General regulation on measures necessary to control the spread -

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General regulation on measures necessary to control the spread -
Public announcement of the state capital Erfurt

 Execution of the law for the prevention and control of infectious diseases in humans
              (German Protection against Infectious Diseases Act - IfSG)

 General regulation on measures necessary to control the spread
        of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 of February 3rd, 2021

The Lord Mayor of the state capital of Erfurt, acting as the lower public health authority
in accordance with § 28 paragraph 1 sentence 1 and 2 of the law for the prevention and
control of infectious diseases in humans (German Protection against Infectious
Diseases Act – IfSG) in its currently valid version in conjunction with § 35 sentence 2 of
the Thuringian Administrative Procedure Act (ThürVwVfG) in its currently valid version,
orders the following general regulation to protect public safety.

According to § 13 of the second Thuringian regulation on basic infection protection
rules for the containment of the spread of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (Second
Thuringian SARS-CoV-2- infection protection basic regulation - 2nd ThürSARS-CoV-2-IfG-
GrundVO -) in its currently valid version (hereinafter referred to as Thuringian
Regulation), further regulations of the competent authorities in deviation from the
aforementioned regulation remain unaffected.

In addition to the provisions of the Thuringian Regulation, the Thuringian Regulation
on Extraordinary Special Measures to Stop an Abrupt Spread of the Coronavirus SARS-
CoV-2 (Thuringian SARS-CoV-2 Special Containment Measures Regulation - ThürSARS-
CoV-2-SonderEindmaßnVO -) in its currently valid version (hereinafter referred to as
Special Containment Measures Regulation) shall apply with priority.

Thus, the following regulations, which go beyond the orders of the Thuringian
Regulation, are ordered for the entire city area, unless already ordered by the Special
Containment Measures Regulation. In all other respects, the Thuringian Regulation and
its supplementing Special Containment Measures Regulation shall apply in their valid
versions, respectively.

1. The wearing of a mouth-and-nose covering respectively face mask in public spaces is
   ordered as follows:

  (1) Beyond the provisions regulated in section 6, paragraph 1 (public transport) and
     in section 6, paragraph 2 (businesses open to the public) of the Thuringian
     Regulation, and amended by section 5 of the Special Containment Measures
     Regulation, each person has to wear a mouth-and-nose covering respectively face
     mask within city limits in the following areas and under the following conditions:

  a. as far as overnight stays are permitted according to the Special Containment
     Measures Regulation, in publicly accessible areas of accommodation facilities and
     their gastronomic areas (corridors, foyer, elevators, guest room) for customers and
     staff, except for people seated at a table,
  b. when entering and staying in covered traffic areas of shopping centers,
c. when using private transport services with the exception of people of one's own
    household within the city limits of Erfurt,
d. in skilled crafts businesses or the service industry, unless they must be kept closed
    anyway in accordance with the Special Containment Regulation; when using or
    performing services close to the human body, as long as they are permitted by the
    Special Containment Regulation in exceptional cases (medically necessary), the
    employees have to wear an FFP2 mask without exhalation valve as a mouth-nose-
    protection, supplemented by protective goggles or a face shield,
e. when entering and staying in places for catering of food and drink for take out or
f. outside of buildings in the public space of the following streets, paths and squares
    if the minimum distance of at least 1.5 m according to § 1 of the Thuringian
    Regulation cannot be maintained:

   Allerheiligenstraße   Am Hügel                  An den Graden      An der
   Andreasstraße         Anger                     Augustinerstraße Augustmauer
   Bahnhofstraße         Barfüßerstraße            Bechtheimer Straße Benaryplatz
   Benediktsplatz        Biereyestraße             Bindersiebener     Bonemilchstraße
   Bonifaciusstraße      Borngasse                 Boyneburgufer      Brühler Straße
   Comthurgasse          Cusanusstraße
   Dalbergsweg           Dämmchen                  Domplatz           Domstraße
   Domstufen             Drachengasse
   Farbengasse           Faustgäßchen              Fischersand        Fischmarkt
   Fleischgasse          Franckestraße             Furthmühlgasse     Futterstraße
   Georgsgasse           Glockengasse              Glockenquergasse   Gorkistraße
   Görmersgasse          Gothaer Platz             Gotthardtstraße    Grafengasse
   Große                 Große Arche               Grünstraße         Günterstraße
   Hefengasse            Heilige Grabesmühlgasse   Heinrichstraße     Helmut-Kohl-
   Henning-Goede-        Herrmannsplatz            Hirschlachufer     Holzheienstraße
   Horngasse             Hugo-Preuß-Platz          Hütergasse         Huttenstraße
   Johannesmauer         Johannesstraße            Junkersand         Juri-Gagarin-Ring
   Karl-Marx-Platz       Kaufmännerstraße          Keilhauergasse     Kettenstraße
   Kirchgasse            Kirchhofsgasse            Kleine             Kleine Arche

