Galileo Search and Rescue - ICAR 2019 Vojtech Fort

Page created by Esther Jenkins
Galileo Search and Rescue - ICAR 2019 Vojtech Fort
Galileo Search and Rescue
ICAR 2019
Vojtech Fort

Zakopane, 12 October
Galileo Search and Rescue - ICAR 2019 Vojtech Fort
Galileo is the European GNSS offering a
wide range of services

•   Freely accessible service for
    positioning, timing and navigation message authentication (OS-
                                                                             Open Service (OS)
    NMA)                                                                        and OS-NMA
•   Encrypted service designed for greater robustness and
    higher availability
                                                                     Public Regulated
                                                                      Service (PRS)
•   Assists locating people in distress and confirms that help is
    on the way

                                                                             Search and Rescue
•   Freely accessible high accuracy positioning service                        Service (SAR)

                                                                      High Accuracy
                                                                      Service (HAS)
Galileo Search and Rescue - ICAR 2019 Vojtech Fort
Galileo is providing Search & Rescue Initial Service
contributing to saving 5 lives per day

            RLS   FLS

Galileo Search and Rescue - ICAR 2019 Vojtech Fort
Galileo Search and Rescue services

      Forward Link Service (2016):
          § Near real-time reception of distress messages
              § To the Rescue Coordination Centre within 10
                 minutes (99%)
          § Augmented coverage
               § The more satellites and MEOLUTs the more coverage
               § Beacons with no GNSS position (non-LP):
                   § 3 satellites with SAR repeater are needed
               § Beacons with GNSS position (LP):
                     § 1 satellite with SAR repeater is needed
          § Precise location of alerts
               § Non-LP beacons: 5 km (95%) in 10 minutes
               § LP beacons: Limitation to 123x123m

      Return Link Service (end of 2019):
          § Acknowledgement receipt message to the distress
            beacon within 15 minutes (99%)
          § It enables the possibility of detecting false alarms
          § Benefits: It reduces stress in people affected
Galileo Search and Rescue - ICAR 2019 Vojtech Fort
SAR Beacon Types

• EPIRB (Maritime): A 406-MHz beacon designed for use aboard a marine
  vessel is called an Emergency Position-Indicating Radio Beacon.
• ELT (Aviation): A beacon designed for use in an aircraft is known as an
  Emergency Locator Transmitter.
• PLB (Personal): A beacon designed to be carried by an individual is known
  as a Personal Locator Beacon.

Note: Sometimes PLBs are carried aboard aircraft or vessels, but you must check with
local authorities about the circumstances under which this is permitted.

Galileo Search and Rescue - ICAR 2019 Vojtech Fort
Galileo PLBs are available

Galileo Search and Rescue - ICAR 2019 Vojtech Fort
Ongoing work on small beacons with Return
      Link and restricted sky visibility

           SAT406M                                                              SINSIN

                                                              Enhanced PLB, EGNSS receiver, and MEOLUT
        An EGNSS application providing an end-to-end         using single burst/single satellite EIB technology
     solution based on the SAR/Galileo service and using
                  Start Date: February 2015                            Start Date: November 2017
                   End Date: January 2018                                End Date: October 2020
                      Budget: 1.4 Mln €                                     Budget: 1.9 Mln €
                  EU Contribution: 1 Mln €                              EU Contribution: 1.3 Mln €

                                                            Enhanced Personal Locator Beacon (PLB),
           RLS wrist-worn PLB prototype                     embedded EGNSS receiver, and MEOLUT

       •    Technology to transmit up to 10                • Innovative technologies to improve the
            Extra bits of information (EIB)                  on-land activated beacons with restricted
       •    MEOLUT new generation capable                    sky visibility
            to track 30 satellites
                                                           • The beacon can be wear in the wrist or in
                                                             a helmet
Galileo Search and Rescue - ICAR 2019 Vojtech Fort
Future Early Warning Service under
                     Early Warning Service to inform people of disasters

1 Galileo EWS could be used to help public        2   This service may be also supported by
  authorities to inform people about large            the information provided by Copernicus
  scale disasters such as floods, forest fires,       which could be sent to the ground
  earthquakes, volcanic eruptions or man-             infrastructure in order to uplink the
  made accidents                                      message to be broadcasted via E1B

                                                  3   Any Galileo ready receiver capable to
                                                      track E1B can access this message. It is
                                                      a matter of a firmware update to use it.

