GLOBAL MONEY WEEK 23 - 29 March 2020 Learn.Save.Earn - Toolkit

Page created by Jeffery Fernandez
GLOBAL MONEY WEEK 23 - 29 March 2020 Learn.Save.Earn - Toolkit
Organised by


23 - 29 March 2020

GLOBAL MONEY WEEK 23 - 29 March 2020 Learn.Save.Earn - Toolkit
                                     Global Money Week (GMW), the flagship youth Financial Education Campaign
                                     developed by Child & Youth Finance International (CYFI), has been handed over to
                                     the OECD International Network on Financial Education (OECD/INFE). Therefore,
                                     the 9th Edition of Global Money Week will be organised by the OECD/INFE.

If you have any questions, please
contact us:
The OECD International Network on
Financial Education (OECD/INFE)
 2 rue André Pascal, 75775 Paris
  Cedex 16, France                   GMW Slogan ‘Learn.Save.Earn.’......................................................................................... 3
           About GMW.....................................................................................................................................4
 +33 (0)1 45 24 85 55
                                     Plan Your GMW..............................................................................................................................5

Follow GMW online!                   Activities ...........................................................................................................................................6

                                     Publicity & Media......................................................................................................................... 8
   @GlobalMoneyWeek               GMW Branding & Style Guidelines................................................................................... 9

The official hashtag of GMW is       Resources ......................................................................................................................................10

GLOBAL MONEY WEEK 23 - 29 March 2020 Learn.Save.Earn - Toolkit
                                                                                        “GMW is great opportunity to
                                                                                        raise awareness of youth in
                                                                                        financialliteracy, raise their
                                                                                        entrepreneurship spirit, support
                                                                                        and guide them, especially
                                                                                        children from vulnerable families
                                                                                        to save money for their future
                                                                                        education. I think we should not
                                                                                        limit GMW to only one week, but
                                                                                        conduct various activities with
                                                                                        joint effort of all stakeholders in
                                                                                        our country throughout the year
                                                                                        and use the one week of GMW to
                                                                                        celebrate success and plan for
                                                                                        next year to make it sustainable
                                                                                        and continuous process.”

                                                                                        ─ Farrukhsho Fraidonov, Manager
                                                                                          of Affairs of SPCE UCA,
                                                                                          Tajikistan, GMW2018

‘Learn.Save.Earn.’ is the official slogan of the Global Money Week (GMW). Initially
used as the theme of GMW2017 and transformed into the Campaign’s slogan, we
believe it conveys the key messages of the GMW Campaign and supports the goal of
the Week by empowering children and youth to not only learn to manage their money
wisely, but to help them transfer their knowledge to their families and to entire
communities. In addition, the slogan ‘Learn.Save.Earn.’ helps everyone to create a
variety of events and activities around these topics that help children and youth to:

●   Learn to manage money wisely
    Educating children and young people about their social and economic
    rights and responsibilities is key to creating a generation of capable
    adults, who can make wise decisions for their future.

●   Save for their futures                                                                  The
    It is important for children and youth to build clever savings habits from
    an early age in order to cultivate key money-managing skills for later in               Official
●   Earn for themselves and their families
    Developing livelihoods skills or receiving entrepreneurial training,                    Slogan
    supports children and young people in getting a job or building their own
    business and developing their careers.

