Future of LAND 200 remains unclear - Asia Pacific Defence Reporter

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Future of LAND 200 remains unclear - Asia Pacific Defence Reporter
                                                       JUNE 2021
                                                      VOL.47 NO.4

Future of LAND 200
remains unclear
  THE APACHE         INTERVIEW              UPDATE 2021
Future of LAND 200 remains unclear - Asia Pacific Defence Reporter
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Future of LAND 200 remains unclear - Asia Pacific Defence Reporter
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Future of LAND 200 remains unclear - Asia Pacific Defence Reporter

                                                                                             34 RUSSIAN ROBOTROOPERS A REALITY
  REGULARS			                                                                                         A lethal effect when combined with AI
                                                                                                                                                                                    Print Post Approved PP349181/00104

  06 EDITOR'S LETTER                                                                                                                                                                Managing Director/Publisher
          Is Defence heading for a major shakeup?                                            38 1ST PERSON INTERVIEW                                                                Marilyn Tangye Butler
                                                                                                      Thales Australia CEO, Chris Jenkins                                           Phone: +61 (0) 410 529 324
                                                                                                                                                                                    Email: marilyn.tangye@venturamedia.net

  NEWS                                                                                       42 ROOM FOR TWO ATTACK HELICOPTERS                                                     Editor
                                                                                                      Keep the Tigers!                                                              Kym Bergmann
  08 Milrem delivers first robot to XTEK                                                                                                                                            Phone: +61(0)412 539 106
                                                                                                                                                                                    Email: kym.bergmann@venturamedia.net
                                                                                             46 MRH 90 HELICOPTER UPDATE
  09 $30 million order for Queensland truck 		                                                        A work in progress                                                            Contributors
          business                                                                                                                                                                  Vladimir Karnozov
                                                                                             49 MORE CHINOOKS FOR AUSTRALIA                                                         Arie Egozi
  10 Triton capability increase to operate in                                                                                                                                       Mark Farrer
                                                                                                      And possibly the region                                                       Mike Yeo
          shared environment                                                                                                                                                        Geoff Slocombe
                                                                                                                                                                                    George Galdorisi
          Soucy’s composite rubber tracks for 		                                             56 NEW GENERATION WATERCRAFT TO FILL
          Redback                                                                               A VITAL GAP                                                                         Australia
                                                                                                      A great opportunity for Australian industry                                   Ventura Media Asia-Pacific Pty Ltd
  11 KORD selected for US Army experiments                                                                                                                                          PO Box 88, Miranda
                                                                                                                                                                                    NSW 1490 Australia
                                                                                             58 GROUND BASED AIR DEFENCE – LAND 19                                                  ABN 76 095 476 065
                                                                                                PHASE 7B
 FEATURES                                                                                             Ambitious project taking shape                                                Subscriptions
                                                                                                                                                                                    Rose Jeffree
 12 ELBIT BMS WITHDRAWN FROM SERVICE                                                         63 TOP 30 DEFENCE ACQUISITION PROJECTS
                                                                                                                                                                                    Phone: + 61 (0)2 9526 7188
                                                                                                                                                                                    Fax: + 61 (0)2 9526 1779
        The reasons remain officially unclear                                                         Latest budget summaries                                                       Email: subscriptions@venturamedia.net

 16 LAND 400 PHASE 2 UPDATE                                                                  74 TOP 30 DEFENCE SUSTAINMENT PROJECTS                                                 ADVERTISING OFFICES:
        Boxer CRV coming along                                                                        The cost of operating things
                                                                                                                                                                                    Australia, NZ & Asia Pacific,
                                                                                                                                                                                    USA, Canada & South America
 18 LAND 400 PHASE 3 PROGRESS REPORT                                                         84 EOS DEVELOPING AN ANTI-DRONE HARD                                                   Graham Joss
        Vehicles handed over to Army for the RMA                                                AND SOFT KILL SYSTEM                                                                Sales Director
                                                                                                                                                                                    Phone +61 2 9526 7188
                                                                                                      Recent events prove that the threat is now                                    Fax +61 2 9526 1779
 20 VEHICLE ACTIVE PROTECTION SYSTEMS                                                                 very real                                                                     Mobile +61 (0) 419 492 836
                                                                                                                                                                                    Email: graham.joss@venturamedia.net
        An increasingly widespread capability
                                                                                             86 JP 9102 – DEFENCE MISSES A CHANCE TO                                                Europe
 26 ARMY HEAVY ARMOUR TO RECEIVE A 		                                                           BOOST SOVEREIGN CAPABILITY                                                          Diana Scogna
    MAJOR BOOST                                                                                       An approach that favours overseas primes                                      Mobile: +33 6 6252 2547
                                                                                                                                                                                    Fax: +33 1 7079 0534
        It looks like 75 new M1A2s                                                                                                                                                  Email: dscogna@dsmedia.com.fr
                                                                                             90 SINGAPORE’S STRATEGIC ENABLER
 29 HUNTSMAN 155MM SPH ODA ACTIVITY 		                                                                The MRTT fleet working hard                                                   Israel
    STARTS                                                                                                                                                                          Asa Talbar
                                                                                                                                                                                    Talbar Media
        Hanwha and Kongsberg explain their offer                                             94 ROYAL NAVY TASK GROUP HEADS EAST                                                    Phone: +972-77-562-1900
                                                                                                      The Empire returns                                                            Fax: +972-77-562-1903
                                                                                                                                                                                    Email: talbar@talbar.co.il
    CONTRACT                                                                                 96 NEWS FROM ACROSS THE TASMAN                                                         Printer
        Studying future weapon options                                                                Our regular update                                                            Times Printers
                                                                                                                                                                                    ISSN 1446-6880

       PREVIEW                                         ‹‹ Sovereign guided weapons industry feature                                                                                 Design
                                                                                                                                                                                    Stun Media
                                                                                                                                                                                    Email: tdixondesign@gmail.com
        NEXT ISSUE                                     ‹‹ SEA 129 contenders

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Cover Image: Australian Army Soldiers from the 2nd/14th Light Horse regiment (Queensland Mounted Infantry) conduct live firing with the
M1A1 Abrams Tank on Exercise Howling Wolf in the Wide Bay Training Area, Queensland. (CoA / Hamid Farahani)                                                                         © Ventura Media Asia Pacific Pty Ltd 2020

4 Asia Pacific Defence Reporter JUNE 2021
Future of LAND 200 remains unclear - Asia Pacific Defence Reporter
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Future of LAND 200 remains unclear - Asia Pacific Defence Reporter

