Page created by Sara Love

        Our Sheen Mount curriculum maps have been developed and updated throughout 2019-2020. However, in this coming academic year, 2020-2021, there are some areas of the curriculum
        that will be modified, because of Covid-19, in line with the government guidance issued most recently.
        1) Teach an ambitious and broad curriculum in all subjects from the start of the autumn term, but make use of existing flexibilities to create time to cover the most important missed content.
        2) Aim to return to the school’s normal curriculum in all subjects by summer term 2021. Substantial modification to the curriculum may be needed at the start of the year, so teaching time
        should be prioritised to address significant gaps in pupils’ knowledge with the aim of returning to the school’s normal curriculum content by no later than summer term 2021.

By the time children leave Sheen Mount we want them to have had a positive experience of more than one language (Italian and French) based
on staff expertise. We want them to have awareness of the different cultures and traditions in these different countries, as well as celebrating
other languages spoken in our school community. We would like our children to able to confidently introduce and give a simple description of
themselves in at least one of these languages. Our aim is that with this positive attitude and confidence to communicate in another language,
children will feel inspired and equipped to continue their language journey through secondary education and beyond.

Below is a curriculum map which will help with consistency and progression in FL teaching throughout the school. I recommend that staff teaching French refer to the QCA
schemes of work, which include clear and detailed planning and lots of ideas for activities, songs and games to support learning. The QCA schemes are available online at and also on the school computer
system in the FL Subject Lead folder. If you prefer to create your own planning, please try to ensure that you cover the main themes and suggested vocabulary (as this will
make sure you adhere to the requirements of the National Curriculum for languages at KS2) for the relevant year group. This will help future teachers with their planning
and assessment in subsequent years. NB Italian will be taught in Years 1 and 2 by a specialist teacher. The Italian teacher will follow a similar scheme of work which is
provided by the Italian Embassy.

                                    Autumn Term                                                     Spring Term                                                 Summer Term
  Year 1        Italian                         Italian                         Italian                       Italian                       Italian                        Italian
                Greetings ‘Ciao’.               Greetings ‘Ciao’.               Carnival in Italy             Carnival in Italy             Numbers 5-10                   Numbers 5-10
                What’s your name                What’s your name                Family                        Family                        Greetings                      Greetings
                                                                                                                                            School items                   School items
                Traditional songs and           Traditional songs and           Colours                       Colours
                                                                                                                                            Summer                         Summer
                festivals                       festivals                       Spring                        Spring                        Animals                        Animals
                Numbers to 5                    Numbers to 5                    Easter in Italy               Easter in Italy               Story tellings                 Story tellings
                Colours                         Colours                         Traditional chants, games,    Traditional chants, games,    Traditional chants, games,     Traditional chants, games,
                                                Christmas in Italy              rhymes, songs, stories.       rhymes, songs, stories        rhymes, songs                  rhymes, songs

