Page created by Margaret Reed

GlasRoc Tile Backer

    GlasRoc Tile Backer

    Product Overview
    Diamondback Tile Backer is a superior tile

    substrate for walls and ceilings, especially
    designed by CertainTeed to meet the demands
    of high-moisture areas. Diamondback 1/4”
    Tile Backer (6.4 mm) is suitable for use as an
    underlayment for tile countertops and floor
    applications. With an innovative, built-in moisture-
    blocking coating that resists moisture at the
    surface, Diamondback Tile Backer protects tile
    installations and wall cavities from moisture
    intrusion and excessive vapor transfer thereby
    eliminating the need for a separate moisture
    barrier. Because paperless tile backer boards
    provide increased mold resistance, Diamondback
    Tile Backer is well-suited for tile and non-tile       Diamondback Sample

    installations in wet and non-wet applications, areas
    of high humidity and for fire-rated assemblies.
    Features                                               •	The unique texture coating and pattern
                                                             design create a superior bond between the
    •	Specially formulated water-resistant core.
                                                             board surface and tile adhesive that helps
    •	Excellent fire-resistance properties,                 prevent tile slippage during installation.
       and numerous fire-rated designs.
                                                           •	A superior water-resistant surface that
    •	Conformity to design and code                         inhibits water vapor permeance.
                                                           •	Mold resistance rating of 10 when
    •	Lifetime Limited Warranty for                         tested in accordance with ASTM D 3273.
       residential applications.
                                                           • Up to 50% lighter weight than cement
    •	20 Year Limited Warranty for                          backer boards and up to 20% lighter
       commercial applications.                              weight than other ASTM C 1178 gypsum
      eets ASTM C 1178, which is recognized by              tile backer boards.
     the Tile Council of North America (TCNA).             • Cuts like regular gypsum board and is easy
    •	Meets ASTM C 627 Robinson Floor Test for              to handle and install – with minimal skin
       use as underlayment [1/4” (6.4 mm)]                   irritation due to embedded glass mats.
    •	Reduced surface alkalinity versus                   •	Low VOCs; GREENGUARD Children and
       conventional cement board.                            Schools Certified.

       GlasRoc Products – Superior Technology

       CertainTeed’s GlasRoc products feature unique Embedded

       Glass Reinforced Gypsum (EGRG ) technology. This patent-
                                     ®      ®
                                                                                                        Textured coating
       ed* technology combines a protective coating on the face,                                        bonded to a
       with reinforced glass mats embedded into a water-resistant                                       gypsum surface
       gypsum core, positioned beneath a polymer-modified
       gypsum surface. The GlasRoc offering provides:                                                   Specially formulated
                                                                                                        water resistant core
       • Water-resistant, paperless surface that is designed to
         meet the requirements of the application.
                                                                                                        Reinforcing glass
       • Numerous fire-rated assembly designs for safety and                                           mats embedded
                                                                                                        beneath a layer
                                                                                                        of gypsum
       • Moisture and mold resistance for protection and durability.
       • Lightweight and designed to cut like regular gypsum board           *Covered by U.S. Patent No. 6,524,679;
         for ease of installation.                                              6,878,321; 6,866,492; and other patents pending.

Technical Properties                                                                                                                                   Through the responsible