                                                         IS THE DEFENCE
                                                         DEPARTMENT HEADING
                                                         FOR A MAJOR SHAKEUP?
                                                         stories – the Minister has issued an instruction to     the country cannot afford for Defence to remain on
                                                         the Department containing the following extremely       its current trajectory for a day longer.
                                                         restrictive measures when responding to requests            No better example can be supplied than the
                                                         for information:                                        ongoing revelations about LAND 200 and the
                                                         - Responses are to be as brief and succinct as          withdrawal from service at Army’s direction of the
KYM BERGMANN // CANBERRA                                    possible                                             Elbit Battle Management System, the subject of
                                                         - Guidance is to limit responses to three paras,        the main story in this edition. By rights the program

    n Canberra we always like a good structure              regardless of the breadth of the question(s);        should have been cancelled in 2019 after a highly
    of Government story, even if it might be a bit          additional information can be offered on             critical and detailed report from the ANAO. To be
    of a yawn for ordinary Australians. The rumour          background                                           fair, at that time Army announced a pause of the
currently doing the rounds is that new Defence           - Capability-related interviews are unlikely to be      next part of the contract, which was set to cost
Minister Peter Dutton is planning an assault on             approved, be rigidly flexible to revert to written   Australia another $1 billion on top of the $2 billion
the Department – not in the physical sense but              responses                                            already invested.
some sort of major shakeup of its structure and             Updating a major program in three paragraphs is          It is only due to the media that the Australian
leadership. This does not come directly from the         impossible.                                             public are now getting a sense of the extraordinary
Minister, who is generally contemptuous of the              This instruction has had the immediate and           events that have been taking place with Army’s
media and averse to even basic scrutiny, but from        chilling effect of shutting down the flow of            signature digitisation program – a key ingredient
the inner circle privy to his thinking.                  information about projects because people in            for combat capability – and which has come to a
   Some of this might be coming from the head            uniform who have an instinctive wariness of the         total, shuddering halt. Even worse, there is no viable
of his former Department of Home Affairs, Mike           media now have justification for providing minimal      alternative readily available, and the way forward
Pezzullo, who recently made headlines with his           information – or as is increasingly the case, none      seems opaque. To make matters worse, Army
views that the drums of war are beating loudly. He       at all. Ironically the quoted memo was leaked to a      then started selectively leaking information that the
spent the formative years of his career in Defence       journalist. Leaving aside the issue of what “rigidly    system is being withdrawn because of concerns
and has long been suspected of wanting to return         flexible” could possibly mean, we are entering a        that the software might have some sort of back door
as the head of it but has so far not succeeded. It has   dark period where Australians will be denied any        that could be used to access secure US networks
been unkindly suggested that since he is unable to       information about where $40 billion of taxpayer’s       when connected with them. There will now need to
control the Army from his current position, he has       money is going every year.                              be a major investigation into who knew what and
created a substitute in the form of the armed, black        While this might sound like a few journalists        when inside Defence – especially CASG - and
uniformed Border Force.                                  sulking, it is far more than that because Defence       Parliament House.
   It is possible that journalists who are starved of    is not only responsible for national security –             Elbit has reacted with fury, absolutely denying the
information are talking up the possibility of major      admittedly a lot of which is highly classified,         allegations about security concerns and pointing
changes without a lot of hard data. The Minister’s       for good reason – but also for managing huge            out that not only has this been a collaborative
office will not answer emails, phone calls or texts      acquisition programs for ships, planes and              program with the Army but that all source code has
from most sections of the media – it being unclear       vehicles. Some of them are extremely poorly             been transferred to Australia.
what they actually do with their time – with the         managed and deserve scrutiny; many are going                If it were up to Defence and the government,
partial exception of a couple of stenographers able      well and the public, as well as the broader defence     all of this would have been hushed up. There has
to accurately record the thoughts of their boss. The     community including industry and academia, are          been no official announcement about the situation
Minister himself largely limits his appearances to       curious about what is happening.                        even though Army had made the decision about
right wing radio chat shows that typically feature          This has us circling back to the possibility of      withdrawing it from service last December. Should
introductions along the lines of “why don’t you          structural changes to the Department. One school        the Minister be looking for a good excuse to launch
tell the listeners how good you are and what a           of thought says why bother with a Federal election      into the Department, this will be it. To it should be
wonderful job the Government is doing.”                  less than a year away – but others argue that           added the Attack class submarine program that is
   To choke off any useful information about Defence     change is long overdue and that with billions of        consuming billions of dollars with seemingly very
reaching the general public – even for positive          dollars wasted on procurement mismanagement             little accountability.

6 Asia Pacific Defence Reporter JUNE 2021
Future of LAND 200 remains unclear - Asia Pacific Defence Reporter
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Future of LAND 200 remains unclear - Asia Pacific Defence Reporter

    THeMIS UGV (Milrem Robotics photo)
                                                                                     for trial, evaluation, and    quality support.”
                                                                                     demonstration purposes.          Philippe Odouard, XTEK Ltd’s Managing Director
                                                                                     Including Australia, the      said: ”The delivery of our first Milrem Robotics
                                                                                     THeMIS UGV has been           THeMIS is a major milestone for XTEK. The THeMIS
                                                                                     acquired by eleven            platform is ideally suited for a broad range of
                                                                                     countries, of which seven     applications within the Australian Defence Force,
                                                                                     are NATO members,             particularly the Australian Army. It is also the perfect
                                                                                     including Estonia, France,    platform for us to further showcase our ‘AirWolf’
                                                                                     Germany, the Netherlands,     sensor-to-shooter software, which distributes
                                                                                     Norway, the UK, and the US.   targeting information from UAVs (Unmanned Aerial
                                                                                        Following the signing      Vehicle) to advanced combat configured UGVs such
                                                                                     of an MoU in the end of       as THeMIS.”
                                                                                     last year, Milrem Robotics       XTEK has extensive experience and expertise in
                                                                                     also signed an agreement      unmanned vehicle distribution, maintenance, and
                                                                                     with XTEK appointing          value-added services.
                                                                                     the Australian homeland          The company’s established maintenance facilities
MILREM ROBOTICS DELIVERED                                                            security specialist as the    include a Logistics Engineering Business Unit
                                                          exclusive distributor of the THeMIS UGV, the Type-X      based in Canberra, where a pool of technicians and
THE FIRST THEMIS TO AUSTRALIA                             Robotic Combat Vehicle, and Milrem’s Intelligent         trainers with extensive Explosive Ordnance Disposal
22 April 2021                                             Functions Integration Kit (MIFIK) in Australia and       (EOD) robot maintenance experience can provide
The European leading robotics and autonomous              New Zealand                                              maintenance for Milrem Robotics’ UGVs and RCVs.
systems developer Milrem Robotics signed a                   “I am thrilled about the synergy created with XTEK       The company plans to leverage its Adelaide
distribution and maintenance agreement with XTEK          and delivering the most advanced robotic capabilities    Manufacturing Centre and unique XTclave™
Ltd. and delivered the first THeMIS Unmanned Ground       to Australia,” said Kuldar Väärsi, CEO of Milrem         technology for novel ballistic protection design, and
Vehicle to the Australian homeland security specialist.   Robotics.” In collaboration with XTEK, we can be         other engineering and manufacturing services for
   This first THeMIS will be used by XTEK Ltd.,           close to our customer and secure continuous high-        Milrem Robotics’ UGV systems.

8 Asia Pacific Defence Reporter JUNE 2021
Future of LAND 200 remains unclear - Asia Pacific Defence Reporter
$30M CONTRACT FOR SOUTH-                                  Queensland.
EAST QUEENSLAND BUSINESS                                     “These trucks have proven
                                                          highly capable in their short
6 May 2021                                                service-life to date, and given
A Queensland-based bulk liquid storage                    Holmwood’s continued delivery
manufacturer has signed a $30 million contract with       of high-quality products, the
Rheinmetall MAN Military Vehicles to deliver fuel and     company has been contracted to
water modules that will be fitted to Defence’s fleet of   supply additional fuel and water
logistics trucks.                                         modules for the tanker variant.
   Minister for Defence Industry Melissa Price said          “Holmwood Highgate’s
the contract with Loganholme-based company                partnership with Rheinmetall MAN
Holmwood Highgate would support ongoing jobs for          Military Vehicles Australia is an
the company’s 150 Queensland employees.                   outstanding example of a small-           MAN 40M truck with personnel pods deployed as part of Operation NSW
                                                                                                    Flood Assist in Taree, New South Wales. (CoA / Sagi Biderman)
   Minister Price said Holmwood Highgate had              to-medium business working
previously secured more than $108 million worth           with prime contractors to deliver
of work supporting Phase 3B of Defence’s Land             top-class technology and Defence capability.                 recognised name in bulk liquid tankers.
121 Program.                                                 “Over the next decade, the Morrison Government               “Holmwood Highgate employs a diverse range of
   The new contract would support new modules for         will be investing $575 billion in Defence, including         highly skilled tradespeople, ranging from aluminium
additional trucks being delivered under Land 121          $270 billion in capability.                                  welders, boilermakers and fitter welders to spray
Phase 5B.                                                    “Defence is a major partner of Australian industry,       painters, mechanics and auto electricians,” Mr van
   “The acquisition of more trucks by Defence             offering broad opportunities to be involved with the         Manen said.
is creating many opportunities for Australian             cutting-edge technology and innovative capability               “I’m very proud to see Holmwood Highgate’s
businesses,” Minister Price said.                         which support our national and strategic interests.”         employees having such a positive impact on Forde
   “Critically, this new $30 million contract with           Member for Forde Bert van Manen said Holmwood and equally proud of the benefits the substantial
Holmwood Highgate will mean ongoing work for              Highgate had grown from a simple operation on                investment by the Morrison Government in Australia’s
the company’s 150 employees who are based in              the outskirts of Brisbane in the 1950s to a globally         defence capability is bringing to Australian industry.”
Future of LAND 200 remains unclear - Asia Pacific Defence Reporter