Year 1 Key      rosso, blu, giallo, verde, rosa, arancione, marrone,            Befana, notte, scopa, occhi, naso, bocca, orecchie,         Arrivederci, numbers 5-10, astuccio, libro, maestra,
vocabulary      azzuro, viola, nero, grigio, mela, prugna, banana, arancia,     Carnevale, Arlecchino, maschera, mamma, papà, nonno,        righello, cartella, gomma, matita, estate, ape, uccello,
                pera                                                            nonna, bianco, viola, nero, rosa, blu, primavera, volano,   gatto, rana, cane
                                                                                Pasqua, uovo, cioccolato
                Italian                         Italian                         Italian                        Italian                      Italian                        Italian
                Formal/informal greetings       Formal/informal greetings       Epifania/.Befana in Italy      Epifania/.Befana in Italy    School: objects and actions    School: objects and actions
  Year 2        Introduction                    Introduction                    Birthdays (age)                Birthdays (age               Animals                        Animals
                School objects                  School objects                  Clothes                        Clothes                      Summer                         Summer
                Autumn                          Autumn                          Carnival In Italy              Carnival In Italy            Verb to be, present, 3rd       Verb to be, present, 3rd
                Toys                            Toys                            Family                         Family                       persona                        persona
                Christmas in Italy              Christmas in Italy              The home                       The home.                    Traditional chants, games,     Traditional chants, games,
                Traditional chants, games,      Traditional chants, games,                                                                  rhymes, songs                  rhymes, songs,
                rhymes, songs                   rhymes, songs
Year 2 Key      Buongiorno, ciao, arrivederci, Come ti chiami? Mi         Primavera, Befana, notte, Carnevale, quanti anni hai?        Disegna, legge, scrive, canta, apre, saluta, cane, ape,
vocabulary      chiamo…, sono…, penna, matita, righello, gomma,           Ho…, colori, numeri, cappotto, berretto, guanti, scarpe,     gatto, coniglio, pesce, rana, uccello, serpente, bruco,
                cartella, libro, maestra/o, autunno, bici, chitarra, bambola,
                                                                          calzini, fratello, sorella, mamma, papà, nonno, nonna,       lumaca, farfalla, estate, caldo, altalena
                orsetto, macchina, Natale, Babbo Natale, regalo, storie   camera, cucina, salotto, bagno, giardino, Pasqua, uovo,
                                                                          cioccolato, pulcino
 Transition from Italian to French must be noted. Children should be reminded of and encouraged to attempt to recall their Italian learning so they are able to make comparisons with
                                                                       the (sometimes similar) French alternatives.
                French- Moi                 French- Moi                   French Jeux et chansons          French Jeux et              French – la Fête                 French- la Fête
                Children learn to introduce Children begin to respond     Listen/respond to French        chansons                     Children learn language          Learn to say the months of
  Year 3        themselves, greet others    to and ask questions about versions of well-known             Learn some names of          relating to celebrations of      the year particularly the
                and say how they are.       name and age.                 songs/games. (Le facteur        some familiar animals or     special occasions (eg.           name of the month in which
                Learn vocabulary for        Start using numbers to 10.    for days of the week) Start     farm animals.                Joyeux Anniversaire)and of they celebrate their
                colours.                    Learn some names of           learning days of the week       Listen & respond to familiar their achievements in            birthday.
                                            family members.               and numbers to 20.              English songs but in         activities and games
                                            Learn names of some           Introduce names of popular French. E.g. French               (Favourite hobbies and
                Cultural understanding:     domestic animals.             and familiar playground         version of well-known        what they do well)
                Compare how we greet                                      games.(le cache-                song- Le fermier dans son
                each other in UK and                                      cache/saut a la corde/la        pres/, frere Jacques/        Cultural understanding:
                France.                                                   chasse)                         Coucou hibou.                Childhood Traditions.
                                                                          Cultural understanding:                                      Compare UK’s tooth fairy
                                                                          Compare playtime in UK                                       to France’s tooth mouse.
                                                                          and France.