 Properties                            Diamondback Tile Backer
                                                                               Diamondback Tile Backer
                                                                                                                 Diamondback Tile Backer
                                                                                                                                ®                      development of innovative
                                       1/4” (6.4 mm)                           1/2” (12.7 mm)                    Type X 5/8” (15.9 mm)
                                                                                                                                                       and sustainable building
 Sizes Available*                      3’ x 5’ (915 mm x 1525 mm)              32” x 5’ (815 mm x 1525 mm)       4’ x 5’ (1220 mm x 1525 mm)
                                       4’ x 4’ (1220 mm x 1220 mm)             3’ x 5’ (915 mm x 1525 mm)        4’ x 8’ (1220 mm x 2440 mm)           products, CertainTeed has
 		                                                                            4’ x 5’ (1220 mm x 1525 mm)
                                                                                                                                                       helped shape the building
 		                                                                            4’ x 8’ (1220 mm x 2440 mm)
 Weight - Lbs/Sq.Ft. (Kg/m )     2
                                       1.6 (7.8)                               1.6 (7.8) ****                    2.4 (11.7)                            products industry for more
 Flame Spread / Smoke Developed***     less than 25/50                         less than 25/50                   less than 25/50
                                                                                                                                                       than 100 years. Founded in
 Mold Resistance Rating**              10                                      10                                10
 Standard Specification                ASTM C 1178                             ASTM C 1178                       ASTM C 1178
                                                                                                                                                       1904 as General Roofing
     *   Other lengths available. Ask your CertainTeed sales representative.                                                                           Manufacturing Company,
    **   No mold growth detected. Note that 10 is highest rating possi­ble.
   ***   Tested per ASTM E 84, CAN/ULC-S102.
  ****   Improved lighter weight formulation.                                                                                                          the firm’s slogan “Quality
                                                                                                                                                       Made Certain, Satisfaction
Code Compliance and Testing Standards                                                                                                                  Guaranteed,” quickly
Diamondback Tile Backer is IRC, IBC
                                                                               Under certain job site conditions, mold                                 inspired the name
and National Building Code of Canada                                           resistance for building products may
                                                                                                                                                       CertainTeed. Today,
compliant in 1/4” (6.4 mm), 1/2” (12.7                                         produce different results than those
mm) and 5/8” (15.9 mm) thicknesses                                             achieved in a controlled, laboratory                                    CertainTeed is North

and meets ASTM C 1178 as a glass                                               setting; however, when handled properly,
mat water-resistant gypsum backing                                             using appropriate design methods and                                    America’s leading brand
panel for use as a tile backer, as                                             construction practices, CertainTeed’s
                                                                                                                                                       of exterior and interior
recognized by the Tile Council of North                                        Embedded Glass Reinforced Gypsum                            ®

America (TCNA).                                                                (EGRG ) Technology provides
                                                                                                                                                       building products, including
                                                                               increased mold resistance compared
The TCNA recommends the use of a                                               to standard moisture resistant paper                                    roofing, siding, fence,
moisture barrier behind cement backer                                          faced wallboard.                                                        decking, railing, trim,
boards in wet areas; however,
Diamondback Tile Backer has a built-in                                         Diamondback Tile Backer                                                 foundations, pipe,
moisture barrier that stops moisture at                                        meets ASTM C 1178, which is
                                                                                                                                                       insulation, gypsum,
the surface, thereby eliminating the                                           referenced by the Tile Council
need for an additional barrier.                                                of North America (TCNA).                                                ceilings and access covers.
Mold Resistance Test – When tested                                             1/4” (6.4 mm) Diamondback Tile
in accordance with ASTM D 3273,                                                Backer has passed the ASTM C 627
Diamondback Tile Backer exhibited no                                           Robinson Floor Test for residential
evidence of mold or fungal growth                                              and light commercial floors. This
after a period of 28 days of exposure,                                         includes TCNA Recognition for
yielding a rating of 10, the best level of                                     specific Floor Systems.
performance for mold resistance.

                                                                                    Product Overview........................... 2
                                                                                    Technical Properties....................... 3
                                                                                    Code Compliance and Testing...... 3
                                                                                    Floors................................................ 4
                                                                                    Tub/Shower Walls or Ceilings . . . 4-5
                                                                                    Countertops...................................... 6
                                                                                    Non-Tile Walls or Ceilings.............. 6
                                                                                    Fire-Rated Assemblies.................... 7