 Learn more at ‘About’ section on
GLOBAL MONEY WEEK 23 - 29 March 2020 Learn.Save.Earn - Toolkit
Why is it important to teach children and      projects, launches and competitions
                                              youth about money matters from a young         organised by over 170 participating
                                             age?
                                              The earlier children learn about money,
                                                                                             countries globally. Click here to see
                                                                                             where Global Money Week has taken
“GMW is a wonderful tool to                   savings and investment, the better they        place in the past.
educate the children and youth,               manage their personal finances
change the habits and build the               throughout their lives. These skills help      What happens during GMW?
financially responsible generation.”          children and youth to understand the           During GMW, national organisations
                                              difference between earning, saving and         such as government bodies, ministries,
─ Mazamal Yar, Deputy Director                spending, making them better money             financial institutions, central banks, not-
  Social Welfare, Pakistan,                   managers, who are able to budget and           for-profit and youth organisations, local
  GMW2018                                     have healthier money habits. It also helps     businesses, universities, schools and
                                              children understand how to manage              others work together to organise different
                                              money at an early age and teaches              types of activities for children and youth
                                              them to make better financial decisions        to spark excitement around the topic of
                                              regarding student loans, housing, first car,   ‘Learn.Save.Earn.’ through:
                                              travel, and other expenses.
                                                                                             ● visitsto banks, parliaments, central
About Global Money                            What is the goal of GMW?
                                              We believe that today’s children and
                                                                                              banks, stock exchanges, currency
                                                                                              exchanges, money museums, local
Week (GMW)                                    youth should become empowered
                                              economic citizens, capable of
                                                                                              businesses, and global corporate
                                              understanding the importance of                ● financial workshops and sessions;
                                              saving, and are equipped with the skills       ● financial education fairs, open market
What is Global Money Week (GMW)?              to be employed and create their own              events, financial literacy rallies;
GMW, is an annual financial awareness         livelihoods. We want young people to           ● financial education games and savings
campaign built to inspire children            learn to manage their money wisely. By           competitions, financial football matches;
and young people to learn about               empowering children and youth, we can          ● drawing, photo, essay and video
money matters, livelihoods and                help them transfer their knowledge to            contests on ‘Learn.Save.Earn.’
entrepreneurship. Initiated by CYFI in        their families and to entire communities.
2012, it is now organised by the OECD         GMW is a time when the whole world can         About the OECD International Network
International Network on Financial            celebrate and engage in these important        on Financial Education (OECD/INFE).
Education (OECD/INFE).                        topics.                                        The OECD and its International Network
                                                                                             on Financial Education (INFE) support
Throughout 8 editions, starting in 2012,      Who can participate?                           policy makers and public authorities to
the Campaign has reached the lives of 32      Whether you are INFE member or non-            design and implement national strategies
million children and youth in 174 countries   member – everyone can join GMW2020.            for financial education, individual
worldwide.                                    Do not forget to explore ‘Countries’ page      financial education programmes, while
                                              for more details.                              also proposing innovative methods for
Save the Date!                                                                               enhancing financial literacy among the
23 - 29 March 2019                             Learn more at ‘Countries’ section            populations of partner countries.
#GlobalMoneyWeek2020                          on
                                              Where is GMW happening?              
                                              Everywhere. GMW is an international
                                              campaign, with many events, activities,

                                               Learn more at ‘About’ section on
GLOBAL MONEY WEEK 23 - 29 March 2020 Learn.Save.Earn - Toolkit
“I am proud that we have the
chance each year to participate
in GMW activities, leaving an
impact on the lives of children
and youth nationwide through the
various financial awareness raising
activities that we implement.”

 ─ Mrs. Azza ELDorry, Head of the
Children & Youth sector, Ministry of
Youth, Egypt, GMW2017

  Plan Your Global                             Campaign in your country and make          Global Money Week activities.

  Money Week                                   it suitable for the topics you wish to
                                               highlight during the Week.                 How can you send your photos or videos
                                               ● Collaborate with diverse groups of       to GMW Team?
                                               organisations and institutions to plan     • Option 1: For only a couple of photos,
  How does GMW Campaign work?                  GMW branded events and activities for      please email them directly to us at
  In brief, organisations across the world     children and youth.              
  organise their own GMW events during         ● Make sure your event is branded as a     • Option 2 : For sending all your photos or
  the Week, and share news, photos and         Global Money Week event. Read more         forwarding any larger files, please use
  information with the GMW Organising          in the ‘Global Money Week Branding & to send your files
  Team. News of all these activities are       Style Guidelines 2020’ document.           to us at
  linked to each other via the social media,   ● Make sure to share your GMW              • Option 3: Upload your photos to
  and the GMW website.                         plans in social media by linking           DropBox and share the link with us at
                                               it to @GlobalMoneyWeek           
  How to plan your own GMW?                    #GlobalMoneyWeek2020 and do not
  There is no participation fee! Whether       forget to send photos/ videos to the       PLEASE NOTE! For all media that
  you are INFE member or non-member –          INFE/GMW Team.                             include / show young people, please
  everyone can join GMW2020.                   ● INFE/GMW Team will contact               ensure that appropriate consent is
                                               you when we need you to send us            obtained from parents, legal guardians,
  If you are already INFE member               information about your GMW plans.          and/or from the photographer to ensure
  institution, then most probably you have                                                that the photos/videos may be widely
  heard about GMW2020 from us.                 How do we support you as you organise      published online (i.e. Global Money
                                               your Global Money Week?                    Week website, press, social media, et
  If you are not INFE member, you              We support you in the following ways:      cetera.) and in GMW publications.
  can take part in GMW2020, but we
  encourage you to get in contact with         ● Offering you resources that can help
  INFE member institutions in your             you plan your Week (toolkit, brochure,      Tips for planning your GMW event!
  country. If you do not have INFE             GMW logos, etc.). See more at
  member institutions in your country,         ‘Resources’ section on the website.        • Don’t forget to add GMW to your annual
  we encourage you to get in contact           ● Explore ideas and offer advice to help   event calendar!
  with the government authority to jointly     you run a successful GMW.                  • Contact your affiliated institutions,
  participate in Global Money Week. The        ● Link you to other partners in your       businesses, sponsors, and schools to
  government authority is welcome to           country or worldwide.                      inform them about the Week, and get
  become a member of INFE. To see if           ● Invite you to webinars prior to          them involved in GMW Campaign
  there are any institutions in your country   GMW2020 to share GMW news and              • Explore ideas for potential events in
  which are already members of the INFE,       meet other participants.                   ‘Activities’ section
  please contact INFE/GMW Team.                ● Keep you connected with the              • Get inspired by earlier events by reading
                                               Campaign by sharing the latest updates     GMW Reports published during 2013-2019
  See below the steps of how to easily         with you.                                  • Take fun photos and videos with GMW
  plan your own GMW Campaign in your           ● Collecting data from the participants    logos and share them with others
  country:                                     to generate the GMW Report with
                                               Campaign and country highlights.
  ● Explore GMW website for country
  overviews, available resources and           Is there a fee to take part?
  inspiring ideas for your GMW.                Absolutely not! All that we ask from
  ● Initiate and take the lead on GMW          you is that you keep us updated on your

