (C) Math.          Sep
                                                                                 Technician                                                            Minimum final grade of 55% required in Gr 12 (C)
                                                                                 Construction Engineering            CET     P        4 semesters      OSSD including Gr 12 (C) English and Gr 11 (C)           Sep
                                                                                 Technician                                                            Math
                                                                                 Culinary Management                 CM      P        4 semesters      OSSD including Gr 12 (C) English and Gr 11 (C)           Sep/Jan
                                                                                 Electrical Engineering Technician   EE      P        4 semesters      OSSD with Gr 12 (C) English and Gr 12 (C) Math.          Sep/Jan
                                                                                                                                                       Minimum final grade of 60% required in Gr 12 (C)
                                                                                 Heating, Refrigeration and Air      HVT     P        45 weeks         OSSD with Gr 12 (C) English and Gr 12 (C) Math.          Sep/Jan/May
                                                                                 Conditioning                                                          Minimum final grade of 55% required in Gr 12 (C)
                                                                                 Instrumentation and Control         INT     P        4 semesters      OSSD including Gr 12 (C) English and Gr 12 (C)           Sep
                                                                                 Engineering Technician                                                Math. Minimum final grade of 60% required in Gr
                                                                                                                                                       12 (C) Math.*
                                                                                 Welding and Fabrication             WFT     P        4 semesters      OSSD with Gr 12 (C) English and Gr 12 (C) Math.          Sep
                                                                                 Technician                                                            Minimum final grade of 55% required in Gr 12 (C)
                                                                                 ONTARIO COLLEGE GRADUATE CERTIFICATES
                                                                                 Food and Nutrition          FNM       Online         2 semesters      Ontario College Diploma or University Degree in          Sep
                                                                                 Management                                                            related field or equivalent
                                                                                 Mechatronics                MTY       P              3 semesters      Completion of an Ontario College Diploma, Ontario        Sep/Jan

Build Your Career
                                                                                                                                                       College Advanced Diploma, Degree or equivalent
                                                                                                                                                       in Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering or
                                                                                                                                                       related field. Successful completion of a Differential
                                                                                                                                                       and Integral Calculus course or equivalent

Hands-on training in world-class facilities that incorporate                     We Put our Skills to the Test                              • Liam Collin, gold, Culinary Arts
the latest tools and technology ensures you get a head                           All Fleming students who participated in the
                                                                                                                                            • Liliane Michaud, silver, Culinary Arts
start on your career.                                                            2021 Skills Ontario Competition placed top                 • Bailey Wodzack, silver, Carpentry
                                                                                 three in the province.
                                                                                                                                            • Nicholas Stock, bronze, Welding
                                                                                                                                            • Devin Cartmell-Martin, bronze, Metal Fabrication – Fitter

 24   Fleming
               College                                                                                                                                                                                     2022/2023          25
GENERAL ARTS                                                                                           General Arts and Sciences
AND SCIENCES                                                                                           PROGRAM                          PROGRAM CAMPUS
                                                                                                                                                                        MIN. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY                    START DATE
                                                                                                                                                                        OSSD with majority of courses at College (C) or Open
                                                                                                                                                                        (O) unless otherwise stated

                                                                                                       Skills on Demand                         P/L/C/H                                                                        Continuous
                                                                                                        – Academic Upgrading
                                                                                                       ONTARIO COLLEGE CERTIFICATES
                                                                                                       General Arts and Science –       GSU     P         2 semesters   OSSD including Gr 12 (C) English                       Sep/Jan
                                                                                                       University Transfer
                                                                                                       Pre-Health Sciences Pathway to   PHS     P         2 semesters   OSSD including Gr 12 (C) English, Gr 11 (C) Math       Sep
                                                                                                       Advanced Diplomas and Degrees                                    and two different Gr 11 (C) or 12 (C) Sciences
                                                                                                                                                                        subjects (i.e. Biology, Chemistry, Physics)*
                                                                                                       Pre-Health Sciences Pathway to   GHS     P         2 semesters   OSSD including Gr 12 (C) English and one Gr 11 (C) Sep/Jan
                                                                                                       Certificates and Diplomas                                        Science