             Bonjour! Salut! Bonsoir ! Ça va? Ça va bien/mal. Et toi?        lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi, samedi, dimanche.      Je joue au football. Je nage. Je danse. Je chante. Je lis.
Year 3 Key   Au revoir, Monsieur/Madame, oui/non. Je m’appelle …             onze, douze, treize, quatorze, quinze, seize, dix-sept, dix-    Joyeux anniversaire!
             Comment tu t’appelles? Voici … un, deux, trois, quatre,         huit, dix-neuf, vingt                                           janvier, février, mars, avril, mai, juin,
vocabulary   cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf, dix                                Combien de …?             Je préfère …                          juillet, août, septembre, octobre, novembre, décembre
             Quel âge as-tu? J’ai sept/huit ans.                                                                                             s’il te plaît
             French – Portraits               French – la famille et Les     French - Ça pousse!             French - On Y Va!                French - L’argent de            French – Je porte
             Building on learning from        quatre amis.                   Children revise how to say      Name some francophone           poche                            Learn some common
 Year 4      year 3, children consolidate Revise and consolidate             their age and know the          countries & towns in            Gain confidence in               adjectives, make simple
             and learn new greetings,         learning from year 3 -the      month of their birthday.        France.                         manipulating numbers (in         feminine agreements &
             ways of introducing              months of the year and         Numbers to 30                   Learn to say what town          tens to 100) & learn further     give instructions to each
             themselves and saying            Numbers to 20                  Learn to say the date of        they live in. How they get to   expressions for likes &          other.
             their name, their age and                                       their birthday.                 school. Revise (From Year       dislikes.
             how they are. Consolidate        Building on year 3 children                                    3) days of week and learn       Learn names for some             Learn some vocabulary for
             numbers to 20.                   learn to describe their        Children listen to and          some phrases about              shops in the high street         clothing and set up a
             Learn names for main parts family and talk about their          respond to a story for          weather.                        and what they sell               fashion show where
             of body & describe with          brothers and sisters.          example ‘La chenille qui        Learn names for all 4           Use euros to go shopping.        children take turns to
             colours. Ask & answer                                           fait des trous’                 seasons.                        Say what you would like to       describe the model.
             questions about physical         Building on learning from      Learn names of fruits and       Make comparisons with           buy and how much it would
             appearance.                      year 3, children revise and    vegetables & say which          weather in France and           cost.
                                              learn new vocabulary to        they like & dislike.            England.                        Play shops
             Cultural understanding:          talk about animals,                                            Who has been to France
             How do French people             describe their colour and                                      where did they go? Look at
             celebrate Halloween?             state their preference.                                        map of France.
                                                                                                             Cultural understanding:
                                             Cultural understanding:                                         Influences of
                                             How do French people                                            Mediterranean climate
                                             celebrate Christmas                                             affecting way of life in
                                                                                                             North and South France.
             les couleurs, rouge, rose, orange, jaune, bleu(e), vert(e),     Le chien, le chat, le cochon d’Inde, le cheval, le mouton,      vingt et un, vingt-deux, vingt-trois, vingt-quatre, vingt-cinq,
Year 4 Key   noir(e), blanc(he), violet(te), marron                          le lapin, la souris                                             vingt-six, vingt-sept, vingt-huit, vingt-neuf, trente.
             J’ai ...                                                        ... galope (eg Le cheval galope) …court                         Mon anniversaire est le….
vocabulary   Il/Elle a …                                                     Il/Elle est ...                                                 Tu aimes …?         J’aime … Je n’aime pas … beaucoup
             un nez bleu, une bouche bleue, les yeux/cheveux bleus           gris(e)                                                         Je voudrais …
             Il/Elle est ... grand(e)/petit(e)                               La mère, le père, la sœur, le frère.                            S’il vous plaît. Vous désirez?         Voilà.     Merci.
             French - Vive le sport!           French – Animals and          French - Weather and            French- Bon appétit,            French - Music                    French - Alphabet and
             Revise and build on               habitats (Canaval des         Date                            bon santé                       Je suis le musicien               Numbers. Timetables.
 Year 5      learning from Year 3              animeaux)                     Quel-temps fait il?             Revise and build on             Children learn to discuss         Say the alphabet in French
             (Favourite hobbies) Learn         Revise and build on           Revise and build on             learning from year 4 (fruits    their musical preferences         and practise using
             names for sports. Say             learning from year 3 and 4.   learning from year 4, learn     and vegetables), learn          and to say which                  numbers.
             what activities they do on        Say where they live and       phrases to describe             names of food and drink         instruments they play. They Start learning numbers to
             particular days of week.          describe their home. A flat   weather. Name some              found in school lunch box.      learn an adaptation               100
             Say what their favourite          or a house. Learn             common articles of clothing Express preferences.                of the song ‘I Am the Music Learn to tell the time on the
             activity is.                      vocabulary for rooms in the   and relate these to             Name food and drinks            Man’. ‘Je suis le musician’       hour.
             Revise numbers to 30              house.                        weather.                        associated with balanced        Children explore rhythm           Learn names for different
                                               Describe familiar domestic    Numbers to 50                   diets.                          and use this as a strategy        school subject and say at
             Cultural understanding:           and wild animals and talk     Learn to say and write the                                      for remembering and               what time that lesson will
                                               about their habitats.         date. (Aujourd’hui c’est…..) Cultural understanding:            practising new language.          take place. Say what their

