Garnteg Primary School Ysgol Gynradd Garnteg School Development Plan 2018 2019

Page created by Angel Yates
Garnteg Primary School Ysgol Gynradd Garnteg School Development Plan 2018 2019
Garnteg Primary School                               Ysgol Gynradd Garnteg

            School Development Plan
                          2018 – 2019
              Agreed by the Head teacher, staff and Governing body on 20.10.19

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Garnteg Primary School Ysgol Gynradd Garnteg School Development Plan 2018 2019
Garnteg Primary School SDP 2018-9

                                                                                            Inspection Areas 1 and 2
                                                                                   Standards 1.1 Standards and progress overall

                                                                                     1.2 Standards and progress of specific groups

                                                                                            1.3 Standards and progress in skills

                                                                                                           Wellbeing and

                                                                                                      attitudes to learning

                                                                                                           2.1 Wellbeing

                                                                                                    2.2 Attitudes to learning

                                                                                         School Development Priorities 2018/19

                                               STANDARDS 1                                                                                                    WELLBEING 2
       Continue to monitor standards in Welsh.                                                                                To continue to work with pupils and parents to further increase the overall attendance for the
       Emphasis on writing. Ensuring comparable performance with oracy and reading.                                            school.
       To review the standards of intervention-based pupils / vulnerable learners and the impact this is having in the        To FURTHER develop the role of young Ambassadors and play leaders to provide structured
        classroom.                                                                                                              games and exercise for the pupils on the yard.
       Address issues in-line with trends of performance in FSM GIRLS AT THE HIGHER LEVELS.                                   Pupil perception behaviour to be addressed and new classes and whole structures.
       To continue to develop LNF, including digital competency.                                                              To analyse PASS data to reflect upon how Learning Spies has impacted upon those pupils
       To continue to develop curriculum Pioneer, including digital competency and the Numeracy AOLE.                          identified.
                                                                                                                               To EXTEND THE ROLL OF Learning Spies, as appropriate, to newly identified pupils from
                                                                                                                                PASS TO gain accreditation for healthy schools leaf 6/7
                                                                                                                               To complete mindfulness and in CLASSES in ks 2 and the kindness Curriculum FP and Develop
                                                                                                                                the practice of staff and learner mindfulness.
                                                                                                                               Safeguarding Arrangements.
                                                                                                                               Review existing procedures clubs and partnership working to support all learning
                                                                                                                               Develop the learner voice in the new and ACES for Health and Wellbeing.

                                                                                                                                                                                                             Page 2 of 35
School Development Priorities 2019/20
                                           STANDARDS 1                                                                                                    WELLBEING 2

   Continue to monitor standards in Welsh.                                                                              Review sec175 and Safeguarding Arrangements.
   Emphasis on writing. Ensuring comparable performance with oracy and reading.                                         Review existing procedures clubs and partnership working to support all learning.
   To review the standards of intervention-based pupils / vulnerable learners and the impact this is having in the      Develop the learner voice in the new AOLEs including for Health and Wellbeing.
    classroom.                                                                                                           Develop the practice of staff and learner mindfulness.
   Address issues in-line with trends of performance.                                                                   ALN REFORM engagement
   To continue to develop Curriculum Pioneer, including digital competency                                              National Nurture Programme Engagement

                                                                                    School Development Priorities 2020/21
                                           STANDARDS 1                                                                                                    WELLBEING 2

   To continue to monitor the standards of groups of learners and vulnerable groups e.g.                                To explore further developments for pupil voice ensuring all groups of learners have a voice.
    FSM/MAT/Gender/LAC/SEN.                                                                                              Review of PSE and SEAL.
   Emphasis on oracy & Science TAPS project.                                                                            Continue to explore community links / parental engagement.
   Fully implement successful futures and the new curriculum.                                                           Develop well-being learner champions.
   Full AOLE participation from learning teams.embed skill development                                                  Develop the practice of staff and learner mindfulness.
                                                                                                                         ALN REFORM engagement
                                                                                                                         National Nurture Programme Engagement

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Page 3 of 35
Teaching and Learning Experiences 3                                                     CARE, SUPPORT & GUIDANCE 4                                                Leadership and Management 5
                            2018-9                                                                               2018-9                                                                    2018-9

                                                                                          Review of SEP Policy and action plans.                                         To further develop pioneer and leadership planning.
   Rigorously monitor the quality of teaching and learning.                              Review anti-bullying and inclusive procedures.                                 To lead on curriculum change and schools and
   To evaluate the impact of AfL across the whole school.                                School-to-school learning walks involving cluster schools.                      learning organisations
   To review the reporting and recording procedures.                                     On-going programme of maintenance.                                             Develop and embed critical research and staff
   To liaise with Peer Review schools to further enhance learning experiences.           Review Green Peer Review groupings – EAS.                                       development through the ETLF.
   To evaluate pupil skills profiles.                                                    To continue to develop links with neighbouring Primary by further              To familiarise staff and governors with new
   To develop the 4 core principles of the new curriculum in pedagogy.                    developing moderation and bridging yr6/7 transition units including             framework for Wales 4 principles.
   Colleagues to further enhance learning experiences through school to school            team teaching share best practice.                                             Develop SLT skills to continue to work towards
    workings.                                                                             To further engage with creative lead schools to develop MAT learners.           writing the new curriculum in Wales.
   In Foundation Phase exploit areas of learning to develop pupils' skills of            Evaluate the impact of the National Nurture Programme Engagement.              To develop SLT competencies in completing a new
    reading, spelling, handwriting and number formation, e.g. Motor skills areas                                                                                           self- evaluation for leadership of the new framework
    Read Write Inc, Spelling Planet stratgeies.                                                                                                                            for Wales.
   To provide on-going training and support for staff as identified through                                                                                              To support staff through a wide range of training
    performance management reviews and school need with an aim to                                                                                                          courses, in-house and Inset opportunities.
    restructure for extension to school.                                                                                                                                  Audit and evaluate the impact of the School as
   To provide on-going Welsh training and support for teaching and non-                                                                                                   learning organisations.
    teaching staff as required.
   To use own experience and research to develop new techniques with freedom
    to innovate.
   Develop new techniques for problem solving and higher order thinking skills
    such at STEM and authentic learning experiences indoors and out, e.g.
    Woodworking in Foundation Phase.

               Teaching and Learning Experiences 3                                                    Care Support and Guidance 4                                          Leadership and Management 5
                             2020-1                                                                             2020-1                                                                2020-1

   To embed all new principles and Climb to sparkle curriculum                            To explore the use of new technologies eg. Class Dojo, to             Evaluate impact of SEG /PDG and WEG funded
    colleagues to further enhance learning experiences through school to                    liaise with parents.                                                   initiatives and assess the value added to work done to
    school workings including the new curriculum.                                          To further develop ‘new curriculum Teams’ across schools               raise standards.
   To provide on-going Welsh training and support for teaching and non-                    based on the AOLE’s.                                                  Evaluate impact of resources (ICT)
    teaching staff, promoting Welsh language and culture in the whole                      To lead on cluster developments in assessment and                     Management of Garnteg build with LA and finances.
    school community.                                                                       moderation in line with the new curriculum.                           Familiarise GB with new curriculum for Wales.
   Colleagues to further enhance real-life, authentic learning and                        HT to work alongside cluster HT’s to formulate a                      Apply appropriate funding to curriculum changes.
    problem-solving experiences through school to school workings.                          Transition Plan for Abersychan.                                       On-going programmes of work as agreed with Governor
   To provide on-going training and support for staff as identified through               To further reinforce ‘Sparkle Spies’ identified through                Building & Maintenance committee.
    performance management reviews and school need with an aim to                           Climb to Sparkle curriculum, PASS survey, to enhance                  Review of staffing.
    create a culture of open collaboration.                                                 pupil voice.                                                          Review the impact of interventions upon groups of
   n which encourages diversity in thinking and where innovation and                      Review Questionnaire effectiveness – pupils, parents, staff            learners.
    invention are welcome.                                                                  and governors.                                                        To develop SLT competencies in completing a new self-
   use an evidence base to embed innovative and new techniques                            To further engage with creative lead schools to develop MAT            evaluation for leadership of the new framework for Wales.
    expanding teaching repertoire to improve outcomes for learners.                         learners.                                                             To support staff through a wide range of training courses, in-
   To undertake ongoing self-review to evaluate effectiveness of current                  Evaluate the impact of the National Nurture Programme                  house and Inset opportunities.
    practise.                                                                               Engagement.                                                       

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Page 4 of 35
Major Priority
Action Plans
                 Page 5 of 35
Targed 1
Inspection Area 1 Standards
Inspection Area 2 Wellbeing &Attitudes to Learning
Inspection Area 3 Teaching & Learning Experiences
Aspect: 1.1 1.2 1.3 2.2 3.1 3.2 3.3

School Aim: We will ensure that children are provided with a creative and challenging curriculum that is child centred and relevant and ensures that children can
communicate in different settings, in both English and Welsh.
LA Strategies: Raising Standards for FSM Girls more able
National Priorities: Raising Standards in FSM

    1. Improve oracy, spelling and presentation skills for learners to including public speaking and audience awareness in English and Welsh.