                                       Gypsum Board & Finishing Products from CertainTeed                                  •   Call Toll Free 800-233-8990   •   3
Bathtub and Shower Walls, Ceilings and Floors
    Walls or Ceilings
    When using Diamondback Tile Backer
                                                     Diamondback Tile Backer, use 1-1/2” (38 mm)    interior residential and light commercial
    as a tile substrate in residential wall          (minimum) corrosion- resistant backerboard     floor tile applications as defined in the
    applications, panels should be installed         screws. For 5/8” (15.9 mm) Diamondback         TCNA Handbook for Ceramic, Glass, and
    with the textured side facing the interior.      Tile Backer, use 1-5/8” (41 mm) (minimum)      Stone Tile Installation.
    Tiles should always be applied to the            corrosion-resistant backerboard screws.
    textured side.                                   Using nominal 2” (50 mm) wide alkali-          Install 1/4” (6.4 mm) Diamondback Tile
                                                     resistant fiberglass mesh tape such as         Backer over the 3/4” (19.1 mm) plywood
    Diamondback Tile Backer can be scored            FibaTape Cement Board Tape, bed tape on
                                                                                                    subfloor with the textured pattern side up
    and cut with a standard utility knife and        all joints and corners with material used to   using a latex-modified thinset (ANSI
    requires no special tools. Working from the      set tiles. Apply sealant to seal fixture and   A118.4 or better) liberally applied with a
    textured side, pieces snap after scoring only    plumbing penetrations and abutments to         1/2” x 1/2” (12.7 x 12.7 mm) square-tooth
    one face. After cutting panels to required       dissimilar materials. If Diamondback Tile      notched trowel. The Diamondback Tile
    size, make cutouts and then snug fit ends        Backer meets gypsum board outside the          Backer is embedded into the mortar while
    and edges, being certain not to leave gaps       shower, and tiles extend beyond the            still pliant. Diamondback Tile Backer board
    between panels.                                  gypsum board joint and Diamondback Tile        joints are to be staggered to not align
                                                     Backer, apply nominal 2” (50 mm) wide          with the subfloor joints and butted tightly.
    When used as a tile substrate for walls,         alkali-resistant fiberglass mesh tape, such    Fasten Diamondback Tile Backer to the
    minimum 20-gauge steel or wood framing           as FibaTape Cement Board Tape, to the
                                                                                                    subfloor with 1-1/4” (32 mm) corrosion-
    should not exceed 16” (400 mm) o.c.              joint and skim with latex-modified thinset.    resistant screws beginning in the center
    without blocking for 1/2” (12.7 mm); or 24”                                                     of each board and working toward the
    (610 mm) o.c. for 5/8” (15.9 mm). Panels         If Diamondback Tile Backer meets               edges. Space fasteners a maximum
    can be applied horizontally or vertically.       gypsum board outside the shower, and           8” (200 mm) o.c. in both directions, driv-
                                                     tiles end before the gypsum board joint        ing them flush with the surface (Do Not
    When used as a tile substrate for ceilings,      and Diamondback Tile Backer, apply             Countersink). Apply a thin coat of latex-
    panels should be applied perpendicular to        nominal 2” (50 mm) wide fiberglass mesh        modified thinset (ANSI A118.4 or better) to
    framing. Framing should be spaced no             tape such as FibaTape Mold-X10      ®    TM    board joints and embed 2” wide alkali-
    greater than 12” (300 mm) o.c. for 1/2”          Drywall Tape to the joint and skim with        resistant fiberglass mesh tape with latex-
    (12.7 mm) thickness or 16” (400 mm) o.c.         setting type joint compound, such as           modified thinset. Apply flooring-grade tile
    for 5/8” (15.9 mm) thickness. For walls and      CertainTeed M2Tech 90, in order to
                                                                      ®              ®              with latex-modified thinset (ANSI A118.4 or
    ceilings, fasteners should be spaced 6”          create a smooth, paintable surface.            better) using a 1/4” x 1/4” (6.4 x 6.4 mm)
    (150 mm) o.c. on wood and metal framing.                                                        square-tooth notched trowel. Use a 2” x 2”
    Drive fasteners flush with textured surface      Residential and Light                          (51 x 51 mm) or larger floor-grade tile.
    and do not countersink. Use 1-1/2” (38 mm)       Commercial Floors                              Apply standard floor grout (ANSI A118.6)
    galvanized roofing nails for 1/2” (12.7 mm)                                                     or polymer modified grout (ANSI A118.7)
    and 1-3/4” (44 mm) for 5/8” (15.9 mm)            1/4” (6.4 mm) Diamondback Tile Backer is       to the tile joints in accordance with
    Diamondback Tile Backer. For 1/2” (12.7 mm)      approved for use as an underlayment for        manufacturer’s application instructions.

