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Costa Cálida Chronicle - January 2021

FR                           Established in 1999
                                   Date: January 2021
                                       Issue: 254
                                      Volume: XXI


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Costa Cálida Chronicle - January 2021

          Well that is 2020 over! Most of
DEAR READERS                                  LG Dental/Indent

                                                                                   THANK YOU
          us will be pleased to see the end
          to what turned out to be a very     Welcome Back
          stressful year. Let us hope that    Cash€Cash€Cash
          2021 sees an end to this terrible
          pandemic and that we can see        We would like to congratulate         TO OUR
          a way forward to happier times.     Mel Lay on winning Consultant
          Our thoughts are with anyone
          who lost friends and family
                                              of The Year for The 1:1 Diet
                                              by Cambridge Weight Plan
          during 2020.                        for the 5th year running! That is   Andy Hurrell – Bitcoins/Disease
                                              some achievement!                   Management
          To help local businesses we have
          restarted our Supporting Local      Even though Christmas and           George Mitchell – Never a Dull
          Businesses section on pages         the New Year were unlike any        Moment
          58-61. If you are a regular         others we have experienced in
                                                                                  Jane Cronin – Learning Spanish
          advertiser and would like to be     the past, we wish everyone a
          included in next month’s special    good 2021 and we look forward       Keith Littlewood   –   Financial
          feature, please let us know.        to another great year producing     Advice
          If this past year has taught us     the most popular magazine in
          anything, it is that our local      the area. We would also like        Martin Freeman – Renewable
          communities need supporting         to welcome Steve Brook to the       Energy
          in every way possible. They are     Costa Cálida Chronicle after        Martin O’Hanlon – Birding in
          the backbone of all activities,     Fran had to return to the UK for    Murcia
          friendships,     families    and    family reasons. Steve has a lot
          businesses.                         of experience within the tech       Rainbow Satellites – TV News
          We welcome the following            world and with backup from Jo,      Sara Millbank – Ma Millbank/
          advertisers to help them promote    we know that he will be a great     Sara’s Travel Blog
          their businesses:                   addition to the team.
                                                                                  Silvana Buxton – News From
          Welcome                             Take care everyone and stay         Your Councillor
          5 Real Estate                       safe from all of us at the
                                                                                  Think Spain – Spanish News
          AticMur Architect (Eduardo)         Costa Cálida Chronicle.
          Casa Pro                                                                XLR Radio – Music Artistes

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Costa Cálida Chronicle - January 2021

            Special Pages                               Health & Beauty
                Health and Beauty        36–39          Dealing with Health Issues
                Northwest Murcia         48–49          			                      36–38
                                         52–55          LG Dentist & Indent Dentist 39

                South East Murcia
                South Murcia 		          26–32          Information
                Sports 		                68–72          Advertisers Directory    76–77
                Supporting Local Businesses 		          Birding in Murcia          8–9           Sales & Marketing        - 619 199 407
                			                      58–61          Classifieds 			             74           Eva - Sales Representative - 651 659 109
                What’s On 		             64–65          Contact Us 			                4          Patti Benn - Editor      - 646 005 017
            Aditorial                                   Contributors 			              2          Steve Brook - Graphic Design 665 303
                Another World Properties     34         Dear Readers 			              2          150
                Cambridge Weight Plan        40         Famous People who died in 2020               -
                TorFX 				46                            				42                                   Martine Shindler - Office Manager
                                                                                                 & Customer Services - 618 451 798
                XLR Radio Music during Covid-19         Price List 			                4
                				46                                  Puzzle Answers 		           74
            Around the World                            Renewable Energy 		         62 
                Never a Dull Moment        66-67        Some of Spain’s Most Spectacular         main/costa-calida-chronicle-blog/
                Sara’s Travel Blog         16–17        Castles 		                  12           Our office address is:
                                                        Three Kings Celebrations      6          Calle Jara,
                Age Concern Costa Calida      26        Leisure                                  Camposol B,
                                                        Camposol Reading Group             32    Mazarrón,
                Andrea’s Animal Rescue        78
                                                        Puzzle Page 			                    56    Murcia 30875
                An Early Christmas For The                                                       FIND US INSIDE ANOTHER WORLD
                Homeless Furries 		           55        TV News 			                        51
                                                                                                 PROPERTIES ON CAMPOSOL B.
                Cavalli Foundation 		         75        WARM 			                           48
                                                                                                 Office Opening hours:
                FAST 				29                             News                                     Tuesday 10am-2pm
                Forget Me Not 		              28        Murcia News & Info       44–45           Wednesday 1.30pm-5.30pm
                Friends of Mazarron Animals 31          News from your Councillor for            Thursday 10am-12pm (by appointment
                HELP Murcia Mar Menor         52        Camposol and International               only)
                Los Infiernos Perrera Supporters        Relations 			                 26         Payments can also be made in our office
                				54                                  Spanish News 			              50         on
                                              31                                                 Monday-Friday 10am - 5pm (4pm -
                Making a Difference 		                  Religion                                 Friday)
                MAMAS 			                     32        Mass in English 		                 78    If you would like to place an advertisement
                Noah’s A.R.C 			              22        Open Door 			                      22    or write an article to be included in the
                Pets in Spain 			             18        Puerto Lumbreras Christian               Costa Cálida Chronicle, then please send
                Samaritans in Spain 		        14        Fellowship 			                     34    it
            Education                                   Rios de Vida (Rivers of Life)       6    to us
                Jane Cronin’s ‘Step by Step             Salt Church 			                    53    To our advertisers.
                Spanish’ 			                    10      St Nicholas Church 		              10    If you have sent an email to the CCC and
            Entertainment                               The Rockin’ Vicar 		               49    NOT received any      acknowledgement
                Harlequin Rock Choir 		         14      Welcome House 		                   49    then you can assume that we have not
                                                        Wellspring Victory Church          18    received it.
                Bitcoin 			                     20      Sports
                                                        Camposol Golf Association 		             In line with our customer service policy
                Financial Advice 		             24                                               we always reply to every email even if it
            Food and Drink                                                                       is just a short note to say “got it”.
                                                        Formula 1 			                 72
                Ma Millbank’s Kitchen 		        33
                                                        Fuente Old Guard Golf Society 72
            Groups                                      Los Amigos de Mazarron FC 70
                ADAPT 			                       52      Los Amigos Golf Society       69
                B Clean Gardening Group         30      Mazarrón Bowls Club 		        71
                Camposol C Green Fingers        30      Straight Down The Middle Golf
                Ladies Chatterbox 		            27      Society 			                   71
                Los Palacios 			                28                                                    Costa Calida Chronicle
                                                     Price List - All Prices are excluding IVA

                               Full Page         Half Page        Quarter Page          Medium              Small          Business Card

        Size of advert     19cm wide       x 19cm wide       x 9,3cm wide        x 12,6cm wide x 6,25cm wide x 9,3cm wide                 x
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                                                                                   6,25 wide x 17,5
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        Full Colour        250,00€            135,00€           85,00€              75,00€             45,00€             40,00€