                                                                                                                                                                Page 6 of 35
Learner Input LLC team

To Improve our Speaking and listening and presentation skills in Welsh and English:

       Making Welsh fun to learn through games.
       Build up confidence when speaking to a class or in assembly.
       We would like to work on changing voice levels.
       Help on how to be a good listener.

School Ambassadors

As School Ambassadors we will listen to what learners have to say, speak up about things that are important to the learners and tell them about their rights.
We are focussing on 6 rights, some of which include:
1. All children have rights no matter what.

2. Your right to learn and go to school.

3. Your right to be the best you can be.

Learner Evaluation
Towards the end of the Autumn Term, as a LLC team we went around the school asking pupils what they would like to learn and improve in Language, Literacy and
Communication. We made a PowerPoint of the results that included a bar graph about the most and least popular ideas for learning. Our focus was the genres that they
would like to learn more. We presented to the whole school in assembly and explained the targets. We also presented this information at the Torfaen Head Teacher
Conference, to Governors and at our school Peer Review. We also worked with staff on the policy poster for LLC and presented it in assembly for the pupils to see. This
really helped our confidence to grow when speaking to an audience. We had to project our voices loudly and clearly so that everyone could hear us. We’ve developed our
listening skills because we have listened to each other's ideas in a group and to other pupils in classes. Our next step is to go back around the classes and ask the pupils if
they have learnt more based on their targets and take pictures for evidence. (Reported by the LLC team, Sparkle Spies, School Ambassadors and the School Council)

Target Leader: Hayley Lee                                               Team Members: All SLT staff. RAG Group
                                                                                                                                                                      Page 7 of 35
PERSONNEL                                START
     RATIONALE                            ACTION               RESPONSIBLE
                                                                                  SUCCESS                             RESOURCES          MONITORING &                       KEY EVIDENCE
  Include data where appropriate                                                                       COMPLETION
                                                                                 CRITERIA/                                                EVALUATION
To improve spelling                To improve spelling        Monitored by   Literacy coordinator to   Oct 2018      RWI resources -    Data analysis Monitoring     Data collected by End of Autumn
throughout the school.             throughout the school.     Literacy       order resources needed    onwards       £1200              of sessions.                 Term, analysis of spelling planet
                                                              coordinator    for each year group.                                                                    years 2-6
To support staff                                              and RAG        RWI to be used for                                                                       Year         % of pupils
through a wide range                                          team 2018-     pupils in Rec and Year                                                                   group        improving on
of training courses, in-                                      2019           1.                                                         Spelling RWI assessment
house and Inset                                                                                                                         results to be analysed Jan                 termly scores
Opportunities.                                                               Purchased the Read                                         18.                           2             96%
                                                                             Write Inc Spelling                                                                       3             72%
                                                                             planet from years 2-6.                                                                   4             71%
                                                                             Monitor RWI spelling
                                                                                                                                                                      5             76%
                                                                             data and sessions
                                                                                                                                                                      6             75%
Improve the evaluation of          To improve evaluation of   All staff      To improve standards of    Sept 2018-   Oracy evaluation   Book monitoring              New sheets for use in moderation and
oracy. Cluster                     oracy across the school,                  evaluation in oracy        May 2019     sheets             Cluster meetings             agreed by the cluster.
recommendation to                  in-particular upper KS2.                  across the cluster                                         Cluster grant - £2500
include “change of style                                                     ensuring all learners                                                                   Oracy evaluation sheets have started
and vocabulary”.                                                             have opportunities to                                                                   to be used in spring Term in upper
 Ensure learners are                                                         evaluate style and                                                                      KS2.
identifying and giving                                                       vocabulary.
examples of different                                                        To ensure oracy tasks                                                                   Target MAT pupils in writing for
vocabulary choices.                                                          are rich with                                                                           script across Y6 and Y7 (performing
                                                                             opportunities to enable                                                                 arts
                                                                             clear evaluation                                                                        project)
                                                                             To build upon good
                                                                             practice with English
                                                                             commentaries, ensuring
                                                                             evaluation is included
                                                                             using statements from
                                                                             level descriptors.
                                                                             To ensure consistency
                                                                             with evaluation
                                                                             comments using
                                                                             Abersychan cover

                                                                                                                                                                                           Page 8 of 35
To give MAT pupils         To improve the quality of   All staff      Through cluster cross          March 2019 -   MAT Cluster         Lesson observations for    Pupils to begin in the Spring term,
opportunities to work as   creative writing                           phase                school     July 2019     Engagement Grant    writing.                    all year groups to allocate time on
a cluster on a joint       throughout the school, by   Cluster lead   observations, ensure that                     Total = £3,030      Cluster sessions with       the 12 week planner for poetry
project e.g. creative                                  for English    all standards of teaching                                         editorial group.            writing.
                           providing rich learning
schools raising                                        (HL)           and learning is at least                      South Wales Argus   South Wales Argus          All Y6 teachers from cluster schools
aspirations                opportunities across the                   good and better in                            provision           sessions.                  to arrange a date to discuss projects.
                           school.                                    literacy and throughout                                                                      Where necessary, teachers to
                                                                      the cluster, ensuring                                                                        feedback to Literacy Coordinator
                                                                      appropriate expectations                                                                     with regards to writing project.
                                                                      for all learners, including
                                                                      more able and talented                                                                       In March 2019, identify groups of
                                                                      pupils across the cluster.                                                                   Y6 pupils targeted at Level 5 for
                                                                      To identify groups of Y6                                                                     writing to undertake the writing
                                                                      pupils targeted at Level 5                                                                   project. MAT pupils targeted in Y7
                                                                      for writing to undertake                                                                     for writing. (Editorial Group)
                                                                      the      project.    Utilise
                                                                      outside providers to                                                                         Target MAT pupils in writing for
                                                                      extend opportunities and                                                                     script across Y6 (performing arts
                                                                      experiences for MAT                                                                          project)
                                                                      learners. (South Wales
                                                                      Argus)                                                                                       Copy of the magic box to be
                                                                      Raising standards in Y6                                                                      distributed to all cluster schools
                                                                      – identified pupils                                                                          with details of expectations.
                                                                      achieve Level 5 target in
                                                                      Oracy, Reading and                                                                           Y6 pupils targeted at Level 5 for
                                                                      Writing and 115+ in                                                                          writing to work with MAT pupils
                                                                      NRT.                                                                                         targeted in Y7 for writing to begin
                                                                                                                                                                   the editing process. By the end of
                                                                      Collaborate work from                                                                        the day, a range of poetry examples
                                                                      Nursery-Y9 poetry                                                                            to be selected from nursery to Y9.
                                                                      focussing on ‘The magic
                                                                      box’ by Kit Wright.                                                                          Pupils to make contact with South
                                                                                                                                                                    Wales Argus to discuss details
                                                                                                                                                                    regarding the supplement in April

Raise aspirations and      Develop cluster links       Cluster lead   Cluster performance at         Feb 2019-      MAT Cluster         Data analysis Monitoring   Cluster comprehensive
presentation skills for    through project work        Y5& 6          Congress Theatre               July 2019      Engagement Grant    of sessions                representatives to work with
learners to including      (drama) including           teachers       Cwmbran                                       Total = £3,030                                 children in the primary schools to
                           vulnerable pupils, MAT                                                                                                                  plan and prepare the script.
public speaking and
                           and FSM.                                   Target MAT pupils in                          T shirts £100
audience awareness                                                    writing for script across                     Cwmbran £500                                   MAT pupils to write letters to
through the cluster                                                   Y6                                            Buses Cover cost                               University of Exeter to take part in
SEREN                                                                                                               £1000                                          taster day with parents/carers.
                                                                                                                    Vulnerable PGP
                                                                                                                                                                                           Page 9 of 35
primary/secondary project                                                All pupils (vulnerable                PDG - £4500                                    Presentations to head teachers,
second year.                                                             and FSM) to perform                                                                  during assembly and Governors for
                                                                         with chosen topics;                                                                  the LLC completed.
                                                                         social media
                                                                         New beginnings                                                                       Z.A.P. and H.L. attended a Cross
To improve FSM                                                           Say no to bullying                                                                   Cluster Meeting at Maendy Primary
                                                                         Going for goals                                                                      School on 24/01/19 for raising
performance of more able
                                                                                                                                                              aspirations using the SEREN
learners by 4% of cohort                                                                                                                                      approach. EAS to support organising
in oracy LLC/WELSH in                                                                                                                                         for SEREN pupils to become
end of year target                                                                                                                                            involved with pupils in Y5-7. Pupils
attainment in year 5 and 6                                                                                                                                    have researched 6 identified Russell
EAS Local target.                                                                                                                                             group universities for opportunities
                                                                                                                                                              offered to Expressive Arts and have
                                                                                                                                                              chosen to visit Exeter this year.