                           Learn more at ‘About’ section on
GLOBAL MONEY WEEK 23 - 29 March 2020 Learn.Save.Earn - Toolkit
Many different events and
activities take place during
the Week. Hereby inspiring
examples of activities that
you can plan during your
                                       Visits to                      Visits to                    Visits to banks &
                                   stock exchanges                 money museums                    other financial

                               Over 79 stock exchanges         85 money museums have           Student groups can visit
                               have participated in GMW        taken part in GMW               bank branches or
                                                                                               headquarters, to get
                               Stock exchanges can be          Visits to money museums         to know more about
                               part of the ‘Ring Around        offer young people a great      how banks work, which
                               the World’ initiative, by in-   opportunity to draw on the      different departments and
                               viting children and youth to    past – learn about the          job positions are available,
                               ring the opening or closing     history of money – to           and what they do.
                               bell at the stock exchange.     understand the importance
                               This is a great opportunity     of saving for their futures.
                               for children and youth to
                               learn more about the work       Visits to the museum do
                               of stock exchanges around       not need to be limited to a
                               the world.                      walking tour, but can
                                                               include various workshops
                                                               where students can learn
                                                               about different currencies
                                                               and the history of money.

                                                                                                  Organise financial
                                                                                                  education fairs or
                                                                                                  plan open markets

                                GMW bus delivering                                             Educative and interactive
                                 financial literacy                                            fairs are a great idea to
                                 workshops around                                              showcase the work of
                                                                       Visits to               different institutions and
                                    the country                                                bring youth together.
                                                                      schools &                Interactive financial games
                               Do not forget to think                universities              and workshops can be part
                               outside the box and make                                        of it so that the students
                               it possible for everyone to                                     learn new skills and can
                               take part in your GMW!                                          interact with others.
                               Create a GMW bus that can       Not only should students

                              tour through all counties
                               in the country and reach
                                                               visit different organisations
                                                               and institutions, but bank,
                                                                                               Open Market
                                                                                               Children and youth can
                               children and youth in rural     businesses and parliament       hold an Open Market at
“Inviting the youth to                                         employees can visit schools
                               areas, too! The busses can                                      school or other location -
think about and engage                                         and universities as well.
                               have learning facilities to                                     where they can run their
in the discussions around                                      It would be a great idea
                               teach youngsters about                                          own lemonade stands,
money, and why money                                           to hold workshops and
                               money and savings, such as                                      sell homemade jewelry
matters matter, is crucially                                   sessions for youth!
                               computers with financial                                        or baked goods. When
important for their future
                               games, books, and                                               starting their own small
financial well-being and
                               brochures.                                                      businesses,
economic independence.”
                                                                                               children should consider
                                                                                               factors such as starting
─ Koba Gvenetadze,
                                                                                               capital, inventory, payback
Governor of the National
                                                                                               plans, and operating
Bank of Georgia, GMW2018
                                                                                               expenses - a fantastic
                                                                                               way to develop
                                                                                               useful financial and
                                                                                               entrepreneurial skills, whilst
                                                                                               having fun.