                         To advertise with us contact Sales on 619 199 407 or email us on
      Whilst the CCC are happy to accept monthly reports from the various organizations in the area, the articles printed are not necessarily
      the opinions of the editor or publisher and the contents should be viewed as a guideline only. Professional advice should be sought
      to cover any information printed therein. Advertisements and reports are not formally endorsed by the CCC. We cannot accept
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Costa Cálida Chronicle - January 2021

Three Kings Celebrations - Diá de los           of the wise men played by members of
Reyes!                                          the local community – and various other
This year these celebrations are likely         brightly-costumed participants trundle
to be somewhat limited as some of the           down major streets. As they pass, they
restrictions for COVID-19 are still in force.   throw out handfuls of sweets that rain
                                                down on the spectators gathered to watch
                                                their grand entry into the town. When the
                                                kids return home, they leave out their
                                                shoes for the Kings to fill with presents

                                                                                                de Reyes, a circular sweet bread sprinkled
                                                                                                with sugar and dried fruits, is a favourite.
                                                                                                Inside there is normally a little plastic
                                                                                                king or queen and whoever finds it is
                                                                                                ‘monarch’ for the day. This means that
                                                                                                they are entitled to be waited on hand and
Normally this is celebrated over two days,                                                      foot! Whoever finds the ‘bean’ in the cake
with colourful street parades, a delicious                                                      unfortunately has to buy the Roscon the
cake with a surprise hidden inside and                                                          following year. Some bakeries have been
a vibrant display of brightly illuminated                                                       known to bake diamonds and cheques
costumes.                                                                                       worth thousands of euros into the cakes,
                                                                                                as well as mini monarchs and beans.
On the evening of January 5th, Spanish          For many Spanish families, January 6th is an
towns and cities celebrate with the arrival     important public holiday in which everyone      Check with your local Tourist Information
of the Three Wise Men in Bethlehem after        comes together to watch the children            to find out what – if anything – is going on
Jesus’ birth. Floats bearing effigies of        unwrap their second load of presents in as      in your area.
Melchior (Arabia), Caspar (the Orient) and      many weeks. There is abundant eating and
Balthazar (Africa) – or real life versions      drinking and the traditional cake Roscon

As I sit down to write this month’s article     For many, 2020 will go down as a year in        Having God in your life will make it much
we are in mid-December and (for most of         which we experienced a great deal of worry,     easier, but you must take responsibility for
us!) the lockdown restrictions have been        stress, anxiety and even sadness; a time        your own JOY.
relaxed a little. People are now allowed        when we missed so much precious time
to travel outside of their municipality and     with those we love, but right now there
we look forward to once again being able        is a great deal of optimism concerning           JOY is at the heart of God’s plan for all
to fellowship with those who have not           the progress being made to overcome the         of mankind and we will never understand
been able to travel. It is wonderful when       virus, so this month I want us to build on       the significance of JOY in our own lives
God’s people gather together to praise and      that optimism and spread it to all aspects        until we realise how important it is to
worship Him.                                    of our lives.                                   God. God didn’t put us on this earth to be
                                                                                                miserable. It delights the Lord to see His
We are able to hold our Sunday morning          Over recent weeks, when reading God’s                         people happy.
services in church whilst observing all         word, I have been drawn to the subject
the safety advice aimed at controlling          of JOY. The JOY spoken about in the Bible
the spread of COVID-19. We must all             doesn’t mean just short-term happiness, a       JOY can be found when we pursue activities
do our part to keep each other safe. The        bit of fun or a laugh; the JOY of the Lord is   that bring pleasure, gathering with people
regulations may change at any time, so          a deep-seated, everlasting sense of peace       we love and celebrating together. Deep
please contact us if you would like to join     and contentment.                                down, spiritual JOY can be found when we
us. We would love to welcome you.                                                               celebrate whilst reflecting on the wonderful
                                                                      It     may       sound    God who has given us so much.
                                                                      strange,     but    the
                                                                      time has come for         Seek out the joy of the Lord. It could
                                                                      us all to take JOY        change your life for ever!
                                                                      seriously.     No-one
                                                                      wants to be around        At the time of writing, our Sunday morning
                                                                      a joyless person. You     services start at 11am, but are subject to
                                                                      can become a joyful       change, so please give us a call before you
                                                                      person.       Turn to     travel.
                                                                      God. With His help it
                                                                      really is possible, but   Our Sunday morning services are held at
                                                                      joyfulness does not       Calle Espinar 13, Fuente Alamo.
                                                                      come naturally to us
                                                                      all. It is an acquired

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Costa Cálida Chronicle - January 2021

Like everybody else I have been confined        with their charcoal grey plumage and bold        blend in perfectly. The first hint they are
to our local municipality for quite a number    white wing patches, whereas the females          around, more often than not, is hearing
of weeks. Ours is a rural area with few         are a dull grey brown. Both males and            their simple and short repetitive call, which
amenities, but regular visits to the dentist    females display the characteristic habit of      to me sounds like ‘bis-bis-bis’. It reminds
with an official ‘justificante’ allowed me      vibrating their rusty-red tails, so with this    me of the first part of their Spanish name,
to go out once a week to a nearby town.         habit, the ‘tk-tk-tk’ call and their fondness    Bisbita.
This gave me an opportunity to do some          for noticeable perches, you should be able
shopping at the supermarket opposite. It’s      to spot them without too much difficulty.        As I progressed, there was a very tiny
the first time in my life that I’ve looked                                                       bird hyperactively flitting around in the
forward to seeing the dentist! However,                                                          adjoining trees and shrubs. It was probably
it has meant that my birding experiences                                                         a Chiffchaff (Phylloscopus Collybita), but
have been very limited to just a few walks in                                                    to be totally sure, I wanted to see it for
our local mountain range and carrying out                                                        confirmation. These tiny Warblers over-
the annual winter bird surveys organised                                                         winter here in their thousands. They get
by SEO/Birdlife (Spanish Ornithological                                                          everywhere and are especially common
Society). SEO/Birdlife are always looking                                                        around areas of water and reed beds.
for more volunteers to survey their local                                                        They are very similar in appearance to
areas and you don’t have to be an expert                                                         their close relatives the Willow Warbler
to do them successfully. You just need a                                                         (Phylloscopus Trochilis) and Iberian
reasonable knowledge of the local common                                                         Chiffchaff (Phylloscopus Collybita Tristis),
birds you are likely to encounter and the                                                        so you might be wondering how you tell
commitment to carry out the survey each                                                          them apart. Unfortunately, there isn’t
year. If you fancy a go, get in touch with me                                                    any easy and simple way of doing this,
and I can give you a bit more information                                                        but I can give you a few pointers based
about what is involved.                                                                          on the likelihood of coming across each of
                                                                                                 the species and other clues to successful
                                                                    Robin                        identification. Considering the probabilities
                                                Besides the calls of the Black Redstarts,        is often a good clue to identifying some
                                                there was an occasional one that was             birds.
                                                different, but very similar, with a ‘tick-ick-
                                                ick-ick-ick’; a quite long and rapid call.
                                                The owner was keeping out of sight, which
                                                isn’t unusual for this winter visitor, as here
                                                it reverts to its roots as a shy woodland
                                                bird. If you are from Northern Europe
                                                you will be surprised to know that the
                                                bird in question was a Robin (Erithacus
                                                Rubecola). Those that we see in the UK
                                                are very confiding and choose to be in
                                                close contact with humans. However, most
                                                of the Robins who spend the winter with
                                                us here are more often heard rather than
                                                seen, especially in the valley where I live.
                                                I suspect that they may have come from
            Male Black Redstart                 the forests and woodlands of the far north,
My winter survey area involves a two-hour       where their human contact is less (that’s
                                                                                                                Willow Warbler
walk through the local almond and olive         a guess!).
fields and then uphill through areas of                                                          The most unlikely one to come across is
scrub and pine-covered hillside. It takes in                                                     the Iberian Chiffchaff, which is strange
several different habitats and the greater                                                       bearing in mind its name. It is officially
the habitat variation the more species                                                           classified as a very scarce migrant to the
you are likely to see. On average I record                                                       region, which is birders code for; “You
somewhere in the region of 25-30 species                                                         will probably never see one”! It is almost
during this survey. Generally, there is                                                          impossible to identify it by sight out in
nothing remarkable that turns up and it is                                                       the field and the most reliable way is by
mainly the commoner farm and woodland                                                            recognising its song. Unless you are a
birds that I tend to see. As I did it in the
latter half of November, all our summer
birds had long gone and I was witnessing
the ‘changing of the guard’ with new winter
arrivals showing well.

