Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A

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                                 Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A
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                                 Mycotoxins in small grains and maize: Old problems,
                                 new challenges
                                 J. David Miller
                                  Ottawa-Carleton Institute of Chemistry , Department of Chemistry, Carleton University ,
                                 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1S 5B6
                                 Published online: 20 Feb 2008.

To cite this article: J. David Miller (2008) Mycotoxins in small grains and maize: Old problems, new challenges, Food
Additives & Contaminants: Part A, 25:2, 219-230, DOI: 10.1080/02652030701744520

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Food Additives and Contaminants, February 2008; 25(2): 219–230

                                                       Mycotoxins in small grains and maize: Old problems, new challenges

                                                       J. DAVID MILLER

                                                       Ottawa-Carleton Institute of Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Carleton University,
                                                       Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1S 5B6

                                                       (Received 25 July 2007; accepted 8 October 2007)

                                                       This paper reviews the challenges relating to chronic contamination of small grains and maize with deoxynivalenol and
                                                       related compounds, fumonisin and the use of ensiled cereals in cool dairy areas. Uncertainties in the tolerable daily intakes
                                                       for deoxynivalenol and fumonisin are discussed as they have the potential to affect current regulatory limits. In addition,
                                                       climate change is resulting in more extreme rainfall and drought events which favour formation of deoxynivalenol and
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                                                       fumonisin, respectively. The development and refinement of models for predicting mycotoxin accumulation from weather
                                                       data will become an essential tool for managing these events. Such models are also important for providing timely food aid
                                                       to developing countries, which experience increased occurrence of acute toxicities, especially in children. Chronic
                                                       contamination of silage in some areas with some Penicillium toxins deserves more attention in terms of their economic effects
                                                       and possible implications for the purity of milk.

                                                       Keywords: Deoxynivalenol, neurotoxicity, fumonisin, neural-tube birth defects, silage, roquefortine, festuclavine, PR toxin,
                                                       climate change

                                                       Introduction                                                         complex on ensiled materials and A. flavus on
                                                                                                                            many commodities. The major toxins that contam-
                                                       It seems timely to review the progress made on
                                                       mycotoxins research in cereals over the past 15 years                inate maize and small grains (wheat, triticale, barley)
                                                       and consider the challenges remaining and new                        pre-harvest are deoxynivalenol (replaced in some
                                                       problems on the horizon. As noted in an earlier                      areas by nivalenol) and zearalenone, fumonisin and
                                                       review (Miller 1995), toxigenic fungi in crops have                  aflatoxin on maize. For two of these toxins, namely
                                                       been historically divided into two distinct groups.                  deoxynivalenol and fumonisin, there are unresolved
                                                       The first includes those that invade and produce                     issues that might affect their hazard assessment.
                                                       toxins before harvest and the second group, which                    Because they are common in grain, this represents
                                                       form toxins after harvest, are known as storage fungi.               a level of uncertainty that perhaps deserve more
                                                       However, the source of the fungi in both instances is                attention in this review.
                                                       the field (Miller 1995). Four types of toxigenic fungi                  There are other mycotoxins that can cause
                                                       can be identified: (1) plant pathogens, such as                      problems occasionally in small grains and maize,
                                                       Fusarium graminearum; (2) fungi that produce                         the most important being the Fusarium toxin, T-2,
                                                       mycotoxins on senescent or stressed plants, such as                  which is normally associated with a derivative, HT-2
                                                       F. verticillioides and Aspergillus flavus on maize and               toxin. Alimentary toxic aleukia (ATA) disease was
                                                       A. carbonarious on grapes; (3) fungi that colonise the               described prior to 1900 and was associated with the
                                                       plant and predispose the commodity to mycotoxin                      ingestion of overwintered grain. During World War
                                                       contamination after harvest e.g. A. flavus in sub-                   II, Russians were forced to eat grain left in the field.
                                                       tropical maize and (4) fungi that are found in the soil              Thousands of people were affected resulting in the
                                                       or decaying plant material that occur on the                         elimination of entire villages (Mirocha 1984;
                                                       developing kernels in the field and later                            Beardall and Miller 1994). Strains of fungi isolated
                                                       proliferate in storage if conditions permit, e.g.                    from the grains at the time were later shown to
                                                       Penicillium verrucosum on cereals, P. roqueforti                     produce T-2 and related toxins ( Joffre and

                                                       Correspondence: J. David Miller. E-mail:
                                                       ISSN 0265–203X print/ISSN 1464–5122 online ß 2008 Taylor & Francis
                                                       DOI: 10.1080/02652030701744520
220     J. D. Miller