                                                  4   In the case of LBS devices, specific
                                                      software has to be developed

Galileo Search and Rescue - ICAR 2019 Vojtech Fort
The dual-frequency smartphones are reality

• Xiaomi`s world’s first dual-frequency GNSS smartphone Mi8
• Fitted with a Broadcom BCM47755 chip
• launched on May 31 2018
• the world’s first smartphone providing below meter accuracy
  for location-based services
• Raw measurements can help to provide even higher accuracy
• Use L1/E1 and L5/E5 frequencies

Galileo Search and Rescue - ICAR 2019 Vojtech Fort
New Call: EGNSS market uptake 2020
 Type of                                                                                          Indicative
                                                   Topic                                            budget                        Funding rate
 Action                                                                                              (EUR mln)

                     EGNSS applications fostering
       IA                                                                                                10
                     green, safe and smart mobility
                     EGNSS applications fostering                                                                           (except for non-profit
       IA                                                                                                 4
                     digitisation                                                                                            legal entities, where
                     EGNSS applications fostering                                                                               a rate of 100%
       IA            societal resilience and protecting                                                   4
                     the environment
                     EGNSS applications for public
     PCP                                                                                                  3                       90%
                     authorities’ pilot
    Opening: 05 November 2019                                 Overall ind. budget: 21 mln EUR
     Deadline: 05 March 2020

IA: activities aimed at producing plans and arrangements or designs for new, altered or improved products, processes or services
PCP: Pre-Commercial Procurement actions aim to encourage public procurement of research, development and validation of new solutions that can bring
significant quality and efficiency improvements in areas of public interest, whilst opening market opportunities for industry and researchers active in Europe. It
provides EU funding for a group of procurers (‘buyers group’) to undertake together one joint PCP procurement, so that there is one joint call for tender, one
joint evaluation of offers, and a lead procurer3 awarding the R&D service contracts in the name and on behalf of the buyers group.
EGNSS applications fostering societal resilience
and protecting the environment
         Scope: Proposals may address social and professional applications to support
      societal resilience, wellbeing of EU citizens, emergency and disaster management

Social and Professional     •   Professional application should leverage Galileo and EGNOS
     applications               differentiators in order to reduce the price and increase the
                                effectiveness of the solution (Authentication – Search and Rescue –
  Emergency and                 High Accuracy)
     disaster               •   Synergies with Copernicus
                            •   Proposals addressing Galileo SAR service should leverage the Forward
   Search and                   and Return Link Services to improve the users’ safety
                            •   Emergency and disaster management applications should target
                                integration of different sensors and position sources to identify,
  Surveying and                 locate and react in critical situations
                            •   Applications in agriculture should improve the productivity and
    Efficient                   decrease the negative environmental impact
                                Project Indicative funding: 1 to 3 MEur
    Timing &                    Total funding 4 MEur
 Synchronisation                Innovation Action                                             13
H2020 Projects Example

• Enable a high availability and integrity team positioning and tracking system
  based on GNSS, EGNOS and fusion of IMU & RF-ranging, able to work inside
  buildings and rural areas.
• Develop a tracking and alerting application protocols for fire services to improve
  responder safety
• Reduce the impact of fires on health, environment and economy by enabling
  improved fire suppression operations.              *IMU - Inertial Measurement Units; RF - Radio Frequency
What is Pre-Commercial Procurement?
• PCP to steer the development of solutions towards concrete public sector needs, whilst
  comparing/validating alternative solution approaches from various vendors

❖ PCP Actions (maximum 90% funding rate):
  ▪Provide EU co-financing for an actual PCP procurement (one joint PCP procurement
   per PCP action) + for related coordination and networking activities (e.g. to prepare,
   manage and follow-up the PCP procurement)

❖ Examples of applications:
    ▪Helicopter emergency medical services, crisis management; SAR
Linking space to user needs
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