Future Treatments in Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML) - A Guide for Patients

Future Treatments in Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML) - A Guide for Patients
Future Treatments
in Acute Myeloid
Leukaemia (AML)

A Guide for
Future Treatments in Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML) - A Guide for Patients

    The main treatment for acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) is
    chemotherapy, including targeted therapy where cancer
    drugs attack specific components of the leukaemia
    cells. This might be followed by a stem cell transplant.
    Surgery and radiation therapy may be used in special
    circumstances. New therapies are being developed and
    investigated every day. Several of these new drugs for the
    treatment of AML are described in this booklet.

    If you need specific advice or       professional who is specialised
    have any questions about this        in leukaemia, Dr Emmanouil
    treatment, please contact your       Nikolousis. We are also grateful to
    medical team or Clinical Nurse       a leukaemia patient, Julie Quigley,
    Specialist (CNS).                    for her valuable contribution as a
    Booklet compiled by our Patient
    Information Writer, Isabelle Leach
    and peer reviewed by a medical

     If you would like any information on the sources
     used for this booklet, please email
     for a list of references.

                                                                     Version 1
                                                              Printed: 10/2018
2      www.leukaemiacare.org.uk                          Review date: 10/2020
In this booklet
Introduction                                             2
In this booklet                                          3
About Leukaemia Care                                     4
Drug approval and recommendations		                      6
Clofarabine                                              8
Gilteritinib                                            12
Quizartinib                                             18
Venetoclax                                              22
Vyxeos                                                  28
Glossary                                                32
Useful contacts and further support                     35

                           Helpline freephone 08088 010 444   3
About Leukaemia Care

    Leukaemia Care is a national charity dedicated to ensuring
    that people affected by blood cancer have access to the
    right information, advice and support.

    Our services                           found on our website at www.
    Helpline                               and-information/help-and-
    Our helpline is available 9.00am -     resources/information-booklets/
    10.00pm on weekdays and
                                           Support Groups
    9.30am - 12.30pm on Saturdays.
    If you need someone to talk to,        Our nationwide support groups
    call 08088 010 444                     are a chance to meet and talk
                                           to other people who are going
    Nurse service                          through a similar experience.
    We have two trained nurses on          For more information about a
    hand to answer your questions          support group local to your area,
    and offer advice and support,          go to www.leukaemiacare.org.
    whether it be through emailing         uk/support-and-information/
    nurse@leukaemiacare.org.uk,            support-for-you/find-a-support-
    over the phone on 08088 010 444        group/
    or via LiveChat.
                                           Buddy Support
    Patient Information Booklets           We offer one-to-one phone
    We have a number of patient            support with volunteers who have
    information booklets like              had blood cancer themselves
    this available to anyone who           or been affected by it in some
    has been affected by a blood           way. You can speak to someone
    cancer. A full list of titles – both   who knows what you are going
    disease specific and general           through. For more information
    information titles – can be            on how to get a buddy call

4      www.leukaemiacare.org.uk
08088 010 444 or email               service, LiveChat (9am-5pm
support@leukaemiacare.org.uk         weekdays).

Online Forum                         Campaigning and Advocacy
Our online forum,                    Leukaemia Care is involved in
www.healthunlocked.com/              campaigning for patient well-
leukaemia-care, is a place           being, NHS funding and drug
for people to ask questions          and treatment availability. If you
anonymously or to join in the        would like an update on any of
discussion with other people in a    the work we are currently doing or
similar situation.                   want to know how to get involved,
                                     email advocacy@leukaemiacare.
Patient and carer conferences        org.uk
Our nationwide conferences
provide an opportunity to            Patient magazine
ask questions and listen to          Our quarterly magazine
patient speakers and medical         includes inspirational patient
professionals who can provide        and carer stories as well as
valuable information and support.    informative articles by medical
                                     professionals. To subscribe go
Website                              to www.leukaemiacare.org.uk/
You can access up-to-date            communication-preferences/
information on our website,
www.leukaemiacare.org.uk, as
well as speak to one of our care
advisers on our online support

                                    Helpline freephone 08088 010 444      5
Drug approvals and

    Information on when new drugs           https://www.daiichisankyo.
    are approved by the European            com/media_investors/
    Medicines Agency (EMA), the             media_relations/press_
    medicines regulatory authority          releases/detail/006846.
    for Europe, are available on the        html). Preliminary trial results,
    EMA website under the Human             strategies on submission for
    Medicines tab. A European Public        drug approval, and Orphan
    Assessment Report (EPAR) for            Designation on the company’s
    each drug that is approved              drugs are often shared.
    is provided on the website,
    together with its Summary of
                                          2. ClinicalTrial.gov (https://
                                            clinicaltrials.gov) is a website
    Product Characteristics (SPC),
                                            database of approximately
    which details everything that is
                                            276,190 clinical trials studies
    available on the drug.
                                            in over 204 countries. The
    If a drug is not on the website,        phases of the studies and
    then it is being developed and          their estimated completion
    investigated by the sponsor             dates will indicate the stage of
    pharmaceutical company (e.g.            development of the drug. Phase
    Daiichi Sankyo in the case of           1 and 2 trials investigate how
    quizartinib which is not yet            the drug behaves in healthy
    approved in Europe; for more            volunteers and which are
    information, go to the quizartinib      the best doses to use. Phase
    section in this booklet starting on     3 clinical trials investigate
    page 18). To find out more on the       the efficacy and safety of
    stage of development of a drug          the drug in large numbers
    that is not approved, two websites      of patients with the disease.
    are very helpful:                       Positive results in a Phase 3
                                            trial will allow the sponsor
    1. The Sponsor pharmaceutical           pharmaceutical company to
      company website provides
                                            submit for approval to the EMA.
      regular press releases (e.g.