             Compare attitudes to PE in                                                                          Compare lunch at school in      They work in groups to          favourite subject is. (Make
             French and English                                                                                  France and UK                   create a rap for a              a French school timetable)
             schools.                                                                                                                            performance.
                                                                                                                                                                                 Cultural understanding:
                                                                                                                                                                                 Compare UK and France
                                                                                                                                                                                 school timetable
             Qu’est-ce que tu fais            Où habites-tu?                  Il fait chaud. Il fait froid. Il   Dans le sac il y a ... et       Mon groupe/ma                   Quelle heure est-il?
Year 5 Key   (lundi)? etc.                    J’habite dans ...               fait beau. Il fait mauvais. Il     Il est bon/mauvais              musique/chanteur                une heure, deux heures,
             Je joue au tennis/ cricket/      Une maison/ un                  fait du soleil. Il fait du vent.   (pour la santé)                 préféré(e)s)es)                 trois heures, quatre heures,
vocabulary   basket                           appartement                     Il pleut.                          Elle est bonne/mauvaise         Tu joues ...?                   cinq heures, six heures,
             Je fais du vélo/ du skate/       Quatre pièces                   Il neige Il gèle                   (pour la santé)                 Je joue du (saxophone/          sept heures, huit heures,
             de la danse/ de la natation      Chambre                         Quand ... il te faut ...           Ils sont bons/mauvais (pour     piano/violon)                   neuf heures, dix heures,
             zéro                             Salon                           moins                              la santé)                       Je joue de la (guitare/         onze heures,
             le jus d’orange, le yaourt, le   Salles de bains                 lundi 5 juin, etc                  Elles sont bonnes/              clarinette/batterie) C’est      douze heures
             poisson, une pomme, les          cuisine                         le 5 juin, etc                     mauvaises (pour la santé)       génial!                         soixante/soixante-dix
             carottes, le chocolat, le        un chien, un chat…. un          Quarante et                        Il te faut ... un sandwich au   C’est nul/                      quatre-vingt/ quatre-vingt-
             coca, les pommes frites,         oiseau, un écureuil, un         un,……cinquante                     fromage/jambon/thon             affreux/ennuyeux!               dix /cent
             les bonbons                      renard, le coucou, le hibou     une veste, un pantalon             un gâteau, une banane           Comme.                          A neuf heures c’est
             C’est bon/mauvais pour la        rapide, lent, rapidement,       une chemise, un pull               une pomme, une orange,                                          l’anglais, a dix heures A
             santé.                           lentement, doucement, fort      un manteau, un chapeau,            des chips, du fromage, de                                       neuf heures c’est cours de
                                                                              un parapluie, une écharpe,         l’eau                                                           maths
                                                                              des gants, des bottes,             j’aime les…. Je n’aime pas
                                                                              des lunettes de soleil             les......
                                                                                                                 Comme casse-croûte
                                                                                                                 (snack) j’ai .......
             French- Quelle temps             French- les saisons             French -En route pour              French- Notre école-            French- Au marché               French- Normandie and
             fait-il                          Children use prior learning     l’école                            telling the time                Children continue to grow       Fougeres
 Year 6      Revise and build on              (from year 4 and 5) to          Build on learning from Year        Building on learning from       in confidence in using          Children continue to learn
             learning from Y4 and Y5.         describe the four seasons.      4 (shops in high street)           year 5 (subjects at school)     numbers to 100. Children        vocabulary related to their
             Children learn to ask            They construct sentences        Understand and use                 Children learn to talk about    revise and build on their       humanities topic and their
             questions, have opinions         about the weather,              names for places in their          everyday routines as well       learning from y4 and y5 on      experiences in France.
             and form sentences about         activities, food and drink as   local area. Follow and give        as subjects studied during      food and local shops. They
             the weather, how to say          well as festivals.              directions. Describe the           the school day. They revise     learn to say what they          They consolidate their
             temperature (including                                           route to school.                   telling the time to the hour    would like to buy in market     language learning by role
             negative numbers).                                                                                  and extend this to using        & order in restaurant. In       playing/ performing scenes
             Building on vocabulary           Cultural understanding:                                            half and quarter hours and      preparation for their school    from a French café or in a
             from Y5, they form               Christmas traditions            Cultural understanding and         minutes.                        trip to France children learn   market place.
             sentences about suitable         Children learn about the St     cross curricular activity:         They revise some                key conversational
             clothing to wear depending       Nicholas festival which is      Children learn about               adjectives to describe          vocabulary and to construct
             on the weather. ‘                celebrated in northern          epiphany in France with la         appearance. For example         sentences to help them to
                                              France.                         fete des rois.                     what we wear to school.         go shopping in the local
                                                                              They make Galettes des             Cultural understanding:         market. Cultural
                                                                              rois in DT                         Why don’t the French            understanding: Make
                                                                                                                 children wear school            comparisons with a UK and
                                                                                                                 uniform?                        a French marketplace.
             Quand il pleut, je porte         au printemps                    L’église, Le mairie, le parc,      Il est une heure et demie,      soixante-onze soixante-         une lemonade,
             mon imperméable.                 en été/automne/ hiver           la gare,                           deux heures et demie, etc       douze