                                                       Hagen 1977). These are mainly F. sporotrichioides         dominate depends on temperature. These species
                                                       toxins, a species that grows on wet grain left in the     also vary somewhat in pathogenicity; F. graminearum
                                                       field and to some extent on the glumes of small           is regarded as the most virulent, although all three
                                                       grains (Miller 1994; Miller et al. 1998). In parts of     species can cause epidemics. Wheat, maize and barley
                                                       Europe, F. langsethiae is also an important producer      are most affected by these pathogens (Miller 1994;
                                                       of T-2 toxin on small grains (Thrane et al. 2004;         Mesterhazy 2003; Snijders 2004) and by their toxins.
                                                       Torp and Nirenberg 2004). However, despite the            These three crops comprise two thirds of the world’s
                                                       vast literature on T-2, incidence data show that          cereal production. Contamination of oats, rye and
                                                       material concentrations of this toxin are uncommon        triticale has also been reported to contain Fusarium
                                                       in most growing areas. This is because most grain is      mycotoxins (Scott 1989; Gareis et al. 2003). In parts
                                                       harvested under warm, dry conditions. Modest levels       of Europe, F. poae is also an important producer of
                                                       of contamination in grain observed at harvest in          nivalenol on small grains (Thrane et al. 2004) and
                                                       parts of western Europe, primarily in cooler, wetter      nivalenol is commonly reported in European oat
                                                       areas, are apparent exceptions to this generalization     samples (Gareis et al. 2003).
                                                       (Gareis et al. 2001). The Provisional Maximum                F. graminearum is associated with wheat and maize
                                                       Tolerable Daily Intake (PMTDI) of the Joint Expert        grown in warmer areas (e.g. southern Ontario) and
                                                       Committee on Food Additives and Contaminants of           F. culmorum, in cooler areas (e.g. northwestern
                                                       the World Health Organization/Food and                    Europe, but see below). The influence of tempera-
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                                                       Agricultural Organization (JECFA) for T-2/HT-2            ture relates to conditions that allow a sustained
                                                       toxin of 0.6 mg kg1 bw has a larger safety factor than   period of warm weather (daytime temperatures
                                                       would normally be indicated. This is primarily due        430 C) regardless of daily means. The most
                                                       to a lack of experimental data (Larsen et al. 2004).      pathogenic species, F. graminearum and F. culmorum,
                                                          This review and comment will focus on three            are generally the most common species found. Since
                                                       broad topics. First, a perspective will be offered on     the 1890s, Fusarium head blight has been common
                                                       research on the Fusarium toxins, deoxynivalenol and       in wheat from North America and China
                                                       fumonisin, in small grains (wheat, barley, oats) and      (Miller 1994; Wang and Miller 1988; Chen et al.
                                                       maize. These crops comprise two thirds of cereal          2000; Goswami and Kistler 2004). In the 1980s and
                                                       supply, which is currently in the order of 350 kg         1990s, F. culmorum was the dominant species in
                                                       person1 year1 (Dyson 2001). The reason for this         cooler wheat-growing areas, such as Finland,
                                                       emphasis is that, for cereals contaminated by             France, Poland and The Netherlands (Snijders and
                                                       aflatoxin, including rice, the guidelines applying to     Perkowski 1990; Miller 1994; Toth et al. 2004), but
                                                       international trade are clear. This is regardless of      this trend has apparently changed in recent years as
                                                       whether, for example. the difference between WHO          European summers have reached record warm
                                                       and EU guidelines can be defended on a health basis       temperatures such that F. graminearum largely
                                                       (Wu 2004). In contrast, there are some uncertainties      dominates (Xu et al. 2006).
                                                       in the PMTDIs for deoxynivalenol and fumonisin               Morphologically identical isolates of F. grami-
                                                       relating to aspects of the mechanism and human            narum (Gibberalla zeae) can produce either DON
                                                       health effects that might affect current trade limits.    and zearalenone or nivalenol and zearalenone as the
                                                       Second, factors that resulted in increased exposure       principal toxic metabolites that accumulate in grain.
                                                       to these toxins will be explored with suggestions         Within the former group, some strains produce
                                                       about actions required to manage this change.             DON by the 3-acetylated precursor and others make
                                                       Finally, the increased use of ensiled maize in north      the 15 acetylated precursor. DON-producing strains
                                                       temperate dairy-producing areas (e.g. Quebec) will        with the 15-acetylated precursor dominate in North
                                                       be examined in relation to uncertainties about toxins     and South America. DON-producing strains with
                                                       associated with this feed source.                         the 3-acetylated precursor are common in Europe
                                                                                                                 and Asia (Miller et al. 1991). The Asian and New
                                                                                                                 World strains are genetically distinct (O’Donnell
                                                       Toxins associated with Fusarium head blight and
                                                                                                                 et al. 2000). Nivalenol-producing strains of
                                                       Gibberella ear rot
                                                                                                                 F. graminearum are common in parts of Europe,
                                                       Fusarium graminearum, F. culmorum and F. crookwel-        Japan and Australasia but very uncommon in the
                                                       lense are closely related species that produce deox-      Americas. F. culmorum produces DON and zearale-
                                                       ynivalenol (DON) or nivalenol and zearalenone,            none ( Miller et al. 1991; Jennings et al. 2004; and
                                                       depending on the geographic origin of the isolate         references cited therein; Toth et al. 2004). The
                                                       (Miller et al. 1991). These fungi cause Fusarium head     crown rot form of F. graminearum Group 1 is now
                                                       blight in small grains and Gibberella ear rot in maize.   called F. pseudograminearum (G. coronicola; Aoki and
                                                       These diseases are associated with temperate grain-       O’Donnell 1999) but also produces deoxynivalenol
                                                       growing regions. Which of the three species will          and nivalenol (Clear et al. 2006).
Mycotoxins in small grains and maize       221