6      www.leukaemiacare.org.uk
The National Institute for Health
and Care Excellence (NICE) issues
recommendation guidelines
based on the best available
evidence of which drugs work and
what their costs are. Decisions on
which topics to develop guidelines
on, and in what order, are based
on suggestions by commissioners
and professional organisations,
and organisations for people
using services, their families
and carers. The final decision is
made in conjunction with NHS
England and the Department
of Health and Public Health.
Published guidelines are available
on the NICE website at https://
published?type=cg. Checks
on whether a guideline needs
updating is usually undertaken
by NICE every two years and
is always undertaken at least
every four years from the date of
guideline publication. A list of the
guidance in the various stages
of development with estimated
completion dates are available
on the NICE website at https://

                                   Helpline freephone 08088 010 444   7

    What is clofarabine?                    treatment with a stem cell
    Clofarabine (developed
    by Genzyme) is a type of              •• Patients with myelodysplastic
    chemotherapy drug known as a            syndrome (MDS) which is a
    DNA synthesis inhibitor, which          group of conditions where the
    stops cancer cells making DNA,          bone marrow does not make
    thereby preventing them from            enough normal blood cells
    growing and multiplying.
                                          The bone marrow of patients with
    Clofarabine is indicated for the      MDS makes blood cells which
    treatment of children and adults      are not fully developed and do
    up to 21 years of age with relapsed   not work normally. The cause
    or refractory acute lymphoblastic     is not known, but exposure to
    leukaemia (ALL), who have             the chemical benzene (present
    received at least two previous        in petrol and cigarette smoke)
    regimens.                             or treatment with radiotherapy
                                          or chemotherapy have been
    Clofarabine was approved for          implicated. Patients with MDS
    the treatment of relapsed or          are commonly aged between 65
    refractory ALL by the Food and        to 70 years, with only 20% being
    Drug Administration (FDA) on 28       younger than 50 years old.
    December 2004 and is marketed
    under the name of Clolar®. It was     Who receives
    approved for the same indication      clofarabine?
    in Europe, Australia and New
    Zealand on 29 May 2006, and is        Clofarabine is approved for
    marketed as Evoltra®.                 the treatment of children and
                                          adolescents (1 to 18 years of age)
    In addition, clofarabine is also      and adults up to 21 years of age
    being investigated as a treatment     with relapsed or refractory acute
    for:                                  lymphoblastic leukaemia when at
                                          least two other types of treatment
    •• Older patients with AML            have failed. There is no experience
      who cannot have high dose

8      www.leukaemiacare.org.uk
of the safety and efficacy of           2. The cycle is then repeated every
clofarabine for children less than        two to six weeks as soon as the
one year of age or adults greater         number of blood cells return to
than 21 years of age.                     normal. Dosage used is based
                                          on the patient’s body surface
Clofarabine should not be given to
                                          area, calculated using the
patients with the following:
                                          actual height and weight before
•• Known hypersensitivity                 the start of each cycle.
  reaction to the constituents
                                        Extra fluids are given through
  of clofarabine (clofarabine,
                                        the drip to prevent the build-up
  sodium chloride and water for
                                        of uric acid which occurs as the
                                        cancer cells are broken down
•• Severe renal and hepatic             by clofarabine. Medications to
  impairment                            prevent nausea and vomiting
                                        will be given if required. Liver
•• Pregnant or breast-feeding           and kidney function will be
  women                                 monitored during the five days of
                                        clofarabine infusion. Clofarabine,
How is clofarabine                      like fludarabine, will require the
administered?                           administration of irradiated
Clofarabine is available as a           blood products for up to one
single-use vial containing 20mg         year after receiving clofarabine
of clofarabine in 20mL of normal        (and this will be indefinite if
saline. It is administered by           the patient undergoes stem cell
intravenous infusion.                   transplantation).

1. For the first cycle, the             What are the side
  recommended paediatric dose           effects of clofarabine?
  of 52mg/m2 is administered as
  an intravenous infusion over          The most common side effects
  two hours every day for five          reported in more than 10% of
  consecutive days.                     patients during clinical trials with
                                        with clofarabine were:

                                     Helpline freephone 08088 010 444        9
Clofarabine (cont.)

     •• Nausea                            company. No expanded access
                                          trials, which enable patients who
     •• Vomiting                          cannot participate in a clinical
     •• Febrile (feverish) neutropenia    trial to gain access to a medical
                                          product not yet approved by the
     •• Headache                          regulatory authority, are available
     •• Rash                              for clofarabine at present.

     •• Diarrhoea                         More details of the criteria that
                                          patients need to have to take part
     •• Itching (pruritus)                in the trials, and locations of the
                                          centres for the clinical trials can
     •• High temperature (pyrexia)        be found at https://clinicaltrials.
     •• Palmar-plantar                    gov
       erythrodysaesthesia syndrome
       (reddening, swelling, numbness     Phase 3 trials of
       and skin peeling on palms of       clofarabine for the
       the hands and soles of the feet)   treatment of patients
     •• Fatigue                           with AML
     •• Anxiety                           NCT00703820

     •• Mucosal membrane                  ••Title of trial: Clofarabine plus
                                            Cytarabine versus Conventional
       inflammation (areas that
                                            Induction Therapy and a
       produce mucus to filter out
                                            Study of Natural Killer Cell
       bacteria swell up)
                                            Transplantation in Newly
     •• Flushing                            Diagnosed Acute Myeloid
     What trials have there
     been for clofarabine?                ••Status of trial: Active, not
     Four Phase 3 clinical trials of
     clofarabine in patients with AML     ••Enrolment/estimated
                                            enrolment: 324 patients
     are ongoing. All these trials are
     sponsored by Genzyme, a Sanofi       ••Study start date: 4 August

10      www.leukaemiacare.org.uk
2008                                   enrolment: 727 patients

••Estimated study completion           ••Study start date: 28 December
  date: June 2020                        2010