                                                                                                       We have reserved seats for eligible graduates of the
                                                                                                       Pre-Health Sciences Pathway to Certificates and
                                                                                                       Diplomas in our competitive health sciences programs
                                                                                                       including Practical Nursing, Paramedic, and Pharmacy

                                                                                                       Qualified graduates of the Pre-Health Sciences
                                                                                                       Pathway to Advanced Diplomas and Degrees can
                                                                                                       apply to degree programs at several universities. These
                                                                                                       include the Trent/Fleming Bachelor of Science in
                                                                                                       Nursing at Trent University and the Bachelor of Health
                                                                                                       Sciences Degree program at Queen’s University.

                                                                                                       Our unique University Transfer program allows you to
                                                                                                       earn a full year of transfer credits toward a Bachelor of
                                                                                                       Arts or Science degree at Trent University or a Bachelor
                                                                                                       of Arts degree at Carleton University. You may also be
                                                                                                       eligible for transfer credits at other institutions.

                                                                                                                                                                        “I decided to join this program because
                                                                                                                                                                         of the general classes it offered, and
                                                                                                                                                                         I was unsure of what career path I
                                                                                                                                                                         wanted to pursue after the program.
                                                                                                                                                                         I learned a lot about the field I am
                                                                                                                                                                         interested in, and it helped me figure
                                                                                                                                                                         out what I would like to do in the

A Pathway to Opportunity                                                                                                                                                 future. The faculty in this program were
                                                                                                                                                                         always helpful and continuously offered
                                                                                                                                                                         support, and the hands-on learning
                                                                                                                                                                         opportunities at Fleming were a great
                    No matter what your educational background, we can                                                                                                   way to put what I had learned into
                    help you achieve your goals. If you are interested in a
                    health science program or a university degree, we can                                                                                                          – Morgan Gullekson, Graduate,
                    assist you in developing your skills, confidence, and a                                                                                                      Pre-Health Sciences Pathways to
                                                                                                                                                                                 Advanced Diplomas and Degrees
                    pathway to your dream program.


 26    Fleming College                                                                                                                                                                                                   2022/2023          27
26    Fleming College
List of programs                                    Connection to Community
DESIGNATION                                                                                            • Aquaculture Co-op                               An imperative piece of the Indigenous Perspectives
                                                                                                                                                         Designation is community engagement. Successful
                                                                                                       • Child and Youth Care
                                                                                                                                                         students attend and participate in appropriate
                                                                                                       • Community and Justice Services                  Indigenous events and initiatives. This allows students
                                                                                                                                                         to take part in activities that promote respectful
                                                                                                       • Customs Border Services
                                                                                                                                                         relationships and professional partnerships and gives
                                                                                                       • Early Childhood Education                       them additional opportunities for applied learning.
                                                                                                                                                         Participation is acknowledged in each student’s
                                                                                                       • Ecosystem Management Technician
                                                                                                                                                         Co-Curricular Record (CCR), which documents non-
                                                                                                       • Ecosystem Management Technology                 academic learning experiences and can be used to
                                                                                                                                                         enhance a student’s portfolio or résumé.
                                                                                                       • Part-time Ecosystem Management Technician
                                                                                                       • Part-time Ecosystem Management Technology
                                                                                                                                                         Our Commitment to Indigenous
                                                                                                       • Educational Support
                                                                                                       • Fish and Wildlife Technician (Optional Co-op)
                                                                                                                                                         In 2021, Colleges and Institutes Canada (CICan)
                                                                                                       • Fish and Wildlife Technology
                                                                                                                                                         selected Fleming College as the Silver recipient of the
                                                                                                       • Forestry Technician (Optional Co-op)            Indigenous Education Excellence Award. The award
                                                                                                                                                         recognizes our commitment to:
                                                                                                       • Law Clerk
                                                                                                                                                            • Making Indigenous education a priority
                                                                                                       • Mental Health and Addiction Worker
                                                                                                                                                            • Indigenous-centred and holistic services and
                                                                                                       • Paralegal
                                                                                                                                                              learning environments
                                                                                                       • Pharmacy Technician
                                                                                                                                                            • Relationship building with Indigenous
                                                                                                       • Police Foundations                                   communities
                                                                                                       • Practical Nursing                                  • Respect for intellectual and cultural traditions
                                                                                                       • Protection, Security and Investigation             • Understanding and reciprocity among Indigenous
                                                                                                                                                              and non-Indigenous peoples
                                                                                                       • Social Service Worker
                                                                                                       • Urban Forestry