                       HIGH                                                           “Our   service women and men rely
                                                                                       RAAF Triton (Northrop Grumman image)
                                                                                                                                                              SOUCY’S COMPOSITE RUBBER
           COMMUNICATIONS                                                         on communications to undertake the                                          KEEPS TEAM REDBACK ON TRACK
                                                                                  tasks required of them, whether it be
CONTRACT                                                                                                                                                      MELBOURNE
SAN DIEGO – 10 May, 2021                                                          humanitarian, constabulary or military
Babcock International, the Aerospace and Defence                                  operations. In undertaking these tasks,                                     ‘Where the rubber meets the road’ is a well-known
Northrop         is set to Corporation
                               become a leading (NYSE: provider
                                                           NOC) has               they operate in some of the most remote                                     adage that refers to a place where a new idea is
of High
been         Frequency
         contracted      by the(HF)    radio
                                    U.S.   Navycommunications
                                                  to prototype and                regions on the planet, from deep in the                                     put to a real-world test, and it could not be more
reduce            Newof Zealand
                           integrating  and   its international
                                            sense   and avoid (SAA)               Southern Ocean to the vastness of the                                       appropriate to describe Soucy’s highly innovative
‘Five Eyes’ into
capabilities      alliesthefollowing       the awarding
                               high-altitude,                 of a key
                                                  long-endurance                  Pacific.                                                                    Composite Rubber Track system fitted to the
MQ-4C       Triton autonomous system. This capability will                            “This is an investment in our                                           Redback Infantry Fighting Vehicle.
          the Tritonexperts
                        to safely willoperate
                                                               airspace           communities. Defence’s HF radio system                                          The Redback, designed by Hanwha Defense
with                  to support the New Zealand Defence
        manned aircraft.                                                          will support emergency services, enabling                                   headquartered in South Korea, is under
    “Sense (NZDF)     over the
                and avoid       willnear
                                             ensurewith ouran   extensive
                                                             customers            them to maintain communications during                                      consideration
                                                                                                                                                      A Royal Australian   Air Forceby F/A-18
                                                                                                                                                                                           the Commonwealth
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Growler takes offunderfrom RAAFan
                                                                                                                                                      Base Williamtown. Credit: CoA / Shane Gidall
can    safely through-life
                operate Tritonsupport          programme
                                      out of almost              forming
                                                         any airfield    or       crises. The current HF radio infrastructure                                 ongoing tender process for Project LAND 400
the remainder
airport                of theincontract.
           in the world,                       Initiallywith
                                  full compliance          worth   $30.6
                                                                current  and was installed in the 1980s and has                                               Phase 3, which is an $18 billion to $27 billion
million NZD
emerging           to Babcock,
               aviation     regulations the around
                                             new HFthe    system
                                                             globe,”is said       reached the end of its life.”                                               project tasked to acquire 450 Infantry Fighting
Doug           to bevice
          Shaffer,      operational
                            president and  by August
                                                 program   2023.
                                                              manager,                Babcock Australasia CEO, David Ruff, said the
                                                                                                                                                              DEFENCE SIGNS MULTI-MILLION
                                                                                                                                                              Vehicles for the Australian Defence Force.
Triton       is one ofNorthrop
          programs,          a number        of planned
                                        Grumman.             investments
                                                        “Incorporating            contract represents a major milestone for Babcock                           DOLLAR
                                                                                                                                                                  Soucy’s CompositeCONTRACT       Rubber Track FOR(CRT)   JOINT  offers
SAA      the Defence  will Capability
                             add tremendous  Plan 2019       thattowill
                                                     flexibility     the          as a world-leading, trusted provider of High                                ADVERSARIAL
                                                                                                                                                              many      advantages overTRAINING     conventional metal    AND
Triton    system  ourandnational
                            how the   resilience,”
                                          U.S. Navy,said RoyalNewAustralian       Frequency communication technology.                                         TESTING
                                                                                                                                                              track   designs including up to 70 per cent less
Air   Force Defence
              and potential Minister
                                   future Ron   Mark. seamlessly
                                            customers                                 “This contract leverages our long-standing,                             Defence has
                                                                                                                                                              vibration,      uprecently
                                                                                                                                                                                   to 13.5signed decibels a $330
                                                                                                                                                                                                              of noisemillion     contract
     “High Triton
integrate     frequencyinto radio     provides of
                              their concepts       communications
                                                       operation.”                18 year track record in the UK, where Babcock                               with weight,
                                                                                                                                                              less   Raytheonbetter  Australia      Pty Ltd to deliver
                                                                                                                                                                                             manoeuvrability,          up to Joint
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                80 per
coverage       in places
    A key partner             thatdevelopment
                         in the      satellites cannotof SAAreach   and
                                                               is Aviation        has been providing a Defence High Frequency                                 Adversarial
                                                                                                                                                              cent              Training and and
                                                                                                                                                                     less maintenance,               Testing   Services
                                                                                                                                                                                                           better            (JATTS)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    efficiency      thatto
where ordinary radio
Communications                   communications
                          & Surveillance        Systems  will(ACSS),
                                                               not work. It       Communications
                                                                                  Systems                Service
                                                                                              and Automatic         to the UKSurveillance-
                                                                                                               Dependent          Ministry of                 the Australian
                                                                                                                                                              enables      higherDefence
                                                                                                                                                                                       top vehicleForcespeeds
                                                                                                                                                                                                          (ADF) for or afuelperiod    of
is alsoa ajoint
LLC.,          back-up
                   venture  system      if satellite
                                of L3Harris     andcommunications
                                                       Thales.                    Defence,” systems,
                                                                                  Broadcast     Ruff says.we“Babcock
                                                                                                               are actively willdriving
                                                                                                                                  now provide
                                                                                                                                            innovation        eight
                                                                                                                                                              of  up years.
                                                                                                                                                                       to 30 per cent.
fail,“Asarea disrupted      or are unavailable.
             leader in integrated          Traffic Collision Avoidance in         its operational
                                                                                       specialist technology
                                                                                                    efficiency and andairspace
                                                                                                                         know-how   safetyto for
                                                                                                                                              New the             The JATTSDefense
                                                                                                                                                                  Hanwha           contractAustralia’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                 consolidates      three company
                                                                                                                                                                                                                parent      existing
                                                                                                                 Zealand as
                                                                                                                emerging            a key Five
                                                                                                                              unmanned              Eyes
                                                                                                                                                 aircraft     contracts Defence
                                                                                                                                                              Hanwha         that formCorporation
                                                                                                                                                                                             the ability to (HDC)
                                                                                                                                                                                                              supportand   ADFSoucy
                                                                                                                 partner.” said Steve Alwin,
                                                                                                                platforms,”                                   exercises
                                                                                                                                                              have    had witha long ‘enemy’      airborne force relationship
                                                                                                                                                                                            and collaborative          aircraft, aerial
                                                                                                                ACSS  “The   contract
                                                                                                                          president     andconfirms
                                                                                                                                              vice            targets,saw
                                                                                                                                                              which       and HDCelectronicworkingwarfare
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Soucy’s CRT      across
                                                                                                                president     of position
                                                                                                                                   engineering.as a“Our       range
                                                                                                                                                              for       of ADFinplatforms
                                                                                                                                                                   vehicles           the Korean   including:
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Defence Force. From
                                                                                                                sense     andreliable     provider of
                                                                                                                                 avoid solutions              • The once
                                                                                                                                                              there,     Air Force‘s       Joint Strike of
                                                                                                                                                                                 the advantages            Fighter,
                                                                                                                                                                                                               the new Super CRTHornet,
                                                                                                                enable        Highcollision
                                                                                                                           active      Frequency                  Growler,
                                                                                                                                                              system      were Wedgetail
                                                                                                                                                                                   considered,   airborne    early warning
                                                                                                                                                                                                       it became        a simple   and
                                                                                                                avoidance,        empowering  ahead               controlfor
                                                                                                                                                              decision        capabilities
                                                                                                                                                                                  Hanwha and           ground
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Defense         based Aircraft
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Australia       to specify
                                                                                                                 of similar
                                                                                                                them             futuresafely
                                                                                                                         to operate       bids in for         theControl      Units;
                                                                                                                                                                    state-of-the-art          Soucy CRT for its Redback
         Leading the way in the supply of                                                                        global customers
                                                                                                                                                              • Navy’sFighting
                                                                                                                                                                              Helicopter       Frigate and Guided Missile
                                                                                                                                                                                    Redback beand       selected, this
           military trailers and tankers                                                                         Australia.”
                                                                                                                ACSS      have been collaborating arrangement • Army’s Ground      will seeBased 50AirperDefence
                                                                                                                                                                                                            cent ofCapabilities.
                                                                                                                closely      contract
                                                                                                                                             Air              CRTThe     critical services
                                                                                                                                                                     technology                   to be to
                                                                                                                                                                                         transferred      delivered
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Hanwha     byDefense
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             the JATTS
                                                                                                                Systems           long-standing
                                                                                                                             Command          for             contract includes
                                                                                                                                                              Australia     to enable      aerial
                                                                                                                                                                                                      manufactureforce effects,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         of track
                                                                                                                more     than fiveinyears Newin the           manned andcomponents
                                                                                                                                                              mechanical          unmanned targets    such as androadsophisticated
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           wheels and
                                                                                                                 Zealand, building
                                                                                                                development                  upon
                                                                                                                                     and evaluation           electronic
                                                                                                                                                              idlers   to be  attack.
                                                                                                                                                                                 sub-licensed to Australian industry.
                                                                                                                             as the nation’s and              ThisTheworkcontract     alsotointroduces
                                                                                                                                                                              is likely          be awarded  two toadditional
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       one or more
                                                                                                                have          maritime
                                                                                                                         worked      togetherpartner,
                                                                                                                                                 to           capabilities:
                                                                                                                                                              small     to mediumthe testing,
                                                                                                                                                                                            sized training
                                                                                                                                                                                                    companies  and following
                                                                                                                contribute          the Royal     New
                                                                                                                                         development          ADF Identification
                                                                                                                                                              completion         of an Friend
                                                                                                                                                                                            ongoing or Foe
                                                                                                                                                                                                        marketMode     5 interrogation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   testing     activity.
                                                                                                                ofZealand     Navy,industry
                                                                                                                     SAA-related         as well as           systems;
                                                                                                                                                                  “Hanwha’s and advanced
                                                                                                                                                                                    overall AICairbornestrategythreat
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   is tosimulations.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           deliver to
                                                                                                                 its strategic partnership
                                                                                                                standards.                                    ourThe     JATTS contract
                                                                                                                                                                    customer        the bestistechnologies
                                                                                                                                                                                                    designed to evolve          over
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      from Australia
                                                                                                                     Sense and    theavoid
                                                                                                                                        groundis a focus and  the term
                                                                                                                                                                     aroundof thethecontract
                                                                                                                                                                                        world,”tosaid ensure    it remains
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Mr Richard        Cho,
                                                                                                                ofassets    of the
                                                                                                                     the next          national flag-
                                                                                                                                 developmental                contemporary
                                                                                                                                                              Managing              and continually
                                                                                                                                                                               Director       of Hanwhasatisfies
                                                                                                                 carrier, AirofNew
                                                                                                                increment                 Zealand.”
                                                                                                                                    the MQ-4C                 requirements
                                                                                                                                                              “In  this instance, during       a time Composite
                                                                                                                                                                                            Soucy’s     of significant      Defence
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Rubber       Track
                                                                                                                      The Five
                                                                                                                system,      and Eyes       alliance
                                                                                                                                    a critical                capability
                                                                                                                                                              is a highlyexpansion.
                                                                                                                                                                                innovative product that offers significant
                    •        Manufacturers of
                             Specialised Road
                                                                          For more information contact
                                                                          your nearest Haulmark Office:
                                                                                                                 Australia, theprogram
                                                                                                                                 the cooperative
                                                                                                                                       UK, the
                                                                                                                                                              be   working
                                                                                                                                                                                   of overwe are
                                                                                                                                                                                  the JATTS
                                                                                                                                                                                 with     them
                                                                                                                                                                                                94 per    cent Australian
                                                                                                                                                                                                  to  bring   secures
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       pleased   Industry
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           the ongoing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     technology        to
                             Transport Equipment                          Ph (07) 3277 3666                      United
                                                                                                                requirementsStates     and
                                                                                                                                     defined  Canada,
                                                                                                                                                between       employment
                                                                                                                                                              Australia     under of  approximately
                                                                                                                                                                                        the   Risk          88
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Mitigation Raytheon
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Activity.”  Australia
       ISO 9001
                    •        Certified Quality
                             Assurance to ISO 9001
                                                                          Ph (08) 89843533
                                                                                                                the   U.S. Navy
                                                                                                                 data and Air
                                                                                                                               theirand sharing
                                                                                                                                             Royalof          and“Soucy
                                                                                                                                                                              has a long
                                                                                                                                                              in the Nowra with
                                                                                                                                                              successfully        region
                                                                                                                                                                                                  history of
                                                                                                                                                                                               of New South
                                                                                                                                                                                                           said Wales.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Mr Normand