NCT00317642                            ••Estimated study completion
••Title of trial: A Study of             date: September 2018
  Clofarabine and Cytarabine for
  Older Patients with Relapsed or
  Refractory Acute Myelogenous         ••Title of trial: Fludarabine-IV
  Leukaemia (AML), (CLASSIC I)           Busulfan ± Clofarabine and
                                         Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem
••Status of trial: Completed,            Cell Transplantation for Acute
  results available                      Myeloid Leukaemia (AML) and
                                         Myelodysplastic Syndrome
•• Enrolment/estimated                   (MDS)
  enrolment: 326 patients
                                       ••Status of trial: Active, not
••Study start date: 1 August             recruiting
••Estimated study completion             enrolment: 250 patients
  date: January 2012
                                       ••Study start date: 2 November
NCT02085408                              2011
••Title of trial: Clofarabine or       ••Estimated study completion
  Daunorubicin Hydrochloride
  and Cytarabine Followed by             date: November 2020
  Decitabine or Observation in
  Treating Older Patients with
  Newly Diagnosed Acute Myeloid

••Status of trial: Active, not


                                    Helpline freephone 08088 010 444      11

 What is gilteritinib?               1. FLT3-ITD is a FLT3 mutation
                                       that includes an internal
 Gilteritinib (manufactured            tandem duplication (ITD) which
 by Astellas) is a cancer drug         is a small doubling up of amino
 which is being investigated for       acids in the membrane of the
 the treatment of patients with        receptor. Amino acids are the
 relapsed or refractory AML.           building block for proteins.
 Tyrosine kinase receptors           2. FLT3-TKD is a point mutation
 are receptors present in the          in a single amino acid in the
 membranes of all of the body’s        tyrosine kinase domain (TKD).
 cells, and they carry information
 to and from complex cell networks   The FLT3-ITD mutations are
 such as the bone marrow,            present in the AML cells of 20%
 amongst others. FMS-like tyrosine   to 30% of newly diagnosed
 kinase 3 (FLT3) is a member of      patients and point mutations in
 the class 3 receptor tyrosine       the tyrosine kinase domain are
 kinase family, and mutations in     present in 7% of patients.
 the FLT3 gene are known to be
                                     In October 2017, the FDA granted
 involved in the development of
                                     gilteritinib Fast Track Designation
 AML. FLT3s mutations are found
                                     for the treatment of adult
 in approximately one third of
                                     patients with FLT3 mutation-
 all patients with AML, and these
                                     positive relapsed or refractory
 mutations are associated with
                                     AML. This Fast Track program
 relapsed and refractory cases of
                                     enables Astellas to accelerate
                                     the development, review, and
 Gilteritinib is known to inhibit    approval of gilteritinib for the
 both FLT3 mutations involved in     treatment of AML.
 AML and it is being developed
                                     In January 2018, gilteritinib was
 for treatment of patients with
                                     granted Orphan Designation
 relapsed or refractory AML who
                                     for the treatment of AML by the
 have these mutations. These two
                                     European Commission. Orphan
 FLT3 mutations are FLT3-ITD and
                                     Designation is given to drugs
                                     that may be of significant benefit

12    www.leukaemiacare.org.uk
to patients with rare conditions      of patients with relapsed or
(affecting less than 5 in 10,000      refractory AML who have these
people). This status makes it         mutations.
easier for a drug to be approved,
and the company developing it         How is gilteritinib
receives scientific advice and        administered?
                                      A dose-finding, first-in-human
On 23 March 2018, a new drug          trial of gilteritinib which
application for marketing             investigated oral daily doses of
approval of gilteritinib in Japan     gilteritinib ranging from 20mg
was submitted by Astellas             to 450mg in 252 patients with
Pharma Inc for the treatment          relapsed or refractory acute
of adult patients with FLT3           myeloid leukaemia showed that
mutation-positive relapsed or         gilteritinib 120mg gave the best
refractory AML. On 29 March 2018,     combination of activity against
Astellas also submitted new           AML (consistent FLT3 inhibition)
drug application for approval of      and a good safety profile. Based
gilteritinib in the same patient      on this data, gilteritinib 120mg
population to the FDA.                once daily is being tested in Phase
                                      3 trials.
Who receives
                                      In the ongoing Phase 3 ADMIRAL
gilteritinib?                         study, which compares gilteritinib
Currently, gilteritinib is being      with salvage chemotherapy
investigated in adults with FLT3      (chemotherapy given to a
mutation-positive relapsed            patient when other options are
or refractory AML. There is no        exhausted) in 371 adult patients
experience of the safety and          with FLT3-positive relapse/
efficacy of gilteritinib for those    refractory AML, gilteritinib 120mg
under 18 years of age.                is administered orally once daily.

Gilteritinib is known to inhibit      What are the side
two of the FLT3 mutations
(FLT3-ITD and FLT3-TKD) and is
                                      effects of gilteritinib?
being developed for treatment         Early experience of the safety of

                                     Helpline freephone 08088 010 444       13
Gilteritinib (cont.)

     gilteritinib comes from a first-      relapse/refractory AML. The study
     in-human trial of 252 patients        which started in October 2015
     with relapsed or refractory acute     has recruited 371 patients and
     myeloid leukaemia. The three          is estimated to be completed by
     most common side effects              November 2020.
     that patients experienced with
                                           Six other Phase 3 clinical trials
     gilteritinib were diarrhoea (37%
                                           of gilteritinib in patients with
     of patients), anaemia (34%)
                                           AML are also ongoing. All these
     and fatigue (33%). Other side
                                           trials are sponsored by Astellas
     effects included abnormal liver
                                           Pharma Global Development,
     enzyme tests, pneumonia, acute
                                           Inc. Two expanded access trials
     renal failure and pyrexia (high
                                           are available alongside the other
     What trials have there                More details of the criteria that
     been for gilteritinib?                patients need to have to take part
     Gilteritinib is currently being       in the trials and locations of the
     investigated in large numbers of      centres for the clinical trials can
     patients (Phase 3 trials) and is      be found at https://clinicaltrials.
     showing consistent inhibition of      gov
     FLT3 mutations in patients with
     relapsed or refractory AML, as well
                                           Phase 3 and expanded
     as being well tolerated by these      access trials of
     patients.                             gilteritinib for the
     The new drug applications             treatment of patients
     submitted in Japan and the            with AML
     US for gilteritinib are based on      NCT02752035
     data from the ongoing Phase 3
     ADMIRAL study (NCT02421939),          ••Title of trial: A Study of ASP2215
     which is comparing gilteritinib         (Gilteritinib) by Itself, ASP2215
     with salvage chemotherapy in            Combined with Azacitidine
     adult patients with FLT3-positive       or Azacitidine by Itself to
                                             Treat Adult Patients who have