                                                                                                                                                              All more able Y2 pupils receiving
                                                         Literacy lead                                                                                        FSM are on target to achieving their
To improve FSM                                           Year 2                                                                                               individual targets set for Oracy in
performance of more able                                 teachers                                                                                             both English and Welsh Second
learners by 3 % in Oracy                                                 Improve FSM                                                                          Language at the end of the Autumn
LLC/WELSH in end of                                                      performance of more                                                                  term.
year target attainment in                                                able learners by 3 % in
year 2.Eas Local Target.                                                 Oracy LLC/WELSH in
                                                                         end of year target
                                                                         attainment in year 2.

Continue to improve more      Train support staff with   Literacy lead   Improved National test    Sept 2018   Cost PDG £ 14,627   Data analysis Monitoring   Year 5 and 6 are taking part in free
able provision in Y5 and      groups and whole classes   (HL) and        results of pupils         onwards                         of sessions                reading sessions and novel reading.
Y6 for reading. Improved      to ensure a consistent     SLT             attaining over 116
                                                                         Standardised scores in                                                               PR organised the bug club to extend
National test results of      approach to the teaching
                                                                         Y5 and Y6 by the end of                                                              more able readers with access to
pupils attaining over 116     of reading and writing                     the year by 6% from                                                                  books up to level 6.
by 6% from previous           using modelled, shared                     previous attainment.
attainment.                   and guided reading and                                                                                                          Bug club training during Spring
                              writing processes.                                                                                                              term
Continue to improve
provision for FSM in Y5                                                                                                                                        Autumn indicative results
and Y6 for reading.                                                                                                                                           demonstrate:

Improved National test
results of pupils attaining

                                                                                                                                                                                   Page 10 of 35
over 116 by the end of the                                                                                                                                Year         % MAT achieving
year.                                                                                                                                                     group        116+ in January

                                                                                                                                                          5            3/4 pupils (75%)
                                                                                                                                                                       achieved 116
                                                                                                                                                          6            5/5 (100%)
                                                                                                                                                                       pupils achieved

                                                                                                                                                         Autumn indicative FSM results
                                                                                                                                                          Year     %             %
                                                                                                                                                          group    achieving     achieving
                                                                                                                                                                   85+ in        116+ in
                                                                                                                                                                   January       January

                                                                                                                                                          5        8/11           2/11
                                                                                                                                                                   (73%)         (18%)
                                                                                                                                                          6        12/20          4/20
                                                                                                                                                                   (60%)         (20%)

To improve public            All learning teams to have   Curriculum      LLC and Sparkle Spies       Autumn 18-     £2500   Improvement of public       Presentations during whole school
speaking and presentation    the opportunity to develop   team learning   to provide action points    Summer                 speaking.                   assembly, governors, head teachers
skills through the work of   as healthy confident         Teams and       for each class to develop   2019                                               conference, Peer Review school for
the pupil curriculum team    individuals through          Sparkle Spies   areas of learning by                                                           the LLC completed Dec 2 18.
for LLC and Sparkle          presenting the findings of                   using pupil voice.                                                             Sparkle Spies have presented to
Spies.                       their learning team to all                                                                                                  governors and to Investors in Family
                             stakeholders.                                                                                                               assessor.

Continue to develop          To improve the use of        Welsh Co-       Evidence of all             Start                  Evidence of                 Evidence of Welsh in lesson
Welsh oracy skills           everyday Welsh in and out    ordinator       pupils/staff using Welsh    September 18           improvement in Welsh        observations and incidental Welsh
throughout the school        of the classroom.            (AP)            outside of the classroom.                          Oracy levels in each year   being used around the school.
both in and out of the       Provide pupils and staff                                                 Completion             group                       Continue to monitor use of Welsh
classroom.                   the opportunities to use     Criw                                        July 2019                                          throughout the school – Criw
                             Welsh in different           Cymraeg                                                                                        Cymraeg
                             contexts – tuck shop, in                                                                                                    RAG DATA – Autumn Term:
                             assemblies, playing games
                             on the yard.                                                                                                                Y6 Oracy – 98% on target (One pupil
                                                                                                                                                         below target)
                                                                                                                                                                              Page 11 of 35
Train Criw Cymraeg in                                                                                   Evidence of Welsh         Y5 Oracy – 100% on target
                           using Welsh games on                                                                                    work in all class books   Y4 Oracy – 96% on target (2 pupils
                           yard and in the classroom.                                                                                                        below target)
                                                                                                                                                             Y3 Oracy – 98% on target (1 pupil
                                                                                                                                                              below target
                                                                      Welsh is being used in    Spring term -                                                School held Eisteddfod in March
To use Welsh in other                                                 other areas of the        ongoing                                                       2019 – Welsh singing, Recitals,
areas of the curriculum.   Look at new Welsh            Welsh         curriculum.                                                                             Country Dancing.
                           Packs –                      coordinator
                                                                                                                sheets from
                           questions/phrases to use                                                                                                          Pupils to take part in Pontypool
                                                        All staff     Cross-curricular                          appendix in new                               Eisteddfod at end of March 2019
                           in other areas of the                                                                packs.
                           curriculum.                                placemats are being
                                                                      used throughout the                                                                    Training for pupils in using Welsh
                           Provide learning                                                                                                                   games in the class and on the
                           opportunities to use                       school.                                                                                 playground to take place in the
                           Welsh in other subjects                                                                                                            Spring Term 2019
                           Evidence of how Welsh
                           will be used across the
                           curriculum in medium
                           tern planners.

To work towards the        Coordinator to attend        Welsh         Portfolio of evidence        Start        Campus Cymraeg     Portfolio of evidence     Criw Cymraeg completed
Campus Cymraeg             meetings in Welsh            Coordinator   is created at end of        October       pack               for each target           questionnaire in KS2.
Silver Award.              Coordinator Group.           (AP)          year.                        2018
                                                                                                                Targets Sheets                               Criw identified targets and displayed
                           Staff Meeting to action      All staff     (1st year in a two-year   Completion                                                   target on Criw Cymraeg board.
                           and review Campus                          process)                  June 2020       Welsh Portfolio
                                                        Criw                                                                                                 Assemblies taking place every week
                           Cymraeg targets –            Cymraeg                                                                                              regarding Welsh culture.
                           Where are we? What do                      School has a whole
                           we need to do?                             school Welsh ethos.                                                                    All classrooms have bilingual signs.

                           Meeting with Criw                          School holds an                                                                        LLC team members to complete
                           Cymraeg to identify                        assembly each week                                                                     phrase of the week – Dec 18 -
                           first group of targets to                  that celebrates Wales                                                                  started in Spring Term.
                           work on.                                   and Welsh culture.
                                                                                                                                                             School is confirmed to take place in
                                                                      All classrooms to                                                                      Pontypool Schools Eisteddfod – 20th
                           Staff to provide
                                                                                                                                                             (FP)and 21st March (KS2)
                           evidence for each target                   evidence bilingual
                           for portfolio.                             signs in classroom                                                                     School Eisteddfod took place on the
                                                                                                                                                             5th March 2019.

                                                                                                                                                                                  Page 12 of 35
areas e.g. cornell                                                                      School held Dydd Music Cymraeg
                                                                             darllen.                                                                                Day on Friday 8th February.