    Special notes:

    Do not use an additional moisture barrier.             1/2” (12.7 mm) or 5/8” (15.9 mm)
                                                           Diamondback Tile Backer

    (Diamondback Tile Backer has a built-in
    moisture barrier) .                                              Tiles
                                                                                                                                    FibaTape Cement

                                                    Tile adhesive ( latex-modified                                                 Board Tape
    • Do not use all-purpose joint compound or
                                                     thinset meeting ANSI A118.4)
     paper tape in wet areas. Use nominal
     2” (50 mm) wide alkali-resistant fiberglass
                                                    Wood or min. 20-gauge
     mesh tape.                                     metal framing

    • In all corners, prior to applying the mesh
     tape, apply a small bead of sealant to the
     joint without spreading it over the face of    Flexible sealant into
                                                    max 1/4” (6 mm) gap

    • Do not use Diamondback Tile Backer as a                  Bathtub

     base for nailing and mechanical fastening.

    • Do not laminate Diamondback Tile Backer
                                                    1/4” (6.4 mm) Diamondback    ®

     directly to concrete or masonry block.         Tile Backer

     Framing or furring of wall is necessary.       Diagram 1

Shower Receptors
Before installing Diamondback Tile        ®
                                                      Special notes: Do not place
Backer on walls ( see Diagram 2),                     Diamondback Tile Backer into
the shower pan or rubber membrane                     the shower mortar bed. Leave a
must be adequately sloped to the                      maximum 1/4” ( 6 mm ) gap and fill
main drain or weep -hole so as not to                 with flexible sealant.
impede proper water drainage.
                                                         1/2” (12.7 mm) or 5/8” (15.9 mm)
                                                         Diamondback Tile Backer

For showers with curbs, a waterproof
membrane must be applied up walls                                                              Tiles

for a minimum of 3” ( 75 mm) and a
maximum of 6” (150 mm) above the                                            Tile adhesive (latex-modified
finished curb. Diamondback Tile                                             thinset meeting ANSI A118.4)

Backer should not be used in the curb.
                                                                          Flexible sealant into max.
                                                                          1/4” (6 mm) gap
For showers without curbs, a water-
proof membrane should be applied                      Sloped rubber membrane
up walls for a minimum of 6” ( 150
mm) and a maximum of 8” ( 200 mm).
Satisfactory blocking should be applied
at the bottom framing (e.g., wood).
                                                      Sloped mortar bed

                                                                Diagram 2

Bathtub or Shower Receptor                                                       Shower Pan
Diamondback Tile Backer may be                                                   Additional Notes: Diamondback
applied on walls horizontally or vertically.                                     Tile Backer may be applied on walls
                                                                                 horizontally or vertically.
Thoroughly filling the space between
the tile and tub with a flexible sealant
will help prevent water penetration.                                             1/2” (12.7 mm) or 5/8” (15.9 mm)
                                                                                 Diamondback Tile Backer

1/2” (12.7 mm) or 5/8” (15.9 mm)
Diamondback Tile Backer


   Tile adhesive
   (latex-modified thinset
   meeting ANSI A118.4)
                                                                                   Tile adhesive
       Tiles                                                                       (latex-modified thinset
                                                                                   meeting ANSI A118.4)


                                                                                 Flexible sealant into max.
Flexible sealant into                                                            1/4” (6 mm) gap
max. 1/4” (6 mm) gap


                                                                              Shower pan

Fireproofing when required

Wood or metal studs

                   Diagram 3                                                               Diagram 4