14      www.leukaemiacare.org.uk
Recently Been Diagnosed with          ••Estimated study completion
  Acute Myeloid Leukaemia with            date: March 2024
  a FLT3 Gene Mutation and
  who Cannot Receive Standard           NCT02997202
  Chemotherapy                          ••Title of trial: A Trial of the
                                          FMS-like Tyrosine Kinase 3
••Status of trial: Recruiting             (FLT3) Inhibitor Gilteritinib
••Enrolment/estimated                     Administered as Maintenance
  enrolment: 540 patients                 Therapy Following Allogeneic
                                          Transplant for Patients
••Study start date: 1 August              with FLT3/Internal Tandem
  2016                                    Duplication (ITD) Acute Myeloid
                                          Leukaemia (AML)
••Estimated study completion
  date: March 2022                      ••Status of trial: Recruiting
NCT02957262                             ••Enrolment/estimated
••Title of trial: A Study of ASP2215      enrolment: 346 patients
  (Gilteritinib), Administered as
  Maintenance Therapy Following
                                        ••Study start date: 7 June 2017
  Induction/Consolidation               ••Estimated study completion
  Therapy for Subjects with FMS-          date: August 2024
  like Tyrosine Kinase 3 (FLT3/ITD)
  Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML)         NCT03182244
  in First Complete Remission           ••Title of trial: A Study of ASP2215
                                          versus Salvage Chemotherapy
••Status of trial: Recruiting             in Patients with Relapsed
••Enrolment/estimated                     or Refractory Acute Myeloid
  enrolment: 354 patients                 Leukaemia (AML) with FLT3
••Study start date: 10 January
  2017                                  ••Status of trial: Recruiting

                                       Helpline freephone 08088 010 444        15
Gilteritinib (cont.)

     ••Enrolment/estimated                  If you wish to have
       enrolment: 318 patients
                                            further information on
     ••Study start date: 15 January         AML, please view our
       2018                                 collection of patient
                                            information booklets
     ••Estimated study completion           that are available on
       date: June 2020                      our website at www.
     NCT02421939                            leukaemiacare.org.uk
     ••Title of trial: A Study of ASP2215
       versus Salvage Chemotherapy
       in Patients with Relapsed
       or Refractory Acute Myeloid
       Leukaemia (AML) with FMS-like
       Tyrosine Kinase (FLT3) Mutation
       (ADMIRAL trial)

     ••Status of trial: Active, not

       enrolment: 371 patients

     ••Study start date: 20 October

     ••Estimated study completion
       date: February 2020

16      www.leukaemiacare.org.uk
Helpline freephone 08088 010 444   17

     What is quizartinib?                 Who receives
     Quizartinib (developed by Daiichi    quizartinib?
     Sankyo) is a selective FLT3          Quizartinib is an investigational
     receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor   agent that is not currently
     that is being investigated for the   approved for any indication in any
     treatment of adult patients with     country. Safety and efficacy have
     relapsed/refractory AML.             not been established.
     Quizartinib has shown promising      Patients with a FLT3-ITD mutation
     activity against leukaemia in        AML have a lower overall survival
     relapsed and refractory patients     rate and an increased rate of
     in a large Phase 2 study. It is      relapse compared with patients
     currently being investigated in      with AML but without this
     two international Phase 3 trials     mutation. Therefore, Daiichi
     for the treatment of AML with        Sankyo are investigating
     FLT3-ITD mutations for relapsed/     quizartinib for the treatment
     refractory patients (QuANTUM-R       of relapsed/refractory AML in
     trial) and newly-diagnosed           patients with FLT3-ITD mutations
     patients (QuANTUM-First trial).      in their international QuANTUM-R
     Results from the QuANTUM-R trial     Phase 3 trial. These patients will
     will form the basis of worldwide     be the first to receive quizartinib
     regulatory submissions for           once it is approved.
     quizartinib in AML leukaemia.
                                          How is quizartinib
     Quizartinib has been granted         administered?
     Fast Track Designation by the FDA
                                          In Phase 1 and 2 trials, quizartinib
     for the treatment of relapsed/
                                          has been administered as an oral
     refractory AML. It has also been
                                          solution once daily. In a Phase 1
     granted Orphan Drug Designation
                                          dose-finding trial, the maximum
     by the FDA and EMA for the
                                          tolerated dose of quizartinib
     treatment of AML.
                                          was determined as 60mg daily.
                                          Increases in the QT interval on the
                                          ECG tracing, which may lead to

18      www.leukaemiacare.org.uk
heart rhythm disturbances, were            carried by the red blood cells)
noticed at the maximum tolerated
dose of 60mg daily.                      •• Thrombocytopenia (decrease
                                           in the levels of platelets, which
To prevent the occurrence of any           are small blood cells that help
heart rhythm disturbances, the             the body form clots to stop
starting dose of quizartinib in the        bleeding)
QuANTUM-R Phase 3 trial will be
30mg daily until the QT interval         •• Increased QT interval on the ECG
                                           tracing (this may lead to heart
on the ECG has been checked, and
                                           rhythm disturbances)
then the doses will be increased
to 60mg daily.                           •• Leukopenia (decrease in
                                           numbers of all white blood cells)
What are the side
effects of quizartinib?                  •• Pneumonia
The most common side effects             What trials have there
reported in patients during
Phase 1 and 2 clinical trials with
                                         been for quizartinib?
quizartinib were:                        Quizartinib has shown promising
                                         results in relapsed/refractory
•• Febrile neutropenia (decrease in      patients in a large Phase 2 study.
  numbers of neutrophils, which          It is currently being studied
  are white blood cells involved in      in two large Phase 3 studies
  fighting disease, together with a      (QuANTUM-R and QuANTUM-First),
  temperature)                           which are detailed below.
•• Neutropenia (decrease in              QuANTUM-R
  numbers of neutrophils which
                                         This trial is due to end in July 2019
  are white blood cells involved in
                                         and the results will be used to
  fighting disease)
                                         support worldwide submissions
•• Anaemia (low level of red blood       for the approval of quizartinib in
  cells and haemoglobin which is         the treatment of AML leukaemia.