                    Unique in Ontario, the Indigenous Perspectives
                    Designation (IPD) provides you with an in-depth
                    knowledge of First Nation, Inuit, and Métis peoples,
                                                                                                                                                              students graduated with an
                    their cultures, histories, traditions, and contributions to
                                                                                                                                                              Indigenous Perspectives
                    our shared society. Programs that offer an IPD provide
                    experiential learning and discipline-specific Indigenous
                                                                                                                                                              Designation in 2020.
                    curriculum in each semester.


 28   Fleming
               College                                                                                                                                                                             2022/2023       29
                                                                                                              Our campus is a living, learning lab. We offer
                                                                                                              best-in-class experiential learning environments
                                                                                                              that our students can take advantage of right on
                                                                                                              campus. Our dedicated faculty are passionate
                                                                                                              about the subjects they teach and are well-
                                                                                                              connected with industry to ensure students
                                                                                                              find a career they love. Many of our programs
                                                                                                              offer co-op, work placements, or applied and
                                                                                                              community-based project opportunities to put
                                                                                                              skills into practice in real-world settings. Some
                                                                                                              even provide international learning experiences.

                                                                                           Community-based Learning                                   Campus features:

                                                                                           We recognize the importance of community-based               • Shoreline on the Scugog River
                                                                                           learning. Our students can often be found in the field,
                                                                                                                                                        • Natural wetlands
                                                                                           contributing to the health and sustainability of our
                                                                                           communities, all while learning valuable hands-on            • Fish hatchery
                                                                                           skills. Organizations we’ve partnered with include the
                                                                                                                                                        • Greenhouse/nursery
                                                                                           Boys and Girls Club of City of Kawartha Lakes, our local
                                                                                           United Way, the City of Kawartha Lakes municipality,         • Apiary
                                                                                           and the Mount Community Centre.
                                                                                                                                                        • Arboretum
                                                                                                                                                        • Pollinator gardens
                                                                                                                                                        • Community garden

Get Outside                                                                                                                                                               Frost Campus is
                                                                                                                                                                          home to the Centre
                                                                                                                                                                          for Advancement of
                  Be part of the solution and improve the                                                                                                                 Water and Wastewater
                  health of our planet. Our programs emphasize                                                                                                            Technologies and the
                                                                                                                                                                          Centre for Innovative
                  environmental sustainability through unique,
                                                                                                                                                                          Aquaculture Production.
                  outdoor learning opportunities.                                                                                                                         Both hubs offer applied
                                                                                                                                                                          research opportunities for
                                                                                                                                                                          students right on campus.


30   Fleming College                                                                                                                                                                       2022/2023   31
School of Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences
                                                                             PROGRAM                                            PGM              PROGRAM       MIN. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY                                            START DATE