                               Gypsum Board & Finishing Products from CertainTeed          •    Call Toll Free 800-233-8990   •   5
    When using Diamondback Tile Backer
                                                    Stagger joints of Diamondback
    on countertops ( see Diagram 5 ), a             Tile Backer panels with those of the                         1/4” (6.4 mm) or 1/2” (12.7 mm)
                                                                                                                 Diamondback Tile Backer

    minimum 23/ 32” (18.3 mm ) exterior             ­plywood base, butting joints tightly.
    glue plywood base must first be                  Tape all joints and corners using
                                                                                                                         Latex Portland Cement Mortar
    installed flat and level, followed by a          nominal 2” (50 mm) wide self-adhering,                              (meeting ANSI A118.4)
    bedding coat of latex-modified thinset          alkali-resistant fiberglass mesh tape,
    on the plywood using a 1/4” x 1/4” x 1/4”       such as FibaTape Cement Board Tape

    ( 6 mm x 6 mm x 6 mm ) notched                   and embed the tape with latex cement
                                                                                                                                                     Base min. 23/32”
    trowel. Framing spacing should not               mortar that meets ANSI A118.4.                                                                  (18.3 mm) plywood
    exceed 24” ( 610 mm ) o.c. Overhangs,
    expansion/control joints on cantilever          Install tile using latex-­­modified thinset,
    counters must be supported to prevent           expansion / control joints and grout in
    movement.                                       accordance with ANSI A108.

    Apply clean, dry Diamondback Tile Backer        Use a waterproof membrane
    to the base with the textured side              (ANSI A118.10) to seal edge
    facing out prior to the leveling material       and bottom of plywood
    setting up. Fasten panel every 6” to 8”         overhang at face of counter
    (150 mm to 200 mm) o.c. in both direc-          and all other plywood surfaces
    tions, using 1-1/4” (32 mm) galvanized          and edges that will be exposed to
    roofing nails or 1-1/4” (32 mm) corro-          water or moisture, especially around                                                            Framing support

    sion-resistant backerboard screws.              automatic dishwashers.                              Diagram 5

    Non-Tile Walls or Ceilings
    Non-Tile, Non-Wet,
    High-Humidity Areas

    Diamondback Tile Backer may also be             paint or wallpaper application. If necessary
    used in interior non-tile areas that do not     to create a suitably smooth surface, apply an                             Finishing Products
    come in contact with water, but that            additional medium skim coat of all purpose
    experience exposure to high levels of           joint compound, such as CertainTeed All-
    humidity intermittently, such as areas          Purpose or Lite All-Purpose ready-mixed
    outside tubs and showers in residential         joint compounds. Before applying paint or
    construction (see Diagram 6).                   wallpaper, the surface should be primed for
                                                    high-moisture areas as recommended by
    For walls, wood framing or steel ( 25-gauge     the product’s manufacturer for applications
    min.) should be spaced no greater than          over setting type joint compound.
    16” (400 mm) o.c. for 1/2” (12.7 mm)                                    1/2” (12.7 mm) or 5/8” (15.9 mm)                     CertainTeed   ®
    Diamondback Tile Backer and 24” (610 mm)                                Diamondback Tile Backer                             Light Sand 90         M2Tech 90
                                                                                           ®                                                                 ®

                                                                                                                                                   Setting Compound
    o.c. for 5/8” (15.9 mm) Diamondback Tile
    Backer. For ceilings, Diamondback Tile Backer
    should be installed perpendicular to framing
    with framing spaced no greater than 12”
    (300 mm) o.c. for 1/2” (12.7 mm) thickness
    and 16” (400 mm) o.c. for 5/8” thickness.                                                       2” (50 mm)
                                                                                                    wide Mold-X10   TM

                                                                                                    FibaTape ®                  CertainTeed        CertainTeed Mould
    Apply nominal 2” (50 mm) wide fiberglass                                                        fiberglass
                                                                                                                                All-Purpose          Resistant Lite
                                                                                                    mesh tape
    mesh tape, such as FibaTape Mold-X10
                                   ®          TM