                                      Helpline freephone 08088 010 444         19
Quizartinib (cont.)

     The trial compares quizartinib       maintenance therapy.
     with salvage chemotherapy in
                                          More details of the criteria that
     patients with AML who are FLT3-
                                          patients need to have to take part
     ITD positive.
                                          in the trials, and locations of the
     Preliminary results from the         centres for the clinical trials, can
     global QuANTUM-R Phase 3 trial       be found at https://clinicaltrials.
     were released by Daiichi Sankyo in   gov
     May 2018. The QuANTUM-R Phase
     3 trial showed that quizartinib      Phase 3 trials of
     significantly prolonged overall      quizartinib for the
     survival compared with salvage       treatment of patients
     chemotherapy in patients with
     FLT3-ITD mutation-positive
                                          with AML
     relapsed or refractory AML. Safety   NCT02039726
     was consistent with that observed
     in Phase 2 trials of quizartinib.
                                          ••Title of trial: (QuANTUM-R): An
                                            Open-label Study of Quizartinib
     QuANTUM-First                          Monotherapy vs Salvage
                                            Chemotherapy in Acute Myeloid
     This trial is still recruiting         Leukemia (AML) Subjects who
     patients and is due to be              are FLT3-ITD Positive
     completed in November
     2020. Details of recruitment         ••Status of trial: Active, not
     can be found at https://               recruiting
     The trial compares quizartinib         enrolment: 367 patients
     and chemotherapy with placebo
     and chemotherapy in newly            ••Study start date: April 2014
     diagnosed patients with FLT3-        ••Estimated study completion
     ITD mutation-positive AML. The         date: July 2019
     two treatments will be compared
     for effectiveness as induction/
     consolidation therapy and

20      www.leukaemiacare.org.uk
••Title of trial: Quizartinib with
  Standard of Care Chemotherapy
  and as Maintenance Therapy in
  Patients with Newly Diagnosed
  FLT3-ITD (+) Acute Myeloid
  Leukaemia (AML) (QuANTUM-

••Status of trial: Recruiting
  enrolment: 536 patients

••Study start date: September

••Estimated study completion
  date: November 2020

 Leukaemia Care offers nationwide support groups for
 people affected by a diagnosis of a blood or lymphatic
 cancer. Visit www.leukaemiacare.org.uk, or call
 08088 010 444, to find out more and to find a group
 near you.

                                     Helpline freephone 08088 010 444   21

     What is venetoclax?                   The approval is conditional to
                                           the European Medicines Agency
     Venetoclax (marketed as               reviewing any additional data as
     Venclyxto® in Europe and              and when it is available.
     Venclexta® in the US by
     AbbVie/Genentech) is a B-cell         On 8 June 2018, the FDA in the
     lymphoma-2 (BCL2) inhibitor.          US granted regular approval
     BCL2 cells are found in high          to venetoclax for patients with
     numbers among chronic                 chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
     lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL)           (CLL) or small lymphocytic
     cancer cells. Venetoclax attaches     lymphoma (SLL), with or without
     itself to these BCL2 cancer           17p deletion, who have received at
     cells, blocking their actions and     least one prior therapy.
     causing them to die.
                                           Who receives
     On 6 December 2012, venetoclax        venetoclax?
     was designated an Orphan Drug
     because of the low number of          Venetoclax is conditionally
     patients with CLL.                    indicated for the treatment of CLL.

     On 5 December 2016, venetoclax        There is no experience of the
     received conditional approval for     safety and efficacy of venetoclax
     the treatment of CLL for:             for children.

     •• Patients with 17p deletion         Patients with AML
       or TP53 mutations who are           Although there is currently no
       unsuitable for, or have failed      indication for venetoclax in the
       treatment with, a B-cell receptor   treatment of AML, early Phase 1
       pathway inhibitor.                  and 2 trials are investigating the
     •• Patients without 17p deletion or   combination of venetoclax with
       TP53 mutations who have failed      decitabine or azacitidine in the
       treatment with both chemo-          treatment of elderly patients with
       immunotherapy and a B-cell          AML.
       receptor pathway inhibitor.         A Phase 1b trial in 57 elderly

22      www.leukaemiacare.org.uk
patients with AML (median age          combination of drugs achieved
of 75 years), for whom intensive       complete remission or complete
chemotherapy was not an option,        remission with incomplete
reported that 61% of patients          marrow recovery. Based on this
receiving the combination              trial, enrolment has begun in a
of drugs achieved complete             Phase 3 trial to confirm these
remission or complete remission        results in a greater number of
with incomplete marrow recovery.       patients.
Moreover, nine of the patients
went on to receive stem cell           How is venetoclax
transplants while in remission,        administered?
suggesting that venetoclax with
                                       Venetoclax is available in film-
decitabine or azacitidine may be
                                       coated tablets containing either
a step forward to achieving cure.
                                       venetoclax 10mg, 50mg or 100mg.
It is also shown that patients with
                                       The tablets are administered
the IDH2 mutation can have a
                                       orally once daily according to the
better response to venetoclax.
                                       following dosing schedule. They
On their own, decitabine or            should be swallowed whole, with a
azacitidine do not achieve a           meal and water.
cure (less than 30% remission);
                                       The starting dose is venetoclax
however, when combined with
                                       20mg once daily for seven days.
venetoclax, which has a low
                                       The dose is then gradually
toxicity profile, the results are
                                       increased over a period of five
greatly improved. Large Phase 3
                                       weeks up to the recommended
trials are needed to confirm these
                                       daily dose of 400mg as shown on
                                       the next page:
Similar results have been
reported when combining
venetoclax and cytarabine in 71
patients ≥65 years with previously
untreated AML. Results showed
that 62% of patients receiving the

                                      Helpline freephone 08088 010 444      23
Venetoclax (cont.)