Klostergang            Koenbergkstraße            Krämerbrücke      Krämpferstraße
Krämpfertor            Kreuzgasse                 Kreuzsand         Kronenburggasse
Kronengasse            Kupferhammermühlgasse      Kürschnergasse
Lachsgasse             Lange Brücke               Lauentor          Lilienstraße
Löwengasse             Ludwigstraße               Lutherstraße
Mainzerhofplatz        Mainzerhofstraße           Malzgasse         Marbacher Gasse
Markgrafengasse        Marktstraße                Marstallstraße    Martinsgasse
Martinskloster         Maximilian-Welsch-Straße   Meienbergstraße   Meister-Eckehart-
Melanchthonstraße      Mettengasse                Meyfartstraße     Michaelisstraße
Mittelmühlgasse        Mohrengasse                Moritzhof         Moritzstraße
Moritzwallstraße       Mühlgasse                  Müllersgasse
Neuwerkstraße          Nonnengasse
Paulstraße             Pergamentergasse           Petersberg        Peterstraße
Petrinistraße          Pfeiffersgasse             Pflöckengasse     Pilse
Placidus-Muth-         Predigerstraße
Radegundenstraße       Rathausbrücke              Rathausgasse      Regierungsstraße
Reglermauer            Rudolfstraße               Rumpelgasse       Rupprechtsgasse
Schafgasse             Schattenwandgasse          Schildgasse       Schlösserstraße
Schlüterstraße         Schottengasse              Schottenstraße    Schuhgasse
Seengäßlein            Severihof                  Spiegelgasse      Steinstraße
Stiftsgasse            Studentengasse             Stunzengasse
Taschengasse           Taubengasse                Theaterplatz      Theaterstraße
Trommsdorffstraße      Turniergasse
Venedig                Vor dem Moritztor
Waagegasse             Waidenstraße               Walkmühlstraße    Warsbergstraße
Webergasse             Weidengasse                Weiße Gasse       Weißfrauengasse
Weitergasse            Wenigemarkt                Wilhelm-Külz-     Willy-Brandt-Platz
Ziegengasse            Zur Grünen Schildmühle

    The geographical scope defined thereafter is attached to this general
    regulation as an annex (map).

    In addition, if the minimum distance of at least 1.5 m cannot be maintained,
    the obligation to wear a mouth-and-nose-covering in the entire city limits
    applies to:

              - weekly markets established on the basis of the weekly market statutes,
              - designated public transport stops in accordance with the German Road
                  Traffic Regulations (StVO - sign 224),
              - designated pedestrian zones in accordance with the German Road
                  Traffic Regulations (StVO - sign 242.1) as well as
              - in underground passages.

  (2) The mouth-nose-covering respectively face mask must be tightly fitted to
       cover nose and mouth well. Visors or shields without additional mouth-nose-
       covering are not allowed and do not meet the requirements of § 6 of the
       Thuringian Regulation.

(3) The following exceptional circumstances of § 6 para. 3 no. 1. and 2. of the
       Thuringian Regulation remain unaffected: children up to the end of age 6 as
       well as persons who are not able to or cannot reasonably be expected to wear
       a mouth and nose covering due to disability or for health reasons are exempt
       from the obligation to use a mouth and nose covering. The exemption due to
       medical reasons must be credibly shown in a suitable manner. To prove the
       impossibility or unreasonableness due to medical reasons according to § 6
       para. 3 no. 2 of the Second Thuringian SARS-CoV-2- infection protection basic
       regulation (2. ThürSARS-CoV-2 IfS-GrundVO), a medical certificate is
       mandatory, which states the functional and medical term of the clinical
       picture (diagnosis), the Latin name or the classification of the illness
       according to the ICD 10 codes as well as the reason for the exemption. The
       local health authorities will issue an exemption upon request and
       corresponding evidence. There are no further exceptions from the mandatory
       use of a mouth-nose covering.

2. General Ban on selling and consuming alcohol

   From 10 p.m. at night to 5 a.m. in the morning, there is a general ban on selling
   alcohol. The prohibition of selling alcohol applies especially also to petrol
   stations and mixed enterprises of the bar sector with retail trade.

   The serving of alcohol in public spaces is prohibited in the entire city area (cf. § 2
   of the main statutes as to city area).

   The consumption of alcohol in public spaces is prohibited in the area of
   application defined under item 1, paragraph 1f, which is attached to this General
   Regulation as an appendix (map).