    Drywall Tape, over joints and angles,
    embedding the tape in a setting-type joint
    compound, such as CertainTeed’s mold
    resistant CertainTeed M2Tech 90 Setting
                          ®            ®

    Compound. Using a trowel, apply a heavy                                                                                       FibaTape               FibaTape
                                                                                                                                           ®                     ®

                                                                        Primer and paint       CertainTeed M2Tech
                                                                                                         ®         ®­
                                                                                                                                  Mold-X10                Cement
    skim coat to the entire panel with the                                                     90 Setting Compound               Drywall Tape           Board Tape
                                                                                               (Skim Coat)
    compound to create a smooth surface for
                                                          Diagram 6

Fire-Rated Assemblies
Diamondback Tile Backer Type X: The Ultimate Choice

• CertainTeed offers over 70 Type X fire-rated designs in the GlasRoc family.                      ®

• 5/8” (15.9 mm) Diamondback Tile Backer meets Type X requirements.

• Tile installation is not required to achieve a 1- or 2-hour fire rating.
• Aligns perfectly with 5/8” (15.9 mm ) CertainTeed and M2Tech Type X gypsum board and is UL Classified.

1-Hour Fire Rating                               2-Hour Fire Rating                                     2-Hour Fire Rating
Test Reference: UL U305                          Test Reference: UL U301                                Test Reference: UL U411

Partition Thickness: 4-3/4” (120.7 mm)           Partition Thickness: 6” ( 152 mm)                      Partition Thickness: 5” (127 mm )
Weight, lbs. per Sq. Ft.: 6.8 (33.2 Kg/m )
                                                 Weight, lbs. per Sq. Ft.: 12.0 (58.6 Kg/m )2
                                                                                                        Weight, lbs. per Sq. Ft.: 11 ( 53.7 Kg/m )    2

5/8” (15.9 mm) Diamondback Tile®

                                                 Base Layer: 5/8” (15.9 mm) CertainTeed         ®       Base Layer: 5/8” (15.9 mm) CertainTeed
Backer Type X applied parallel or at             and M2Tech Type X or Diamondback
                                                              ®                                         and M2Tech Type X or Diamondback

right angles to 2 x 4 wood studs 16”             Tile Backer Type X gypsum board. Base                  Tile Backer Type X gypsum board
(400 mm) o.c. with 1-7/8” (48 mm)                layer attached horizontally or vertically              applied parallel to each side of 2-1/2”
phosphate coated nails 7” (175 mm)               to minimum 2 x 4 wood studs                            ( 64 mm ) metal studs 24” (600 mm)
o.c. Joints staggered each side and              16” (400 mm) o.c. with 1-7/8” (48 mm)                  o.c. with 1” (25 mm) Type S screws 16”
covered with nominal 2” (50 mm) wide             nails spaced 6” (150 mm) o.c.                          (400 mm) o.c.
10 x 10 alkali-resistant fiberglass mesh
                                                 Face Layer: 5/8” (15.9 mm )                            Face Layer: 5/8” (15.9 mm)
tape and tile adhesive. ( Load bearing)
                                                 Diamondback Tile Backer Type X                         Diamondback Tile Backer Type X
                                                 applied horizontally or vertically. Face               applied parallel to each side of studs
                                                 layer attached to studs over base layer                with 1-5/8” (41 mm) Type S screws 16”
                                                 with 2-3/8” ( 60 mm ) nails spaced 8”                  (400 mm) o.c. at edge joints, 12” ( 300
                                                 (200 mm ) o.c. Vertical joints located over            mm ) o.c. at perimeter and intermediate
                                                 studs. All joints in face layers staggered             studs. Stagger joints 24” ( 600 mm) o.c.
                                                 with joints in base layers. Joints of each             each layer and side. ( Non-load bearing )
                                                 base layer offset with joints of base                  See “UL Fire Resistance Directory” for additional
                                                 layer on opposite side. (Load bearing )                fire-rated assemblies.