                                                                                                                                CODE             LENGTH        OSSD with majority of courses at College (C) or Open (O) unless
                                                                                                                                                               otherwise stated
                                                                             CERTIFICATE OF SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION
                                                                             Heavy Equipment Operator                           HEO     L        12 weeks      OSSD with majority of credits at the Workplace (E) level including Gr 12 (E)   Fall/Winter/
                                                                                                                                                               English                                                                        Spring
                                                                             ONTARIO COLLEGE CERTIFICATES
                                                                      NEW!   Aquaculture Foundations                            AQF     L        2 semesters   OSSD or equivalent                                                             Sep
                                                                             Arboriculture Co-op                                AR      L        3 semesters   OSSD incl. Gr 12 (C) English                                                   Jan
                                                                             Blasting Techniques                                SBL     L        2 semesters   OSSD with majority of credits at the Workplace (E) level incl. Gr 12 (E)       Sep/May
                                                                             General Arts and Science – Environmental and GSN           L        2 semesters   OSSD incl. Gr 12 (C) English                                                   Sep
                                                                             Natural Resource Studies Option
                                                                             Heavy Equipment Techniques Co-op             MPH           L        3 semesters   OSSD incl. Gr 12 (C) English and Gr 11 (C) Math                                Jan
                                                                             Urban Forestry                               UF            L        2 semesters   OSSD incl. Gr 12 (C) English                                                   Sep
                                                                             ONTARIO COLLEGE DIPLOMAS
                                                                             Conservation Biology                               CNB     L        4 semesters   OSSD including Gr 12 (C) English and Gr 12 (C) Math. Completion of             Sep/Jan
                                                                                                                                                 CFS           Gr 12 (C/U) Biology and Chemistry is recommended.
                                                                             Earth Resources Technician Co-op                   ERT     L        5 semesters   OSSD incl. Gr 12 (C) English and Gr 12 (C) Math                                Sep
                                                                             Ecological Restoration                              ERJ      L    8 semesters OSSD incl. Gr 12 (C) English, Gr 12 (C) Math and one Gr 11 (C) Science*            Sep
                                                                             Honours B.Sc. Joint Trent-Fleming
                                                                             Degree/Diploma (4 semesters at Fleming College, Lindsay; 4 semesters at Trent University, Peterborough)
                                                                             Ecosystem Management Technician                     EMT      L    4 semesters OSSD incl. Gr 12 (C) English and Gr 12 (C) Math                                    Sep/Jan
                                                                      NEW!   Part-time Ecosystem Management Technician           EPT           CFS
                                                                             Electrical Power Generation Technician Co-op EPG             L    4 semesters OSSD incl. Gr 12 (C) English and Gr 11 (C) Math                                    Jan
                                                                             Environmental Technician/                           ETN      L    4 semesters OSSD incl. Gr 12 (C) English and Gr 12 (C) Math                                    Sep/Jan
                                                                             Optional Co-op                                                    5 semesters                                                                                    Sep only
                                                                             Environmental Technician                           ETD     L        2 semesters   B.Sc., preferable emphasis in Environmental Science/Environmental Studies      Sep
                                                                              – Advanced Standing                                                              or Biology
                                                                             Fish and Wildlife Technician/                      BO      L        4 semesters   OSSD incl. Gr 12 (C) English and Gr 12 (C) Math                                Sep/Jan
                                                                             Optional Co-op                                                      5 semesters                                                                                  Sep only
                                                                             Forestry Technician/                               FT      L        4 semesters   OSSD incl. Gr 12 (C) English and Gr 12 (C) Math                                Sep/Jan
                                                                             Optional Co-op                                                      5 semesters                                                                                  Sep only
                                                                             Resources Drilling Technician/                     RDB     L        4 semesters   OSSD incl. Gr 12 (C) English and Gr 12 (C) Math                                Sep/Jan
                       “I love studying Ecology because                      Optional Co-op                                                      5 semesters                                                                                  Sep only
                        the more I learn, the more I can see                                                                                     CFS
                                                                             Urban Forestry Technician Co-op                    UFT     L        5 semesters   OSSD incl. Gr 12 (C) English                                                   Sep
                        how everything and every action
                                                                             ONTARIO COLLEGE ADVANCED DIPLOMAS
                        is connected in some way. It’s both                  Ecosystem Management Technology                    EMX     L        6 semesters   OSSD incl. Gr 12 (C) English and Gr 12 (C) Math**                              Sep/Jan
                        incredibly challenging and beautiful to       NEW!   Part-time Ecosystem Management Technology          EPX              CFS