Year 6 Key    Aujourd’hui il fait beau      clair                           Le supermarché,              Je vais à l’ecole à huit   quatre-vingt-onze ……      une eau minérale, un jus
vocabulary    donc je vais a la             sombre                          L’hôpital, La banque         heures et demie, etc       Bonjour Monsieur/madame   d’orange, un verre de coca,
              campagne.                     heureux                         Les magasins ….              à droite, à gauche, tout   je voudrais…….s’il vous   un chocolat chaud
                                            triste                                                       droit                      plait …merci.             un café, un café au lait
              aujourd'hui il fait moins 5   Viens/Reste chez moi            Quand je vais à l’école ..   Je ne comprends pas.       C’est combien?            une tasse de thé
              degrés                        Les couleurs sont ...           Je passe devant ... cinq     Répétez s’il vous plaît.   Oui merci                 un paquet de chips
                                            En hiver, quand il neige je     minutes plus tard,                                      Non merci                 une portion de frites
                                            vais au ski.                    finalement                                              Où est la/le…..           une glace au chocolat / à la
                                            En été, quand il fait chaud,    vrai, faux                                                                        a
                                            j’aime mangé la glace au                                                                                          fraise / à la vanille
                                            chocolat.                                                                                                         Vous désirez?
                                                                                                                                                              C’est combien?
                                                                                                                                                              Bon appétit

 Purpose of study
 Learning a foreign language is a liberation from insularity and provides an opening to other cultures. A high-quality languages education should foster pupils’
 curiosity and deepen their understanding of the world. The teaching should enable pupils to express their ideas and thoughts in another language and to
 understand and respond to its speakers, both in speech and in writing. It should also provide opportunities for them to communicate for practical purposes,
 learn new ways of thinking and read great literature in the original language. Language teaching should provide the foundation for learning further languages,
 equipping pupils to study and work in other countries.

 The national curriculum for languages aims to ensure that all pupils:
    understand and respond to spoken and written language from a variety of authentic sources
    speak with increasing confidence, fluency and spontaneity, finding ways of communicating what they want to say, including through discussion and asking
     questions, and continually improving the accuracy of their pronunciation and intonation
    can write at varying length, for different purposes and audiences, using the variety of grammatical structures that they have learnt
    discover and develop an appreciation of a range of writing in the language studied.

                                                                           Primary National Curriculum, Key Stages 1 and 2 Framework Document
                                                                                                                                September 2013

Subject content
Key stage 2: Foreign language
Teaching may be of any modern or ancient foreign language and should focus on enabling pupils to make substantial progress in one language. The teaching
should provide an appropriate balance of spoken and written language and should lay the foundations for further foreign language teaching at key stage 3. It
should enable pupils to understand and communicate ideas, facts and feelings in speech and writing, focused on familiar and routine matters, using their
knowledge of phonology, grammatical structures and vocabulary.

The focus of study in modern languages will be on practical communication. If an ancient language is chosen the focus will be to provide a linguistic
foundation for reading comprehension and an appreciation of classical civilisation. Pupils studying ancient languages may take part in simple oral exchanges,
while discussion of what they read will be conducted in English. A linguistic foundation in ancient languages may support the study of modern languages at
key stage 3.

Pupils should be taught to:
   listen attentively to spoken language and show understanding by joining in and responding
   explore the patterns and sounds of language through songs and rhymes and link the spelling, sound and meaning of words
   engage in conversations; ask and answer questions; express opinions and respond to those of others; seek clarification and help*
   speak in sentences, using familiar vocabulary, phrases and basic language structures
   develop accurate pronunciation and intonation so that others understand when they are reading aloud or using familiar words and phrases*
   present ideas and information orally to a range of audiences*
   read carefully and show understanding of words, phrases and simple writing
   appreciate stories, songs, poems and rhymes in the language
   broaden their vocabulary and develop their ability to understand new words that are introduced into familiar written material, including through using a
   write phrases from memory, and adapt these to create new sentences, to express ideas clearly
   describe people, places, things and actions orally* and in writing
   understand basic grammar appropriate to the language being studied, including (where relevant): feminine, masculine and neuter forms and the
    conjugation of high-frequency verbs; key features and patterns of the language; how to apply these, for instance, to build sentences; and how these differ
    from or are similar to English.

The starred (*) content above will not be applicable to ancient languages.
You can also read