                                                                             Participate in
                                                                             Pontypool Eisteddfod
                                                                             and showcase to
                                                                             parents for an evening

To continue to develop            Provide training            Welsh          Evidence in books of       Start                              Evidence of reading       Evidence of reading activities in
Welsh reading skills              opportunities for new       Coordinator    Welsh reading            September      Guided Reading        activities in books in    books.
across the school.                staff in guided reading.    (AP)           activities.                2018         prompts               all classes during book
                                  Provide all staff with                                                                                   monitoring sessions.      Corner Darllen evident in all
                                  questions to use in                        All pupils provided                     Guided reading                                  classes.
                                  guided reading sessions.                   with opportunity to                     questions
                                  Coordinator to provide      teachers       read welsh books in      Completion                                                     All Reading resources to be
                                  new reading materials                      the classroom.            July 2019     Welsh reading                                   given out to all classes –
                                  for use in classroom.                                                              materials                                       completed Dec 18

Additional Areas for Development / Sustained Actions: Monitor standards in Attendance
                                                      Raising standards of More Able Girls with Reasoning skills and Maths and ICT
                                                      Number formation in Foundation Phase
                                                                PERSONNEL                               START
    RATIONALE                             ACTION               RESPONSIBLE
                                                                                  SUCCESS                              RESOURCES            MONITORING &                    KEY EVIDENCE
 Include data where appropriate                                                                       COMPLETION
                                                                                 CRITERIA/                                                   EVALUATION
To improve Attendance             Specifically targeting       HT and SLT    Improve Attendance by    Sept 18-July   Meetings with         Attendance meetings and   Analysis spring term
outcome target from the           performance and                            0.6%                     19             parents and School    reviews.                  Core data family of schools
second quartile 2017-8,           wellbeing of boys at FP                    From 2017-8                             Support Officer and   Termly analysis           information sets Garnteg in Quartile
to the first quartile             outcome 5.                                                                         SLT.                                            Position 1 for 2017-8 with 94.4%
performance in 2018-9.                                                                                                                                               attendance TARGET ACHIEVED
To improve Attendance             Specifically targeting
outcome target from the           performance and                                                                                                                    04.03.19 overall attendance 94.9%
second quartile 2017-8,           wellbeing of girls at KS2                                                                                                          target 94.8%.
to the first quartile             level 5.
performance in 2018-9.
EAS Local target.

                                                                                                                                                                                          Page 13 of 35
Investigations /problem      Provide whole staff training   CJ           • Clear differentiation of   Sept 18-July   £200 - resources   CJ to monitor standards     Investigation /problem solving
solving.                     on using and applying/         Class        activities which extend      19                                during class observations   books have been ordered and
• Staff to include open      reasoning activities to        teachers     the MAT pupils.                                                and book monitoring.        distributed to Y1-Y6 classes for
ended investigations into    increase the percentage of                                                                                 Analysis of results.        examples of activities to incorporate
weekly planning.             pupils achieving 116+ in                    • 100% Staff to include                                                                    in planning and books.
Reasoning Results 2018       the Y2-Y9 National Tests.                   rich open-ended
SS116+:                      This will include staff                     investigations into                                                                        Maths staff meeting delivered in Oct
            Boys    Girls    meetings and Numeracy co-                   weekly planning.                                                                           18 to teaching staff regarding
  Y5        13%     7%       ordinator working with staff                                                                                                           resources, pedagogy, TAPAS and
  Y4        33%     0%       to embed the RUCSAC                         •Effective use of yellow                                                                   new curriculum.
  Y3        28%     0%       approach in classrooms.                     maths investigation                                                                        The following Teacher Assessment
  Y2        44%     26%                                                  books.                                                                                     results for Autumn 18.
                             Staff to build a bank of
                             resources to include a wide                 •To Increase percentage                                                                              Above     On       Below
                             variety of investigations.                  of current Y3 and Y4                                                                        Y2       0%        100%     0%
                                                                         girls achieving SS116+                                                                      Y3       60%       40%       0%
                             Deliver training on new                     by at least 15% in                                                                          Y4       16%       84%      0%
                             curriculum: pedagogy,                       Reasoning Tests 2019.                                                                       Y5       7%        93%      0%
                             resources, components of.                                                                                                               Y6       57%       43%      0%

                                                                                                                                                                    During Spring term class
                                                                                                                                                                    observations will focus on authentic
                                                                                                                                                                    investigations and use of RUCSAC.

Improve ICT keyboard         More Able girls to practise    CJ           To embed the use of My       Sept 18-July   £350 My Maths      CJ and curriculum team      100% pupils have My Maths
skills   in     particular   ICT key board skills and                    Maths as an on line          19             renewal licence    to ensure groups            accounts. Classes are using this
focusing on girls to fully   regular access to My Maths     Maths        Maths ICT tool to                                              identified regularly use    during maths lessons and to set
                             ICT program.                   Curriculum   support homework and                                           My Maths Homework           homework. Spring term will need to
access STEM projects and
                                                            Team         activities during lessons.                                     program on line.            ensure this is consistently used
online         procedural                                                                                                                                           across all year groups.
assessments.                                                Class        To raise confidence and                                        To use National Tests as
                                                            teachers     attainment of MA girls                                         a diagnostic tool to        More Able My Maths homework
                             More Able homework                          using     ICT    online                                        improve results in          club to start in January 19.
                             group to start for My                       assessment procedures.                                         Numeracy.
                             Maths.                                                                                                                                 100% of Y2-Y6 pupils completed on
                                                                         To reduce gender gap                                                                       line GL maths tests in Autumn term
                             Pupils to complete GL                       particularly in Y4 and                                                                     and will repeat same test in Sum 19.
                             assessment for maths on                     Y5 cohort (2018-19) to
                             line in Aut 18. Staff to                    within 10%.
                             monitor how MA girls use

                                                                                                                                                                                          Page 14 of 35
To review all online
                             assessment procedures in
                             line with the new
                             curriculum in Wales.

                             To use online National
                             testing from Year 2 to Year
                             6 in line with the new
                             curriculum for Wales (To
                             be rolled out from 2019
                             National Numeracy on line
                             Personalised Assessments
                             to be completed half term
                             commencing 27/04/19.
Improve letter and number    Pupils to practise correct    SLT           Staff to model correct      Sept 18 -July   Range of media in   Correct formation of   Evidence of correction and practice
formation in Foundation      letter and number formation                 formation.                                  classroom           letters and numbers    across all AoLEs , pupil books and
Phase               (Estyn   in continuous and enhanced    Foundation                                                                    across FP and AoLEs.   portfolios.
                             provision using a range of    Phase Staff   Correct misconceptions
                             media.                                      if needed e.g. letter and                                                              Continuous motor skills provision
                                                                         number reversals.                                                                      set up in each FP class for pupils to
                                                                                                                                                                practise letter and number formation
                                                                                                                                                                in a range of ways. Continue to
                                                                                                                                                                embed through Spring and Summer

                                                                                                                                                                                     Page 15 of 35
Targed 2
Inspection Area 1 Standards
Inspection Area 2 Wellbeing &Attitudes to Learning
Inspection Area 3 Teaching & Learning Experiences

 Aspect: 1.1 1.3 2.2 3.1 3.2 3.3
School Aim: We will ensure that children and staff are provided with the skills to take responsibility for their own lives, ready to lead fulfilling and healthy lives as valued
members of society, building mental and emotional wellbeing by developing confidence, resilience and empathy.
LA Strategies:
National Priorities: To improve Health & wellbeing for children and young adults

1. To Improve wellbeing of pupils.
2. To improve wellbeing of pupils and staff through ACE awareness and trauma training and Mindfulness.

Learner Input: Sparkle Spies, Ambassadors, LLC
To have happy, healthy, confident children:
    Increasing the amount of PE and physical activities, including the daily mile.
    Increase Mindfulness in different classes during the day.
    Learners in classes decides the climb and sparkle curriculum.
    Eat and drink healthily and encourage others in the school.

School Ambassadors
1. All children have rights no matter what.
2. You have the right to life and to grow up to be healthy.
3. You have the right to meet up with friends and to join clubs and groups.
4. You should not be harmed and should be looked after and kept safe.
5. Your right to learn and go to school.
6. Your right to be the best you can be.