                                                          The use of susceptible wheat cultivars and            (Hoyman 1941). Water extracts and then methanol
                                                       maize hybrids is largely responsible for incidence       extracts of maize and barley cultures of F. grami-
                                                       of F. graminearum. Under epidemic conditions,            nearum given intraperitoneally (i.p.) produced toxic
                                                       agronomic practices have modest impact on disease        signs in nursing mice and swine, and in swine by
                                                       (Miller 1994; Schaafsma et al. 2001; Hooker et al.       gavage, i.p. and intravenously (i.v.) by the mid 1960s
                                                       2005; Koch et al. 2006; Miller et al. 1998). As far as   (Vesonder and Hesseltine 1981). Using strains
                                                       can be seen, only countries that enforce clear           isolated from Fusarium head blight-affected cereals
                                                       requirements, such as reductions in Fusarium head        provided by W.L. Gordon (Agriculture Canada),
                                                       blight (including DON measurements) (Wilde et al.        Prentice et al. (1959) reported an emetic principle in
                                                       2007), have been able to reduce toxin amounts in         organic solvent extracts from Fusarium cultures but
                                                       the harvested crop (Snijders 2004; see also Larsen       were unable to determine the chemical structure
                                                       et al. 2004).                                            (Prentice and Dickenson 1968). About the same
                                                          ‘‘Red mold poisoning’’ was reported in rural Japan    time, while investigating Fusarium-damaged maize
                                                       coincident with an increase in wheat production from     (described as F. culmorum and F. graminearum
                                                       1800. Major epidemics were recorded in Japan for the     by Booth) resulting in cattle toxicosis. Australian
                                                       1890, 1901, 1914, 1932, 1946, 1958, 1963 and 1970        researchers reported a toxic principle resulting
                                                       crops, with human and animal toxicoses reported          in skin necrosis (Fisher et al. 1967). Finally,
                                                       throughout (Yozhizawa 1983; Udagawa 1988).               US researchers re-reported DON as ‘‘vomitoxin’’
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                                                       Japanese researchers and officials were sensitive to     from F. graminearum-contaminated maize in
                                                       the possibility of toxic chemicals from mold-damaged     1973 that had produced emesis in swine (Vesonder
                                                       food. The study of mycotoxins began in 1881 when a       et al. 1973).
                                                       Japanese researcher showed that ethanol extracts of         Humans appear to be quite sensitive to DON (Bhat
                                                       rice damaged by Penicillium citreonigrum were fatal to   et al. 1989; Kuiper-Goodman 1994), but
                                                       dogs, rabbits and guinea pigs. This led to a             the available information does not permit a dose–
                                                       commercial ban on the sale of rice damaged by that       response to be reliably determined. The domestic
                                                       fungus (Pitt 1991). Well-documented reports of           animal most affected by DON is swine and, as noted,
                                                       human toxicosis from the consumption of Fusarium         the use of the second trivial name for DON,
                                                       head blight-damaged wheat and barley are available.      vomitoxin, arose from the emetic effect in swine.
                                                       These describe the typical symptoms that consistently    The minimum oral dose required for emesis is in the
                                                       include nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea (Yozhizawa        order of 100 mg kg1 bw (Pestka et al. 1987).
                                                       1983; Udagawa 1988). Russian officials reported the      The emetic response in dogs appears to occur at a
                                                       same symptoms from humans consuming bread                similar dose (Ueno 1983). However, DON seldom
                                                       baked from scabby grain in 1923 (Prentice and            causes overt toxicity, including emesis, in swine
                                                       Dickensen 1968). DON was isolated by Japanese            because its presence in feed limits consumption.
                                                       researchers from grain that had made humans ill          This anorexic effect typically results in decreased feed
                                                       (Morooka et al. 1972). This toxin was responsible for    consumption and growth in swine at concentrations
                                                       a large-scale incident of human toxicosis in the         of more than 1 mg g1 in diets containing naturally
                                                       Kashmir Valley of India in 1988 (Bhat et al. 1989;       contaminated grains. Trichothecenes in general,
                                                       Medical Research Council of India, unpublished           including DON, have a variety of immunological
                                                       report). The same symptoms were seen in Indians          effects in laboratory animals at very low exposures. In
                                                       consuming bread made from highly contaminated            experimental situations, this leads to increased
                                                       wheat. Acute human toxicoses have been reported in       susceptibility to bacterial, viral and fungal diseases
                                                       China, Japan and Korea, among other countries            with strong implications for human disease (Bondy
                                                       ( Yoshizawa 1983; Beardall and Miller 1994; Kuiper-      and Pestka 2000; Pestka and Smolinski 2005).
                                                       Goodman 1994; Li et al. 1999).                              There is, therefore, a long and clear historic
                                                          Fusarium head blight-damaged grain began to be        association between DON and animal disease. After
                                                       a problem in the Midwest US and Canada coin-             consumption of grains affected by Fusarium head
                                                       cident with the dominance of Marquis wheat during        blight, similar symptoms in human have been
                                                       WW I. By the 1920s, large cultivar-screening             consistently reported in many populations since the
                                                       programs were underway in Minnesota (Schroeder           turn of the 19th century. There is no uncertainty that
                                                       and Christensen 1963). In 1928, there was a massive      consumption of contaminated wheat results in DON
                                                       epidemic in the mid west, where US scientists            exposure in humans (Turner et al. 2007). For the last
                                                       showed that damaged barley resulted in emesis            25 years, health authorities have acted to reduce
                                                       in swine (Mundkur 1934). By 1941, a water extract        human consumption of this toxin. Considering the
                                                       of barley contaminated by a fungus described as          available toxicology data, Health Canada established
                                                       G. saubentii [an invalid name that included F.           a tentative tolerable daily intake in 1982 of
                                                       graminearum], induced emesis in swine by gavage          3 mg kg1 bw per day and half that for infants
222     J. D. Miller