GLOBAL MONEY WEEK 23 - 29 March 2020 Learn.Save.Earn - Toolkit
Visits to                    Visits to local                Financial literacy                Plan workshops
       parliaments                     businesses                          rally                          & lessons

Organizing youth visits to       GMW is a great                  Organise a big Financial          Hold sessions to raise
government departments,          opportunity to connect          Literacy Rally with               awareness on the
e.g. the Ministry of             with the customers and          partners in your country          importance of financial
Finance or the Ministry of       workforce of tomorrow.          to promote financial              education amongst youth
Education, and including                                         education and the rights’         and other participants
them in activities such as       Student groups can visit        of the children and youth         of GMW. Through these
participatory budgeting,         local businesses, their         together with Child & Youth       workshops you will
fosters understanding of         branches or head office to      Finance Movement.                 help to empower young
how policies are made, and       learn about how different                                         people, with practical
the impact these decisions       departments work, the kind      Participants can include          skills involving money and
have. These visits help          of jobs employees do and        all the institutions that         livelihoods.
youth to have a better           which skills are needed.        plan GMW events in your
understanding of how             These visits are a great        country. Plan high-level          Examples could be: ‘how to
parliaments work, as well        opportunity for youth           keynote speeches with a           open a bank account’, ‘how
as why and how policy            to learn lessons about          clear message.                    to manage money wisely’,
decisions are made.              creating livelihoods, such                                        ‘starting a business’,
                                 as entrepreneurship tips        Inform press and media to         ‘applying for a job’, etc.
                                 and what it takes to be         come and document.                Also, you can hold
                                 a good employer and/or                                            informative lessons on the
                                 employee.                        Note! Do not forget to          financial products banks
                                                                 print GMW t-shirts for the        offer, and what they can
                                                                 rally!                            mean for young people.
                                                                                                   Civil society organisations
                                                                                                   can help to publicize
                                                                                                   workshops and assist with
                                                                                                   hosting them in various
                                                                                                   regions or local areas.
    Organise savings,
     drawing, photo,
      video & essay                  Organise books
      competitions                     exhibitions                  Research projects
Launch drawing, photo and
essay competitions around
creative themes like: ‘Why
is it important to save?’,       Make a special exhibition
‘My dream bank’, ‘My             of books at school or local
money tree with dreams’,                                         Give youth research                      TV or radio
                                 library, which teaches
‘What are you saving for?’,      children about money            projects about ‘Money                    talk shows
‘Money Matters Matter’,          and savings. Books about        history’, ‘Different
‘If I were an entrepreneur,      well-known entrepreneurs        currencies in the world’,
which business I would           can be informative and          etc. Not only can students
own?’, ‘My dream job in          inspiring!                      learn, but they can go and
the future’ or ‘My business                                      explore money museums             Youth and high-level
idea.’ Also, savings                                             and libraries!                    representatives can hold
competitions would be a                                                                            interviews on live TV or
great idea! And, so many                                                                           radio shows about the
more!                                                                                              importance of financial
                                                                                                   education. Help to raise
                                                                                                   awareness about GMW and
                                                                                                   its goal!

 Learn more and explore example case studies at ‘Activities’ section on
GLOBAL MONEY WEEK 23 - 29 March 2020 Learn.Save.Earn - Toolkit
“The theme Money is relevant for
everyone! Sadly, people do not
learn enough about it at school,
but the fact that it plays a role
for everyone (has an impact on
everyone) is clear!”