      Week             Venetoclax          tomography scan) and blood
                       Daily Dose          chemistry (potassium, uric
                                           acid, phosphorus, calcium
      One              20mg                and creatinine) levels will be
      Two              50mg                performed, and any abnormalities
                                           corrected to decrease risk of
      Three            100mg
                                           tumour lysis syndrome.
      Four             200mg
      Five and         400mg
                                           What are the side
      onwards                              effects of venetoclax?
                                           The most common side effects
     This five-week dose-titration
                                           reported in more than 20% of
     schedule is designed to reduce
                                           patients during clinical trials with
     the size of the tumour gradually
                                           venetoclax for the treatment of
     and decrease the risk of tumour
                                           CLL include:
     lysis syndrome, which is when
     tumour cells release their            •• Diarrhoea
     contents into the bloodstream
     leading to metabolic disturbances     •• Nausea
     which can progress to clinical        •• Vomiting
     toxic effects, including kidney
     (renal) problems, heart rate          •• Constipation
     disturbances, seizures, and death
     due to multi-organ failure.
                                           •• Fatigue
     The risk of tumour lysis syndrome
                                           •• Anaemia (low level of red cells
                                             and haemoglobin which red
     is greater with a rapid decrease of
                                             cells carry)
     a large tumour, and if the patient
     has poor renal function or any        •• Neutropenia (decrease in
     other serious diseases. Before          numbers of neutrophils which
     treatment with venetoclax is            are white blood cells involved in
     started by an experienced cancer        fighting disease)
     physician, assessment of the
     tumour (X-ray and computed            •• Thrombocytopenia (decrease

24      www.leukaemiacare.org.uk
in the levels of platelets, which      The study is estimated to be
  are small blood cells that help        completed in August 2020.
  the body form clots to stop
                                         In the second trial
                                         (NCT03069352), venetoclax
•• Upper respiratory tract               combined with low dose
  infections                             cytarabine is being compared
                                         with low dose cytarabine alone
•• Hyperphosphataemia                    in treatment-naïve patients
  (abnormally high levels of
                                         with AML who are ineligible
  phosphate in the blood)
                                         for intensive chemotherapy.
                                         The study is estimated to be
What trials have there                   completed in November 2019.
been for venetoclax?
                                         More details of the criteria that
Venetoclax is currently being
                                         patients need to have to take part
investigated in two large Phase
                                         in the trials, and locations of the
3 trials for the treatment of
                                         centres for the clinical trials, can
patients with AML who are
                                         be found at https://clinicaltrials.
ineligible for standard induction,
and in patients with AML who
are ineligible for intensive
                                         Phase 3 and expanded
chemotherapy. Both trials are
sponsored by AbbVie. An expanded         access trials of
access trial (NCT03123029) is            venetoclax for the
available alongside these trials.        treatment of patients
In the first trial (NCT02993523),        with AML
venetoclax combined with                 NCT02993523
azacitidine is being compared
with azacitidine alone in                ••Title of trial: A Study of
                                           Venetoclax in Combination with
treatment-naïve patients with
                                           Azacitidine versus Azacitidine
AML (those who have never had
                                           in Treatment Naïve Subjects
treatment) who cannot have
                                           with Acute Myeloid Leukaemia
standard induction therapy.

                                      Helpline freephone 08088 010 444      25
Venetoclax (cont.)

       who are Ineligible for Standard    ••Status of trial: Expanded
       Induction Therapy                   access available

     ••Status of trial: Recruiting        ••Enrolment/estimated
                                           enrolment: N/A
       enrolment: 400 patients            ••Study start date: N/A
     ••Study start date: 3 April 2017     ••Estimated study completion
                                           date: N/A
     ••Estimated study completion
       date: 5 August 2020

     ••Title of trial: A Study of
       Venetoclax in Combination with
       Low Dose Cytarabine versus
       Low Dose Cytarabine Alone
       in Treatment Naïve Patients
       with Acute Myeloid Leukaemia
       who are Ineligible for Intensive

     ••Status of trial: Recruiting
       enrolment: 175 patients

     ••Study start date: 23 May 2017
     ••Estimated study completion
       date: 25 November 2019

     ••Title of trial: Expanded Access
       to Venetoclax

26      www.leukaemiacare.org.uk
Helpline freephone 08088 010 444   27

     What is Vyxeos?                      granted Vyxeos approval for the
                                          treatment of adults with newly
     Vyxeos® is the registered name       diagnosed t-AML or AML-MRC.
     for the combination of two           This is the first FDA-approved
     cancer drugs (daunorubicin           treatment specifically for these
     and cytarabine) which has been       conditions. The approval was
     formulated for intravenous           based on preliminary data from
     injection. Daunorubicin and          Study CLTR0310301 which is
     cytarabine are already licensed      being conducted in 309 patients
     for the treatment of patients with   (aged 60-75 years) with newly-
     AML, and both act by damaging        diagnosed t-AML or AML-MRC.
     the DNA of cancer cells in the
     blood stream and bone marrow.        Who receives Vyxeos?
     Vyxeos is being investigated by      Vyxeos is approved for the
     Jazz Pharmaceuticals for the         treatment of adults with newly
     treatment of adult patients with     diagnosed t-AML or AML-MRC.
     two types of newly diagnosed AML:    There is no experience of the
                                          safety and efficacy of Vyxeos for
     1. Therapy-related AML (t-AML)       those below 18 years of age.
       – This is a recognised illness
       which occurs as a complication     Vyxeos should not be given to
       of a patient having had            patients with the following:
       cytotoxic and/or radiation
                                          •• Known hypersensitivity reaction
                                            to daunorubicin and cytarabine
     2. AML with myelodysplasia
       related changes (AML-
                                          •• Impaired cardiovascular
       MRC) – Patients who have
       previously had other types         •• Severe renal and hepatic
       of blood disorders have AML          impairment
       with myelodysplasia related
       changes.                           •• Very low blood cell counts which
                                            may lead to haemorrhage
     On 3 August 2017, the FDA