                                                       (Kuiper-Goodman 1985). Based on a much                    changes in the membranes of more resistant types
                                                       expanded database, the JECFA established a PMTI           (Snijders and Kreching 1992; Cossette and Miller
                                                       that was slightly lower in 2001 (Canady et al. 2001).     1995; Miller and Ewen 1997). It is reasonable to
                                                          These factors (and others discussed in the             speculate that modest effects on membranes asso-
                                                       following section) led to a series of recommendations     ciated with the emesis centre might be responsible
                                                       on future research on DON at an ILSI–EU meeting           for the neurotoxicity as the receptor structure would
                                                       held in Dublin (Larsen et al. 2004). In relation to       be altered and, hence, binding affinity.
                                                       either increasing or decreasing the PMTDI, two               The ILSI–EU meeting suggested that the estab-
                                                       issues were raised that deserve repeating. There          lishment of an acute reference dose (ARfD) for
                                                       is wide agreement that the mechanism causing              DON would be valuable. It was also agreed that the
                                                       neurotoxicity (emesis and feed refusal) needed to         ethical problems in doing a human study would be
                                                       be determined.                                            profound, indicating that perhaps a non-human
                                                          In the mid-1990s, a great deal of work was done to     primate study would be desirable (Larsen et al.
                                                       try and resolve this question for DON in swine.           2004), in my opinion, would be less important than
                                                       Dosing by a continuous-exposure osmotic pump,             determining the mechanism of neurotoxicity. There
                                                       implanted intraperitoneally, resolved that the effects    are human clinical data available from the use of
                                                       could not be due to taste or learned responses            another trichothecene, DAS (also known as angui-
                                                       (Prelusky 1997). A single dose of 0.25 mg kg1 bw         dine), as a chemotherapy agent in many studies.
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                                                       (i.v.) changed neurotransmitter concentrations in         These studies have demonstrated that nausea and
                                                       the hypothalamus, frontal cortex and cerebellum up        vomiting occurred in 50% of the patients at doses
                                                       to 8 days post-dosing. Norepinephrine increased in        of between 200 and 400 mg kg1 bw i.v. (Bukowski
                                                       all three tissues, whereas dopamine was decreased.        et al. 1982; DeSimone et al. 1997). Considering the
                                                       In contrast, serotonin increased and then decreased       relative acute toxicities of DAS to DON, this would
                                                       in the hypothalamus, it was decreased in the frontal      translate into an emetic dose for DON in adults of
                                                       cortex and no change was observed in the cerebel-         4800 mg kg1 bw. This suggests that the minimum
                                                       lum (Prelusky et al. 1992). A lower dose (10 mg kg1      emetic dose for DON in swine is a reasonable
                                                       bw i.v.) resulted in changes in cerebral spinal fluid     approximation of the human equivalent. It was also
                                                       neurotransmitters (Prelusky 1993). Serotonin-recep-       suggested that studies of interactions between
                                                       tor antagonists prevented DON-induced vomiting,           trichothecenes be performed (Larsen et al. 2004),
                                                       while 5HT2-receptor antagonists were moderately           which, in my opinion, would have little value.
                                                       effective in high doses. Other anticholinergic actives    It is known that there are interactions between
                                                       were also effective but by acting directly at the         trichothecenes in model systems (Koshinshy and
                                                       emetic centre preventing emesis regardless of the         Khachatourians 1992) and in animals (Schiefer et al.
                                                       cause (Prelusky et al. 1992). This suggested that,        1986; Bhavanishankar et al. 1988), but their dimen-
                                                       although there is no doubt that the emetic centre is      sion is modest (
Mycotoxins in small grains and maize       223