                                                                                                                                                               Page 16 of 35
Learner Evaluation

In assembly we spoke about the daily mile and we have encouraged classes to do it daily. After lunch we do mindfulness in some classes to focus and meditate,
this helps us concentrate on our lessons for the afternoon. In classes we write down our ideas for the topics each term to decide the climb and sparkle for
lessons, we then create our lessons using them. As School Ambassadors we have worked with the School Council to encourage the pupils in FP and KS2
classes to eat a piece of fruit or vegetable every day at tuck time. In Spring term, we designed charts for each class to record how many pupils brought pieces of
fruit or vegetables each day. Before half term we collected the charts, we added the ticks and calculated the percentages. We then went around the classes and
told them their percentages, so they knew what they were to improve upon. Next, we had a meeting with Mrs Roche and told her about the results of the charts
from tuck time and we asked if we could have a healthy day for the winning classes. (Reported by the LLC and Health and Wellbeing team, Sparkle Spies,
School Ambassadors and the School Council)

 Target Leader: Linda Davies                                                                                      Team Members: SMT LLC All staff
                                                       PERSONNEL RESPONSIBLE                                       START COMPLETION
   RATIONALE                      ACTION                                         SUCCESS CRITERIA/                                         RESOURCES               MONITORING &            KEY EVIDENCE
     Include data where
                                                                                    OUTCOMES                                                                        EVALUATION
High quality              Vulnerable groups lead      LD CB SM HT SLT          Practitioners will become         September 2018-July   £2000                     Staff        Training   The School wellbeing
education provision       to undertake ACE’s                                   trauma trained to                 2020                  VG lead to attend 2       Evaluation, scores &    lead provided ACE
for all staff, learners   training.                                             support ACE learners.                                  days ACE training.        comments;               training for all staff in
and parents.              Vulnerable groups lead                                • Practitioners will develop                                                                             September 2018.
To develop the            to train all school staff                            an understanding of                                                               Class impact            Wellbeing        network
National Mission’s        on ACE awareness.                                    attachment and nurture to                               EP drop in sessions for   comments and            session attended.
wellbeing agenda in                                                            support ACE                                             staff to discuss          questionnaires.         EP drop in sessions
staff training and                                                              learners.                                              concerns/ seek advice.                            took place on Monday
learners mental                                                                 • Practitioners will develop a                                                                           5th and 12th November,
health.                                                                        cluster network of sharing                              Referrals made to         Feedback from drop in   12 members of staff
                                                                               information and professional                            Torfaen Counselling       sessions.               attended the sessions.
                                                                                learning opportunities.                                service.                                          100%       staff    who
                                                                                • Learners will have access                                                                              attended felt that the
                                                                               to a range of support and                                                                                 sessions were helpful
                                                                               resources.                                                                                                and provided them
                                                                                                                                                                                         with new strategies to
                                                                                                                                                                                         12 referrals have been
                                                                                                                                                                                         made      to     Torfaen
                                                                                                                                                                                         Counselling service to
                                                                                                                                                                                         2 referrals have been
                                                                                                                                                                                         made      to     Torfaen
                                                                                                                                                                                         outreach for Play
                                                                                                                                                                                         Therapy for 2 year 2

                                                                                                                                                                                            Page 17 of 35
 To develop             Release for Vulnerable    LD, CB, ZS       Vulnerable Group Leader to       September 2018-July   £24000 PDG              Staff        Training     School achieved the
 Excellence, Equity     group leader to develop                    understand the current           2019                  LD leader to attend     Evaluation, scores &      investors in Families
 and Wellbeing          the coordination and                       national and regional                                  half termly wellbeing   comments.                 award 17th October
 throughout the         pastoral support                            agenda regarding wellbeing.                           network meetings and                              2018.
 school.                throughout the whole                        • Understand how to evaluate                          family and community    Class impact
                        school.                                    and forward plan actions to                            engagement network      comments and
                                                                                                                                                                            School wellbeing
                                                                   embed the wellbeing agenda                             meetings.               questionnaires.           lead took part in
                                                                   into school and the wider                                                                                Families Connect
                                                                   school community.                                                                                        training.
                                                                    • Understand how to use                                                                                 The 8-week
                                                                   pupil voice to drive forward                                                                             programme started
                                                                   the agenda of wellbeing                                                                                  in school on 8th
                                                                   within their setting.                                                                                    February with
                                                                                                                                                                            Reception parents.
Develop emotional        Vulnerable groups        LD, CB, ZS       • Boxhall profile used to give   September 2018-July   Whole school            Class impact              Three members of
wellbeing of all         leader and LSA to        Class teachers   whole classroom overview of      2020                  THRIVE training.        comments and              staff attended National
Primary School           attend National                           social emotional wellbeing of                                                  questionnaires.           Nurturing Programme
pupils through           Nurturing Programme                       pupils.                                                2x teachers and 1 LSA                             training, the training
adopting nurture         training.                                  • Development of pupils and                           to attend National                                was disseminated to
practice.                All staff to be                           family aspirations.                                    Nurturing Programme                               staff in January 2019.
Ensure all new           involved in school                                                                               training.                                         All staff contributed
learners to Garnteg,     nurture Self-            LD                                                                      £600                                              ideas to the whole
existing learners are    evaluation.              School staff                                                                                                              school self -
settled and continue     Action plan written.                                                                             Trauma informed                                   assessment process
to transition well.      Staff to be informed                                                                             school training £200                              and an action plan has
                         and involved in                                                                                  supply cover.                                     been written.
                         updating the action                                                                                                                                All staff received
                         plan and all training                                                                                                                              THRIVE training in
                         and work undertaken                                                                                                                                September 2018.
                         disseminated.                                                                                                                                      A second member of
                                                                                                                                                                            staff is undertaking the
                                                                                                                                                                            THRIVE practitioner
                                                                                                                                                                            The school wellbeing
                                                                                                                                                                            lead attended trauma
                                                  LD                                                September 2018-July                                                     training.
                                                                                                    2020                                          Evaluation of             Pupils from year 2-6
                                                                            ALNCO                                        £500                    presentation and staff    have completed the
                                                                             disseminate                                  cluster meetings and    questionnaires for        PASS survey, new
                                                                             changes in ALN to                            school visits           further training needs.   Sparkle Spies have
                                                                             all staff through                                                    IDP’s used effectively.   been identified.
                                                                                                                                                                               Page 18 of 35
Transformational        ALENCO to attend                                              All staff and                                                                                  Boxhall Profile to be
Curriculum              Meeting with Tracey      LD                                    governors aware of                                                                             undertaken on a group
                        Pead and WAG to                                                new ALN bill and                                                                               of year 4 pupils end of
                        complete a self-                                               changes in ALN.                                                                                Spring Term 2019.
                        evaluation of current                                         Successful use of
                        ALN provision, an                                              IDP’s in all classes
                        action plan to be                                                                                                                                             ALENCO attended
                        written to ensure that                                                                                                                                        cluster meeting with
                        we are ‘ALN Bill                                                                                                                                              Tracey Pead. Self-
                        Ready’                                                                                                                                                        evaluation completed.
                        Attend meetings and                                                                                                                                           Action Plan to be
                        visit schools for good                                                                                                                                        written.
                        practice with IDP’s.                                                                                                                                          ALENCO to present
                        ALENCO to present                                                                                                                                             ALN reform to staff
                        ALN reforms to all                                                                                                                                            and governors May
                        school staff and                                                                                                                                              2019.
                        governors.                                                                                                                                                    Dates to be arranged
                                                                                                                                                                                      for cluster meetings
                                                                                                                                                                                      and school visits.
New curriculum         Training for two Y5/6     All Staff trained in 8    To develop a whole school          October 18 – July 18   x2 Teachers to attend    Staff        Training   8 Week Frantic World
'Healthy &             teachers to attend a 3    weeks          ‘Frantic   Mindfulness         spiral                                PAWs B training; £650    Evaluation, scores &    Training            with
Confident              day PAWs B training       World’;                   curriculum:                                                                        comments;               Elizabeth      Williams
Individuals' are       and deliver to year                                                                                                                                            began for new staff on
building their         groups.                   HL trained in Paws B.     N/R/Y1/Y2 - ‘The Kindness                                                          Class impact            08/01/19 in the Spring
mental and                                                                 Curriculum’                                                                        comments and            term for 8 weeks.
emotional well-being   H.L. to deliver PAWs      ZA Lead Teacher.                                                                                             questionnaires.         Experienced         staff
by developing          B training to Years 5 &                             Y3/4 ‘The Present’                                                                                         members have been
confidence,            6 class swap for 6                                                                                                                                             given top-up sessions
resilience and         hours / 12 ½ hours.                                  Y5/6 ‘ PAWs B                                                                                             on 02/02/19 and 15-01-
empathy.                                                                                                                                                                              19.
                       Training for two Y3/4                                                                                                                                          Application        forms
                       teachers     in   ‘The                                                                                                                                         currently          being
                       Present’ to deliver in                                                                                                                                         completed for ‘Paws
                       year groups.                                                                                                                                                   B’ and ‘The Present’
                                                                                                                                                                                      training for start dates
                       Lead Teacher (Z.A.) to                                                                                                                                         in June and July.
                       liase with Bangor                                                                                                                                              All Foundation Phase
                       University to become                                                                                                                                           classes using ‘The
                       Lead Teacher to train                                                                                                                                          Kindness’ Curriculum.
                       staff / cluster                                                                                                                                                Showcased for the
                                                                                                                                                                                      Green School review.
 To build resilience   Training for two staff     SM ZS LD CB HT                       Staff trained to      September 2018-July     x2 Teachers to attend    Training Evaluation,   All staff received
 and self- esteem      to be a thrive link in     SLT                                   deliver Thrive        2020                    Thrive training;         scores & comments;     THRIVE training in
 with identified       addition to existing                                             sessions                                      £2,500                                          September 2018.
                       member of staff.
                                                                                                                                                                                         Page 19 of 35
Thrive Curriculum        throughout           Class impact      Trained License
learners.                Foundation Phase.    comments and      Practitioner working in
To continue to          Wellbeing agenda     questionnaires.   both key stages on
improve                  into school and                        growing evidence that
wellbeing in             the wider school                       the brain develops
learners using           community                              through personal and
the ACE and             Understand how                         social interaction.
Boxall profile           to use pupil voice                     Baseline assessments
scale tool kit and       to drive forward                       help us to identify
pass survey by           the agenda of                          emotional
7% of cohort             wellbeing within                       development needs in
using thrive             their settings.                        order to give support.
strategies in FP        Lead Teacher                           2018 – Individuals
and KS2. EAS             (SM.) to liaise                        have climbed up to
Local Target.            with staff to                          2-3 development
                         develop units of                       stages within 6
                         thrive to work on                      months by building
                         through the
                                                                social and emotional
                         curriculum each
                         term and feed
                         back to parents                        Development Data
                         and staff of                           accessible online.
                         progress.                              Term 2018/2019 -
                                                                22 children are
                                                                currently being
                                                                Thrive supported
                                                                showing growing
                                                                evidence of the
                                                                positive impact to
                                                                access the
                                                                curriculum and
                                                                progress forwards.
                                                                A second member
                                                                of staff is
                                                                undertaking the
                                                                practitioner training.
                                                                  Boxhall profile to
                                                                  be undertaken on a
                                                                  group of year 4
                                                                  and 5 pupils in
                                                                  Spring Term 2019.