                        realize how we’re all linked together. I             Ecosystem Management Technology –                  EMD     L        2 semesters   B.Sc. (emphasis Biology) or B.Environmental Science/Geography, or an       Sep
                                                                             Advanced Standing                                                                 Ontario College Diploma in Environmental or Natural Sciences or equivalent
                        also love having the opportunity to be        NEW!   Part-time Ecosystem Management Technology –        EPD
                        in the field practicing the skills I’ll use          Advanced Standing
                                                                             Environmental Technology                           ETY     L        6 semesters   OSSD incl. Gr 12 (C) English and Gr 12 (C) Math **                             Sep/Jan
                        in my future career. Paired with having                                                                                  CFS
                        the most passionate and experienced                  Fish and Wildlife Technology                       FW      L        6 semesters   OSSD incl. Gr 12 (C) English and Gr 12 (C) Math**                              Sep/Jan
                        faculty who truly take the time to know                                                                                  CFS

                                                                             ONTARIO COLLEGE GRADUATE CERTIFICATES
                        you… it’s a unique experience!”
                                                                             Advanced Water Systems Operations                  AWS     L        37 weeks      Ontario College Diploma or University Degree in related field or equivalent    Sep/Jan
                                                                             and Management Co-op
                            – Hilary Wright, Graduate (2020),                Applied Planning – Environmental                   AEN     L        38 weeks      Undergraduate degree or Ontario College diploma in Ecology,                    Sep
                           Ecosystem Management Technician                                                                                                     Environmental Sciences, or Urban Planning
                                                                             Aquaculture Co-op                                  AQU     L        3 semesters   Ontario College Diploma or University Degree in related field or equivalent    Sep
                                                                             Conservation and Environmental                     NRL     L        2 semesters   Min. 3.0 GPA in Ontario College Diploma or University Degree (based            Sep
                                                                             Law Enforcement                                                                   on last 2 years of degree) in Natural Resources, Biology, Environmental
                                                                                                                                                               Sciences, Environmental Studies or equivalent
                                                                             Environmental Visual Communication                 EVC     T        2 semesters   Ontario College Diploma or University Degree in related field or equivalent    May
                                                                             GIS – Applications Specialist                      GIA     L        10 months     Ontario College Diploma or University Degree in related field or equivalent    Sep
                                                                      NEW!   Part-time GIS – Applications Specialist            GPI
                                                                             GIS – Applications Specialist (Online)             GAO     –        10 months
                                                                      NEW!   Part-time GIS – Applications Specialist (Online)   GPO
                                                                             GIS – Cartographic Specialist                      GC      L        10 months     Ontario College Diploma or University Degree in related field or equivalent    Sep
                                                                      NEW!   Part-time GIS – Cartographic Specialist            GPC
                                                                             Health, Safety and Environmental                   HSE     L        2 semesters   Ontario College Diploma or University Degree in related field or equivalent    Sep
                                                                             Compliance/Optional Co-op                                           N/A
                                                                             Sustainable Agriculture Co-op                      SAG     L        3 semesters   Ontario College Diploma or University Degree in related field or equivalent    Sep
                                                                             Sustainable Waste Management                       SWM     L        2 semesters   Ontario College Diploma or University Degree in related field or equivalent    Sep

32   Fleming College                                                                                                                                                                                                                 2022/2023               33
HALIBURTON SCHOOL                                                                     Leaders in Art + Design
                                                                                      Learn from practicing professionals actively shaping the
                                                                                      disciplines of art, craft, design, and heritage across Canada.

                                                                                      We think differently about your art and design education.
                                                                                      Taught in state-of-the-art studios, our flexible programs
                                                                                      are designed to immerse you in deep skill acquisition and
                                                                                      expose you to innovative approaches in art and design.
                                                                                      Our small class sizes and attentive faculty members are
                                                                                      guaranteed to prepare you for a creative career.

                                                                                                                                               Diploma Programs

                                                                                                                                               Visual and Creative Arts
                                                                                                                                               Develop essential visual arts skills through the process
                                                                                                                                               of looking, thinking, making, and talking about art.
                                                                                                                                               Regardless of creative direction, this program will give
                                                                                                                                               you the breadth and depth of experience to pursue the
                                                                                                                                               visual arts with confidence.