8 Asia
10 AsiaPacific
                        ReporterMAR 2020
                                 JUNE 2021
benefit, into the hands of Soldiers to solve
                                                                                                                     small unit tactical problems. Experimentation is
                                                                                                                     executed through Live Fire, Non-networked and
                                                                                                                     Force on Force phases. It is the Army’s premier
                                                                                                                     prototype technology and concept event focused
                                                                                                                     on modernisation at the squad and small unit
                                                                                                                     level. It is seen to play an essential role in shaping
                                                                                                                     the future US Army between now and 2025, and
                                                                                                                     is designed to provide capability developers, the
                                                                                                                     Science and Technology (S&T) community, and
                                                                                                                     industry with a repeatable, credible, rigorous, and
                                                                                                                     validated operational experiment for supporting both
                                                                                                                     concept and materiel development.
                                                                                                                        Managing Director, Dr Peter Moran, said
                                                                                                                     that “the Company was extremely overjoyed to
                                                                                                                     have been selected as it provided a significant
                                                                                                                     opportunity to showcase the operational benefits
                                                                                                                     of its technology to the biggest army in the world.”
                                                                                                                     He went on to say that “as far as we know, we’re
                                                                                                                     the only Australian company to have been selected
  Close-up of Redback track (Hanwha photo)                                                                           for this prestigious event”.
                                                                                                                        Kord’s inclusion in AEWE follows from
                                                                                                                     successful testing undertaken by the US Marine
Lalonde from Soucy, “and we are excited to see that   paces in an operational field environment.                     Corps over the last 4 years. The National Defense
relationship extend into Australia with our CRT on      The AEWE is an annual campaign of                            Authorisation Act (2021) has identified Kord’s
the Redback IFV. Soucy has a long-term strategy for   experimentation to place prototype technologies,               Technology as an Item of Special Interest for rapid
the Asia-Pacific region and our co-operation with     which show potential for a significant capability              procurement by the USMC.
Hanwha is an important part of that.”
   There is also strong interest in the Soucy CRT      Australian Army riflemen of 8/9 Battalion, the Royal Australian Regiment,
                                                       during a demonstration of KORD Defence's innovative wireless systems
system from other parts of the world with Soucy        control technology in Fyshwick, Canberra. Caption: (CoA / Jay Cronan)
International recently being awarded a contract
to deliver prototype CRT systems to the US Army
Ground Vehicle Systems Centre where they will
be used during experimentation of manned and
unmanned Next Generation Combat Vehicle