                                                       F. verticillioides (¼G. fujikuroi) and F. proliferatum.      Since the discovery of fumonisin in 1988, a great
                                                       In warmer corn-growing areas, F. verticillioides is one   deal has been learned about its effects. Consumption
                                                       of the most important ear diseases (Miller 2001).         of maize contaminated with fumonisin has a number
                                                       F. proliferatum (which also produces moniliformin)        of toxic effects on domestic animals, including
                                                       becomes dominant under different environmental            equine leucoencephalomalacia in horses (ELEM),
                                                       conditions than F. verticillioides (De La Campa           and pulmonary edema and immunosuppression in
                                                       et al. 2005).                                             swine. The toxin is carcinogenic in rodents.
                                                          Below 25–28 C, F. graminearum grows well, with        The mechanism for all these phenomena is directly
                                                       growth virtually ceasing above that temperature, and      or indirectly due to the effects of fumonisin on
                                                       in that range, assuming that there is sufficient rain,    sphingolipid biosynthesis; this work has been
                                                       this fungus out-competes F. verticillioides. Many         reviewed extensively (IPCS 2000; Bolger et al.
                                                       studies on fumonisin from natural occurrence and          2001; SCF 2003). JECFA established a PMTI
                                                       experimental infections have demonstrated the             using the renal toxicity of fumonisin as the endpoint.
                                                       importance of drought rather than temperature             (Voss et al. 1995; NTP 2001).
                                                       stress. F. verticillioides grows well at temperatures        Fusarium kernel rot was associated with animal
                                                       above 28 C (Reid et al. 1999) and there is evidence      disease in the US midwest in 1904 and there were
                                                       that fumonisin can only accumulate in stressed or         large epidemics of ELEM in the US during
                                                       senescing kernel tissue (Reid et al. 1999; Miller         the drought years of the 1930s. In 1971, corn
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                                                       2001). This is consistent with considerable field         contaminated by the fungus, now called F. verticil-
                                                       data; for example, in a US study, fumonisin               liodes, was shown to cause ELEM (IPCS 2000).
                                                       concentrations were inversely proportional to June        A South African group studying elevated esophageal
                                                       rainfall (Shelby et al. 1994). In the cool corn-          cancer in the Transkei and a French group working
                                                       growing area of southern Ontario, accumulation was        on ELEM independently described fumonisin as the
                                                                                                                 cause of disease in 1988 (Marasas 2001) and then in
                                                       limited to drought-stressed fields. Comparing three
                                                                                                                 1989 (as macrofusin; Laurent et al. 1989).
                                                       counties with similar temperatures, the three with
                                                                                                                    There has also been the association of regular
                                                       the highest average FB1 concentrations (1.4 mg g1)
                                                                                                                 consumption of large amounts of maize-based foods,
                                                       had half the rainfall of the counties with the lowest
                                                                                                                 regularly infected with F. verticilliodes, with esopha-
                                                       average FB1 (0.4 mg g1; Miller et al. 1995).
                                                                                                                 geal cancer in South Africa and northern Italy
                                                          Since drought stress results in greater insect
                                                                                                                 (IARC 1993, 2002; IPCS 2000). South Africa has
                                                       herbivory on maize, it is not possible to totally
                                                                                                                 been growing maize at least since the 17th century
                                                       separate these variables from other complications
                                                                                                                 and it is now grown across Africa (Desjardins and
                                                       (Miller 2001). However, there is a strong consistent
                                                                                                                 McCarthy 2004; McCann 2005). In Latin America,
                                                       relationship between insect damage and Fusarium
                                                                                                                 food is prepared primarily from tortilla flours
                                                       ear rot. Within a year or two of the availability of      prepared by heating with base which reduces
                                                       fumonisin analytical standards, a field survey            fumonsin concentrations. However, in Africa, fumo-
                                                       demonstrated that the incidence of the European           nisin is not affected by traditional methods of
                                                       corn borer increased Fusarium kernel rot and              cooking (De La Campa et al. 2004; Shephard et al.
                                                       fumonisin concentrations (Lew et al. 1991). Maize         2002; Fandohan et al. 2005), but sorting does
                                                       genotypes containing the anti-insectan Bt protein         effectively    reduce      fumonisin     concentrations
                                                       have reduced amounts of fumonisin compared to             (Desjardins et al. 2000; Riley and Miller 2003).
                                                       non-Bt genotypes (Bakan et al. 2002; Hammond                 The earliest reports of esophageal cancer in rural
                                                       et al. 2004; De La Campa et al. 2005).                    black populations (studies from 1955–1969; Rose
                                                          De La Campa et al. 2005) were able to integrate        1973 and references cited therein) noted the extra-
                                                       this information in a study of factors that affected      ordinarily high rates of this cancer in the Transkei.
                                                       fumonisin accumulation in maize. Insect damage            This was striking compared to other parts of the
                                                       and weather variables in four periods around silking      world and other parts of Africa (Day, 1975). Since
                                                       explained most of the variation in fumonisin              no biomarkers are available, it has proven impos-
                                                       concentrations at harvest. The first critical period      sible, so far, to establish fumonisin as a causative
                                                       for fumonisin accumulation was 4–10 days before           factor in this pattern of esophageal cancer. In the last
                                                       silking when temperatures of
224     J. D. Miller