                                                                                                                                               Integrated Design
                                                                                                                                               Find your future creative career here. Embrace design
                                                                                                                                               thinking, explore experiential learning and studio-
                                                                                                                                               based opportunities to prepare for a life in design – in
                                                                                                                                               whatever discipline is right for you.

                                                                                      Certificate Programs                                     Start Here.

Create Your Future
                                                                                                                                               Continue your studies from coast to coast.
                                                                                        • Learn in state-of-the art studios with specialists
                                                                                                                                               We are the only college in Ontario that has articulation
                                                                                        • Equivalent to two semesters of full-time study,      agreements with leading art and design programs
                                                                                          15-weeks, over 600 hours of hands-on studio time     offering Bachelor Degrees in Canada, Including: OCAD
                                                                                                                                               University, NSCAD University, Alberta University of the
                                                                                        • Begin in a certificate program and continue on
                                                                                                                                               Arts, and Emily Carr University of Art + Design
                                                                                          to a diploma program, or start your diploma that
                  We’re here for makers, artists, designers and dreamers.                 culminates with a studio-based certificate
                  Experience our unparalleled breadth of hands-on,                                                                             For details: flemingcollege.ca/education-pathways
                  studio-based programming and discover the creative
                  professional you are meant to be.


34   Fleming College                                                                                                                                                                     2022/2023        35
Haliburton Campus Feature:                               Haliburton School of Art + Design
                       CENTRE FOR MAKING                                        PROGRAM                          PROGRAM   CAMPUS   PROGRAM        MIN. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY                    START DATE
                                                                                                                 CODE               LENGTH
                                                                                                                                                   OSSD with majority of courses at College (C) or
                       Learn, explore and create using technology for                                                                              Open (O) unless otherwise stated
                       making and prototyping:                                  ONTARIO COLLEGE CERTIFICATES

                          • 3D printers, scanners                               Artist Blacksmith                ABS       H        15 weeks       OSSD including Gr 12 (C) English                       Sep/Jan
                                                                                Ceramics                         CER       H        15 weeks       OSSD including Gr 12 (C) English                       Sep
                          • laser engraver cutter, vinyl cutter
                                                                                Digital Image Design             DID       H        15 weeks       OSSD including Gr 12 (C) English                       Jan
                          • industrial sewing machine, digital embroidery       Drawing and Painting             VAF       H        15 weeks       OSSD including Gr 12 (C) English                       Sep
                                                                                Fibre Arts                       FAR       H        15 weeks       OSSD including Gr 12 (C) English                       Sep
                          • large scale plotter printer, printmaking press,     Glassblowing                     GBL       H        15 weeks       OSSD including Gr 12 (C) English                       Jan
                            Risograph copier, and CNC machine                   Jewellery Essentials             JWA       H        15 weeks       OSSD including Gr 12 (C) English                       Jan
                          • iPads, animation stations, photography and          Moving Image Design              MID       H        15 weeks       OSSD including Gr 12 (C) English                       Sep
                            videography equipment                               Photo Arts                       PHA       H        15 weeks       OSSD including Gr 12 (C) English                       Sep
                                                                                ONTARIO COLLEGE DIPLOMAS
                                                                                Integrated Design                IND       H        3 semesters    OSSD including Gr 12 (C) English                       Sep
                       Creative Careers Begin with                              Visual and Creative Arts         VCA       H        3 semesters    OSSD including Gr 12 (C) English                       Sep
                       Experiential Learning                                    ONTARIO COLLEGE GRADUATE CERTIFICATES
                                                                                Expressive Arts                  EXA       H        8 weeks        Ontario College Diploma or University Degree in        Apr
                                                                                                                                                   Human Services or Arts or equivalent
                                                                                Independent Studio Practice      SPA       H        15 weeks       Ontario College Diploma or University Degree in        May
                                                                                                                                                   related field or equivalent, Interview, portfolio

                                                                                Design Programs (Peterborough)
                                                                                ONTARIO COLLEGE ADVANCED DIPLOMA
                                                                                Graphic Design – Visual          GDV       P        6 continuous   OSSD including Gr 12 (C) English                       Sep
                                                                                Communication                                       semesters