KORD DEFENCE PTY LTD, a world leader in the
provision of programmable, push-button Control
Systems for the defence and law enforcement
markets, announced today that its technology
had been selected by the US Army to take part in
the 2022 Army Expeditionary Warrior Experiment
(AEWE 2022) at Fort Benning, Georgia.
   Kord Defence,in conjunction with its sister
company, Kord USA, will be providing its
centralised soldier control systems for testing
and evaluation by the Army’s full-time tactical
experimenters —along with a standard opposition
force from a regular Army unit and foreign
participants to put the technology through its

                                                                                                                                       Asia Pacific Defence Reporter JUNE 2021 11
LAND 200

                                                                        KYM BERGMANN // CANBERRA

 As has been very widely reported, the Battle Management System part of Army’s LAND 200 project has been withdrawn from
service - and we can say with confidence that this happened on or before May 15. Unless people have been disobeying orders,
  that was the date on the internal instruction issued by Army to their people to stop using it. Neither Defence Minister Peter
  Dutton nor the Department have been prepared to comment – a situation that becomes less tenable the more that is known
                                                       about the situation.

                                                                                                                           THE DECEMBER 16, 2020,
                                                                                                                           CANCELLATION ORDER FROM
                                                                                                                           While rumours about problems with the Battlegroup
                                                                                                                           and Below Battlefield Command System have been
                                                                                                                           swirling for a while - and the project was officially
                                                                                                                           paused last year for a re-evaluation. The events
                                                                                                                           nevertheless have come as a shock, partly because
                                                                                                                           the situation has developed without any form of public
                                                                                                                           information, taking everyone by surprise.
                                                                                                                              The Army instruction was very specific about what
                                                                                                                           needs to have happened:
                                                                                                                           - The employment of the BMS-02 system version
                                                                                                                              7.1 within Army’s preparedness environment is to
                                                                                                                              cease no later than May 15
                                                                                                                           - The following items are to be withdrawn,
                                                                                                                              consolidated and quarantined by Signals Support
                                                                                                                              Staff: memory portable solid state BGC 3 software
                                                                                                                              USB memory stick; disc drive unit BMS-LAN PC,
                                                                                                                              256GD SSD, complete with mounting caddy; disc
                                                                                                                              drive unit BMS ETC/SPLIT ETC, 64GB HDD;
                                                                                                                              Personal Data Unit
                                                                                                                           - The BMS-C2 system version 7.1 is not to be
                                                                                                                              configured or accessed on the following systems:

                                                                                                                              APDR will not publish those details, but readers
                                                                                                                           undoubtedly will get the point. The BMS training
                                                                                                                           system version 9.0 also needed to be withdrawn at the
                                                                                                                           same time – with the exception of RMC-A. This is a
                                                                                                                           reference to the Royal Military College Australia, which
                                                                                                                           is told to be prepared to adopt BMS C2 version 9.1
                                                                                                                           after the Commonwealth has reached an agreement,
                                                                                                                           the details of which are not explained.
                                                                                                                              The instruction says that the withdrawal and disposal
                                                                                                                           of physical hardware will occur at a later date.
                                                                                                                              The order also provides a bit of context, saying
                                                                                                                           that the Elbit ‘Torch’ Command & Control BMS has
                                                                                                                           been in service since 2011. Torch is the reference C2
Australian Army soldier from the 7th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment, scans for enemy forces while patrolling         system fielded by the Israeli Army and which is the
during a live-fire platoon attack as part of Exercise Maroon Dawn 2021 at Cultana Training Area, South Australia. (CoA /
Rodrigo Villablanca)                                                                                                       LAND 200 parent. Another section is worth quoting