                                                                   Page 20 of 35
Additional Areas for Development / Sustained Actions:

    RATIONALE                   ACTION                PERSONNEL     SUCCESS CRITERIA/                START              RESOURCES            MONITORING &           KEY EVIDENCE
 Include data where                                  RESPONSIBLE       OUTCOMES                    COMPLETION                                 EVALUATION
 To use existing          RAG team to monitor       CJ             RAG team and class            Sept 18 – July 19   RAG meetings at         RAG meetings          RAG team and
 robust school            progress of all new                      teachers to use data to set                       least once half term.   Subject Leads to      interventions
 tracking systems         learners and ensure       RAG team       targets for new learners.                                                 analyse termly        co-ordinator have
 and external             appropriate measures                     Interventions co-ordinator                                                teacher assessments   used SIMS data to
 performance and          are put in place to aid                  and RAG team to identify                                                  using agreed          identify pupils
 target setting data to   transition. New                          new pupils requiring                                                      proforma.             requiring
 accurately track and     learners are to be put                   intervention.                                                                                   interventions in Aut
 report learner           on existing tracking                                                                                                                     18 and Spr 19.
 progress for all new     proforma and                                                                                                                             RAG team discuss
 learners.                systems.                                                                                                                                 progress for new
                                                                                                                                                                   learners and ensure
                                                                                                                                                                   appropriate action is
                                                                                                                                                                   put in place to
                                                                                                                                                                   address concerns.
                                                                                                                                                                   ALN and MAT have
                                                                                                                                                                   been updated to
                                                                                                                                                                   include new learners.

Targed 3
Inspection Area 2 Wellbeing &Attitudes to Learning
Inspection Area 3 Teaching & Learning Experiences
Inspection Area 4 Care, Support & Guidance

Aspect: 2.1 2.2 3.1 3.2 3.3 4.1 4.2 4.3

School Aim: We will ensure that children are provided with a creative and challenging curriculum which instils secure values, knowledge of their culture and community
and provides relevant experiences. Children will develop lifelong skills that will enable them to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society and as citizens of Wales
and the world. Children will experience creative, collaborative learning using investigative and ICT skills.

                                                                                                                                                                    Page 21 of 35
LA Strategies:
National Priorities:
   1. New curriculum and pedagogy
To Improve attitudes to learning
    To develop the new curriculum pioneer pilot, individualised learning and monitor impact in the classrooms.
    To ensure the new curriculum pilot is consistent in all classes throughout the school.

Learner Input
Learn new skills for a new way of learning
    Arrange for new ideas for outdoor learning in every class.
    Decide on play and breakfast club activities.
    Fund raise for new items to help us learn in and out of school.
    Work closely with teachers to make new ways that will help us to learn by visiting classes.

School Ambassadors
1. All children have rights no matter what.

2. You have the right to meet up with friends and to join clubs and groups.

3. Your right to learn and go to school.

4. Your right to be the best you can be.

Learner Evaluation

                                                                                                                  Page 22 of 35
We have used the new climbing wall as part of our PE sessions, and we are taking part in forest school and gardening sessions. Some classes have set up
outdoor learning zones such as role play and independent art areas. We had a disco to raise money for breakfast club. We ordered some different games and
craft activities for after breakfast, this has made children happier and learning skills such as taking in turns and learning rules. We have worked on our team
building skills, strength, athletics and concentration through the new equipment at playtime. The school council had a stall at the Christmas Fayre and are
going to use the money raised for the winners of the healthy tuck chart. (Reported by the LLC team, Health and Wellbeing team, Sparkle Spies, School
Ambassadors and the School Council)

Target Leader: SLT                                                                          Team Members: SLT, All Staff
                                                              PERSONNEL                                            START/
    RATIONALE                            ACTION              RESPONSIBLE
                                                                             SUCCESS CRITERIA/                   COMPLETION
                                                                                                                               RESOURCES             MONITORING &                  KEY EVIDENCE
(Include data where appropriate)
                                                                                OUTCOMES                                                              EVALUATION
Develop the 12                     SLT and subject co-      SLT            SLT, Middle leaders, teaching        Autumn         12 pedagogical   Lesson observation feedback     The 12 pedagogical
pedagogical principles             ordinators to use the    Subject co-    staff and LSAs will develop a        18/Summer 19   principles       forms                           principles have been used to
from successful                    12 pedagogical           ordinators     greater understanding of the 12                                                                      inform observations from
Futures across the                 principles to identify                  pedagogical principles from                         Excellence in    Excellence in Teaching          both SLT and subject
school.                            good practice during                    Successful Futures.                                 Teaching         Framework data                  leaders.
                                   lesson observations.                                                                        Framework
                                                                           As a school we will identify                                                                         Staff have had opportunities
                                   SLT and subject co-                     areas of strength and areas for                                                                      during staff meetings to
                                   ordinators to use the                   development with regards to                                                                          engage with the pedagogical
                                   12 pedagogical                          pedagogy and be able to                                                                              principles such as concrete,
                                   principles to identify                  identify training needs for staff.                                                                   pictorial and abstract.
                                   areas for improvement
                                   during lesson                                                                                                                                Training and Professional
                                   observations.                                                                                                                                learning has been
                                                                                                                                                                                encouraged through the PG
                                                                                                                                                                                Cert and Research based
                                                                                                                                                                                programs (SPE/SA)

                                                                                                                                                                                Further development will be
                                                                                                                                                                                made on imbedding the
                                                                                                                                                                                principles across the school.
Develop the six AoLEs              AoLE curriculum          SLT            SLT, Middle leaders, teaching        Autumn         AoLE Policies    Successful completion of AoLE   Curriculum teams have
from Successful                    teams to create pupil    AoLE co-       staff and LSAs will develop a        18/Spring 19                    placemats and displaying of     continued to run
Futures consistently               placemats in relation    ordinators     greater understanding of the six                                     these in teaching areas.        successfully in the new
across the school.                 to each policy, with     All staff      AoLEs from Successful                                                                                AOLE’s.
                                                                           Futures.                                                             Action plans from AoLEs to
                                                                                                                                                include pupil voice.