                                                                                Heritage Programs (Peterborough)
                                                                                ONTARIO COLLEGE GRADUATE CERTIFICATES
                                                                                Cultural Heritage Conservation   CHM       P        4 semesters    Ontario College Diploma or University Degree           Sep
                                                                                and Management                                                     in related field or equivalent and Gr 12 (C) level
                                                                                Museum Management and            ACM       P        3 semesters    Ontario College Diploma or University Degree in        Sep
                                                                                Curatorship                                                        related field or equivalent
                       The final four months of the Museum Management
                       and Cultural Heritage Conservation and Management
                       programs are an internship. Students have worked
                       in leading museums and cultural institutions across
                       Canada and around the world.

                       Graphic Design – Visual Communication students are
                       ready to hit the ground running with over 390 hours of
                       direct work experience with real-world clients.

                       The End-of-Semester Exhibition is an opportunity for
                       our students to get first-hand experience mounting a
                       show and presenting their work.

36   Fleming College                                                                                                                                                                                    2022/2023      37
Sudbury             North Bay
Connect With Us!

                                                         “The Recruitment Team played a vital
                                                          role for me when I applied to post-
                                                          secondary. They worked with me to
                                                          find the program that was the perfect
                                                          fit and even walked me through the                                                                                   Lindsay                      Kingston
                                                          application process to ensure I was set
                                                          up for success. As a new graduate, I                                                                      Peterborough
                                                          now have the pleasure of being part                                                              Barrie
                                                          of that same team to help provide                                                                                Oshawa
                                                          applicants with the tools to accomplish
                                                          their goals at Fleming.”                                                                                Toronto                                                               N
                                                                              – Bridget Commodore,
                                                                        Student Recruitment Officer,                                                      Hamilton
                                                                             and Paralegal Graduate                                           London
                                                                                                                                  Sarnia                       Niagara Falls

Attending post-secondary is a big decision. We know      Don’t forget the other ways you can contact us:
you have questions – and we’re here to answer them.
We have lots of ways you can connect with us and learn   Email: askus@flemingcollege.ca
more about life at Fleming College.
                                                         Phone: 1-866-353-6464 ext. 1546
Check our website for the latest info and links to our
ongoing events. These include:                           Or download our Fleming mobile app –
                                                         available in the App Store or Google Play.
• 1:1 virtual or in-person advising*                                                                                     Peterborough, Sutherland Campus                                     GETTING HERE IS EASY
• Drop-in virtual sessions                                                                                               1.5 hours from Toronto                                              Situated in east central Ontario, our Peterborough
                                                                                                                                                                                             and Lindsay campuses are accessible via the 401,
• Virtual information sessions                                                                                           Lindsay, Frost Campus                                               407 and 35/115 highways. There are daily GO buses
                                                                                                                         1.75 hours from Toronto                                             from the Oshawa GO Station to Peterborough.
We also offer:
• Virtual tours                                                                                                          Haliburton Campus
                                                                                                                         2.5 hours from Toronto
• In-person tours*
• Open House events                                                                                                      Location: Central Ontario,130 km northeast of Toronto
                                                                                                                         Campuses: Peterborough, Lindsay, Haliburton
                                                                                                                         Full-time Programs: over 110
                                                                                                                         Full-time Students: over 6,500
                                                                                                                         Program Types: Ontario College Diplomas, Ontario College
                                                                                                                         Advanced Diplomas, Ontario College Graduate Certificates, Joint
                                                                                                                         Diplomas/Degrees, Ontario College Certificates, Apprenticeships.
                                                         *While we always enjoy seeing you in person, be sure to
                                                          check our website for the latest information and updates on
     flemingcollege.ca                                    COVID-19 protocols at our campuses:

38     Fleming College                                                                                                                                                                                                              2022/2023     39
Peterborough | Lindsay | Haliburton

                             CONNECT WITH US
askus@flemingcollege.ca           @flemingcollege
1.866.353.6464                   youtube.com/flemingcollege

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