                                                       demonstrated dietary exposure) and, if reliably            summer or is water-limited. Since 1961, China has
                                                       demonstrated, the IARC classification would                increased cereal production 5-fold from 100 to
                                                       change from 2B to 2A (probable human carcino-              400 kg person1, with maize and wheat increasing
                                                       gen), which might require a re-evaluation of the           roughly in proportion. Maize has been grown in
                                                       PMTDI.                                                     China since the 16th century (Desjardins and
                                                          After the setting of the JECFA TDI, it was found        McCarthy 2004) and currently has a much larger
                                                       that fumonisin causes neural tube birth defects            production than wheat. For food, wheat is nearly
                                                       (NTDs) in mouse somites (Sadler et al. 2002) and           equal to rice, a well-established food crop since the
                                                       a rodent model in vivo (Gelineau-van Waes et al.           6th century (Myer 1978). The ratio of rice to
                                                       2005). These studies arose from a transient increase       wheat þ maize production has changed from 1.2:1
                                                       in NTDs from 10 to 27 per 10,000 live births in            to 0.8:1 (Tong et al. 2003). Fusarium head blight
                                                       Mexican-Americans in Cameron County Texas                  epidemics have been greatly increasing in frequency
                                                       (Hendricks 1999; Marasas et al. 2004). A follow-           in recent years (Chen et al. 2001) and, as noted
                                                       up study found that increased NTD risk was                 above, there is exposure to DON in China from both
                                                       associated with fumonisins exposure (Missmer               wheat and maize, although it is not well documented
                                                       et al. 2006) and, for a number of reasons, animal          (Canady et al. 2001; Meky et al. 2003).
                                                       models had failed to predict this possibility (IPCS           The situation in Africa is much different. During
                                                       2000). The mechanism relates to material exposure          the period 1960–2003, cereal production increased
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                                                       to fumonisin prior to the formation of the placenta.       2.5-fold (half that of China) but, approximately over
                                                       Fumonisin affects folate transport, which results in       the same period, declined on a per capita basis from
                                                       lowered folate in the embryo (Sadler et al. 2002;          150 to 125 kg person1 (Dyson 2001). As with
                                                       Marasas et al. 2004). A study of tortilla production       China, there has been a modest change in the ratio of
                                                       in Cameron County revealed that some preparation           maize production to that of the other staple crops
                                                       methods in local facilities left intact fumonisin in the   (sorghum, millet, rice). However, of these, maize is
                                                       final product (De La Campa et al. 2004) and NTDs           uniquely susceptible to fumonisin, DON and zear-
                                                       are very high in fumonisin endemic areas (Marasas          alenone and co-exposures with aflatoxin are certainly
                                                       et al. 2004). At the time of writing, there is no          common (Doko et al. 1996; Ngoko et al. 2001)
                                                       published study of NTDs in a regulatory strain of          Africa has become extremely vulnerable to
                                                       rodent [The strain used in the Gelineau-van Waes           exposure from mycotoxins found in maize (Riley
                                                       (2005) study is specialized for NTD research].             and Miller 2003; Azziz-Baumgartner et al. 2005).
                                                       Another factor that might result in the re-evaluation      China is producing sufficient food for residents of
                                                       of the JECFA TDI would be the results of a                 rural areas to purchase food (Gale et al. 2005),
                                                       well-designed study in a regulatory strain of
                                                                                                                  which means that diets are much more diverse in
                                                                                                                  China compared to Africa. In regions where weather
                                                                                                                  conditions result in (more) severe mycotoxin
                                                       Exposure to maize and wheat borne toxins is increasing     problems, very high exposures are inevitable with
                                                       The existence of a widely accepted JECFA PMTI for          the potential for acute toxicoses (Riley and Miller
                                                       DON and fumonisin are major achievements;                  2003; Azziz-Baumgartner et al. 2006). While this
                                                       however, in the recent past, exposure of young             has long been known for aflatoxin in Africa, the
                                                       children has been close to the PMTDI in the                PMTDI for fumonisin, as noted, is exceeded in
                                                       Netherlands (Pieters et al. 2004), Denmark                 Africa, with the upper 10th percentile of the
                                                       (Rasmussen et al. 2007) and Canada (Kuiper-                population being approximately three times that of
                                                       Goodman et al. 2008). The PMTDI is exceeded in             the PMTDI ( JECFA 2001). In areas where the
                                                       other countries – dramatically so in Africa and in         occurrence of fumonisin is chronic, this materially
                                                       parts of Latin America (JECFA 2001) and there is           understates the situation. Shephard et al. (2007)
                                                       no doubt that this would be more dramatic if               estimated fumonisin exposure in some areas of rural
                                                       exposures were calculated for wheat-consuming              South Africa at 2–19 times the PMTDI and
                                                       population in endemic areas lacking a diverse              exposure in rural Bukino Faso was found to be
                                                       source of cereals, as opposed to the standard              12–60 times the PMTDI (Nikiema et al. 2004).
                                                       GEMS diet. The situation for fumonisin exposure               Against this broad background, in both the fully
                                                       is similar, except much worse in parts of Africa           developed market economies and due to the limited
                                                       (Bolger et al. 2001; Shephard et al. 2005, 2007).          diversity of the food supply in developing countries,
                                                          As noted above, large areas of arable land have         increased climate variability will produce more
                                                       come under wheat and maize production in China             frequent epidemics of Fusarium head blight and
                                                       since 1961 (Dyson 2001; Tong et al. 2003). Most            Gibberella ear rot. As described above, the former
                                                       arable land is in areas prone to humidity in the           requires rain at anthesis or silk emergence and warm
Mycotoxins in small grains and maize        225