12 Asia Pacific Defence Reporter JUNE 2021
LAND 200

in full as it sheds some light on why the move has            understood that the US has expressed its concern          agencies into the future.”
been made:                                                    directly to Australia on the topic. Israel’s strategic      Defence Minister Peter Dutton is now in a tricky
- Rapid evolutions in technology and interoperability         circumstances are fraught, and some people might          position. To confirm that the security concerns are
    needs have necessitated Defence to seek a                 consider it in the national interest to be aware of       legitimate would basically be accusing Israel of
    replacement Battle Management System under                secret talks between the US and Iran, for example.        spying on the Australian Army as a mechanism for
    LAND 200 Phase 3 in 2024                                      What we don’t know is whether shutting down           accessing Top Secret files in Washington. For that
Phase 3 has an approximate value of $1 billion, which         the Elbit system has been caused by a particular          position to be sustainable – even if the government
would be on top of the $2 billion spent to date. We           event – someone caught with their fingers in the          wished to go that far – would require some firm
will return to the topic of interoperability because that     till, so to speak – or whether it is based on general     evidence. To just say vaguely “we don’t trust you” is
relates to security concerns about the BMS, which             concerns. This might be similar to the thinking about     not helpful to anyone and would be insulting to Israel
are not referred to in the quoted document.                   the Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei – they        and enormously commercially damaging to Elbit.
   It also says that the in service BMS operational and       have never been shown to supply insecure systems,         Apart from that, there are now numerous questions
training baselines were specified in REF A (whatever          but when it comes to protecting vital Australian             for Army and Defence to answer behind closed
that is). This CEASEORD rescinds this direction.              infrastructure the risk of them doing something bad          doors – assuming that the issue of a software back
CEASEORD is military speak for an order to stop               is just far too great to take. At least that appears         door is valid. The National Security Committee of
doing something.                                              to have been the position of the Australian Signals          Cabinet will presumably want to know:
   The instruction also points out that Army is in the        Directorate (ASD), which has now been translated          - When did ASD advise Defence / Army of their
process of investing $55 billion in new platforms             into Government policy.                                      concerns and who in Defence knew of them?
such as the Boxer CRV and the Infantry Fighting                   The situation is compounded because Israel is a       - What evidence has been provided to Defence /
Vehicles being purchased through LAND 400. It also            world leader in cyber warfare and cyber espionage.           Army about BMS security issues?
mentions upgraded M1A1 Main Battle Tanks and                  Working with the US, they developed the STUXNET           - Has the US refused to connect with the BMS –
the Tiger helicopters – even though the latter will be        virus that set back Iran’s nuclear program for years –       and if so, how long ago was this view expressed
phased out in the mid-2020s. It says:                         and follow up cyber attacks have continued. Anyone           and who in Australia knew?
- It is prudent that Army transitions to a new                from defence industry or government visiting Israel       - Has Defence / Army ever informed the Defence
    Battle Management System in time to inform the            needs to be aware that their laptops can be accessed         Minister / Prime Minister of any security concerns
    introduction into service of these capabilities           and the contents downloaded. This even applies to            – and if not, why not?
   In summary: Defence is to cease use of the Elbit           journalists, though the intelligence value of numerous    - Has Defence / Army raised any of this with Elbit –
BMS-C2 in accordance with timings (May 15) in                 photographs of a cat and downloaded recipes must             and if not, why not?
order to prepare for the transition to an interim battle      surely be minimal.
management system capability.                                                                                           A DEVASTATING ANAO REPORT
   LAND 200 has been a mess and with the benefit              ELBIT IS NOT TAKING THIS VERY                             Elbit is understood to be considering legal action –
of hindsight should have been cancelled at least              WELL                                                      but that might be completely negated if their contract
five years ago because of cost overruns, schedule                                                                       is terminated not because of security concerns but
slippage, poor oversight by Army – and a large                There are credible suggestions that Defence finally       for the more mundane reason of poor commercial
number of other issues. However, the most exciting            removed the BMS at the suggestion of the ASD.             performance, with multiple failures to deliver on time.
rumours and allegations – at least from the public’s          Like many other details, this cannot be confirmed.        There is ample evidence for this position and a report
viewpoint – is that flaws have been discovered in the         For their part Elbit reacted vigorously with CEO Paul     of the Australian National Audit Office released in
software that allow an interested party to access it          McLachlan – a retired Major General – issuing a           May 23, 2019 was devastating – and it must have
and snoop around. That party is presumably Israel.            statement:                                                been the reason why just a few months later the Army
   If true, it gives rise to the question of why Israel          “Elbit Systems of Australia strongly refutes the       announced two year freeze on the roll out of Tranche
would wish to spy on Australia. The reality is that it        security rumours raised in recent media articles.         3 of the BMS.
doesn’t – though the overseas intelligence agency                “Elbit Systems of Australia utilises secure software      To pick just a few summary paragraphs:
Mossad has been caught out using faked Australian             development processes in collaboration with the           - The difficulties encountered in Land 200 Tranche
passports on some of its missions. The real target in         Department of Defence, including the provision of all        2 stem in large measure from one project office’s
any such operation would be to use the Australian             source code.                                                 release of a Request for Tender with a scope that
system as a back door into highly classified US                  “Elbit Systems of Australia will continue to work         exceeded the approved cost and did not fully
networks once it was connected during a coalition             closely with the Australian Defence Force to deliver         assess the budget consequences or governance
operation or even during an exercise.                         its network capability requirements, utilising our           and coordination arrangements at a program level.
                                                              250-strong workforce, including 80 military veterans         The desired outcome shifted from the procurement
ISRAEL AND ESPIONAGE                                          and 100 systems and software engineers.                      of radios to the procurement of a complex digital
The further question arises: why would Israel wish to            “Elbit Systems of Australia is expanding and              communications solution, as Army developed its
spy on its most powerful ally, long standing friend –         enhancing our proven ability to bring world- leading         understanding of how it would operate in a digital
and supplier of billions of dollars of military hardware      innovative technologies to meet Australian capability        environment.
for free every year. It is beyond the scope of this article   requirements for the Australian Defence Force,            - Defence did not establish fully effective project
to speculate – but it has happened before, and it is          homeland security and emergency management                   governance arrangements. Defence established

                                                                                                                                          Asia Pacific Defence Reporter JUNE 2021 13
LAND 200

    an appropriate review framework, with successive             At the time, Defence in answer to a question from       contract with even a single comma. While receiving
    reviews identifying project coordination risks from       APDR, bizarrely claimed that this activity had nothing     money to develop the system, Celsiustech warned
    2013. Defence management’s failure to implement           to do with LAND 200.                                       repeatedly and loudly that when Defence took delivery
    the recommendations of these reviews until 2017              However, as effective as an Australian replacement      of the obsolescent product they were insisting on,
    constitutes a failure of governance that negatively       might be it will not be in a position to be fielded        Army would take one look at it and decide they didn’t
    affected the 2015 tender outcomes.                        immediately. Even if everything goes precisely to plan     want it. Sure enough, the company delivered the
- Defence did not conduct an effective requirements           and Defence throws the financial kitchen sink to fix a     product exactly as specified – and Army took one
    definition process. The need to align the capability      problem of their own making the best possible case         look at it and decided they didn’t want it.
    being procured by the two responsible project             looks to be a replacement system starting to come             However, rather than go back to the drawing board,
    offices was recognised in 2012 but the project            into service around 2024.                                  the project arose phoenix-like and was rebadged
    offices did not align requirements for the                                                                           the Battlefield Command Support System (BCSS).
    interconnected projects and developed different                                                                      Celsiustech was then paid via a highly unusual
    conceptions of the capability, adding layers of                                                                      time and materials contract to turn Austacs into the
    risk and duplicated effort. Army’s final stakeholder                                                                 modern product that the Army actually wanted – and
    review before contract signature in 2017 raised                                                                      so disaster was turned into triumph. As the name
    concerns about the lack of verification statements                                                                   suggests, BCSS had an initial focus on automating
    for many requirements, which was considered to                                                                       a great deal of procedural and logistics information,
    present risk to the achievement of an integrated                                                                     providing commanders with information at their
    network.                                                                                                             fingertips about how much ammunition remained
- By late 2016, Defence had assessed Elbit’s tender                                                                      in the area and how much fuel was in the vehicles.
    as offering value for money but could not conclude                                                                   Rather than spend hours of to-and-fro on the radio
    the tender process until the overall affordability                                                                   ordering stuff, it could now be done with the click of
    of the Land 200 Tranche 2 program — including                                                                        a mouse. BCSS continued to evolve to include more
    the Tactical Communications Network — was                                                                            and more features, such as route planning based on
    addressed. Cost and risk ratings were adjusted to                                                                    the availability of 3D mapping information.
    be more positive in successive tender evaluation                                                                        In the mid-2000s, Defence decided that rather
    reports, but the reasons for these changes were                                                                      than continue to evolve BCSS they would release
    not documented.                                                                                                      an RFT for a Battle Management System. With
    And on it goes – page after page of documenting a                                                                    their pedigree, Saab thought that they were in a
litany of failures by Army and Elbit. If ever a project was                                                              good position – and to make sure that a future
in need of termination, LAND 200 was it. The current                                                                     system had full connectivity with the US teamed with
2A Phase has a budget of $962 million – and that has                                                                     Northrop Grumman. To the surprise of many, they
now been flushed away, along with all of the earlier                                                                     were unsuccessful, having been underbid by Elbit,
expenditure on Tranche 1 which was a similar amount.                                                                     which at the time had no Australian presence, no prior
    None of this stopped Army continuing to declare                                                                      contact with the Australian Army and were believed to
                                                              An Australian Army soldier from the 3rd Combat Engineer
until quite recently that LAND 200 was one of the             Regiment delivers fire control orders during a platoon     have fudged the results of their field trial.
world’s best Battle Management Systems.                       attack on Exercise DINGO FURY at Townsville Field             The Elbit Torch system is extremely effective – in
                                                              Training Area on 09 March 2021. (CoA / Brandon Grey)
                                                                                                                         its home environment of Israel. Israel is a tiny country
WHERE TO NOW?                                                   Some US sharks are starting to sniff around the          with a dense communications infrastructure – the
That is a big question – and nothing looks to be              blood soaked BMS waters but are unlikely to have           complete opposite of Australia. This has been one of
immediately available to fill the void. In the medium         anything available as an interim system that could         the continuing technical problems that has bedevilled
term there are very high hopes that the Australian            match Australia’s needs and budget.                        the program here – achieving the network density
C4 EDGE consortium will be able to develop a                                                                             and quality required for rapidly moving large amounts
sovereign solution, which was first reported by APDR          IT DIDN’T HAVE TO BE LIKE THIS:                            of data with no time delay.
in February: https://venturaapdr.partica.online/apdr/         A QUICK HISTORY LESSON                                        On the other hand, the Saab-Northrop Grumman
apdr-feb-2021/flipbook/30/.                                                                                              solution – BAE Systems and Thales were also
   The report had the headline: C4 EDGE to develop              The very first attempt to digitise the Australian Army   part of the bid - was believed to be too dependent
an Australian Battlegroup and Below Battlefield               came in the mid-1990s through a program called the         on L-Band satellites, of which Australia had none.
Command System Demonstrator. Led by EOS, the                  Australian Tactical Automated Command and Control          Nevertheless, most experts believe that an evolution
team was made up of 18 Australian companies,                  System (Austacs) won by Celsiustech, which is now          of BCSS into a terrestrial, highly effective Australian
listed in the article. That has now grown to 24 local         Saab Australia. Austacs was doomed from the start          system could have been achieved with relative ease
companies – including three separate world class              because of the rapid pace at which communications          – but back then no one in government gave a toss
radio suppliers – and they are all working methodically       technology was evolving – remember the internet            about sovereign capability. The Israeli system looked
to demonstrate their system in November. There is no          was not really a Thing back then – combined with the       dazzling – and it was cheap.
slippage. The event will happen.                              customer’s staunch refusal to update the acquisition          The rest is history.