─ Caro (22), Fair Hostess, Germany,

Publicity & Media
Through media coverage you can promote        prepare a ready-made blog post article,      Instagram
your work in your community, expand the       or use the press release included in        Take photos or videos at your GMW event
reach of your message, and spread the         our press pack as an example of             and share them on your Instagram
word about GMW!                               outreach material for printed               account. Use the official GMW hashtag
                                              publications.                               #GlobalMoneyWeek2020
How to work with the media?
• Identify the story you want to tell       • Create a media list to contact
  Before you begin to develop media           Contact media outlets and reporters          Tip! Tag @GlobalMoneyWeek in your
  outreach material, consider your goals      directly to let them know about your        posts and photos to get the chance to be
  in gaining media coverage and define        GMW activities. Be strategic and pick       featured on our page!
  your focus.                                 those who are most likely to cover your
                                              event, and send tailored outreach
• Communicate your message effectively        materials by email to these reporters       YouTube
  Be prepared to tell your story and          and outlets.                                Upload videos to YouTube to promote,
  respond to questions. All media                                                         inform, and educate on your GMW –
  outreach materials should be clear,       • Prepare a media kit for journalists         include the link to your YouTube video or
  concise and persuasive, with a core set     Include all media materials you             channel in Facebook updates and Tweets,
  of messages.                                have prepared as a background to your       and embed videos on your website.
                                              business, organisation or institution,
• Create media outreach materials             and your GMW. Media kits can be              Twitter
  Different types of materials are used       handed out before or during your event,     Use tweets for positive messages, calls
  for different media outlets; create a       or to those who are unable to attend        for action, or to highlight key information
  live-read radio script for on-air           but have responded to media outreach        about your event. Using hashtag
  announcements about your event,             efforts.                                    #GlobalMoneyWeek2019, makes it easy
                                                                                          for Twitter users to search for information
                                            Suggestions for social media
                                                                                          about events locally and to connect with
                                            Social networking sites can reach a
                                                                                          the global celebrations.
                                            large audience with little or no cost – use
                                            existing accounts, or ask colleagues,
                                            partners and volunteers to promote the
                                                                                           Tip! Remember to update your
                                            event through their personal profiles.
                                                                                          Facebook and Twitter statusses regularly,
                                                                                          and cross-promote all of your social
                                             Facebook
                                                                                          media content!
                                            Create a GMW event and send invitations
                                            to your network, share information and
                                            status updates with others. Use the
                                            search facility to find other local GMW
                                            events and Facebook users with shared

                           Learn more at ‘Media’ section on
GLOBAL MONEY WEEK 23 - 29 March 2020 Learn.Save.Earn - Toolkit
Typeface                                      Limitation to keep in mind:
                                           Font is called Gotham and the style is        • The logo should not appear in the
                                           ‘Ultra’                                         same colors as the background. It
                                                                                           should stand out.
                                           We strongly recommend you include the         Usage
                                           following in your promotional material:       Choosing a logo
                                                                                         To a reasonable extent, the logo you use
                                           • GMW web address                             is left to your discretion. We only ask
                                                        that the logo you select is of high quality
                                                                                         and highly visible.
                                           • GMW dates
                                             23 - 29 March 2020                          Please feel welcome to use a logo color
                                                                                         variation that better matches your logos
                                           • GMW official hashtag                        and background material.
                                                                                         With other logos
                                           • GMW’s slogan                                As stated earlier, the GMW logo should
                                             Learn.Save.Earn.                            always be the most prominent logo
                                                                                         when used alongside other logos.
                                           Logo                                          Please ensure this is not jeopardized.
                                           The GMW logo should be included in
GMW Branding &                             every piece of material produced for the
Style Guidelines                           The logo is available in one primary
                                           layout - as a vertical (‘stacked’) version.
We have compiled ‘GMW Branding             To a reasonable extent, the logo you use
& Style Guidelines’ that you can access

                                           is left to your discretion.
at ‘Resources’ section on                    Appearance
                                           When placing the GMW logo on the
In this guidebook, you will find           page, please consider the following:
applications for the Campaign’s logos,
colors, typefaces and design templates     • GMW logo should, wherever possible,

that express GMW brand. It covers all        be used as a heading being large,
materials produced for the Campaign,         if not larger, than the event title.
including ideas with examples for GMW
promotional materials.                     • On the rare occasions where this
                                             is not possible:
For GMW, maintaining a consistent, high
quality and structured image means that     - the logo must always be the largest
we can build a stronger awareness of the     logo on the page;
Week amongst members of the public. To                                                   Incorrect usage
                                            - where Global Money Week is not             Consistency of the logo is critical to
make this happen, we need your help!         clearly visible in the heading, the logo    establishing consistency across the
                                             should be included at the top of the        countries participating in GMW.
Hereby a few essential tips for GMW          page, with any partners’ logos listed
Branding.                                    at the bottom.                              Please make sure you avoid the
Essential                                  • The logo used should be the highest
These must be used when preparing            resolution version available.               • Do not tilt the design
promotional material.                                                                    • Do not enlarge or alter the proportion
                                           Color use                                       any part of the design
Global Money Week Logo                     It is intended that the GMW logo              • Do not rearrange the design
                                           be reproduced mainly in two colors            • Do not use the design in a low
                                           variation - core color for text and yellow      contrast manner
                                           for coins. However, the coins can be in
                                           multiple colors.                               Tip!
                                                                                         For ideas and examples of GMW
                                           To add flexibility the logo comes in 8        promotional materials please read more
                                           other color options.                          in ‘GMW Branding & Style Guidelines’ on
                                                                                         GMW website.