                                                       conditions while Fusarium kernel rot requires dry        DON-tolerant domestic animals (cattle) after appro-
                                                       conditions but permissive temperatures.                  priate dilution. For DON and fumonisin in maize,
                                                          At the end of 2006, the number of weather-related     Hooker and Schaafsma (2005) and, in greater detail
                                                       disasters in Canada has increased 10-fold since 1900     for fumonisin in maize, De La Campa et al. (2006)
                                                       and 4-fold since 1960, most of which are related to      have demonstrated that such models are feasible.
                                                       heavy rainfall (         While these models are meant for areas with on-line
                                                       w_disasters_095_e.xls). These disasters have been        meteorological data and information on emergent
                                                       associated with the flooding of rivers, caused by        insect populations, some modeling might be feasible
                                                       prolonged rain during rapid snowmelt, of drainage        from remote-sensing information.
                                                       pathways, primarily caused by short-duration, inten-        Rainfall timing, water stress and permissive
                                                       sive rainfall from thunderstorms or the residue of       temperatures are the key factors for DON and
                                                       hurricanes coming up from the US southeast. These        fumonisin accumulation. Modeling of drought and
                                                       phenomena have also been felt in Europe (Ekström        vegetation indices are a component of the Famine
                                                       et al. 2005; Lehner et al. 2006; Wilson 2007). In the    Early Warning System, which assesses remotely
                                                       principal     Canadian      maize-production     area    sensed data, ground-based sources and other factors
                                                       (Ontario), each of the last five summers has been        affecting local food availability (http://www.fews.
                                                       hotter than the previous 30, on average, which           net/). These data could form the basis of models
                                                       creates one of the conditions for increased risk of      that might be developed for DON, fumonisin and
Downloaded by [] at 03:40 07 August 2015