28      www.leukaemiacare.org.uk
•• Pregnant or breast-feeding                of body surface area of the
  women                                      patient) and cytarabine 100mg/
                                             m2 in a liposome by intravenous
How is Vyxeos                                infusion over 90 minutes on
administered?                                days one, three and five of the
Vyxeos is administered in a
liposome, which is a small ball-           •• If required, the same dose can
like structure made from a thin              be given on days one and three
cell membrane that combines                  of a second induction cycle.
the doses of daunorubicin and
cytarabine and is formulated for           For the first induction cycle of
intravenous infusion.                      the treatment, administration of
                                           Vyxeos by intravenous infusion
The aim of administering Vyxeos            commonly requires a stay in a
is to achieve remission when all           hospital of three to five weeks,
the leukaemia cells in the blood           depending upon whether
or bone marrow are removed and             remission can be achieved
the normal bone marrow develops            and how well side effects can
again.                                     be tolerated. Patients typically
                                           receive the entire treatment cycle
To bring about or induce
                                           during their stay in hospital. In
remission, patients receive
                                           some cases, the intravenous
an induction cycle of Vyxeos.
                                           infusions which are on days one,
Occasionally, the first induction
                                           three and five of the cycle can be
chemotherapy does not destroy
                                           administered in an outpatient
all the leukaemia cells and a
                                           infusion centre allowing the
second induction cycle may be
                                           patient to go home afterwards.
                                           However, the patient must be
•• For the first induction cycle, the      admitted to the hospital after the
  recommended dose of Vyxeos               completion of all the infusions for
  is combined daunorubicin                 the remainder of the induction
  44mg/m2 (mg of drug per meter            cycle as they will have very low

                                        Helpline freephone 08088 010 444       29
Vyxeos (cont.)

     blood cell counts that require         consolidation therapy cycle.
     special monitoring.
                                          Consolidation therapy can be
     Your consultant will often perform   given in an outpatient infusion
     a bone marrow biopsy 14 to 21        centre, allowing the patients to
     days after starting your treatment   return home when therapy is
     and, according to the results of     finished.
     the biopsy, you can proceed to
                                          In total, the duration of therapy
     consolidation chemotherapy for
                                          may last between four to six
     the next cycle of treatment.
                                          months, depending upon how
     Once patients are in remission,      you respond to the treatment,
     they receive consolidation           how well you tolerate it, the
     chemotherapy with the aim            number of consolidation
     of eliminating any leukaemia         chemotherapy cycles required,
     cells that are still present after   and the availability of a stem cell
     induction chemotherapy, as           transplant.
     this will help reduce the risk
     of the leukaemia returning.          What are the side
     Consolidation chemotherapy is        effects of Vyxeos?
     given between five to eight weeks
                                          The most common side effects
     after the last induction cycle
                                          which occurred in more than 25%
     and once blood cell counts have
                                          of patients during clinical trials
     reverted to normal.
                                          with Vyxeos were:
     •• The recommended dose for          •• Haemorrhage events
      each consolidation cycle is
      combined daunorubicin 29mg/         •• Febrile (feverish) neutropenia
      m2 and cytarabine 65mg/m2
      in a liposome via intravenous       •• Rash
      infusion over 90 minutes on         •• Oedema (build-up of fluid in the
      days one and three.                   body)
     •• A second consolidation therapy    •• Nausea
      cycle may be required as
      the same dose as the first          •• Mucositis

30      www.leukaemiacare.org.uk
•• Diarrhoea                            The Phase 3 trial (NCT01696084)
                                        which provided the preliminary
•• Constipation                         data that led to the approval of
•• Musculoskeletal pain                 Vyxeos for the treatment of adult
                                        patients with newly diagnosed
•• Fatigue                              t-AML or AML-MRC, is still ongoing.
•• Abdominal pain                       The study started in November
                                        2012 and is due to be completed
•• Dyspnoea (difficult or laboured      by November 2019. FDA approval
  breathing)                            was achieved on the strength of
                                        data on overall survival, which
•• Headache                             was 9.56 months for patients who
•• Cough                                received Vyxeos and 5.95 months
                                        for patients daunorubicin and
•• Decreased appetite                   cytarabine in separate infusions.
•• Arrhythmia (abnormal heart           A Phase 4 trial (NCT03526926)
  rhythms)                              titled ‘A Post-Marketing
•• Pneumonia                            Observational Study of VYXEOS™
                                        to Assess the Incidence of
•• Bacteraemia (infection of the        Infusion-Related Reactions in
  blood)                                Adult Patients’ is due to start
                                        soon. Jazz Pharmaceuticals plan
•• Chills                               to recruit 50 patients, and they
•• Sleep disorders                      estimate that the trial will be
                                        completed by January 2019.
•• Vomiting
                                        More details of the criteria that
What trials have there                  patients need to have to take part
been for Vyxeos?                        in the trials and locations of the
                                        centres for the clinical trials can
There are currently no ongoing, or
                                        be found at https://clinicaltrials.
planned Phase 3 trials of Vyxeos
for the treatment of patients with
a diagnosis of AML.