Black Redstarts (Phoenicurus Ochrusus)
were very obvious as they noisily disputed                  Chiffchaff - black legs
the boundaries of their smallish winter
territories. They seemed to be spaced           Some other winter visitors I was noting
out every 50m along my route and were           were Meadow Pipits (Anthus Pratensis).
advertising their presence with loud ‘tk-       They are small brownish birds about the
tk-tk’ calls emitted from their perches on      size of a slim Sparrow, so can be difficult
posts, fences or almond trees. They are         to see as they feed on the ground looking
not shy birds and like you to know they         for insects and seeds and their cryptic                          Song thrush
are around. The males are very handsome         (camouflaged) plumage allows them to                                    Continued on page 9

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Costa Cálida Chronicle - January 2021

Continued from page 8
                                                  singing then you have to get good views (a        what was this rarity? It was another LBJ
                                                  photo is always good). Firstly, look for the      (little brown job) that is easy to miss as it
very keen birder who is really clued up
                                                  leg colour, then around the eye and then          inadvertently scurries about in the wooded
on birdsong, I wouldn’t get too wound up
                                                  the length of the primary wing feathers.          undergrowth. It was a Dunnock, Hedge
about this one.
                                                  Generally Willow Warblers will have pale          Sparrow or Accentor whichever name
                                                  orangey legs and Chiffchaffs black legs,          you prefer. It is very common garden bird
                                                  so that’s not too difficult. Chiffchaffs also     in the UK and I guess most of Northern
                                                  have a darkish line running from the base         Europe, but it was great to see one again
                                                  of the beak through the line of the eye and       on my local patch.
                                                  it appears to cut through their white eye-

                                                  The primary wing feathers are the longest
                                                  flight feathers on the part of the wing
                                                  furthest away from the body. On the folded
                                                  wing they will be the feathers that make
                                                  up the wing tips. In Willow Warblers,
                                                  these primary feathers extend further
                                                  than in Chiffchaff, making it look longer
  Chiffchaff showing short primary feathers       winged and shorter tailed. There are
                                                  other more subtle visual differences, but
Chiffchaffs are extremely common
                                                  I have already been a bit too serious so I
from October through to April as they
                                                  will leave you with just one extra thought
over-winter here en-masse. The Willow
                                                  on this difficult ID challenge. Chiffchaffs
Warbler is a common migrant that is only                                                                              Dunnock
                                                  habitually dip their tail downwards when
seen here on passage and then more likely
                                                  on the move and it is quite noticeable, but       A quick thank you is in order to John
to be found nearer the coastal areas (but
                                                  Willow Warblers don’t have this habit.            Thompson for once again allowing me to
is also recorded at inland sites). This all
                                                  At the moment there are no worries about          use one of his excellent photos. This time
means that in the depths of winter, the
                                                  what the small Warbler is, but in spring          it is the Meadow Pipit.
small similar looking Warbler is almost
                                                  and autumn you will have to work a bit
certainly a Chiffchaff. However, in spring
                                                  harder in identifying these two delightful
passage during March and April it could
                                                  little birds.
be either and again in autumn, in late
August and September, you have the same
                                                  As I continued uphill into the shrubby and
                                                  pine-covered hillside, another shy winter
                                                  visitor was very evident, mostly when
                                                  flying rapidly away from me! They were
                                                  Song Thrushes (Turdus Philomelos) that
                                                  I see at this particular place every winter.
                                                  It is a very quiet spot with a small pool,
                                                  dense cover and lots of berries and grubs
                                                  for the birds to feed on. I just wish they
                                                  weren’t so shy. They seem to see me
                                                  as a threat to get away from as soon as
                                                  possible. They are probably being very
                                                  sensible, as hunters will shoot them if they
                                                  can. It is legal in Murcia, but why?
                                                  Their close cousins the Mistle Thrush
                                                  (Turdus Viscivorus) were also visible, but
                                                  a bit further on in the more open areas of
                                                  the almond fields. They are some 6-7cm
                                                                                                                   Meadow pipit
                                                  larger than the Song Thrush, are more
                                                  upright in their stance and have a more           Finally, I would like to wish you all a Happy
                                                  robust appearance. At this time of the year       New Year and here’s hoping that it will
                                                  Mistle Thrushes like to associate in small        soon become a normal one where we can
                Mistle Thrush                     family groups and can be quite noisy with         socialise and travel as much as we like.
                                                  their flight calls as they all keep in touch
If they are singing, the two species have
                                                  with each other. It is a very distinctive loud    If anybody wishes to comment              or
very different songs. For example, the
                                                  ‘rattle’ that once learnt is easily recognised.   has a query, please contact me            on
Willow Warbler has a sweet voice and
slightly descending notes. The Chiffchaff
                                                  I finished the survey with another winter
just repeats it name ‘chiff-chaff-chiff-
                                                  visitor that previously I have only seen a
chaff-chiff-chaff’. If it is not the season for
                                                  couple of times in my 17 years here. So                                       Costa Cálida Chronicle Sales 619 199 407                           9
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Costa Cálida Chronicle - January 2021

