German Federal Election 2021: What are the parties' positions on real estate? - Allen & Overy

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German Federal Election 2021: What are the parties' positions on real estate? - Allen & Overy
German Federal Election 2021:
What are the parties' positions on
real estate?
                                                                                           August 2021

Germany will be electing a new federal parliament on 26th September 2021. The
distribution of seats in the newly elected lower house (Bundestag) will be decisive in the
forming of the new government. And the composition of the new government will in
turn have a significant impact on the German real estate sector over the course of the
next parliamentary term, which is likely to span four years.

The so-called "grand coalition" has been ruling         next government, while the left-wing socialist party
Germany since the last federal election in 2017. The    (Die Linke) also cannot be ruled out.
grand coalition is an alliance between the
conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU),          Numerous issues relevant to the real estate sector
together with its Bavarian sister party the Christian   are at the heart of the parties' election manifestos.
Social Union (CSU), and the Social Democratic           The discussion across all parties focuses in
Party of Germany (SPD). The strongest opposition        particular on climate protection programmes,
party is the right-wing populist Alternative for        regulating rents and facing the challenge of creating
Germany (AfD), which, in terms of its politics, is      new living space.
largely isolated from the other parties, however. At
                                                        Over recent months, numerous legislative proposals
present, it would appear that the liberal Free
                                                        have triggered heated political discussions. These
Democrats (FDP) and the "green" party (Bündnis
                                                        include in particular the "Berlin rent freeze", which
90/Die Grünen) could play a key role in forming the
                                                        has since been ruled unconstitutional, the reform of

German Federal Election 2021: What are the parties' positions on real estate? - Allen & Overy
real estate transfer tax with the aim of rendering                 in particular in the large metropolitan areas, and the
    share deals less attractive and the Building Land                  real estate sector occupies a prominent position in
    Mobilisation Act, the proponents of which intend,                  Germany's ongoing nationwide drive to promote
    among other things, to offer local authorities greater             renewable energies (Energiewende), it may be
    scope in exercising their right of first refusal. In view          assumed that more draft legislation affecting real
    of the fact that housing shortages remain a problem,               estate will be floated in the coming parliamentary

                                                                       The following pages offer an overview of the parties'
                                                                       key positions relating to the real estate sector.

    Your contacts

    Dr Christian Hilmes               Dr Udo H. Olgemöller
    Partner – Hamburg                 Partner – Frankfurt
    Real Estate                       Public Law
    Tel. +49 40 82221 2187            Tel. +49 69 2648 5690

German Federal Election 2021: What are the parties' positions on real estate? - Allen & Overy
Overview of the parties' positions:

1. Social policy   –   Reject the "legally   –   Rental price brake to     –   Allow rent caps on      –     Reject dispossession –     Germany-wide rent       –       Reject rental price
                       questionable" rent        apply indefinitely; in        existing properties;          measures, rental price     freeze; rent freeze for         brake and rent freeze
                       freeze                    critical residential          rental price brake to         brake and rent freeze;     small businesses and
                                                 areas: temporary              be made stricter and          mobilise free areas to     social and non-profit
                                                 moratorium on rents           to apply indefinitely;        quickly create new         associations, among
                                                 whereby rents can         –   Regular rent increases        housing                    others;
                                                 only be increased in          to be limited to 2.5%                                –   Rent block on existing
                                                 line with inflation;          p.a. in line with index                                  rental contracts in
                                             –   Introduce Germany-            of rents;                                                critical residential
                                                 wide, legally             –   Reinforce qualified                                      areas; end rent
                                                 compliant, qualified          index of rents;                                          "explosion";
                                                 index of rents;               reference to rental                                 –    Create contact points
                                                 reference to rental
                                                 contracts for at least        contracts for at least                                   to receive complaints
                                                 the past 8 years in           the past 20 years in                                     on rent sharks; punish
                                                 calculation                   calculation                                              landlords who breach
                                                                                                                                        rent freeze
                   –   Creation of social    –   100,000 new social     –      Significant increase in                             –    Up to 250,000 social    –       State-owned property
                       housing is to be          housing units required        funds for creating                                       housing units per               companies to offer
                       subsidised and            per year                      social housing;                                          year; minimum                   tenants the option to
                       housing allowance                                       increase the current                                     percentage of social            buy their homes
                       regularly adjusted                                      portfolio of social                                      housing in individual
                       from 2022                                               housing by one million                                   neighbourhoods;
                                                                               units in ten years                                  –    50 percent of the
                                                                                                                                        residential market to
                                                                                                                                        be held by the public
                                                                                                                                        and non-profit sector
                                             –   Guaranteed right of       –   Strengthen local                                    –    Bolster local               –   Housing associations
                                                 first refusal for local       authorities' right of first                              authorities' right of first     to be given priority
                                                 authorities at "fair          refusal                                                  refusal                         when distributing
                                                 prices"                                                                                                                building land
                                             –   No sale of residential    –   No sale of state-                                   –    Prohibit conversion of
                                                 building land owned           owned residential                                        rental property to
                                                 by local authorities          property to private                                      owner-occupied
                                                                               investors; exclusive,
                                                                               discounted sale to
                                                                               local authorities with
                                                                               permanent social