14 Asia Pacific Defence Reporter JUNE 2021
Missions move fast. L3Harris has more tactical radios, night fighting equipment and networked C4ISR
systems fielded than any other company. Our broad and growing portfolio of future ready solutions
covers every domain from sea to space, day or night. We are committed to helping the Australian
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Join us at Land Forces 2021 – Stand 3G11.


                                                                           MIKE YEO // MELBOURNE

             PROJECT UPDATE
   With so many upcoming programs, its easy to sometimes forget those major decisions that have already been taken, or at least
     flying under the radar. This can be said about the acquisition of the Boxer Combat Reconnaissance Vehicle under Project
                                                         LAND 400 Phase 2.

                                                                                                                         sustainment of the vehicles, with three-quarters of the
                                                                                                                         work expected to go to local companies.

                                                                                                                         The first Boxer for the Australian Army was delivered
                                                                                                                         on the 24th of September 2019 at Gallipoli Barracks
                                                                                                                         in Brisbane. This was what is known as a Block
                                                                                                                         1 vehicle, one of 25 that will be delivered in this
                                                                                                                            These will be 13 MPVs fitted with a Kongsberg
                                                                                                                         Protector Remote Weapon Station (to be replaced
                                                                                                                         by an Electro-Optical Systems RWS in the Block
                                                                                                                         2 vehicles) and the remainder being fitted with the
                                                                                                                         Lance two-man turret with 30mm Mk30-2/ABM
                                                                                                                            The Block 1 MPVs will be used mostly for training,
                                                                                                                         utility and other non-mission specific roles, and all
                                                                                                                         Block 1s have been assigned to the 7th Brigade’s
                                                                                                                         2nd/14th Light Horse Regiment (Queensland
                                                                                                                         Mounted Infantry) at Gallipoli Barracks. The first
                                                                                                                         Block 1 DFHSL CRV arrived in Australia in late
Chief of Army, Lieutenant General Rick Burr (left), is taken for a drive in an 8x8 Boxer Combat Reconnaissance Vehicle   2020 with deliveries of Block 1 vehicles expected
as soldiers from 2nd/14th Light Horse Regiment undertake familiarisation training on the vehicle at the Greenbank
Training Area, Queensland. (CoA / Colin Dadd)                                                                            to be complete in the first half of 2021, with focus
                                                                                                                         then on the manufacture of Block 2 vehicles at

          ince the contract between the Common-               due to costs. The Boxers will be operated by all three     Rheinmetall’s Military Vehicle Centre of Excellence
          wealth and Rheinmetall for 211 vehicles and         Armoured Calvary Regiments within each of the              (MILVEHCOE) at Redbank in Queensland.
          223 mission modules was signed in August            Army’s Combat Brigades, as well as at the School              The delivered vehicles have been used to train
2018, the program has been proceeding though not              of Armour at Puckapunyal and the Army Logistic             future operators on the Boxer, with the first driver
without some hiccups, mostly due to cost pressures.           Training Centre at Bandiana.                               conversion course taking place in the second
   The acquisition cost for the Boxers was put at $5.2           The new vehicles will fill seven different roles on     half of 2020. One MPV also took part in Exercise
billion, and the new CRVs will replace the ASLAVs             the battlefield in part using the swappable mission        Sea Wader 2020 between 24 October and 8
(Australian Light Armoured Vehicle) in the Army’s             modules. These include reconnaissance, command             November 2020, where the vehicle took part in
order of battle, and are more heavily armed, armoured         and control, joint fires, surveillance, ambulance,         training activities with an Amphibious Task Group
and fitted with more advanced sensors compared to             battlefield repair and recovery, and are fitted with       centred on the LHD HMAS Adelaide.
their predecessors, which have been in service for            modern sensors and communications equipment,                  During the exercise the MPV was embarked on
more than two decades. Of the 211 vehicles, 133               their role is to locate, monitor and engage with enemy     the LHD and ferried to shore on LCM-1E and LCM-8
will be the turreted Direct-Fire, High Survivability          forces and provide security to Australian forces.          landing craft. The activity took place at the Cowley
Lift (DFHSL) variant, with the rest being the Multi-             Australian industry content of the project is one of    Beach area of north Queensland, and saw the MPV
Purpose Vehicle (MPV) variant without the turret.             the key drivers of LAND 400, and through the tender        and its three-person crew attempt to bog it in the
   It was originally planned for 180 of the 211 vehicles      process was increased to over 50 per cent. Australian      sand, although the vehicle successfully extricated
to be DFHSL variants, although that was scaled back           industry will contribute significantly towards future      itself without assistance on each occasion.