                                                                                                                                                                                             Page 23 of 35
input from governors                   Pupils will gain a better                                                                             Pupils have been chosen
                          and pupils.                            understanding of what each          Autumn       AoLE placemats      AoLE progression steps to be     accordingly for each AOLE
                                                                 AoLE looks like within our          18/Ongoing                       visible in planning.             and started to work within
                          AoLE curriculum                        school and will have a voice in                                                                       the subject alongside subject
                          teams to identify ‘link                how these are developed.                                                                              coordinators.
                          pupils’ (1 pupil from
                          Yr 2 to Yr 6) who will                                                                                                                       Pupil led research has taken
                          have input into                                                                                                                              place across the school for
                          developing each                                                                         AoLE                                                 each AOLE with an aim to
                          AoLE throughout the                                                                     progression steps                                    improving standards for
                          school.                                                                    Spring                                                            each area. Findings have
                                                                                                     19/Ongoing                                                        then been fed back to whole
                                                                                                                                                                       school in assemblies.
                          Staff to begin to use
                          the progression steps
                          from each AoLE                                                                                                                               We must now ensure
                          within their planning                                                                                                                        progression steps are
                          from Spring Term.                                                                                                                            starting to be used within
                                                                                                                                                                       planning following their
                                                                                                                                                                       upcoming release date.
Develop the four          Staff to include Four     SLT          SLT, Middle leaders, teaching       Autumn       Four Purposes       Four Purposes to be visible in   The four purposes have
purposes from             Purposes within long      All Staff    staff and LSAs will develop a       18/Ongoing   termly overview     planning and on                  been split accordingly to
Successful Futures        term and weekly                        greater understanding of the                                         classroom/teaching area          link with topics. All classes
consistently across the   planning. Healthy,                     Four Purposes from Successful                                        displays.                        have the ‘child speak’
school                    Confident Individuals                  Futures.                                                                                              principles of the four
                          to be a focus every                                                                                                                          purposes available to pupils
                          term with other                                                                                                                              in class. All classes have the
                          purposes to be a focus                                                                                                                       four purposes displayed.
                          per term.

                          Four Purposes focus
                          for each term to be
                          included on Climb to
                          Sparkle displays
                          within every
                          classroom area.

To continue to develop    Staff to fully            Science &    All staff, including those new to   Autumn       DCF                 Staff long term and weekly       Y5 and Y6 pupils
the Digital               incorporate Digital       Technology   the school will have a better       18/Ongoing                       planning.                        working with Renishaw -
Competency                Competency                Team         understanding of how to use the                  Staff Training                                       Coding, use of the
Framework throughout      Framework                              DCF within planning to                           Audit                                                Microbit, 3D printing.
the curriculum, during    throughout the            SLT          improve the teaching and                         Questionnaire
topic based lessons and   curriculum.                            learning for pupils.

                                                                                                                                                                                     Page 24 of 35
extra-curricular                                     All Staff                                                          DCF Skills                                              3D printer loaned to
activities.                                                                                                             Termly Overview                                         school for the Spring
                                                                                                                                                                                Term (working with F1
                                                                                                                                                                                in Schools project)

                                                                                                                                                                                Projects completed in TV
                                                                                                                                                                                Studio including
                                                                                                                                                                                interview with Welsh
                                                                                                                                                                                Minister for Education.

                                                                                                                                                                                DCF evident in 12
                                                                                                                                                                                weekly planners and in
                                                                                                                                                                                weekly planning.

                                                                                                                                                                                TARGET ACHIEVED

Develop an awareness      Staff to share the four    KN             Staff will become more aware         September      Successful           KN & SLT to monitor                The core purposes have
of the four purposes of   purposes with pupils                      of the four purposes of the          2018           Futures              classroom practice and displays    been used with pupils when
the new curriculum for    when planning new          All teaching   curriculum and how they relate       (ongoing)                           during lesson observations         planning for new topics.
staff and pupils          topics.                    staff          to our setting.                                     four purposes        throughout the year (four
                                                                                                                        ladder for display   purposes should be displayed in    Pupils are engaging with
                                                                    Staff will become more aware                        in all classroom     classrooms with notes of pupil     the core purposes
                                                                    of how the four purposes can be                     areas.               ideas for links to topics)         regularly. Pupils in
                                                                    developed through a topic-
                          Staff to discuss the                      based approach to teaching and                      four purposes in     Four purposes ladder should be
                                                                                                                                                                                curriculum teams are
                          four purposes with                        learning.                                           child speak for      displayed in all classroom areas   aware of how these can
                          pupils and explore                                                                            discussions with     – KN & SLT to monitor during       be met in their own
                          how they can be                           Pupils will become aware of the                     pupils.              lesson observations.               AoLEs.
                          developed through                         four purposes of the curriculum
                          learning experiences                      and how they relate to their
                          as part of a topic-                       learning and development.
                          based approach.

Maths co-ordinator to     Maths co-ordinator to      CJ             All Y2 –Y6 staff to include          Oct 18- July   Maths AoLE           CJ and curriculum team to          CJ/SLT delivered staff
continue to work on       deliver whole staff        All staff      Financial Education in planning      19             sessions funding     monitor during classroom and       meeting on use of
Maths AoLE and            meetings and phase                        using new maths curriculum                          – approx 18 days     book observations and              resources and pedagogy
embed new maths                                                     Achievement Outcomes (AO)                           at £150 per day      collection of planning.            in Oct 18.
curriculum into Climb                                               and     Knowledge,         Skills,                  (supply costs)
to Sparkle curriculum –                                             Experiences (KSE) and provide
                                                                                                                                                                                Activities have been
focussing on pedagogy     Young              Money                  pupils with real life experiences                   Young Money                                             downloaded from
and Financial Literacy.   activities    to      be                  of managing money.                                  licence £85                                             https://www.young-
                                                                                                                                                                                            Page 25 of 35
downloaded and put                                                                                                                         and have
                           on HWB for all staff to                     All staff to receive training on                                                                        been uploaded to HWB
                           access.                                     new draft curriculum and                                                                                for FP and KS2.
                                                                       incorporate into planning.
                           Maths co-ordinator to                       Staff to include a range of
                                                                                                                                                                               CJ delivered staff
                           work with colleagues                        pedagogical approaches into                                                                             meeting in Dec 18 on
                           and start using new                         maths lessons.                                                                                          new Maths curriculum
                           curriculum.                                                                                                                                         Achievement Outcomes
                                                                                                                                                                               and Planning for
                                                                                                                                                                               Learning for each the 4
                                                                                                                                                                               What Matters. Staff to
                            Provide staff with
                            training on                                                                                                                                        incorporate Financial
                            pedagogical                                                                                                                                        Literacy in planning next
                            principles.                                                                                                                                        term.
Develop independent         To develop pupil's use   All classes          All children to                  Autumn         Key resources for                                    We must continue to
learning in all classes.   of independent                                independently access             18/Summer 19   each year group                                      develop use of independent
                           learning areas in                             resources when needed.                          £50                  Lesson observation feedback     learning areas within all
                                                                                                                         PHOTOCOPYIN          forms                           classes and the pupils
                                                     LLC team to                                                         G                                                    understanding of said areas.
                           All classes to set up     monitor use and
                           stations with access to   functionality.      All pupils to use pupil voice
                           dictionaries and other                        to suggest resources and use                                         Excellence in Teaching
                           key resources that have                       of independent learning                                              Framework data
                           been suggested by the                         area.
                           pupils in the class
                           through the use of
                           pupil voice.                                                                                                       Pupil questionnaires

                           All pupils to
                           understand how the
                           areas work and how to                                                                                              Learning walks and talking to
                           utilise the features                                                                                               children.