German Federal Election 2021: What are the parties' positions on real estate? - Allen & Overy
–   Curb speculation with   –    Where necessary,                                       –   Prohibit
                                                     residential property         impose building                                            misappropriation of
                                                                                  obligation on                                              and confiscate vacant
                                                                                  landowners in areas                                        residential and
                                                                                  with housing                                               commercial property
                                                                                  shortages in case of                                       for temporary use;
                                                                                  misuse and                                                 introduce a publicly
                                                                                  speculative vacancy                                        available register of
                                                                                                                                             real estate
2. Tax and fiscal                                –   Put an end to the        –   Share deals as an       –     Put an end to the        –   Anti-speculation act to
policy                                               practice of avoiding         instrument for tax            practice of avoiding         outlaw share deals in
                                                     real estate transfer tax     avoidance to be               real estate transfer tax     particular
                                                     by using share deals         abolished; pro-rata tax       by using share deals
                                                                                  on real property
                                                                                  ownership to be levied
                                                                                  instead on company
                     – On creation of rental     –   Abolish current tax    –     Tax capital gains on    –     Avoid "cost-triggering   –   Put a cap on land
                       property: a further 5%        exemption for capital        private real estate           standards", to be            prices and rule out
                       of acquisition and            gains on non-owner           sales at a                    determined on the            privatisation of state-
                       construction costs to         occupied properties          "reasonable" rate             basis of a uniform           owned land;
                       still be tax-deductible       after ten-year holding                                     inspection of building   –   Increase tax on and
                       after 2021                    period; replace with                                       costs ("Baukosten-           skim off capital gains
                                                     levy on planning gains                                     TÜV")                        from speculation and
                                                                                                                                             real estate sales; real
                                                                                                                                             estate funds to be
                                                                             –    Reduce ancillary          –   Increase linear                                        –   Remove real estate
                                                                                  purchase costs by             write-down from 2% to                                      transfer tax for
                                                                                  introducing more              3%                                                         owner-occupied
                                                                                  flexible real estate                                                                     homes; make it more
                                                                                  transfer tax: lower for                                                                  difficult for buyers who
                                                                                  owner-occupiers,                                                                         are not German
                                                                                  higher for large                                                                         citizens and have their
                                                                                  housing companies                                                                        primary residence
                                                                                                                                                                           abroad to purchase
                                                                                                                                                                           residential property by
                                                                                                                                                                           increasing real estate
                                                                                                                                                                           transfer tax to 20%