 Hello Friends                                      worked on together which has been really          turning point and lesson for us all.
                                                    beneficial.                                       Remember, you may not be aware of just
 Welcome to 2021, a New Year full of                We have, like most of you, missed lots of         who is watching you. There is always
 promise.                                           social activities and contact with friends, but   someone, somewhere who will be watching
                                                    overall I would say that so far we have had       your actions and reactions. Someone will be
 As we begin a New Year I start to think of         a good 2020.                                      watching and learning from you. Someone
 all the things that I didn’t quite do. This year                                                     will be following your example. If you are
 there are a lot of things I didn’t complete or     Sometimes God is at work in people and            alive, you are a mentor to someone. Make
 even start. COVID-19 restrictions impeded          situations under our very noses and we            sure you are a good one!
 everyone’s plans. However, never let it be         can’t see it, but one thing we can be sure
 said that a year passed without some positive      of is God is at work. His timing may not          Unfortunately,  due     to    the    continued
 things coming out of it.                           always suit our wall planners and diaries, but    COVID-19 restrictions it is still impossible to
                                                    when we look back and reflect sometimes,          hold Sunday Services in Church. However,
 We had to, just like everyone, rethink our         it’s amazing how God brings people and            Rev Val continues to video a service each
 lives.                                             situations together. What can seem an             Sunday which you can watch after 10.30am
 We have enjoyed time together, without             impossible situation at one point can later       on St Nicholas Church Facebook page.
 outside commitments.                               be looked back upon and laughed at. In fact
 We set ourselves challenges that we have           sometimes overcoming things can be a great        Chris Leiper

 Last month’s article ended with a short text       siguiente. Siempre iba a la cama a la             always went to bed at the same time and
 in Spanish and I have actually bumped into         misma hora y leía un libro debajo de las          used to read a book underneath the blankets
 a few people since then who told me they           mantas antes de dormir. Mi hermana                before sleeping. My sister slept in the same
 enjoyed translating it, but were unsure of a       dormía en el mismo dormitorio pero                bedroom but I didn’t usually hear her come
 few details, so without further ado here is        normalmente no la oía entrar porque               in because I would already be fast asleep.”
 the text and the translation below:                ya estaba durmiendo profundamente.”
                                                                                                      Well, I’m sure you got the sense of all of
 “Cuando yo era niña jugaba todos                   “When I was a little girl I used to play in       that, but those of you who wrote it out
 los días en el parque con mis amigas.              the park with my friends every day. I had a       probably found that you phrased things
 Tenía un perro y me gustaba mucho                  dog and I used to like walking with it (him)      slightly differently here and there. This is
 andar con él a la playa. Mi madre                  to the beach. My mother cooked at midday          exactly as it should be, because a big part of
 cocinaba al mediodía y yo siempre                  and I always went back home for lunch. The        translation is interpreting or thinking “How
 volvía a casa para comer. La verdad es             truth is that I never ate very well and my        would we say that in English?” Actually, if
 que nunca comía muy bien y mi madre                mother used to get very angry with me. I          I had written it in English in the first place I
 se enfadaba mucho conmigo. No veía                 didn’t watch much television because there        would probably have expressed quite a few
 mucha televisión porque había pocos                weren’t many programmes for children and          things differently.
 programas para niños y además pasaba               anyway (furthermore) I spent a lot of time        Another thing you might be interested to
 mucho tiempo en la calle.                          in the street.                                    notice is the different ways of translating the
                                                                                                      tense we have been studying. Sometimes
 Mi padre trabajaba hasta tarde y                   My father worked until late and when he           I have said “I used to go”, other times “I
 cuando volvía a casa por la noche me               came home at night I used to sit with him         went” and still other times using the word
 sentaba con él para contarle mis cosas.            and tell him about my things. Meanwhile           “would” as in “my mother would tidy up”.
 Mientras tanto mi madre recogía la                 my mother would tidy up the kitchen and
 cocina y preparaba todo para el día                prepare everything for the next day. I            All three forms in English communicate
                                                                                                      the same idea of past description and
                                                                                                      sometimes the variation between them is
                                                                                                      as much to do with ‘style’ as anything else.
                                                                                                      This is what makes this particular tense a
                                                                                                      little tricky if we are worried about word-
                                                                                                      for-word translations, but also perhaps it
                                                                                                      might give you an insight into how much
                                                                                                      harder English is to learn for foreigners.

                                                                                                      How would you explain to a Spanish person
                                                                                                      learning English when to use “I used to go”,
                                                                                                      “I went” and “I would go”?!

                                                                                                      There are quite a few other points of interest
                                                                                                      here, but first and foremost I wanted to
                                                                                                      illustrate the use of the Past Continuous
                                                                                                      Tense in a real context, so hopefully that
                                                                                                      has been achieved!

                                                                                                      See you next month.

                                                                                                      Jane Cronin’s ‘Step by Step Spanish’
                                                                                                      articles are available as e-books at www.
                                                                                             where you can also obtain
                                                                                                      Jane’s ‘Step by Step Internet Spanish

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 Beaches may be abundant in Spain and         del Azahar (‘Orange-Blossom Coast’),           architecture in Spain.
 blue-flagged beaches more numerous           the shores of Castellón province that          Manzanares el Real Castle was
 than in any other country in the world,      perfect balance between being a lively         commissioned initially as the home of
 but clearly not every town has one. Yet      holiday hotspot and unspoilt at the same       the House of Mendoza, one of the most
 one thing almost every town does seem        time. Built between 1294 and 1307 by           influential dynasties in what used to
 to have, irrespective of its size, is a      the Knights Templar, one of the most           be the Kingdom of Castilla in the late
 Castle.                                      powerful Christian Orders in The Middle        Mediaeval era and early Renaissance and
                                              Ages, Peñíscola Castle differs from the        has since been restored multiple times.
 When thinking of Castles, you probably       prolific Islamic Castles seen throughout       Inside, its vast collection of tapestries,
 picture a long list of other countries       most of the mainland.                          paintings, furniture and armoury dating
 before Spain even enters your head,          It was once a Papal seat – Pope Benedict       from the 16th to the 19th century are
 despite it having so many of them that       XIII, born Pedro Martínez de Luna y            almost as splendid as the building itself.
 a significant proportion have practically    Pérez de Gotor in Illueca, Zaragoza
 no information about them in circulation     province, in 1328, and known in Spain
 beyond the year, or decade they were         as Papa Luna, lived there for a time until
 built, who built them and who owned          he died in 1423.
 them. For many residents in Spain, a         Peñíscola Castle sits on a rocky hillside
 view of a Castle on a mountain from          right next to the beach.
 their window, or the image of one in the
 background on their walk to the local
 supermarket, is rather like wallpaper
 and they probably fail to notice it 99%
 of the time.