   In addition, the consumption of alcohol is prohibited in the following locaitons
   of the entire city area:

            - weekly markets established on the basis of the weekly market statutes,
            - designated public transport stops in accordance with the German Road
                Traffic Regulations (StVO - sign 224),
            - designated pedestrian zones in accordance with the German Road
                Traffic Regulations (StVO - sign 242.1)
            - in underground passages as well as
            - in front of retail stores and on public parking lots.

3. Special markets

   In addition to the prohibitons according to sections 6 and 8 of the Special
   Containment Measures Regulation, special markets as specified by § 68 of the
   German Trade Regulation Act (Gewerbeordnung) are similarly prohibited, unless
   they are specifically exempt from closedown by § 8, para. 2, sentence 2.

4. Limitation of the number of participants during assemblies

(1) Within the city limits of the state capital Erfurt, the maximum permissible
    number of participants at assemblies is limited, if the 7-day incidence rate of
    200 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants is exceeded on five consecutive

   a) to 100 persons in the case of open-air assemblies, and

   (b) to 25 persons in the case of indoor gatherings; as well as

   to 10 individuals in any case, if the 7-day incidence rate of 300 new infections
   per 100,000 inhabitants is exceeded on five consecutive days. The number of
   participants, which is updated daily thereafter, is published on the bulletin
   board at the local citizens' centre, Bürgermeister-Wagner-Straße 1, and can be
   found on the Internet under (webcode: ef136830).

(2) Individuals showing symptoms of a Covid-19 infection or any other symptoms
    of a cold or respiratory illness are not permitted to attend an assembly.

(3) The person in charge of an open-air assembly and announcing and applying for
    it has to inform participants in an adequate and timely manner about the
    concept of protection against infectious diseases according to § 6a para. 2 no. 2
    of the Special Containment Measures Regulation and the compliance with it.

5. Notwithstanding § 3 of the Special Containment Measures Regulation, the
   following applies to funerals and civil weddings:

   Funeral ceremonies with more than 10 participants, whether indoors or in the
   open air, are not permitted. The total number of participants at a civil wedding is
   limited to 5.

6. Religious events and gatherings

   Religious events or gatherings are allowed to take place only within church
   buildings and while strictly observing the applicable infection containment
   rules. Infection containments concepts must include specifics to limit the
   number of visitors (the maximum number of participants is limited according to
   the relevant 7-day incidence rate as defined in no. 4), the location of the
   necessary separate entries and exits, the limited duration of the event,
   intermissions for ventilation, choir performances, permanent observation of the
   minimum distance of 1,5 m, marked seats as well as specifications that all
   participants wear a qualified face mask as defined by the Thuringian Regulation.

7. Visits to hospitals

      Visits to hospitals are generally not permitted. For medical and ethical-socially
      indicated visits, in particular visits to maternity, children's and palliative wards
      or hospices, differing regulations may be made by the facility administration,
      provided that a sufficiently high level of infection protection is ensured.

  8. Buildings of the state capital Erfurt, in particular:

      •        community centres (Bürgerhaus)
      •        House of social services (Haus der sozialen Dienste)
      •        City Hall (Rathaus)
      •        sports facilities,
      •        Fire Brigade equipment houses etc.

      may not be used for events according to § 7 of the Thuringian Regulation.
      Excluded are sports meetings that are closed to the public and do dispose of a
      confirmed infection protection concept.

  9. Effectiveness

          This general regulation shall take effect on the day following its announcement
          and shall be valid up to and including 25.02.2021. The general regulation on
          measures necessary to control the spread of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 of
          12.01.2021 shall be repealed upon the entry into force of this general

                             Instruction on legal remedies:

An appeal against this general regulation may be lodged within one month of its
notification. The objection must be submitted in writing or for recording to the state
capital Erfurt, Health Office, Juri-Gagarin-Ring 150, 99084 Erfurt. The objection can also
be made by means of de-Mail with sender confirmation in the sense of § 5 para. 5 of the
De-Mail Act to the De-Mail address However, filing
an objection by means of a simple e-mail does not meet the requirements for the written

This order is immediately enforceable. This means that an objection does not have a
suspensive effect (§§ 28 para. 3 in connection with 16 para. 8 IfSG, § 80 para. 2 p. 1 no. 3
Administrative Court Regulation). This means that the general ruling must be followed
even if it is challenged with an objection. An application can be made to the Weimar
Administrative Court, Jenaer Straße 2 in 99425 Weimar, for an order suspending the
suspensive effect of an objection.


Pursuant to § 41 para. 4 sentence 1 ThürVwVfG only the enacting terms of the general
regulation are to be made public. The full text of the general regulation can be viewed at
the state capital Erfurt, public health department by prior arrangement by phone.

Erfurt, 03.02.2021

State Capital Erfurt

Andreas Bausewein                         (official seal)
Lord Mayor
Annex to general regulation of 03.02.2021 (geographical scope)

                            v   ..

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