                                     Helpline freephone 08088 010 444      31

 Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML)        of a trial.
 Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) is     ClinicalTrials.gov
 a type of blood cancer that starts
                                      ClinicalTrials.gov is a database
 from young white blood cells
                                      of trials and includes details of
 called granulocytes or monocytes
                                      276,190 research studies in all 50
 in the bone marrow.
                                      states and in 204 countries.
 Amino acids
                                      Cytotoxic drugs
 Organic molecules which are
                                      Drugs that are toxic to cancer
 the building blocks for making
                                      cells and prevent their growth and
 Blast cells
                                      Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)
 Immature cells found in the
                                      A molecule that carries the
 bone marrow. They are not fully
                                      genetic instructions used in the
 developed and therefore do not
                                      growth development, functioning
 carry any particular function
                                      and reproduction of all living
 within the body. In normal
 humans, up to 5% of the cells
 found in the bone marrow are         Generic drug
 blast cells.
                                      A pharmaceutical drug that is
 Chemotherapy                         the equivalent to a brand name
                                      product in dosage, strength, route
 A form of cancer treatment that
                                      of administration, quality and
 uses one or more anticancer
                                      performance and intended use.
 drugs as part of a standardised
 chemotherapy regime.                 Mutation
 Clinical trial                       The changing of the structure
                                      of a gene, resulting in a variant
 A medical research study
                                      form which may be transmitted to
 involving patients with the aim of
                                      subsequent generations, caused
 improving treatments and their
                                      by the alteration of single base
 side effects. You will always be
                                      units in DNA, or the deletion,
 informed if your treatment is part

32    www.leukaemiacare.org.uk
insertion, or rearrangement              different dosages and by using
of larger sections of genes or           the drug in combination with
chromosomes.                             other drugs.

Myelodysplasia                           Phase 4 trial
Myelodysplastic syndrome is a            Phase 4 trials are conducted once
group of conditions where the            a drug has been granted a license
bone marrow does not make                to find out more about a drug’s
enough normal blood cells. The           side effects, its long-term risks
blood cells made are not fully           and benefits, or how well it works
developed and not able to work           when it’s used more widely.
normally. These blood cells
include red blood cells which            Platelets
supply oxygen to the body’s              A disc-shaped element in the
tissues, white blood cells which         blood that assists in blood
fight infection and platelets which      clotting. During normal blood
help blood clot.                         clotting, the platelets clump
                                         together (aggregate).
erythrodysaesthesia syndrome             Red Blood Cell
Reddening, swelling, numbness            The blood cell that carries oxygen.
and desquamation (skin                   Red cells contain haemoglobin,
sloughing or peeling) on palms           which permits them to transport
of the hands and soles of the            oxygen (and carbon dioxide).
feet (and, occasionally, on the
knees, elbows, and elsewhere),
chemotherapy-induced.                    The return of a disease or the
                                         signs and symptoms of a disease
Phase 3 trial                            after a period of improvement.
A Phase 3 trial is a large clinical
trial (more than 100 patients)
that collects information on a           A period of time when the illness
drug’s safety and effectiveness          is less severe or is not affecting
using different populations and          someone.

                                      Helpline freephone 08088 010 444        33
Glossary (cont.)

     Refractory disease                    Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor (TKI)
     Refractory describes a disease or     A drug which blocks the action
     condition which does not respond      of a tyrosine kinase (a particular
     to attempted forms of treatment.      type of enzyme in the cell). In CML
     A cancer is said to be refractory     it works mainly by blocking the
     when it does not respond to (or is    activity of the BCR-ABL protein.
     resistant to) cancer treatment.
                                           White blood cell
     Salvage chemotherapy                  One of the cells the body makes
     Chemotherapy given to a patient       to help fight infections. There are
     when other options are exhausted.     several types of white blood cells.
                                           The two most common types are
     Targeted therapy                      the lymphocytes and neutrophils.
     Drugs that specifically interrupt
     the ability of the leukaemia to
     grow in the body. These drugs do
     not simultaneously harm healthy
     tissue the way conventional
     chemotherapy agents do.

     Tell us what you think!
     If you would like to give us some feedback about
     this patient information booklet, please hover
     over the code to the right using your phone or
     tablet’s camera. Click the link as it appears and
     this will take you to a short web form to fill in.

     Suitable for Android, iPhone 7 and above.

34      www.leukaemiacare.org.uk
Useful contacts
and further support

There are a number of helpful          Bloodwise
sources to support you during          Bloodwise is the leading charity
your diagnosis, treatment and          into the research of blood cancers.
beyond, including:                     They offer support to patients,
•• Your haematologist and              their family and friends through
   healthcare team                     patient services.
•• Your family and friends             020 7504 2200
•• Your psychologist (ask your         www.bloodwise.org.uk
   haematologist or CNS for a
                                       Cancer Research UK
                                       Cancer Research UK is a leading
•• Reliable online sources,            charity dedicated to cancer
   such as Leukaemia Care
•• Charitable organisations            0808 800 4040
There are a number of                  www.cancerresearchuk.org
organisations, including
ourselves, who provide expert          Macmillan
advice and information.                Macmillan provides free practical,
                                       medical and financial support for
Leukaemia Care
                                       people facing cancer.
We are a charity dedicated to
                                       0808 808 0000
supporting anyone affected by
the diagnosis of any blood cancer.
We provide emotional support           Maggie’s Centres
through a range of support             Maggie’s offers free practical,
services including a helpline,         emotional and social support
patient and carer conferences,         to people with cancer and their
support group, informative             families and friends.
website, one-to-one buddy
service and high-quality patient       0300 123 1801
information. We also have a nurse      www.maggiescentres.org
on our help line for any medical       Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB)
queries relating to your diagnosis.
                                       Offers advice on benefits and
Helpline: 08088 010 444                financial assistance.
support@leukaemiacare.org.uk           08444 111 444

                                      Helpline freephone 08088 010 444       35
Leukaemia Care is a national charity dedicated
to providing information, advice and support to
anyone affected by a blood cancer.

Around 34,000 new cases of blood cancer are
diagnosed in the UK each year. We are here to
support you, whether you’re a patient, carer or
family member.

Want to talk?
Helpline: 08088 010 444
(free from landlines and all major mobile networks)
Office Line: 01905 755977

Leukaemia Care,
One Birch Court,
Blackpole East,
Registered charity
259483 and SC039207
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