 Fortresses were constructed all over the
 country during the Moorish era, when                                                        (Photograph by Madrid regional tourism
 Spain’s population was predominantly                                                        board).
 Arab, until about the time of the Catholic
 Reconquest in the late 15th century.                                                        Butrón      Castle,    Gatica     (Vizcaya
 Mostly they were defence or look-out                                                        province, Basque Country)
 points, but sometimes the whole town                                                        Enter Butrón Castle in the Basque
 was based inside it – houses built into      (Photograph     by    the     provincial       town of Gatica to see this haunting
 the inner walls – or the Castle started as   government, or Diputación de Castellón).       creation, straight from a classic fairy
 a central point with the town sprouting                                                     tale, or gothic novel. It originally went
 up around it in a sort of circle over the    Manzanares el Real (Madrid)                    up in the Medieval period, but its current
 next few centuries.They were often the       If you’ve toured around Spain, you may         appearance is almost entirely due to a
 seat of rulers, the residence of a rich      have noticed how its cities seem to just       complete renovation carried out in the
 and powerful family, or a status symbol.     ‘stop’ literally 5km, or fewer, outside a      19th century by the Marquis Francisco
 Many were renovated in a style to reflect    heaving metropolis. You can find yourself      de Cubas, an architect as well as an
 the time of their renovation, meaning        in empty countryside without a building        aristocrat.
 Renaissance, Baroque, Neo-Classical          in sight with quaint villages, historical      He remodelled the fortress mainly for
 and even Modernist elements added,           towns, predominantly-Spanish residents         pleasure and to turn it into a visual
 sometimes almost wiping out all trace        and shops and beautiful mountainous            attraction. It was said to be very
 of their original Medieval Islamic design.   landscape. Madrid, despite being a             uncomfortable as a place to live in
 They could be used as ‘currency’ – ceded     capital city, is surrounded by open            because its towers have limited useful
 to an aristocratic figure in payment of a    countryside dotted with little villages        space and some of its rooms are
 debt or in exchange for other land.          and satellite towns with urbanisations         connected to each other via stairwells,
                                              and swimming pools, plus mountains             bridges and corridors open to the
 In the Spanish Civil War, they often         and ski resorts. The Sierra de Madrid is       elements. It sits inside a park which is
 became a useful site for building            a popular winter and summer getaway            home to both native and exotic species
 bunkers, or air-raid shelters. In more       for that reason and this is where we find      of plants. For a short while, it served as
 recent centuries, Castles have ceased        Manzanares el Real Castle. Built in the        a Medieval-themed restaurant, but was
 to become living quarters, which means       15th century, its structure is an attractive   later embargoed and is reported to be
 some have become tourist attractions,        fusion of the European Romanesque              up for sale.
 benefiting from government funding           and the uniquely-Spanish Mudéjar, an
 to keep them in a good state, while          architectural style that evolved among
 others have just been left to crumble.       the community of Moriscos, or Muslims
 Even these have their unique charm and       who had converted to Christianity to
 locals and visitors enjoy hiking up the      avoid being thrown out during the
 hills to explore the ruins of an ancient     Inquisition. Moriscos were tolerated,
 Castle. Some become venues for               rather than accepted and considered
 outdoor concerts and are romantically        second-class citizens, so they were
 illuminated and some town halls offer        generally poorer and could not afford
 guided sunset or star-gazing tours of        high-quality building materials for their
 their hilltop Castles.                       homes and monuments. They had to
                                              make do with bricks, wood and mud              (Photograph by the Basque Country
 Peñíscola (Castellón)                        which ended up being some of the               regional tourism board).
 Based on what is known as the Costa          most beautiful, even majestic-looking,

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 Our phone lines have been much busier          We must take this opportunity to thank our   is confidential and is managed by trained
 than usual during 2020 with almost 100%        Trustees, Listeners and Shop Volunteers      listeners.
 increase in calls, many of these additional    for everything they have done throughout     ONE FINAL THING
 calls are Coronavirus related.                 what was an incredibly trying year. We       ARE YOU ABLE TO HELP US TO HELP
                                                could not continue to function without       OTHERS?
 Due to the Coronavirus restrictions, our       everything they do, so thank you again       Can you afford just 1€ per month to
 listening volunteers have been working         and let’s move forward in 2021 on a          help Samaritans in Spain keep the
 from home since March, thus enabling us        positive note. In addition, a big thank      service running? If so please visit www.
 to continue the important work we do.          you to everybody who has supported           or
 Sadly this has meant that we have been         Samaritans in Spain throughout 2020.         please donate via Paypal at our website
 unable to conduct Face-to-Face listening at                                       
 our Drop In Centre.
                                                                                             If you would like to volunteer to
 In the past few years, our charity shop                                                     become either a Listener or a Shop
 in Punta Prima has put on some amazing                                                      Volunteer, please visit our website www.
 Fairs, including Spring, Halloween and                                                    for    further
 Christmas. These have helped to fund the                                                    information.
 vital service that Samaritans in Spain
 provide. Sadly this year we were unable                                                     We would like to wish you all a very Happy
 to do any of these. Please do make a           If you need to talk, please call the         New Year. Please stay safe and well and
 resolution to come and visit our Shop in       Samaritans in Spain Freephone number         we hope for a better and prosperous year
 2021. You never know what you will find.       900 525 100 which is operational 10am-       in 2021.
                                                10pm, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. It

 We can sympathise with performers who          that we adhered to them.                     Let’s hope that soon we can thrill ourselves
 have not been able to work due to the                                                       and you when we sing these songs live and
 closure of theatres and concert halls. Not     In a normal year we find and record          continue to help the local charities.
 only have they not been able to earn a         new songs to add to our repertoire.
 living, but their greatest sadness must        Unbelievably, we have not missed out this    For more information on the Harlequin
 be that they have not been able to do          time. Ann and Andy presented us with five    Rock Choir, find us on Facebook or
 something they enjoy doing. The members        new songs and sent us teach tracks which     contact me, details below.
 of the Harlequin Rock Choir feel the           we rehearsed individually as we usually
 same. We have missed the thrill of singing     do. We then got together for rehearsals in
 in front of an audience. We are sad too        small groups, adhering to the restrictions   Ida Halton
 that we haven’t been able to help raise        of course. When we were happy with           Events and Publicity Coordinator
 much needed funds for our local charities.     the sound we produced for each of the
                                                songs, we recorded them. With the magic      Tel 654 411 974
 Like many other choirs around the world,       of technology our Musical Directors were
 we have not been idle. Our brilliant Musical   able to put the small group recordings
 Directors Andy Hurrell and Ann Thompson        together. No-one would believe that these
 have been working hard throughout this         recordings were made by small groups
 awful time and have done their best to         of people socially distanced and wearing
 get us together for practices whenever         masks!
 possible. Due to the closure of the Social
 Centre on Camposol B, our usual practice       We are so pleased with our recordings
 venue, we are thankful to the generosity of    that we asked Costa Cálida Radio to play a
 Camposol Golf Club for providing us with a     couple of them – our version of two songs
 venue for our practices, strictly following    by Ellie Goulding, Love Me Like You Do and
 the rules and regulations in place at the      In This Together. We hope you heard them
 time. Of course restrictions have been         and enjoyed them.
 changing constantly and we made sure