16 Asia Pacific Defence Reporter JUNE 2021

                                                           Australian Army soldiers and officers from the 2nd/14th Light Horse Regiment (Queensland Mounted Infantry), load
                                                           the new Boxer Combat Reconnaissance Vehicle (CRV) onto the Royal Australian Navy’s Light Landing Craft during
                                                           Exercise Sea Wader 2020 at Cowley Beach Training Area, Far North Queensland. (CoA / Jonathan Goedhart)

TURRET                                                     and although details are scarce we will continue to         named it as its APS of choice, it has nevertheless
Going back to the Rheinmetall Lance turret on the          try to find out more.                                       asked Rheinmetall Defence Australia to fit the system
DFHSL CRVs, it has been reported that the turret              However, not all the DFHSL CRVs will be                  on the Boxer CRV as well as both remaining
fitted to the Boxer CRVs will have a “common base” to      equipped with the Spike LR2, as Defence has opted           contenders for LAND 400 Phase 3.
the Lance 2 turret for the Lynx KF41 Infantry Fighting     to purchase only 40 launchers for the CRVs with the           The Iron Fist is a radar-directed hard-kill APS for
Vehicle being offered for LAND 400 Phase 3.                rest of the turrets being “fitted for” the missile. The     defeating incoming projectiles such the RPG-family
    Commonality between the two includes turret-           Spike LR2 is a fire-and-forget ATGM with a range of         of anti-tank rockets or ATGMs. Its primary sensor
chassis interface, the complete human-machine
interface, all subsystems and the welded structure,
although Rheinmetall declined to put a percentage
                                                            It was originally planned for 180 of the 211 vehicles to be DFHSL
number on the commonality between the two.                        variants, although that was scaled back due to costs.
    Both the Lance and Lance 2 will also be able
to mount the Rafael Spike LR2 Anti-Tank Guided             up to 5.5 km (3.4 miles) with multimode guidance            is a fixed active electronically scanned array radar
Missile (ATGM) and Elbit Iron Fist Active Protection       and twin shaped-charge warheads.                            developed by RADA Electronic Industries and an
System (APS). Defence selected the Spike LR2 in               Guidance modes include lock-on before launch,            optional passive infrared detector developed by
February 2020 for the Army’s Long Range Direct             automatic self-guidance, and Lock-on After Launch           Elbit's Elisra division.
Fire Support Weapon capability under Project LAND          (LOAL). This latter is from the missile being                  When a threat is detected, an explosive projectile
159 Lethality Systems.                                     connected by a fibre-optical wire that is spooled out       interceptor is launched towards it from the slaved
    The Boxer CRV is already a relatively heavy vehicle,   between the launch position and the missile. With           projectile launchers. The interceptor explodes
due to the high level of armoured protection required      this, the operator can obtain a target not in their         very near the threat, destroying or deflecting and
by the original LAND 400 Phase 2 specification.            line of sight, switch targets mid flight, or make fine      destabilizing it by detonating its warhead. To minimize
Subsequent requirements to add anti-tank missiles          adjustments to the missile post-launch using a video        the likelihood of collateral damage the interceptor
and active protection systems would further add to         feed from an imaging infrared seeker in the nose of         works using blast effects alone. Fragmentation is
the weight of the vehicle, and APDR understands            the missile.                                                minimised with the use of combustible materials for
there are issues associated with the Lance turret,            As for the Iron Fist, while Defence has not officially   the interceptor’s casing.

                                                                                                                                          Asia Pacific Defence Reporter JUNE 2021 17

                                                                     KYM BERGMANN // CANBERRA

               THROUGH THEIR PACES
 The competition to choose next generation tracked, heavily armoured infantry fighting vehicles under LAND 400 Phase 3 has entered
 its most critical phase. The two bidders – Rheinmetall from Germany with the Lynx and South Korea’s Hanwha offering the Redback
  – have now handed over three vehicles each to the Army. For the past several months the companies have been training uniformed
                 Australian personnel in their operation and support and they will have minimal involvement from now on.

                                                                          Main Battle Tanks, artillery, helicopters   ammunition is fed into the breach in a manner
                                                                          and air support. To perform these           resembling a high speed bottling machine. The
                                                                          missions, they need not only to be well     Mauser has a classic and more violent gas operated
                                                                          protected but also must be fast, agile      system where the force of each exploding cartridge
                                                                          and heavily armed with a combination        blows the breech back and open to accept the next
                                                                          of 30mm automatic cannon and anti-          round. They each can fire a variety of programmable
                                                                          tank guided missiles.                       projectiles, from armour piercing through to air burst
                                                                             From a distance, the Redback and         munitions out to a distance of three kilometres.
                                                                          the Lynx might look similar, but there         Both turrets will carry two Spike anti-tank
                                                                          are a number of major differences           guided missiles mounted externally in specialised
                                                                          between them. They were each short          containers. The Redback turret has undertaken
                                                                          listed on the basis that they will          numerous firing tests in Israel; the status of
                                                                          be able to meet Army’s stringent            the Lance is less clear, with the Department of
 (l-r) Hanwha Defence Australia REDBACK Infantry Fighting Vehicle,
Australian Army Armoured Personnel Carrier M1123 AS4, and Rheinmetall     requirements – especially for               Defence refusing to supply specific details about
Defence Australia LYNX KF41 Infantry Fighting Vehicle at Russell Offices, protection. The Redback is lighter at       the integration effort on the Boxer vehicles. What
Canberra. (CoA / Lauren Larking)
                                                                          42 tonnes compared with 45 tonnes           is clear is that Spike is a formidable anti-armour

         he first four vehicles are now in Puckapunyal for the Lynx and has achieved this with a number               weapon that is able to lock on a target and fly
         and will be extensively tested in various harsh of innovations, most noticeably the use of the               automatically to it, while still giving the operator
         environments, from deserts to the tropics. aforementioned rubber tracks. As well as being                    a manual override that allows aiming points to
One more from each supplier will later be blast lighter than traditional metal links, they are around                 be updated until the last second. Combined with
tested to destruction to find out how tough they 50% less noisy and – very importantly for the                        the 30mm cannon and coaxial 7.62mm machine
really are. If everything goes to schedule, this phase infantry sitting in them – generate less vibration,            gun these vehicles are designed to hold their own
will end in October – and after that the paperwork which greatly reduces fatigue on longer missions.                  against anything except for a head on engagement
will go through the Defence committee system with              The Lynx uses a turret also made by Rheinmetall,       with an enemy main battle tank.
a recommendation in 2022 – probably just in time which will be common to those on the 8x8 Boxer                          Both Hanwha and Rheinmetall have put together
for the Federal election campaign.                           cavalry reconnaissance vehicles being supplied           comprehensive Australian industry packages – and
   We wish we had more information to convey to the Army under the earlier Land 400 Phase 2.                          will continue to develop those right up until a winner
about the process but unlike for Phase 2, Defence Known as the Lance, this is currently being modified                is announced. If chosen, the Lynx will be built at
refuses to divulge any information – probably at the to incorporate customer improvements and its main                Rheinmetall’s massive vehicle integration facility
direction of their new Minister. Anecdotally, it is said weapon is a Mauser 30mm cannon. In contrast, the             in Ipswich that is currently producing Boxers. The
that the Redback is making a favourable impression, Redback uses an Israeli turret that will be packed with           Redback will be built in the Geelong area in a new
while there is little feedback about Lynx. Nothing sensors and electronics developed by Australian                    plant that will be opened to produce 155mm Self
should be inferred from that – the Redback uses company EOS – and it will be manufactured here.                       Propelled Howitzers that Hanwha will soon be
somewhat novel rubber tracks and that alone might It will use a Bushmaster 30mm chain gun from US                     contracted to supply.
account for why it has been mentioned a few times. supplier Northrop Grumman, which is one of the                        Whichever is chosen, Army will be receiving
   Worth anywhere between $18 billion and $27 most accurate, lethal and widespread weapons for                        arguably the most advanced and best protected
billion, the project is by far the most expensive in armoured vehicles in the western world.                          infantry fighting vehicles in the world. The Lynx has
Army’s history and will provide up to 450 platforms            The Mauser uses specialised steel cased                already been ordered by Hungary and the South
able to carry between six and eight fully armed ammunition while the Bushmaster consumes                              Korean Army is known to have a strong interest in
soldiers plus a crew of three into high intensity more common aluminium cased rounds. This is                         the Redback. Both Rheinmetall and Hanwha are
combat. They will be an integral part of combined because of the different firing mechanisms involved:                also competing for the biggest order of them all –
arms operations, working in conjunction with M1A1 the Bushmaster is externally powered and the                        next generation armoured vehicles for the US Army.

18 Asia Pacific Defence Reporter JUNE 2021
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