                   Learn more at ‘Resources’ section on
GLOBAL MONEY WEEK 23 - 29 March 2020 Learn.Save.Earn - Toolkit
     Check out resources that guide you
     to either plan your GMW activity or
     help you promote the Week. GMW
     resources include:

     • GMW Toolkit
     • GMW Branding & Style Guidelines
     • GMW Brochure
     • GMW Reports
     • GMW Print Pack
     • GMW Logos                                      GMW Toolkit
     • GMW Slides

                                           A guidebook for everyone interested
                                           in participating in GMW. The Toolkit
      All these resources are available   will help you plan your events and
     at ‘Resources’ section on             includes information about the               Campaign, steps of how to plan your
                                           GMW, ideas for activities, publicity
                                           and media tips, branding guidelines,
                                           as well as an overview of the
                                           resources available.
                                            Tip! Check out the Print Pack –
                                           supplements the Toolkit, that consists
                                           of printable resources.

     “GMW is an important educational
     event. Developing skills of wise
     money management should be one               GMW Print Pack
     of the key elements of educational
     process. Not every adult possesses
     these skills, which results in
     many personal finance problems.       GMW Print Pack consists of
     It is critically important to teach   additional documents to the Toolkit
     children to make a financial plan,    that will help you manage the
     to plan expenses and savings,         promotional process of your GMW.
     to promote long-term financial        The Print Pack includes the following:
     planning, to explain the value of
     saving in reaching financial goals.   1) Example Checklist for GMW
     So, I think that the GMW events       2) Example Press Release for reaching
     teach these important practical          out to the media
     skills and support leading our        3) Example Printable Speech Bubbles:
     children to financial well-being.”       “I save because…” and “The best
                                              thing about GMW is…”
     ─ Oksana Sampara, teacher of the      4) Example Evaluation form for
       Ukrainian Gymnasium named              children & youth
       after Ivan Franko, GMW2016

GMW Branding & Style                           GMW Brochure                                GMW Reports

In this guidebook, you will find           A two-pager that you can use in            GMW Team has published 6 GMW
applications for the Campaign’s            events prior to the GMW so you can         Reports from 2013. These Reports
logos, colors, typefaces, and design       promote the Campaign and raise             will provide you with an overview
templates that express the GMW             awareness about it! The brochure           of activities and events that took
brand. It covers all materials produced    includes information about GMW,            place in different countries around
for the Campaign, including examples       activities, resources, and the CYFI        the world. They are full of fantastic
for GMW promotional materials.             organisation.                              ideas of how children and youth,
                                                                                      communities and countries around
 Tip! Check out GMW Logos and                                                        the world have taken part in GMW
Designs to get inspired for your                                                      Campaign.
marketing materials.

            GMW Logos                                   GMW Slides

There are several different GMW logo       This PowerPoint includes the
versions available online that you can     information about the Campaign,
use as promotional materials for the       activities, resources, supporters,
Campaign.                                  and more. Feel welcome to use these
                                           slides to promote your GMW.
 Tip! Learn more from ‘GMW
Branding & Style Guidelines’               In addition, Prep Talks – webinars,
document about how to correctly            will be held prior to GMW to support
use the logo and brand your event as       organisations, institutions and
GMW.                                       individuals with organizing GMW.

                                           Stay tuned for more information on
                                           when Prep Talks will be held!

                                           All these resources are available at ‘Resources’ section on
Contact Us
The OECD International Network on Financial Education (OECD/INFE)

    2 rue André Pascal, 75775 Paris Cedex 16, France
    +33 (0)1 45 24 85 55

Follow GMW online!

Check out the GMW website for more information on activities, resources,
participating countries, media and previous GMWs.

   @GlobalMoneyWeek | #GlobalMoneyWeek2020
Follow us on social media @GlobalMoneyWeek. Use the official GMW
hashtag #GlobalMoneyWeek2020

You can also read