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 My favourite thing to do is travel! When       high, but it was actually less than we            to    spare,
 we didn’t have a lot of money, it was          thought and it was our dream holiday after        phew!
 only locally either in the UK or Spain,        all. A deposit was paid and we only had a
 but in later years we have been very           year to wait! A few options came up during        Two       films
 lucky to travel extensively over Europe,       that year, like things to do in Nairobi and       later and no
 Asia, Africa and beyond. I am sharing          the option to fly a small light aircraft to the   sleep      (my
 some of our experiences; some funny,           second safari. Also options on the flights        seat wouldn’t
 some disappointing and some completely         and airports came up, but everything was          recline and
 breathtaking.                                  so easily sorted with Simon. He managed           the      plane
                                                to get us flights from Madrid which was           was     noisy)
 Kenya September 2017                           another bonus, but it was all a little strange    we     landed
 When we married, we were both second-          for us as we were used to sorting our own         in Nairobi.
 timers with 3 children between us and not      flights out. We did look for ourselves, but       We      found
 a lot of money. Although we managed a          Simon definitely got us a better deal.            our transport
 lovely big reception thanks to my in-laws                                                        and we were
 hosting it in their huge garden, we couldn’t   On the 17th September 2017 we left the            off to the
 afford our dream honeymoon. We did             house at 8am with our 10kg hand luggage           hotel. Outside the airport on the access
 manage a whirlwind 3 days in Scotland in       and 20kg larger bag which had to be ‘soft’        road, we saw some of the amazing animals
 cheap B & B,s, promising ourselves that on     for going in the light aircraft! Our friend       we hoped to see; Elephants, Giraffes,
 our 25th Wedding Anniversary, we would go      took us to Cartagena for the train to Madrid      Rhino and Lions, along with other wild
 on our dream holiday; a safari in Africa.      and we were off! New books to read, we            animals that were also in the National
 Through the years, we talked about it          were soon in Madrid and then found the            park, which we passed on the way to the
 and reminded each other of our promise.        connecmting train to the airport. Our light       Hotel, but as it was still dark so we couldn’t
 Fast forward 24 years and my son was           20kg bags didn’t have wheels as instructed        see much. 30 minutes later we were in a
 working for a travel company and he put        and this was a problem at the train station,      lovely 5 star hotel and tucking into a huge
 us in touch with someone who did bespoke       but once we got to the airport we used            buffet breakfast. A sleep, a walk around
 safaris all over Africa. No harm in finding    a trolley. We checked in and grabbed              the hotel grounds, a Domino pizza (yes
 out we thought and soon Simon was asking       something to eat and before we knew it            we were surprised to find that!) from the
 us what we wanted? Definitely Kenya we         we were on the plane to Amsterdam and             shopping centre next door to the hotel and
 said and to see the animals in the wild. We    having a nice nap.                                                                 more sleep,
 were not into shopping, but local markets                                                                                         we      were
 were good and no, we didn’t want a beach       We then heard the plane was running late                                           ready for our
 holiday as we lived near one. We wanted        due to heavy winds. We knew the layover                                            adventure to
 to try and get to Tree Tops if we could,       was a little tight with only 45 minutes                                            begin.
 as we had both been Scout Leaders and          to get our connecting flight, so then we
 wanted to see Baden Powell’s grave. The        were wide awake. The cabin crew told us                                           Nairobi     is
 discussions took about a week backwards        as we got nearer to Amsterdam, the gate                                           the capital of
 and forward. The fact that Simon knew          numbers for anyone needing a connecting                                           Kenya with a
 Africa so well and understood our needs        flight. We were very impressed they had                                           population
 really helped.                                 our details and were told the gate number                                         of over 4
                                                with 20 minutes to get from one side of the                                       and a half
 A few days later Simon came back to us         airport to the other. Amsterdam Schiphol                                          million.
 with a 14 day itinerary which included 2       Airport is huge, so Les ran on ahead to                                           Nairobi
 safaris, a couple of days in Tree Tops and a   hold the plane and I followed as quickly as                                       comes from
 couple of days in Nairobi. A little tweaking   I could with a bad knee; like something out                                       the Maasai
 and it was perfect and yes, the price was      of Home Alone. We made it with 5 minutes                                 Continued on page 17

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Continued from page 16
                                               granddaughter of the original founder,
                                               GWL Caine. He planted a few seeds in
word Enkare Nairobi which means ‘cool
                                               1908 to see if they would grow and the
water’ and refers to the Nairobi River
                                               rest, as they say, is history. Brooke Bond
that flows through the city. The main trade
                                               were the first company they supplied and
of coffee, tea and sisal was transported via
                                               they specialised in black tea. Kenya is the
the railway and river. We learnt so much
                                               second largest producer of tea after China.
about this exciting city from our guide
                                               There are 66 tea factories serving 500,000
the next morning on our way to our first
                                               farmers producing tea in Kenya.
excursion. On our hour and half journey
to our destination, we passed huge, very
                                               We        were
expensive and grand houses with lots of
                                               shown      the
land. However, almost opposite, we saw
                                               actual     tea
a real shanty town with over 1,000 poor
                                               plants, how
people in the same space as one garden
                                               they       are
of the big houses. The temporary homes
                                               grown      and
were made of metal roofs and cardboard
                                               p i c k e d ;
walls. The only running water came from
                                               usually every
the river they lived near and they had no
                                               10      weeks.
                                               Next        we
                                               were shown
                                               how to blend
                                               the tea and
                                               finally    the
                                               tour finished
                                               with a walk
                                               around the remaining forest. GWL Caine
                                               originally purchased 300 acres for the
                                               tea plants, but kept 12 acres for the wild
                                               life which remains there today, including
                                               Columbian monkeys and porcupines. The
                                               tour finished with a superb lunch on the
                                               lawn with a chance to buy some of the tea.
                                               We were joined by the Columbian monkeys
                                               in the trees around the lawn while we ate,
We soon turned off the main road to see
                                               but our journey back to our hotel was not
miles and miles of tea plantations. We had
                                               straight forward!
chosen     to
                                               To be continued….
visit a tea
as it was
from     the
safaris   we
were     yet
to see and
it   sounded
v e r y
We were met
by the owner
who was the                                 Costa Cálida Chronicle Sales 619 199 407     17
Costa Cálida Chronicle - January 2021