                      Gypsum Board & Finishing Products from CertainTeed   •   Call Toll Free 800-233-8990       •         7
Diamondback Tile Backer Benefits                 ®

Better Physical Performance                                      Easy to Handle and Install                                       Low VOCs; GREENGUARD
Tested in accordance with ASTM C                                 Diamondback Tile Backer is handled and                           Children & Schools Certified           SM

1178, Diamondback Tile Backer  ®
                                                                 installed like regular paper-faced gypsum.                       Moisture and Mold Resistance
meets or exceeds all physical
                                                                 In addition, it:                                                 Because Diamondback Tile Backer
property requirements.
                                                                   • Is significantly lighter than                               contains no starches or sugars, it
Enhanced Dimensional Stability                                        conventional cement board,                                  naturally resists mold growth. When
                                                                      resulting in lower installation cost.                       tested in accordance with ASTM D
Diamondback Tile Backer resists
delamination, rippling, buckling and sag-                          • The unique texture coating and                              3273, Diamondback Tile Backer
ging related to environmental conditions,                             pattern design create a superior                            exhibited no evidence of mold after a
such as changes in temperature and                                    bond between the board surface                              period of 28 days of exposure, yielding a
relative humidity. Diamondback Tile                                   and tile adhesive that helps prevent                        rating of 10, the best rating possible.
Backer will provide a flat and uniform                                tile slippage during installation.                          Increased Durability
substrate for tile applications. To back it                        •M
                                                                     oisture barrier face eliminates the
                                                                                                                                  Diamondback Tile Backer resists
up, CertainTeed provides a lifetime                                 need for additional moisture/vapor
                                                                                                                                  delaminating because the glass
limited warranty for residential                                    retarder.
                                                                                                                                  mats are embedded into the
applications and a 20 year limited                                 •C
                                                                     an be scored and cut with a standard                        panel, creating a more durable,
warranty for commercial applications.                               utility knife. No power tools required,                       dimensionally stable panel.
                                                                    reducing the amount of particle dust
Enhanced Fire Protection                                                                                                          Standards and Code Compliance
                                                                    versus conventional cement board.
Testing in accordance with ASTM E 136                                                                                             Diamondback Tile Backer conforms to
                                                                   • Snaps free after scoring only one face
proved that Diamondback Tile Backer Type                                                                                          ASTM C 1178 standards for glass mat
X is noncombustible and offers superior                            • Is easier to handle because skin
                                                                                                                                  water- resistant gypsum backing panel
fire performance. It achieves a flame-                                irritations are minimized due to
                                                                                                                                  for use as a tile backer. Installation
spread/smoke developed rating of less                                 embedded glass mats and our
                                                                                                                                  standards, where applicable, are per
than 25/50 when tested per ASTM E 84,                                 innovative coating on the face.
                                                                                                                                  the Tile Council of North America Inc.’s
CAN/ULC-S102. Diamondback Tile                                     • Has uniform field and edge hardness,                        TCNA Handbook for Ceramic, Glass
Backer Type X is UL Classified for Fire                               making trimming and fastening                               and Stone Tile Installation for glass mat
resistance for use in fire rated designs.                             quick and easy, as well as, reducing                        water-resistant gypsum backer board.
( UL Designation – Type EGRG or GlasRoc )                             occurrence of overdriven fasteners.

FibaTape is a registered trademark of Saint-Gobain ADFORS. CertainTeed is a trademark of CertainTeed Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of CertainTeed’s affiliates and related
NOTICE: The information in this document is subject to change without notice. CertainTeed assumes no responsibility for any errors that may inadvertently appear in this document.


                                                                                                                                     Confidence worth building on.™

                                                                                                                                      Confidence worth building on

                                                                                                                                                © 12/10
                                                                                                                                              © 12/12    CertainTeed
                                                                                                                                                      CertainTeed     Gypsum.
                                                                                                                                                                  Corporation,   Rev. 03-2013
                                                                                                                                                                               Printed in U.S.A.
                                                                                                                                          Printed in U.S.A. on recycled paper.
                                                                                                                                                                                 No. CTG-2633

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