                                                       PERSONNEL                                              START
  RATIONALE                     ACTION                RESPONSIBLE
                                                                         SUCCESS CRITERIA/                  COMPLETION
                                                                                                                         RESOURCES                MONITORING &                     KEY EVIDENCE
   (Include data where
                                                                            OUTCOMES                                                               EVALUATION

                                                                                                                                                                                            Page 26 of 35
Develop                Class teachers to identify   All Class   Teachers identify and plan for     Autumn         Staff Training   All class teachers to track        ‘Talented        learners’
individualised         ad monitor the progress      Teachers    ‘most talented’ learners.          18/Summer 19   from NACE;       progress of groups of learners     identified across the
learning               of more able and ‘Most                                                                                      (MAT – More able / Most            school and placed on the
                       talented’ learners.          Z.A.P. &    All learners are challenged to                    MAT              talented);                         MAT register. All class
                                                    SLT to      become ‘Ambitious, Capable                        identification
                       Class teachers to plan       monitor     Learners’ meeting individual                      sheets;          SLT to monitor learning
                                                                                                                                                                      teachers have reviewed
                       and deliver challenging                  targets set.                                                       activities of MAT learners         and updated MAT plans
                       learning experiences, e.g.                                                                 MAT plans;       during lesson observations;        for Spring Term.
                       Most Talented learners                                                                                                                         Years 5 & 6 taking part in
                       to take part in cluster /                                                                  SIMs / INCERTs   'Most Talented’ learners to        LLC and Expressive Arts
                       PLC projects.                                                                              data;            evaluate their own MAT plans;      based Cluster / transition
                                                                                                                                                                      projects beginning in
                                                                                                                                   Z.A.P to track progress of ‘Most   Spring Term.
                                                                                                                                   talented learners’
 Develop the whole      All class teachers to       Class        Parents will feel involved in      Autumn        4 core aims       Parent response forms             100% staff have been
school use of home     develop learning log         Teachers    their children’s learning and      18/Summer 19                                                       sending learning logs
learning logs to       tasks for pupils which                   have a better understanding of                    Class dojo       SPE and SLT monitoring of          home with pupils with
incorporate the four   will include                             the new curriculum.                                                learning logs
                                                                                                                                                                      appropriate tasks
purposes.              opportunities to develop                                                                   Learning log
                                                                                                                                                                      resulting in some
                       the four purposes across                 Staff and pupils will have a                      books            Excellence in Teaching
                       the school. Tasks should                 good understanding of four                                         Framework data                     excellent homework.
                       link to the 12                           purposes and how to develop                                                                           Homework tasks have
                       pedagogical principles.                  them within learning.                                                                                 been linked to the four
                                                                                                                                                                      purposes and AoLEs as
                       Pupils should be                                                                                                                               well as the 12 principles.
                       rewarded for use of
                       learning logs in order to                                                                                                                      Staff must continue to
                       encourage the tasks.
                                                                                                                                                                      reward and celebrate
                       Homework put on
                                                                                                                                                                      completed homework
                       display and shared, dojos
                       rewarded, notes home                                                                                                                           tasks in order to ensure
                       and general celebrations                                                                                                                       total engagement
                       of work.                                                                                                                                       throughout the school.
RATIONALE              ACTION                       PERSONNE    SUCCESS CRITERIA/                  START          RESOURCES        MONITORING &                       KEY EVIDENCE
(Include data where                                 L           OUTCOMES                           COMPLETIO                       EVALUATION
appropriate)                                        RESPONSIB                                      N
Develop the whole      As a whole school, we         SPE AND     Parents will feel involved in      Autumn        Class dojo       Parent response forms               Class dojos are being
school use of Class    will develop the use of      Class       their children’s learning and be   18/Summer 19   No cost                                             used across the school
Dojo within both the   Class dojo as a tool for     Teachers    able to share home experiences                                     SPE and SLT monitoring of          within classes to reward
classroom and home.    communication. Using                                                                                                                           work and behaviour.
                                                                with the class teacher.                                            learning logs.
                                                                                                                                                                                  Page 27 of 35
portfolios and the class
                       story mode, teachers will                  We will be working towards all                                         Excellence in Teaching            Some classes are
                       be sharing celebrated                      four purposes through                                                  Framework data.                   successfully using the
                       work and tasks with                        celebration of the work and                                                                              class story mode to share
                       parents.                                   connecting with families.                                                                                pupils learning and
                                                                                                                                                                           achievements. This must
                                                                                                                                                                           now be rolled out across
                                                                                                                                                                           the school.

                                                                                                                                                                           Continue to ensure all
                                                                                                                                                                           parents are engaging with
                                                                                                                                                                           class dojo.
To continue to raise   2 School Ambassadors to     CJ/ Health &   School Ambassadors to identify     Sept 18- July    UNCRC              As a result, all pupils will be   In Oct 18, School
pupils’ awareness      make sure other pupils      Wellbeing      5 key rights and to present        19               resources and      able to identify the rights and   Ambassadors delivered a
about rights under     know about children’s       team.          during assemblies and work                          website.           how they can impact them.         presentation to FP and KS2
the UNCRC and          rights under the                                                                                                                                    during assembly.
                                                                  with classes to raise profile of
safeguarding within    UNCRC.                                                                                                                                               KS2 pupils completed
school.                Complete special                           these rights throughout the                         Special Missions                                     special mission (online
                       missions set by the                        year.                                               on childcomwales                                     survey) set by Ambassadors
                       Children’s                                                                                     website                                              on behalf of Children’s
                       Commissioner for Wales                                                                                                                              Commissioner for Wales in
                       including on line                                                                                                                                   Nov 18.
                       questionnaires.             CJ/Health &                                       Sept 18-July19                      All pupils are aware of           The ambassadors first task
                                                   Wellbeing                                                                             safeguarding and know who to      was to identify 6 Rights
                                                                  Each meeting Safeguarding will                      NSPCC and
                       School Council to raise     team.                                                                                 talk to if they are worried or    which the whole school are
                       the profile of                             be an item on the agenda to                         website            upset.                            going to work on this year.
                       safeguarding with pupils                   discuss. School Council to raise                                                                         Ambassadors included these
                       throughout the school.                     profile of safeguarding through                                                                          in the SDP and presented to
                                                                  arranging NSPCC workshops                                                                                pupils, governors and the
                                                                  and events.                                                                                              Peer Review.
                                                                                                                                                                           Feb 19 Ambassadors
Excellence, equity                                 LD/CJ/Health                                                                                                            participated in a webinar
and wellbeing.                                     & Wellbeing                                       Sept 18 -July                       Developing role of safeguarding   session with Sally Holland
                       To further develop the      team.          Improved engagement levels         19                                  and School Council/               where she introduced their
                       Team around the Cluster                    with school activities, school                                         Ambassadors.                      special mission for spring
                       working by further                         council minutes & pupil voice                       £613.00            Aims of school Council for year   term and they asked her
                       developing the role of                     surveys.                                                               including results from pupil      questions about it.
                       the Family and                                                                                                    surveys.
                       Community Engagement                                                                                              Curriculum Learning Teams         School Council have
                       Leads. All cluster school                                                                                         surveys, responses and evidence   discussed safeguarding in
                       Family and Engagement                                                                                             as a result of findings.          meetings and brainstormed
                       Leads to attend relevant                                                                                                                            how we can promote this
                       and appropriate training                                                                                                                            throughout the school.

                                                                                                                                                                                       Page 28 of 35
and develop suitable                                                                                                                      NSPCC is visiting school in
                      programmes in the                                                                                                                         Spring term.
                      school setting. For                                                                                                                       In Dec 18, Pupils completed
                      example, developing the                                                                                                                   Curriculum Learning Team
                      role of the school                                                                                                                        surveys in all classes and
                      council, including the                                                                                                                    presented findings during
                      inclusion of standard                                                                                                                     FP and KS2 assemblies.
                      items such as                                                                                                                             Pupils to revisit classes in
                      safeguarding                                                                                                                              spring term to evaluate
                      ambassadors and pupil                                                                                                                     impact of findings in
                      wellbeing.                                                                                                                                classrooms.
Develop wellbeing                                 Health and                                        February 2019           Teachers feel more confident to
and an awareness of                               Wellbeing                                                                 deliver sessions for more
pupil's rights at                                 team & Year      Improved awareness of their                              difficult PSHE subjects and
home and in school.                               2 and 5 staff.   rights as pupils and people in                   £1000   areas. Staff are aware of a range   Less behavioural incidents
                      To work alongside the       SPE ZA           the wider world.                                         of strategies to use with the       in Year 5 since the sessions.
                      Spectrum project to                          More ethically informed                                  learners during PSHE and            Pupils feel more confident
                      develop an awareness of                      citizens.                                                across the curriculum. Pupils       discussing their feelings.
                      wellbeing and self-                                                                                   have more awareness of how to
                      worth. Providing                                                                                      deal with uncomfortable             Activities should be
                      children with an                                                                                      situations.                         revisited in the Summer
                      understanding of what is                                                                                                                  term to further develop the
                      acceptable in the home                                                                                                                    subject areas discussed, e.g.
                      environment, as well as                                                                                                                   identifying where we feel
                      in school with actions of                                                                                                                 safe, understanding who to
                      other pupils and staff.                                                                                                                   contact when we are
                      This will be carries out                                                                                                                  concerned and incidents at
                      across Years 2 and 5                                                                                                                      home such as domestic
                      over a 4-session basis.                                                                                                                   violence.

                                                                                                                                                                             Page 29 of 35
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