 GOODBYE 2020!                                  and pray together.                            I will sing of the goodness of God
 It is the end of the year and no-one could
 have predicted at the beginning of January     The year has been a roller coaster            One of the prophets in the Old Testament
 2020 what was ahead for us, or what the        experience with highs and lows and scary      – Jeremiah – who is sometimes called
 whole year had in store for us. Who would      parts, but through it all we’ve had that      the Weeping Prophet, went through some
 have thought that such a small thing as        safety harness of our faith in God and        really awful experiences and was rejected
 the Coronavirus could have brought the         knowing He will never let go of us.           by everyone. Yet through it all he is able to
 world to a stand-still; travel, commerce,                                                    say in Lamentations chapter 3:
 economic systems all in chaos and              A song that has been very special to us all   Because of the Lord’s great love we are not
 everyone having to stay in their homes for     this time is:                                 consumed, for His compassions never fail.
 weeks on end.                                  All my life You have been faithful            They are new every morning; great is Your
                                                All my life You have been so so good          faithfulness.
 In March 2020 we were planning the next        With every breath that I am able
 week’s service in our Church building. It                                                    In the lead up to Christmas we thought
 had just had its monthly clean and was                                                       of the good news of Jesus’ birth and we
 all ready for use when we suddenly heard                                                     reflected on the hope, peace, joy and love
 that we were going into lockdown. What                                                       that Advent reminds us of. It is this good
 a change it made to our Church life. We                                                      news that has kept us positive even when
 had to abandon our regular meetings and                                                      everything around us is negative. When
 suddenly learn new skills and new ways of                                                    we know the love of the Lord Jesus in our
 keeping in touch. It meant using WhatsApp                                                    hearts, it is to know hope. It’s to know
 more than ever before and learning how                                                       peace. It’s to know joy and to know His
 to change from being live and vibrant in                                                     wonderful love
 our weekly meetings to being online and
 recorded. We have learned a lot and our                                                      We now look forward to 2021. We are so
 weekly services have been well received                                                      grateful that there are vaccines available
 around the world.                                                                            and the end of this awful time is in sight,
                                                                                              although we still have to be sensible. We
 The familiarity of a warm handshake or a                                                     never know what the New Year has to
 loving hug has had to be put to one side                                                     offer. We only know the one who holds the
 in the same way as we’ve had to forego                                                       future and whatever comes our way, God
 meeting together in praise and worship.                                                      will never leave us alone and separated
 On the positive side, our new-learned skills                                                 from His steadfast love which never ceases.
 have brought us together in different ways.
 We have a weekly prayer meeting, not all                                                     We wish you all a Happy New Year and
 in one room, but in 20 different rooms and                                                   look forward to you joining us in 2021.
 everybody joining in on WhatsApp. It’s
 been a great opportunity for everyone to
 join in with each other’s joys and sorrows

                             Brewer is a                                     Jacko was        wonderful boy.
                             Rottweiler/                                     born       in
                             G e r m a n                                     2016. He is                                     Luna        is
                             Shepherd                                        a   beautiful                                   around       7
                             cross,    age                                   boy with a                                      years     old
                             12     years.                                   wonderful                                       and is great
                             He doesn’t                                      n a t u r e .                                   with    other
                             know     why                                    Jacko      is                                   dogs.    She
                             his    owner                                    chipped,                                        has diabetes
                             suddenly                                        vaccinated,                                     and    partial
                             went away                                       neutered                                        sight,    but
                             and     never                                   and     good                                    this doesn’t
                             returned                                        with   other                                    stop      her
                             to     collect                                  dogs.                                           being        a
                             him. He is a                                                                                    n o r m a l ,
                             really good        Rodney was                                                                   happy dog.
                             and gentle         born in 2015                                                                 Luna        is
                             25 kilo male       and     spent                                                                chipped,
                             dog.       He      most of his                                   vaccinated and sterilised.
                             loves to play      life chained
                             with his toys      up. He is                                     Please call 645 469 253 for more
                             and    obeys       chipped,                                      information on any of the above pets.
                             commands.          vaccinated                                    From last month’s edition Nala and Olly
                             He          is     a     n     d                                 were adopted.
                             currently in       neutered.
 a foster home with another dog and a cat.      R o d n e y
 Brewer is neutered and has a microchip.        is good with other dogs and really is a