                                                       fumonisin accumulation. The other condition is           possibly aflatoxin, adding an important early
                                                       drought (Miller et al. 1995; Miller 2001), which is      warning capacity to managing contaminated crops.
                                                       also predicted to occur more often in most of the           Potentially, toxin-predictive modelling is an
                                                       corn regions over the coming decades (Lehner et al.      important research direction for both vulnerable
                                                       2006). An increased prevalence of extreme weather        populations and due to increased climate variability
                                                       events is now anticipated worldwide over the next        in countries with commercial agriculture.
                                                       century (Zhang et al. 2007).
                                                          Riley and Miller (2003) argued for increased use      Uncertainties associated with the increased use
                                                       of forecasting methods to predict mycotoxins on a        of short season maize hybrids and silage
                                                       countywide-scale. There is a long history of the use
                                                       of models to predict crop diseases, including            In eastern Canada, the use of maize silage in dairy
                                                       Fusarium head blight (De Wolf et al. 2003; Del           production has increased approximately 5-fold over
                                                       Ponte et al. 2005; Carranza et al. 2007) however,        the past 25 years. This is mainly attributed to the
                                                       there are comparatively few reports on models            availability of short season maize hybrids suitable for
                                                       predicting the potential for mycotoxins in field         both eastern North America and parts of western
                                                       crops – the most useful being developed Schaafsma        Europe. In addition, as long as there is adequate
                                                       and colleagues (Hooker et al. 2002; Schaafsma et al.     protein available, maize silage has a high starch
                                                       2006; Schaafsma and Hooker 2008). These models           content and is a useful high-energy feed for cows
                                                       need to be developed against a large background          (e.g. Dawo et al. 2007). Silage production has
                                                       dataset of DON and weather within a particular area      remained fairly stable in most of Europe in recent
                                                       as the relationship between disease symptoms and         decades but there has been a shift towards maize
                                                       toxin accumulation is cultivar-specific (Miller et al.   silage in some countries (e.g. Denmark,
                                                       1984; Paul et al. 2006). Such work has also been         The Netherlands; Wilkinson and Toivonen 2003).
                                                       attempted for Gibberella ear rot (Mansfield et al.          In recent years, there has been increased recogni-
                                                       2006).                                                   tion that silage is quite frequently contaminated by
                                                          Although there are some recent studies on models      toxins, mainly from Penicillium roqueforti (Seglar et al.
                                                       for predicting DON in wheat (Eiblmeier 2006;             1997; Auerbach et al. 1998; Seglar 1999). This
                                                       Forrer et al. 2006), only one predictive model for       appears to be due to a combination of changes in feed
                                                       DON, DONcast, has been published and commer-             production technology (e.g. increased reliance on
                                                       cialized (Hooker et al. 2002). This model, which         maize fodder instead of transporting grain maize
                                                       adapted to Uruguay (Schaafsma et al. 2006) and           from the Midwest US or southern Ontario) and/or
                                                       French conditions (Schaafsma and Hooker 2008),           increased farm sizes (making it more likely that small
                                                       allows decision-makers to implement changes in           changes in herd health will be noticed). At first, this
                                                       agronomic (fungicide application) or harvesting          was, and often still is, attributed to the presence of
                                                       practices, to be aware where emerging DON                low levels of Fusarium toxins in maize. Since these do
                                                       problems exist and to take the necessary manage-         not affect cows or cattle, this is not the explanation.
                                                       ment steps. These might involve diverting the            In contrast, a number of toxic phenomena in cows,
                                                       harvest from the affected fields away from human         associated silage contaminated by P. roqueforti group,
                                                       food-use to alternative uses, including use in           have been observed. Severe toxicoses in cows,
226     J. D. Miller

                                                       associated with the latter fungi growing on silage,        Acknowledgements
                                                       were first reported from Japan and the US in the
                                                                                                                  I thank colleagues at Agriculture Canada and
                                                       1960s ( Wei et al. 1973; Omomo et al. 1994). This
                                                                                                                  Carleton University, Clive James, Maya Pineiro,
                                                       issue remained unresolved and largely ceased to be a
                                                                                                                  Art Schaafsma, David Hooker, Kristian Nielsen,
                                                       practical problem. More recently, P. roquefori sensu
                                                                                                                  Jens Frisvad, as well as the Natural Sciences &
                                                       lato has been associated with reports of two syn-
                                                                                                                  Engineering Research Council of Canada and
                                                       dromes in cows: serious toxicoses associated with P.
                                                                                                                  TUBITAK, for financial support. I thank John
                                                       roqueforti and a general ill-thrift associated with P.
                                                                                                                  Gilbert and Hamide Z. Senyuva for inviting me to
                                                       paneum (Sumarah et al. 2005). Both of these fungi
                                                                                                                  discuss this topic.
                                                       produce roquefortine but the former produces PR
                                                       toxins and the later festuclavine, a compound long
                                                       associated with ill-thrift in cows (Nielsen et al. 2006;
                                                       O’Brien et al. 2006).
                                                          Good silage practice eliminates these fungi             References
                                                       (O’Brien et al. 2007); hence, the problem can be           Aoki T, O’Donnell K. 1999. Morphological characterization
                                                       managed. However, a careful US study reported in             of Gibberella coronicola sp. nov., obtained through mating
                                                       1997 of dairy herds in Florida, Vermont and                  experiments of Fusarium pseudograminearum. Mycoscience
                                                       Wisconsin suffering from ill-thrift, silage was more         40:443–453.
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                                                       1997). Similarly, a German study reported wide-              the Science Food Agriculture 76:565–572.
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                                                       et al. 1998), which is proxy for contamination either        Kieszak S, Njapau H, Schleicher R, McCoy LF, Misore A,
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