–   Abolish surcharge           –   Review whether real     –    The ability to pass on –      Gradual removal of        –    Carbon tax is not to be –   Abolish real property
                        under Renewable                 property tax can be          real property tax to          surcharge under                passed on to tenants        tax and fees such as
                        Energy Sources Act              passed on to tenants         tenants to be outlawed        Renewable Energy                                           Renewable Energy
                        (Erneuerbare-                   with a view to                                             Sources Act                                                Sources Act
                        Energien-Gesetz);               abandoning it                                                                                                         surcharge and
                        energy-related                  completely in future                                                                                                  TV/radio licence fees
                        surcharges and taxes
                        to focus more on
                        carbon emissions
3. Support for      –   1.5 million new             –   Create new living        –   Increase number of        –   Work to alleviate          –   Make it easier to       –   Build needs-oriented
building projects       residential units by            space; federal, state        building projects (esp.       housing shortage by            convert existing            housing, e.g. by
                        2025;                           and local authorities to     in towns/cities) and          mobilising land and            properties to create        designating new
                    –   Fast, modern and                secure and increase          simplify procedure for        facilitating fast building     new, affordable             building land; reduce
                        affordable creation of          public ownership of          acquiring residential     –   Introduce a register of        housing                     costs
                        new housing in areas            real property                property; strengthen          vacant and potential
                        with housing                                                 existing housing              sites
                        shortages; in                                                associations and
                        particular faster and                                        establish new ones
                        simpler realisation of                                  –    Improve use of
                        single-family housing                                        existing residential
                        and greater emphasis                                         space by promoting
                        on "modular                                                  space-saving housing
                    –   Utilise existing
                        opportunities for filling
                        vacant plots (building
                        across boundaries,
                        increasing height)
                    –   Simplify building           –   Accelerate building                                    –   Accelerate approval                                    –   Building law to be
                        regulations; automatic          projects, in particular                                    processes; harmonise                                       harmonised and
                        approval if no decision         by attracting skilled                                      state-level building                                       simplified at federal
                        on building application         workers;                                                   regulations, in                                            level, processes
                        has been passed             –   Participation                                              particular introduce                                       accelerated and
                        within two months of            processes, where                                           automatic approval if                                      bureaucracy reduced
                        all documents being             citizens or local                                          no decision on
                        submitted                       authorities are                                            building application
                                                        involved in particular                                     has been passed
                                                        building projects,                                         within a reasonable
                                                        should focus on "how"                                      period
                                                        and not "whether" the
                                                        project should go
4. Environmental –      Upgrade energy         –        Steer investments       –    Double – and further                                    –    Rate of renovation to   –   New Building Energy
and energy policy       efficiency of old               using carbon prices;         increase – the rate of                                       be tripled at least         Act (Gebäude-
                        buildings to achieve            motivate landlords to        renovation;                                                                              energiegesetz) to be
                        climate targets;                modernise, with         –    Define higher building                                                                   rejected. Ordinance
                        protect tenants                 carbon price to be           and renovation                                                                           on Energy Saving
                        against excessive               borne by landlords           standards;                                                                               (Energieeinspar-
                        financial burdens               and investments in      –    Present renovation                                                                       verordnung) to be
                        while imposing                  heating network and          strategy with every                                                                      abandoned and fire
                        obligations on housing          neighbourhood                change in ownership                                                                      protection, thermal
                        companies                       strategies being             (subsidised as                                                                           and noise insulation to
                                                        subsidised                   necessary);                                                                              be reduced to
                                                                                –    Limit modernisation                                                                      necessary minimum
                                                                                     surcharge to max.
                                                                                     €1.5/m2, to ensure

energy upgrades do
                                                                                                          not affect gross rent;
                                                                                                    –     Fair distribution of
                                                                                                          costs for climate-
                                                                                                          friendly modernisation
                                                                                                          work based on "3
                                                                                                          thirds model"
                                                                                                          (landlord, tenant,
                           –     Further technological –             Efficient heating of     –           Climate-neutral                –     Establish hydrogen            –      Germany-wide climate
                                 development and                     buildings using                      planning spanning the                and synthetic fuels as               check of all buildings
                                 innovation to increase              renewable energy                     entire lifetime of new               second pillar of a                   by 2025;
                                 efficiency;                         sources (innovative                  buildings and existing               future energy system;         –      Guaranteed
                           –     Increased use of                    heating and energy                   structures                           heat buildings using                 climate-neutral
                                 environmentally                     systems for five million                                                  carbon-neutral                       building stock by 2035
                                 friendly and local                  homes by 2030)                                                            hydrogen instead of
                                 building materials                                                                                            fossil fuels
                                 (e.g. sand, plaster,
                           –     Transform building
                                 sector to closed-loop
                           –     Increase tax relief for –           Targeted support for           –     Link discount on                                                   –      State subsidies for
                                 energy upgrades,                    innovative forms of                  power prices for                                                          modernisation costs
                                 particular subsidies for            renewable energy                     companies in                                                              that landlords are
                                 "tenant power"                      production                           international                                                             unable to cover; in
                                 (Mieterstrom)                       (e.g. integrated                     competition to                                                            return, landlord's
                           –     Create more attractive              photovoltaic in                      implementation of                                                         commitment to
                                 KfW programmes in                   building shell);                     measures to improve                                                       operate on non-profit
                                 order to improve         –          Gradual expansion of                 energy efficiency;                                                        basis;
                                 support for energy                  solar power units on           –     Build 1.5 million solar                                            –      Measures to
                                 upgrades on                         all suitable roofs                   roofs in the next 4                                                       guarantee increased
                                 residential and                                                          years (solar roof as                                                      energy efficiency
                                 commercial property;                                                     new standard);                                                            should include
                                 increase tax relief for                                            –     Investment                                                                targeted subsidies for
                                 modernisation of                                                         programme for two                                                         training schemes in
                                 rental and commercial                                                    million highly efficient                                                  traditional professions
                                 properties;                                                              heat pumps by 2025;                                                       and specialised study
                           –     Accelerate write-                                                  –     Subsidise                                                                 courses in particular
                                 downs on commercial                                                      climate-neutral energy
                                 investments that                                                         systems
                                 improve energy
                                 efficiency or reduce
                                 carbon emissions

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