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 With record low return on investments            be worth. This in part explains why they       Robert Kiyosaki, New York Times bestselling
 set   to   continue,   could   Bitcoin           are so sought after.                           author of the book Rich Dad, Poor Dad has
 potentially give massive returns? By                                                            been recommending his followers buy gold
 Andrew Hurrell                                   Why does the price of Bitcoin continue         and Bitcoin. He calls for gold to reach
                                                  to rise?                                       $3,000 an ounce and Bitcoin to reach
 In 2009 I was lucky enough to win a global       Like any asset, the price can go down          $75,000 within the next three years. This
 competition with ‘’. This        as well as up. However, the total              makes the current price of around $19000
 was an automated software staking system         availability of Bitcoins is set at a           look cheap!
 to trade prices in the horse racing market.      maximum limit of 21 million coins
 Since then I have diversified into trading       worldwide. This assures its rarity and its     With fiscal stimulus seemingly almost out of
 currencies and especially crypto currencies      ‘perceived’ value, rather like a rare piece    control thanks to the pandemic, businesses
 like Bitcoin.                                    of art work. There are lots of things other    all over the globe, who are suffering as a
                                                  than money which we consider valuable,         result, see the relative safe haven of digital
 What is Bitcoin and how does it work?            like gold and diamonds. The Aztecs used        assets ever more attractive as it becomes
 Bitcoin,      often     described    as    a     cocoa beans as money!                          a major competitor to the usual safe haven
 cryptocurrency, a ‘virtual’ currency or a        Bitcoins are valuable because people are       of gold, which has fumbled in the wake of
 ‘digital’ currency - is a type of money that     willing to exchange them for real goods        Bitcoin’s growth.
 is completely virtual. It’s like an online       and services and even cash.
 version of cash. You can use it to buy                                                          As with all my articles, this is for information
 products and services. Although not many         Why do people want Bitcoins?                   only since I am neither qualified nor trained
 shops accept Bitcoin yet, with PayPal            Bitcoins are not controlled by the             in financial advice. It should be incumbent
 now allowing payments in Bitcoin, as             government or banks. Banks have a poor         for anyone interested in these kinds of
 well as the possibility of also purchasing       track record of ‘value’ to their customers,    investment opportunities to engage in
 the currency, the future looks bright for        since huge amounts of capital invested         their own research with advice from a
 the granddaddy of all the digital currency       into banks by private individuals are          professional advisor like Blacktower
 coins. With a limited supply of just 21          used to generate the bank’s team of            Financial prior to investing money into
 million coins available and incredibly           investors a ‘yield’ through different market   Bitcoin. This is important since with the
 low fees for transferring Bitcoin compared       opportunities. When we deposit a lump          potential gains, your tax liability on those
 to other traditional methods, it may be one      sum into a deposit account, the returns        gains may need to be offset.
 day we see Bitcoin replacing virtual credit      are now so low that it actually costs the
 card payments in Euros etc, with Bitcoin.        individual money to store it. This is not      Conclusion: Bitcoin Price Forecast and
                                                  just the charges made for transactions         Long-Term Price Predictions
 How does Bitcoin work?                           and credit cards, but more importantly         Considering all of the massive price
 Each Bitcoin is basically a computer file        the ‘inflationary’ aspect of Fiat currency     projections and forecasts from industry
 which is stored in a ‘digital wallet’ app on a   means that over time it becomes less and       experts that suggest Bitcoin will someday
 smartphone or computer.                          less valuable in terms of purchasing power.    replace all currencies across the globe, it’s
 People can send Bitcoins (or part of one)                                                       easy to see why so many are bullish on
 to your digital wallet and you can send          When I arrived in Spain I could fill my        Bitcoin. Price predictions can range from
 Bitcoins to other people.                        weekly shopping trolley for 50€. Now I can     doubling in value to over 1 million per coin
 Every single transaction is recorded in a        only get a basket for a similar amount!        over the next few years!
 highly secure network public list called ‘The
 Blockchain’. This makes it possible to trace     People can also spend their Bitcoins fairly    The revolutionary technology has sparked
 the history of Bitcoins to stop people from      anonymously. Although all transactions         an entire industry aimed at disrupting
 spending ‘coins’ they do not own, making         are recorded, nobody would know which          traditional finance and cryptocurrencies
 copies or undoing transactions.                  ‘account number’ was yours unless you          are already well on their way to
                                                  told them.                                     widespread adoption and regular use by
 How do people get Bitcoins?                                                                     the mainstream public.
 There are three main ways people get             Is it secure?
 Bitcoins:                                        Every transaction is recorded publicly so      Please remember that in line with
 You can buy Bitcoins using ‘real’ money          it’s very difficult to copy Bitcoins, make     regulations dictating private investors’
 in most countries (inc Spain) or ‘Fiat’          fake ones or spend ones you don’t own.         information regarding any investment
 currency as it is known within the industry      There been ‘hacking’ thefts from websites      portfolio, the value of these can go up as
 on an exchange for which there are many!         that let you store your Bitcoins remotely.     well as down and in view of this returns
 You can sell things and let people pay you       Although rare, this could occur, so this is    could be less than your original investment.
 with Bitcoins.                                   why many people choose to keep their
 They can be created using a highly               private keys of ownership of the Bitcoin       There are various ways to invest into
 advanced computer techniques.                    safe and offline in a journal and/or a         Bitcoin depending on each individual’s
                                                  dedicated software wallet designed for this    risk profile.
 How are new Bitcoins created?                    purpose. In this way your Bitcoin is as        For more information you can email me at
 Special computers are required generate          safe as possible unless you lose both!
 Bitcoins and this is called ‘mining’.
 In order for the Bitcoin system to work,         In 2009, at inception, Bitcoin was around
 people can make their computer process           one dollar per coin. Now (7th Dec 2020) its
 transactions for everybody. This is called       current price is over 19,000 dollars PER
 ‘Master noding’.                                 COIN compared to the US dollar. Many
 The computers are made to work out               big investment banks and Hedge Fund
 incredibly difficult sums. ‘Miners’ of           managers, along with private investors,
 Bitcoins (and other coins) are rewarded          have now realised the potential growth in
 with a Bitcoin for the owner to keep.            Bitcoin saying this is just beginning. Many
 However such is the complexity, you could        high-ranking billionaires and millionaires
 end up spending more money on electricity        see the coin at least doubling in price by
 for your computer than the Bitcoin would         the end of 2021.

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                               Widget - a        and Linda from Noah’s ARC. She is very        We are always looking for goods to
                               handsome          shutdown, but is slowly making progress.      sell in our shops to raise funds. We will
                               Podenco           We will keep you updated on her progress.     be happy to collect any larger items.
                               lad     found     A very, very big thank you to everyone        Please contact us on 634 332 335
                               wandering         who helped this girl and never gave up on
                               around the        her. She is now safe and warm.                We         are
                               Saladillo                                                       w o r k i n g
                               area         of   If you like                                   hard        to
                               Mazarrón, is      the     look                                  raise funds
                               around      18    of any of                                     to       clear
                               months old        these dogs                                    land      and
                               and weight        p l e a s e                                   put     more
                               7        kilos.   c o n t a c t                                 fencing up at
                               W i d g e t       Jane      on                                  our kennels
                               walks     well    602      653                                  to     enable
                               on a lead         639.     She                                  us to take
                               and is well       will      be                                  more     dogs
 behaved, he even takes himself off to bed.      happy      to                                 in. If you
 He is castrated and fully vaccinated.           arrange                                       can     make
                                                 for you to                                    a    donation
 Cookie - another handsome Podenco               meet them                                     however
 around 18 months old found on Camposol,         as soon as                                    small,     we            Frankie
 near Mazarrón. Cookie is a little shy but       possible.                Cookie               will be truly
 getting better every day. He is castrated                                                     grateful.
 and fully vaccinated.                           Our Shops In Puerto de Mazarrón and
                                                 Camposol Are Now Open. Masks and              For donations our PayPal
 This is a fantastic story of Frankie the        Sanatizing Obligatory.              
 dog that lived on the hill for 3 years and
 had never been caught. She has now be           We have a Facebook page NoahsArc              Wishing you all a Happy & Safe New
 rescued and is being cared for by Bob           Mazarron and Website Noah’s A.R.C             Year

 Balloons                                        The children ran around rejecting balloons    became clear that the matching of named
 In order to Illustrate the importance of        with other’s names and looking for their      balloons to children was completed in a
 putting other people first the following two    own. Eventually the children found their      considerably shorter time.
 experiments were conducted:-                    named balloon. This was timed and
                                                 recorded. The test was then modified          I suppose there are at least two lessons
 In a room full of children and loose balloons   slightly and the task repeated. The new       we could learn from this exercise: One
 floating around with a child’s name written     task was to find and match the named          is that when we look out for others and
 on them, the task given was simply to find      balloons for the other children in the room   their needs, our own tasks may, as a direct
 the balloon with your own name on it and        while also looking for their own. As these    result, become easier.
 then sit down.                                  children knew each others’ names, it          Secondly, if we all combined our efforts
                                                                                               and looked out for others, all of our needs
                                                                                               would be met more quickly and with
                                                                                               considerably less hassle.
                                                                                               The Bible teaches us to “Bear one another’s
                                                                                               burdens and in this way you will fulfil the
                                                                                               law of Christ.” Galatians 6 v 3.

                                                                                               When tackled on the most important
                                                                                               commandments by the skeptics, Jesus said
                                                                                               “You shall love the Lord your God with all
                                                                                               your heart and with all your soul and with
                                                                                               all your mind, and with all your strength’.
                                                                                               The second is this; “You shall love your
                                                                                               neighbour as yourself. There is no other
                                                                                               commandment greater than these.” Mark
                                                                                               12 v 30.

                                                                                               There is nothing new under the Sun -
                                                                                               another Bible quote! Maybe we should
                                                                                               start listening?

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